To the beloved in prose to tears. SMS to your beloved man about love, in your own words, to bring you to tears. A beautiful declaration of love to a guy in your own words, touching to tears

You know, you incredible person, which in a matter of seconds managed to turn my world upside down, giving it new meaning and new colors. It’s nice to know that from now on my soul belongs not only to me, but also to someone who became such a special and unexpected gift from the Universe. I love you. I was able to understand this from the first second of our meeting. This happens, but I never even thought that something like this could happen to me, given all my past mistakes. So much time I spent waiting was not in vain, since I managed to find my soul mate, who managed to open up a new range of feelings for me.

Loving you is like warming yourself from the cold,
Swim in the gentle, gentle warmth.
Loving you is like stroking a delicate rose
Veins in every delicate petal.

Loving you is still such happiness,
What I don't know how to convey
Everything I feel. And every day is like a holiday.
It's a great pleasure to meet you.

My dear man, I want to tell you that with your appearance in my life, it has acquired new meaning and inspiration, my heart has found hope and happiness, my soul soars in the clouds and dreams endlessly. This is all thanks to you, because I love you deeply and cherish every moment spent together.

I won't get tired of loving you,
I will not hide the secret under deception.
I will walk through fire and mountains with you,
There is no need to talk to you.

Let many years pass
But I will keep my vow.
Every evening I promise
Love and buy sweets for tea.

I dream of connecting my life with yours, because you are my long-awaited love, which happens only once. Our destinies were intertwined long before we met. The Universe decided everything for us. And I will never stop thanking her for such a decision, because without you my life simply would not have meaning. You are my peace, my joy, my crazy desire to be better. I live with you, and before you it was an ordinary existence in gray and dull days. You are happiness and my pleasure. I adore you, admire you and drown in you. You are everything anyone could ever dream of.

This moonlit night
I'm writing a letter.
The strings of happiness ring,
And my soul is warm.

After all, I want to tell you
Honestly, not secretly,
What's in the whole universe
There is no better you.

You are like a ray of sunshine
Among the gray clouds,
Next to you
I always laugh.

Filled with happiness
Thoughts and dreams
Everything around is changing
When you're near.

I catch your breath
And I catch every breath;
And, you know, I understand
That I love you!

You make my world richer and brighter,
You fill everything with your energy,
You help to live, strive and dream,
Kindness, warmth to give and happiness to create!

Thank you for the feelings of magic,
Let's keep it, increase it,
After all, all we need is love, its flight,
Let her live forever in the two of us!

You can't live without love,
Just float through life.
And she comes instantly -
Crazy junction of two planets.

And love came to me
Feelings are all intertwined.
You are the reason for the spark
My dear little man.

The garden in my soul is blooming,
The tree of happiness grows there.
You are the reason for change
Actions, thoughts and decisions.

I love you - there are no more beautiful words,
And no one more beautiful than you.
And being with you is more dangerous for me,
Than jumping into the abyss from a height.

But I can't refuse
From these gentle, sweet eyes.
I want to confess my love to you -
You are my most valuable diamond.

We didn't know what happened
Thought we were living
But now we understand
What we call life.

It's you and me - we're together
It's you and me - always.
All others are inappropriate
Everything else is nonsense.

How I want to confess
Give you the whole world
Inspired, inspired,
Enlightened by love.

How difficult it is for a person to live alone
Walk through a world where everyone is a stranger!
But you are with me - and only because
It’s so easy for me, and my song flows

To you - a vision from my dream...
You are a dream, a feat, and a reward...
There is no peace. No people. There is Me and You.
And I want to be with you forever.

In the arms of a cold morning, I want the warmth of your hands, dear. I’m waiting for these touches, cat, like the radiant warmth of the sun, and I miss you immensely...

Captivated by weightless boredom, I await your tender kiss, (name). He is able to return rainbow sparkles to my day and melt the ice of longing for you, dear.

The night mists are approaching, carrying billions of star grains in their palms. Looking at the peculiar beauty of the night, I feel sad, dear, because you are far away.

Missing the sparks of your laughter, my love, I ask Time to bring the moments of our date closer. I hope it will hear the ardent, reverent request and fulfill it.

In the nooks and crannies of the gray evening, lunar threads sparkle that weave your image, dear, around my heart. He will be with me while you are away. I miss…

I know, my dear, that the starry roads that the night has drawn will lead you to my dreams. This fabulous date will help me forget how much I miss...

You, dear, are not holding me in your arms now, because the everyday bustle has separated us for a short time. But crystal droplets of melancholy still flow into my heart...

Short moments got lost between the wings of a colorful butterfly. And I, my good one, count these small strokes that bring our meeting closer.

Memories of the tenderness seething between us, dear, resonate with a ruby ​​pulse in my heart. I indescribably want to bring our magical meeting closer.

Night fireworks in the twilight skies reminded us of our extraordinary walks, dear. Today we will meet in sleepy dreams, and before that I will miss you.

Your Love, dear, has replaced the charm of the azure-blue skies for me, and when we don’t see each other for a day, the memories of their warmth are the most pleasant thing for my soul.

Our thoughts are inseparable, beloved, and part of my bright Love warms in your palms when daily chores and responsibilities separate us. I miss you, bunny.

The amber rays of the playful sun fluttered out of my hands and coquettishly wrote on the turquoise sky how much I yearn for your tenderness, my dear.

Turning on the music, I dive into a pool of pleasant sounds, although they do not distract me from missing you, dear. But I prefer to lose myself in the melody with you.

No matter what witchcraft the Night uses, all its wondrous magical beauty will not free me from thoughts of you, (name). I miss you madly, my precious...

Shadows silently wander between the trees, night clouds approach the sky. I’m so looking forward to my dreams, because I’ll meet you, dear, on the rainbows of cosmic ribbons.

Among the rustling foliage of the parks, the words sound in which my Love has taken refuge. When I miss you, the quiet voices of the trees remind you, dear, of this.

The lady of time dances in the golden glow of infinity. She separated us for a while, dear, but she will also give us a warm, speedy meeting.

I miss you, my dear, wrapped in a velvet blanket of milky clouds. I'm waiting for you, looking at the tiny flocks of birds that dapple the sky.

Get rid of the desire to smoke with...

Radiant moths soar high into the sky and bring you, beloved, the news that my soul misses you immensely and loves you. Looking forward to meeting you, (name).

Cotton mists of melancholy enveloped my consciousness... Only the light of our date, dear, will drive away this thick darkness, preventing it from spreading across the entire planet.

I miss you, (name), holding bouquets of colorful feelings to my soul... There is so little time until the long-awaited date, but I feel the taste of this bliss on my lips.

My soul blooms like a blooming rose when you, dear, water it with the warmth of your heart. But when you are not there, she sadly lowers her tender petals.

