Timati against MUZ-TV: the main details of the new scandal. Scandal at the Muz-TV Prize: Leps, Fadeev and Timati forever refused to participate in the nominations

MUZ-TV was left behind, and the scandal associated with the TV channel only flared up. This year's award winner Grigory Leps announced from the stage that he wants to give way to young artists and will no longer participate in nominations.

Rapper Timati posted this fragment of the show on Instagram and criticized the channel’s management: “In fact, apart from the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-together, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go go ahead and make a cool product, or a mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who have “earned their place” over the year, or will still be useful. All this is somehow absurd and strange” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

MUZ-TV director Arman Davletyarov could not ignore such an attack from the musician. Super.ru quotes him as saying: “MUZ-TV is the best music channel in the country, and its share is three times higher than that of all music channels combined, and the ratings of the award itself are growing every year, which means: we are doing everything right.” At the same time, Arman noted that Timati’s Black Star brand did not participate in any of the channel’s events, but “but there were calls before the announcement of the nominees.”

The scandal didn't end there! Timati responded to Arman on Instagram: this time the musician spoke even more harshly. “If I were you, I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all, there is a leadership above you that also reads various feeds and news. Imagine if they read the feed of people’s comments and their reviews about the Award?? Not a purged Muz TV account, but real people’s opinions. Shareholders are not fools; they know about your working methods and the internal economics of the channel. As a manager, you can remove all our videos from rotation, no problem. But they can also remove you from your position in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly face the truth, who are you??? What kind of product did you create???”

Arman also responded to this message from Timati, assuring that his comment would be the last: “What I call vomit is when, when we meet, you hug me, shake my hand, and when you leave, you quietly ‘poop’ because you didn’t get the plate.”

“I love smart, loyal and decent men. I’m not talking about Timati”: Olga Buzova commented on the rapper’s scandal with the organizers music award.
After the ceremony, Timati said that awards are given only to those who “have served themselves well” for the year, or “will be useful in the future.”
“My opinion has nothing to do with the lack of service (plates) this year,” the artist explained in his microblog.


Dear Arman, you are so moldy in your little self-invented world that you yourself don’t understand how in your “interview” you confirmed everything that I wrote earlier above))) I quote: “Timati didn’t go to shitty events all year, didn’t sing for free and did not participate in the activities of the channel”, so he does not receive an award!))) after these words, who else doesn’t understand about this Award??? If I were you, I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all; there is a management above you that also reads various feeds and news. Imagine if they read the feed of people’s comments and their reviews about the Award?? Not a cleaned up Muz TV account, but real people’s opinions. Shareholders are not fools; they know about your working methods and the internal economics of the channel. As a manager, you can remove all our videos from rotation, no problem. But they can also remove you from your position in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly face the truth, who are you??? What kind of product did you create??? Have you been able to raise the rating of the channel and the Award since the sale of the asset by Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy, when people flew to the Award from all over the CIS and the headliners were: 50 cent, Cristina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, etc. or were you unable??? Or do you continue to tweak a little bit here and there while the channel's numbers continue to fall under your leadership. You can’t give two or three nominations to young artists and think that you are responsible modern market- that's funny. The same ones are sitting in the front row)) Half of the people from the industry go because there is nowhere else to go, they just can’t afford to say it out loud!!! I'll tell you - I'm sick of all this VOMIT!!! Don’t be offended, my friend Arman, these are purely work issues.

Arman (General Director of the MUZ-TV channel)

@timatiofficial You definitely shouldn’t think about my relationship with shareholders; unlike you, they are interested in the economy, shares and channel numbers that suit them, I want to assure you. Sorry, they don't read your comments. social networks, they have a different level. I call vomit when, when we meet, you hug me, shake my hand, and when you leave, you quietly “shit” because you didn’t get the plate. Regarding the pseudo shit concerts where you weren’t for a year, for some reason your friends are colleagues who are higher than you both in status and level, such as Leps, Valeria, Meladze, Kobzon, Creed, Mot, Emin, A-Studio, Elena Temnikova, Eldzhey, Matrang, Basta, Hands Up, Vera Brezhneva, Polina Gagarina come to these shootings and they arrange them and support the channel and you humiliate them with these words too. Now, regarding the ratings of the channel and the Prize - over the past three years, the ratings and share of the channel have been the highest for the entire existence of the channel and the Prize. Don’t be offended, my friend, it’s not the first time you’ve made a scandal on social networks, this is your strong point, on my part these are purely work issues. There is no longer any desire or time to discuss everything here.

