Farewell to the army - traditions and signs. The scenario of seeing off to the army is cool for the toastmaster

Funny Games and competitions for seeing off the army will amuse the conscript and give pleasant emotions to his guests. Thanks to these original entertainments, the important day will pass without sadness and the future defender of the Motherland will be remembered for exclusively positive moments.

Dumpling with a riddle

To participate in the competition, you can invite a future fighter and a guest who has already been in the service. The hostess of the evening or the host prepares 10 dumplings in advance (5 for each participant), two of which will be with a large coin, and the rest just with potatoes. The contestants' task is to quickly, deftly and carefully eat all the dumplings and find their dumpling with a coin faster than their opponent. Whoever is first in this matter wins.

Army dishes like in a restaurant

2 guest teams are participating. They are given a piece of paper and a pen where they will write down their answer options after the meeting. But you need to come up with interesting, funny restaurant dishes army food, for example, pearl barley - “unforgettable perlotto”, bread and butter - a finger-licking sandwich, and so on. The most interesting names, or rather, the team that comes up with them will receive a prize.

Army Quiz

In this competition, guests receive small prizes for quick and correct answers. The guest who raised his hand first gets the right to answer. Questions can be of the following nature: a large star, but not in the forehead, but on the chase (major); a cry to quickly awaken a soldier (company, rise!); a person who will give everything for the Motherland (patriot); on the general’s head (papakha) and so on.

In Plastun style

2-3 teams are formed from the guests, which must overcome a certain distance on their bellies, that is, the first participant starts, crawls to the goal, stands up and shouts “come on”, the second participant begins to crawl, and so on. The team that "crawls" the fastest is the winner.


A circle is drawn with chalk on the floor, asphalt or paper. Each of the guests takes turns throwing a small ball, for example, a tennis ball, trying to get to the very center. The most accurate guests are awarded prizes.

The rope measures strength

The guests form 2 teams that will have to play a tug of war. In this way, the participants in the celebration will compete, set an example for the future fighter, and the winners will also receive a prize.

And your holiday was a success!

Scenario for a touching and unforgettable farewell to the army

The parents are the first to congratulate the conscript.
Poem from parents

What should we do, how should we live?
My son is leaving to serve!
Will he wear an overcoat
Hot summer and snowstorm,
To skillfully give honor,
By the clock and sleep and eat,
He will shoot at the bull's eye,
Automatically sort through!
Days and nights on guard
Coming to you, son.
Be serious, strong, dexterous,
Patient, brave, persistent,
So that you return home
Celebrating like a hero!
Step by step on the parade ground
March diligently
Letters to mother and father
Be sure to write!

The presenter proposes a toast to ensure that the service goes well.

Presenter: What do you most often dream about in the army? That's right - about girls and homemade food! We tried today so that you can enjoy both...
Sketch “Congratulations from the cooks”

Several girls dress up in aprons and chef's hats, bring out snacks and serve them to the conscript.

We are brave girls
The cooks are skilled!
You soldiers are without food
Neither here nor there!
Who eats decently
He serves very well,
Doesn't go on a diet
Thanks to the cooks!
If a soldier eats a lot,
The cook is very happy!
So eat to your health:
Prepared with love!
(Plates are placed in front of the conscript.)

Oh, what a pity!
Such a groom
He decided to leave us...
A kiss from the cooks
Get it as a souvenir!
(They kiss the conscript.)

A toast is raised. After the toast, the family sings a song (you'll need karaoke).
Song “Serve - don’t grieve”

To the tune of the song “Ring” (“My ring, cast gold...”) from the repertoire of gr. "Balagan Limited"

1.What's wrong with an ordinary guy?
Did it happen at once?
He suddenly became a conscript,
Life has changed!
Will serve the Motherland
And wear foot wraps,
And at night I keep dreaming,
How to return to mommy!

Serve - don't worry,
Don't worry, we'll break through!
Hold your head higher
We will wait for you!

