Yuri Belokurov from Comedy Battle on TNT. Yuri Belokurov from “Comedy Battle” on TNT What is the Comedy Magic genre

the site talked to one of the participants in the new season of the popular show.

New season The show "Comedy Battle" breaks all templates. Viewers will see different styles performances - already known and completely new. For example, Yuri Belokurov from St. Petersburg combined magic tricks and stand-up. Will this original approach help you avoid falling off the stage onto the mats? We'll find out in the premiere episodes of the show.

Why did you decide to try yourself in this show?

I have two possible answers ready (Smiles). Friends say that I’m funny and “I’d like to be in Comedy.” Therefore, it is always nice to come to such a project and listen to the opinions of people who are respected in humor. And the second answer (Smiles). I have been performing magic tricks and doing micromagic for 8 years. Micromagic is magic tricks at arm's length, maximum amount involved - 10 people. I decided to upgrade myself to big stage and that's why I decided on the "Comedy Battle".

Have you been to previous castings?

You can’t even remember all the castings, but I’ve been trying to get to “Comedy Battle” for 7 years (Smiles). The first casting was a long time ago, my friend and I showed a miniature. Then Pasha Vinogradov was on the jury, he said that there are no jokes, but you are cool, come next time. Then I came again with a friend, alone with stand-up, but again everything was not funny. I began to improve myself in magic tricks and began to paint miniatures with elements of magic tricks. A friend helped me then, but before the next casting he left. I was left alone, but I went to the casting. My performance completely fell apart, and so I suggested that the jury just play a point. It was funny, because I took a good deck for myself, but they were constantly unlucky, we all laughed, but they didn’t take me again. Over the course of the year, I developed and actively participated in the StreamStandUp project, where I combined tricks with stand-up. As a result, I finally passed the casting.

Do you remember your first funny joke or story?

Let me tell you the jokes that I like? True, there is a possibility that only I like them... Joke number 1: If the Greeks were very small, then instead of a Trojan horse they would have a Trojan pony. Joke number 2: Asphalt won at the World Breakdancing Championships. He kicked everyone's ass. Joke number 3: A convenience store saleswoman painted an iodine mesh on the window display, and all the bruises in the yard disappeared.

Which jury member's opinion is most interesting to you?

I would listen to Garik Martirosyan and Semyon Slepakov, they were not in the first round. During my speech, Yulia Akhmedova was on the jury, you will see on air what she said (Smiles). Well, Ruslan Bely, my mother loves him. As a comedian, of course (Smiles).

Have you already met other participants?

I knew many people, met many people. Most of all I remember the trio “IP Saken Gazizovich”. I spent 10 minutes with them. So during this time they joked 700 times! Very funny guys, I hope to go visit them in Kazakhstan.

You went on stage and realized that you had forgotten everything. Your actions?

This has never happened before. I repeat the text constantly. This is my problem actually. While you're trying to remember the words, you forget about the most important thing - having fun on stage. And if this happens, then I always have the cards in my hands. I will improvise, ask questions and try to have a dialogue.

If all the jury members don't like your jokes, what will you do?

Hmm, should I go home sad? (Laughs). We draw conclusions and move on.

3 million rubles... a considerable amount. What will you spend your winnings on if you receive it?

I’ll buy myself a normal suit for performances (Smiles). I will spend this amount on purchasing and making props for magic tricks. Afterwards I will go to the World Magic Championship and prove to everyone that magicians in Russia can also do something.

Yuri can be seen in the following episodes of Comedy Battle on Fridays at 22.00.

Video: comedybattle / Instagram.

Only the funniest ones made it to the second stage. They will fight for the right to be in the finals and for the main prize of the project - a residence and an apartment in Moscow.

Jury: Garik Martirosyan, Sergei Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakov.
Leading: Pavel Volya, who connected his life with gymnastics.
Air date: September 12, 2014

Duet "Your and Shcherbukha", Voronezh.
A husband who is very tired after work.
- They unloaded wagons loaded with wagons.
- To the great the Chinese wall hung Chinese wallpaper.
- then with the men they raised the 17th floor to the 16th floor..
- in the field they played hide and seek and hid behind the horizon..

