The best films about motorcycle travel. Rotating the earth - non-standard motorcycle trips Reports on motorcycle trips

May adventure 2014 or report on the motorbike trip “Vladivostok-Ekaterinburg” (Part 2)

Day nine. 05/12/2014
Route: Krasnoyarsk - Novosibirsk
Departure from Krasnoyarsk: 11-00
Arrival in Novosibirsk: 22-30
Travel time: 11-30 hours
Distance traveled: 850 km
Distance covered: 5900 km
Distance left: 1600 km

In the morning, Dima called at 8:30, at the entrance to Krasnoyarsk (he had to travel about 150 km from the village where his relatives live), we agreed to meet at the exit from Krasnoyarsk towards Novosibirsk. Naturally, it’s no longer possible at 9:00, we rely on the situation. Driving around the city, it immediately catches my eye disrespectful attitude Drivers approaching a motorcyclist are cut off and turn signals are not turned on. Or does it seem to me after the free Khabarovsk-Chita highway?)) I leave Krasnoyarsk and drive to the Rosneft gas station. While I was waiting, Dimona decided to lubricate the chain.
I think I'll put it on the center stand and lubricate it. It turned out that it was not so simple - I didn’t have enough strength to put it on the center stand. The gas station janitor helped and they installed it together. We meet with Dimon somewhere around 10-30.

We drink coffee at a gas station, after which Dimon decides to lubricate and tighten the chain. His chain actually sags by 6 cm, which is significantly more than normal. It turns out that he had already tightened the chain yesterday upon his arrival, there was one division left for tightening. It's time to change the chain. We leave towards Novosibirsk at 11-00. We are passing Mariinsk.
In front of Kemerovo, at a gas station, we meet a local biker from Kemerovo on a cruiser. We discuss motorcycles, the quality of roads, and share observations from a motorcycle trip. Dimon's chain has sagged again, he decides to tighten it again. It tightens all the way, that’s it, it’s impossible to tighten it any further, you just need to change it. We ask the biker about motorcycle services in Novosibirsk, he tells how it’s easier to get to Novosibirsk and where you can find a motorcycle service there. We say goodbye and hit the road again.
Today the fifth point is especially felt and the neck-shoulder muscle on the right is numb. I guess this is due to the fixed position right hand on the gas control handle. We are passing through Kemerovo - it turns out that Big city)) And I thought this was a village like Ulan-Ude)). The weather seemed to be getting better - sunny, stable plus +15. However, there is by-effect warm weather - a large number of insects in the air and, as a result, a helmet visor stained with them. You have to clean and wipe it regularly, otherwise visibility drops sharply)).
We enter the Novosibirsk region and, as if by magic, the road turns... on a very bad road)). An interesting observation: with rare exceptions (several sections on the Khabarovsk-Vladivostok and Khabarovsk-Chita highways), the quality of the roads from Vladik to Kemerovo was significantly better than the road in the Novosibirsk region. At 21-00 we enter Novosibirsk and go to Dima’s relatives for an overnight stay. We drove 30 km around the city, apparently we had to drive from one end to the other.
We arrive at 22-30. We unload, drive the bikes into the bushes under the apartment windows and fasten them to each other (there is no parking nearby). According to my odometer, the mileage was 850 km, but Dima drove 1000 km because... he still has +150 km to Krasnoyarsk. Dinner, a little wine, leisurely conversations and bed at about 00-00. Tomorrow we need to find a motorcycle service and change Dimon’s chain and sprockets.

Day ten. 05/13/2014
Route: Novosibirsk – 200 km to Omsk
Departure from Novosibirsk: 17-30
Arrival in Omsk: 23-00
Travel time: 6 hours
Distance traveled: 380km
Distance covered: 6280 km
Distance left: 1220 km

We woke up at 7:00 this morning. It is necessary to change the chain and sprockets on the KLE400. We googled and found the Motorsport motorcycle service, which is also the official representative for Kawasaki in Novosibirsk and is located relatively close to our location (16 km). It's raining outside, the temperature is +10. According to the forecast, the rain should stop by lunchtime; by this time we are planning to leave towards Omsk. We have a hearty breakfast and go to the service center. There are knee-deep puddles on the street, apparently it rained all night.
Cars passing by did not skimp on spraying us with splashes of water from the puddles flying from under the wheels. As a result, we arrived at the service wet and dirty. The service works, we met its owner, Ilya, who promised to help and fix everything. While the mechanic Ilya is driving, he himself begins to remove and change the chain and sprockets. Because the new chain is 2 links longer (110, but 108 are needed), you have to shorten it - use a special tool (grinder).

We remove the rear sprocket - it shows severe wear on the teeth, some of them are chipped in half. In general, we change it on time)).

Mechanic Kolya arrives, work is in full swing. Dimon talks about a non-working speedometer and low mileage on the fuel reserve. Kolya suggests that the problem with the reserve is a clogged mesh in the gas tank. We decide to remove the gas tank and clean the air filter at the same time.

