Six steps to move up the career ladder. How to climb the career ladder

How to quickly climb career ladder?

Become an expert in your field

Before you become a boss, become an expert in the field in which you want to lead. Thoroughly study the work process, all the pitfalls, get as much information as possible. In the future, this will help you make better decisions.

Take on the most difficult work(assuming you can handle it). This way you will learn all the intricacies, become a first-class specialist and gain confidence in your abilities. If you do this hard work not alone, but with partners, it will help you learn to understand people.

Take continuing education courses regularly, even at your own expense. Don't skimp on books. Spend more time communicating with production veterans. They have accumulated a wealth of experience, and many of them are ready to pass it on, but there is no one; young people do not want to communicate with old people. Don't repeat this typical mistake. A person who has worked in his field for 30-40 years can tell you a lot of valuable information.

Become an expert in people management

There is no point in hoping for a career if you are just a good worker. Managing people and work processes is a very serious and specific skill that takes a long time to learn.

Study personnel management, motivation, and negotiations. Courses now great amount, you can choose any according to your taste and budget. Organize music group, a fan club or a hobby group where you will be the main one. This will help you gain your first team management skills.

Carefully study the bosses at your job, because they have already achieved what you want. Ask your friends about their bosses. Watch interviews with directors and top managers; now, with the development of the Internet, it is very easy to find such videos. Read the biographies of great leaders, take from them some features, “tricks”. The first book you should read: Henry Ford, My Life, My Achievements.

Personal qualities

Contrary to popular belief, a boss is not a tyrant who does not understand anything, but a person who, in his own way, personal qualities often outperforms performers. Another thing is that these best qualities not always addressed to a subordinate :)

Character Traits You Should Develop to Advance incareer ladder:

  • Attentiveness. You have to study a lot, analyze people and situations, and for this you need to be very observant.
  • Hard work and efficiency. You'll have to work a lot.
  • Honesty. If you plan to work in one place for a long time, then sooner or later honesty will pay off handsomely. Always keep secrets.
  • Order. At least put things in order on your desk or computer.
  • Self-criticism. Find out all your shortcomings and methodically get rid of them. Learn to hear constructive criticism from a professional.
  • Get rid of perfectionism. Don't try to do your leadership work perfectly, a simple 4 is enough, even a 4 minus. In the end, sharp jumps in production can even shake the system: where to store and to whom to sell goods overproduced by 200%?
  • Good performers often sit in their own little world. Don’t repeat their mistakes, be aware of all company news, events, and possibly gossip. But don’t participate in spreading gossip yourself!
  • Don't set limits on how high you can go in your career.

Communication is your main weapon

You will have to work with people and among people. After all, when you become a leader, you will also be managing people. Therefore, communication skills are the most important for a leader. Learn to communicate, figure out what.

Colleagues at work can become both your most loyal allies and your most worst enemies. It all depends on how you establish contact with them. All experts recommend building good, but not friendly, relationships with your team. After all may not allow you to express constructive criticism or refuse to give a colleague a report for him. And when you become his boss, he will not allow you to strictly control the performance of his duties.

But, unlike relatives and friends, it is not so easy to build. Relatives treat you well and help you because you are related, and friends because you have common interests. There is absolutely no point in treating your colleagues well, much less helping you.

Being a loner is very difficult (albeit realistic), so immediately choose your social circle at work. It is better that they are reliable, proven, honest people. It’s easy to find such colleagues based on their hobbies; as a rule, they engage in hunting, fishing, and sports. If you do not join a “good” group, a “bad” group will immediately try to take you in for their own purposes, which you are unlikely to like.

Your image

No matter how you argue with this creative personalities, but appearance directly affects our success in life and advancement in career ladder especially. It is very difficult to achieve anything if you are unkempt, with dirty hair and uncut nails.

The manager, as well as the employee applying for such a position, must always be dressed to the nines. The suit must be worn in a strict, formal, time-tested manner. It is necessary that the cost of your clothes and accessories matches your income, or is slightly higher. An expensive watch on an ordinary worker looks stupid and is unlikely to contribute to his career growth.

