How to remove a person from a region in Minecraft: best methods. How to remove a friend from private

The word "private" can be interpreted in different ways. These include private messages on the forum and a private lobby in a multiplayer game. However, it was Minecraft that gave this word another connotation of meaning, which is now very often used. In this game, in multiplayer mode, you can privatize your property, thereby prohibiting other players from visiting it and using the items that are there. This function was introduced for the reason that the game contains not the most honest participants who can simply destroy a building that another gamer has worked on for a very long time. Accordingly, to avoid this, it was decided to add a private function. Naturally, it has its own characteristics that everyone should know about. For example, many people don’t know how to remove a friend from private, and this action is sometimes simply vital.

Setting up private

If you want to learn everything about this action: how to add friends to exceptions, and so on, then you need to first learn the basics, and you should start with how the private functions are actually installed. This is done quite simply - using console commands. However, it’s worth noting that if you privateize an item that other players will not have access to, then the console will be enough for you. However, if your goal is the privacy of the region, then you will need auxiliary devices, and specifically a wooden ax. It must be used to mark out the area that you want to include in your region by placing two diagonally opposite points in space, which ultimately form a parallelepiped. All blocks contained within it will become yours personally: other players will not be able to enter your region. After this, you need to use the region claim command, which should also contain the name of your region.

With items like doors or chests, things are a little simpler. You only need to know what you need and no auxiliary items are required. Cprivate is the same combination that will allow you to install private functions on the selected item. Once you understand all this, you can already think about more serious issues, such as how to add or how to remove a friend from a private account.

Adding friends

If you have already learned how to add privacy for regions and items, then you may quite logical question: “What should you do if you want a certain circle of people to have access to your objects?” Is it really necessary to block access from absolutely everyone? In fact, there is a way out of this situation, and it is quite simple and convenient. If you want to add a person who could visit your territory, then you need to use the region addmember command. This will allow a gamer with the nickname specified in the command to visit your region as if it were not blocked. If you want more, then you will need the region addowner command. Then the person listed in the team will receive the same rights in a specific region that you have, that is, he will be able to add other friends to the region, remove them if necessary, and so on. Well, for objects there is a completely different command - cmodify. Naturally, you can register the nicknames of those to whom the item will be available even at the moment when you install the private functions, but if you forgot to do this, then this command will save you.

Removing friends

How to remove a friend from private? It would seem, why delete them? And there are a variety of reasons for this. He may not justify your trust or even deliberately damage your designs or steal items. That's when you'll have to think about how to remove a friend from private.

Command to delete

So, if you decide to clean whitelist, you need to find out how to remove a friend from private. There is a fairly simple command for this - region removemember. With its help, you can clear your list of characters that did not live up to expectations.

How to remove a friend from private in minecraft 1.5.2?

    Minecraft is a very popular game that has its pros and cons, and the number of players in it is increasing day by day. This Minecraft game has huge amount opportunities, you can even build cities, conquer new territories, you can trade there, and earn both money and reputation.

    In this game, there are commands for solving issues such as adding or removing a friend from private.

    You can appoint your friends as the owners of your conquered territories, but it also happens that you need to carry out the opposite action, that is, you may need to remove your friend from private.

    To remove a friend from private in Minecraft or, vice versa, add him, you need to use the following commands.

    /region addmember lt;Name> lt;Nick> - with this command you can add a friend or foe to a private (region).

    /region removemember lt;Name> lt;Nick> - but with this command you can remove a friend from private.

    Well, thank you very much, Yulia Muromskaya 34.9K especially helped, I just added friends in private, we were playing and a touchy friend, we started shooting, he broke the floor, then he disconnected from Skype and left, I thought I should delete him so that he wouldn’t do anything worse, but I added him as a host and not a player

    I would like to clarify from the beginning that minecraft game To add a friend to your team, you also need to know the invitation code. But since you ask such a question, it means you know him. But to get rid of annoying players you need to know this code.

    If you do everything correctly, you will no longer see it, at least in the game.

    ATTENTION! These commands will help you in the future :)

    /region removemember lt;Region name> lt;Player nickname> To remove a player from the region!

    /region admember lt;Region nickname> lt;Player nickname> To add a player to the region!

    If it helps, it’s worth it! Good luck!

    I played Minecraft for a very long time and also came across this issue. Soon a friend helped me and explained to me that there are two teams for private in the game.

    The first: in order to remove a friend, the second: in order to add a friend.

    This command is to remove a friend /region removememberlt;Name>lt;Nick>.

    Also here is the command for adding a friend /region addmemberlt;Name>lt;Nick>.

    To remove a friend from private, you need to go to the secret console in game mode and enter the command:

    The command to remove a friend in private is /region removememberlt;Name>lt;Nick>.

    Command for adding a friend in private /region addmemberlt;Name>lt;Nick>.

    It’s easy to remove an annoying friend in Minecraft, you need to know the secret command:

    /region removemember (region name) (player nickname)

    Now he won’t bother you with his arguments on how to play Minecraft correctly.

    If you need to remove a person from your private access for any reason, for this you need to do the following, type the following command /rg removeowner (nickname1) you can enter as many nicknames as you need to remove friends, this command simply removes from private access, but this command removes a person from your list /rg removemember (nickname1)

    If you mean the Bukkit server, then most likely the privacy plugins are WorldGuard and LWC. You can remove the privacy from a region using the /region removeowner nickname name and /region removemember nickname name commands; you can remove the privacy of additional players from chests and items by re-privatizing them again, removing the privacy with the /cremove command and returning them with the /cprivate command.

    Removing an annoying friend in the sandbox game Minecraft is very simple; to do this, you need to enter the following command through the T console:

    /region removemember (enter the name of the region) (enter the player’s nickname)

    Thus ex-friend will be deleted.

    Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the person you trusted begins to enjoy your trust. This also happens in Minecraft and is very bad if this person has access to private. To quickly remove it from the privileged list, you need to register

    /rg removeowner region_name nickname1 nickname2 nickname3

    This team removes ownership rights, and this one removes them from the list of private participants

    /rg removemember region_name nickname1..

    At first I was playing the game minecraft 1.5.2, and then honestly I got tired of it. Then you need to buy something. Which of the players keeps coming in with their advice? But luckily we managed to deal with the second problem quickly. A friend suggested the code /region removememberlt;Name>lt;Nick> and the annoying friend was no longer on my team. For future players of this wonderful game I would like to clarify. If you don't invest at least a little money into this game, it won't be fun. Since all equipment will be outdated.

    If for some reason you want to remove your friend from Private in the game minecraft 1.5.2, then you can use some codes:

    /rg lt;region name> removemember lt;player nickname> - remove a resident

    /rg lt;region name> removeowner lt;player nickname> - remove owner

    You can also watch a video review where these actions are clearly performed directly in the game itself:

The Minecraft game has many different interesting nuances, which determines its complexity and diversity.

The interaction of players with each other, that is, network play in Minecraft, is an integral part of the game, and it is possible that you will come across a player who has abused their friendly relationship and will need to remove your friend from private in Minecraft. Even if you couldn’t imagine this, the person you let into the house began to act outrageously - destroying buildings and property. Maybe “the hare had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut,” or maybe just somewhere behind the monitor a child decided to have fun. But in any case, this does not make us happy, and we are not a hare. We can figure it out on our own.

So, in such cases, we need to restrict a friend (possibly an ex-friend, if we don’t receive an explanation later) access to our private region.

Attention - for absolutely everything described below to work normally, the WorldGuard plugin must be installed.

It is necessary to consistently perform the following actions: First of all, we check whether someone has privatized the territory before us. If not, okay, let's move on. Enter the command //wand - if we don’t have an ax yet. Now, using an ax, we select our own area from the region. The left mouse button will help you set the first point, and the right mouse button will help you set the second. Points can also be selected using the commands //pos1 and //pos2 - in this case, the points where your feet are located will be selected (or specify the coordinates separated by commas - X,Y,Z). If the grid is not displayed, you need to enter /we cui. To help with selection you can also use the //expand commands<число>u (expands the selection upward by the specified number) and //expand<число>d (extends the selection down by the specified number). Next we use the order - region claim (), which allows us to make the area of ​​the region that we determined using sampling private. This is done with the command /region claim<название привата>. To remove a friend from Minecraft, mark 2 points of the cuboid and cover the area of ​​the region from the main rock to the very heavens - order //expand vert. Well, further, using the command /region removemember<Название региона> <Ник безобразника>, we remove our friend from our private region and he won’t bother us anymore.

And if suddenly he apologizes, and we decide to let him back (or add another player to the region), then we use /region addmember accordingly<Название региона> <Ник человека>.

Some interesting information: You can find out the size of the area you have selected using the //size command. There is a command that allows you to find out how many privates you have: /rg list. If you want to remove the grid, use the //sel command. /rg info command<название_привата>displays detailed data about the private, its members, owners, set flags, boundaries, etc. With the /rg redefine command<название_привата>you can change the boundaries of the specified private area to a selected new area. You can allow someone to use your chest after adding it to private. If you do not see the grid even after entering /we cui, you need to install a grid mod to fix it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push());

Private in Minecraft is a personal gaming area that belongs to one of the players, and only the owner and specially invited players have access to it. Such a territory is protected from any breakdowns, fires and attacks by monsters (for example, creepers) that can destroy the player’s property, but if desired, this can be adjusted by the creator of the region.

How to delete a private/region?

There are times when a player no longer wants to engage in this private activity and therefore needs to remove it. In this case, use the command to remove a region in minecraft, which looks like this: “/region remove<имя_региона>, after which the specified region will be deleted. Sometimes this method does not work for some reason, then you should use the alternative option “region delete”<имя привата>"or the shortened version "/rg del<название>».

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region in Minecraft, it must have only one owner, and the name of the region must be written in the same way as when created, with capital letters and symbols, if any.

How to remove a friend from a region?

Sometimes, it is not necessary to delete the entire private, but only one of the friends invited to it. The reasons can be very different, because in order to do this, no specific conditions are required. To do this, you will also need to enter the text command “/region removemember<название><ник игрока>”, which will immediately remove the player or the second owner of the region who is disliked by the owner.

Problems when deleting a private territory in Minecraft

Removing private messages does not seem to be such a difficult task, but sometimes their owners face some difficulties. It often happens that a player forgets the name of his territory and all attempts to remove it are in vain. In this case, use the “/rg list” command, which will give the owner of the private its exact full name. You also MUST enter your nickname correctly when logging in, using capital letters and symbols, if any. For example, if the owner’s nickname is CaT, and he logged in under the nickname cat, the register will not recognize him as the owner and will not allow him to delete the private.

Also, before deleting a private, you should make sure that no one other than the owner is no longer on the list of private participants. To check everyone who is in it, you need to use the text command “/region info<название региона>" This action will display a list of everyone who is listed in the private, and then using the command “/region removeowner<название привата> <ник игрока>", the owner can one by one clear the region on the server from friends, and then delete it.

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region, you need to think carefully, because when it is deleted, everything that was built during the game in private will be deleted. Perhaps it will come in handy someday or you will want to play again with friends where houses, establishments, parks, etc. have already been built. It is important to remember this, since the territory is not subject to further restoration.