Why can't you go to church while on your period? The probable causes are inconclusive! Why women shouldn't go to church while on their period

It is so intended by nature that women have their period every month. They affect well-being and lifestyle, but, in addition, menstruation causes debate about whether it is possible to go to church during this period? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are different opinions on this matter, even among clergy.

There is still no clear consensus on this matter. Debates about female “uncleanness” have been going on for centuries. And authoritative theologians explained in different ways how the daughters of Eve should behave during menstruation.

Today, different temples have their own rules for visiting and participating in rituals for women experiencing their menstrual periods. They come down to 3 main behavior options:

  • Women during their periods are not even allowed to enter the temple, let alone participate in the sacraments.
  • You can attend church, but you cannot light candles, drink holy water, or touch icons and other shrines. It is forbidden to receive communion and participate in the sacraments of baptism, wedding, and consecration of oil.
  • There is no prohibition on visiting the temple and participating in any rituals.

Origins of the ban

It is worth noting that we are talking about Christian traditions. But questions about the permissibility of coming to church on “these days” concern only Orthodox parishioners. Western Christian women do not have such doubts; they freely visit churches, take communion, light candles, and touch icons.

In Russian Orthodoxy this is much more complicated. That’s why our priests so often hear questions from their parishioners about what they should do during their periods. The answers may vary.

Viewing menstruation as a sign of “uncleanness” female body reflected back in the Old Testament. The woman herself and anyone who touched her were considered unclean.

The flow of blood was perceived as the sinful destruction of the embryo of a new life, a reminder of the mortality of people. When, therefore, human nature, distorted by the fall of Adam and Eve, manifested itself, one should stay away from God’s temple.

But there is another interpretation of the ban on the presence of a woman on her period in church. The fact is that blood cannot be shed in a holy place. And in those distant times, women did not have reliable hygiene products, so trouble could happen at any moment.

But the Old Testament times are long gone, and there is still no clear answer to the parishioners’ questions about why they can’t go to church on critical days.

Opinions of authoritative theologians

Even Saint Clement of Rome wrote in the 3rd century that the holy spirit is always present with believers, and a woman is not deprived of it during the days of natural purification. After all, this is exactly how God himself created her, there is nothing “vile” about it.

You cannot blame the fair sex for something that does not depend on them, but is given by nature - St. Gregory Dvoeslov also wrote about this. The saint was against the ban not only on visiting, but also on receiving holy communion. If a woman herself, out of great respect and reverence, does not dare to participate in this sacrament, then it is another matter, this is worthy of praise. But if she wants to take communion, then there is no point in blaming her for committing a sin.

Everyone who took the side of women in this dispute recalled the story described in the Bible about the bleeding woman. She dared to touch the hem of Jesus' robe and was immediately healed. And the Lord not only was not angry with the sick woman, but also encouraged her with kind words.

The very concept of “ritual uncleanness” in the new covenant by Jesus Christ is separated from everything bodily that does not depend on man. Natural physiological processes cannot be polluting. You need to be afraid of dirty thoughts and actions and strive for spiritual purity.

Modern views of the church

Nowadays, many parishioners are perplexed about the ban on visiting church services, they are even offended by this attitude towards themselves. But this issue has not yet been settled.

Most clergy and theologians believe that a prejudiced attitude towards the characteristics of the female body is superstition and a relic. But there is another opinion. And since in the traditions of Orthodoxy, humility and obedience are welcomed in a woman, parishioners often simply do not know who to listen to.

For example, the argument of those who are on the side of the fair sex sounds like this - the church has always been and remains a shelter for everyone who is overcome by infirmities, troubles and sorrows. And a woman on critical days is not only weak physically, she also has a hard time morally. So why aggravate her sorrows, albeit temporarily, by excluding her from meeting the Lord in his house?

And the very recognition of a woman as unclean on such days humiliates her dignity, turning her into a second-class creature. Archpriest Konstantin Parkhomenko, editor of the Orthodox Internet portal “ABC of Faith” and teacher at the Theological Seminary, is completely on the side of women. He is confident that a person is desecrated only by the sin he commits, and not by the natural processes of the body.