You also need to watch your behavior and speech. It has been proven that stooped people are much less likely to achieve success compared to colleagues with a proud posture. Your gait may also let you down. Many people, even since school years, they walk strangely, even stupidly: jumping, waddling, waving their arms. All this creates the impression of frivolity, strange man, who definitely shouldn’t be the boss. If you have such “sins”, take a course acting skills to get rid of them.

Often, almost always, your superiors will not notice your successes at work, so you must try to convey them to management.

Do some self-PR! As children, our mother taught us all that we were smart, talented, capable, and that when we grew up, we should definitely be noticed at work, given a good position and salary. Then such “smart and talented” people grow up, go to work and wait to be noticed. They wait 5, 10 years, youth passes, then maturity. But they are never noticed... What's the matter? Constantly, but unobtrusively, tell your manager about your successes. Don't leave it unattended good projects career ladder, good finds, optimization you suggested. Emphasize that you are constantly developing and growing professionally, this will help you rise through the ranks.

. But on the contrary, you shouldn’t advertise your shortcomings.

Be happy and self-sufficient. A person who already has everything he wants gets something new much easier than a person who, like a “hungry dog,” strives to snatch a piece.

Make your family a reliable rear, where you can take a break from hard battles at work and devote a lot of time to such a family.

Video of a rich man talking about his career In the Western value system financial well-being both personal and professional growth are of utmost importance. Today, careerism is not a pathology, but a norm of life. Only a few people question whether they are really capable of coping new role

and whether they need a leadership position at all.

However, such a position is still considered shameful, so if an employee is offered a promotion, he, of course, agrees. And then he comes to his senses, drops everything and goes to live in Barbados. If everyone sensibly weighed their capabilities and desires before agreeing to a promotion, such a phenomenon as downshifting would not exist at all.

Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment, nervous breakdowns and professional burnout in the future, we suggest considering several compelling arguments against.

Fear of responsibility

Perhaps the most common reason for refusing an appointment is fear of additional responsibility. It is one thing to carry out one’s own responsibilities in a linear position, but quite another to manage even a very small team and competently organize a continuous work process.

If you don't like taking responsibility, but you work great as a performer, that's normal. Remember: one is not better than the other, both types of workers are valuable to the company. The main thing here is to know yourself well and act accordingly.

However, the fear of not being able to cope with new responsibilities is often not justified and may subside over time. If a person is offered a promotion, there are two options: either he was prepared for this position in advance, or he was not. If a person assumes that he will not be able to cope with his duties after training, then perhaps it makes sense to try after all, since you have received the necessary knowledge. If you are thrown out of a boat into a river, you should think twice, or even three times. People need to be trained for leadership positions.

Thirst for change Often the reason for refusing a promotion is the desire for change. It is clear that and a stable high salary are very attractive, which is why they so often demotivate people to give up what they love. If the prospect of a promotion looms before you, it becomes much more difficult to refuse even a job you don’t like, which means you risk getting bogged down even deeper in a job structure you don’t need. It is quite possible that you are not afraid of being a manager, but you would be more willing to manage your subordinates in some other professional environment.

It all depends on career plans: if a person is focused on career development, vertical growth and his priority is to increase his personal income, it may make sense to stay at his job and agree to a promotion. Work for a year. This will allow you to gain experience and apply for something more in the labor market. If you change profession, you will have to start all over again. If you're tired of everything at your current job, if comfort in the workplace and the desire to do what you love are important to you, you shouldn't take on additional responsibilities that you don't need.

Administrative routine

Oddly enough, reluctance to receive a promotion can be caused not only by a dislike of work, but also, on the contrary, by the most reverent attitude towards one’s current responsibilities.

“I worked for almost two years as an ordinary designer in one company,” says illustrator Mikhail. - I always tried to help my colleagues as much as possible. If necessary, I took upon myself the training of newcomers, but most of my working time was still spent on creative tasks. When the boss offered me to head the division, his main argument was: “Nothing will change, you will also drag everyone on yourself, but now for money.” I believed and agreed. In fact, it turned out that I had no time left to work with orders; instead, I had to do the routine: calling someone, instructing, delegating, and going to boring meetings and conferences. In general, very soon I asked to return to my place. It all ended sadly: the boss was offended that I let him down like that, and I had to leave the company.”

