Anna Pletneva personal life husband children. Anna Pletneva: “Vintage,” like a marriage, has cracked

Anna Yurievna Pletnyova - Russian singer, from 1997 to 2005, lead singer of the Russian pop group Lyceum. Today she is the soloist of the Vintage group.

Anna was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow, into a family of musicians. Since childhood, Anya was a restless and energetic child. It happened that at a tender age she caused a lot of trouble to her family, committing unpredictable acts. One day, a girl even ended up in police custody when she tried to exchange her October badge for chewing gum.
There was a case when Pletneva, while still a girl, worked as a backup dancer for one of the groups. On stage she saw Alla Pugacheva and after the performance she boldly approached the Diva, confessing her love to her. To which the touched star replied to Anna that if she works as hard as Pugacheva, then she, too, will succeed in everything in life.

As a child, the girl was not particularly interested in music. But as a teenager, I fell in love with the singer Vladimir Presnyakov: with him and his work. Since then, she “fell ill” with music, went to almost all her idol’s concerts and even dreamed of singing a duet with him. Anya’s brother, knowing about her love, got Vladimir’s autograph for her. And happy Anya kept this treasured piece of paper under her pillow, taking it out every evening for five years and admiring it. It is not surprising that that leaf has long since turned to dust. To this day, Pletneva believes that it was her love for Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. that made her a singer.

By the way, Anna’s dream of singing a duet with Presnyakov nevertheless came true. Already, being popular singer, Anna and Vladimir had a chance to go on tour together. And when Volodya found out about Pletneva’s childhood dream, he immediately invited her to sing several songs together.

The career of singer Anna Pletneva began in 1997 in the famous group “Lyceum”, in which the girl replaced the fired Lena Perova. However, to do this, Pletneva had to endure a difficult qualifying competition, in which the girl beat out 80 contenders for this place.

The girl gave 8 years of her life to this team. She even, being in a “very interesting position,” went on stage at 9 months, hiding her belly behind a guitar and under a loose shirt dress. Then she felt contractions right during the concert, and the next day she gave birth to Varya, her first daughter. By the way, Pletneva never began to connect her life with the father of her first child, considering him not ready for this. Being the initiator of the breakup, she herself suffered greatly.

In 2005, Anna Pletneva left the Lyceum group in order to start her own solo career. The end of her contract with the group strangely coincides with events in Ukraine, when she refused to perform with the group in support of the Orange Revolution.

Despite the break with the group, Anna is very grateful to the Lyceum. She considers it an excellent school that prepared her to be successful solo career, and after which you can already issue a professional diploma.

Working in the “Lyceum” trio, in 8 years Anna Pletneva managed not only to give birth to a daughter, but also to receive two diplomas higher education: teacher of pop-jazz vocals and a diploma in sculpting. Also, shortly before leaving the group, Anna managed to fall in love again, get married and become pregnant with her second child. Her second husband, Kirill Syrov, is a businessman and co-owner of the Domestic Medicines company.

In 2006, Pletneva and Alexey Romanof, an ex-member of the A-Mega group, with the financial support of Syrov, created their own Music band, called "Vintage".

In 2008, Vintage, together with actress Elena Korikova, presented scandalous video“Bad Girl”, which made the group famous and recognizable. For some time, she and Korikova even went on tour together and gave concerts.

The group’s next hit, “Eva, I Loved You,” dedicated to Eva Polna, also made a lot of noise. former soloist group "Guests from the Future". The composition and the video shot for it glorified lesbian love. Pletneva’s image of a “bad girl” was then finally established.

In 2009, in the fall, the Vintage group released another album called SEX. It is not at all difficult to guess its content. Also in the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva became a mother for the third time, giving birth to a son in a Swiss clinic.

In 2010, Pletneva released a video in which she appeared as Mickey Mouse, a sad symbol of the show business industry. This composition was dedicated to Michael Jackson, the king of pop on the world stage. With the English version of the song, Pletneva plans to conquer Western audiences.

Anna Pletneva is a talented and very fearless person. She loves extreme sports, fast driving and shocking behavior. She loves extraordinary antics. And underwear on stage and in videos becomes her usual form of clothing. This girl’s very unangelic actions and habits are combined with talent, voice, sense of style and musical taste. Anna also teaches her students to love music and to use their talent correctly, whom she teaches at the State Academy named after. Maimonides, at the Department of Jazz Music.

