Ivan Dorn gave a scandalous interview. "Zrada" in quotes: how Ivan Dorn found himself at the center of a scandal. Is it difficult to get there? What is the route anyway?

Ukrainian singer and DJ Ivan Dorn gave an interview to Russian journalist Yuri Dudu, in which he called Ukraine and Russia brothers and denied sponsoring ATO fighters. The musician's statements caused a strong reaction among fans in home country and attracted the attention of the local Ministry of Culture.

During the interview, Dorn tried to deny his assistance to the “anti-terrorist operation” in eastern Ukraine. The singer’s money was supposed to go to help victims of the shelling of Mariupol, but one of the volunteers bought optical sights with it.

“One of the volunteers decided to use this money differently - he bought an optical sight - and publicly thanked me for it. I told him: “Let's do something. It was an uncomfortable situation. Delete that post or write how it really happened,” the musician recalled.

rise Ukrainian music Dorn explained by the desire of the “younger brothers” to develop independently of the “elder ones”. Going on stage in Jurmala in 2014 wearing a T-shirt with a trident was justified by the desire to “not get into trouble,” promoting culture and protecting oneself from criticism.

“I thought that I should go out with a trident so that no one would stink about the suit,” the singer explained.

The revelations caused a strong reaction from social network users and Ukrainian musicians, who condemned the singer and accused him of corruption. Odessa social activist Gleb Zhavoronkov published selected excerpts from the interview on his Facebook.

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Yevgeny Nishchuk, called his compatriot’s statements unacceptable, recalling that artists have a responsibility to their listeners.

"Artists are not just those who amuse and carry only their talent, and nothing else should worry them. This is wrong. When tens of thousands die in the east of the state best sons It is unacceptable for Ukraine to say that there is a small quarrel going on here,” the official noted.

Ordinary Ukrainians reacted to Dorn's words in stronger terms, preferring to “bury” his career.

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Ivan Dorn explained why he decided several years ago to come out with a trident in front of the Russians

Ivan Dorn explained how he treats Russians © JBL - press service

The Ukrainian singer continues to tour Russia with concerts. And this is no secret to anyone. In an interview with Russian journalist Yuri Dudy, Ivan Dorn explained how he felt about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and also said when the two peoples will stop fighting.

Yuri Dudya reminded Ivan of an incident that happened with Dorn at the “New Wave” in 2014. Then the artist went on stage with a trident. According to Dorn, he wanted to avoid a scandal in Ukraine.

We went there with Penguin Dance. Then the question became a little more acute, because a stink began to arise that our participant from Ukraine was wearing a suit with a tricolor. How is it possible, we have such problems, such a quarrel, and she walks around in this tracksuit... Something had to be solved. Therefore, I thought that I should go with a Ukrainian song, firstly, to carry culture, since this is such a thing. And secondly, I thought I should go out with a trident so that no one would make a fuss about the suit

Dorn stated.


At that time, as Dorn himself says, he “was not exactly an established artist.” Dorn did not want to spoil relations with Igor Krutoy. He could not refuse, so he decided to go on stage of the “New Wave” with a trident and a Ukrainian song.

Well, listen, this speech is called “not getting into trouble.” You have already agreed to participate in “New Wave” and confirmed your participation. You basically confirmed it when you started participating there as a presenter. Close ties ensued, good relationship with Igor Krutoy. I didn’t want to let him down... You never know what they’ll do to me if I say “no.” So in 2014 I agreed. At that time I was not yet an established artist. On " New wave"I need to go

the singer specified.

Ivan Dorn © JBL - press service

Let's note that it really became enchanting. At that moment, he simply did not leave the pages of the media.

As for his personal attitude towards Russians, he still likes to think that Ukrainians and Russians are brothers. That is why during his concert in Moscow, which he called on Moscow to convey greetings to Kyiv.

People say there are problems. The problems in their heads are where their problems are, and let them choke them, these problems, once and for all. There is nothing between us! There is nothing but friendship! Let's convey friendly greetings to Kyiv from all of Moscow. Let everyone see it!

Dorn said from the stage.

Dorn believes that very soon Ukrainians and Russians will stop fighting. They are already on the path to reconciliation.

We invite you to personally listen to the interview with Dorn, which he gave to a Russian journalist:

It is worth remembering that Ivan Dorn is now actively working on his English-language album. The artist admits that he will try his hand at the USA, where he created new album. Dorn has repeatedly stated that he wants to expand his audience and prove that Ukraine also has worthy music.

Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who recently gave an interview to Russian blogger Yuri Duda, outraged Ukrainians with his talk about brotherhood with Russia.

In addition to the singer’s conversations with the blogger about his work and personal life, Yuri Dud tried to ask as many provocative questions as possible in the context of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

It all started when Dorn was asked what was causing such a dramatic rise in Ukrainian music. Dorn argued this as a quarrel between “two brothers.”

The Russian blogger also asked about the reaction of Ukrainians to the tour of Russia in 2016. Dorn responded that there were two festivals he had decided to attend and that such festivals were completely "harmless".

Yuri Dud recalled the fact that when other countries remember Ivan Dorn, he is remembered as the person who sponsors the ATO. To which the singer responded quite categorically.

“Money was given to the victims in Mariupol when the shelling broke out, and the volunteer who managed my money publicly thanked me for it online. There was too much stink about this, and I told him to delete that post. I don’t help volunteers related to the ATO,” the singer replied.

The young performer also commented on the situation with one of his concerts in Moscow, when from the stage, together with the Russian public, he said hello to Kyiv and said that there is no enmity between the countries.