Minutes of short separations, dear, are a little sad... But their sadness goes away with our unforgettable hugs and with sensual fireworks above us.

To be one in eternity is incredibly beautiful, beloved. After all, even after ordinary daytime partings, we unite loving halves. I miss…

The night stands on the starry thresholds, and its arrival voluptuously brings closer the hour of our meeting, dear one. But for now, only the blond Moon will know about my melancholy.

Lightning of melancholy pierces my breath, my beloved. Although our separation is short, the volcano of my feelings is preparing to flare up with a fiery eruption of Love.

In moments of expectation, the rhythm of the Universe is lost... In the hours of separation, dear, my timid soul gets bored, sending you hot sparks of Love across infinity.

Until tomorrow, beloved, we will be separated by a diamond night. Until tomorrow, all that remains is to close your eyes, falling into an avalanche of sweet dreams. The only thing left to miss is tomorrow...

If you are far away, the singing of birds becomes numb, and the pearls in the clouds fade, my dear. My melancholy paints the world around me with twilight pencils, and only the heat of your palms returns its brightness!

Without your touch, weightless and gracefully airy, beloved, my heart turns into an icy monolith that crumbles with iridescent crystal sparks of happiness when we meet.

Waiting for you, beloved, I seem to freeze in a strange lethargic sleep, where the clock hands do not know their usual movement, and the tremulous moment of separation seems like a bottomless gray whirlpool...

Longing for your flaming embrace, dear, I dress my heart in a snow-covered winter veil. And every second, like a passionless snowflake, burns my cold soul with its coldness.

Despondency and gloomy melancholy envelop me, dear, as soon as your ardent breath does not curl like a gentle breeze against my cheek. But with what grandiose and enchanting delight our meeting is illuminated!

I miss, my dear, the affection of the heart, when everyday bustle separates us. But you see, I draw, in the heavenly turquoise surface, patterns from mother-of-pearl cloudy haze, so that you know - and in eternity, I am waiting for you!

My unexpected melancholy, dear, scattered across the Milky Way in myriads of silvery sparks. Look at their countless luxury, and come to light one of the brightest lights of Love!

How my soul suffers, beloved, wandering in search of your angelic touches! There is no place for her between the frequent, deafening beats of the heart, and in the hands that tremble tremulously from the merciless cold of separation!

The only thing that is not so insurmountable is the distance between our blazing hearts, as the moments inspired by the melancholy of separation are so spontaneously cold. Let's braid the space to speed up the magical date!

Our time is stitched with stitches of everyday troubles, it brings us forced separations, beloved... Even if they are short-lived in comparison with endless eternity, they also disturb my heart with overflowing melancholy.

I sigh for you, dear, holding in my memory the passionately bright moments of our impeccable unity... But I know that sadness will dissipate like a transparent fog, as soon as you turn the doorknob of the house...

It is absolutely impossible to miss you, my dear! After all, I remember the discharges of dazzling lightning that fill our harmony, and the sparks of which burn me with a pleasant languor...

The colorless melancholy took on dull watercolors and painted my soul with sketches of melancholy, my beloved. Just your kiss, which is as sweet as strawberry nectar, will transform this landscape into a colorful, summer multicolor!

Longing for you, precious one, is spread out like a raging dark sea, which I want to overcome in a swift flight... On the shore of a friend I can enjoy the long-awaited thrill, holding your palms on the pulsating heart ruby!

Stronger than melancholy, beloved, without you, only the tireless progress of alternating eras... I look forward to the hour of meeting in honey-flower dreams, in which the chronological veil of past and prescribed events will dissipate.

My beloved, my sunny one, it’s as if you took all the amber rays of warmth into your pocket. And I, bored, freeze in the cold and moonless evenings. But I tirelessly keep count of the stars, thereby speeding up the dating moments.

The brightest day fades when you, the desired one, leave. And many shadows penetrate into my recently rainbow-colored world and steal all the pearls good mood, floods him with oceans of uninvited sadness.

Darling, come quickly! Save my purple heart from the melancholy that the black raven of autumn is circling furiously over it! Don’t let her take over the embers of my imperishable fire of Love!

I miss you, darling, in every chime of the transparent dews washing the flower faces with crystal. I hasten to you, giving a piece of my heart to the magically tender sunny moths, so that in their rainbow fluttering you can feel my affection.

Melancholy took possession of me, my only one, and, locking the steel cage with a brass key, threw it over the horizon... Come quickly, free me from the hopeless bondage of the painful feeling of expectation...

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

My beloved, my good one,
Mine is not like many others,
Mine is gloomy and serious,
Mine is funny and funny,

Drown in your arms -
There is no more happiness for me,
My dear and strongest,
I love you, darling!

They are not at all similar to you,
But this is only at first glance.
Are you happy? You know, me too.
And everything will be fine for us.

There is no flattery in my confession:
“Without feeling, life is zero.
We can do a lot if we work together!
I love you immensely!”

At least I don’t see you for a day -
I'm feeling bored.
You are my drug! I depend
And I don’t want to endure separation.

Please kiss me more often
Pull it tighter to your chest!
There are no sweeter moments like this...
Darling, let's meet!

I want to confess my love to you,
I want to touch your shoulder
I want to smile with happiness
And to meet you every day,

Give your love and faith,
I'm nearby - just call
You can be completely sure
In my great love for you!

Why are you acting arrogant?
You see - I'm on fire!
And so I will certainly burn,
Because I love you, I love you!

Why are you making me suffer in vain?
Stay with me, I pray..
After all, you yourself know very well,
That I love you, I love you!

What should I do for you?
To prove your love?
I live in you, I believe in you,
Because I love you, I love you!

It's a beautiful day, it's made for
To confess your love today...
After all, everyone in life is looking for their own -
And everyone wants to truly fall in love!

I love you - I want to whisper,
But for the whole world to hear it,
You are the best - shout to the whole world,
So that the whole planet shudders!

I must tell you, my love,
That I love you more than anyone in my life!
I love it when we are silent with you sometimes,
Knowing each other's trembling thoughts!

I love you as they love you once in life,
And this is forever - I know for sure!
Separation will not touch us in life,
Let's lock our hearts with love!

Just thinking about your name
The heart is compressed with strong feelings!
How I love you, my dear,
I always want to be with you!

I'm not afraid of any adversity,
I dream of watching the sunrise with you!
How, darling, I love you,
I ask the sky for your happiness!

I didn't know you before
And it was completely different:
Passion seemed like a fantasy to me,
Flirting is empty fun.

And now we're everywhere together
The scales have disappeared from my eyes,
And, I give you two hundred percent,
I'm in love for the first time!

