Best wishes for your son's day. Sincere birthday greetings to your son from your parents. Sincere birthday greetings to your son from your mother

Warm wishes from their mother to their sons accompany them throughout their lives. A woman loves her child, from accepting the fact of pregnancy to her last breath. All thoughts and prayers are blessed with maternal warmth and love.

The very first wishes

What does a mother put into her wishes for her children? Of course, a piece of yourself, your own soul and heart. Every sound in her words was begged from God. Therefore, mother’s congratulations take on the meaning of a talisman.

Any event in the life of a son is equally significant for the mother: the first tooth or word, a timid step or graduation - every time she finds the right words to bless your child.

The very first wishes for sons from mother are heard along with a lullaby. Wishing you goodness and health, sound and sweet sleep, a happy future. loving mother to your little son, and the melodiousness of the lullaby has a calming effect on the child.

Sleep, my dear, sleep, baby.

I pray while you sleep.

I'll ask God

Have a safe journey.

Be healthy and cheerful.

Soon to kindergarten

Later to school

The prom is just around the corner -

Your mother is always with you.

I pray for blessings from my heart.

My dear, I love you!


A year is a significant period in a person’s life. The first years of a baby’s life will be especially eventful. Therefore, the birthday wish for your son from your mother takes on new colors and shades every year. In these words, the mother puts all the pride and hopes associated with her child.

Wanting to surprise her son, a mother can prepare congratulatory couplets for him. How younger child, the shorter poems to a son from a mother should be. At first, these are comic quatrains with instructions to be obedient. With age, the embedded wisdom and number of lines in poetry increases. How older child, the more serious the wishes become.

There will always be adherents of congratulations in their own words. In simple phrases, filled with wisdom and sincerity, addressing the birthday boy, the mother proclaims her love and hopes associated with him.

Visual greeting

A worthy place is occupied by visual wishes from the mother to the sons. If you put your soul and maternal feelings into them, then the son will be in seventh heaven.

Can serve as a visual greeting beautiful postcard. For the little ones it is appropriate to depict their favorite cartoon characters, and for older children - pictures of their dreams: a car, a house, an exotic country, a friendly company or a beautiful girl.

Mom can with family photos, complementing it best congratulations, or create a family wall newspaper.

From fragments of home videos and photographs, you can edit a video greeting for your son, including addresses to him from all family members.

Happy Angel Day!

It is believed that every person has several angels. Parents are angels on earth who always look after, teach, give advice, care and love. And, depending on the child’s birthday, there are heavenly patrons.

Mom never misses an opportunity to tell her son how much she loves him. And he will use any reason for this. And if it is an angel’s day, then the wishes will be special.

And poems for your son from your mother will make this day unusual. And sincere prayer for intercession for your child has special power.

Dear dear son,

Dear sunshine.

I ask the Lord

Peace for you.

Let him send you

Angel from heaven.

Let him lead you by the hand

According to your destiny.

I'll be there - I have enough strength,

May the angel protect you!

Dear dear son,

How I love you!

Graduation party

A graduation party can be a significant event for mother and child. My son will have several such holidays. elementary school, after school or college. And every time the mother will find new ones that are relevant for her son.

Every time at graduation, a child finds himself on the threshold of the unknown. And mom finds the right words to understand, support, reassure and give guidance for the next stage of life.

Wishes to his son from his mother for his graduation party kindergarten will be of a humorous nature. His main task in this period of life is adaptation to school.

After completing a course of general education, it is important for a guy to choose the right path and not make mistakes in friends. And after college, the main thing is to be able to find yourself, a good job, arrange your personal life, and find a faithful companion.

My dear son -

A hundred roads are in front of you,

And the choice is only yours,

Where can you find goodness and peace?

May the Lord bless

Sends strength and wisdom.

Good luck, my dear.

I'm always waiting for you to come home.

All these parting words can be conveyed in a beautiful poem, ode, parable, or spoken in simple, ordinary words.

Wishes from a mother to her sons act as a kind of magic key to the child’s heart, which she always so carefully selects. And that’s why they sound so touching, because they contain a piece of a loving mother’s heart.

Incredible pride with a touch of sadness is one of the many difficult emotions that parents experience on their son’s wedding day. This holiday marks the beginning of the new life of the newlyweds; they leave their parents' nest to create their own family.

And the task of parents is not only to release the chicks, but also to make every effort to support the young married couple. Therefore, at the wedding, not only tears of happiness flow from parents, but also the warmest congratulations.

The words with which father and mother greet the groom at a new stage of life can be very diverse. Some congratulations from parents aim not only to congratulate lovers on this wonderful event, but may also contain teachings and advice. Congratulations on the wedding can be written in a card, attached to a gift, said at a banquet, and also said as a toast.

Such honorary participants in the celebration as parents should not worry too much about congratulating their son on his wedding day - any of their words will be received with great attention and honor. Here you can express your wishes in your own words or prepare congratulatory speech in advance and read it from the cheat sheet. If you choose the second option, this gives you some advantages as you will be able to prepare beautiful congratulations in prose or poetry, and this article will help you choose the right words.