At the beginning of the biography, to the description of Pletneva’s activities, the phrase “Russian singer” could easily be added: songwriter, guitarist, vocal teacher, sculptor, karateka and mother of three children. All these qualities are embodied by a small and fragile woman, with a height of 159 cm and a weight of 46 kg.

Singer Anna Pletneva was born in Moscow on August 21, 1977. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of performing on stage, and in school years was madly in love with singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Anya went to all the concerts of her idol and secretly dreamed of singing a duet with him. The only thing she had from her favorite singer was an autograph. The singer's brother got it. The girl was so happy that she kept it under her pillow for the next five years. Anya took out a piece of paper with an autograph every night before going to bed. As a result, it was ground into dust.

Anna Pletneva finally fulfilled her dream of singing with Vladimir Presnyakov. Once, when the girl had already become popular, she and Vladimir flew on tour. The girl's love had already passed, and the obsession periodically made itself felt. As a result, Anna approached her childhood idol, told her about her dream, and that same evening they sang the composition “Zurbagan” together on stage.

Anna Pletneva's career at the Lyceum

The girl’s career began in the Lyceum group. Anna joined the trio in 1997 after Elena Perova was fired from it. "Lyceum" at that time was already quite popular in Russian stage– the group’s collection included the “Silver Microphone” awards from the “Ostankino Hit Parade” and “Ovation” competitions; the group was recognized as the best according to the “Musical Exam” program.

Anna Pletneva worked with the Lyceum soloists for 8 years. After the singer came to the conclusion that it was time to start solo career, she left the group. Moreover, the contract with the group was terminated when the singer refused, during the Orange Revolution, to play at a concert in support of the Ukrainian government.

Anya considers working in the Lyceum group to be a good school, graduating from which is akin to receiving a professional diploma. In parallel with her work in the Lyceum group, Anya received diplomas as a sculptor and a teacher of pop-jazz vocals.

Anna Pletneva’s career after “Lyceum”

While swimming freely, the singer looked for herself in the group “Coffee with Rain” and recorded the song “Nine and a Half Weeks”. The first solo song already went beyond the usual “Lyceum”. The author of the single was the artist’s friend Alexey Romanof. Search own style ended with the creation of the “Vintage” project, which, in addition to the girl herself, included Alexey Romanof (former lead singer of the Amega group, also the author of songs for Alsou, Yulia Savichevy, Nepara group) and dancer Mia. Anna Pletneva took a long time to understand how she wanted her work to be. Anya constantly met with different musicians, consulted with arrangers and got acquainted with composers. And as a result, I found my image in the “Vintage” group.

By the way, the “Vintage” project was created with the financial support of Anna Pletneva’s husband, businessman Kirill Syrov. The man is a co-owner of the Valenta company (formerly Domestic Medicines - one of the leaders in the production of medicines in Russia).

On May 27, 2007, the first single of the Vintage group, “Criminal Love,” was released. And in the spring of 2008, the team, together with actress Elena Korikova, presented a scandalous video called “Bad Girl.” For some time, the group even gave joint concerts with Korikova.

In the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva and the Vintage group released another album called “SEX”. The content of the disc matches its title. And in 2010, the singer appeared before fans in an unusual appearance - she became the mouse Mickey Mouse, who is known as a sad symbol of the show business industry. The song was dedicated to the king of pop on the world stage, Michael Jackson. Throughout the song, Anna Pletneva constantly transformed. At the beginning she was a simple factory toy, and by the end of the composition she became a glamorous show character. With the English version of this song, Anya plans to conquer not only Russia, but also the West.

On September 28, 2011, the album “Anechka” was released, in which the group touched on various topics, from love to global world problems. The album was received very differently by critics. The tour in support of the album was called “History bad girls"and started on October 15.

Vintage feat. Smash - The City Where Dreams Come True

On February 7, 2013, the fourth studio album of the Vintage group, entitled “Very Dance,” was released. This album was distinguished mainly by the fact that it included compositions by guest DJs and other young authors. This was the first such work on Russian stage. Previously, such albums were released by such famous foreign pop divas as Madonna and Rihanna.

On July 22, 2014, the fifth album “Decamerone” was released. The group worked on it together with musician and songwriter Anton Koch.

