TV presenter Irina Sashina: “We are friends with a student group. TV presenter Irina Sashina: I am surrounded by four real men! What cosmetics does TV presenter Irina Sashina prefer?

Welcome to the official website of agent Sashina Irina. This famous TV presenter is a native Leningrad region. She was born in late spring in 1977. The girl received an excellent education. First, she graduated from two faculties of Moscow State University (philological and economic), then retrained in special courses to become a professional television and radio broadcaster. After some time, Ira studied abroad (in Japan and England). As a result of many years of work, Sashina received the title of candidate philological sciences, linguist and international economist.

Creative achievements

Irina Sergeevna began working on television in 1997. His debut performance on television took place in the “Data” program, which was broadcast on the “TV Center” channel. Just a couple of years later, the girl received a leadership position at the Stolitsa TV channel, where she oversaw the organization of work on the creation of various television programs. In 2004, Sashina returned to work for the TV Center channel, as she accepted an order for the position of host and editor-in-chief of the program “Business Moscow”.

Since 2009, Irina Sashina worked as an economic observer on the NTV channel, and a year later she became the General Producer on the MTC channel. In 2011, for several months the girl served as head of the economic and legal department on the morning channel “Mood”. In the same year, Sashina finally retrained as a presenter of business and analytical programs. As a result, she became the face of the REN TV channel, on which she hosted two television programs at once - “News 24” and “Economic Review”.

In the winter of 2013, Irina returned to work on the TV Center channel as the host of the morning program “Mood.” During her solid career, Sashina received many awards and titles. In 2009, she received the Golden Mercury prize and was named “The Most Charming TV Presenter.” The TV personality has a diploma “For contribution to propaganda” healthy image life."

Irina Sergeevna married businessman Alexander Arutyunov in 2000. With her beloved man, the woman is raising four children - Alexander, German, Roman and Maria. Best time for a successful and sought-after presenter - attending concerts and other interesting events with her family. As a hobby, the journalist chooses skiing and playing tennis.

The TV channel "TV Center" broadcasts an exciting and incendiary program "Mood" every morning, where the presenter is Irina Sashina. A recognizable face of the TV channel gives positive emotions V morning broadcast for the fourth year now, and Irina Sergeevna is known to Russian audiences thanks to her rich biography.

Childhood, youth and university years

Journalist, mother of four children (3 sons and 1 daughter), author and simply amazing woman Irina Sergeevna was born in the city of Gatchina on April 20, 1977 (St. Petersburg region). Her journey from an ordinary girl to a famous TV presenter was difficult and long. Irina’s father was a military man, which is why the formation of perseverance and goal achievement began from childhood. During her school years, the future TV presenter studied at musical theater young actor, where her classmates were Natalya Gromushkina and Nikolai Baskov. Sashina Irina Sergeevna entered the Faculty of Philology (Roman-Germanic department) at Moscow State University, where she was an excellent student. Thanks to her efforts at the philological department, Irina was able to enter the additional faculty - economics. Ultimately famous TV presenter I defended two diplomas in one year. During her university years, Irina managed to try herself on a Moscow TV channel, where there was a serious selection of TV presenters. A few months later, Irina Sashina became the host analytical program"Events of the week." Now she has a candidate's degree in philological sciences and is fluent in three foreign languages: French, English and Italian.

TV presenter's success

Irina Sashina has always achieved success. In interviews, the TV presenter often mentioned that she is a perfectionist and activist in life. Irina’s working day is scheduled minute by minute, but despite her busy schedule, she manages to invest equally in both the TV channel and her family. An amazing feature and peculiarity of the TV presenter is the incredible energy that helps Irina achieve success. She feels comfortable among people, easily overcame her fears in front of the camera, always remains herself and admits that her life is a continuous wheel that moves without stopping.