Men have a prerogative -
Be the first to confess your love to a lady,
But I have an alternative
Today I want poetry

Tell your loved one, of course,
How much I love him
And in the heart reverently and eternally
I keep all my promises!

You are the only hero for me
A novel called "love".
I only want to be close to you,
And again you stir my blood.

I dedicate these lines to you...
My love! Only for you recognition.
And know: I forgive you everything in advance.
But guess what my desire is?

A beautiful declaration of love for a guy in prose

I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I love you” sound like the first time every time... I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part... I have never found such a close and dear person . Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you.

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think about you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think about you. I am ready to shout anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can’t imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

How I rejoice at yesterday! It was probably one of the best days with you in my life. It was great to spend the whole day together! All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you more life! I love you!

You know, when I see your image, my heart skips a beat, but when I start thinking about you, it beats madly in my chest, breaking blood vessels, and asks to come to you. I want to enjoy your beautiful smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you.

Everyone creates their own world, their own love. We dream, invent something that probably doesn’t exist, and believe in it. Gradually, the world around me turns out to be completely different from what I wanted, the person who is dear to me occupies all my thoughts is not at all the same, although I invented him, drew him, for me you are ideal. When I think about you, tears appear in my eyes and something pierces my chest. I'm ready to turn the world upside down for you. I love you.

My little one, my most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I don’t need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you... Sometimes, when I understand that we can’t be together, I want to die! But, waking up every morning, I understand: I live for you... When you stand next to me, I feel warm, when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot, when you kiss me on the cheek when we meet, I feel warm, but you don’t You leave a burn on my body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to always be with you. I love you more than life itself.

Yesterday, when we parted, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. This was the beginning of my love for you. Endless, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting... thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

Loving or falling in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love... and so much, and so passionately, that it seems that I have never felt such a feeling for anyone... My heart does not beat so loudly and strongly , as they write in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's full. I love you very much!

I can’t live without you, I need you like air. Without you I’m just a little man in this world, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and love you very much.

Sometimes a feeling of all-consuming love squeezes your heart, not freeing you from its sweet shackles for a moment. Falling in love captivates the mind and it seems that no one will find the cherished words capable of voicing all those good feelings, exciting awe, tenderness and warmth that a loved one evokes every day...

We can touch the heartstrings of your partner and suggest the best declarations of love. Wild and passionate or charming with its modesty, fiery or exciting the mind with its restraint, funny or touching - you will definitely find those words that will make your chosen one happy!

Video: Declaration of love to your beloved man.

I love you. Thank you for being with me, for your affection, thank you for your “cool” under my ear every morning, thank you for existing! My declarations of love for you!

My sunshine, my queen, the smartest, most beautiful, adored, beloved, fluffy, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, incomparable, exciting, magical, exclamatory, delightful, impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious, kind! I love you!

All the best things in this world remind me of you! I want to feel like you, rejoice like you, cry like you. I want to smile with you. I want to travel together. You are a wonderful girl and the best for me

I am ready to throw all the best that is on this planet at your feet. For your sake, I can travel thousands of kilometers, get a star from the sky, earn millions and accomplish a feat! You are my muse, my soul mate, my love

Honey, your voice is like the sound of a stream that gently falls from the mountain peaks. Your lips are sweeter than the sweetest thing in the world. I love you, adore you, adore you. No, and there will never be anyone like you in the world! The most tender, caring, I admire you, my Angel!

If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less, so that I don’t have to live a day without you... If you jump from a bridge, I won’t jump after you, I’ll catch you under the bridge... And let everyone hear, oh what you say, but only I will hear what you are silent about, because I truly love you...

You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are everything that is most dear and desirable to me. Without you it is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you very much!

Loving or falling in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love... and so strongly, and so passionately that it seems that I have never felt such a feeling for anyone... My heart does not beat as loud and strong as they write in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's full. I love you very much!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because my heart can't beat only half...

I love you madly! You are the most precious person in the world! Please forgive me for all the bad things I've done! I value you and our relationship very much!

I miss your hands that caress me, I miss your eyes that look at me, I miss your body from which warmth emanates, I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you! I miss you and love you madly!

Hi, darling! I wrote you several beautiful SMS declarations of love, but the mobile operator did not miss any of them, because... he was consumed with envy. Operator girl, finally find yourself a boyfriend! Envy is a bad feeling! Darling, if suddenly this SMS still reaches you, know that I love you very, very much and want you to be happy!

You know, I don't believe in love at first sight. She is as fleeting as this glance, she is light and serene and leaves just as quickly, leaving only disappointment.

I love you! This wonderful feeling gives me the strength to live and enjoy every day. Warms you up on cold evenings, filling your soul with incredible warmth. Thank you for being there, for being next to me and for reciprocating my feelings. I want my love for you to never leave my heart, so I keep it from everyone...

I want to give you my heart. Take care of it, it is endowed with a priceless gift - the ability to love! Let my loving heart warm you when I’m not around, warn you of danger, take you away from trouble and please with its measured knock, as if repeating: “I love you!”

Confessions to your beloved guy - sincere, warm, touching

Such a bright feeling as love deserves great attention. We sometimes don’t notice those moments when the person next to us loves us so sincerely. We pass by our love, we simply don’t have time to pay attention to it. Someday it will become clear, but it will be too late. If you have a young man, and you understand that you love him with all your soul, there is no need to delay confessing to him. Take courage and try to convey all the feelings you have for him. Send him sincere and touching confessions in prose or poetry, then he will be able to appreciate and learn about your feelings. Understand that the sooner this happens, the easier it will become for you. Love cannot be hidden for a long time and can be seen from afar, so backing it up with confessions to your boyfriend is a great opportunity to open up your feelings.

My beloved, affectionate and good,
I want to be your cute baby.
I thirst for love from you constantly, hot.
Seeing you strong and bright.
I am full of love for you,
And there are only doubts in my head,
Show me bad thoughts kiss,
Let's coo together outside.

My beloved, affectionate, gentle,
Brave as a snow leopard.
Strong like an elephant, charming like a tiger,
You excite me like a tornado.
May you always have enough health,
So that the years cannot separate us.
Love me more too,
And sit me on your mighty shoulders more often.

My beloved, affectionate and strong.
Always be as mischievous and beautiful.
Love me and give me joy,
Let's live together, tasting the sweetness of love.
I always want to be with you,
So as not to know grief and forget about melancholy.
Let joy into your soul,
I'm ready to eat the whole thing so sweet.

My beloved and good one,
Know that I will never leave you.
I will fly with you in the sky,
I only want to dream about you.
Your fabulous eyes give me no rest,
What's happening to me anyway?
Maybe I'm sick or have a cold?
Or in once again fell in love with the prince?

