Types of nominations for the competition. Comic nominations for the New Year for corporate events

Therefore, it is better not to make a candidate a person who has trouble with humor. For example, if your boss has no prejudices, you can award him this bonus. At the same time, the presentation of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will bring the arrogant ones back to earth, bring some sense to the dull, guide the heads of departments to the right path, etc.” As a reward, he can be given a statuette reminiscent of an Oscar award. “King of Social Networks” Such nominations for corporate events are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. “Speaking” names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination “King of Social Networks” may be a subtle hint at some employees who are only imitating a stormy labor activity, and they themselves just “sit” on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

The award ceremony, as a rule, fits into some theme of the corporate event, being a cheerful and positive end to the official part entertainment program. I looked on the Internet about humanity’s experience in the matter of comic nominations for awards at corporate events and realized that everything was somehow disjointed and unsystematic. Because of this, it is difficult for you and me to take advantage of these achievements.

I’ll try to correct and somehow title the main directions of cheerful employee encouragement. More... For a fun awards show, don't forget to have a photographer at the stage and ask each employee to pose for the camera for a couple of seconds. The pictures turn out to be memorable, because on such a day they come with a beautiful hairstyle and the best outfit.

Accessories for nominees One day we set up a table with carnival glasses next to the stage and managed to give out an accessory to everyone who went up to collect their award. It was very impressive.

Comic nominations for employees for corporate events in poetry and prose

If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make humorous nominations for rewarding employees in such a way as not to offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about. “The biggest partisan of the month” In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with pincers. They are usually laconic, but in most cases they are hardworking. Almost all representatives of the “silent people” behave like hermits.

They hardly communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to noisy company. Comic nominations to reward employees: “Genius of the Year” This category is open to all employees who have distinguished themselves in some way in the workplace.

Madame life

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of a nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to come up with them yourself - just give your employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notepad. The same applies to printing products. You can find certificates where it will already be written “Simply to the Goddess”, “Master “Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Certificate given... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group Roger Taylor once remarked that in our world nothing goes without a reward - especially if a person tries. The reward for the manager for a properly thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at corporate events

For example, reward a middle manager who solved a 5th grade problem for the child of a chief engineer; for quickly and effectively finding a solution when working with a printer that has jammed paper and so on. “IT maniac of the month” This nomination is open to all employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technology. They are usually said to be “gadget freaks.” Let us remind you that all nominations for corporate events are comic.
Jokes should not be confused with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or subject to ridicule or snarky remarks. Therefore, be very careful when selecting names for nominations.
Use tools such as medals and certificates with humorous content. In addition, all participants and winners can be called onto the stage, taking funny photos with them.

Awards at a corporate party - comic nominations and more...

Here's an idea: ask your employees to bring their favorite dish to the table. You could even hold a competition best recipe your office, and reward the winner.

  • To stimulate the spirit of competition, you can announce a photography competition in advance. The employee who takes the funniest photo of office life on his phone will also be awarded at the party in the “Best Paparazzi” category.
  • You need to worry in advance about prizes, awards, funny certificates and nominations for employees and participants of your corporate event.
  • To have fun, organize interactive games, solve charades or organize a tournament.

Comic nominations for men. comic nominations for corporate events

Nominations are selected in accordance with Hollywood (all positions are very cleverly deciphered on this website - http://www.classiks.ru/classiks/scenario/corporate/comic.html):

  • Chief Director
  • Screenwriter
  • Production designer
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Sound
  • Costume designer

You can find actresses on cameo role(often absent from the workplace), and supporting actors (invisible rear workers). The main thing here is to provide the external attributes of a comic award ceremony - a red carpet, outfits, camera flashes, words of gratitude with tears in the eyes. Awards Option 1. Cheap and impressive Now there are a lot of original cups, certificates and medals on sale, which will be delivered in one box in one day.

Just choose the appropriate inscriptions.
The certificate must be:
  • funny;
  • such that you want to hang it on the wall (or above the desktop);
  • related to the specifics of the work of an office or enterprise;
  • unique (take the time to come up with words that will set each employee apart from the rest).

In addition to diplomas, you can present diplomas and certificates and even certificates; it all depends only on your imagination and the format of the award ceremony. If you won’t surprise anyone by presenting certificates, then presenting various certificates, permits and permits may surprise employees, especially when you present one or another employee with certificates such as “City Mayor”, “Killer” or permission to “Fly into space while intoxicated” " and so on.