Having reached the filter, we find a fragment of the transmission “very skillful hands” - clearly someone has already worked here before us. I called local stores and lo and behold, one of them had an air filter for the KLE400.

The guys kindly offer to take us to the store. While Dimon is driving, Kolya tightens the chain for me on the Transalpa and finds out what’s wrong with the speedometer cable on the KLE400. The cable is working, the problem is in the gearbox on the wheel. Dimon comes with a filter, we change the filter, oil and brake fluid (front brakes).
In the meantime, I check my oil and add the rest from the reserve. That's it, there is no more stock, I decide to go buy a liter just in case.
I would also like to say about traffic jams in Novosibirsk. I thought there was heavy traffic here in Yekaterinburg. However, compared to Novosibirsk, we have no traffic jams at all)). In Novosib, it’s just some kind of nightmare - if it’s not a street, it’s a complete traffic jam. The only thing that saved us was that we could move between the rows and along the side of the road. Otherwise, we would still be leaving Novosibirsk.
After completing the repair of Dimon's moto, we say goodbye to the guys, go get oil for me and hit the road towards Omsk. It's raining(although it’s warm +17), time 17-30. Yes, we won't travel much today. We decide to go while it's going. As a result, we drive 380 km, at 23-00 we find a hotel and stop for the night. Dimon is in the mood to drink a little alcohol and relax. At the cafe we ​​take dumplings, wine and chekushka. We end the evening sitting on the fence of the parking lot next to the motel, looking at the cars passing along the highway and talking about the eternal... at 2-00 we go to bed.

Day eleven. 05/14/2014
Route: 200 km to Omsk – 200 km to Tyumen
Check-out: 11-00
Arrival in Tyumen (less than 200 km): 21-30
Travel time: 10-30
Distance traveled: 750km
Distance covered: 7030km
Distance left: 470km

Of course, we slept through the alarm clock at 7:00. We got up at 9:00, had breakfast, got ready and loaded up, and finally left around 11:00. It's hot outside - +20. We dress for summer - without sweaters, raincoats and winter gloves. While you’re driving along the highway it’s good, it’s breezy and not hot. As soon as you stop, it becomes very hot. Today again the fifth point is especially strongly felt. After 300 km of travel, I still can’t find a comfortable position for her, I have to stand in the stirrups more often and ride standing for some time.
We are driving through Omsk. It is getting warmer and warmer, I would say sometimes even a little hot, even while moving. We are having lunch, already in the Tyumen region. The roads are getting worse and worse. I can say with full responsibility that the worst roads along the entire Vladivostok-Ekaterinburg highway are in the Tyumen region. Pit on pit... Horrible. There are more and more Gazpromneft gas stations along the road. A good alternative to the networks of NK Alliance, Kansas and Rosneft, which until now brightened up our stops along the way (there is hot coffee, fresh pastries, payment by card and other simple and understandable pleasures of a traveler such as a washbasin, hot water and a toilet in the building).
We decide to go while it’s still light, and in the end we cover 750 km and stop 200 km before Tyumen at a motel. We drive the motorcycles into the garage, have dinner and sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of our journey.

Day twelve. 05/15/2014
Route: 200 km to Tyumen - Ekaterinburg
Check-out: 8-30
Arrival in Yekaterinburg: 16-30
Travel time: 10-30
Distance traveled: 550km
Distances traveled: 7580

I woke up at 5:30 to the wild sound of mosquitoes. Half asleep, I spent the remaining hour and a half before getting up at 7:00, fighting off blood-sucking monsters. Morning exercise, breakfast with scrambled eggs (Dimon, as usual, asked if they served oatmeal here, to which he received an answer like “... only mama’s boys eat porridge in the morning, but real men need meat!..."). Get ready, lubricate the chains, add oil to my bike (200 grams) and off I go. The weather is wonderful, sunny, +20... We dress lightly - without jackets and summer gloves.
Let's go, the end of our motorcycle trip is approaching. Once again I would like to note the disgraceful quality of roads in the Tyumen region - terrible potholes, how do motorists drive on them?! We quickly reach Tyumen, drive along the outskirts of the city, signs for Yekaterinburg appear. The house is only 350 km away. Here is the border of the Sverdlovsk region, we will be home soon. However, the road goes through the settlements of Talitsa, Kamyshlov, Bogdanovich, Zarechny - despite the relatively short distance, the average speed will be no more than 60 km/h. So we have another 5 hours to go.