Journalistic activity

Irina Sashina is a TV presenter with 20 years of experience. It first aired in 1997. Her debut took place on the TV Center channel in the Data program. The journey from an ordinary correspondent to a TV presenter took only 2 years, when in 1999 Irina Sergeevna went to work for the Stolitsa TV channel. After 5 years, namely in 2004, Irina Sergeevna returned to TV Center, where she has remained to work to this day. The presenter herself, always laughing, said that her roads lead to the “TV Center”. For 13 years, Irina Sashina hosted such programs as “Business Moscow” and “Useful Economics”. There were changes in the life of the TV presenter, and she briefly left her native TV channel for other programs (News 24 - REN TV, Morning on NTV - NTV). From 2013 to this day, she has been a recognizable TV presenter of the “Mood” program (TVC). Irina Sashina today is professional journalist, who has gone from an ordinary correspondent, bank employee, author and editor to a recognizable personality.

Awards and achievements

Irina Sashina conducts master classes for young journalists, but she does not dare teach at the university due to lack of time. Despite this, the TV presenter was awarded a diploma from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation "For contribution to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle", where the TV presenter fights for environmental situation in Moscow. Irina Sergeevna herself goes in for sports and loves the skating rink, which she visits with her family. Irina also received a special prize at the 2009 Golden Mercury Award as the most charming TV presenter in Russia, and it’s true. Irina is one of the most attractive, recognizable, beautiful and sexy presenters on Russian television. Irina Sashina is a TV presenter, educated journalist, polyglot and idealist who was able to receive a diploma from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "For active participation in the Second international forum By intellectual property: Expopriority 2010".

Sashina Irina is an example that proves that all dreams can come true if one strives for them. The TV presenter calls for movement and believes that this is the real meaning of life. Irina herself shows that, despite the busy schedule and big family, you can have time to attend the theater, cinema, play tennis and ski, listen classical music, teach, raise four children and at the same time host the morning program “Mood”.

Irina Sashina, whose photo has become quite recognizable among television fans today, is one of the most popular Russian journalists and TV presenters. Born in 1977 in Gatchina, Leningrad region.


The profession of a TV presenter and journalist requires you to have a broad outlook and big circle interests. A person who lacks at least basic knowledge in several areas is unlikely to be able to remain interesting to the viewer for a long time. Irina Sashina is a TV presenter whose biography is very interesting. She has several higher education- Economics and Philology (with a degree in international economist) from the faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University, she graduated with honors. However, without stopping there, she received another diploma - from the Institute for Advanced Training of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers. Here her teachers were such famous television figures as Igor Kirillov and Dina Grigorieva.

Sashina has several other areas of activity: she is a linguist, candidate of philological sciences and the Moscow State University Support Fund. She speaks several foreign languages ​​(English, French, Italian) and completed an internship in England and Japan. In addition, Irina Sashina was the host and moderator of the Expopriority forums in 2010 and 2011, and once (in 2012) the host of the “Ball Russian journalists" Almost all TV reviewers pay tribute professional qualities Irina, celebrating her high level training and knowledge in many areas.

Activities on television

The creative life of Irina Sashina is a series most interesting projects with different TV channels. Every program where Irina appeared was marked by her charm and professionalism. Now Sashina is known as the host of the “Mood” program on the TVC channel. And Irina first appeared on domestic television in 1997 - then viewers recognized her as the presenter and correspondent of the “Data” program. The program was broadcast daily on the TV Center channel.

The next few years in creative biography Irina is noted for her collaboration with the Stolitsa TV channel, where she is the presenter and director of various programs. However, already in 2004, Sashina returned to her native TV Center, where this time she combined the positions of chief editor and host of the Business Moscow program. In addition, for several months Irina has been the head of the economic and legal department and the leading author’s column “Useful Economics,” published as part of the morning channel “Mood.”

Work on different TV channels

As already noted, Sashina’s activities are not limited to just one TV channel once chosen. During the same period, she was an economic observer for NTV, as well as the general producer of the MTC television channel (television of the Central District of Moscow). In general, Irina, one might say, does not sit in one place, constantly taking part in various projects. And this applies not only to television.

