Interesting New Year competitions for teenagers. Category "games and competitions for the New Year"

If your child wants to spend New Year's Eve together with your friends, you shouldn’t dissuade him, saying that it will be more fun and calm at home. It’s better to help him with organizing the holiday, namely, preparing entertainment program for teenage children. Such a masterful approach will bring all the children together, like chicks, and provide them with excellent mood. Funny music, dancing, songs, various kinds of quizzes should be present in this event. Cheerful communication, cheerful ringing laughter and jokes should accompany your children throughout the festive part of the evening. So, if you don't know how these fun programs are created, then read our article. She will give you 7 ideas cool scenarios for the New Year 2019 for teenagers prepared. Our recommendations will certainly be interesting and useful to you, since we selected them carefully and with love!

Features of the New Year's holiday scenario for teenagers

Of course, it is much more interesting for children to celebrate New Year 2019 in the company of their peers. In this case, adults need to control some things for a number of reasons. With teenagers the situation is a little more complicated and there are several reasons for this. This is the so-called difficult age, and the unwillingness to put up with parental control, and the desire to communicate with peers. And here you need to remember a few important points:

  • Children in adolescence should not be left without adult supervision. I don't think there's any need to explain why.
  • The New Year's menu should not only be tasty, but also healthy and healthy.
  • Everyone knows that children at this age strive to experience adult life and not always the best moments. Alcohol and early relationships are not conducive to healthy maturation.

The entertainment program of the script developed by you or someone else should be fun, funny, but not too childish or adult. An excellent solution could be a themed party in some popular style. And don’t forget that they are still children who are still in school, which means they are waiting for their gifts!

Competitions for teenagers for the New Year 2019

  • "Who are you?". For this competition, held on New Year 2019, it is necessary to prepare signs with different names(for example, names of animals: dog, cat, crocodile) and attach them to the backs of the teenage participants (they should not see them). The players' task is to guess what is written on his sign by asking leading questions to the other players, for example: “Am I big? Am I green? Do I have big paws? You can use characters from popular films as inscriptions.

  • "Stuck." It's fun and funny competition, popular among teenagers. To prepare, you need to write down specific parts of the body (ear, nose, foot, hand, finger) on different sheets of paper. For the game, two participants are called, who take turns taking out sheets and sticking or freezing with those parts of the body that are indicated there. Next, the presenter calls the next participant, and he, too, must take out the piece of paper and stick it with some part of his body. And so on, the number of players is not limited. You get very interesting figures from the “frozen” guys. If you include such a game in your script, everyone will simply be delighted.

  • “I’m going there, I don’t know where.” For this game, played on New Year 2019 with teenagers, you need to call at least 4 people, who are seated on chairs with their backs to the audience. The point is that on the backs of chairs there are signs (or pieces of paper) that indicate places (supermarket, nightclub, school). Then the facilitator asks each participant in turn: “How often do you go to this place? Do you like visiting this place? Who do you prefer to go there with? Players answer them without knowing which place is written on the sign behind them. Fun is guaranteed. Such a competition can be freely used at a party at school.

  • “Wrap it up.” For this game you need to call girls and boys in pairs. Girls have a ribbon wrapped around their waist. The boys' task is to rewind the tape onto their belt as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins. What a good idea for a script!
  • "The most muscular." The presenter invites teenagers and divides them into two teams, each with two girls and one boy. A big sweater is put on the boy. Within a certain time, girls must manage to stuff a lot of balloons into their sweaters, creating the illusion of pumped up muscles. The team that manages to “pump up” as many balls as possible wins. Such a competition for the New Year 2019 will excite everyone!

  • "Guess the melody". For this modern game The leader selects one participant and several singers for the choir. Next, the first child must leave the room. Meanwhile, the presenter distributes to the singers the words of a line from a popular song, that is, one word to each, after which he is returned to the hall. As soon as he entered, all the singers began to simultaneously sing a line of the song - each his own word. The player's task is to guess the song among this confusion!
  • "Alphabet". In order for your script to be rich and cool for the New Year 2019, you should include this competition in it. Its essence is as follows: Santa Claus, like important character at the teenagers' party, he informs everyone that he has prepared wonderful gifts for everyone, but they will go to the smartest and most educated children. In order to find out which of them is a super genius, it is important to play the Alphabet game. Santa Claus names any letter, and the participants take turns to come up with a word that starts with this letter, but is somehow connected with New Year holidays. Whoever succeeds receives the coveted prize.