I keep my loyalty to you,
Darling, I’m only burning for you.
I always think about you, I live with you,
Always be by my side.
I want you to enjoy it together
We were filled with sincere feelings.
Were always on top
Full of love and lived in beauty.

I love you and I'm suffocating.
I bathe in heartfelt feelings.
I am grateful to you for everything,
I want to please you in everything.
I'm flattered by your beauty
Know that I am only in love with you.
Explodes me with love and joy,
From my most exquisite sweetness.

How beautiful and pleasant you are,
Always sweet and understandable.
What else remains for me?
How to burn in a voluptuous fire with you.
Believe me and be faithful
Be good and not bad.
Am I not your bunny?
Who longs for her Mazay.

No matter what happened there, it didn’t happen,
I want love to warm us and the mountains to go away.
The melancholy left us and gained strength,
May every day bring us success.
I love you and believe you
It’s only you that I warm myself with joy.
So that you enjoy, bathe in happiness,
He was cheerful and successful.

How much time did we spend together?
That you and I are still not close.
I believe that you will always be with me,
I am your fairy, you are my hero.
Touch me and make me more active
Get rid of melancholy and drowsiness.
I'll sow a star for you.
I will always love you, I will be with you.

There is no one more beautiful than you
I love only you.
The soul is exhausted from passion,
Everything is in you, everything is in your power.
It's like a sorcerer has enchanted me,
He cast an ancient spell on me.
There is not a moment of peace in my soul.
Your name, my heart's cliché.

Kindness and gratitude
Affection and charm
It's all about you, my beloved,
Affectionate, gentle, beautiful.
The elixir of my heart and my soul.
You're stuck in it like an arrow.
And I'm bleeding from voluptuous feelings.
Fill my world, it is empty without you.

Darling, you are my best,
How nice it is to love you.
I live by you both day and night.
My soul is burning with passion.
I want you to always be together
I'm tired of sitting in one place.
Give me a big hug
Sweet feelings, new concepts.

Beloved, affectionate and gentle,
My snow-white kitten.
It's nice, oh how nice it is to be with you,
Enjoy the stroking, strong hand.
The stormy ocean of love for you,
And your aroma is always inviting.
Gives birth to a new microcosm in me,
With you, I forgot what sadness and meanness are.

My love, you are so impressive
Joyful and always enjoying.
I want love and warmth from you,
So that the soul is full of happiness.
How beautiful you are to me,
Gentle, caring and sweet.
You have more than enough loyalty,
Feel free to add more wood to the fire of passions.

Darling, goodness and strength to you,
To always value love above all else.
Hug me more often, give me a smile.
Get your soul a violin.
Captivate me, burn with me.
And I admire only you,
My heart explodes like dynamite
And my soul burns in love for you.

Darling, I love you.
And I give my heart only to you.
Fill it with happiness
Be my symbol, be my power.
Be healthy and kind
Affectionate and not the least bit languid.
I will surround you with care,
And even go to work with you.

Whisper to me gently, affectionately: “I love you”
I will give the key to my heart to you alone.
I will spend the best moments with you.
An ocean of love and a sea of ​​happiness will cover us completely.
I dream this sweet dream again and again.
Feel the blood boiling in your veins.
I sincerely hope it will always be like this.
My sleep will never be interrupted!

I decided to tell my beloved that I love him very much.

The most touching love for a guy, a man.

Today I decided to break up with my loved one. I'm tired of his promises that don't come true. I'm tired of the habit of disappearing when he's in a bad mood. It happens like this. He writes a message and turns off the phone. The message is of the following nature and content: “Sorry, I’m upset. I'll show up. Now I want to be alone." How angry this kind of antics makes me!

Another “jump” that pissed me off…. I spent a long time shopping to buy white trousers or jeans. I had to go around five stores. But I bought them. I'm proud of myself. I am also proud of the man who had a lot of patience: he walked with me to evaluate the choice. The mobile phone is dead. I knew that there would be screams, discontent and indignation. But where can I find an outlet in the middle of stops?

I arrived home, put my mobile phone on charge, turned it on... It would be better not to turn it on! Messages poured in. It was written in them how badly I was treating him. But he does even worse! Can he?

I'll break up with him now that I've decided. But I will write a declaration of love that will be remembered by him, that will awaken his sleeping conscience. So…

A touching declaration of love.

"I love you…. How nice it was to call you my sunshine... How nice it was to stay with me for the weekend while my parents were relaxing at the dacha…. A lot of pleasant things connected us with you. I dreamed so much that this would never end...

I love you to the point of pain. To tears. To heavenly heights. To the point where my voice and body tremble... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is rays of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into fragments?

Everything was so beautiful... You came to me... With cake... To meet my mom. An idyll reigned that I will never be able to forget. And don't ask! How I loved the way you looked at me... There was so much tenderness in it that I pinched myself. It seemed to me that I was dreaming. It seemed... Your gentle touches of your gaze are divine and unique.


Russian music video from 1997 by Russian Folk Singer Vika Tsyganova - "Russian Vodka."

I'm ready to kiss the coffee you love... I am ready to run after your shadow even to the ends of the world... I am ready to give my life for yours... I'm ready! Ask for what you want! I will do everything.

I never thought that love is the savior from everything bad and sorrowful. Do you remember how we lay hugging each other on the bed... Do you remember how I asked you to clench your hand into a fist... Then I said: “Many people say that the fist a person has is the same heart. My heart is now in your fist. Take care of him." You swore to protect... He swore, but did not keep his oath... I broke my heart, but I didn’t know that I was stronger than any pain.

I live with a broken heart, I don’t trust anyone. But I love you as before... I want you back... I want to quit... I don’t know which is more correct. Maybe you can give me some advice?

I love you. You took advantage of these feelings. For what? My love is the most sincere and real... I gave it to you without reserve, without falsehood, without greed... You took it without giving anything in return. And I didn’t demand it. I also appreciated that you were next to me... With all my body, all my emotions, all my words... But not with thoughts and not with soul. You gave your soul and thoughts, secretly, to your ex-wife, whom you did not forget about.

I endured everything, tried to understand, forgave. I gave you the earth, the moon, night, day, clouds... She gave, tried, forgave... Didn’t give, didn’t try, didn’t forgive…. Do you feel the difference? She is visible and noticeable.

I remember your hands... They touched me so quietly, as if they were afraid to wake me up. I smiled because I felt millions of surges of happiness. We lay in the grass, listened to the birds singing, and looked at the sun. You kissed me, talked about love, talked about plans for our future... I listened and melted. You spoke and watched me melt...