Many church ministers consider the ban on presence in the temple and participation in rituals to be an outdated canon. Today, in many churches, women work without regard to their monthly cycle - they restore order, bake prosphora, sell candles, icons, books in the church shop.

Most church ministers agree that a woman can attend church and pray during her period. But with the sacraments the situation is different. Until now, modern priests are against women receiving communion, being baptized and getting married during menstruation. An exception is made only for terminally ill patients and if the bleeding continues for a long period and is associated with a serious illness.

However, it is worth noting that in the temple no one asks the parishioner whether she has this moment period. You can come freely and participate in church life.

In order not to be tormented by the question of whether or not to go to church on critical days, it is better to adhere to the rules of your arrival. If your priest is against visits, then it is better to wait and come to the service on another day with a clear conscience. Self-will and rebellion are not characteristic of Orthodox Christian women, so you need to get permission (or a ban) to be present in church on “these days” from your confessor.

To enter or not to enter to church during menstruation, is it possible to pray or receive Communion to the Body and Blood of Christ during menstruation. These questions often arise for many women. Many times they are asked by church ministers, who, unfortunately, do not even always know what to answer people about the actual origin of such a ban. All these ambiguous questions take us into the depths of the past. Yes, exactly to the very depths.

What is pure and unclean in a person according to the church?

We will begin our search with the Old Testament. This is the ancient Hebrew Holy Scripture, part of the Christian Bible from the 13th to the 1st centuries BC. Here we find regulations or laws regarding the pure and unclean in man.

This is due to the fact that death, illness, bleeding and other ailments happen to people - as a reminder of man’s sinfulness and mortality.

Interestingly, pagan cultures had the same regulations. According to these rules, women were allowed to pray and ask for help, but Baptism and Communion were prohibited. This was the opinion, for example, of Dionysius of Alexandria in the 3rd century.

Church opinions regarding the uncleanness of women during menstruation in history

But Gregory Dvoeslov, 6th century, argued that people are equal by nature and it is not their fault, therefore everything is permissible even during menstruation.

Athanasius of Alexandria III century - all of God's creation is “good and pure.” And that if phlegm from the nose or saliva from the mouth is natural, then other phlegm - in particular menstruation - is also natural. We are all God's race.

But his disciple Timothy already argued that Baptism and Communion should be postponed until cleansing and the cessation of bleeding.

Such different opinions about the purity of women in the church understanding and traditions existed even at that time. In the Old Testament, impurity and women are also associated with the fall of Adam and Eve and their short-sighted actions.

About menstruation in the New Testament

New Testament. He brings something new positive thinking on the topic of clean and unclean. Here Jesus Himself allows us to touch him. “And so the woman, who had suffered from bleeding for 12 years, came up from behind and touched the hem of His robe, for she said to herself: If I only touch His robe, I will be healed. Jesus, turning and seeing her, said: Be of good cheer, daughter! Your faith saved you. From that hour the woman became healthy.” (Matthew, chapter 9).

The apostles taught the same. The Apostle Paul said: “I know and am confident in the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean in myself.” What everything created by God is holy and pure.

Is it okay to go to church during your period?

Based on this, we can conclude that every woman has the right to decide for herself what to do when she has her period, that the Master Jesus, as the purest person on earth recognized by the church, did not prohibit Communion and Baptism during menstruation.

One could say that He even encouraged such actions based on a person's faith. There is a simple but true saying of Jesus: "God is love". Therefore, if a woman wants to visit the temple during her period, then it is possible. Love will not prohibit it, Love wants to see everyone happy.

Also, many priests and the modern official church in given time they allow you to do this, there are simply others who still traditionally recommend refraining from these actions. We will tell you where this tradition came from, and specifically why girls on their period are forbidden to go to church in a separate article.