We stop for lunch somewhere near Kamyshlov. Yes, the further west you go, the more expensive lunches are - we paid 210 rubles for the first, second and compote (with the usual cost for lunch being 150 rubles). It's +28 outside, very hot, even at a speed of 80 km/h. Dimon takes off his jacket and remains only in turtle protection. I’m riding in a half-unbuttoned jacket, under which there’s also only a turtle left. Yes, apparently motorcycle equipment when traveling should be selected in two options: for riding in cold-wet-cool conditions (from 0 to +20 degrees) and for warm-hot conditions (from +20 and above). I would love to swap out the jacket and pants for lighter options. It’s 16-30, we pass Malye Brusyany, we enter the one-way traffic along the Tyumen Highway to Yekaterinburg. My relatives meet us on motorcycles. Hurray, we're home!

Behind us are thousands of kilometers of roads traveled, 12 days of travel, hundreds of liters of burned gasoline, dozens of meetings with new people, including several new acquaintances that I plan to maintain in the future, and one dream come true! Despite all the skepticism and distrust of many towards our idea, the motorcycle rally can be considered a success! Now we will have something to remember ourselves and tell our children, friends and colleagues))). Yes, by the way, the traffic cops stopped us only ONE time - somewhere near Chita, and even then, most likely out of curiosity, they checked our documents, asked where we were from, and let us go, wishing us a good journey.

Some statistics.
Total distance traveled: 7580 km
Duration of the motorcycle trip: 12 days
Net travel time (in motion): 115 hours
Average speed: 66 km/h
Average daily mileage: 632 km
Average daily travel time: 9.5 hours

Average daily expenses per person
Meals per day (breakfast/lunch/dinner): 750 rub.
Snacks on the way (coffee/chocolate): 300 rub.
Accommodation (overnight in motels): 500 rub.
Gasoline (based on average daily mileage, price 33 rubles/l and consumption 5.5 liters per 100 km): 1147 rubles.

P.S. Thank you to all those who helped us during the motorcycle rally: Vitaly from the Ryder motorcycle store (Vladivostok) - for help in choosing a motorcycle, Alexander, the previous owner of my bike - for the luxurious device and excellent technical condition, the guys from the Motostil motorcycle store (Khabarovsk) - for participation and assistance on the choice of equipment and assistance with repairs, Alexander - for his invaluable help with the repair of Dimona’s boat in Khabarovsk, Roman from Slyudyanka - for the warm and sincere shelter of us in his place and interesting stories about Baikal and its surroundings, Ilya and Kolya from the Motorsport motorcycle service - (Novosibirsk) - for their help and assistance in repairing the motorcycle, as well as to all those who provided support in word and deed throughout our entire route in cafes, motels, gas stations and simply on the Road... And of course, special thanks to our wives, families and relatives - only thanks to your support this motorcycle trip became a reality!

If before this you have never made a motorcycle trip with a mileage of more than 450-500 km per day, then it is unlikely that you should plan to cover, say, 800 km every day on your upcoming trip.

According to research results, here are the changes that usually occur in the schedule of motorcyclists who have not been able to correctly assess their strength: regardless of the influence of weather conditions or other unfavorable factors, the average daily mileage begins to fall on the third day of the trip. In the first two days it is maximum, but in the period from days 3 to 7 there is a steady tendency to slow down the average daily speed. It has been noticed that the mileage of the average motorcyclist already on the seventh day of a long motorcycle trip usually does not exceed 65% of the planned daily mileage. Summary: If professional truck drivers try to time their trips according to this scheme, is it worth trying to deceive yourself and thereby provoke accidents caused by accumulated fatigue?

If possible, you can shorten your route (“cut off” part of the route) in order to catch up with the time behind the schedule. This option is more favorable, as opposed to trying to return to the planned schedule by increasing speed.

Regardless of whether you are able to travel 500 or 1500 km per day, this figure will decrease greatly as the total distance and number of days on the road increases. It’s worth taking this into account when planning your trip.

  1. Forget about high speeds.

Forget about purely mathematical calculations. IN in this case high speed does not mean that you will arrive at your destination faster. Instantaneous and average speeds have little relationship with each other. A calm motorcyclist, without tension, counts off kilometers one after another, admires the landscapes opening before him, and as a result, in a day, with less physical losses, covers much greater distances compared to a racer who strives to overtake everyone and show them off. best time Location on. In addition to the obvious inconveniences that this style of driving promises: increased fuel consumption, accumulating fatigue from muscle tension (caused by a stronger flow of oncoming air), the possibility of getting a fine for speeding. It is better to drive this distance at a lower speed and admire the surroundings than to drive “at full speed” and spend the gained time on a dispute with the traffic cop.

  1. Leave the coffee and stimulant pills at home.

Well, it's simple: application medicines, aimed at keeping the body awake and other stimulant pills (this list also includes coffee and Coca-Cola of any kind) is not justified. If you feel very tired, it is better to find a suitable place and get some sleep. It's better not to consider other options.

