Declaration of love to your loved one to the point of tears. A touching declaration of love. You are using me...

"I love you…. How nice it was to call you my sunshine... How nice it was to stay with me for the weekend while my parents were relaxing at the dacha…. A lot of pleasant things connected us with you. I dreamed so much that this would never end...

I love you to the point of pain. To tears. To heavenly heights. To the point where my voice and body tremble... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is rays of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into fragments?

Everything was so beautiful... You came to me... With cake... To meet my mother. An idyll reigned that I will never be able to forget. And don't ask! How I loved the way you looked at me... There was so much tenderness in it that I pinched myself. It seemed to me that I was dreaming. It seemed... Your gentle touches of your gaze are divine and unique.

I never thought that love is the savior from everything bad and sorrowful. Do you remember how we lay hugging each other on the bed... Do you remember how I asked you to clench your hand into a fist... Then I said: “Many people say that the fist a person has is the same heart. My heart is now in your fist. Take care of him." You swore to protect... He swore, but did not keep his oath... I broke my heart, but I didn’t know that I was stronger than any pain.

I love you. You took advantage of these feelings. For what? My love is the most sincere and real... I gave it to you without reserve, without falsehood, without greed... You took it without giving anything in return. And I didn’t demand it. I also appreciated that you were next to me... With all my body, all my emotions, all my words... But not with thoughts and not with soul. You gave away your soul and thoughts, secretly, ex-wife, which I haven’t forgotten about.

I remember your hands... They touched me so quietly, as if they were afraid to wake me up. I smiled because I felt millions of surges of happiness. We lay in the grass, listened to the birds singing, and looked at the sun. You kissed me, talked about love, talked about plans for our future... I listened and melted. You spoke and watched me melt….

I knew I loved you more. I assumed that you didn’t love me at all, but I tried not to notice it in order to continue to feel happiness. I have never loved anyone like that... I'm going crazy with my love... You see it. You see a lot. I would give anything to continue pretending not to notice your game. But it doesn't work anymore. I give my role to someone else! She'll probably be able to play better... You! Just like you did to me. I don't wish you harm. You just touched my deepest heart. You trampled on what I treasured so much. But I still love you very much... I'm picking up bits and pieces of what you trampled. I'm trying to put the pieces together.

I swallow the breath of love. Love dies. I dream of saving her. But only I need love. You are just a shadow. The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes... I tell our mutual friends that everything is cool and perfect with us. They believe. They believe and are not upset. It’s good that they don’t know how my tormented and deceived soul is tormented. Then, at the barbecue at the end of summer, I thought that we were saying goodbye to the warm season. How could I have known that we were seeing off our love? I love you…. Be happy, my love. Farewell and forgive!

I won't tell my mom anything. I won't tell you yet. She liked him so much! She was happy... I was waiting for the moment when I would find a good man. For her, he was and is good. I don't want her to be disappointed. I will send my touching confession by email. I wanted to send it in the usual way, but I’m afraid that someone else might read the letter. Email is more reliable...

The candle flame may fade, but the fiery love that you gave me will remain in my heart forever!

Every day I wake up with a smile and greet the sun by laughing. The world has become magical thanks to you. Every breath I take is for you, because I have lived in love and joy since the day I met you. Darling, I bathe in your love and belong entirely to you. I am ready to give everything that I have to you, because my life has great meaning - to love you!

Your love for me is like the sun, which can warm me in the cold. Your tenderness towards me is like a summer shower that refreshes me in the heat. Your passion for me knows all the secret pleasures of my soul and the rhythm of my heartbeat. Darling, I look forward to our meeting, because a day without you is an eternity, yearning for your touch. Be closer than my breath and I will give you all my days and nights!

Every time your arms hug me, I fly far, far away and for a long time I cannot come down to earth. Every time I look intently into your eyes, an arrow of love pierces my heart, and my lips begin to frantically strive for yours. Darling, only you are in my thoughts - I love you.