Nominations for corporate events, comic in prose

Russian football from TV reports and their daily dubbing

  • for the kind words she says to her computer when she boots up every morning
  • for alternative coverage of traffic jams, of which special services, radio and the Internet are not aware
  • for a gentle voice on the phone, after which the interlocutor cannot concentrate on performing official duties for a long time
  • for good knowledge of the personal lives of employees
  • for the ability to communicate in all known social networks
  • for drinking a record number of cups of coffee during a workday
  • for organizing a magnificent celebration of “Daylight Saving Time Remembrance Day” at lunchtime
  • for recognizing any problem as the end of the world, nomination - “Full Armageddon”

Oscar This is perhaps the most common type of award.


For example, “Elena the Beautiful” is a title for the most attractive lady in the office, and the option “Marya the Artisan” is suitable for a woman who loves to make gifts with her own hands. Women should be rewarded with champagne and a delicious cake.

  • Professional holidays. If the company consists of builders, and the day before this holiday is celebrated, you can play with the names of the awards.

The nomination “What should we build a house” will go to the architect, “I can see everything from above, you know that” - to the bosses, and “To drive it into paint” - to the painters. Accompany the award presentation with poems or songs. You can also use the audio systems and play themed tunes for the occasion of the banquet. Important! Don’t forget to say compliments and nice words when presenting prizes - this will significantly increase trust in the team.

You can add the word “Best...”. Or “The Most”, “Avid”, “Desperate”. Dry Gnawer, Coffee Lover, Chips Eater, Feng Shui Master, Goddess of Social Networks, Photo Monster, i-maniac (admirer of Apple products), Runner long distances(courier), Short-distance runner (this is anyone with the task “take this piece of paper”), DJ (music with him always - with or without headphones), Bird talker (no comments...). We use phrases from songs and films Since last year, the nomination “Oh, God, what a man” appeared.

Don't forget about "Beauty Queen", "Accountant, My Dear Accountant". Award the nomination “Where are your 17 years old” carefully - maximum, to 18-year-olds. “Chocolate Bunny” (then let him finish singing), “And I want to fly”, “Let me go to the Himalayas” (for those who often ask), “A Poet’s Dream”, “I will command the parade!”, “Tsar, it’s nice meet me, king”, “I’m all so sudden”, etc.

Person of the Year: nominations for congratulations


The title is solemnly awarded to:


For the smile - simply delightful, for the amazing gaiety, for the positivity that charges everyone, for the delightful and most ringing laughter.


For amazing charm and amazing charisma, for the ability to be an excellent leader, the ability to unite a team and lead them through thick and thin.


For the ability to be a brilliant and sophisticated interlocutor, for effectiveness, originality and inimitability.


For a wonderful sense of humor, for amazing jokes and delightful witticisms, for the ability to playfully lift the spirits of everyone around.


For the ability to surprise the team, for unexpected decisions and versatile abilities, for progressiveness, efficiency, effectiveness.

For the stunningness of a wide range of damage: tattooing, fashion makeup, the willingness to amaze others with a rich collection of fashionable clothes.


For the ability to find a way out of the most hopeless situation, inexhaustible optimism and cheerfulness, impeccable loyalty and reliability.


For sensitivity, kindness and generosity of soul, knowledge of everything about everything, care and support.


For your willingness to always come to the rescue and give the right advice, for your professionalism and golden hands.


For conducting healthy image life (doesn't drink or smoke... almost), regular visits gym, compliance with high quality standards according to the ISO system.


He is talented, smart, brilliant, gifted, fair, a little strict, but he will solve everything on time. Winner and hero, our most golden boss!


For brilliant successes and phenomenal achievements, for the desire to be first and the ability to leave opponents with their noses.


For the ability to enjoy heavenly life and fulfillment of all your desires at the snap of your fingers.


For the ability to find the correct answer even to the most difficult question, for loving your job and turning it into art.


Ready to help everyone! Charges with positivity! With him we are not afraid to go, even on reconnaissance, or even for beer!