Menstrual blood and its secrets

And finally, I would like to note that this problem is not as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance, because for some aboriginal peoples living in harmony with nature, menstrual blood is of great importance. There, she is revered as the giver of strength and life.

It is even stored as a wound healing agent. It can be said that in some religions and beliefs, a woman's menstrual blood is an expression of the feminine principle - the source of all things.

Although women themselves often view menstrual bleeding as some kind of inconvenience, it is better to understand that this is the source of their strength. After all female blood carries within itself genetic code. The whole history and connection with ancestors is in the blood.

They say that you can even ask your blood for health or removal of damage if you think that you have it (genetic memory of the family and connection with it).

What does a woman's menstrual blood symbolize?

For example, aboriginal peoples have a tradition of bleeding on the ground during menstruation in order to give a sign that the Goddess is REBIRTH. After all, when blood is transferred to the earth, the Divine Feminine Energy is transferred and circulates.

And menstruation is not a curse, but on the contrary, a connection with the Goddess.

In ancient times, the Feminine Divine Principle was revered, and there were no wars or disagreements. There is a very simple method - dilute the monthly blood with water and water the garden or vegetable garden - it will bloom.

Menstrual blood also carries decoded DNA, i.e. at this time, a woman is at the highest peak of intuition and understanding.

Therefore, the majority of “esotericists” believe that the concept of impurity of menstrual blood is simply a religious distortion introduced at one of the stages of moving away from the original correct Christianity in order to make money from it more money and keep people in fear and obedience. What was often required in past times, and remains in this religion to this day, but has no practical and truly useful application.

Why should you go to church while on your period?

Remember Love-God is mercy and compassion. And during menstruation, a woman is closer to God than anyone else. To this Loving Universal Energy. All temples and churches should, in fact, reverently invite to themselves, as much as possible more women with menstruation.

A woman is also initially a pure being, moreover, she can give and generate life within herself, which in itself is a great miracle. And today it is more important to love and respect them for this, and not burn them at the stake, as they did in darker times without understanding their structure and psychology. But today everything is gradually getting better, that’s a fact. The Era of Ignorance is ending and you now have much more understanding on this topic.

And let’s end this story with one positive expression from Clement of Rome, 3rd century: “The main thing is to have the Holy Spirit within you, then no defilement, including bleeding during menstruation, will defile you.” I AM THAT I AM.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with another alternative point of view on the question, as well as other religious and esoteric topics on our Training and Self-Development portal, for example, about that and many others interesting topics for spiritual self-development.

Every woman knows what menstruation is. But most people don’t even know why you can’t go to church while on your period. We will look into this issue.

Visiting a temple is a spiritual need for every person, so few people think about any prohibitions on this matter. The time to attend church is the choice of every believer.

Many people believe that when a woman has her period, as well as in the first month after giving birth, she should not attend church. But why? Where do such speculations come from?

During menstruation, women are considered “unclean.” Such beliefs also exist among the Indians. Women left the tribe until they became pure. And men were forbidden to give even the slightest sexy signs attention to her.

The church prohibition does not have any supernatural properties for female representatives, but it is generally accepted that they can desecrate God’s temple.

Old Testament: why shouldn’t women on their period go to temple?

It explains that shed blood is a symbol of death. And menstrual blood is doubly a sign of death, since it contains particles of the uterus.

For this reason, it is believed that in this way the woman is reminded of the great human sin that Adam and Eve committed. Also in the Old Testament there is a ban on visiting the temple:

  • for various diseases;
  • unusual discharge from the male genital organs;
  • purulent discharge;
  • during the cleansing period of women in labor (up to 40 days for the birth of a boy, up to 80 days for the birth of a girl).

As well as any other pathological discharge. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to touch the patient if he is festering or decomposing.

Such phenomena refer to sin and unpleasant consequences, but today doctors have proven that discharge is not considered something sinful.

Why it is forbidden to go to church when bleeding: Christianity

In Christianity, such a prohibition is profound. As discussed above, the Old Testament speaks of “uncleanness” as death; when Adam and Eve were cast out, they became mortal.

