Why do you dream about big green apples? Why do you dream of green apples?

Most dreams can be interpreted using associations and your past experiences. And if you dreamed of apples, then deciphering such a dream is no exception. An apple is not just tasty and healthy fruit, but also a symbol of wisdom and knowledge that has come to us since the time of Adam and Eve. Apples themselves carry a good sign of abundance, fertility and, as mentioned earlier, wisdom. However, the meaning of such a dream will be influenced by nuances.

Firstly, the events that unfold with this fruit, secondly, the very state of the apple, thirdly, who gave it and what followed. All these subtleties will have a big impact on general interpretation sleep. In addition, to understand in more detail why apples are dreamed of, it is best to turn to different sources to look at the issue from different angles.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller considers apples a very auspicious sign. He deciphers what dreams of red apples among green foliage mean as an excellent and promising dream.

In general, ripe, beautiful apples signify excellent opportunities for material and spiritual growth. But dirty, bruised or wormy fruits, on the contrary, carry bad news. This means that there will be obstacles that will darken expectations.
Seeing these fruits hanging on a tree in a dream means that it is time to harvest. That is, all efforts and work will be more than rewarded. This means that a period of favorable opportunities has come, so there is no need to waste time, it’s time to start acting. The main thing is self-confidence and all obstacles will be successfully overcome, and problems will be resolved.

Apples on a tree can mean different sides of events:

  • At the top of the tree - it means that you should not be exalted in your aspirations and desires. You can’t jump over your head, so you need to set real goals, and not sky-high dreams that are unattainable, at least in the short term.
  • Apples lying under a tree indicate that among those around you there are many deceitful and insincere people who can cause harm.
  • Rotten or broken apples on the ground indicate that, most likely, desires will not come true and efforts will become in vain.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud, in his characteristic manner of interpreting dreams based on hidden complexes of a sexual nature, considers the apple not very good sign. Through the apple, the subconscious mind shows a person his fears and disappointments from his partners. Freud describes in a rather original way why one dreams of eating ripe, juicy apples. This means that the object of adoration and affection will not reciprocate because he prefers same-sex love.

Of course, this is only relevant for those who are in active search and already has his sights set on potential partners.
Wormy apples characterize fears about a deteriorating relationship amid infidelity. When wormholes form in a relationship, the subconscious spills out its fears through the image of a wormy apple. Perhaps there are even connections on the side, but most likely this “lost sheep” will still return home to an already proven and stable relationship. In this case, you need to decide whether a person is ready to forgive a negligent partner or not. If yes, then you need to show all your love and passion so that your other half wants to come back. Well, if not, then there is a reason to break up and start life over.

Shaking an apple tree so that apples fall off means hidden fears that your partner is not satisfied with sex. Perhaps you need to try harder and make every effort to please him. If both like to give their all, then everything is fine, but if one is not satisfied with this balance of power, then maybe you need to find another option with which you don’t have to do things against your will and desire.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga considers the apple to be a definitely good symbol. Especially if it is whole, beautiful, fragrant and ripe. This sign precedes the appearance of wisdom and knowledge in life. If we consider why we dream about apples being picked straight from a tree, then this means the need to be under the influence external forces acquire new knowledge and teachings. So it's time to deal with true essence of things. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to understand and realize everything right away, but at least you will have to make every effort to understand the causes of all phenomena and events in life.

At the same time, a bad or wormy apple carries lies and misinformation. If you dreamed about how someone treated or sold bad apples, it means you should expect a trick from your environment. In this case, you should not immediately rely on news received from unverified sources; first you will have to double-check everything and, just in case, think through a plan “B” in case everything does not go as planned. The proverb “trust, but verify” will be very useful.