Because you are an impeccable man: you are the embodiment of dignity and strength. Because you are a super flash among the stars, being the best is your specialty. Because you are all superstar in one bottle, you are the brightest in the Hollywood sky.


You press the pedals and fly like a bird into the distance. Ace in parking and skidding, a school of life on wheels.


For the ability to accomplish the impossible, such as: move mountains, get a star, shove in the impossible. For kindness, ease of communication and modesty.


For presence of mind always and everywhere, for the ability to get away with it, for having extensive connections and devilish charm to maintain and develop them

For kind heart, easy disposition, amazing charm, captivating at first sight. For the mischievous twinkle in the eyes that can brighten up a cloudy day.

Luxurious, stunning, captivating. Gorgeous and amazingly beautiful!!! Accept the treasured medal quickly as a sign of admiration from the assembled guests!

You sing karaoke the loudest - and your voice is heard by everyone around. You make toasts the loudest, you spend your leisure time the loudest. You love to shout and make people laugh, make noise and surprise with a joke, and even trying to match your fiery eloquence is nothing! In recognition of all your talents, let me award you with a diploma. Always be as loud, bright, and continue to amuse your colleagues!


You are an example of beautiful, refined manners, a worthy example to follow in everything. You greet elegantly, say goodbye elegantly, and handle cutlery like a guru. You will find your approach to everyone, you will smile clearly at everyone, even in the palace, even in the Kremlin - you will not get confused anywhere. Let me, with all the necessary ceremonies, honor you with a most beautiful diploma.


You, beauty, are friendly with a camera and love to be photographed. Pose, turn, sly look - you will be cooler than every top model! Oh, what a profile and full face! From any angle - just class! You are amazingly photogenic and look amazing in every photo! We present our diploma to the little star who is loved by the camera in admiration. Be always as beautiful and always in a great mood!


For the activity that you show in everything, for the ideas - you captivate everyone with them! And because you lead us with you, it’s interesting for all your friends to always be with you! We congratulate you on this title and wish you wonderful days!


Solemnly awarded the well-deserved title... For organizational talent and unsurpassed leadership skills, for professionalism and perseverance in achieving goals, for the willingness to move forward and only forward, for sincere concern for the success of the team.


For sincere love for your work, for responsibility and organization and a business approach to work, for the desire to always achieve your goals and objectives.


You are always collected and dressed to the nines - isn’t this the secret of your victories? A shirt under a suit, a tie to match - you’re a dress code champion! For elegant style in every detail, you deserve a well-deserved medal.


You excite the team with your beautiful gait - enchanting, captivating, graceful and light! For the beauty of your legs and the elegance of your stilettos, we gave you a medal of honor from the bottom of our hearts.

30. MRS.

All evening you whispered loudly and smiled quietly. We chatted and had fun talking! “Whispering” - the team decided that they deserve this special medal. Just make sure that loud laughs and whispers do not interfere with your work.


With inspiration, perseverance and diligence, you strive for new knowledge with pleasure! You want everything in the world to make your team proud of you.


Your legs are simply a miracle: both beautiful and slender! This is joy, this is pride, this is the heritage of the country! Long, chic and beautiful - how can you not love these legs! Let me congratulate you on them and hand you a certificate.

33. Mister Jock

For gorgeous, strong biceps, for excellent, powerful triceps, for sculpted, defined abs - just a miracle of miracles! For your beautiful figure, for your muscles, we present you with a certificate and reward you with admiration.


Thunderstorm of women's hearts, ideal man! We award you the title of idol! You know how to look after beautifully and you conquer the ladies with a playful smile! You are an example of excellent manners, a worthy example for all men.


For the best mustache in the world of unprecedented, wondrous, wonderful beauty! You have a reason to be proud of your mustache: a mustache is a man’s pride and glory!


You are fast and bright, brave and courageous, rushing forward at super speed. Only victories await you ahead - know that success will definitely come to you!


For loyalty to the lady of the heart and exploits in her name, love and kindness to those who need his protection, knightly valor and loyalty to the code of knightly honor, beliefs and word of the knight.


Attention! Socialite, there is more gold stored on it than in the state reserve!

Here they begin New Year's corporate parties. And every year in every company it is customary to sum up the results of the outgoing year. And usually such results are summed up in a serious atmosphere with official speeches and so on. And we suggest you change this tradition a little. After all, on New Year I want a holiday and fun. Hold an interesting ceremony with a photo shoot and present your colleagues with funny nominations for the New Year. We have prepared different nominations for your employees, and you yourself will choose those that are suitable for your company.