It turns out that absolutely any disease, eruption of blood, semen, is considered the elimination of a living embryo, which means that people should not forget that they are mortal and they have no privileges to live forever and not get sick.

What the New Testament says about “unclean women”

The New Testament no longer contains the definitions that were in the Old Testament. An episode was described when a woman who was bleeding from her vagina touched Christ’s robe and was miraculously healed. The Son of God did not reject it, but, on the contrary, accepted it and preached: “Everything created by nature was given by God, and therefore natural.”

It is noted that neither Christ nor any of the Apostles gave any definition of the “uncleanness” of a woman during bleeding.

When the prohibitions of the New Testament were compiled, the church established the following prohibitions for the female sex:

  • it is forbidden to attend church while menstruating;
  • After labor, you cannot go to church for 40 days.

Why you can’t go to church during your period: reasons

How did the church motivate its prohibitions? Let's look at the reasons.

Hygiene during this period is the most important and significant reason. Long ago, women had no way these days to hold back the flow of blood, so it was believed that it was spilled on the floor. And the church cannot be the place where blood is shed.

Moreover, the cleaners in the temples did not want to clean up someone’s blood, since any touching it was also considered a sin, and at that time there were not even disposable gloves.

That is why today tampons and pads will help a woman solve this problem and she can safely attend church. The cleaners do not need to clean anything and other people will not come into contact with the “evil spirits”.

Are there any bans today?

Why you can’t go to church during your period worries believers who care about spiritual purity rather than physical purity. IN modern world There are no restrictions on visiting church during the period of critical days.

Women can go to church, but some sacraments cannot be performed:

  • confession;
  • baptism.

Particularly related to hygiene requirements.

Confession- These are moral ideas about innocence, this includes spiritual and physical purity. During the process of confession, a person is cleansed, so his body must also be clean.

Despite all these arguments, many priests are confident that women with menstruation can light candles, pray and visit church if they think it is necessary.

We can summarize that there are no strict prohibitions regarding the physiological and physical needs of a person in order to go to church. The main thing is to have pure and good thoughts.

But many women independently decide not to go to church after childbirth or on “these” days. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman must physically be near the child. After 40 days, you can go to church even with a child and have a baptism ceremony.

Conclusion: is it still “for” or “against”

There are no strict prohibitions, so women can attend church on menstrual days. Physiological processes should not in any way affect spiritual values. Pregnant women can also visit the temple and take part in the sacraments.

Each person has his own ideas, so if some people think that these days you should not visit Holy place, then it is not necessary, but you cannot impose your opinion on others.

Therefore, it is up to each person to decide whether to go to church or not, why it is impossible or possible. The main thing is that he goes to the temple with spiritual purity and pure thoughts.

There are many different opinions on this topic. Some clergy say that you can go to church during your period. But most of them claim that this is prohibited. Many women are interested in knowing at what time during menstruation they can attend church, and whether it is possible at all. Much has changed since the times of the Old Testament; now almost no one blames a woman for the presence of such a natural process as regula. But many churches have restrictions and rules of behavior for women who decide to attend church during menstruation.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period?

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation. Nowadays, more and more clergy agree that women who are on their menstrual periods are allowed to enter church. However, some rituals are recommended to be postponed until the end of menstruation. These include baptism and wedding. Also, many priests do not recommend touching icons, crosses and other church attributes during this period. This rule is only a recommendation and not a strict prohibition. The woman herself has the right to decide what exactly to do. In some churches, the clergyman may refuse to conduct confession or a wedding, but a woman has the right, if she wishes, to go to another church, where the priest will not refuse her this. This is not considered a sin, since the Bible itself does not reveal any prohibition related to the presence of menstrual periods for women.

Russian Rules Orthodox Church Girls are not prohibited from visiting the temple during the regul. There are some restrictions that priests strongly recommend adhering to. Restrictions apply to Communion; it is better to refuse it during menstruation. The only exception to the rule is the presence of any serious illness.