Personal life of Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva's first marriage ended in divorce. In 2003, the singer got married and gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. Almost immediately after the birth of the baby, the husband left the family on the initiative of Anya herself. The girl had a hard time with the separation, however, she believes that it was better for both her and the child. As the artist herself explains, her husband was not ready for fatherhood. From constant thoughts about the current situation, Anna even lost 10 kilograms, constantly cried and was in a stage of prolonged depression. By the way, while pregnant, Anna did not leave the stage, but continued to tour, giving several concerts a night even at 40 weeks. The first-born was born practically on stage.

Lyceum - Autumn

Anna Pletneva met her second husband Kirill 15 years before Serious relationships. A man approached a girl in one of the Moscow clubs and asked for her phone number. However, the frivolous Anna gave the wrong number and immediately forgot about the fan. The couple met again only three years later. By that time, Kirill had already managed to start a family, give birth to a child and begin divorce proceedings. However, during the second meeting, Anna ignored the gentleman. The third meeting took place on the way to Dnepropetrovsk 10 years later. A young man approached the singer and asked: “Hello, do you remember me?” Anna answered “Yes” only so that the young man would leave her alone. The whole way the man stood next to Anna’s chair, who Once again didn't pay any attention to him.

However, fate brought the couple together in the city itself, in the Dnepropetrovsk hotel. Kirill outbid Anna’s booked room, there were no free rooms left in the hotel and the singer had to move in with Nastya Makarevich. And at that moment, when the singer wanted to call Moscow, the young man helped with advice instead of a hotel employee. The relationship began to develop rapidly just after this incident. However, for a long time the couple did not dare to start life together under the same roof. Anna was worried about her daughter Varvara’s reaction to her “new” dad.

Now the happy family is raising three children. Anna gave birth to a daughter and a son to Kirill Syrov.

It is worth noting that Anna Pletneva has karate skills. That is why he can easily stand up for himself in a dark alley.

Vintage - Breathe
Anna Pletneva has repeatedly starred in erotic photo shoots for various glossy publications. It is noteworthy that the singer is not shy about posing nude in front of cameras and showing off her ideal body, even after three pregnancies. In particular, this year the 33-year-old singer has already managed to take part in candid photo shoot

for Maxim magazine. Anna Pletneva has been collaborating with the publication for a long time and this series of photographs is already the third in a row.

Anna Pletneva is quite a scandalous personality in the domestic show business. The press is constantly replete with stories about the singer’s antics that shock the public. For all her angelic appearance, Anna does not commit righteous deeds. For example, recently, during the filming of the new video for the Vintage group for the song “Mama America,” Anya was constantly seen near the bar with a glass of whiskey.

After several takes, the bottle of alcoholic drink was empty, and the singer herself began to become hysterical and demand that the film crew stage a scene in the rain on the street. As a result, Anna Pletneva found herself in 15-degree frost in the freezing rain.

Anna Pletneva now

In 2015, Anna Pletneva left the Vintage group and began solo work. In September 2016, she presented fans with her first single, “Strong Girl.”

Anna Pletneva – “Strong Girl” (2016) Pletneva Anna - talented singer , an attractive girl and mother of many children. Do you know what path she took to fame? Are you interested in photos of Anna Pletneva and her Family status

? The article contains true information about the popular singer. We wish you pleasant reading!

The star of Russian show business was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Her parents are professional musicians. They hoped that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Mom and dad instilled in Anya a love of music. And when the girl turned 5 years old, she was enrolled in a vocal studio.

Our heroine studied well at school. She had many friends. Teachers always praised Anechka for her diligence and efforts. IN school age Pletneva became seriously interested in the work of Presnyakov Jr. She attended all his concerts. And the walls in the girl’s room were covered with posters depicting the idol. One day her brother brought her a piece of paper with the singer’s autograph. Anna literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. For 5 years she kept this piece of paper under her pillow. The girl dreamed of one thing - to perform on stage with Presnyakov. And soon fate gave her such an opportunity.


Anna Pletneva attended school with in-depth study of subjects such as choreography and music. In 1995, she graduated from this institution. Then Anya entered the State Academy of Arts named after. Maimonides. Her choice fell on the pop-jazz department. The girl successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in M. Korobkova’s course.

Group "Lyceum"

Anna Pletneva wanted to become a popular singer and acquire an army of fans. In 1997, luck smiled at her. She joined the Lyceum group. This happened after one of the soloists was fired.