Politicians don’t really like this, because the very fact that I speak in Russia is outrageous. And for those who are ardent Russophobes, they also don’t like my position. Other people, to be honest, don’t give a damn, it seems to me. My music is more important to them
– Dorn added.

What surprised the Russian blogger was that Dorn’s concerts after his Russian tour were blocked in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil, but not in Lvov.

In a scandalous interview, the blogger also recalled an incident from a concert in Jurmala in 2014, when Dorn went on stage to perform “Penguin Dance” in a sweatshirt with a Ukrainian trident. The singer commented on this situation by saying that at that time he was collaborating with Russian producer Igor Krutoy and did not want to let him down with his performance.

Cool allowed me to do the performance the way I wanted. And when the question of clothes arose, a stink arose about the fact that our participant from Ukraine was still wearing the tricolor, questions arose about why she was going to Jurmala, why she was adapting to the Russians, etc. That’s why I thought to go with a Ukrainian song, to carry Ukrainian culture in this case, and that I need to go out with a trident so that no one “stinks” about the costume,” the performer said.

Ivan Dorn admitted that he was worried about his bold performance because he was afraid of quarreling with Igor Krutoy.

In response to Yuri's final questions, Dorn joked with phrases from the latest popular song in the CIS. Ukrainian group"Mushrooms" "The ice is melting." Dorn said that Ukraine and Russia will soon make peace, because the thaw has already begun.

And the question that Ivan would like to ask Vladimir Putin is:

“Listen, do you also have some kind of uncertainty in Libra (zodiac sign) all the time? Constantly depending on the opinions of others, when everyone says that everything is good, it means that everything is good, and when everything is bad, then everything is bad. This is typical just me or all Libra?” – Ivan answered.

Dorn also casually mentioned in the interview that as part of the group “Pair of Normals” he performed at propaganda concerts of the “Party of Regions”.

And when asked about Jamala’s victory at Eurovision in 2016 with her song, the singer emphasized that, first of all, the song should win, not politics.

“From a musical point of view, I really liked it. But it’s not politics that should win, despite the “sorrowful” history, but music should win. We played as if for some kind of pity, but the music is really cool,” Dorn noted.

Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who recently gave an interview to Russian blogger Yuri Duda, outraged Ukrainians with his talk about brotherhood with Russia.

In addition to the singer’s conversations with the blogger about his work and personal life, Yuri Dud tried to ask as many provocative questions as possible in the context of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

It all started when Dorn was asked what was causing such a dramatic rise in Ukrainian music. Dorn argued this as a quarrel between “two brothers.”

The Russian blogger also asked about the reaction of Ukrainians to the tour of Russia in 2016. Dorn responded that there were two festivals he had decided to attend and that such festivals were completely "harmless".

Yuri Dud recalled the fact that when other countries remember Ivan Dorn, he is remembered as the person who sponsors the ATO. To which the singer responded quite categorically.

“Money was given to the victims in Mariupol when the shelling broke out, and the volunteer who managed my money publicly thanked me for it online. There was too much stink about this, and I told him to delete that post. I don’t help volunteers related to the ATO,” the singer replied.

The young performer also commented on the situation with one of his concerts in Moscow, when from the stage, together with the Russian public, he said hello to Kyiv and said that there is no enmity between the countries.

Politicians don’t really like this, because the very fact that I speak in Russia is outrageous. And for those who are ardent Russophobes, they also don’t like my position. Other people, to be honest, don’t give a damn, it seems to me. My music is more important to them
– Dorn added.

What surprised the Russian blogger was that Dorn’s concerts after his Russian tour were blocked in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil, but not in Lvov.

In a scandalous interview, the blogger also recalled an incident from a concert in Jurmala in 2014, when Dorn went on stage to perform “Penguin Dance” in a sweatshirt with a Ukrainian trident. The singer commented on this situation by saying that at that time he was collaborating with Russian producer Igor Krutoy and did not want to let him down with his performance.

Cool allowed me to do the performance the way I wanted. And when the question of clothes arose, a stink arose about the fact that our participant from Ukraine was still wearing the tricolor, questions arose about why she was going to Jurmala, why she was adapting to the Russians, etc. That’s why I thought to go with a Ukrainian song, to carry Ukrainian culture in this case, and that I need to go out with a trident so that no one “stinks” about the costume,” the performer said.

Ivan Dorn admitted that he was worried about his bold performance because he was afraid of quarreling with Igor Krutoy.

In response to Yuri’s final questions, Dorn joked with phrases from the latest popular song in the CIS region by the Ukrainian group “Mushrooms,” “The Ice Is Melting.” Dorn said that Ukraine and Russia will soon make peace, because the thaw has already begun.

And the question that Ivan would like to ask Vladimir Putin is:

“Listen, do you also have some kind of uncertainty in Libra (zodiac sign) all the time? Constantly depending on the opinions of others, when everyone says that everything is good, it means that everything is good, and when everything is bad, then everything is bad. This is typical just me or all Libra?” – Ivan answered.

Dorn also casually mentioned in the interview that as part of the group “Pair of Normals” he performed at propaganda concerts of the “Party of Regions”.

And when asked about Jamala’s victory at Eurovision in 2016 with her song, the singer emphasized that, first of all, the song should win, not politics.

“From a musical point of view, I really liked it. But it’s not politics that should win, despite the “sorrowful” history, but music should win. We played as if for some kind of pity, but the music is really cool,” Dorn noted.