Here's a video on the topic - how to perform a dance for young people in an interesting way!


Our article has now come to an end, which has provided you with some ideas on how you can create a scenario for the New Year 2019 for teenagers with modern competitions and quizzes, with dances, songs and other entertainment. Put all your strength and humor into this matter to make the party a real success! More laughter, surprises and gifts, because this is what children need at this transitional age. Happy holiday to you, Dear friends! Laugh until you drop!

What holiday is the most important for every person? What holiday is everyone looking forward to: both adults and children? Of course, this holiday is a birthday. And every child dreams of an unforgettable holiday on this special day for him. Every parent tries to make this very day so special and unforgettable.
To make your child’s birthday memorable for both him and his guests for life, you need to plan it carefully. It's not so difficult to choose a place and treats; it's much more difficult to figure out how to entertain guests. A list of the most original and exciting competitions, presented below.

Competition No. 1. “Home Theater”.

All guests present can take part in this competition. The guys need to be divided into 4 teams. The presenter chooses any tongue twister or poem that everyone knows by heart. The task of each team is to choose a specific theatrical genre. It could be a comedy, drama, etc. And then each team recites a poem in the chosen genre. The team that, in the opinion of the presenter or parents, did the best job will win. The competition is very fun and funny.

Competition No. 2. “Apples in a basin.”

For this competition you will need two people, 10 apples and 2 basins filled with water. Both basins should stand on 2 chairs. In each basin there are 5 apples floating in water. The guys' task is to catch more apples out of the water than the opponent. But at this time, the children’s hands should be behind their backs. So you will have to catch apples with your teeth. The first one to catch all the apples wins.

Competition No. 3. “Who am I?”

This is one of the most favorite competitions among young people. Everyone present can participate. You need as many pieces of paper as there are people playing the game. The presenter must write names on them famous personalities or the names of any objects. A piece of paper is pinned to each player’s forehead so that he does not see what is written there. The first participant then asks questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. The participant's task is to guess what is written on his forehead. Questions can be like: “Am I an object?”, “Am I an animal?” and so on. After the first participant has guessed who he is, the second begins to guess, and so on in a circle. This is a very fun game for a large group.

Competition No. 4. “Find yourself a partner.”

For this competition you will need 5 girls, 4 boys and one mop. The music turns on, the guys break into pairs and start dancing. The one who does not have a partner dances with a chair. When the music stops, the couples break up, and the one who had the chair puts it aside. When the music starts again, everyone must find a partner again, and the one who does not have time dances with a chair. The competition is very funny, because in a hurry no one will figure out whether to take a boy or a girl as a mate. After the second song, boys dance with boys, and girls with girls.

Competition No. 5. “Unusual football.”

This game is suitable for those who celebrate their birthday outdoors. Everything is the same as in regular football. Children are divided into 2 teams. The team that scores more goals against the opponent wins. But the catch is that all the children on both teams must be paired up and linked. That is, the couple must have one leg connected to each other. It will be very funny to watch such football, and the players will undoubtedly enjoy this game. The main thing is to be careful and not get hurt.

Competition No. 6. “Light Bulb”.

This competition requires one boy and one girl. The presenter takes the guy out of the room and explains that when the guy comes back, he must pretend that he is going to screw in the light bulb. The girl will dissuade him, but he must explain to her that this needs to be done. Then he returns, the girl comes out, and the leader tells her that the guy is going to hang himself, and this must under no circumstances be allowed to happen. The girl returns, and the guests watch the cheerful picture.

Competition No. 7. “Burst all the balloons.”

For this competition you will need five or six boys. The leader ties each of them to the right leg balloon. The task is very simple. The winner is the one who bursts his balloon first, without using his hands. Believe me, this will not be so easy to do.

Competition No. 8. “Boxing gloves.”

Both boys and girls can participate in this competition. There must be four participants. Each person is given a pair of boxing gloves and candy. The task is to use gloves to unwrap the candy faster than your opponents.

Competition No. 9. “Dance on a newspaper.”

For this competition we need 3 boys and 3 girls. 3 newspapers are placed on the floor. Each couple stands on their own newspaper. When the music comes on, they start dancing. It is very important to dance without leaving the aisles of your newspaper. Then the music stops, the presenter folds the newspaper in half. The couples are dancing again. If a couple leaves the newspaper, they are eliminated. This continues until the winner is determined.