Below you will find the following wedding congratulations from mom and dad for their son:

  • From the groom's parents.
  • Personal from mom:
    • Parting words.
    • Words of support.
  • Personal from dad.
  • Touching.
  • Cheerful.

In honor of the lovers and their little family

A wedding is a celebration of the birth of a new family thanks to two other families, the bride and groom. With the greatest trepidation, young people await congratulations from their parents and will look for words of approval and support from them. Of course, on this day you need to leave all your possible doubts and regrets and sincerely wish your children happiness.

You can address a joint wish from mom and dad to your son. The young bride and groom deserve the warmest and brightest words, so their parents unanimously wish them love, prosperity, mutual understanding and, of course, children. Take a look at how lines like these look in poetry and prose:

A mother who has a life experience worthy of respect behind her can include advice for the newlyweds in her congratulations. After all, marriage is only the legitimation of relationships, but not a guarantee of their well-being. After the wedding, the spouses have a lot of work to do so as not to lose their love in the routine of days. Therefore, parting words may be heard from the mother as congratulations to the son. Find such congratulations on your wedding day below:

A mother’s immense love and care for her son often involuntarily becomes the cause of jealousy towards her daughter-in-law, and good relationship mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are rather an exception to general rule. An event such as a wedding causes a storm of conflicting emotions in the mother of the groom.

On the one hand, mommy is so proud of her son that she believes: there is no woman worthy of him. On the other hand, she cannot help but support his choice, because supporting your child is the main task of a parent.

Tip the scales in favor of support, show the newly made spouses how happy you are that they found each other. On your son’s wedding day, tell him how proud you are of him, be sure to highlight the bride’s virtues - this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with her. Congratulations to your beloved son on his wedding from his mother may look like this:

From the head of the family with experience, from the father, along with wishes for happiness, encouraging words of guidance are also needed on how to stand worthily at the helm of the family. Dad teaches to be faithful to your wife, to be her support and support. Congratulations to the son also express the father-in-law’s willingness to help with advice or deed new family. Such beautiful lines can be written in a postcard, or can be said as a wedding toast:

Congratulations on a wedding are not complete without touching words, and on this day parents dedicate the most heartfelt lines to their son. On such a holiday, even a father-in-law is not ashamed to shed a man’s tear, let alone a mother-in-law. Touching congratulations convey the difficult feelings of the parents, their sincere joy for their son and their warmest wishes to the young. You can congratulate the groom at a wedding by dedicating a poem to him:

If you are not a fan of poetry, then below are heartfelt lines for a wedding in prose. They are especially good because they can be adjusted to your liking. Supplement them with your own words, remove unnecessary things, or compose several wishes into one, choosing the most suitable words from them. Such a congratulation will sound beautiful and original.

So that touching speeches and parental tears do not make young people sad, they can be cheered up cool congratulations with the wedding. Such lines look more advantageous in rhyme, they are unusual and original, and they can also be used as a congratulatory toast. If you choose a short verse, you can first memorize it, and a long one can simply be read from a sheet of paper. You can congratulate your son on his wedding day in a fun and original way:

It’s great if you’ve found the perfect option for yourself on how to congratulate the groom, but if not, then you can always come up with your own. To express your feelings, it can be difficult for the closest people to find the right words. Nevertheless, no one except mom and dad can congratulate the newlyweds more sincerely and sincerely, and the newlyweds do not need anyone’s blessing as much as parting words from their parents. Author: Yulia Bibik, sources:,,,,

Son, you are my main pride, my support and support! I wish you to always remain strong, brave and courageous. Never be afraid of difficulties and don’t turn off your path! And, of course, be happy and healthy! And everything else will definitely follow!

You have become an adult
And we are proud of you!
You embodied
Family Traits:
Cheerful, energetic
And skillful
Among the weak - kind,
Among the strong is the brave.
And we want
So that your life is
Clean, bright,
Delivered from evil
And to be distinguished
Among all
Good luck to you
Happiness and success!

Son! I wish your friends to be reliable, and your beloved to be gentle and faithful. May the evil wind of betrayal never blow at your back. Set bold goals and achieve them - there are no peaks that would not give in under your pressure! Believe in your strength!

An original wish for your son in your own words

Son, my joy, I wish you well with all my heart. May fate favor you and send you good people and pleasant events. Be strong and wise. Strong for everyone who loves you and whom you love. To the wise - for your peace of mind, confidence and good luck.

My boy, grow up healthy and strong. May you have true, loyal friends and may you yourself become someone’s reliable shoulder and devoted friend. You are a smart boy and we are glad that we have such a person. capable child. And most importantly, we love your sincere humor and love of life. Stay like this, always.

Heartfelt wishes for your son in your own words

My dear, beloved son! Thank you for making me happy with your significant successes and listening to my advice. I wish you constant good luck and reliable support from your faithful friends. Be prudent and purposeful. May fate be favorable to you and give you love and happiness!

Happy birthday, son,
Congratulations dear
You are a joy and happiness for us,
And we are proud of you.

We wish you to be healthy,
Believe in strength, don’t mope,
Make plans, be active,
And reveal all your talents.