2. Forget about sound sleep
And about the parties,
How to treat your girlfriend
I was running along the path.
If you're young,
Listen to the platoon commander,
He will become your father
And the mothers are a company!

If the conscript’s girlfriend is present at the holiday as a bride, then you can arrange a ceremony similar to an engagement.

Here sits a young and daring guy,
and here is a beautiful girl, with a light brown braid!
On such a charmer
On a beautiful cutie
Not getting married is just a sin
There will be a couple of the best!
There is a groom and there is a bride, what else do you need? But you just have to wait a year! And to make the wait easier, we need to make a promise to each other. Hold hands, lovers!
Addresses the guy: Do you, (name of conscript), promise to serve regularly and not forget your beloved, write letters to her regularly, and tell her the whole truth in them?

(The guy answers.)

And you, (girl’s name), promise to think about your boyfriend day and night, not to look at other guys and not to show off in a miniskirt?

(The girl answers.)

Presenter: Well done, now you are officially engaged, and if something happens, the demand will be strict on both of you! A toast is offered to the couple. Then you can pause, dance, play.
Game "Weight of shoulder straps"

This is a game for couples dancing a slow dance. Paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of the dancers, which must not be dropped. When the slow Ghanaian ends and the fast ones begin, the shoulder straps should still remain on the shoulders.

The one who holds them the longest wins.
Game "Sharpshooter"

A target is drawn on a sheet of paper, and players are given multi-colored markers. Players compete in throwing markers; the color of the dots on the target determines who is the most accurate.
Strongman competition

A competition is arranged: which of the men will hold the girl in his arms longer (everyone lifts their ladies at the same time and the time is noted).

It is better to choose a slimmer partner for this competition.
Game "Conscript Questionnaire"

The presenter invites the conscript to answer questions in a comic questionnaire asking whether he knows military terms and what they mean.
The presenter gives his answers, humorous:
The army is the only place where a young guy dreams of becoming a “grandfather” as soon as possible.
Platoon - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
The military registration and enlistment office is a wonderland: I went there and disappeared!
Dembel - return prodigal son.
Charging - execution at dawn.
Kaptyorka - treasure island.
The guard is a pity for the Motherland and one wants to sleep.
The checkpoint is the gate to heaven.
Lights Out - chronicle of a dive bomber.
Getting up - whoever gets up early bothers everyone.
Pillow - no down, no feather.
Footcloths are weapons of mass destruction.
Gas mask - let's look at the world with big eyes.
Service - "The Most Best Lesson Life Was an Army"
A soldier is a cross-country vehicle: first he runs as far as he can, then as long as he is told.
Conscience is wealth, and a soldier is a poor man.
TV is a window to Europe.
Army humor competition

Men compete in knowledge funny stories from army life(incidents, anecdotes, jokes). For the most funny story The winner receives a prize glass.

Games and competitions for a fun send-off to the army

Our next competition is also not easy. Almost all the soldiers in their letters home ask for something to be sent. Now we will find out what they most often ask for. But you have to guess by smell.
Participants in the competition are presented with identical dishes, on which lard, cigarettes, garlic, and sweets are placed, covered with identical linen napkins. You need to determine by smell what exactly is on the dish.

Now I will ask five people to come to me who want to measure the vital capacity of the lungs. Are you wondering what it is? This is the maximum volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled after taking the deepest breath. And balloons will help us in carrying out this research. Now each of you will receive one balloon and, on the count of “one, two, three,” will begin to inflate them. You will do this until one of you bursts the balloon. This participant will have the highest vital capacity.
(A competition is underway, the winner is awarded all the remaining intact balls.)

2 hats and 10 kindling shells.
On a signal, who will hit the hat with surprise containers the fastest.
You can give 3 attempts.

On whatman paper, 1 word related to military affairs is encrypted.
The first one to solve the encrypted word wins.
While the song is playing.

Crossing the "swamp" - two pieces of paper. They stand on one with their feet, put the next one in front of them, take the one left behind and put it in front of them again and move around like that. Who is faster?