New section"Comedy nonsense"
Duet "Blue Melon", Chistopol, Tatarstan.
Visual humor. New section "Comedy nonsense".

- Coach, can I go out?
- no, Gafurov, it’s too early for you
(prison bars)

Two elephants:
- Buy a person!
- Why do I need a person?
- Everyone says so, but you buy a man!

A remake of the film "X-Men" in Russian adaptation.

Two guys pretending cool guys in charge of the Zainka bazaar, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
Ivan the Fool came to the storyteller.
- Why do I always approach the hut from the wrong side and ask it to turn its front to me and its back to the forest?

The second episode of the culinary TV show “Your Family I Stuck Food in My Mouth.”
The Kyrgyz swinger party is also not without my participation..
The president's boots were not surprising.
Who are more in the room - girls or communists?

Is new member Tamaru, whose aunt is a Buryat shaman.
A talented milkmaid, good at squeezing her tits.
Miss Buryatia Tamara's previous employers also sat (the jury is sitting).
I laughed so hard my abs almost appeared.
Comedy Mortal Battle - Tamara vs Barnabas. It is a masterpiece!
Tamara did the splits at Svetlakov’s request twice.

Last time I talked about S. Svetlakov, now I talk about myself.
Dima, Dimarik, Joshua.
My girlfriend and I went to see the film "Fast Moscow Russia". We watched to the end. Well, why, we sit together, no one bothers us.

Crazy clown Alexey Karza, Orel.
In the last round I showed the penetration of Svetlakov’s phone into a balloon.
Rabbit trick. The real madness of the magician and the rabbit. Magic box.
put the ball in his mouth. Yelled at the gentle bunny, “How do you do that?”
Then he hit the box with the rabbit with the bat, the box flew towards Pavel Volya.

Tatyana Ramkina

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

Tricks + stand-up: Comedy Battle participant Yuri Belokurov spoke about what Comedy Magic is and how he came to the casting of the Comedy Battle show seven times

Last week a new one started on TNT "Comedy Battle". In the very first episode, television viewers saw several original performances, among which, perhaps, Yuri Belokurov from St. Petersburg stood out the most. The one who performed tricks with cards while undressing in front of the judges. The one who came to the “Comedy Battle” auditions with stand-up, miniatures, jokes, songs, dances, but only with magic tricks made it into the lineup of the TV show participants. Yulia Akhmedova appreciated and left Yuri in the project, hoping for new jokes and tricks. Tricolor TV Magazine spoke with Yuri to find out whether he is joking about magic tricks or is serious.

Only Yulia Akhmedova gave Yuri Belokurov the go-ahead to advance to the next stage of the Comedy Battle, unlike Timur Rodriguez and Anton Shastun

Tell us how you came to stand-up and magic and why you decided to combine them?

I came to the tricks like this: I worked in a St. Petersburg restaurant as a waiter. We were taught magic tricks there, and when I completed the training and successfully passed the “exam”, having started to train more, I realized that I was fascinated by this business and that I could earn extra money directly from magic tricks. This was eight years ago. And in stand-up - through KVN, I played in the St. Petersburg national team from my first year, but we stopped in the First League. This is the picture: I can perform worse tricks than those who have been practicing them since childhood. But at the same time I can joke, which is not given to many magicians. And I will at least somehow stand out from other magicians.

What is the Comedy Magic genre?

It actually exists - it's not my original invention. In our country, Comedy Magic is not popular at all. Two or three people perform in this genre, for example Alexey Karza. And in the West, at magician championships, there is even a separate award for Comedy Magic. I hope the genre will develop here and will be understandable among the public. In Comedy Magic there is a 50/50 split between tricks and humor - you have to try to make a number so that the tricks don’t let you down and the jokes work. It’s quite difficult to joke here, because you have to lead the audience along the line of focus so that the thread is not lost and there is an understanding of what is happening, and so that everyone finds both magic and humor for themselves. I’m still looking for a formula for a performance that will be funny and exciting.

Tell us how you went through the auditions in "Comedy Battle". As far as we know, there were seven of them.