  1. Prepare your motorcycle for the ride.

Time flies so quickly during vacation, why waste it on the side of the road, swallowing roadside dust, trying to find or replace a worn-out part? Most often, it turns out to be justified to replace, for example, tires or a chain in advance, rather than squeeze out the last kilometers to the nearest auto repair shop only to make sure that they won’t help you there. Engine oil good quality allows you to increase the interval between replacements. In addition, it should be noted that with stable, even movement along the highway, the properties of the oils do not deteriorate as much as during daily driving on city streets or long-term winter parking. Many motorcyclists change the oil only after 15-16 thousand km of highway mileage.

  1. Do not hang additional devices, parts and accessories on your device and do not carry out maintenance immediately before a long trip.

If possible, it is not recommended to use the upcoming long-distance route as a testing ground for new gadgets that you bought for your beloved child before the trip. Even the best mechanic can make a mistake and the device can fail. Don’t test the functionality of new mechanisms and accessories during a long trip; try out any new product. This applies to both clothing and a new helmet, which you need to “get used to” even before you trust your body to them in long-range combat.

  1. Warm clothes.

A necessary thing on the road. Especially if you plan to continue driving after sunset - even after the hottest days, the nights can be more than cool, especially at speeds of 80 km/h or more. What if the day turned out to be cloudy and humid? Then the long movement the following night with cruising speed will seem like a serious test to you.

  1. Pack wisely; a selective approach is important when packing things.

Many motorcycle travelers use a tankbag (a bag that attaches to the tank), but you only need to put in it what you might need most often on the road. Things like a flashlight, pressure gauge, sunscreen, route maps and other small but necessary things should be carried in a tankbag so that they are always at hand. Human psychology is such that if the things listed above (this, of course, are far from full list) will not be easily accessible at the very moment when you want to use them, there is a high probability that you will simply give up on them and will not pick them out of bulky luggage bags. Like “okay, we’ll get over it.” This is precisely the mistake - this is how people lose their way because the map was not at hand, and you decided that you would most likely find the way anyway, and this is how people get burns on their faces when traveling to the south - at first you don’t notice it, but in the evening “the muzzle is so red-red.”

A note about documents: it is stupid to say that they should be stored in a safe place, everyone knows this. But it is worth remembering that it is advisable to place them in a waterproof bag. The psychological point is also important: you will only need documents when meeting with government officials, so you don’t have to carry them in your jacket pocket. Within three to five minutes of searching for documents in your luggage bag, you will be able to strike up a conversation with the traffic cop and let him know that you are not a crazy racer, but a civilized motorcycle tourist. If he is well-intentioned and did not stop you for an obvious violation, the matter may end simply with him wishing you a good trip, without even looking at your rights.

  1. Be prepared for the trip, buy in advance so as not to waste time on the road.

The rule about having your motorcycle ready also applies to all the luggage you plan to take with you on your trip. Make a list of things you will need on the road in advance and check it before setting off. Of course, “consumables” such as toothpaste can be bought on the road, but if you forgot at home the necessary clothes or medications that you must take regularly, this can turn into a problem.

  1. Learn to deal with boredom and monotony of the landscape on the road.

Long trips involve frankly monotonous landscapes, which evoke boredom and this is precisely why they are dangerous. In this case, you need to have a player with you with your favorite music, preferably cheerful, so that it doesn’t make you sleepy. You can stop and have a snack on the way. Working the jaw muscles slightly increases blood flow to the brain, thereby reducing the likelihood that you will feel drowsy.

  1. To achieve your goal faster, know how to stop in time to rest.

At first glance, this advice may seem pointless, but many motorcycle truckers have successfully used this strategy. It is not possible to predict average speed upcoming trip due to various numerous reasons that we will not list here. It is important for you to feel for yourself what speed is most comfortable for you in given road conditions, and stick to it. When you feel that you are starting to get tired and it takes more and more energy to maintain this speed, it is better not to fight with yourself, but to stop and take a serious rest. Brief stops at roadside cafes or squats and jumping around the motorcycle while refueling will not have any effect. Instead of sitting over a cup of coffee every two to three hours of the run, it is better to spend this time on a full-fledged, albeit nap or go for a walk to stretch stiff muscles and provide a flow of fresh oxygen into the blood.

  1. Know when it's time to stop and take a nap!

As soon as you begin to feel the desire to close your eyes for at least a split second from fatigue, your state becomes lethargic, urgently look for any safe place to stop and sleep!

Other symptoms of fatigue:

You can't maintain a given speed without overexerting yourself. If you see that you are involuntarily slowing down and then, realizing this, you nervously turn off the gas to catch up with time, it’s time for you to rest.

When driving in the dark, you forget to switch from high to low beam.

You begin to think and hesitate for too long before making a decision. Should I stop at this gas station or wait until the next one? Which road should I take? This is also the result of fatigue.