For this competition you need to prepare for each team: a spool of thread put on a pencil and 2 chairs. 1 chair is placed at the beginning of the distance, the second - in the middle of the hall.
Leading. Where the chairs are in the middle of the hall is the “height” occupied by your company. The connection with the “height” is lost. We need to establish a connection. You are now signalmen. The first private is awarded a reel on a pencil. We tie the thread from the spool to a nearby chair. At the signal, the privates with the spools run to the second chair, wrap their thread around the back of the second chair and run back, then wrap the thread around the first chair, and the spool is passed to the next “signalman”

Last can of beer
It's no secret that it's not only relatives and friends that the soul misses in the first months of service... I remember cold beer, steamed bottles. So sometimes you want to “accept”! Today it will be in last time before a long journey.
So, let's go... to the pub!
1) Recruited participants pass a can of beer (non-alcoholic) to the music. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the bottle in their hands is eliminated from the game.
2) Music plays, beer is brought out, poured into plates. You need to drink it with spoons. Which team will do it faster?

And the soul also requires will and freedom in the difficult everyday life of a soldier. Do you want new impressions, experiences, adrenaline, or what? Let's try to go AWOL.
The song “Samovolochka” performed by N. Rastorguev is played.
The main target of AWOL is, of course, girls. And the soldier’s great skill is manifested not in meeting a girl, but in leaving her on time, so as not to be late.

“Who can dress a girl faster?”
Men have no equal in the speed of undressing women. But what about dressing? Who will dress the girl faster? (players are given all sorts of little things - jewelry, hairpins, rubber bands, glasses, gloves, handbags, hats, etc. - all this must be put on the girl)

How to get to the village? Anything, as long as it’s faster! But after going AWOL, the soldier has only copper in his pockets, and not a lot of that. We will again need the help of a support group. The “self-willed” person who manages to collect the most change will definitely win.
Players are given plates on which they collect change
Let's count what you managed to collect? And you? But as you understand, it was comic competition, in fact, our conscript will not violate the military regulations and will not go “AWOL”, but will be an exemplary soldier of the Russian Army.

A soldier must be able to walk through a minefield without ever being blown up by a mine. I place plastic bottles on the floor. Let's imagine that these are mines. Your task is to walk blindfolded between the “mines” back and forth without knocking over any of them.
All participants in the game take turns going through the “minefield”. Participants can first be sent to an adjacent room so that they do not look into the hall and see what is happening there. And the following happens: next to everyone passing through the field, an assistant moves silently. His task: to remove the “mine” from under the participant’s foot and place it in another place. Having gone through this difficult path, each player can be convinced that there really were “mines” on the field, and he managed to get to the goal without running into any of them.

The following preparations need to be made for this competition. For example, 20 candies are scattered in a certain place. The participants are "sappers". They are blindfolded and given children's buckets.
Presenter: Dear sappers! You must, with your eyes closed, collect as many "mines" - candies - as possible. And then you can “clear them” - eat them!

Our heroic strength
They ride in on horses to the music “Our heroic strength”
1) Who more girls will carry you on horseback
2) Who will pick the apple faster (played until 3 wins)
3) Who prances on a horse more elegantly, more cheerfully, and faster than anyone else (country)

Scenario for seeing off to the army "Serve - don't worry..."

Good evening, Dear friends!
As always, every year,
In our country, we are recruiting young men to serve in the Army.
And today we have gathered here to conduct the service
FULL NAME............................................ .
There is no duty, there is a nobler cause,
And there is no higher honor,
What is honor and duty? Russian army
To be the guardian of the entire native country.
There is no higher honor - for life's sake
Keep the peace of your native country,
Serve our great truth
And obey her alone!
The fate of a soldier is harsh,
Be strong, be honest!
Never forget in the service
Our parting words.
Along the streets from the stations,
A little sad sometimes
Recruits are marching
Formation follows formation.
9 am. Military registration and enlistment office. People are crowding...
Somewhere there is laughter, and somewhere there are tears...