May you be lucky, our boy,
Let life be bright,
Well, we will always help,
You know this for sure.

Our dear and deeply beloved son, we congratulate you on your birthday. We want to wish for you big victories, successful ideas and implementation of life ideas. Son, be healthy and happy, let your heart be filled with love and your soul with kindness. I wish you prosperity, fun, joy, optimism, understanding and luck.

Son, happy birthday to you! We wish you many amazing and amazing events, ocean positive emotions, development and achievement of all desired goals! May everything work out for you in the best possible way! Love, health, devotion, impressions, prosperity, joy and only the best!

Dear son, happy birthday,
Congratulations to your father and I.
Let there be no regrets
Let the house be full of happiness!

We wish you from our hearts,
Always be yourself
And find your place in life,
Not forgetting your father's house!

We wish you good health,
May success come with you.
And never meet grief,
And be proud for all of us!

Our dear son, we wish you a happy birthday. We want to wish you to always be strong, strong, proud, confident, brave and fair. Be healthy and always inspired, conquer all your planned peaks and let your whole family and friends be sincerely proud of you. Good luck to you, son, love, success and tireless strength.

Son, we congratulate you,
Today is only your holiday,
We wish you all the best,
Our closest and dearest.

Let everything be a full cup:
Family, work, wallet,
Always go forward persistently
Let the light burn in your eyes!

Happy birthday, our son,
Let your dreams come true!
You are the surname sprout,
You are the successor of the family.

Always be the happiest
Never be discouraged.
You were sent to us from heaven,
And live up to your hopes!

We wish you good luck
I walked next to you,
And surprises, quietly hiding,
Fate has prepared it!

Happy birthday son,
The best man
Today we congratulate
And we wish you all the best!

Be healthy, strong, brave,
And skillful in all matters.
Be successful and cheerful.
Let your career go uphill!

Be loved and love.
Hold the hand of happiness.
We wish you a joyful life,
Long, well-fed and blissful!

Well, happy birthday, son!
Another year has passed.
You have matured and matured,
He became a great, kind guy.

We wish you to find your way,
I could extend my hand to my friends,
So as not to get lost in front of people,
So that I can find love.

Be healthy and don't get sick,
Overcome all adversity.
We will support you, you know
And never be discouraged.

Happy holiday, son! We wish you perseverance and right decisions so that friends are faithful and reliable, and love is strong and sincere. Never be afraid to make mistakes, because they teach us about life, and we will always help you cope with all your experiences!

Happy birthday, my Son! I wish you only loyal friends, unearthly happiness and warmth of loved ones. Good health and don't give up life problems. Walk confidently and boldly along the intended road to success. Be responsible in your actions. I'm always there, your loving mother!

I wish you, son, on your birthday
Great happiness, good luck at work,
Good, reliable and loyal friends,
In business, be more successful and only wiser.

Let only luck shine brightly in life,
And be richer every minute.
Success, wealth and only prosperity,
Love, only joy, prosperity!

My dear son, happy birthday.
How happy I am that I have you!
May luck accompany you all around,
Let there be so much happiness that you can’t count it!

I want to wish you to be the first in everything,
It doesn’t matter who or what is whispering behind your back.
Good health, only true friends to you.
And, of course, a lot of love!

Step forward towards your cherished goal
And please, don’t listen to anyone in the bustle!
After all, only the one who actually wins
Who is always sincerely devoted to his dream!

My beloved boy
Happy birthday, son.
You're mom's favorite
The best of men.

I wish you
Happiness and goodness,
And success in everything:
In feelings and in deeds.

Let your smile
Lights up the house.
Well, all the mistakes
We'll figure it out together.

You are always a child for me,
It doesn't matter how old you are.
I've loved you since I was in cradle,
Since I was born.

And on your birthday, my dear,
I wish only the best for you.
Let there be golden friendship
Never know betrayal.

I wish you victories and success.
Walk through life with pride
And having met great love,
Keep it carefully.

The years have flown by quickly,
You have grown and become big,
Became more serious and mature
The best son in the world.

Happy birthday!
Be happy, believe in luck.
Let love, hope, faith
They'll knock on your door!

What can I wish for you, son?
Good health for future use,
And joy and luck
They would come to you in addition!

Always be successful in everything
So that your home is full,
Don't ever give up
And you will always be happy!

Always be a man
No matter how old you are,
May success be near you
Less troubles in life!

May the friendship be strong
There is always comfort in the family,
Let love be true
May they never betray you!

Let there be a sea of ​​happiness
And you'll never be alone
Happy birthday,
I love you, my son!

Son, happy birthday! I wish you that there are no dark streaks and disappointments in your life! Let all your dreams come true, let your friends make you happy, let your sorrows pass by, and let all your plans come true easily! Be wise, successful, strong, healthy, brave, resourceful. May fate protect you from bad weather!

Son, happy birthday to you
Congratulations to you, dear!
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
And don't forget about your mother!

You have become quite an adult,
Peace, happiness and love
I wish, son,
May God protect you!

Be a responsible man
An ideal family man
And be stubborn in your goals,
You yourself build your own path through life!