  1. Maintain positive emotions within yourself.

If you really don't like rain, you should stay in a motel and wait it out for a day or even two, rather than driving in the rain and cursing everything in the world (although some people really like driving in the rain). The same applies to regions with a hot climate: try to gain kilometers in the dark, when the heat subsides. That is, do not continue your trip in conditions that you do not like and that can put you in a difficult or depressed mood. Then the trip ceases to bring joy and be entertainment, but this is exactly what we went on it for! If you are driving and think to yourself something like “well, it’s hot again (rain, etc.) ...”, you begin to concentrate on this problem and stop monitoring changes in the road situation. Yes, even if you are 1-2 days late from vacation to work and will have to answer for this to management, but this is safer than rushing or continuing to drive in conditions that are unfavorable for you personally.

  1. Eat normally and properly.

Bad combination: fast food and long-haul driving. This should be remembered forever. But, realizing that we live in real world With certain conditions and restrictions, adhere to at least the following time-tested rules:

Light breakfast - porridge, cereal, eggs in any form, toast or sandwiches.

It's better to skip a heavy lunch and just have a snack instead, but not at a fast food cafe like McDonald's.

You can let yourself go for dinner if you don’t plan to continue moving after that, but again, when drinking alcohol, you should not forget that in the morning you would like to get up with a fresh head, otherwise the whole next day will go down the drain.

If you can’t or simply don’t have anywhere to eat properly, don’t load up on such food, which can then cause stomach problems and ruin the whole next day. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a light meal.

  1. Eat on time.

IN weekdays It is better to stop for breakfast in a cafe after 9 am. At this time, as a rule, people rushing to work have already had breakfast and you do not have to wait in line. On weekends, it’s exactly the opposite, because many people like to sleep longer and gather for breakfast in a cafe just before 9-10 in the morning. It’s better to have dinner early (remember, we actually skipped lunch), otherwise you risk getting into rush hour, when cafes and restaurants are crowded. A late, hearty dinner and then continuing the trip is not the best option, since there is a very high probability that you will feel sleepy.

When visiting a cafe or restaurant, it is important to manage your time correctly. Well, how can a truck driver afford to sit and waste valuable time while his order is being prepared in the kitchen? Here's another time-tested tip: take a seat closer to the kitchen, and maybe at the bar (if the room is full), politely explain to the waitress that you are in a hurry and that they should not delay your order if possible, immediately reinforcing this request a generous tip. Order food and ask immediately to include a receipt with your dish (some cafes will bring it later and only at your next request). Now you have time to get yourself in order. You can go to the toilet to wash your hands and face, even if you think the road wasn’t that dirty - the water is refreshing anyway. Call home by phone if necessary. In most cases, when you return to your table, your dish will already be waiting for you. Thus, the stopping time for a full meal can be reduced to 20-30 minutes, which, with a reasonable distribution of time, is quite enough, say, for a full hot lunch. Consider that it takes about the same time to stuff cold sandwiches into yourself while sitting on a motorcycle near a gas station, and draw a conclusion.

  1. Separate meal stops and refueling stops.

After stopping for refueling (which is actually a pit stop in itself for a short rest), it happens that driving across the road to a nearby cafe and parking near it takes the same amount of time as preparing for further movement. Why combine two small stops into one? From the point of view of rest, it is more effective to do this: rest a little while refueling and if you don’t feel hungry, cover another couple of hundred kilometers to the next cafe.

  1. Fuel up early.

Once you get dry on the road or make a 10-kilometer detour in search of a gas station, all the time that you managed to save before is irretrievably lost! If, while driving along an unfamiliar road, you see a gas station along the way, and you clearly already have less than half a tank of gasoline, stop and refuel.

  1. Put on your rain suit before it starts to rain!

Especially if there is already less than half of gasoline in the tank. Stop, refuel and if there is a chance of rain, put on rain protection in advance, in a safe place. Regardless of whether you need to refuel at this moment or not, we want to warn you against changing clothes on the side of the road. There is no need to explain what this can lead to. It is better to do this at a special parking area or at a gas station. Think about it, do you want to wait out the rain in a tunnel or under a bridge when cars are rushing a meter away from you? Do you want to be on the side of the road and jump on one leg, trying to get into your pant leg with the other, in the same proximity to the stream that rushes past you, splashing you with splashes? But visibility deteriorates in the rain, and where is the guarantee that you, standing on the side of the road, will be seen in time?

It is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on accidents involving drivers who wait out unfavorable weather conditions or simply stop in inappropriate places, but it is clear that such cases occur quite often.

  1. Buy a tire repair kit and know how to use it!

Fixing most tubeless tires with this kit is a piece of cake, so there's no excuse if you catch a nail and don't have one. It's your own fault! Spend part of the set practicing at home so you don't have to study it on the road and waste precious time. With tube tires it is a little more complicated, however, with a certain skill it is worth it and is clearly more profitable than looking for a tow.

  1. Take it with you mobile phone(for many this point will not be relevant, but it’s worth reminding).

It, of course, may not work on some sections of the road. But in the vast majority of cases, you will be able to reach a distant home. Or to the service with a tow truck.