Somewhere there are songs, and somewhere they stand in silence...
These are the guys going into the army.
All this will be...
And it will be very soon for a wonderful guy - Nikita!
Today relatives, friends, acquaintances have gathered here to give last words of advice before military service.
Friends! Today we are seeing off our military service best son, nephew, friend. May our best wishes be your good companions on his difficult journey.
Conscription day is just around the corner
The day of conscription has arrived
And today through these doors
He looked in slowly.
The conscript has been in place for a long time,
And his soul sings,
Because together with you
He is waiting for the first toast.
Don't put off the toast
Let's drink to the conscript while standing!
Shouting three times “Gib-gib-hurray!”
The songs “Conscript”, “Hello youth in boots” are played.

Friends! You will all agree with me that it is difficult to part with a person with whom we spent side by side best years our lives - childhood, school - and who has always been our faithful friend and comrade. Today he leaves us, but not forever, but only for one year of military service, he leaves us, full of hopes that his service will be an excellent school for a man, full of optimism. So why should we be sad?
Let us be consoled by the hope of meeting in a year, in this house and in the same company!
Happy service to you!
So the call has been announced
And long journey to you!
Far away from us,
Don't forget your friends!
Be confident in yourself
Be successful in everything!
And when you return
Let's sing a song together!
We can't protect our countries without you,
We can't scare our enemies without you!
The army needs such people
People like you should be hired!
You're cool, boy! The spitting image of a soldier!
Only form is not enough for beauty,
After all, the uniform is a true man’s outfit!
(And you can lower the mustache to the form)
In short, guy, don’t forget to drop a line,
How’s it going, and what, are they allowed to shoot...
We wish you easy service! Let's hit the road!
Nikita! Today we: your friends, parents, relatives have gathered here to accompany you to the army. Don't worry - there's still more to come! A lot of new, interesting, unusual... you will see other people's places, meet other people, and in a year you will be with us again.

For you to come, our dear,
Let's move our glasses together in a toast,
Let such a day never come in life,
When guests don't come knocking at your house!

The songs “Soldier's Farewell” and “Serve the Fatherland” are played.