I knew I loved you more. I assumed that you didn’t love me at all, but I tried not to notice it in order to continue to feel happiness. I have never loved anyone like that... I'm going crazy with my love... You see it. You see a lot. I would give anything to continue pretending not to notice your game. But it doesn't work anymore. I give my role to someone else! She'll probably be able to play better... You! Just like you did to me. I don't wish you harm. you touched my deepest heart. You trampled on what I treasured so much. But I still love you very much... I'm picking up bits and pieces of what you trampled. I'm trying to put the pieces together.

I swallow the breath of love. Love dies. I dream of saving her. But only I need love. You are just a shadow. The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes... I tell our mutual friends that everything is cool and perfect with us. They believe. They believe and are not upset. It’s good that they don’t know how my tormented and deceived soul is tormented. Then, at the barbecue at the end of summer, I thought that we were saying goodbye to the warm season. How could I have known that we were seeing off our love? I love you…. Be happy, my love. Farewell and forgive!

It's painful and lonely. Neither pain nor loneliness can be killed in an instant. It takes time. Lots of time! A year, two, three, five…. More! The whole life must pass... I will be able to forget him only in the next life. I remember everything... Everything that is somehow connected with him. I remember and will not forget. It will be difficult for me, but I live only for it.

I won't tell my mom anything. I won't tell you yet. She liked him so much! She was happy... I was waiting for the moment when I would find a good man. For her, he was and is good. I don't want her to be disappointed. I will send my touching confession by email. I wanted to send it in the usual way, but I'm afraid that someone else might read it. Email is more reliable...

My hand shook as I typed the “appreciation” text. I wanted everything to be really great. Tears rolled onto the keyboard. They got between the keys and fell between them. They cried too... I wanted to calm them down, but I didn’t know how to do it.

I typed a letter - a confession. How he will react to it is unknown. If only I had the strength, the courage to send him. Hands are shaking.

Heart is pounding. Thoughts run wild...

I I'm sending this touching confession V Love. Necessarily!

And I want to confess

My dear husband,

What I love, I want

To be close to you!

“I love you very much! »

My dear husband, I want to tell you,

That I love you very much!

That I will support you in everything,

Mysterious, affectionate, tender!

When you're near I don't need words

After all, this is that strong love,

Which inspires us with you,

Which connects hearts!

“You and I are two soul mates”

You and I are two soul mates,

And it’s good for us to be close together.

It's as if two pieces of ice have melted

After all, the two of them became quite warm.

I just love to laugh with you,

And just be silent and talk...

Beloved husband! I want not to part.

And I love loving you so much!

“In love with you, my gentle one!”

Husband, why am I arguing with you?

I’m ready to give all of myself to you!

And if bad weather suddenly happens,

I will remove her with my love!

Nature gave love and happiness,

I am very, very grateful to her!

"I adore you!"

I don’t just love you – I adore you!

The season of low-degree cold is not scary:

With the warmth of our hearts we save each other.

You are forever my lover and husband!

I agree with you to be an obedient follower,

In the traditions of a faithful eastern wife,

I'll take care of all the housework,

May we always be in love!

"How beautiful is love"

How beautiful is love when you divide everything in two,

How enthusiastically the heart sings about happiness.

I will dedicate it to you, dear, desired,

And minutes, and years, and hearts flying!

Anticipation of great and quick happiness,

And beauty is strong in emotional impulses!

A husband is so much, so important and expensive,

Just being with you is just a dream!

Touching declarations of love?

I love you.

albeit in my own way

crooked and at times

but very much.

I love. To tears. To the stars. Until oblivion. Earthly. Impossible. Yours.

I love just watching you laugh, I love calling you my sun, I love just looking into your eyes and I just can’t say “I love you” to you...

I miss our conversations. because I don’t talk to anyone with you. I even miss our quarrels and arguments.

Who knew how much I love you...

and I don’t need to get the moon out of the sky,

build sand castles;

just be there

and don't betray.

16 chest movements per minute. and I have thousands of thousands, millions of millions. because I don’t just inhale, exhale... I inhale, love you, exhale

let's play Rorschach tests?

will you show me pictures

and I say the first thing that comes to mind

and for every photo of you

without thinking, exhale

"I love you"

no signs of illness

only temperature below 40°

and my head is spinning.

At the hospital they said they were sick with you,

fell in love with your eyes.

I'm sorry.


I'm too lost in myself.

She crossed all boundaries of what is permitted.

I cry every evening.

I drink liters of coffee.

I'm thinking about you.

You know, I'm terribly ashamed

For your behavior.

Don't know...

I really need you.

Even necessary.

I'm terribly afraid of losing you.

I won't survive.

You are my everything.

You are my life.

Forgive me, baby.

I love you.

(c) Walking across the sky

I love you a little.

just a little bit

per millimeter

or per gram

depending on what is more convenient for you

you see, baby.

even if I marry another person, I will still be completely in love with those eyes.

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because my heart can't beat only half...

– I love you to the moon

- Wow, how far is it?

And whispered in her ear:

And I love you to the moon. All the way to the moon... - and back.

If I didn't have so much of this greedy cynicism in me now,

Told you

What's happening in the whole world at this second?

There is no man for me

More important than you...

I have developed one habit that I can’t get rid of: I love you more and more every day.

I can be anything.

Can I be yours?

I remember how I looked into your eyes and said to myself, “I love you!” And you smiled and said out loud: “I love you too...”

I love you - now I have a life!

And before you met me, was there no life then?

No, it was just existence!

you piss me off sometimes. You're just pissing me off. sometimes I want to bang my head against the wall - from some of your actions or words. But. despite all this, or no, along with all this, my heart hurts because of you and I love you

If a kiss were a drop...

I would give you rain...

If a hug were light...

I would give you the sun...

If love was life...

I would give you eternity...

I am now in such a warm cozy sweet tender coma... almost like in the spring, but then they simply loved me. everything was magical and now... I'm just happy with you...

I remember how it all began. Fear of the very first date, the first kiss. And now, I just need him to be near, to feel the warmth of his hands and gentle gaze. I want it in the evening, after have a hard day, brew 2 huge cups of green tea, open a box of Raffaelo, climb onto the sofa, cover yourself with a woolen blanket and turn on some romantic movie. And just be with him. And in the morning, so that he would brush the disheveled hair out of my face, make strong coffee with a spoonful of sugar and wake me up with a gentle kiss.

One morning I want to wake up and see a gentle creature next to me.... Just admire him, wait until he wakes up... Then see his smile, so affectionate, hear a quiet “Good morning” and feel the touch of your lips..... Look into your eyes, and, simply without saying anything, give your love... Feeling the tenderness of your hands, just enjoy these moments.... Walking with you around the city, just holding your hand, sometimes chatting about maybe nothing ... I want to make you the happiest person... I love you..

I love you

Yes, I don’t lie in the morning (c)

Remember when I was wondering.. I pulled out a piece of paper with your name on it?