First, I went to the casting with a friend to show a miniature, but we weren’t hooked, then my friend went alone and won the Comedy Battle. The second time we went with another friend - we were rejected, then he went alone - he won again. All my friends won Comedy Battle, except for one season. But I didn't give up. I didn’t pass my last casting in St. Petersburg - they said I didn’t have enough confidence. I thought about it, rewrote the performance, worked on myself and went back to the casting in Moscow. And I succeeded - I was very cheerful there. The image in which I performed in “Comedy Battle” is myself, not a game character, it just turns out that way: I dig in along the way, I worry, my voice changes, my hands shake. It's on stage.

Yuri Belokurov plans to develop the Comedy Magic direction in Russia

How did other participants in the show react to your performance?

Nobody took it seriously. Those I didn’t know thought that I was that magician who came with only one purpose - to raise the price bar at a corporate party.

Why did you decide to take your clothes off while performing a magic trick for your performance?

There was an experience when I worked as a host at a wedding and stayed on the second day. In the bathhouse I showed the same trick.

What surprised you when you got to Comedy Battle?

I admire the enormous professionalism of each member of the team - the same Pavel Volya, for example, I never mixed up words. And it's nice that TNT can take care of the artists: they will bring them, feed them, and film them. We are not used to this level in amateur performances, but we definitely need to strive for it.

What project would you like to get involved in after winning the Comedy Battle?

There is no show on TNT that you wouldn’t want to be on. “Comedy Battle” is a development for me, because I have been doing micromagic for eight years, I want to grow - I train and perform for a wide audience. I can now show bigger things. Comedy Battle is an opportunity for my career growth.

Whose humor is close to you, who do you learn from?

Ilya Sobolev– I like paradoxical humor, in particular; trio "Smirnov, IVanov, Sobolev"; black humor Jimmy Carra and of course, Jim carrey– he’s generally in first place. And also Eddie Murphy.

Tell me, what are your plans for the future?

I have an idea for a show “The Worst Illusionists of Russia,” but I don’t have a team yet. In the current one – blog development in Instagram: I’m shooting videos and also planning to do more streams. This is how I will upgrade in the future. I'll do what I want, maybe grow my hair.

Watch the show on TNT every Friday at 22:00.

I love TNT and especially the guys who joke on this channel

A whole series of humor programs have been created here - Comedy Club, Comedy Stand Up and Comedy Battle, of course

This program features truly talented guys who captivate both the audience and the jury.

And the jury is really powerful - they won’t let anyone mess with it. Svetlakov, Martirosyan, Semyon Slepakov - these guys are truly masters of their genre, so you really have to be funny with them. And if a participant is not funny, they simply kick him out and that’s it. It doesn't matter what city you're from. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter whether you're a girl, a guy, or an older person... The most important thing is to be funny! After all, these are the people who will make the population of our country laugh in the future.

In fact, comedy battle is a show that the whole family can watch. There is no vulgarity or flat jokes here. Either the editors work so well, or the participants are trying to make an impression and avoid vulgarity - but it really sounds beautiful and everyone can watch it together, any evening. It is especially convenient that you can turn on the program online and not worry about when there will be a new episode - turn it on and watch, at any time - be it day or night.

I am very pleased with Pavel Volya as a presenter - although he is not on the jury, he jokes excellently as a presenter! And he often participates in discussions about which participant is better and which is worse, he can advise who is really funny and who is not so... Participants often enter into dialogue with Pasha, which makes him and the jury very amusing)))

2015-10-17 11:56:36

One of the best channels is TNT, and probably not only my favorite channel, but also many other TV viewers. Where you can not only see good film, but also to be in trouble for the whole day good mood from such huge amount humor. Yes, and one of best programs- This comedy show Comedy Battle last season 2015.

The whole family tries not to miss all the episodes of the seasons.

I would like to note the fact how the hall is decorated. Original, beautiful, not annoying and does not distract from viewing. It is also interesting to watch the project participants with great interest. Although it was said that losers will not be allowed, they are still present, and I would like to note that they make you cry even more from laughter.

It’s very nice to see old participants on stage who didn’t make it in past tournaments and you sincerely watch and worry about them.

Well, what can we say about the presenter himself, the beloved comedian Pasha Volya. He was simply created to be the host of this show.

The jury also copes with their mission excellently. Despite their certain mask of severity, they provide a large dose of humor in the project.