An area with increased heat flows is known at the confluence of the Aldan and the Lena.
Once we started talking about the waters that lie much deeper than the permafrost. In some ways, their life is similar to that outside the Land of Permafrost or in vast multi-kilometer taliks. Everywhere groundwater is the most free - the surface is close, which means the connection with the water of streams and rains is easier. Those waters that lie deeper are compressed by aquitards. Water squeezes through the pores and tiny cracks terribly slowly - centimeters per year! Millimeters per day is good, but meters per day is rare, this is already in highly fractured rocks. Swift streams rush through the karst voids. And in the depths of the depths lies forever hidden, motionless, stagnant water.
The history of the origin of groundwater at great depths has not yet been fully understood. Scientists believe that, apparently, some waters, the so-called buried ones, were formed there even when the rocks that now contain them were just being deposited. Millions of years ago. Or the water has remained there since the time when the land was abandoned by the sea that flooded it - the water of the subsoil is highly mineralized, usually almost brines. It is believed that there are also waters there from cooled magma vapors - juvenile, pristine-pure. Most of all it penetrates into the depths of atmospheric waters.
Everyone, even the workers, always participates in such conversations with pleasure, they don’t skimp on questions, and everyone feels good, if you don’t look at Kolka Shkil’s suffering eyes. Kolka usually fidgets and looks sadly at the door. Leshka, with missionary inexorability, keeps him close to him, believing that his only assistant in the coming winter should at least understand something.
A little each time, it turns out short stories about one thing. Today, for example, we are talking about pressure waters. Deep, pressure, artesian waters... Compressed by impenetrable layers, the water of the subsoil becomes pressure and acquires the strength to overcome obstacles. Penetrate to heights previously inaccessible.
Pressure is the great mover in nature. Poets and writers clearly took the word “pressure” as an image from hydraulic engineers and hydrogeologists: creative, vital pressure, an indicator of love of life, vitality. Probably, we can talk the other way around - about the deep talent that is often hidden in a person.
The pressure depends on how high the wings of the rock folds are raised. The higher they are raised, the greater the pressure, as if it is born there, in these wings. And the environment is also important for him - the material of the wings - the breed. Making its way forward, the water loses its strength due to friction and pressure and is, as it were, wasted along the way. The term “loss” is surprisingly apt. The pressure decreases by the amount of loss. Sometimes, having become exhausted, the water does not reach the surface of the earth; it needs help - pumps. Where there are few obstacles, water rushes up the well and soars into the sky like a fountain. Huge reserves of undiscovered water lie in the ground. And how many undiscovered talents!
The next day I went to the river, to the drilling site of Bugrimov, an old master who was drilling a deep well in Chulman. Bugrimov talks about permafrost, water and wells as if they were living people - you need to understand them, know when not to disturb in vain, when to demand and even be afraid.
“It’s a powerful substance,” he says respectfully about water.
Much more quickly, I think, it erodes entire continents and carries them into the oceans. Creates the appearance of the planet.
“For example, such exploration wells,” says Bugrimov, “are like “guessing money”; what we have in mind is what they give. And the permafrost in them clearly ends and there is plenty of water below. Download, don’t be lazy, for days, weeks. But there are those who are stubborn, as if the devils are leading us by the nose, and wherever we go, we end up in the freezing cold. Or the level drops, drops - bang, and there is no water. We broke in, which means we went to where the permafrost hid some water for itself and ran out of it - everything.
Bugrimov laughs good-naturedly, gets up, grunts, goes to the well, strengthens something there, cleans it. We are comrades-in-arms, we are both for the release of the great captive for people. Bugrimov treats springs enthusiastically, but aloofly, as if they were touchy-feely beauties, with whom everything is uncertain and complicated, and wells for him are his women, cozy wives, from whom he provides both care and convenience.
“If you end up on the water where you need it, then it’s all here, in place, there’s no need to drag it from anywhere.” This one is an exploration one, but at the very least it gives eight cubic meters a day for free, in frosts below fifty - isn’t that bad?
Bugrimov and I were silent for a while, sitting on wooden boards, then we started talking about how the life of water in artesian pools is surprisingly similar to the fate of human talent. Why is the source knocked out? Because there is a cleft, or because his pressure, his strength are so great that he finds this cleft himself?
Talent, like deep water, if it does not manifest itself as a spring or if people have not discovered it, like artesian water through a well, will remain in the “earth” forever.

One of the longest, most emotional and large-scale events is the farewell to the army. On this day, a sea of ​​alcohol is drunk and a sea of ​​​​tears are cried over the fact that the beloved son or fiancé is sent to defend the Motherland. That is why congratulations on seeing off the army always have an encouraging and parting character, since the future soldier will have to protect the peace of the entire state and be away from family and friends. There will be letters ahead, long nights of guard duty and a feeling of pride that you have the opportunity to become a real man, defend your native state and be an example for others.

Let the service pass easily,
Let luck find you.
Hold the machine gun tightly,
Serve in peace, our soldier.

We are very proud of you,
Let the bad things pass by.
We will be waiting for you very much
And miss you a lot.

I wish you to serve in the army
You are always calm and easy,
So that everything goes well in the army,
Let them appreciate you!

I want to be friends with everyone,
Find good comrades
And turn into a good soldier,
May you always fulfill your duty with honor!

Haircut, uniform, automatic.
The guy is what you need.
You are a real soldier
We are happy for you!

Even today you and I
Still we part,
In a year you will return,
We'll wait for you.

There are reasons to congratulate you.
Down with parties, show off!
You have become a real man
Because you are going into the army.