  1. Buy a decent tool.

The kit must include a set of keys, screwdrivers, wire cutters, pliers, etc. It is best to assemble the kit in such a way that it contains everything you need for your motorcycle.

  1. Always carry at least 2 liters of water with you.

At the same time, it is not necessary to go on a hike through the desert. You will experience an absolutely indescribable thirst, for example, if you have to push your car alone on a cool night after a breakdown in order to park in a safe place.

Water should be stored in two containers - one for regular use and one for emergency use. The theory in this case is simple to the point of disgrace - as soon as you start carrying water with you, you will immediately drink it, while forgetting to replenish the supply and thus drink it all. So here's a tip: put the second bottle away so that it is inconvenient to get to it, only this will force you to regularly replenish the supply of water in the first bottle.

Needless to say, you should not drink tap water in an unfamiliar area. Differences in water purification methods can cause unpleasant consequences, and if you can easily tolerate tap water at home, this does not mean that you can drink it on the road.

  1. Carry Aspirin with you.

Note: Despite the fact that aspirin has become almost a cult “cure for all diseases” among long-distance motorcyclists, who have practically elevated it to the rank of a universal remedy for all pains, it is nevertheless worth finding out whether it personally causes side effects for you .

Thus, aspirin has a known ability to slightly lower a person’s body temperature. Therefore, you should pay more attention to the danger of hypothermia if you take it on the go, for example, for a headache. Aspirin is also known as an anticoagulant, and this should also be remembered in case of an accident - if it happens, the bleeding will be more difficult to stop. Some drug manufacturers add caffeine to aspirin to improve its absorption into the blood and speed up the effect of the drug.

  1. Take a pack of vitamins with you.

It won't hurt to take vitamins during a long motorcycle ride. The best option are multivitamin tablets, which you take one per day, although it is better to consult your doctor about this, because the recommended type of vitamins in hot weather and, say, when traveling in the fall may differ.

For long range Special attention should be given to those drugs that prevent numbness and muscle cramps.

  1. If you take your computer with you, consider installing a navigation program.

It is advisable to check the functionality of the program before leaving and compare its data with own experience and knowledge. On the way, the help of a computer can be very useful so as not to get lost and not waste time looking for a road, turn or place.

  1. When entering another area, be aware of changes in road surface and beware of areas under repair!

In the regions, responsibility for road construction and repair lies with local authorities. This means that every time you cross a regional border you will most likely be dealing with a different type of roadie. Almost immediately after crossing the border, the areas are located according to how accurately the markings are applied, road signs, the road surface is laid with high quality, we can conclude how well the management is working to improve the quality of roads. Be careful and attentive to possible difficulties in unexplored terrain.

  1. Choose your driving speed taking into account visibility and road conditions!

Imagine: you are driving along a high-quality highway at a speed of about 80 km/h, the surface is excellent, but heavy fog. Visibility is not very good. And suddenly in front of you, in your lane, a car appears standing without its lights on! Will you be able to stop at this speed without hitting her bumper? It’s funny only at first glance, but such cases actually happened. Don't become another motorcyclist killed by failing to see an obstacle in time.

The same goes for driving in good weather. Is it worth it to lie in a hospital bed for six months just because before entering a closed turn you decided to increase the gas and pass it with the dashing sound of the footpegs at a speed of 15-20 km/h above the safe one? Assess this situation from this angle - and this will not happen.

  1. Do you want to stay alive? Stay away from trucks!

Truck drivers hate it when someone sits on their tail for long periods of time. Remember this when following closely behind a long-range truck - in this case, you asked for it yourself and now you are responsible for everything that can happen to you. The truck driver will start to get restless, will keep watching you in the rearview mirror and will momentarily forget that sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to also keep an eye on the road. And he will lose sight of some obstacle. He might jump over it himself, but will you have time to turn aside in time when it appears between the rear wheels of the trailer?

  1. Get rid of all sources of irritation and distractions.

Get rid of everything that can distract you or act as a potential irritant, no matter how insignificant these factors may seem to you. Any sources of irritation and distractions require the expenditure of additional energy, which has to be spent on suppressing them. Even initially small problems tend to grow to enormous proportions during a long journey and consume your energy in the form of a series of successive stresses.

The secret of the thrill and unforgettable sensations that long-distance driving brings us is in the comfort of a motorcycle traveler while riding, confidence in his motorcycle and a clear understanding of his goal.

Marina Koda based on materials from foreign press

Sooner or later, every owner of two-wheeled equipment thinks about traveling on a motorcycle. As you know, the “range” of a bike is limited only by the endurance and enthusiasm of the driver. To go to long trip It is not at all necessary to be the owner of a comfortable touring motorcycle, and the heroes of our article are proof of this.

get there, get there, get there

One warm summer evening in 2011, a young man named Nikolay Bocharov I came up with an amazing idea - to go on a trip from Moscow to Abkhazia on a newly purchased (but at the same time very “worn out”) single-seat fifty-cc scooter Suzuki Sepia ZZ.