Competition No. 10. “Mafia”.

Mafia is one of the most favorite games not only among children, but also among adults. You can buy it in the store, but if you don’t have such a game, you can make it yourself. You take identical pieces of paper, the number of which is equal to the number of guests. Write the word “Mafia” on one piece of paper, and “Peaceful Resident” on all the others. Then turn the leaves over so that no one can see what is written on them. Give each player a piece of paper, except the leader. Players carefully look at what is written on their pieces of paper, but so that no one else sees it.

The presenter says the words: “The city is falling asleep.” After these words, all players close their eyes. Then the presenter says: “The mafia is waking up.” The person who has a piece of paper with the inscription “mafia” opens his eyes. The presenter says: “The Mafia makes its choice.” The person who has opened his eyes quietly points to any player to the presenter. This means that he killed this civilian. The host then says, “The Mafia is falling asleep,” and then, “The city is waking up.” The presenter says which one civilians killed, and everyone begins to think who the mafia is. In this game you need to be able to bluff well. If everyone thought that you were the mafia, you need to be able to convince all the players. You can play this game for hours. The main thing to remember is that the more players, the more fun it is to play.

When choosing games for teenagers, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden must remember that teenagers do not agree to unequal relationships typical for childhood. The guys consider themselves quite adults, although, carried away by the game, they forget about it. They require benevolent and tactful support from adults, which helps to fulfill the desire for independence. Children of this age are in contact with both peers and adults; they try to prove themselves and receive high praise from adults. Girls and boys actively defend their views, especially with regard to hobbies, fashion, tastes, and leisure activities, so it is best to organize a New Year's Eve party for them in a cafe.

It must be taken into account that at this age great attention needs to be given to the individual. Therefore, I recommend that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden select games where there is an opportunity to express themselves. You can hold a knight's tournament; at this age, boys want to please girls and assert themselves in their own eyes. They perceive positively and willingly play in the “Miss and Mister Party” competition, which has the nominations “Most Charming”, “Superman”, “MissSmile”, “Mr.Gallance”, “Miss Charm”, “Mr.Courage”, “Miss Charm”, “Gentleman” " and so on.

Well received Mind games, especially if there are tasks that require players out-of-the-box thinking and the presence of a sense of humor. These could be questions with double meanings or a fun crossword puzzle. In a word, just continuous dancing can very soon tire you and get boring. It is necessary to warm up not only for the legs, but also for the mind.

"Skinny" company

The hoop should fit as much as possible more people. It is only advisable that the guys do not get too carried away - the hoop is not rubber, after all.

Circle, square, triangle

Two teams of 12 people each participate, both freely dancing. On command in the dance, players quickly move into a circle, then into a square and into a triangle.

Dance Marathon

Fast pieces of music are played in a row (it is best to take the most popular ones). Participants in the game must dance non-stop. The most resilient one wins.

Familiar melodies

Invite one person from the team, place nameplates in front of them famous performers(composers). Sounds like a fragment of some piece of music, players must raise a sign with the name of the performer (composer) or title. You can use works of a certain theme or a certain direction (classics, modern hits).

Cheat sheets

The game requires two or more participants. They are given a roll of toilet paper. These are the cheat sheets. The participants’ task is to hide the paper in their pockets, behind the collar, in trousers, in socks, tearing it into small pieces. Whoever does this first is the winner.


Toilet paper will make a magnificent “mummy”. Call two or more pairs of volunteers. One of the players in each pair is the “mummy”, and the second is the “mumiator”. The “mumiator” must wrap the “mummy” with “bandages” made of toilet paper as quickly as possible.


The presenter names proverbs of a particular country, the players indicate a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. For example, an Arabic proverb says: “I ran from the rain, got caught in the downpour,” and a Russian one: “From the frying pan into the fire.”

1. Iranian: “Where there are no fruit trees, a beet will pass for an orange.”

Russian: “For lack of fish and cancer, fish.”

2. Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion.”

3. Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.”

Russian: “The language will bring you to Kyiv.”

4. English: “Every flock has its own black sheep.”

Russian: “There’s a black sheep in a family.”

5. Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks down.” ,

Russian: “A horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”

Blindfold game

10 people are participating: 5 girls and 5 boys. The rest form big circle holding hands. The players are blindfolded so that nothing is visible. At first, everyone moves chaotically inside the circle, trying not to push each other. Then, on command, the boys try to form their own circle, and the girls try to form theirs. Intuition is needed here, because you can’t talk. You are allowed to touch each other and determine by touch who is yours and who is someone else’s.

Change your hand

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but only with their left hand, and those who are left-handed use their right hand.

Guess the condition

Two teams of 6 people are required. Each player of two teams is given a drawing in an envelope that depicts a face with an expression of anger, thoughtfulness, fear, joy, irony, sadness, fear, boredom, surprise, admiration. Alternately, the participants of the two teams read the quatrain:

Guests came to us

Dear ones have come,

It was not in vain that we set the table,

They treated us to pies,

And they read with the same expression as in the picture. The player comes forward and stands in front of the team so that everyone can see his drawing, but the guessing team does not. If the opposing team guesses correctly, it gets 1 point. Whose team scored more points won.

Dance with an orange

2 couples participate. Each pair is given an orange. As soon as the music starts, they must dance with the orange between their partner's cheeks. The winner is the couple who manages to hold the orange while dancing.

Capricious apple

Number of participants - 4 people. One person is holding an apple in the air, which is tied to a short ribbon, and the second participant is trying to eat this apple without using his hands.


A team of 7 people must decorate the “Christmas tree” while the music is playing. A “Christmas tree” is any person from the company. You need to decorate the Christmas tree using improvised means. The winner is the team that decorates the “Christmas tree” with the most “toys.”

Orange boom

There are 12 people in the team. They stand in a row. The first player holds the orange under his chin. On command, players pass the orange to each other without using their hands. The team that doesn't drop the orange wins.

Strange dancing

Two people hold a thick cord 1.5 m long at a height as tall as a person. Those who wish to play take turns walking under the cord, performing dance moves. Gradually the cord is lowered lower. The game continues until the most flexible player remains.

Name the fourth

Three words are named, and the fourth (of the same theme) is named by the participants in the game. This game can be played between players sitting at tables. The team that can name the most words wins. For example:

1. Dnieper, Don, Volga... (Yenisei).

2. Plum, pear, apple... (orange).

3. “Opel”, “Mercedes”, “Moskvich”... (“Ford”).

4. Masha, Olya, Lyuba... (Natasha).

5. “Spartak”, “Lokomotiv”, “Zenit”... (“CSKA”).

6. Poplar, pine, maple... (birch).

7. “The Golden Fish”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Frog Princess”... (“The Snow Queen”).

8. Chair, bed, table... (chair).

9. Gymnastics, volleyball, tennis... (football).

10. Pencil, pen, notebook... (ruler).

11. Cream, perfume, powder... (lipstick).

12. Chocolate, marmalade, candies... (cookies).

13. Goal, penalty, offside... (corner).

14. Boots, shoes, boots... (sandals).

Collect snowballs

The game is designed for two people only. Each player is given a basket. Snowballs cut from foam rubber are poured onto the floor. The players are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

"Cheerful boots." Two teams, unlimited number of players. Props: 2 pairs of felt boots big size. The players line up one after another. On command, the first player puts on felt boots and, quickly running around the tree, returns to the team. Having taken off his felt boots, he passes them on to the next one, and so on until all the players have completed the distance.

The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Wonderful calendar sheet

Each guest receives a piece of paper from a desk calendar. The boys are given odd numbers calendar, and for girls - even numbers. As the evening progresses, guests are offered several tasks:

1. Find “yesterday”.

2. Build a team from only “Tuesdays” or from only “Thursdays”.

3. Gather by month.

4. Collect the first week of each of 12 months.

5. Collect all the Wednesdays of one of the months.

Based on the numbers of the flip calendar leaves received, be sure to indicate what month the date is, you can hold a New Year's auction with non-standard prizes.

Looking for a couple

Again, using the calendar leaves, you need to find a couple to dance. The game is played while dancing. The Snow Maiden names any number from 3 to 61, and the players must gather in pairs so that the sum of their numbers on the calendar sheet corresponds to the named number. The one who completes the task first wins.