We wish you not to gather dust too much,
Always look decent.
Let the country be proud of you,
And don’t let the service be a burden.

And may the spirit always be strong.
Only strength and firmness for you.
And no "hot" spots,
Stupid people are imprisoned on the lip.

Don't be mopey and don't break down,
Know how to keep yourself in check.
And come back quickly
And we will be waiting for you here.

We are accompanying you to the army,
Today we say “Bon voyage!”
We wish you easy service,
You are sad about us, but only a little.

Always be fast, dexterous, brave,
To easily carry out commands,
Be an exemplary and skillful fighter,
Well, we will all be waiting for you!

That's it, it's time, the trumpet is calling,
Look ahead boldly
Serve your Motherland faithfully,
Cherish your honor.

Be in good standing
And I get along well with the soldiers,
Don't forget to write letters,
We will all be waiting for you.

You are an adult, strong, young,
A gallant, brave daredevil.
Take it with you to the army
The warmth of your dear hearts.

We will be waiting for you very much,
Write, miss, always love.
We would like to wish you patience,
Always be a man in everything!

We wish to serve you
Free and dignified
Guard the border peacefully,
May everyone sleep peacefully.

We wish not to know war,
Return to us healthy.
We wish you to always be the best
And ready for anything.

We wish the army to pass
With honor, respect,
And we'll wait for you here
With love and patience!

To serve is an honor, it is your direct duty,
You will become stronger in spirit and body,
We'll be looking forward to seeing you home,
Knowing that somewhere you are busy!

May you be so far from us,
We will all be happy for your success!
Let it be very easy to serve in the army,
Believe me, you will be an excellent soldier!

We are seeing off the soldier
Very brave, guys.
You know, he's worthy
Even marshal's shoulder straps.
You won't be a private for long,
And, of course, he will get it
He receives the highest praise.
Definitely, he will give to evil
Strong and masculine rebuff.
...anyone will go on patrol with him.
Make us happy with your letters.
You'll be great!

The tradition of escorting new recruits to the army has developed in our country a long time ago. After Peter I introduced conscription, soldiers served for 20 years and usually never returned home.

Now the terms of military service are much shorter, but many traditions and signs of seeing off to the army have been preserved from earlier times.

What is the best way to organize a send-off to the army?

Usually parents and other relatives, friends and classmates of the conscript gather together for festive table, where parting words and toasts are heard in his honor. Help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday Interesting games and competitions, appropriate musical accompaniment.

We will talk about how farewells to the army usually take place, where they are usually celebrated and how best to arrange them and spend them at home. Let's start the story with the fact that certain traditions and signs are associated with sending off to the army.

Customs and traditions of seeing off for military service

Parents and the conscript need to visit the temple. The father needs to sprinkle his son with holy water and say: “The Lord protect you.” It is believed that after this ritual, troubles will bypass the guy.

The future soldier should wear a cross, on the reverse side of which is Psalm 90, “Alive in Help.”

On the holiday young man They give him a bite of a loaf of bread, the rest of which is wrapped and hidden until he returns.

Also, the future soldier is asked to hang a ribbon on the wall, symbolizing that a small part of him remains here. When he gets home, he can remove the tape from the wall.

Another good omen is if the guy leaves the house with his back facing forward before leaving.

On the day a conscript leaves for the army, there is no need to sweep the floor and clean the apartment, otherwise he will not be able to return to his home.

A future soldier should not wear or even try on a military uniform before joining the army, so that he does not have any troubles during his service.

When the bus with conscripts leaves the military registration and enlistment office, parents will need to throw coins after them and the one that hits the vehicle, then keep it at home as a talisman.

Where to celebrate the farewell to the army?

You can go to a cafe, restaurant or entertainment complex, go to the countryside or on a picnic, rent a separate cottage or house at a camp site for your company, or you can have a party at home.

“Double” farewells are often organized - first, friends and classmates of the conscript gather, and the next day only his relatives and friends see him off.