The reluctance to switch from interesting professional tasks to boring administrative routine work often makes one refuse to be appointed to a new, even higher position. This is especially true for representatives of creative professions, and in general for people who are passionate about their work. Besides the fact that the position of manager is simply not interesting to you, there is also no guarantee that you will achieve great results in the managerial field. career success than in its current location.

Busy schedule

Often, a promotion entails not only an increase in personal responsibility, but also involves an increase in the amount of work, and often a completely different, more difficult schedule. Will you be able to get used to the new conditions?

Unfortunately, many companies do not provide appropriate training: a person who has received a leadership position continues to perform his function, and an administrative burden is added to this. Such situations are far from uncommon. Often, in addition to the increased workload, a person may not only gain nothing, but also lose money in salary.

So even if the material component new position is significant for you, you should not immediately cling to a new appointment and agree to the offer of your superiors. Think carefully about whether you really qualify for financial benefits. If so, then think about whether it will be worth your effort and whether it is worth working twice as hard to end up with only one and a half times more.

Alexandra Ilyina, Andrey Sidelnikov
Based on materials from Trud

The career ladder is a road that a person needs to go through. This is something like a ladder, along which you need to go through all the steps.

How to climb the career ladder quickly

Any specific position and feature of the company’s work consists of the likelihood and stages of advancement up the career ladder.

Here is an example of a manager for career advancement:

Have power. At first, this will turn out to be insignificant, for example, to monitor the work of a couple of ordinary employees, but when you have successfully completed the assigned functions, you can expand your powers.

To gain power you need:

  • be more proactive, particularly if senior management is available;
  • in any case, stay up to date with the work and take an active part in the debate;
  • put yourself forward as an executive and responsible employee.

Plan and distribute your time wisely - try to complete all other functions on time; under no circumstances should you be late.

Put forward your own thoughts and try to get them approved.

For these purposes you will need:

  • prepare everything down to the smallest detail;
  • willing to give answers to all questions about your own plan. Important rule: do not talk about an idea if it is probable effective implementation is a huge question or most likely there will be huge difficulties in its implementation.

To get along well with management, here you need to:

  • You should always communicate with respect;
  • Under no circumstances should you discuss management with other employees;
  • speak words of praise to management;
  • in any case, try to completely carry out instructions of any nature. In addition, to quickly move up the career ladder you need to keep an eye on appearance. It is necessary to think whether it corresponds to the company, status, age category and much more.

What qualities do you need to have?

  • Striving for promotion. First, let’s add that a person must have the desire to get some kind of position. In addition, you need not only to wish for it, but to do everything in order to achieve the desired goal. Psychology in every position is of utmost importance, since with an excellent attitude you can carry out any work on time and easily, but with a bad attitude you can do everything on your head. This is how you can move up the career ladder successfully if you have the right attitude.
  • Professional growth. To get a high position, any of us must have the appropriate skills and abilities. The matter is due to the fact that good job consists of constant responsibility and difficult work, for this reason, in order to perform it reliably, it is necessary to have some knowledge. For this reason, people who are constantly trying to climb up the career ladder should long time engage in self-improvement and increase your skills in a specific area. Only in this case can you prove to the company’s management that the employee can meet all the necessary standards to perform certain tasks. In this option, the promotion will be quick, since in many cases, managers of various companies put enterprising individuals in leadership positions who are always looking for something. With such individuals, you can constantly and reliably develop a company that will be more efficient.
  • Work constantly. Climbing the career ladder does not come naturally; for this reason, a person who aspires to become a leader must constantly and reliably carry out the work. But besides, you don’t need to work very hard, since this can be very convenient for specific workers. They can start transferring credits to themselves, and a completely different person is doing the work. For this reason, it is necessary to rationally evaluate all the work performed in the company, since it is important that it turns out to be necessary and provided to this particular employee.
  • Proper distribution of the working day. Another important principle thanks to which you can climb the career ladder is the correct distribution of time. When working, it constantly takes time to complete the most important tasks, besides, if you plan in advance, then you can complete a very large amount of work than if you do not look at the period of time at all. But don’t forget to take an hour of your time to rest, because as a result of constantly working without rest, you will work less efficiently.
  • Consistent implementation of tasks. Most people try to do a lot of work, thereby showing management that they are skilled and can accomplish a lot of tasks. But you can also get a lot of started but unfinished work. 6. Resistance to stressful situations. It is necessary to remember that any type of work consists of numerous stresses that arise due to various factors. Basically, they arise in the case when management was unable to evaluate the work or in the case when the task was completed incorrectly or within the prescribed period.