This whole event can be arranged in the form of presenting some kind of award, for example, an Oscar or a Teffi. Therefore, after announcing the nomination and the winner in this nomination, call the employee to a special wall, near which the award ceremony will take place. You can also arrange a photo shoot there. And if you also prepare funny masks, glasses and mustaches on sticks, then everyone will remember this photo shoot forever.

Here are examples of humorous nominations that can be attributed to men. Nominations must begin with the word - Mister.
Mister - I'm busy!
Mister - call back later!
Mister - break 30 minutes!
Mister - overslept again!
Mister - traffic jam again!
Mister - that's it, lunch!

For girls, you can come up with the following nominations:
Miss chocolate!
Miss – long nail!
Miss Curly!
Miss – who wants coffee?
Miss - oh, I'm so tired!
Miss - SMS!
Miss – social network!

As you understand, all these nominations are “talking”. So you won't have any problem distributing them to your employees. Moreover, in every office there are people who belong to one category or another.

Also in teams there are people who, in addition to their own professional responsibilities They are well versed in other areas as well. Here, for example:
Nomination: Chief Physician! – she always knows what and how to treat!
Nomination: Stylist of the Year! – she always gives everyone advice on hairstyles, makeup and self-care!
Nomination: Rescuer of the Year! – this employee is always responsive and always comes to the rescue!
Nomination – courier of the year! – he always goes to the buffet and buys something for others according to their orders!
Nomination: Taster of the Year! – he often comes to work after a night at the club, and he often still smells of alcohol!
Nomination – political scientist of the year! – the working day has not yet begun, and he is already in full swing discussing yesterday’s statement by politicians!
Nomination - Best Nail Designer! – she can come to work with some nails and leave with others!

You can make it a little more creative and come up with the following nominations:
A music lover, he always has headphones in his ears.
Sprinter - he hears this often - “take this piece of paper to the director.”
Coffee lover - starts the working day with coffee, continues the day with coffee and at the end of the working day he has coffee in his hands again.
Queen of social networks - the morning begins with communication on social networks, at work also on social networks, and at the end of the working day on social networks again.

Well, that's what the nominations are about. And if you remember individual incidents with colleagues, then this should also be noted. You can award certificates and diplomas for this. Here are examples of what to reward:
For the kindest words to your work computer that doesn’t want to boot!
For an unusual approach to a printer that chews paper!
For the most gentle voice when answering the phone!
For the best knowledge about the personal lives of all employees!
For timely response to all problems!

If you think that a corporate party can do without an impressive final chord in the form of a comic reward for employees, you are mistaken. A cheerful, positive and bright end to the official part holiday program Everyone is waiting. Therefore, the main thing is not to disappoint the expectations of employees and to develop an award ceremony that will highlight the ideas of the corporate event and, at the same time, will become one of the most memorable and key moments of the holiday.

However, it is not easy to think through such a conclusion, and the advice that can be found on the Internet is unsystematic and fragmented, which is why achieving the necessary results is immediately under threat. big question. eventspro has systematized the network experience of conducting humorous corporate awards to help you choose the right areas of corporate incentives for employees.

Miss, Mister and even Mrs.

Remember the famous Hollywood blockbuster with Sandra Bullock “Miss Congeniality”. You just gathered employees for festive table? There is nothing better than the fun of awarding comic awards and titles.

Mr. Idea Generator, Miss Grace, Mrs. Originality... You can cover all the traits human nature: Mr. Dreamer, Dreamer, Optimist, Miss Mystery, Wisdom, Sociability... Nominations of this type are as diverse as the possible scenarios, and the presentation of prizes and souvenirs will be a pleasant addition to the corporate evening.

By the way, character traits and human qualities– are far from the only possible nominations. You can use well-known phrases, quotes or even phraseological units: Mr. “Like a duck to water”, “Call me back”, “I’m busy”, “War is war, but lunch is on schedule”, “It’s hard to be a god” and Ms. “All men are theirs... ", "Blonde behind the wheel."