To others important aspect are actions aimed at the apple, they will help to clarify the meaning of the dream and give it clarity:

  • Eating an apple means that the source of knowledge and wisdom will be an older patron. This experienced person who has the knowledge you need will help you find the right path. Therefore, you will need to show him not only respect and respect, but also kindness and gratitude. This is very important and sometimes necessary to achieve your goals.
  • Cutting an apple does not bode well. Symbolically, cutting an apple into slices can be deciphered as incorrect assimilation of information, misconceptions that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov, apples definitely signify negative events or changes. Tsvetkov’s interpretations proceed from the fact that this symbol means “apple of discord.” It was not for nothing that Adam and Eve could not pick apples in the Garden of Eden. And as a result of the fact that Eve disobeyed the instructions, serious changes occurred that led to suffering, pain and disappointment in life. Therefore, it is quite simple to answer why apples are dreamed of according to Tsvetkov - they are dreamed of illness and suffering.

Moreover, apples have different meanings for men and women:

  • To eat is to be disappointed in people, goals or values, to experience anger, anger and irritation. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows dissolute and depraved adventures, which, however, can end sadly for her.
  • Picking apples means troubles and obstacles that will arise on life path. For a woman, this dream promises mainly household chores, conflicts or quarrels in the family.
  • Simply holding an apple portends problems and unpleasant surprises. For a woman, this may mean that she will be seduced and seduced in every possible way in order to persuade her to take certain actions or decisions.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to the soothsayer Hasse, apples are not a uniquely bad or good symbol. They mark a certain result based on the events and actions of the dream. So apples can promise joy or benefits in one case, or the appearance of trouble and grief in another case. Everything is determined by the actions performed with the apple and the result of the impact.

  • Picking ripe apples from a branch means experiencing great joy or good luck.
  • Eating apples means great experiences await you regarding the person you like or is significant in your life. If the apple is tasty and sweet, it means that the experience will be pleasant and good. Communication with the person you are interested in will bring a lot of benefits and positive emotions, and perhaps falling in love, which will mark the beginning of a long and strong love. But if the apple was sour, tart or simply tasteless, then the experience will be sad, difficult and sad. Perhaps this will be caused by the deception of a trusted person or the betrayal of a close friend.
  • Buying or being treated means that soon something positive and good will come into life from other people. Maybe this will be a pleasant surprise, or maybe it will be something that has long been expected and hoped for.
  • Cut - quarrel with a friend, buddy or colleague.
  • Picking apples - portends the emergence of favorable conditions for the implementation of planned affairs. If you start your own business at this time, it will definitely become successful.
  • Just seeing apples on a tree means many friends and acquaintances will soon appear.
  • Drinking apple juice will lead to illness or illness.

Hasse also pays a large role to the apple itself and its properties. Depending on its taste, color and condition, the interpretation will vary greatly:

  • Ripe and plump apples - portend a successful marriage;
  • Immature ones - on the contrary, promise trouble and misfortune;
  • Rotten - warn of danger and risk;
  • Delicious juicy fruits - well-being and prosperity in the family;
  • Sweet honey apples - will bring fun and laughter to the house;
  • Bitter things are always sabotage and grief;
  • Baked - indicate selfish goals;
  • Wine - bring joy and happiness;
  • Dried and boiled - show that insincere actions are caused solely by profit;
  • Red - will lead to tears and sadness
  • But this is what green apples mean in dreams - for improvement material well-being and prosperity
  • White apples promise success and recognition.

For Hasse, apples are, of course, a positive symbol, but depending on the color, taste and preparation, this meaning can change to the opposite.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus saw in the apple only knowledge and the power of thought. This was probably due to the fact that the famous Newton invented the law of universal gravity precisely after this ill-fated apple fell on his head.

Therefore, Nostradamus believed that if a person saw apples in a dream, it means that the world will soon receive a great discovery, and the dreamer will receive the reverence and respect of the entire scientific community. But a wormy or spoiled apple indicates that all efforts and all work will be “down the drain,” that is, expectations will not be met. In this case, you need to stop doing this thing and it’s best, so as not to waste time, start something new.
Eating an apple in a dream means that a beautiful femme fatale will soon appear in life, who will change your whole life. Perhaps it will be a future wife, or maybe a friend who long years will become the muse of my whole life. Also eating apples can mean that a woman will come to power and begin to successfully rule the state. As a result of her policies, the country will be able to become the most powerful and influential.