“Timati is no longer the same” - this is how many characterized the rapper’s next critical post, which, according to tradition, he leaves after annual award“Muz-TV” (the exception was the last ceremony, when the head of Black Star received the main award “Singer of the Year” and was completely satisfied - approx.) However, if in the old days the rapper, without fear of reactions, openly named names and situations with which he was dissatisfied, this time his criticism was limited to general formulations. “Infighting”, “distributing rewards to those who have proven themselves or are still useful”, “rudeness of the presenters” - there were no specifics or swear words this time. In the finale, the artist honestly admitted that he himself could not yet offer an alternative to the Muz-TV award, and, alas, he did not own powerful media resources, but he hinted that “it is not evening yet.” It is worth noting that Timati’s criticism turned out to be the only dissatisfaction - almost all the other stars who attended the ceremony left only gratitude to the organizers. Timati decided to answer CEO channel "Muz-TV" - Arman Davletyarov. The head of the award reminded Timati that it was “Muz-TV” that throughout the year provided strong support to Black Star artists - both promoted and new, however, when the channel needed the support of Timati himself, neither him nor his wards “at events the channel was not visible." “But there were calls before the announcement of the nominees,” added Davletyarov. “Muz-TV is the best music channel in the country and its share is three times higher than that of all music channels combined, and the ratings of the award itself are growing every year, which means we We're doing everything right."

In the finale, the channel director wished Timati and Black Star good luck, but without the support of Muz-TV, and in show business they started talking about a new confrontation between “clans”. The main question hangs in the air - will Timati be able to back up his words with actions and finally offer his personal, revolutionary version of a music award, in which there will be no offended and dissatisfied people, and social network commentators, instead of criticism and ridicule, will admire and shout “Bravo” as the winners of the nominations , and to the organizers of the plate distribution.

It all started with the fact that at the awards (55) he announced from the stage that he would no longer accept any awards: “I will come as a guest, I will sing with pleasure, but this last time, when I get nominated for something and take away this plate. I believe that we have young artists in our country who are also worthy of this award.”

(34) posted this fragment of the award on his Instagram and wrote a huge post under the video in which he criticized it. “It so happens that you are basically a youth! musical! the channel is probably the largest in terms of coverage in the country, therefore the Award is the main musical event that should reflect all the realities today. But in fact, apart from the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-togethers, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relations with those who are behind The year has “served itself out”, or it will still come in handy. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange... - “It’s like receiving shoes as a gift that are tight and tread, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he would definitely notice it and be pleased.” Hence the natural question: Why weren’t you indignant last year when you received “Artist of the Year”? - the answer is simple (see paragraph about boots) Literally, this year I did not play by the rules. Literally - a f*cked critic who only talks, but essentially cannot offer anything. I can’t yet, because I’m not the owner or manager of the media resource. I can’t yet) but this does not mean at all that as it is now, it will always be,” wrote Timati (author’s spelling and punctuation – editor’s note).


Not everyone appreciated Timati’s impulse: some said that he was afraid to name names: “Timati is not the same anymore! Before, he would have destroyed everyone.” And others, on the contrary, agreed: “Timati, handsome! We must give way! He said everything correctly."

Ksenia Sobchak and Arman Davletyarov

I didn’t have to wait long for an answer:
Director of the Muz-TV channel Arman Davletyarov said that the channel provided strong support to Black Star artists throughout the year, both promoted and new, but when they needed help, neither Timati nor the label’s artists “were at the channel’s events.” was seen. But there were calls before the announcement of the nominees,” said Davletyarov. “Muz-TV is the best music channel in the country, and its share is three times higher than that of all music channels combined, and the ratings of the award itself are growing every year, which means: we are doing everything right.” And also, Arman added that he wishes the Black Star label good luck, but without the support of Muz-TV.


But the scandal did not end there! Just now Timati posted a screenshot of Arman’s interview and wrote on Instagram: “Dear Arman, you have become so moldy in your little self-made world that you yourself did not understand how in your “interview” you confirmed everything that I wrote earlier above. I quote: “Timati didn’t go to shitty events all year, didn’t sing for free and didn’t participate in the channel’s activities,” so he doesn’t receive an award! After these words, who else doesn’t understand anything about this Prize??? If I were you, I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all; there is a management above you that also reads various feeds and news. Imagine if they read the feed of people’s comments and their reviews about the Award?? Not a purged account, but real people's opinions. Shareholders are not fools; they know about your working methods and the internal economics of the channel. As a manager, you can remove all our videos from rotation, no problem. But they can also remove you from your position in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly face the truth, who are you??? What kind of product did you create??? Have you been able to raise the rating of the channel and the Award since the sale of the asset by Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy, when people flew to the Award from all over the CIS and the headliners were: 50 cent, Cristina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, etc. or were you unable??? Or you continue to tweak a little bit here and there while the channel's numbers continue to fall under your leadership. You can’t give two or three nominations to young artists and think that you are responding to the modern market - that’s ridiculous. The same ones are sitting in the front row)) Half of the people from the industry go because there is nowhere else to go, they just can’t afford to say it out loud!!! I'll tell you - I'm fucked by all this vomit!!! Don’t be offended, my friend Arman, these are purely working moments” (author’s spelling and punctuation).

We suspect that this is not the end yet.