New professions

The most important thing in this comic nomination is the use of professions that simply do not exist in your team. This is where observation and good knowledge of your employees will come to the rescue. How have they proven themselves? For example:

  • makeup artist (likes to do makeup for his colleagues);
  • the head physician (in his desk drawer you can find medicines for any occasion);
  • master of "sado" (no, not at all what you think about! "Sado" is japanese art tea ceremony. If your employee likes to brew a variety of teas and serves them to his colleagues, he is fully worthy of such a nomination);
  • rescuer of the year (an employee who managed to eliminate the consequences of any difficult situations);
  • the best in plates, a chef (one who has the skills to quickly put together a wonderful corporate buffet out of literally nothing);
  • taster (who likes to try sweets from each table);
  • a psychotherapist (for example, your system administrator or programmer, who gently explains to each employee the reasons for the Internet or database not working);
  • supermodel (it also happens that beauty replaces working qualities);
  • political or sports commentator (maybe you are used to listening to the praises of Cristiano Ronaldo in the morning or listening to the indignation about the laws “about these guest workers”);
  • Privy Councilor (or eminence grise - whatever you like. A person who can, as if by chance, throw out a couple of phrases that can change the policy of the company. And, at the same time, his position in it);
  • National Geographic correspondent (someone who loves to travel and talk about it, and his desk is littered with souvenirs from other countries).

Of course, you know your employees better than we do. Therefore, perhaps other fun and more suitable nominations will come to your mind.

Hobby nominations

Feel free to use your employees' passions and habits! And for greater effect, do not forget to add the word “Best”, “Diligent”, “Brave” and other similar epithets.
The name of the nomination depends only on your imagination and observation. So: Bird-talker (it happens), Feng Shui Master, MMORPG-lover (fan of online games), DJ (always with headphones), Anecdotomaniac (has fun with jokes), coffee lover and much, much more! We are confident that your employees are very versatile people.

Smart guys and smart girls

Collect in this category all the actions of employees (both serious and funny) related to any discoveries and ideas. Simply Talent (for solving crossword puzzles or successfully solving 4th grade problems for the director’s son), “Kinder Surprise” (for the youngest and most active employees), Breakthrough of the Year, Idea Generator, etc. fit perfectly here.

Golden Oscar

The simplest and most common type of comic award. The nominations correspond to the nominations of the famous Hollywood event and look like:

  • best director;
  • best script;
  • nomination for unusual role;
  • nomination for best role background;
  • nomination for best cameo role;
  • for the best sound;
  • head of costumes.

With this type of award ceremony, it is necessary to provide Hollywood attributes (red carpet, outfits, camera flashes).

The “Oscar-winning” theme will be perfectly complemented by high-quality and bright show program, oh variety of shows programs and their advantages can be found in the article “Show for a corporate party. Whom to invite? ".

We present certificates

Of course, the most highlight is the presentation of certificates. The certificate must be:

  • funny;
  • such that you want to hang it on the wall (or above the desktop);
  • related to the specifics of the work of an office or enterprise;
  • unique (take the time to come up with words that will set each employee apart from the rest).

In addition to diplomas, you can present diplomas and certificates and even certificates; it all depends only on your imagination and the format of the award ceremony. If you won’t surprise anyone by presenting certificates, then presenting various certificates, permits and permits may surprise employees, especially when you present one or another employee with certificates such as “City Mayor”, “Killer” or permission to “Fly into space while intoxicated” " and so on.

Souvenirs, ready-made certificates and cups

We offer approximate text content:

Awarded to (such and such) for:

  • …entertaining employees from other organizations who come to the office with anecdotes;
  • ...a successful makeup color scheme that fits perfectly into the office interior;
  • … daily familiarization of colleagues with the political events of our (and not only!) country;
  • ...a gentle voice on the phone, zombifying enemies and turning them into friends of the company;
  • ...the best cabbage grown on a farm on social networks during working hours;
  • …excellent awareness of the personal lives of all colleagues;
  • ...saving colleagues from the harmful effects of nicotine (for constantly “shooting” cigarettes in the smoking room);
  • ...improving the atmosphere of the office (respectful attitude towards colors in the hall or office).

Come up with your own wording that will make employees laugh, while at the same time (in a non-offensive and humorous manner) identifying their passions, strengths, or even shortcomings (the latter is the most important because it helps people work on themselves and improve themselves).