Well, yes, I remember...

So, it is still stored in the notebook..(c)

Declaration of love to your beloved: the most beautiful and romantic words -

It happens that love simply breaks your heart and it is very difficult to find the right words to express the whole range of feelings and emotions, to show how strong and all-consuming it is...

We are ready to help you with this and offer declarations of love to your loved one, funny and touching, hot and timid, exciting and passionate - and you will definitely find that declaration of love to your loved one that reflects exactly your feeling!

You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you're away for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me - happier person not in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live for a second. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world!

There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me, you are such a person! And I love you very much!

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection... I love you!

When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from monitor and phone screens are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks speak words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch you... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!

My dear, without you my heart was a cold piece of ice, my soul never saw the light... But you melted my heart, took it for yourself and became it yourself. I need you like air, I wither without you like a flower without water. You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, and I simply cannot live without you!

When I feel bad, I know that when I see you, I will feel good. When I feel good, I know that I will see you and I will feel even better! Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings and makes them fly towards their dreams. I've already reached mine. After all, my dream is you, my most beloved person!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

You are infinitely kind, extraordinarily sweet, very smart, damn attractive, exceptionally decent, insanely talented and crystal honest... a monster! Well, I am the same, like in a fairy tale, beautiful princess who is in love with you! :)

Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words “wings have grown”, because if your loved one is with you, it’s as if you begin to fly. I was lucky enough to experience this feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don't want to look at others. In my dreams, only you and I want you to know how much I love you!

When you are near, a fire burns inside me, I like its warmth and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are mine small world, which even the entire universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all!

Beloved, you know, they say that love is like war: easy to start, difficult to finish and impossible to forget! So I confess - I can’t forget you!

I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary and amazing mystery! We crossed paths on the road of life, we were united by the energy of love, imbuing every moment of our lives with a special feeling! Our hearts beat in unison, our gazes are turned to each other, like endless galaxies! Love envelops us in a soft haze, making the fuss around us invisible... It is happiness to know and feel that we have each other!

There are only two infinite things in this world: the Universe and my love for you! Although I'm not sure about the Universe...

If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less, so that I don’t have to live a day without you... If you jump from a bridge, I won’t jump after you, I’ll catch you under the bridge... And let everyone hear what you’re talking about, but only I will hear what you are silent about, because I truly love you...

You know, I don’t love you anymore... I love you very much!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I won’t be able to live anymore, because my heart can’t beat only half...

Group Weather Elisavetgrad - Moscow 2011

Such a song is a romantic, unforgettable and original musical declaration of love to anyone - a guy, a girl, a man, a woman, a husband, a wife, a groom, a bride, a loved one, a loved one. marriage proposal. The best. 2013

Goosebumps. Very heartfelt and touching, almost to the point of tears.

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Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Declarations of love to a man in prose leading to tears can be very different, but they are definitely always pleasant and come from the heart. For some, only the cherished words: “I love you” are enough; others want to find various ways to express your love. One of these ways may well be a beautiful confession in prose or poetry.

Of course, congratulations in prose are much more similar to those said in your own words. Therefore, within of this material various options Declarations of love to a man in prose leading to tears in verse can be listened to separately in a special form (although there are also wishes in prose). As for ordinary congratulations, we offer them in a wide variety to choose from further along the text.

I would like to believe that every person will be able to find in this article such words of support, love, care and respect that will help reveal something so deep and as wide as possible. Let your confessions touch the very heart any day and be able to reach the soul of the person for whom they are intended.

Declaration of love to a man in prose to tears, short and long

Thank you very much for living in this world. When you appeared in my life, I immediately realized that we would always be together. I don’t need anyone else, it’s so good with you that sometimes I forget about my friends. But I can definitely say that I never forget about you and love you very much. Every day it gets stronger.

You are a man with whom I am very lucky, because such people simply do not exist in this world. You are the important meaning of my life, and I love you very much, I only want to be with you. You are my only one in the whole wide world and know, wherever you are, that there is a heart that loves you and is waiting for you. You are my dear in my thoughts and heart, in my soul every day. My love for you is endless.

I want you to look into my eyes now. Let's remember them like this: happy and shiny, full of love and happiness. My eyes can only shine with joy if you are next to me. I will always love you and I really hope that this feeling is mutual.

I often remember the day when I saw your photo and read a few lines that you wrote for me. Then, word by word, the threads of our destinies intertwined. Today it’s hard for me to imagine how I could live without you. When a miracle happened and our souls found each other, I was lost in the sensations and simply drowned in happiness. I would like to wish us that this feeling lasts forever, that we always inspire each other and love each other. You can also do it for your loved one.

An interesting option for how a declaration of love to a man in prose can be brought to tears via SMS. You are my world and my Universe. I'm glad that it's only yours, and you're only mine. Your voice always lifts my spirits and drives me crazy. I want it to always be like this.

You are my ray of happiness, no matter whether the day is bright or raining. It is impossible for me to breathe and exist without you, even if the doctors assure that this is possible. I live for you and love you very much! I want to tell you about this every day.

I want to always fall asleep in your roars and wake up from your warm breath. I like to sit and watch you do your thing, watch movies with my head on your chest. This is true happiness, but before meeting you I didn’t even know about it. I love you madly and know that it will always be this way.

The circumstances of our meeting with you are unique. I searched for a long time and chose among my fans, and then you appeared, and everything fell into place, everything became clear and extremely simple. I used to think that this only happens in movies, but then a miracle happened to me in life. This miracle turned out to be you and love for you, thank you very much for everything and I hope that our fairy tale is just beginning.

Sometimes I get scared thinking about what could have happened, that you and I would not have met and recognized each other. I fell in love with you from the first minute we met and every day my love grows stronger. I would like to sincerely believe that this is mutual.

I am sure that there are simply no other men like you on the planet. You are the meaning of my life, and I love you very much, I only want to be with you. Know that there is one person on earth who loves you with all his heart, and will always wait for you, no matter where you end up. For your holiday meal, choose

I decided to tell my beloved that I love him very much. This is with The most touching love confessions to my boyfriend, my man. This is with fishing about Love in love prose.

Today I decided to break up with my loved one. I'm tired of his promises that don't come true. I'm tired of the habit of disappearing when he's in a bad mood. It happens like this. He writes a message and turns off the phone. The message is of the following nature and content: “Sorry, I’m upset. I'll show up. Now I want to be alone." - How angry this kind of antics makes me!

Another “jump” that pissed me off…. I spent a long time shopping to buy white trousers or jeans. I had to go around five stores. But I bought them. I'm proud of myself. I am also proud of the man who had a lot of patience: he walked with me to evaluate the choice. The mobile phone is dead. I knew that there would be screams, discontent and indignation. But where can I find an outlet in the middle of stops?