My beloved, the first thing I think about when I wake up every morning is you! My dear, the last thing I think about when I fall asleep every night is you! You are in my every thought, in every movement and breath. With every new day, my feelings for you become stronger, and I don’t know if I can stop... Thank you for the sweetness of my thoughts, the hesitation of my breathing and the passion of my movements. I love you!

Darling, put your head on my lap and close your eyes. Trust me - everything will be fine with us! And when you wake up at sunrise, it will be the best day of our lives. Turn off the light and hold me close, forget about everything and just listen to the beating of our hearts. The soft morning breeze will wake us up and that will be the most best morning in our lives! Relax, touch my hair and let go of all the worries of this day, and when the warm summer wind wakes you up, you will realize that you have never been so happy before. I love you and want your every day to be the best!

My dear, we have met hundreds of times, but every time I see you, I fall in love again and again. Feeling your breath, my heart starts beating like crazy, and all the troubles are forgotten when you smile at me. Your smile warms my soul, and my eyes next to you glow with happiness. I love your laughter - lively, mischievous and infectious. Your dear hands are so warm and strong, only they can save me from all troubles and give me a feeling of security. Every time we say goodbye, I want to cry, because all I need for happiness is your love: crazy, tender and sincere!

Your feelings wrap me in a warm blanket, I feel so comfortable swimming with you in the ocean of life, loving you, being close and feeling your masculine care.

Suddenly I noticed that it’s enough just to watch, beloved, how you drink tea, to feel the warm touches of slightly rough palms and to feel your calm breathing with every nerve. You know, I envy myself - I’m happy!

In autumn, when the rain and slush make you feel depressed, you become my sun. In winter, when it's frosty, you become my warmth. In the summer, when it's hot, you will be my wind. That's why I love you!

Like a sunflower always looks at the sun without being afraid of it bright light, so I always want to look only at you and see how brightly your eyes shine with love for me.

Next to you, I bloom, my beloved, like a flower, which in gratitude becomes more and more beautiful and fragrant more and more. My love blossoms with me and becomes stronger!

This is happiness! To be needed by you, to feel your care, to bask on cold evenings with you under the same blanket, discussing the events and news of the day.

I can be all sorts of things, sometimes even obnoxious and nasty, but you love me just like that, and for this I love you even more. Never change, because you are the best.

You glued me to you with a very reliable glue of love and mutual understanding, and now no one can tear me away from you, my love. We are glued together forever.

With you I drink the joy of intimacy in sips and cannot get enough of it. I try to remember every moment so that when you are not around, I can drink the joy of my memories.

Darling, my feelings are difficult to express, because they are confined to the framework of words and expressions. But this feeling is capable of sweeping away all obstacles in its path, so I will try to express all the emotions at the long-awaited meeting!

Now I have wings, you gave them to me, and during my happy flight, I think only about you and hope that you will not take these wings away from me.

Beloved, my love for you is a source of life that gives strength to conquer various peaks, resist difficulties and flourish despite any obstacles!

There is nothing more touching and beautiful than tears of happiness. Thank you, my best and most beloved, for the fact that next to you only tears of joy and happiness shine in my eyes!

I love you more life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... I love you!

I keep you very carefully in my heart... every glance of yours beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think about you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think about you. I am ready to shout anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can’t imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

A strange coincidence of circumstances... I spent so much time looking for something, choosing. But I wasn’t waiting for you, and you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought this only happens in movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances came together on one day so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. And it’s scary to think that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that it is mutual.

I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch as you go about your business. Watch a movie with my chin on your chest. Inhaling your scent, so fresh and warm, burying my nose in your neck. Take your hand when going out. I want all this because I love you madly.

I don’t want you to see my eyes, remember them as they were when we first met - shiny, happy, and not as they are now - extinct... Now there is too much pain, tears in them... Remember what they were like, and now they are empty, there is only darkness, darkness and fog in them... I don’t want you to see them. They will never be the same. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and will always love you, and look forward to meeting you.