Many clergy argue that you should not avoid going to church on critical days. Menstruation – natural process in the female body, which should not interfere with being in the temple. Other priests share this opinion. They also claim that menstruation is a natural process that is caused by nature. They do not consider a woman “dirty” and “unclean” during this period. The strict ban on visiting the temple remains in the distant past, during the times of the Old Testament.

What Came Before – Old Testament

Previously, there was a serious ban on visiting church while menstruating. This is because the Old Testament views menstruation in girls as a sign of “uncleanness.” In the Orthodox faith, these prohibitions were not written down anywhere, but there was also no refutation of them. This is why many still doubt whether it is possible to come to church while menstruating.

The Old Testament views menstruation as a violation of human nature. Based on it, it is unacceptable to come to church during menstrual bleeding. Being in the temple with any bleeding wounds was also considered strictly prohibited.

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During the Old Testament, any manifestation of uncleanness was considered a reason to deprive a person of the company of God. It was considered desecration to visit a holy temple during any uncleanness, including menstruation. At that time, everything that comes out of a person and is considered biologically natural was perceived as something superfluous, unacceptable in communication with God.

The Old Testament says that the ban on visiting the temple during menstruation is due to the fact that a woman is responsible for a failed pregnancy. The Old Testament accuses her of this, and the discharge of menstrual blood is regarded as desecration of the holy temple.

If we take into account the rules of that time, a woman during her period is unclean. It is for this reason that the Old Testament prohibitions on attending church are imposed on her.

Now these restrictions are a thing of the past; most clergy do not rely on the rules and prohibitions described in the Old Testament.

How they think now - New Testament

At the moment, there is no strict ban on visiting the temple on critical days. The shedding of human blood is prohibited in churches, but menstruation no longer applies to this. An example can be given: if a person is injured while in the temple, then it is necessary to immediately leave, as this is considered desecration of shrines. Women are allowed to be in the temple, but be sure to remember to use reliable personal hygiene products. With their use, it can be assumed that bleeding does not occur.

Temples are considered a holy place, so some behavior of girls during the regul is unacceptable. On this issue, the clergy do not agree on a single opinion. Some of them believe that during this period all rituals are prohibited for women, as well as touching icons and all church paraphernalia. Others argue that the restrictions are minimal. Almost all priests currently prohibit rites such as Baptism and Wedding. It is recommended to wait until the end of menstruation and only then go to church. They do not prohibit praying or lighting candles. Some allow Communion during menstrual periods, especially when a woman especially needs it. For example, if there is a serious illness.

Many clergy adhere to modern views and believe that menstruation is a natural biological process that should not interfere with a girl if she wants to attend church.

If in the times of the Old Testament it was strictly forbidden to come to church, perform rituals, pray, and also touch icons, now these rules have changed enormously. It has become more often mentioned that the girl is not to blame for such a process as the menstrual cycle, because it is explained by physiology. This allows her not to feel guilty. The modern church does not blame a woman for the fact that the pregnancy did not take place. Most clergy do not consider girls “unclean” on critical days, which means that their appearance in the temple does not desecrate the shrines in any way.

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The New Testament contains the words of the saint confirming that visiting the temple during menstruation is not something bad. He claims that everything created by the Lord is beautiful. The menstrual cycle is of particular importance for the fair sex. To some extent it can be considered an indicator women's health. For this reason, the ban on visiting holy places during menstruation does not make any sense. Many saints share this opinion. They argued that a woman has the right to come to the temple in any state of her body, because this is exactly how the Lord created her. The main thing in the temple is the state of the soul. The presence or absence of menstruation has nothing to do with state of mind girls.

The opinion of the priests

As mentioned above, the opinion of priests on the question of whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation has not come to a single denominator. The Bible does not give a precise answer and does not prohibit visiting holy places during menstruation. Therefore, every woman is recommended to ask this question to a priest. But it is worth considering that the answers may vary. If in one temple a girl is prohibited from coming, then in another, perhaps, there will be absolutely no restrictions. A woman will be allowed to pray, light candles, receive communion, and also touch icons.