Seeing a lot of apples on a tree can signify amazing discoveries of new unique fruits or fruits that will help humanity gain youth, beauty and health.
The predictions of Nostradamus, apparently, are large-scale and fateful in nature. And even if we do not take into account the grandeur and greatness of his plans and capabilities, it is still obvious that he gives the apple a rather significant place in future discoveries and the destinies of entire countries.


As can be seen from the interpretations various dream books, apples are not just a symbol of a tasty fruit. They may be the reason discord, troubles and misfortunes. Also they represent a great opportunity to gain new knowledge or make unique discoveries. Therefore, if you dreamed about these fruits, then in order to correctly and reliably decipher the dream, you need to approach this responsibly and seriously. In order to decipher the dream in more detail, you should start with the color of the dreamed fruit. So why do you dream of green apples? Most dream books foretell a quick meeting with your lover or beloved. Even if the relationship in the future does not change to new level, but they will bring a lot of pleasant and joyful emotions. If your soulmate has long been found, then green apples bring harmonious relationships and excellent health, which is also very good.

But why do you dream of green apples, that is, not yet ripened fruits? Picking such fruits in a dream indicates that the dreamer is in too much of a hurry. It’s not for nothing that they say: “There is a time for everything,” so it is important to give time and opportunity for events to happen in the most favorable way, and then act. If a woman who is actively searching dreams of green apples plucked from a branch, then her betrothed will soon appear. Moreover, the relationship will develop as rapidly as the unripe fruit ripens. But cutting such an apple portends litter and a break in relations with your partner.
Why do you dream about red apples? Ripe red apples tell the dreamer about new opportunities and favorable conditions for the implementation of plans. Anyone who dreams of a child will probably soon become a parent or grandparent who wishes career- will soon have opportunities to demonstrate their professionalism and the respect of colleagues who are looking for spiritual development- will be able to discover new things in himself unique abilities and meet a wise teacher who will help you find the right path.

Apples themselves are a positive sign that foreshadows significant positive changes in life. But if the fruit is wormy, sour or bitter, then this indicates problems, troubles or traitors along the way.

Perhaps even these obstacles will negate all the efforts expended. To avoid such a fate, you need to carefully check all information received before making decisions based on it. There must also be an action plan in case of unforeseen circumstances, so that negative conditions were not taken by surprise.
Thus, different authors give different interpretations depending on their worldviews and teachings. But they all agree that apples mark the emergence of new favorable opportunities. Starting from a new sexual partner and ending with the great discoveries of all humanity. Therefore, this dream is an excellent incentive to begin active activities aimed at achieving long-planned goals. And yet, why do you dream about apples, in general? They promise prosperity, health, wisdom, knowledge and abundance. It is very good if apples are picked and eaten in a dream, then they signify that karmic laws are already in force and have begun to take effect. It is not very good for the dreamer if you cut an apple or it is spoiled, then this is a symbol of a break in ties or the futility of the efforts made. But overcoming obstacles and problems not only strengthens the personality, but also provides valuable experience. Therefore, in any case, you should not be upset and blame your fate.


Why do you dream green apple? This sign is especially favorable for women, as it is a symbol of feminine vitality. According to the dream book, for representatives of the fair sex, such a vision predicts spiritual harmony and good health. Men who collected them in a dream will soon meet an old friend or an attractive girl.

Ripe green apple

A ripe, poured fruit is the most positive signal; it foretells that all desires and dreams will come true. The dreamer will be able to win the love of a worthy person and create a strong family together. Why do you dream about a lot of apples? He will have interesting acquaintances or new exciting ideas will appear.