How to beat your opponents

In the struggle for advancement, you must in any case try to become better than your opponents.

Here you can use the following tips:

  • competently talk about your own arguments;
  • there is no need to be afraid to talk about shortcomings;
  • demonstrate how to make decisions more effectively in a given situation.

To achieve your desired goals, you must:

  • constantly ask questions about unclear issues;
  • in any case, obtain assistance from senior management;
  • honestly point out your own shortcomings and try to correct them as quickly as possible in the future.

How to avoid making mistakes and stumbling

  • “Whoever owns the information owns the world.” Try to learn more about the people around you. It is worth preparing for the meeting in advance, even if the conversation lasts only a minute.
  • Give your subordinates more freedom. Try to distribute functions among the workers provided to you in such a way that everyone can show themselves.
  • Trust the employees. With a positive attitude you can do extraordinary things. Thanks to faith in people, he can gain strength, can remove restrictions, and allows him to develop his own potential.
  • Believe in yourself. Unfortunately, we remember our own mistakes better than our wins. And for this reason we may underestimate ourselves. And everyone around you can dissuade you from any project rather than provide support. And to effectively move up the career ladder, you need the strength that self-confidence provides. Collect your own victories. In difficult moments, you can have support from the winnings that are recorded in your journal.
  • Find hidden opportunities. Knowledge of important aspects of the state budget helped in the career of the famous politician. Explore Newest technologies, who provide us with PCs and the World Wide Web, be able to improve your abilities in the work you do. Take a variety of courses.
  • Become sociable. You, most likely, have already seen that most positions are held by sociable people. They are able to become sociable with anyone. Write down all the cell numbers that are given to you, collect business cards, don’t be afraid to talk to strangers. Go to exhibitions.
  • Meet people who know more than you. Curiosity will get you far.
  • You shouldn’t limit yourself only to your own company. Today the main player in business is a strategy called "Win-Win", that is, no losers.
  • Mind your manners. Be perfect. Go to meetings as quickly as possible, dress in business casual.
  • There is no need to give up on your own dreams.

Successful people and unsuccessful people differ from each other in their persistence in achieving their own goals.

How not to let yourself be broken

In order not to let yourself be broken, remember one important point: if you fully embody yourself in a certain position and are, to some extent, an irreplaceable employee, then at first the management will not advance you forward, since it is not profitable for them.

There is no need to be zealous, but at the same time we do not forget to serve our superiors in such a way as to delicately point out the mistakes of employees.

Be more proactive in telling management that you can provide insight into the entire production process. To prevent your idea from being a failure, you should not be dangerous to your own boss.

The career ladder is adventurism and perseverance, when you need to use all your own charm and ability to negotiate with other people.

“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general.” Suvorov A. V

The same can be said about an employee who is not interested in career advancement.

There are two concepts: careerism and career.

Careerism- unprincipled pursuit of personal success in any activity. It is believed that a careerist only outwardly demonstrates his devotion, when in fact he pursues only his own selfish interests.

It's a completely different matter with the word career. Career- a trajectory towards success that a person builds himself, in accordance with his own goals, desires and attitudes. In terms of meaning, the concepts seem to be close, but attitudes towards oneself give rise to different things.

It is better for a person to be a careerist than for someone who does not dream of becoming a general. Careerists are specific people who clearly understand what they are doing. They have a plan to advance their career. But you need to understand that you won’t rise high if you don’t know how, so you have to learn. Of course, a careerist is more of a person who wants to have more than to be able to. And through force he begins to learn to do what is necessary to get to a higher level. All because he understands that there is no other way.

A much smarter approach is to love improvements in the business you are doing and, as a result, receive offers from managers and bosses for promotions. There is always a shortage of good managers, so if you focus on skills, they will come to you with an offer.