In 2011, Irina Sashina came to the Ren-TV channel. Here she appears in her usual role as host of the TV programs “Economic Review” and “News 24”. And two years later, TVC viewers see her again - this time as the host of the “Mood” channel.

TV presenter awards

Of course, such fruitful work over many years could not go unnoticed. Over the years creative activity the TV presenter received many awards. Some of them clearly prove that in the profession of a TV presenter, especially for a woman, external data and personal charm play a huge role. Also in student years she became Miss Moscow State University 1995. And the most notable among professional awards are the diploma “The most charming TV presenter” and the special prize of the “Golden Mercury 2009” award. In addition, she has a diploma from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry “For promoting a healthy lifestyle.”

Personal life

Irina Sashina, whose biography has developed quite well not only in the field of career, is married to a businessman. Together they are raising four children - Alexander, German, Roman and Maria.

Irina herself is fond of skiing. According to her, while descending from the mountain she experiences internal recharging and is charged with positive energy. The TV star prefers to skate in the Moscow region and in Austria.

The presenter's children also prefer active activities: the eldest sons play sports professionally (Alexander - football, German - hockey). Parents believe that love for animals helps to raise a worthy person, so Alexander and Irina’s family has a Doberman Pinscher, a parrot and pet fish.

other hobbies

Irina is a staunch supporter of a traditional family and an active lifestyle. This can be confirmed on her official website: there is a section “My World”, where the TV presenter shares with her viewers and fans photographs and stories about spending time together with her husband and children. Also the presenter is a regular participant various events dedicated not only to journalism and economics, but also to health and child development. At some of them, she acts as the host of the event, simultaneously sharing her secrets of beauty and health with those present.

In addition, Irina Sashina, a very popular TV presenter at present, loves to cook: she even has her own signature recipes, the secrets of which she sometimes reveals in her interviews.

Irina Sergeevna Sashina. Born on April 20, 1977 in Gatchina. Russian TV presenter.

She graduated with honors from the philological and economic faculties of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. She also studied at (Nene College of Higher education) and Japan (under the Yeltsin-Hashimoto program). Speaks English, Italian and French languages. Candidate of Philological Sciences, linguist, international economist.

While studying at Moscow State University, she won the title “Miss University-95”.

Graduated from the Institute for Advanced Training of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers, the announcer department of the Ostankino School of Television. She calls Igor Kirillov, Dina Grigorieva and Bela Gaimakova her teachers.

On Russian television since 1997. Works as a correspondent and presenter daily program"Data" on the channel "TV Center".

From 1999 to 2004 he led and managed television programs on the TV channel "Capital".

In 2004, Irina returned to TV Center, where from 2004 to 2011 she worked as the presenter and chief editor of the Business Moscow program.

From 2009 to 2010 he acted as an economic commentator on NTV.

She was the host and moderator of the Expopriority forums in 2010 and 2011, and in 2012 she was the host of the Russian Journalists' Ball.

In 2010 - general producer of the TV channel “Doverie”.

From April to September 2011, she was the head of the economic and legal department, as well as the author and host of the “Useful Economics” column as part of the morning channel “Mood.”

In September 2011, Irina Sashina became the face of the REN TV channel, where she hosts the “News 24” and Economic Review programs.

Since January 2013, he has been hosting the morning program “Mood” on the TV Center channel.

She completed an internship in England (Nene College of Higher education) and Japan (under the Yeltsin-Hashimoto program). Speaks English, Italian and French.

She was awarded a diploma as “The Most Charming TV Presenter” and a special prize at the “Golden Mercury 2009” award. He also has a diploma from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry “For promoting a healthy lifestyle.”

Irina Sashina's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Sashina:

Since 2000, she has been married to businessman Alexander Arutyunov. The couple has four children: Alexander, German, Roman and Maria.