I arrived home, put my mobile phone on charge, turned it on... It would be better not to turn it on! Messages poured in. It was written in them how badly I was treating him. But he does even worse! Can he?

I'll break up with him now that I've decided. But I will write a declaration of love that will be remembered by him, that will awaken his sleeping conscience. So…

A touching declaration of Love (not one or two) is what I decided...

I love…

"I love you…. How nice it was to call you my sunshine... How nice it was to stay with me for the weekend while my parents were relaxing at the dacha…. A lot of pleasant things connected us with you. I dreamed so much that this would never end...

Thank you for loving...

I love you to the point of pain. To tears. To heavenly heights. To the point where my voice and body tremble... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is rays of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into fragments?

The touch of your gaze...

Everything was so beautiful... You came to me... With cake... To meet my mom. An idyll reigned that I will never be able to forget. And don't ask! How I loved the way you looked at me... There was so much tenderness in it that I pinched myself. It seemed to me that I was dreaming. It seemed... Your gentle touches of your gaze are divine and unique.

I won't leave behind...!

I'm ready to kiss the coffee you love... I am ready to run after your shadow even to the ends of the world... I am ready to give my life for yours... I'm ready! Ask for what you want! I will do everything.

My heart is in your hand

I never thought that love is the savior from everything bad and sorrowful. Do you remember how we lay hugging…. Do you remember how I asked you to clench your hand into a fist... Then I said: “Many people say that the fist a person has is the same heart. My heart is now in your fist. Take care of him." You swore to protect... He swore, but did not keep his oath... I broke my heart, but I didn’t know that I was stronger than any pain.

I live with a broken heart, I don’t trust anyone. But I love you as before... I want you back... I want to quit... I don’t know which is more correct. Maybe you can give me some advice?

You are using me...

I love you. You took advantage of these feelings. For what? My love is the most sincere and real... I gave it to you without reserve, without falsehood, without greed... You took it without giving anything in return. And I didn’t demand it. I also appreciated that you were there... With all my body, all my emotions, all my words... But not with thoughts and not with soul. You secretly gave your soul and thoughts to your ex-wife, whom you did not forget about.

My attempts are in vain...

I endured everything, tried to understand, forgave. I gave you the earth, the moon, night, day, clouds... She gave, tried, forgave... You didn’t give, didn’t try, didn’t forgive…. Do you feel the difference? She is visible and noticeable.

Your touchingly tender hands

I remember your hands... They touched me so quietly, as if they were afraid to wake me up. I smiled because I felt millions of surges of happiness. We lay in the grass, listened to the birds singing and looked at the sun. You kissed me, talked about love, talked about plans for our future... I listened and melted. You spoke and watched me melt...

My feelings are very strong...

I knew I loved you more. I assumed that you didn’t love me at all, but I tried not to notice it in order to continue to feel happiness. I have never loved anyone like that... I'm going crazy with my love... You see it. You see a lot. I would give anything to continue pretending not to notice your game. But it doesn't work anymore.

I give my role to someone else!

She'll probably be able to play better... You! Just like you did to me. I don't wish you harm. You just touched my deepest heart. You trampled on what I treasured so much. But I still love you very much... I'm picking up bits and pieces of what you trampled. I'm trying to put these pieces together.

I swallow the breath of Love...

Love dies. I dream of saving her. But only I need love. You are just a shadow. The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes... I tell our mutual friends that everything is “cool” and perfect with us. They believe. They believe and are not upset. It’s good that they don’t know how my tormented and deceived soul is tormented. Then, at the barbecue at the end of summer, I thought that we were saying goodbye to the warm season. How was I supposed to know that we were seeing off our love? I love you…. Be happy, my love. Farewell and forgive!

Painful and lonely...

Neither pain nor loneliness can be killed in an instant. It takes time. Lots of time! A year, two, three, five…. More! The whole life must pass... I will be able to forget him only in the next life. I remember everything... Everything that is somehow connected with him. I remember and will not forget. It will be difficult for me, but I live only for it.

I won’t tell my mom anything until...

I won't tell you yet. She liked him so much! She was happy... I was waiting for the moment when I would find a good man. For her, he was and is good. I don't want her to be disappointed. I will send my touching confession by email. I wanted to send it in the usual way, but I’m afraid that someone else might read the letter. Email is more reliable...

I write with a trembling hand...

My hand shook as I typed the “appreciation” text. I wanted everything to be really great. Tears rolled onto the keyboard. They got between the keys and fell between them. They cried too... I wanted to calm them down, but I didn’t know how to do it.

I typed a letter - a confession. How he will react to it is unknown. If only I had the strength, the courage to send him. Hands are shaking.

Heart is poundingThoughts run wild...

I am sending this touching declaration of Love. Necessarily!


Looking for reciprocity

Dear and beautiful girls and women, to make it easier for you to express your feelings to your dear men, no matter when: on a holiday, at work, just because; I present to your attention different SMS messages for your beloved man. Some SMS bring tears to your eyes and are written in your own words.

SMS to your beloved man

  • My passion for you will melt any glacier, and you are the only one to whom my soul strives. I want it to always be like this!
  • With you, I understood what love is and what a fantastic feeling it is. I can’t even believe that everything that’s happening is real!

➡ Audio declarations of love and you can choose just beautiful words on the page. Look in the left menu.

  • I can’t live without you, like the earth without the sun! I don't get enough air when you're not around!
  • When my palms touch your strong arms, my soul is very warm and joyful. After all, there is a dear little man nearby and a real man, who will always protect and support me. For what unnecessary words? You are my life!

Take me into your strong invisible captivity, so that every nerve on your skin trembles with sweet languor!

Your image, which comes to my thoughts every hour, makes my soul purr with desire.

I am like a bird, inspired from the day our paths crossed in this world! I’m flying to you on a date without feeling the ground under my feet!

  • The volcano of feelings for you that plays like a loud orchestra in my soul, hot like a flame and strong like a waterfall that will wash away all the sorrows on its way. Will that magical time come when we will be together and our hearts will hear each other?
  • Being next to you, I feel bliss that gives birth to beautiful
    melodies, and the soul is filled with aromas that excite the subconscious.