Jumping bags

Very popular, very simple and at the same time hilarious funny game. Props: two bags. Two teams stand in front of the Christmas tree. The first player on the team is given a bag. Putting it on his feet and holding the edge of the bag on both sides with his hands, he jumps around the tree and returns to the team. He takes off the bag and passes it to the next player. The team whose last player gets to the team first wins.

Score a goal for Santa Claus

We designate the gates with two small Christmas trees. Santa Claus is a goalkeeper. Players take turns trying to score a goal. Whoever hits the goal moves on to the second round. In the second round, 2 attempts are given to score a goal. The players who scored 3 goals each advance to the third round. And so on until one player remains, the winner.

It is important not to prolong the game. If there are a lot of guests, limit the number of players.

Rooster fight

A game for real men. Two young men get into a gymnastic hoop. Take a cockfighting stance: hands behind your back, one leg bent at the knee. The task is to jump back, gaining momentum, and push your opponent into the chest or the opposite shoulder with your shoulder. And so on until one of the players pushes the opponent out of the circle.

“During my student days, I very cleverly performed one trick with everyone who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, which I, in turn, learned in the company of the same curious girls - friends of my older sister. And the whole trick is actually very simple, like everything ingenious. For the success of this event, you need a bathroom or just a sink with a small piece of soap, preferably a completely flat one, although any will do in the absence of anything else. Well, the rest, that is, a flock of people thirsting for the truth, I think, can be found as well as a box of matches. after all, the candles need to be lit, so buy them in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone has gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas fortune-telling, you, as if by the way, can ask: “Can I tell you what my husband’s name will be?” any of you." In response, you can hear anything: surprise, distrust, etc. But someone will definitely be interested in this. This is where it all begins. You can, even before you say your intriguing phrase, write to inside your forearm (from hand to elbow) with any prepared soap male name. This should be done with a ridge of slightly wet soap so that your hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you have interested everyone, do something so that you need to go out (get matches, comb your hair, finally go to the toilet), just don’t say that you need to get ready for fortune telling, this can alert the most suspicious, and there are such people always and everywhere. When you leave, you need to write any man's name or the name of the prospective groom of the one who volunteered first. When you return to everyone, you must, with a serious look, invite everyone to concentrate and under no circumstances laugh, in general, let in a fog. Then invite the girl for whom the fortune-telling will be done to burn 5-20 matches (as many as your heart desires, but not less than 5) and place the completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When a girl burns matches, she should completely focus on her future as she sees it (or come up with something interesting yourself again for the same fog). Then, with no less concentration, you need to rub the burnt matches directly on your hand (cruelly, but you can’t do it for a laugh), and with every movement of it, the name that you previously wrote will appear on your hand. You can believe that even the most skeptical people here will believe and want to do it themselves, and maybe more than once. For the second and subsequent times, you will no longer have to look for an excuse to go to the treasured water and soap to write the treasured name for the next girl. It is advisable that no one except you knows this joke, but this is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, perhaps, indifferent, and not to laugh under any circumstances. When everyone is satisfied, you can tell about everything, unless you want to keep the monopoly for the next year. In my case, there were a majority of skeptics from the very beginning, and it all started out of curiosity. And in the end, even the most ardent skeptics became so excited and seriously believed in everything. They still had doubts even after I told them everything honestly. But on the whole, everyone was satisfied, and, what’s most interesting, even after my confession, they told everyone that their betrothed’s name would be exactly as I predicted for them. I wish you all good luck in carrying out this fortune telling! "...

Funny, active, funny and amusing New Year competitions for children will make the holiday unforgettable. They give good mood, mass positive emotions, bring together those who found themselves in the same circle that night. They reveal a variety of children's talents: some sing great, some draw masterfully, and some end up being faster and smarter than everyone else.

A child is always interested in comparing himself with others and learning how to lose deservedly. This educational moment also applies to New Year’s games, which can be arranged with both kids and teenagers. They will be useful for school-wide Christmas tree, events in kindergarten and family holiday.

Coming up with your own New Year's competitions for children so that they get involved in any age category is a mastery of aerobatics. Firstly, nothing can surprise modern children; their demands for entertainment are quite high, and they can react to many competitions and games with a sour expression and refusal to participate in them. Secondly, New Year theme involves the use of appropriate attributes and heroes, which must be taken into account when selecting certain competitions. Our useful tips will help you choose the best and most fun options from the variety offered on the Internet.