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of a nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to come up with them yourself - just give your employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notepad. The same applies to printing products. You can find certificates where it will already be written “Simply to the Goddess”, “Master “Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Certificate given... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group Roger Taylor once remarked that in our world nothing goes without a reward - especially if a person tries. The reward for the manager for a properly thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

To ensure that the event goes off with a bang, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the mistakes that are often made when organizing corporate events “

In order for the event to go off with a bang, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the mistakes that are often made when organizing corporate events “Common mistakes when organizing a corporate event.” Are you interested in the article? Save it to your wall so you don’t lose it: Tags: corporate style Editor’s selection Funny competitions for a corporate party Funny competitions for a corporate party are simply necessary, especially at the beginning of the celebration, so that people laugh, relax and feel comfortable... Common mistakes when organizing a corporate party Organizing a corporate party is a difficult matter. It requires knowledge, experience, and coordinated work of all participants in the preparation process.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of a nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to come up with them yourself - just give your employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notepad. The same applies to printing products. You can find certificates where it will already be written “Simply to the Goddess”, “Master “Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Certificate given... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group Roger Taylor once remarked that in our world nothing goes without a reward - especially if a person tries. The reward for the manager for a properly thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

Awards at a corporate party - comic nominations and more...

This will allow you to expand your team’s social circle and learn more about each other. Selection comic awards for employees We offer you several funny categories of awards for a corporate party. It is not necessary to use these exact nominations. You can easily change the names or descriptions to make the fun awards unique to your group and specific recipients. Nominations can range from “For dedicated office work” to “Best mouse tamer,” meaning a computer mouse.
The last nomination is best suited for your system administrator. Cool nominations for women: ATTENTION! Feeling lonely? Losing hope of finding love? Do you want to improve your personal life? You will find your love if you use one thing that helps Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of three seasons of the Battle of Psychics. Read more...

Comic nominations for men. comic nominations for corporate events

In addition, the information it carries can “kill” morally, but this happens extremely rarely. Or very often, it all depends on the company.

  • "Miss Clean" or "Mr. Order". All cleaners are required to wear such titles. If you add adjectives such as “ideal”, “impeccable”, etc., the title will become more resonant.
  • "Mr. Stop." This title is awarded to the security guard who controls access to the office.

Complex nominations For more detailed characteristics people working in one company can be defined in complex ways that reflect the degree of their intellectual or business investment in the work of the company. For example, nominations for rewarding bank employees may be as follows:

  • "Reliable Piggy Bank".

Comic nominations for employees for corporate events in poetry and prose

Mister neatness - Mister good manners - Mister gallantry Further for women and men on the corresponding holidays: - The coolest macho - Our superman - Our protection and support - Our keeper of secrets - The smartest (decisive, brave, unyielding, persistent, obstinate, reliable, honest ) - The most gentle (wise, smart, correct, modest, elegant, fashionable, cheerful) By hobbies and cute characteristics: - World-class star in reading newspapers - World-class maestro in playing on nerves - Our personal astrologer(for a lover of horoscopes) - Fashionable little thing (for a fashionable little thing)) - Our best florist (who likes to tinker with bouquets) - Our Sukhomlinsky (who likes to educate) - Young Michurinets (for summer residents of any age) - Bill Gates' student (for those who are good at - or thinks he is good at computer programs) - Our chocolate lover (the most obvious chocolate lover.

Encore holiday

He (she) is always and everywhere late, but always and everywhere on time, although he (she) is never there! How does he (she) do it? “Thought at the Speed ​​of Sound”: This is our smartest employee or employee. You have turned to him or her more than once for practical advice. And, what’s most interesting, they always received it! “Artist of large and small stages”: Even if there are interruptions in hearing, But there is a loud voice, Good looking...
Yes, you can’t count all the advantages! If you suddenly ask what you need, the scene will be arranged for you in an instant, And you will marvel at the talent of both your colleague and... “Dear friend”: If you want, shout, If you want, whisper, If you want, be silent, like a mute. He (she) will hear joy, feel grief and, of course, share it with you! “Da Vinci Code” (Keeper of secrets and passwords): This is the most, most, most “secret” head of the company.