Most clergy do not allow girls to touch shrines during menstrual periods. In this case, you should not refuse to visit the temple, because a woman is allowed to pray.

Many girls are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to come to the temple during menstruation if they currently have a serious illness. In this case, almost every priest will allow you to visit the church without any restrictions. If a woman wants to take communion and confess, then she should not be stopped by the presence of regulations. In this case, most clergy are understanding. Although the opinion of priests on the issue of visiting church during menstruation is ambiguous, most of them agree on one thing - during illness, any person has the right to prayer, confession and any ritual. If there is an illness, then the woman is not limited, she can touch the icons.

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If previously it was forbidden to attend church, despite serious illness and urgent need, now these prohibitions are a thing of the past. But before going to church, you must take into account the opinion of the priest. He will be able to tell you in detail about the rules for being in the temple and explain whether there are any restrictions for women during the period of critical days.

What to do anyway

Everyone must decide for themselves whether it is possible to go to church while on their period. The Bible does not reflect a categorical prohibition; it is not discussed in detail this question. Therefore, a woman has the right to do as she sees fit.

Before going to a holy place, it is better to decide when is the best time to go to church. Many will not be able to visit the temple in the first days after the start of menstruation, but this has nothing to do with any prohibition. This is due to the fact that for most women, the onset of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, general malaise, nausea and weakness. Many people will find it difficult to be in such a state in the temple. A woman may become ill; it is recommended to avoid such situations. It is better to postpone going to church until the end of the critical days or until the moment when the condition returns to normal.

According to various surveys, in Russia from 60 to 80 percent of the population consider themselves Orthodox. Of these, only 6-7 percent are churchgoers. Many Russians, unfortunately, do not even know how to behave in an Orthodox church.

1. Men are not allowed to enter church wearing a hat.

“Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his own head.”

2. A woman, on the contrary, should not enter the temple with her head uncovered, and the headscarf should completely cover her hair and cover her ears.

Apostle Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, 11:4-5:

« And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is as if she had been shaven.”

3. A woman should not come to the temple with bright makeup. It is better not to use cosmetics at all before visiting the temple. The church should maintain attention to service and prayer.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote: “Just as a body without a soul is dead, so prayer without attention is dead. A prayer pronounced without attention turns into idle talk, and the one praying is thus counted among those who take the name of God in vain.”.

4. You should not enter the temple in shorts and short skirts. For a woman, it is enough to cover her knees and wear any clothing that will cover her arms, shoulders and chest. A man must wear long trousers. It is not appropriate for women to come in men's clothing and vice versa.

Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not dress in women’s clothing, for whoever does this is an abomination to the Lord God.”

5. Most priests allow a woman into the temple during her period, but she does not have the right to participate in the sacraments. In rare cases, a woman may be allowed to attend the sacrament, but will not be allowed to venerate holy relics.

6. In Orthodox churches you cannot cross yourself from left to right.

In the book of Psalms it is said in a “short statement”: “ ...I believe: the first is on our forehead (on our forehead), the upper horn of the cross touches it, the second is on our belly (on our belly), the lower horn of the cross reaches it, the third is on our right frame (shoulder), the fourth is on on the left, they also mark the transversely extended ends of the cross, on which our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified for us, has a long hand, all the tongues are scattered at the ends into one assembly«.

In Catholicism people cross from left to right. The norm for the Catholic blessing of the cross was approved in 1570 by Pope Pius V: “He who blesses himself... makes a cross from his forehead to his chest and from his left shoulder to his right.”

7. You should switch off in church. Cell phones or the sound of a bell. The temple is a place for solitude, and nothing should interfere with communication with God. If the phone rings during the service, you will be ashamed, and those around you will be unpleasant. And even more so Orthodox church- not the place for mobile games like Pokemon Go.

8. You cannot make noise, laugh or talk loudly in church. Churches have strong acoustics and this can seriously interfere with worship.