Careerism is better than complete passivity, but it’s not entirely smart because people who think more about how to move up the career ladder actually don’t get much pleasure from self-improvement in their profession. Jack Welch, based on his experience, came up with the following formula:

From 100% of employees:

1. 20% are stars;

2. 70% are good people who will never become high-level leaders;

3. 10% are C and D students who need to get rid of.

You can work with good people if you monitor them closely, but only stars become leaders. The remaining 80% of employees, even when promoted, will never occupy leadership positions.

In order to climb the career ladder, the most important thing is to work well. Working well means doing the right thing, in the opinion of your boss, the person who pays you. You need to find a smart boss, because 99% are fools. We need to look hard for this smart boss.

There is such a law:

“If you want to find something, you need to look.”

If the boss is good, then he will be your coach, boss, and teacher - everything. You need to go to a meeting with your boss and then he will go to a meeting with you. Going to a meeting means working on yourself. You need to deserve to be on the team of a very strong leader. When you get into such a team, then you begin to grow quickly. And before you find a smart boss, you need to satisfy the needs of the person you work with and show results. To climb the career ladder, you need to be effective and efficient.

To become a better employee you need:

1. Start your day earlier and end it later than other workers. Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee more than initiative in work and ability to work. People who work more own initiative they stay at their jobs longer than those who work from bell to bell.

2. Work efficiently and always do more than is expected of you. Working hard does not mean working smart. You need to learn how to make the most of your time and regularly raise the bar for yourself. This will be the first signal for the manager to promote you.

3. Ask your manager to be your mentor or find a mentor in your industry. The more experience and wisdom a manager has, the greater the desire to help beginners build their careers.

Few people approach their boss for help, only stars. But this is neither good nor bad. We need to face the truth. Basically, all people are lethargic and lack initiative because they lack energy, so they work from bell to bell. A person first subconsciously feels how much energy he has, then he lives his day so that he has enough of it. And if there is very little energy and a person arrives earlier, you are delayed, it seems to him that he does not have enough energy, so most people do not do this.

There is an expression: “It is better to earn more than to save a lot.” It's the same with energy. But most people try to save money instead of getting more. They think that the later I get up, the more energy I will have. But everything works the other way around. The earlier a person gets up, the more strength he has, the more he puts himself out there, the more strength he has.

According to observations, people have no energy. Either God didn’t give it to them, or they just don’t rock it. Energy also needs to be pumped up. You need to do the right things, then more energy will appear, and then you will have the strength to do quality work. Quality requires energy.

For an intelligent person, work brings great pleasure.

1. So why deprive yourself of pleasure?

2. Why limit yourself?

3. Why, first of all, be an “idiot” and not love your job?

Love your job!!!

4. Jack Welch writes that if your manager checked your work and was unhappy, correct the mistakes. Don’t give up and don’t let him finish what you couldn’t finish. For the manager, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that it is time to look for another more capable employee.

5. Take initiative every day. Managers dream that you will cope with your work, and he will be able to delegate new projects to you. The more he can betray you, the more indispensable you will become to him. Constantly improve all processes, help your colleagues improve, and also do not forget about the delicate manifestation of initiative. It is important that the boss does not feel that you are aiming for his place. A person who is not very developed will begin to put a spoke in your wheels. Take initiative sensitively, with the intention of making your manager's job easier.

Initiative- this is the most important sign of a bright, potential person. Initiative is punishable because when you show it, you begin to act, to play. And when you actually play, you either win or lose. You start doing things you've never done, you start moving forward. Initiative is a risk. Therefore, in 70% of cases you will be punished with defeat. But the initiators lose initial stages more often, because there is initiative, but there is no wisdom. And viewers who look at those who take initiative notice this and diagnose that initiative is punishable. Active people who really want to succeed must take the initiative. You need to understand well that sometimes you will be punished for your initiative, and still move on.

6. Complete the task assigned to you.

7. Know how to follow instructions. Only those who know how to obey a leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. Sometimes a manager needs your innovation, but often he needs you to simply complete the project in accordance with the task. You will become invaluable if your manager is confident that you can entrust any task to you and forget about it, knowing that you will do it right.

It doesn't work that way. He says there must always be an ironclad agreement. You don’t need to assign or set tasks, but you need to agree on the result. And then just control it. Otherwise, much will not be done. You need to give him freedom in how he will do it, and often when, but you have an agreement not on the process, but on the result.