It will be nice if a man who served in the army and knows first-hand about everyday life in the army is involved in organizing the holiday.

How to arrange a farewell to the army at home?

Decorate your apartment with colorful garlands, flags and balloons, design congratulatory posters with the inscriptions: “One year until demobilization”, “Serve - don’t worry”, “Soldier sleeps - service is underway”, etc.

To prevent the event from turning into a regular feast with alcohol consumption, think through a scenario that includes parting words for the conscript, various skits and practical jokes.

What to organize at the send-off to the army? This is an exciting event for the future soldier, so the mother and girlfriend should not upset him on this day by showing tears.

Try to create a welcoming and psychologically comfortable atmosphere at the holiday.

Place the conscript at the head of the table; Parents and close friends will sit nearby. The eldest man present will take the first word.

Military service is an honorable and responsible matter. So that the future soldier can tune in to the right mood, family and friends give him parting words.

How can you send off to the army?

Father and mother can address their son with the following words:

“Dear son, may your service be easy and peaceful! Let the authorities be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become loyal and reliable friends for you. Let your beloved girl wait for you from the service. We also wish good health, because what is a soldier without him, and endurance to prove his willpower. May the Lord bless you!”

After the soldier’s mother gives a parting speech, she should quietly cross her son behind his back and wish him health.

Then friends who served in the army will tell the conscript about the features military service, will remember interesting points army life. And then they will begin fun competitions, in which those present at the celebration will take part.

Organize fun sports competitions, such as the "Minefield" competition, in which the inductee and guests are blindfolded and people are placed in their path. plastic bottles. Participants in the competition will need to walk along the “field” to the music so as not to hit the “mines.”

Hold an arm wrestling competition (hand wrestling), shooting at targets from a toy crossbow or playing darts, a tournament with sausage balloons (“swords”), etc. Positive emotions everyone present will be guaranteed!

Don't forget about gifts for the hero of the occasion. This could be a book of a genre that interests him, a calendar for his life, a notepad, a pen and a pack of envelopes so that the guy can write letters to family and friends. A set of personal hygiene products will also come in handy during service.

A girl can present her favorite guy with her photograph. A certain amount of money will be useful to him in the first months of military service, because the monetary allowance of conscript soldiers is small.

How should you prepare for the military service? Choose suitable music. Along with modern compositions, the festival may feature old songs that are traditionally performed at farewells: “A soldier is walking through the city”, “After two winters”, “Don’t cry, girl”, “How my own mother saw me off”, “Katyusha”, etc. .

Usually there are a lot of young people at such parties, whose tastes need to be taken into account when choosing food recipes.

Don’t forget about the representatives of the older generation who will be present at the holiday. To keep everyone happy, create a varied menu for guests.

Be sure to prepare a dish that the recruit loves more than others, because he will not be able to taste it for a long time. You can cook a pot pearl barley porridge, which is often cooked in the army, and offer it to guests.

You can also serve dishes in the form of military attributes - for example, bake cookies in the shape of boots, shoulder straps, a cake in the shape of a tank, a warship, a general’s cap, etc.

It would be nice to capture the celebration on video. You can make a funny photo decoration of the room: a recruit in a tank, on an airplane, commanding a company, etc.
One of the lively relatives should be entrusted with carrying out the scenario.

The parents are the first to congratulate the conscript.

Poem from parents

What should we do, how should we live?
My son is leaving to serve!
Will he wear an overcoat
Hot summer and snowstorm,
To skillfully give honor,
By the clock and sleep and eat,
He will shoot at the bull's eye,
Automatically sort through!
Days and nights on guard
Coming to you, son.
Be serious, strong, dexterous,
Patient, brave, persistent,
So that you return home
Celebrating like a hero!
Step by step on the parade ground
March diligently
Letters to mother and father
Be sure to write!

The presenter proposes a toast to ensure that the service goes well.

Presenter: What do you most often dream about in the army? That's right - about girls and homemade food! We tried today so that you can enjoy both...