The only thing left to do is to find an equally risky travel companion. The lucky one was one of Nikolai’s good friends, who decided to celebrate his successful passing of the exams in this way.

No sooner said than done, and a few days later the little “Sepia”, loaded with two desperate travelers and a heavy 60-liter tourist backpack, moved towards the southern borders of Russia.

The driving force of the trip from Moscow to Abkhazia is a battered Suzuki Sepia ZZ scooter. Photo Nikolai Bocharov.

Having assessed their capabilities, the guys decided to make the trip as budget-friendly as possible, so the participants had to resolve the issue of food and accommodation. The solutions turned out to be simple and proven: the tent, sleeping bags, bivouac supplies and the minimum supply of things necessary for a two-week trip were placed in a backpack on the passenger’s shoulders. The passenger himself sat on a tiny trunk and tucked his legs in all the way - there are no footrests for the “second number” on the Sepia.

We had to spend the night setting up camp in a roadside forest. The scooter riders cooked their food on a gas burner, periodically replenishing supplies at grocery stores located along the way.

The simple belongings fit into a 60-liter tourist backpack. Most of the space was taken up by a Decathlon tent.

It was planned that truck drivers would travel 500-600 kilometers per day, but the forecasts turned out to be too optimistic. Driving on the expressway in a purely city car vehicle, basically unable to accelerate beyond 55 km/h, was much more tiring than the scooterists expected. Every hour they had to stop to let the engine cool down, and for the tourists to stretch their numb limbs. But these little things could not shake the intentions of the scooterists, who were slowly but persistently moving towards the goal.

The complete lack of protective equipment provided the guys with “frosty freshness” when leaving early along the M4.

Adding to the trouble were the missing mirrors on the scooter! It was because of a road train that went unnoticed in time that the unlucky tourists got into a small accident 350 km from Moscow, receiving abrasions and bruises as a souvenir.

“Magic trucks that fly past you at normal speed at a distance of several tens of centimeters. We never managed to get used to them. Every time it’s a feeling of a big looming something dark and a relief after she passes by you...”

The scooter itself, however, was not so badly damaged - everything unnecessary had long fallen off from it.

Considering the circumstances and lack of equipment, the guys got off very lightly.

However, despite all the troubles, the scooter riders were able to get to their destination, visiting many places along the way. interesting places and return home safely almost unharmed. On the way back, common sense prevailed and the tourists headed back by train (along with a moped, of course).

More than 1,700 kilometers on a crumbling Suzuki Sepia. The persistent scooterists finally achieved their goal.

We will not blame travelers for the lack of equipment, although the guys, of course, would have liked at least helmets. The guys set a difficult goal for themselves and did not fail in their attempts to achieve it. Without a doubt, such a trip will be remembered by the participants for a long time, and the invaluable experience acquired along the way will always be used. Or at least an understanding of what no longer needs to be done.

Despite the radical adventurism of the trip, it was worth it. If you plan for a long time, you may never make up your mind.

These crazy guys have inspired many experienced bikers who have been sitting still for more than one thing. an amusing trip. In the comments to the original report, many people expressed their admiration for the recklessness and determination of the tourists.

To immerse yourself a little in the spirit of such a “trip”, think about it: the journey to the sea took the guys on the “Delta” a week, and the speed on serpentines when driving uphill barely reached 30 kilometers per hour. You can learn more about the victories and misadventures of Kazan residents along the way from a large trip report, where Alexey describes everything in detail on four pages.

Three is better than one

What could it be better than rest with a family? Holidays with family on a motorcycle - Permian assures Alexey Poddubny, who travels with his wife and daughter around Asia on a three-wheeled motorcycle (“trike”), built on the basis of a motorcycle. What is noteworthy is that Alexey did not purchase the three-wheeled “Sledgehammer” locally, which might seem logical, but actually brought a motorcycle with Russian license plates to Vietnam, using the services of a transport company.

The Poddubny family on their three-wheeled V-Max in Thailand

Having once visited Vietnam, Alexey fell in love with this Asian country and firmly decided to return there on a motorcycle with his family. A few years later, the biker was able to carry out his plan.

Having passed through Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Thailand and Cambodia, the motorcyclist was able to transport the trike to Vietnam and continue his journey through the country of his dreams.

The first photo after crossing the border between Cambodia and Vietnam. Photos from Alexey's LiveJournal

The Poddubny family spent about four months on the road. During this time, they visited India, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, traveling together about 5 thousand kilometers. On their way, unusual tourists gathered crowds of enthusiastic onlookers and always received help and participation from others local residents.