In 1991, the Lyceum group performed for the first time in front of the general public. The team took part in the TV show “Morning Star”. Cute and energetic girls performed the song “One of us” (ABBA). Their first composition in Russian was called “Saturday Evening”. It was aired on the program “Muzoboz” in 1992. A few months later, the Lyceum’s debut album, “House Arrest,” went on sale.

In 1994, the group was awarded the Silver Microphone award at the Ostankino Hit Parade competition. But that is not all. At the “Song-95” festival, the girls from the “Lyceum” were awarded the “Ovation” award for winning the “Discovery of the Year” nomination.

We can say that Anna Pletneva appeared in the group when its popularity was gaining momentum. The girl was a member of the Lyceum for 8 years. Together with other soloists, she traveled to dozens of cities in Russia and the CIS. The team has great amount fans. The fees of the girls from the lyceum amounted to six-figure sums.

In 2004, Anna Pletneva was forced to break her contract with the producer and leave the group. And the culprit is a loud political scandal. At that time, there was a struggle for power in Ukraine. The main rivals were two Victors - Yushchenko and Yanukovych. The Lyceum group was asked to speak in support of one candidate or another. Anna Pletneva flatly refused to go to Ukraine and sing for the new government. The group's producer did not stand on ceremony with the obstinate singer and fired her. However, this did not upset our heroine at all. She had been thinking about leaving the team for a long time.

Group "Vintage": Anna Pletneva

Having broken the contract with the Lyceum, the singer did not stop making music. She was invited to work in the “Coffee in the Rain” group. The girl agreed. But soon the team broke up.

In 2006, Anna Pletneva met Alexei Romanov, former soloist group of the once popular "Amega". The guy wrote some beautiful songs. Anya really liked them all. Pletneva suggested that Romanov create a group. He agreed. This is how it appeared in Russian show business a new group- “Vintage”. Anna and Alexey divided responsibilities. Romanov wrote the songs and was responsible for the sound. Pletneva became a soloist. There was a third participant missing - a professional dancer. Soon her place was taken by the sweet and attractive girl Mia.

Project success

The Vintage group quickly won the love of millions of listeners. Photos of Anna Pletneva and other members of the team could be seen in the most popular print media. The appearance and vocal abilities of the soloist were highly appreciated not only by fans, but also by music critics.

Between 2006 and 2010. The Vintage group recorded and performed such compositions as:

  • "Mama Mia" (2006);
  • “All the best” (2007);
  • "Bad Girl" (2007);
  • "Eve" (2009);
  • "Mickey" (2010);
  • "Roman" (2010);
  • "Mama America" ​​(February 2011);
  • "Dance in last time"(2012);
  • "Sign of Aquarius" (2013);
  • “When you are near” (2014);
  • "Breathe" (2015).

Personal life

Anna Pletneva has always been in demand among men. Already in her school years she had no end to fans. However, fleeting romances did not interest our heroine. She was looking for a serious relationship.

Anna first got married in 2003. Unfortunately, the name, surname and occupation of her husband are not disclosed. It is only known that he has nothing to do with show business. In this marriage a daughter, Varvara, was born. At first family life was calm and happy. But soon the couple lost mutual understanding. Quarrels and stormy showdowns have become commonplace. At some point, Anna decided to divorce her husband. He supported her in this matter. Parting with her husband was difficult for Pletneva. Due to nervousness, she lost 10 kg. Friends and relatives did not recognize Anya. From a blooming beauty, she turned into a skinny girl with a sickly appearance. The only thing that helped bring the singer out of depression was work.

New marriage

The divorce did not break our heroine, but on the contrary, it strengthened her character. Anya put her personal life in the background and got busy with her career. Her group “Vintage” became more and more popular every day. My daughter delighted me with her successes in kindergarten.

Over time, my personal life also improved. Anna began a relationship with her old acquaintance, Kirill Syrov. He - successful businessman. Their union with Anya lasted for several years. My daughter received her new dad well. Soon the couple had children together. First a daughter was born, then a son. Anna Pletneva and her husband want more children.


Now you know where Anna Pletneva studied and how she became famous. The article contained details of her biography and personal life.

Anna Pletneva is a well-known singer from the group “Lyceum”, in which the girl became famous and became recognizable and famous. When the girl was studying ballet, she saw her idol, Alla Pugacheva, behind the scenes and did not hesitate to come up and express admiration for her favorite singer. Pugacheva advised Anna to work harder to achieve success.