Scene "Congratulations from the cooks"

Several girls dress up in aprons and chef's hats, bring out snacks and serve them to the conscript.

We are brave girls
The cooks are skilled!
You soldiers are without food
Neither here nor there!
Who eats decently
He serves very well,
Doesn't go on a diet
Thanks to the cooks!
If a soldier eats a lot,
The cook is very happy!
So eat to your health:
Prepared with love!
(Plates are placed in front of the conscript.)

Oh, what a pity!
Such a groom
He decided to leave us...
A kiss from the cooks
Get it as a souvenir!
(They kiss the conscript.)

A toast is raised. After the toast, the family sings a song (you'll need karaoke).

Song “Serve - don’t grieve”

To the tune of the song "Ring" (“My ring, cast gold...”) from the repertoire of gr. "Balagan Limited"

1.What's wrong with an ordinary guy?
Did it happen at once?
He suddenly became a conscript,
Life has changed!
Will serve the Motherland
And wear foot wraps,
And at night I keep dreaming,
How to return to mommy!

Serve - don't worry,
Don't worry, we'll break through!
Hold your head higher
We will wait for you!

2. Forget about sound sleep
And about the parties,
How to treat your girlfriend
I was running along the path.
If you're young,
Listen to the platoon commander,
He will become your father
And the mothers are a company!


If the conscript’s girlfriend is present at the holiday as a bride, then you can arrange a ceremony similar to an engagement.

Here sits a young and daring guy,
and here is a beautiful girl, with a light brown braid!
On such a charmer
On a beautiful cutie
Not getting married is just a sin
There will be a couple of the best!
There is a groom and there is a bride, what else do you need? But you just have to wait a year! And to make the wait easier, we need to make a promise to each other. Hold hands, lovers!
Addresses the guy: You, (name of conscript), do you promise to serve regularly and not forget your beloved, write letters to her regularly, and tell her the whole truth in them?

(The guy answers.)

And you, (girl's name), do you promise to think about your friend day and night, not to look at other guys and not to show off in a miniskirt?

(The girl answers.)

Presenter: Well done, now you are officially engaged, and if something happens, the demand will be strict on both of you! A toast is offered to the couple. Then you can pause, dance, play.

Game "Weight of shoulder straps"

This is a game for slow dancing couples. Paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of the dancers, which must not be dropped. When the slow Ghanaian ends and the fast ones begin, the shoulder straps should still remain on the shoulders.

The one who holds them the longest wins.

Game "Sharpshooter"

A target is drawn on a sheet of paper, and players are given multi-colored markers. Players compete in throwing markers; the color of the dots on the target determines who is the most accurate.

Strongman competition

A competition is arranged: which of the men will hold the girl in his arms longer (everyone lifts their ladies at the same time and the time is noted).

It is better to choose a slimmer partner for this competition.

Game "Conscript Questionnaire"

The presenter invites the conscript to answer questions in a comic questionnaire asking whether he knows military terms and what they mean.
The presenter gives his answers, humorous:
The army is the only place where a young guy dreams of becoming a “grandfather” as soon as possible.
Platoon - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
The military registration and enlistment office is a wonderland: I went there and disappeared!
Dembel - the return of the prodigal son.
Charging - execution at dawn.
Kaptyorka - treasure island.
The guard is a pity for the Motherland and one wants to sleep.
The checkpoint is the gate to heaven.
Lights Out - chronicle of a dive bomber.
Getting up - whoever gets up early bothers everyone.
Pillow - no down, no feather.
Footcloths are weapons of mass destruction.
Gas mask - let's look at the world with big eyes.
Service - “The Best Lesson in Life Was the Army”
A soldier is a cross-country vehicle: first he runs as far as he can, then as long as he is told.
Conscience is wealth, and a soldier is a poor man.
TV is a window to Europe.

Army humor competition

Men compete in knowing funny stories from army life (incidents, anecdotes, jokes). For the funniest story, the winner receives a prize glass.