Loving or falling in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love... and so strongly, and so passionately that it seems that I have never felt such a feeling for anyone... My heart doesn’t beat like that loud and strong, as they write in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's full. I love you very much!

Yesterday, when we parted, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. This was the beginning of my love for you. Endless, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting... thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

My little one, my most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I don’t need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you... Sometimes, when I understand that we can’t be together, I want to die! But, waking up every morning, I understand: I live for you... When you stand next to me, I feel warm, when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot, when you kiss me on the cheek when we meet, I feel warm, but you don’t You leave a burn on my body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to always be with you. I love you more than life itself.

Come on, you will love me. so stupid and so completely. I will drink your tenderness, drag you to the rooftops and stealthily kiss you in the crowd. I will kiss your hands with lips trembling with pleasure and breathe with you in rhythm. I will tune my heart to yours, and you will laugh when clouds and drops mix with hair in the sky again. come on then you will love me. I will give you roses and go for snowdrops. I will bite your neck until it hurts sweetly. I will be bitter and sweet. cruel and kind. I can wake you up with a constant smile.

Sunny, your rays warm me, bring multi-colored lights of happiness into my life... Your golden crown stretches its arms towards me, and I burn with love... Tender and passionate love, sparkling and deep, like the ocean, as addictive and alluring...

I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I LOVE YOU” sound like the first time every time... I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part... I have never found someone so close and loved one. Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you.

It’s so good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my most main man. You are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. It's so good to have you around. All my life I want to walk with you along the same path of love. My feelings for you are becoming stronger and stronger. I really want to cuddle up to you and feel protected from all sorrows and adversity. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you will I be truly happy.

As they say, all ages are submissive to love. So I fell in love with you when the powder is already silvering on my temples. I want to give all my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love to you, my only man. You appeared in my life so unexpectedly and immediately filled my heart with love. I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. I love you and am not ashamed to admit my feelings, I love you and will always be by your side. May our love be beautiful and big.

What a wonderful feeling love is, it inspires us and, like birds, lifts us high into the sky. When you love, all problems seem so small, and, of course, solvable. I am proud of you, dear, and I love you dearly. Let my love drink quench your thirst in the heat and warm you in the cold. May our happiness be serene and long. I only need you, my only, kind and most important man on earth. Everything that is called happiness in life is all connected with you, my dear and simply mine.

You are always attentive, kind and caring. The Lord has rewarded you with such beauty that there is no one more beautiful than you in the world. If I were a poetess, I would sing your noble image. For a long time now, the agile Cupid has been fluttering between us, throwing arrows of love into our hearts. You and I are two halves of one whole happiness. My gentle, beloved, I confess my love to you, and I want our relationship to be mutual. I will give you all my tenderness, affection and love. I will make you the happiest person in the world.

I am grateful to fate for helping me meet you, my one and only man. One can only dream about this; I have been very lucky in life. You are my hope and support, I follow you like stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will be the first to admit my feelings, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love burns stronger every day.

I fell in love with you at first sight. I like everything about you: your pleasant smile, your gentle voice, and your hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I have dreamed of such a man all my life. You are my ideal, my dream. You are the prince I have dreamed of all my life. Only with you will I be happy, only with you will I feel a real woman. I love you, my dear, and I want our feelings to flare up with a small spark in big flame love.

The world is beautiful when you are nearby, my beloved, my dear and most gentle man. Our love will overcome all adversity, because love is the strongest feeling. And it’s so good that this feeling visited you and me, my only one. Today I want to be the first to confess my love to you. After all, you still don’t dare, you’re still shy. And in vain. I see how tenderly you look at me, how your voice trembles with excitement when we are alone. I will ease your suffering and say three main words that are painfully familiar to the whole world: I love you.