Anna remembered these words for the rest of her life and works tirelessly. At least at Pletneva’s big family, this does not stop her, and the girl achieves her desires and goals.

Fans of the female half are interested in Anna Pletneva’s height, weight, age, how old, because the singer looks like Thumbelina, to the envy of everyone. With a height of 151 cm, she weighs 46 kg and Anna Pletneva is getting prettier every year. The singer’s photos in her youth and now differ significantly.

If earlier we saw a curly cutie, then in given time Anna is a fatal beauty who flaunts in revealing outfits and drives most of the male half crazy. Although Pletneva turns forty-one this year, she is not yet thirty years old.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Pletneva

The biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva was not always colorful and cloudless. A girl was born into a family of musicians on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Father - Yuri Pletnev and mother always supported their daughter in all endeavors. After graduating from school, where one of the main subjects was music and choreography, she entered the State Academy of Arts for pop-jazz singing.

In 1997, Pletneva became a member of the Lyceum group, where she worked for eight years. During these years, Anna meets Sergei, whom she later marries and gives birth to a daughter. But the marriage did not last long, and the couple separated.

Later, Pletneva meets her second future husband, Kirill, who gives her not only love, but also faith in herself. After his convictions, Anna begins a solo career and creates the group “Vintage”, with financial support her husband. During her solo career, the singer has released five albums and is not going to stop there.

Family and children 👉 Anna Pletneva

Who supports the singer in life is the family and children of Anna Pletneva. A woman is happy when she is happy at home. Her husband - stone wall, who protects and takes care of his beloved, and children who bring her happiness. A mother of many children, who, thanks to her loved ones, did not give up her career, is infinitely grateful to them.

Now the family lives in a four-story country house, away from the bustle of the city, where they enjoy happiness. Anna has a devoted husband, beautiful children and a beloved mother, whom she loves madly.

Son 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s son, Kirill Syrov, was born in 2009 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. The couple really wanted a son, because they already had two girls, so the long-awaited boy pleased the parents. Anna, being pregnant, said that if it was a son, she would name him as her beloved husband.

Kirill Jr., as he is called in the family, is a very calm and friendly boy. “My girls are not like that,” Anna laughs, “But he is so gentle and sweet.” Anna shares that when children hug her, these are the sweetest moments.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Varvara Pletneva

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Varvara, was born in 2003 in the singer’s first marriage. When she was pregnant, she devoted all her time to work and the stage. Anna was working in her fortieth week, and almost gave birth to a girl on stage. After giving birth, the girl was already performing two weeks later, and the grandmother stayed with the baby when the singer went to concerts.

Pletneva believes that her daughter will follow in her footsteps, since she has been musical child. She is not indifferent to the guitar, she loved to touch the strings and listen to her mother play and sing.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Maria Syrova

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Maria Syrova, was born in 2005 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. This pregnancy, compared to the first, was calm and easy. Anna was often on vacation, breathing fresh air and enjoyed her position.

Maria is very friendly with her sister, because they are only two years apart. Of course, there are arguments and shouting, says Anna, but they quickly pass it by. If earlier the singer emptied stores for herself, now she pampers her girls, buying them the best outfits.

Ex-husband of 👉 Anna Pletneva - Sergei

Ex-husband Anna Pletneva - Sergei was married to the singer for a short time. The couple met and they had a good relationship, and the lovers decided to register their marriage. When Anna found out about her pregnancy, the future father was afraid of responsibility; he was not ready for this and left his wife after she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara.

Pletneva remembers with horror those terrible times for her, she was completely confused, and the pain that she was betrayed by her most beloved and dear person didn't let go for a long time.

Husband 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s husband, Kirill Syrov, sought his love on every occasion, which brought their fate together for fifteen years. These were fleeting meetings that Anna did not pay attention to and did not take the man seriously. But the fateful next meeting of the couple happened when the man bought Pletneva’s hotel room and Anna had nowhere to live, and then closer communication began, in which the girl was able to appreciate her future husband.

In 2005, Anna and Kirill got married, and in the same year they had a daughter together, Maria. Syrov is an exemplary and loving family man who became his wife’s producer.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Pletneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Pletneva are the favorite pages of fans who will be interested in learning all the news of their favorite singer. Anna enjoys maintaining contact with her subscribers by posting photos of her family. Like any loving mother, most of the pictures can be seen in which her children pose for the cameras.