  • I can't even find words to fully express the depth of my sublime feelings to you, so dear and close. But I will be very happy to prove this to you when we meet!
  • Your lips drive me crazy - they are sweet like honey and intoxicating like moonflowers. I can't wait to cover them with kisses again!
  • Invisible chains bind me to you. I understand that we cannot be together, but I also cannot resist the wild desire of the vicious flesh.
  • I want to be the case for your heart! Don't break my hopes, just let yourself be loved!
  • Your eyes captivated me exactly from the minute we met. These green emeralds have been keeping me awake for many days. Will I soon see their beautiful shine again?
  • A wonderful melody has been ringing in my heart all the time that we have known each other. No matter what I do, my thoughts are always directed towards you, my long-awaited soul mate!
  • Where can I get the strength to withstand the separation between us? But, I hope that when we meet, we will make up for these long days of loneliness in full!
  • You are a ray of sunshine on a frosty day! You are the rain in the desert! You are the one I’ve been looking for all these years and now I can’t believe my happiness!
  • Be my dream every night and do whatever you want with me! I really want this with every cell of my body!
  • You set a frantic rhythm to my heart, which is ready to jump out of my chest when you are near. Be my personal cardiologist!

I know a lot of girls and women! Each of them has its own highlight.
But not all men see her to appreciate her.
And to highlight your individuality, I have selected, in my opinion, useful articles.

SMS to your beloved man about love, in your own words, to bring you to tears

  • Every minute lived without you is equivalent to a month for me. We haven’t seen each other since the morning, and by evening an eternity will have passed!
  • My joy! You are the most extraordinary! I often remember the day we met and look forward to our next date!
  • I want every day spent with you to only strengthen my confidence that I have met the true love of my life.
  • I dream of dissolving in a passionate kiss, being in your hot embrace and standing together in the warm summer rain. It's forecast to rain tomorrow)
  • At my age, being next to you, I feel like an 18-year-old girl. What are you doing with my heart!
  • I want to dance with you in the rain, very close! Are you inviting me?
  • You are my treasure, which I have been looking for for so long on the map of life!
  • With you next to me, I don’t need any earthly goods, because I’m flying in the clouds!
  • I don't care about anything when I look into yours beautiful eyes. I love their shine and depth!
  • You are my spring, which stopped in May and rages with beautiful colors and blissful aromas in my heart to this day.
  • The sun is shining outside the window now, but I’m looking forward to the stars rising in the sky so I can watch their shine with you.
  • For me you are a dizzying waltz every day! I want our relationship to never change this pace!
  • When you are near, my love, I no longer have a chance to escape from your captivity, which is very pleasant to me.

I am drawn to you by an invisible force, whose name is love! I enjoy this feeling and I think it's mutual.

Living with you all these years has been like one breath: easy, exciting and a pleasure! I really appreciate your attention, my dear, as well as the care and love that you give me every day!

We just parted this morning, and I already miss you terribly! Don't leave me for too long, otherwise I'll wither like a flower without the sun!

  • You taught me to love sensually and to the point of self-forgetfulness, and I don’t need more!
  • I give you my freedom - I don’t need it anymore!
  • I want to drown with you in an ocean of stormy passion right now! Are you already rushing to your baby?
  • I want to be your sweet cherry today and am ready to fulfill any desires of my boy! Even the most secret ones!
  • You excite my consciousness like no one else before, because you are my soul mate in this world!
  • Your prolonged silence hurts my soul. With bated breath I await at least a few words from you in response!
  • With your unexpected appearance in my life, I found true happiness! Every day next to you is filled with the singing of birds in the soul!

SMS to your beloved man about love

  • Touch me via SMS now! I love every character you typed into my phone!
  • By the will of heaven we found each other in this world. Let's now appreciate every moment, and spend tonight romantic with a candlelit dinner!
  • Your wonderful velvet voice evokes a surge of sublime emotions in my heart! Maybe you can call now?
  • I want to experience heavenly bliss with you, and it will be exactly like this! Shall we arrange THIS today?
  • You, Mister, are beyond my understanding in this world, which is very exciting. I want to solve you all my life!
  • Our common future will playfully rush along the waves of life, overcoming all obstacles and adversity along the way. You think so too, don't you?
  • In my eyes, you eclipse the whole world! Be my master and I will gladly take on the role of a submissive concubine!
  • Be my companion in this life, and I will become a faithful friend for you!
  • Haven't our friends told you that from the outside we look like an ideal couple?
  • I pray for you every day before heaven! After all, I don’t need life without you!
  • Your passionate kiss goodbye has been burning my lips for days now.
  • I melt like snow by the fire when I catch your gaze.
  • Your sincere generosity captivated me! A gift awaits you in the evening and he is now texting you).

My pulse is now so frantic that it’s tearing my veins! And all because our eyes met, and I can no longer remain silent. I love you!

I can’t stop my thoughts, which are directed only in your direction. I would like to rewrite “War and Peace” in volume, opening up to you in my deep and multifaceted feelings.

My precious husband! You are my eyes, my thoughts, my mind and my soul! I am incredibly happy that I found you, my soul mate!

  • If I am a tree, then you are my roots, I am a flower, you are my sun, I am the ocean, you are my space! I love you and our romance is wonderful!
  • You evoke in me a volcano of exciting emotions that are pleasant to experience again and again! How similar are our feelings?
  • My life has now gained meaning, because you appeared in it and revived my soul. I won't give you to anyone!
  • Our renewed relationship is like a magical rainbow after the rain! We are truly made for each other and this is real happiness!

I think that now it will not be difficult for each of you not only to choose, but also to write in your own words SMS about love for your man to make him cry. The only request is not to write these SMS messages too often. There will be no effect.

Good mood to everyone and pleasant choice!

Coming soon! Subscribe to updates.

I can also suggest things that will not only lift your man’s good mood...

This is what men value in women (I chose it myself, my opinion):


Page 2

Thank you for being in the world! Because you appeared in my life, I want to be only with you forever! I really don’t need anyone else besides you, sometimes I forget about my friends, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I love you!


You are a man, the likes of which almost never exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very, very much. I only want to be with you! You are my only one! Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits for you and that cries for you every day... Yes, my dear, every day... I love you very much...


I don’t want you to see my eyes, remember them as they were when we first met - shiny, happy, and not as they are now - extinct... Now there is too much pain, tears in them... Remember, what they were, but now they are empty, there is only darkness, darkness and fog in them... I don’t want you to see them. They will never be the same. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and will always love you, and look forward to meeting you.


My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, I just read a couple of phrases addressed to me, as a stranger in your life. The threads of our destinies are so unusually intertwined. I felt something unusual when I was getting ready for our first meeting, no, my heart felt it... I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other.
Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. All I know is that I fell in love with you. I want to always be with you.


You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... You are mine, you are only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are everything that is most dear and desirable to me. Without you it is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you very much!


I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch as you go about your business. Watch a movie with my chin on your chest. Inhaling your scent, so fresh and warm, burying my nose in your neck. Take your hand when going out. I want all this because I love you madly.


A strange coincidence... I spent so much time looking for something, choosing. But I wasn’t waiting for you, and you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought this only happens in movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances came together on one day so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. And it’s scary to think that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that it is mutual.