  1. Age

Decide on the age category of children who will take part in New Year's competitions. If outdoor games are important for kids, then you can organize intellectual battles for schoolchildren, and for teenagers you can include elements of gags and jokes.

  1. Place

The location of the competition for the New Year will also matter. For example, in a kindergarten, children can be lined up in a round dance and have fun outdoor games around the Christmas tree. But at school you will need more serious joke games with jokes and intellectual tasks. And it is much easier to organize such events at home, in the family circle, when no one will be embarrassed.

  1. Plot

Carefully read the texts for children's New Year's competitions offered on various sites. Make sure that there was not a hint of vulgarity for adults, which is so much on the Internet today. Imagine the whole game from start to finish: wouldn't it be too difficult for children? did you understand everything during the scenario? Can you get all the attributes for the competition? Think through all these points in advance to make the holiday a success.

  1. Leading

Don't forget to decide who will be the presenter at the New Year's children's competitions. Can you organize them so that the kids don’t get bored on the holiday evening and get a lot of positive emotions? Maybe it makes sense to invite a professional to do this or invite actors in the guise of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

When choosing New Year's competitions and games for children, consider the smallest details. These are not just competitions that help while away a weekday evening in the yard or at home. They should be truly incendiary, fun, and memorable. They need to be carried out in such a way that even the losers are happy and choked with delight and overwhelming emotions. This is the essence of the New Year: only joy, laughter and no negative emotions- this is the main rule. Start your selection with the age groups of children.

Preschool age

Pick up interesting competitions for the New Year for children preschool age most difficult, since their circle is limited to the mobile and extremely simple games. On the one hand, children aged 3-6 years are very responsive and always willingly participate in such events. However, they may not always understand the conditions and rules of the competition, and in case of failure, resentment may end in tears. Therefore, the selection of New Year's games for kids needs to be taken as responsibly as possible.

  • Nesmeyana

Game situation for the New Year's competition: on the eve of the New Year, the Snow Maiden was stolen, and only Nesmeyana knows who is hiding her and where. One of the adults pretends to be a sad, whiny princess, whom the children must make laugh so that she reveals her secret to them.

  • “I’ll freeze it!”

The Snow Maiden asks Father Frost:

- Grandfather, can you freeze everything?
- Yes! - he answers.
- But try to freeze our guys! Children, quickly hide what Grandpa wants to freeze!

To the accompaniment of cheerful, energetic music, the children around Grandfather dance in a circle. When he says:

- I'll freeze your ears! - everyone covers their ears with their palms.

  • Fun questions

The leader of the round dance asks the children funny questions about Santa Claus, which they need to be able to answer correctly. Not all kids can do this. Sometimes, out of consonance, they give incorrect answers, which amuses all the presenters.

— Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes
— Do you like jokes and gags? - Yes
- Does he know songs and riddles? - Yes
— Will he eat our chocolates? - No
— Will he light a Christmas tree for all the children? - Yes
— Wears shorts and a T-shirt? - No
- He doesn’t age in soul, does he? - Yes
- Does it keep us warm outside? - No
— Is Santa Claus the brother of Frost? - Yes
- Is our birch good? - No
— Is the New Year closer to us, closer? - Yes
— Is there a Snow Maiden there in Paris? - No
— Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes
— Does Grandfather drive a foreign car? - No
— Does he wear a fur coat and a hat? - No
- Doesn't he look like dad? - Yes

Such New Year's competitions for young children will allow you to avoid pitfalls and have a fun holiday without unpleasant surprises in the form of grievances and tears. Just for this age category it will be better if the presenters represent Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or some others fairy tale characters, characteristic of the New Year. This will give the holiday an appropriate flavor and the kids will remember it for a long time.

7-9 years

For children 7-8 years old, you need to look for something more serious. Of course, mobile New Year's games and competitions for this age category are not going anywhere, but they can already be diluted with creative and intellectual elements. This will make the holiday more exciting, will help the children open up and show their talents.

  • New Year's cap

You need to prepare a paper hat in advance and paint it in a fun New Year's way. Children are divided into two teams. Each of them has 1 representative. A cap is put on one of them. The second opponent is given a long stick (make sure its tip is not very sharp), with which he must carefully remove the magic headdress from his opponent and put it on himself. After that they change. All team members must do this. The task of the New Year's competition is considered unfulfilled if the cap fell to the floor or the opponent was painfully hit with a stick.