8. Respect your manager. If you do not respect a person who is at a higher level, find yourself another job or another boss who will be an authority and leader for you, only then will you be able to learn and grow from him. There are laws of hierarchy. If you don't respect those above you, your subordinates won't respect you. Show signs of respect and never allow yourself to become familiar.

Subordination is the level of culture, and culture is the level of spirituality. Spirituality is subtlety, insight, when a person feels, knows, understands. Spirituality develops the feeling - love your neighbor as yourself. You must feel, as you can tell your boss, feel where the boundary is. And the boss must be cultured and respect subordination in relation to his subordinate. There must be distance.

9. Treat your work as your own business. The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working like an owner. It is these employees who later become partners and develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

A person punishes himself when he does something without a soul, because it makes him feel bad. Because the more you put your soul into it, the more you feel in the mood. This is how nature works. We can only be happy if we give our 100% and put our hearts into it. Therefore, you need not to be lazy and find a business in which you would like to invest your soul and, as a result, there will be career growth, a lot of money and self-esteem. There will be human happiness. And happiness begins with love. Everything is very simple.

Important points can be noted. You need to understand that there are no trifles in moving up the career ladder. The most important thing is initiative, responsibility, desire to develop and grow professionally. If you want to become a star you must be educated because stars cannot be just beautiful and shining. The ability to please your manager not because you are well dressed, but because you are responsible, efficient, and know how to admit your mistakes, and not blame them on someone else and hide behind someone else’s responsibility.

Work hard, then you will have everything you want!!!

Young, smart, educated, after university they begin to work as a manager in a company that resembles a zoo: its own snakes, drones, sheep and deer. Moreover, even if you live exclusively by work and almost spend the night in the office, but at the same time you are not in a family relationship with your superiors, you can forget about the existence of a career ladder.

If you respect yourself, it’s better to run away from such a place right away, which, unfortunately, not everyone does. But in vain, because it is then that everything begins to go like clockwork for young specialists: they quickly find a place to realize their own potential and a short time can significantly climb the career ladder.

However, not only newcomers, but also people with extensive work experience spend a long time in minor positions. It would seem why an adult who is well versed in his business is still a junior when this young guy with almost no experience you were promoted to senior yesterday?

The answer is simple - someone knows how to climb the career ladder.

Tip #1:Already at the start, do not hide your ambitions and desire to develop. Since modesty is the first step towards poverty and the unknown.

During the interview, do not hesitate to ask questions and show the future manager that you are exactly the person the company has been looking for for so long. And if you are already working, it is never too late to show your activity and interest in the success of the company.

Tip #2:The person who deserves a promotion is not the one who works harder, but the one who has the best reputation.

To achieve success, it is imperative to establish communication with everyone. Good heredity, a course in eloquence and ethics at the university, several trainings for success - use all this so as not to remain among the novice simpletons.

And remember that you cannot be good to everyone. Choose people who have “weight” in the company and on whose decisions your success depends. This could be the director, her entourage, several successful managers, and, of course, the secretary. 70% of your success depends on this walking radio point.

Tip #3:Even if you yourself don’t quite believe what you’re saying, speak confidently and you will receive recognition.

The right compliments, a convincing tone, punctuality and royal precision in everything? The steps on the career ladder have just begun to become clearly visible.

Tip #4:The main thing is that the suit fits. Since showiness is very often converted into efficiency.

I also immediately realized this important point: in the modern business world, no matter how you look at it, everyone looks at your intelligence and ability to work through the shell of a suit. Therefore, if you have directorial ambitions, and the look of a teenage boy or an unkempt robber or a nerd, believe me, is yours highest level IQ won't help. Spectacular shoes, expensive watches, stylish phone, cool suit - this is at least half the battle.

Tip #5:Don't be afraid to use others when they don't know it.

The ability to unite work around you, even without having a single person under your command, will help you a lot! Intelligence, charm, plus the right strategy of not going too far, and people, even those of the highest rank, without even realizing it, will be ready to carry out orders. When management sees that you can organize others, they trust you. This means you are on the right path to moving up the career ladder.