Such a sign may be dreamed of by a person who will subsequently discover new opportunities for himself. He characterizes the dreamer as a person with youthful enthusiasm and pure intentions. It is very favorable to see green apples of winter varieties. The dream book emphasizes: this is evidence of fortitude.

Eating them in a dream means life will become rich and fruitful. By actively participating in events, you can do something useful. Also, in reality, feel a surge of energy, which will make it possible to easily solve problems that arise. Did you dream of eating this fruit, which turned out to be very tasty? All things will be successful.

Unripe fruit

Why does a representative of the fair sex dream of picking an unripe green apple? The dream book states: in reality she will meet a pleasant man. The dynamics of the development of their relationship will be similar to the speed of his maturation. But cutting such a fruit for her means ceasing communication with an acquaintance.

When you see in a dream that you are tearing it down, it means you are rushing things. Let them develop at their own pace: when the time comes, the fruit will fall into your hands on its own. That is, the dream book calls for patience, not to run ahead of the locomotive, but to give time to certain circumstances to form.

Eating a green apple means worrying too much about unfulfilled expectations. This is a warning: you should not waste your mental strength on fruitless emotions; it is better to pay more attention to new plans.

True, sometimes a symbol of this type in a dream indicates unpleasant moments. For example, signaling upcoming health problems. In addition, the dream sign warns: there are hypocrites among the people around you, so be careful.

What does it promise?

For a girl to see a green apple in her night dreams - according to the dream book, several suitors will appear at once, and perhaps great love will arise. For a woman, a dream symbol foretells confidence: she is beautiful, desirable, unique, her path through life is easy. Why does a man dream about this fruit? He promises an acquaintance with an interesting beautiful girl, and her favor will be won.

(See interpretation: garden, fruits)

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means grief due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream foretell the imminent receipt of good news.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy. Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief over a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream foretells a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Worthy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will do a lot of harm to you.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction and forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoyment of the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turns out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price for apples you like in a dream is a harbinger love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting into such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and are capable of taking great risks to satisfy your own lust. See interpretation: apple of paradise.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Apples on a subconscious level symbolize the internal state of a person. To understand why apples are dreamed of, you need to pay attention to the smallest details of the dream. You must remember the color and size of the fruit you dreamed about.

Very great importance For the interpretation of a dream with apples, what you do with fruit plays a role. Also, one of the determining factors for the interpretation of a dream is the color of the apples seen in the dream. But in any case, these fruits seen in a dream do not pose a serious threat real life.

I dream about a lot of apples

Perhaps the exception is the dream plot in which you see a lot of apples. This indicates disagreements in the family that will begin soon.

Apples on a tall tree

In addition, you should pay attention to a dream in which apples grow on a high tree and you cannot pick them. This may indicate your excessive arrogance, which greatly interferes with your life.

Red apples - interpretation of sleep

People often wonder why bright red apples are seen in dreams? In a dream, these fruits symbolize joyful and good mood. Therefore, you need to know why such fruits are dreamed of.

Some stories can be interpreted as follows:

    If you see fruits on a tree, then expect good news soon; When you buy red apples in a store, this portends a successful completion of the work you started; Apples scattered on the ground indicate that you are always the center of attention of friends; Eating apples red color, which means you can expect a very pleasant surprise in life.

Rotten red apples

Dreaming of such apples is also a good sign. The following should be considered:
    Apples lying on the table portend long trip or sudden profit; If you eat such apples, you will receive a well-deserved reward in the near future.

Dream interpretation - wormy apples

When in a dream your attention is focused on the fact that apples are wormy, it means that you can count on the support of a close friend. A beautiful red apple cut in half foreshadows a successful marriage soon.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, then such a dream characterizes your relationships with loved ones. If you dreamed of wormy yellow apples, then this foreshadows discord in the family, although such conflicts, as a rule, are not significant and compromises are quickly found to resolve them. Worm-worms seen in a dream yellow fruits small size - to changes in your personal life. But if you go through them in a dream, it means that in the near future you will fall in love.