  • Christmas decorations

The guys are divided into two teams. The first one is Christmas tree decorations. The second one should dress them up New Year tree. Members of the first team must, without words, depict some well-known Christmas tree toy(ball, star, gnome, etc.), and the opponents must guess what they are showing them.

  • Snowballs

For this New Year's competition, you will have to make a cardboard Christmas tree, cutting holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Prepare paper balls, which children will use from a distance to fall into holes on an artificial tree. Christmas tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Undoubtedly, the most popular are funny New Year's competitions, when it is simply impossible not to laugh while watching those who take part in the announced competition. Parents should pay attention to them. There should not be so many serious, creative competitions: the New Year was invented in order to have fun, and children should be given this opportunity!

10-12 years

At the age of 10-11, despite the proximity of adolescence, schoolchildren still love to have fun, so choose funny competitions for children that will not let them get bored either at school or at home. However, more subtle humor is acceptable here; it is worth taking into account the participation in games of girls and boys, who begin to show their first sympathies at this age.

  • New Year's popcorn

Children are divided into two teams. Paper cups filled with popcorn are attached to the players' feet with tape. So you need to run a certain distance, dropping as little precious burden as possible along the way. Popcorn is poured into the team's bowl. Whoever turns out to be fuller at the end of the New Year's competition wins.

  • Liberator of the Snow Maiden

In the New Year's competition, a fabulous situation is created: on New Year's Eve, the Snow Maiden was stolen and locked away. Two opponents are offered two locked locks and a bunch of keys. Whoever picks up the key faster and unlocks his lock is considered the winner and the noble liberator of the Snow Maiden.

  • Creative competitions

In this age group be sure to spend New Year's creative competitions for children: who would better draw a New Year tree of the future or a modern Snow Maiden. Here they will show their talents in all their glory.

For this age, New Year's competitions for children and adults will be quite useful, since their interaction will certainly be productive and will give many pleasant and fun minutes. Children aged 10-12 like to feel equal to adults and even be better than them in some ways. If you give them such an opportunity for the New Year, their delight will know no bounds.

13-15 years old

Most interesting age- 13-14 years old, when teenagers should be called children with caution, because in their essence they are no longer such. However, they will also be happy to have fun in the New Year, especially if the company is of different sexes: boys and girls of this age love to flirt with each other, and where else, if not in games, can this be done in front of everyone? If you have a gathering of young people, look for New Year’s competitions for children and parents, in which absolutely everyone will participate: in this case this is the best option.

  • Geese and ducks

Participants in the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. It's good if boys alternate with girls. The presenter approaches each of them and whispers in their ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the others do not hear it. After this, the presenter explains that if he now says the word “duck”, all the players to whom he said it will press both legs together. If “goose” - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's competition, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

  • New Year's makeup

Distribute the teenagers into boy-girl pairs. It is better to warn the participants of this New Year's competition in advance and select only those who really would not mind such an “extreme”. Young people are blindfolded and given eye shadow, blush and lipstick. And they start putting makeup on their partner's face. Usually the competition is a great success, because the results are very inspiring and fun for everyone present.

  • Sausage for the New Year

A very funny competition that will bring some cheer during the holidays New Year's table everyone. The presenter asks the children various questions about the New Year, and they, in turn, must always answer with one word, which must be derived from the word “sausage.” For example:

— How did you celebrate this New Year? - Sausage!
— What will you do on January 1? - Suck it!
— What do you want to receive as a gift for the New Year? - Sausage!

The main condition of this funny New Year's competition is to never laugh and always answer with a serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game.

  • Attentive Ensemble

All children present are invited to sing together the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The conductor of this New Year's competition is selected (an adult, the presenter, can take on his role). He warns teenagers to take a closer look at his hands. As soon as he clenches one hand into a fist, everyone should suddenly fall silent. As a rule, not everyone succeeds in this and some continue to sing the New Year's song alone.

In fact, you can find a variety of funny and very interesting children's competitions for the New Year, which will so lift your spirits and cheer that everyone will remember the holiday for a long time. Parents should take care of a selection of games in advance to have in their arsenal a large number of competitions that will not let you get bored. The child will be delighted if he spends New Year's days with friends in a fun and exciting way. Well, don’t forget to choose a gift, and if you don’t know what to give, read.