9. Children often do not yet know how to behave correctly in church. If children are hyperactive, then it is better to refrain from taking them to work with you. Screaming or crying children in church distract from prayer. If your child begins to cry, calmly leave the temple with him.

10. Women in the temple cannot perform the functions of a clergyman. This is deeply enshrined in the Orthodox tradition.

Deacon Andrey Kuraev: “The priest at the liturgy is the liturgical icon of Christ, and the altar is the room of the Last Supper. At this supper, it was Christ who took the cup and said: drink, this is My Blood. …We partake of the Blood of Christ, which He Himself gave, which is why the priest must be the liturgical icon of Christ. ...Therefore, the priestly archetype (prototype) is male, not female”.

Isaac the Syrian wrote: “Every prayer in which the body does not become weary and the heart does not become contrite is considered unripe fruit, because such prayer is without a soul.”

12. If you need to go to another part of the temple, do not pass between the priest and the altar.

13. During worship, it is not recommended to idly walk around the church and say hello to friends; this prevents parishioners from concentrating on prayers. When greeting familiar people, you should silently nod your head. Holding hands in the temple is also not customary.

Rev. Lawrence: “If you need to leave the Liturgy, then leave after the Our Father... And if you have already left with the Communion of the Body and Blood, then stand with fear and pray in place, because the Lord himself is present here with the Archangels and Angels. And if you can, shed at least a small tear about your unworthiness.”

14. You cannot demonstratively turn your back to the altar during services and prayers.

15. Do not go into the altar area, even if you are very interested. Only temple servants can be there. Representatives of the authorities are occasionally allowed there.

The Sixth Ecumenical Council decided: “None of all those belonging to the category of laity will be allowed to enter the sacred altar, but, according to some ancient legend, this is by no means forbidden to the power and dignity of the king when he desires to bring gifts to the Creator.”

16. If someone next to you behaves inappropriately to the situation, it is better to remain silent or speak about it quietly and delicately. However the best choice- concentrate on prayer and do not make any comments in the temple.

John Chrysostom: “Whoever strictly investigates the misdeeds of others will not receive any leniency towards his own.”

17. You cannot eat or drink anything in the temple, much less enter the temple while intoxicated. According to the rules, it is not customary to come to the morning service on a full stomach. Relapses are possible due to weakness, with self-reproach.

18. If you are in a hurry somewhere, it is better not to go to church. Going to the temple does not tolerate fuss, so constantly checking the clock or asking someone else the time is considered disrespectful.

Isaac the Syrian: “Forbid yourself from distracted thoughts during prayer, hate daydreaming, reject worries with the power of faith, strike your heart with the fear of God - and you will comfortably learn to pay attention. The praying mind must be in a completely true state. A dream, no matter how tempting and plausible, being its own, arbitrary creation of the mind, takes the mind out of the state of divine truth, leads it into a state of self-delusion and deception, and therefore it is rejected in prayer.”

19. In church you should not cross your arms behind your back. No one remembers where this ban came from, but it is better not to provoke others. Crossing arms, like “fig behind your back” - ancient symbols defense and rejection of something. When communicating with God, you should be completely open and sincere.

20. In health and death notes, there is no need to write surnames and patronymics, as well as non-church names. It is also not customary to include the unbaptized, people of other faiths and suicides on the list.

21. Do not take out burnt out candles and insert your own in their place. This can only be done by temple employees after completion of the rituals.

22. You cannot go to the temple with animals, especially dogs. In the Bible, a dog is considered an unclean animal; among the Jews it was considered the embodiment of everything despicable.

23. The opinions of church ministers vary greatly regarding the non-wearing of a cross in church. Some believe that this is a great sin, others call to be more tolerant of people. Without a cross you may be allowed into church, but you will not be allowed to participate in the sacraments.

24. When venerating the icon, do not kiss the face of Christ, Mother of God and saints. You cannot kiss the frame of an icon, since this custom is an echo of a heretical tradition. Those who kiss the frame unwittingly support the heresy of iconoclasm.

25. Smoking is prohibited in the church and in the church yard.