Actions with apples - the solution to dreams

The main plots in the dream can be interpreted as follows:
    Picking fruits from a tree means being jealous of a loved one in real life and experiencing strong melancholy when he is not around; Using fruits to fill a pie means you will soon receive pleasant news from your closest relatives; Eating an apple means that you will soon declare your love .

Seeing green apples in a dream

It’s very good if you dreamed of green apples. This indicates that a successful career awaits you and, as a result, a significant improvement in well-being. If in a dream you buy green fruits, then this means that in real life you will successfully complete the project you have started.

Why do you dream of spoiled apples?

But, if you dream of spoiled green apples, then be careful when communicating with colleagues. Since you may suffer from their intrigues. But if you eat such fruits in a dream, then the leadership will be on your side.

Apple taste

It is very important, upon waking up, to remember the taste of apples in a dream, if you ate them. It is noteworthy that sour apples foretell a prosperous and joyful life. Why do you dream of apples if they:
    Large, then soon you will have an unforgettable vacation and fun adventures; Small, then in the near future you will have the opportunity to do what you love.

Dreamed about sweet apples

Dreaming of sweet apples indicates that in real life you have to make a serious choice. If you pick an apple from the tree before eating it, it means that it will be easy for you to make a choice. But if you take a fruit from the ground, it means that before making a decision, you must consult with a wise person.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, apples in a dream definitely promise prosperity. The most favorable dream is considered to be one in which you see a red apple surrounded by green leaves. Ripe apples on a tree indicate that your deepest desires will soon come true. But at the same time, rotten or spoiled apples seen in a dream are not considered a very good sign. This may indicate:
    To the efforts made in vain on the way to the goal; To the occurrence of minor troubles in life.
According to Miller's dream book, it is not very good if you pick up apples from the ground in a dream. This could be a warning that in real life, someone wants to harm you.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous healer Vanga considered the apple a symbol of wisdom. She argued that if a person picks an apple in a dream, then he shows an interest in deeply understanding the phenomena of life. According to Vanga’s dream book, eating an apple means that in life you will meet a wise person whose advice you should definitely listen to. A wormy apple in a dream, according to the healer, foreshadows the arrival of false news to you. Therefore, for some time you need to carefully think through your actions and decisions, otherwise big troubles await you.

According to Freud

Freud's psychological dream book associates apples in dreams with intimate relationships. If you dreamed of a beautiful ripe apple, then your hopes for an intimate relationship with the person you like will not come true. Wormy apples seen in a dream emphasize the fact that you are jealous of your partner. But, as a rule, in this case, the union of two loving hearts nothing threatens. If you dreamed of apples, do not rush to interpret the dream. First, analyze the events happening around you. Listen to your inner voice, it will certainly tell you to which area of ​​life you should apply the apples you saw in a dream.

Anchor points:

Tree with apples

On the tree– fortunately, positive moments in the future. Personal relationships will improve. You quarrel with your chosen one due to a misunderstanding of the situation and lack of control complete information about what's happening. Now everything will fall into place. If you still don’t have a life partner, then get ready for a meeting soon. He is already on his way to you and will appear at the most unexpected time in unusual place. With this person you will spend an unforgettable time with a bunch of positive emotions and joyful adventures, he knows how to surprise and delight with surprises and gifts.

Apples on the ground

On earth - to frustration, the realization that expectations turned out to be unjustified. , covered with green apples - is considered a symbol of unfulfilled hopes, accordingly, everything that you so craved and strived for will remain unfulfilled. You will also have to regret the choice that turned out to be wrong and led to troubles and despondency. This state of mind All that remains is to wait it out; it will not be possible to get rid of it in other ways.

Picked apples

In the basket- you will experience an irresistible desire to comprehend the essence of things, and you will begin to look for people who would help you with this. You will have a variety of exciting communication with many completely different people And reflections on earthly life. The desire to philosophize will arise due to a short meeting with a person who will amaze you with his worldview. You will try to imitate him and follow the path preached by such people.