The golden-haired daughter of the Poddubnys, Vika, invariably aroused the delight of local residents in all the countries visited by the family.

As this case shows, having a family does not put an end to either traveling or riding a motorcycle; it’s just that close people should share, or at least accept, this hobby, and not take it with hostility.

Winter Lohoped 500

During their trips, many motorcycle tourists comply with certain standards related to travel time and distance traveled. Thus, to obtain the most famous and one of the simplest titles for motorcycle travel, “Iron Ass,” you need to cover 1,610 km (1,000 miles) in 24 hours. Nominations and standards may differ depending on the type of equipment and time of year.

Badge received for passing the Iron Butt standard in the UK. Photo from

It is worth mentioning separately about winter motorcycle tourism, since this type of travel in winter is sometimes practiced by some members of the motorcycle community. It would seem, who would think of going somewhere on a motorcycle in winter and passing the club standard?

It turns out that there are such people. Two-time Guinness record holder for the capabilities of the human body Alexander Dubrovin, who broke 30 bricks on his stomach for the record, and seasoned tourist Evgeny Khoroshev, nicknamed “Father Evgeny,” decided to create new nomination in motorcycle tourism: “Winter Poltishok” - a 500-kilometer ride along a winter road on a 50cc scooter.

Presentation of prizes to participants of the Winter Poltishok run. Photo from the Night Wolves website.

Announcements of the event, which was supposed to take place on February 11, flooded the motorcycle community. The run was supported various organizations: the “Night Wolves” motorcycle club, the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism of Russia and the Belgorod Region, as well as the Saratov media holding “Version”. They planned to capture the tourists’ outstanding achievement using a special film crew.

The race was supposed to demonstrate the “power of the Russian spirit” and attract young people to motorsports. However, almost before the departure, the participants encountered some difficulties: this nomination turned out to be not unique.

The proud discoverer of the “Winter Sickhopedist 500” standard made it from Moscow to Kursk. Photo from

A couple of days before the start of the “Winter Poltishok” race, a member of the “Dubasery” tourist motorcycle club, Boxer, aka Stanislav Borisovich (or “

From the very moment of its invention, the motorcycle attracted people with a different view of the world from the majority. And those who became famous using two-wheeled vehicles are indeed special people. Athletes, stunt performers, travelers - the fire is always brighter in the eyes of these people. This selection contains films that tell about those people who overcome enormous distances, about their goals, about their aspirations - all this allows us to feel the magic of cinema.

"Easy Rider" (1969)

The film, called a “cult”, by and large, does not contain any meaning, but with the help of excellent camera work, a plot kept at the same pace and, of course, a wonderful soundtrack, it vividly conveys the flair of freedom - a freedom that is impossible without imprisonment going on before her.

Drug intoxication, Jimi Hendrix, three great actors and a journey to get to Mardi Gras - this is how a soulless person would describe this film. But looking deeper... However, dive into it yourself.

Enabling this, by and large, television show this collection is not due to the desire to introduce the reader to the problems of children in Africa, for which this show was started, but so that the reader can appreciate the fortitude and sometimes desperate adventurism of two friends - Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor.

Yes, yes, the same McGregor, who was also a poet in love with the Moulin Rouge actress in Montmartre, was also a Jedi in the Lucas saga, lost his senses with Eva Green in “ Last love on earth" - Ewan is not only a great actor, but also an incredibly adventurous traveler, who has traveled the entire globe on two wheels.

"The Motorcycle Diaries" (2004)

Another film in our selection that talks about sometimes not the safest way to travel in not the safest corners of the world is “The Motorcycle Diaries.” The film is fictional, but based on real events, and main character– none other than Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna, better known as Che Guevara.

The journey shown to us pushed the then simple student Ernesto to events that made him famous throughout the world. But no politics or slogans can be found in the Diaries. This film is shot as a story about a person observing other people, a film about friendship, a film about South America.

The film is not about traveling on a motorcycle, but it would be blasphemy not to include it in the selection, since the image of the New Zealand record holder Bert Monroe, who did long haul to his dream is inextricably linked with motorcycle topics.

A film that tells true story journey to Bonneville, USA, of a middle-aged but very passionate racer, played by the inimitable Anthony Hopkins. The difficult path, which was overcome with honor by his hero, led the real Bert Monroe to the speed record in the class of motorcycles up to 1000 cm3. A kind, life-affirming film, recommended for viewing even by people who are far from motorcycles.

"Real Hogs" (2007)

I want to have an easy time with a great soundtrack, simple humor and views North America? This film is what is needed in this case. A comedy about four middle-aged friends who decide to shake off the old days and go on a motorcycle rally, which, according to all the laws of the genre, will bring comical, dangerous and love twists and turns for the heroes.

“To discover America you don’t need GPS, you need a bike and you need a road,” replace “America” with any other region and stop thinking about what to do next summer!

The films are presented in random order; it makes no sense to give places to completely different films.