Love is the strongest feeling. She works wonders for us. He makes the evil good, the poor rich. The one who is in love or loved is the most happy people on the ground. I also consider myself happy because I love you, my only and best man on the entire planet. I want to always be with you, I want to give you my love and receive yours in return. You are destined for me. Only you live in my heart, only you I call desired and beloved. Everything related to happiness in life is all connected to you.

It is unlikely that there is such a force in the world that it can stop love. Our land is not supported by whales, but by love. All ages are submissive to love, and it doesn’t matter how old you are, if you are in love, then you are the most happy man in the world. I am so lucky in my life to have you near me, my beloved. For such a gift I will be grateful to fate all my life. You are kind, attentive and the most gentle man. I just love you and am proud of you. You are always the most beautiful to me. I love your hot kisses and gentle hands, from the touch of which I simply melt.

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You just a real man, with whom I have been so lucky in life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, apparently you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I don’t regret it at all. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts to beat in unison.

You made me the happiest woman in the world. Only with you next to me I feel good, only with you next to me do I sing with happiness. You are my hope, my only man. I so want to snuggle up to your shoulder and forget about everything in the world. You are so sensitive, attentive and caring. I love being captivated by your love so much, and I want to stay there for the rest of my life. I love you very much, and I will make you the happiest man in the world. Life next to you is already my favorite, desired and unique holiday.

Each of us is looking for our soul mate in the world, and experiences great happiness if we find it. I also pulled out the happiest one from fate winning ticket, I met you, my only man. I give you the most tender and warm words, my dear. You are my happiness, my destiny. Only when you are nearby does the world become bright and beautiful. My soul and heart belong only to you alone. I love you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love you, and I want everyone in the world to know about it.

All ages are submissive to love. Everyone on earth somewhere has that one soulmate for whom we live, breathe, and love. And everyone has their own time to meet. For some people this happens in more early age, and someone already has mature years. But love is always the most tender, most sincere, most mysterious feeling. I didn’t even notice how quickly I fell in love with you, my only man. And today I confess that I love you more than life itself. You are my best, most reliable and most desirable man.

The world is full of joy and miracles when you are in it, my most important and beloved person in the world. Literally everything that happens in my life is connected with you. You are always there, you will always help in difficult times. Thank you, my dear, for having me. I am so grateful to fate for such a gift. I love you and will always be by your side, my only one. My love will be a talisman for you. I want to see you always happy and I will do everything for this, because my love is so strong that it does not care about all obstacles.

I'm the most happy woman in the world, because I have you - my most beloved and only person. Only with you I feel calm, only your love warms me. I am so lucky in life and for everything I thank the happy occasion when we met you. My dear, thank you for your tenderness, for your affection, for your kind heart, because next to you I feel like a real woman. I love you and will love you all my life. They say that love works wonders and makes people happy, and it has given us a whole world of happiness.

Everything that I have in life, and that gives me joy every day, is all you, my beloved. You are the best in the world. So gentle, kind and affectionate. With you it’s so easy and simple for me, with you I fly with happiness like a bird. You are nearby, and everything is beautiful in the world - both the rain and the wind. You are nearby, and all the problems seem so petty. Thank you, my beloved, for always being by my side. I love you sincerely and tenderly, be with me all my life, my joy. My love will always keep you and take care of you.

My beloved and only man on the whole planet. Let me confess my love to you today. My feelings can no longer be silent. You are the dream of my whole life, you are simply my ideal. I want to be with you always, so as not to be separated even for a moment. Next to you, it’s as if wings grow behind my back; my happiness knows no bounds. You are attentive, caring and kind, I am proud of you, my dear, and I want our happiness to be endless. You are my guardian angel, and under your wing, I feel calm.