If you don’t have room for both text and a picture on your medal, leave one, but read the text and nomination out loud in any case: you are having an award ceremony, after all)) Another tip: when choosing texts and nominations for your company competitions, immediately imagine who exactly this will suit. Only in this case will it be funny and fun. While I was composing and typing, I had fun myself, because I imagined everything that I wrote in relation to familiar personalities. If there is no suitable character, take something else, otherwise all my and your work will be wasted in space.


And we need it to hook people here on earth)) With wishes for bright nominations and nominees, Your Evelina Shesternenko. A very beautiful song and, in general, timeless. Listen! aleksandr_barykin_-_buket P.S. The title of the next article is “The competition that is always with you.”

Certificate funny nominations for employees for corporate events

And today, in the official part, I want to pay tribute to everyone who has worked and cultivated our field of activity over these 10 years! In honor of our tenth anniversary, we are presenting prizes in 10 juicy categories! Cabbage. Children are looking for this vegetable, it contains a lot of vitamin C, but we award it for that “cabbage” that was in the capable hands of our cashier... (name, surname)! Cucumber. When presenting this symbolic vegetable, I would like to remember that a cucumber consists of 90% water.
Likewise, 90% of the success of our team consists of the work of this employee. (Name, surname)! Continue to be a great cucumber! Garlic. As you know, this vegetable is extremely healthy and popular all over the world. It has a persistent taste and unique aroma that repels all bacteria and germs. Garlic stands guard over the entire body, like our guard in the person of... (name, surname)! Pomelo. As you know, this is the fruit of an evergreen tree.
A gift from me to bicycle lovers) - Winner of the nomination “I’ll send him to ...” (from a Lolita song. For a lover of rude language of any gender) - Winner of the nomination “Orientation - North” (from another Lolita song. To a person at least somehow connected with the word “north” ": lived, served, worked in the Far North. Or lives in the area of ​​the Northern bus station (there was once one in Donetsk, and ours was not far away). student dormitory), or works at the Donetsk-Severny station, for example. - Winner of the nomination “You're drunk, like a pig” (You're drunk like a pig - Verka Serduchka, one of the New Year's musicals. This medal should NOT be awarded, but shown in advance and announced that it exists, and if at the end of the evening there is a candidate for it , then he will receive it publicly.
Choosing a nomination in accordance with the employee’s profession is the most simple option. Adding the prefix "Mr" or "Miss" to any noun or adjective is also one of the most common forms of title. For example, nominations for awarding office employees could be as follows:

  • "Mr. Brain."

    This is the title most often awarded to the head of the company. It simply cannot be any other way, because in any organization the director is the most intelligent, talented and valuable employee! And this is not discussed! Well, if the manager is a woman, then it is better to use the nomination: “Miss Heart of the Company.”

  • "Mr. Magic Wand", "Miss Shadow", "Mr. Pulse", "Miss Echo".

Let’s all determine together who we have “The most, the most, the most...” and tell them all this, right to their faces and in front of everyone! There is NO NEED to think and consult with each other for a long time, write those who come to mind first. Opinions will be taken into account in aggregate, confidentiality is guaranteed. We really count on you. P.S. Only, please, one nomination - one name, but one person can be nominated several times.

“Uma Chamber”: This is the very, very... head (of the company), This is our most intelligent employee or employee, This is our smart girl, erudite and intellectual, He can handle the most decisions complex tasks! “Miss\Mr. anti-stress”: This is the calmest voice of the company, Communication with him puts you in a state of peace, you want to communicate with him (her) again and again “Keeper of traditions”: You can always find out from him or her... ..

  • ...a successful makeup color scheme that fits perfectly into the office interior;
  • … daily familiarization of colleagues with the political events of our (and not only!) country;
  • ...a gentle voice on the phone, zombifying enemies and turning them into friends of the company;
  • ...the best cabbage grown on a farm on social networks during working hours;
  • …excellent awareness of the personal lives of all colleagues;
  • ...saving colleagues from the harmful effects of nicotine (for constantly “shooting” cigarettes in the smoking room);
  • ...improving the atmosphere of the office (respectful attitude towards colors in the hall or office).

Come up with your own wording that will make employees laugh, while at the same time (in a non-offensive and humorous manner) identifying their passions, strengths, or even shortcomings (the latter is the most important because it helps people work on themselves and improve themselves).