Love is the most powerful feeling in the world. Love can perform extraordinary miracles. Love makes us kinder and our feelings purer. My love for you, beloved, made me the happiest in the world. I'm just flying with happiness. You are the most gentle, the most beautiful, and the most kind man in the world. I love you, I breathe you, and I adore you, my only one. You are my soulmate, without whom I simply cannot live. I love looking into your sweet eyes, I love listening to your ringing laughter, I love your tender hugs. I just love you, my dear.

I am so lucky in life with you. You are so gentle and kind that sometimes I even envy myself. I just can't imagine another man in your place. You are the most important person in my destiny. I will always listen to your advice, I always trust you with my most secret things. I'm just confident in you. You are the other half of my heart. Only with you do I feel comfortable, only with you do I feel the happiest, only with you does my heart beat in unison. Thank you, my dear, for being in the world.

Declarations of love to a man in prose to the point of tears can be very different, but they are definitely always pleasant and come from the heart. For some, only the cherished words: “I love you” are enough; others want to find various ways to express your love. One of these ways may well be a beautiful confession in prose or poetry.

Of course, congratulations in prose are much more similar to those said in your own words. Therefore, within of this material various options Declarations of love to a man in prose leading to tears in verse can be listened to separately in a special form (although there are also wishes in prose). As for ordinary congratulations, we offer them in a wide variety for selection further along the text.

I would like to believe that every person will be able to find in this article such words of support, love, care and respect that will help reveal something so deep and as wide as possible. Let your confessions touch the very heart any day and be able to reach the soul of the person for whom they are intended.

Declaration of love to a man in prose to tears, short and long

Thank you very much for living in this world. When you appeared in my life, I immediately realized that we would always be together. I don’t need anyone else, it’s so good with you that sometimes I forget about my friends. But I can definitely say that I never forget about you and love you very much. Every day it gets stronger.

You are a man with whom I am very lucky, because such people simply do not exist in this world. You are the important meaning of my life, and I love you very much, I only want to be with you. You are my only one in the whole wide world and know, wherever you are, that there is a heart that loves you and is waiting for you. You are my dear in my thoughts and heart, in my soul every day. My love for you is endless.

I want you to look into my eyes now. Let's remember them like this: happy and shiny, full of love and happiness. My eyes can only shine with joy if you are next to me. I will always love you and I really hope that this feeling is mutual.

I often remember the day when I saw your photo and read a few lines that you wrote for me. Then, word by word, the threads of our destinies intertwined. Today it’s hard for me to imagine how I could live without you. When a miracle happened and our souls found each other, I was lost in the sensations and simply drowned in happiness. I would like to wish us that this feeling lasts forever, that we always inspire each other and love each other. You can also do it for your loved one.

Interesting option, what a declaration of love to a man can be like in prose, an SMS to the point of tears. You are my world and my Universe. I'm glad that it's only yours, and you're only mine. Your voice always lifts my spirits and drives me crazy. I want it to always be like this.

You are my ray of happiness, no matter whether the day is bright or raining. It is impossible for me to breathe and exist without you, even if the doctors assure that this is possible. I live for you and love you very much! I want to tell you about this every day.

I want to always fall asleep in your roars and wake up from your warm breath. I like to sit and watch you do your thing, watch movies with my head on your chest. This is true happiness, but before meeting you I didn’t even know about it. I love you madly and know that it will always be this way.

The circumstances of our meeting with you are unique. I searched for a long time and chose among my fans, and then you appeared, and everything fell into place, everything became clear and extremely simple. I used to think that this only happens in movies, but then a miracle happened to me in life. This miracle turned out to be you and love for you, thank you very much for everything and I hope that our fairy tale is just beginning.

Sometimes I get scared thinking about what could have happened, that you and I would not have met and recognized each other. I fell in love with you from the first minute we met and every day my love grows stronger. I would like to sincerely believe that this is mutual.

I am sure that there are simply no other men like you on the planet. You are the meaning of my life, and I love you very much, I only want to be with you. Know that there is one person on earth who loves you with all his heart, and will always wait for you, no matter where you end up. For your holiday meal, choose