Also, for those interested in the work and biography of Anna Pletneva, you can find out all the details about her on Wikipedia life path, her years of activity, discography and awards.

Anna Pletneva is a talented singer, aspiring composer, model, native Muscovite, born on August 21, 1977.


Anna dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood. Or rather, I didn’t even imagine myself in any other profession. Literally from the first years of her life she showed bright artistic abilities, and already in preschool age I took great pleasure in studying in the dance ensemble at the Ostankino television studio. But most of all she wanted to sing on a huge stage and become famous.

She even had her own idol - Vladimir Presnyakov, with whom she fell in love at a very tender age. Naturally, the feeling was platonic, and Presnyakov himself did not even suspect the existence of such a fan for a long time.

Although he once gave an autograph to Anna’s brother, who managed to get through to the artist after one of the concerts. The girl's name was even written on a small piece of paper by the idol's hand.

As the greatest treasure, Anya kept this autograph under her pillow for many years, secretly dreaming of singing a duet with Presnyakov at least once in her life. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the girl studied diligently in music school and definitely decided to build a professional pop career after school.

Carier start

Having successfully completed a specialized music and choreographic course secondary school, Anna entered the conservatory in the department of pop and jazz singing. She quickly became one of the best students there, and after receiving her diploma, she was immediately offered a teaching position in one of the courses.

A year after the start of her studies, Anna took part in the casting, which was held by the Lyceum group in connection with the departure of lead singer Lena Perova. Having easily passed all the qualifying rounds, Anna took her place and quite easily joined the already fairly well-promoted and popular team.

Anna spent 8 years with the Lyceum and, as she herself joked, graduated from an excellent school of variety arts. The group toured a lot, Anna learned to work in any conditions and easily withstand long flights. But, most importantly, she finally realized her childhood dream.

In one of the group concerts, the Lyceum performed together with Presnyakov and other popular soloists. And during the flight, Pletneva admitted to the singer that since childhood she had dreamed of singing the song “Zurbagan” with him.

Vladimir was so struck by this confession that he could not refuse the girl and that same evening they stood next to each other and sang a duet. But, of course, Pletneva’s childhood love for him had long since passed.

Solo career

After just a few years of working in the group, Pletneva began to think about a solo career. Although she was on excellent terms with the team and the producers, not everything in the group’s repertoire suited her from a professional point of view. By this time, she had already graduated from the conservatory, began writing her own music and songs, received a diploma as a sculptor and had grown significantly as a person.

Anna broke up with the group in 2004, and the events of the Orange Revolution, which split Ukraine into two camps, played into her hands. “Lyceum” was supposed to take part in a concert supporting the Ukrainian government.

But Pletneva flatly refused to take part in the political action, believing that the singer should adhere to neutrality. This was the reason for breaking the contract, and Anna went free swimming.

Her debut as an independent creative unit took place in the same year with the composition “9 ½ weeks,” written specifically for the newly created group “Coffee with Milk” by Anna. But the song, although it was sent into rotation on all major channels, did not bring the desired success. The group lasted only a year, and then was disbanded, as the project turned out to be unprofitable.

But composer Alexey Romanof, who wrote the song for the singer, continued with her creative union and became part of the Vintage group, Pletneva’s next project. This time the emphasis was on sexuality and glamorous images, and it worked.

In the spring of 2007, the group’s first song, “Criminal Love,” was released, and already in 2008 the group began to actively tour. A year later, the presentation of the debut album “SEX” took place.

For the entire period creative activity"Vintage" released five full-length music albums, which brought Anna fame and quite a good income. The singer herself continues to perform a lot, but now as a solo singer, writes new songs, takes part in the filming of various television shows, and even managed to receive the title of the sexiest singer in Russia in 2010.

Personal life

For the first time, Anna walked down the aisle already as a member of the Lyceum. And while she toured a lot and saw her husband infrequently, everything went just fine. But as soon as the girl found out that she was pregnant and informed her husband that she had decided to leave the child, scandals began in the family. The ex-husband turned out to be completely unprepared for such changes, so soon after the birth of his daughter he left the family.

With daughters

Anna was very worried about the collapse of the relationship not only because of her own unfulfilled hopes, but also because her daughter was left without a father, and she did not want such a fate for her child. The girl lost 10 kilograms, began to look worse, and her career was in jeopardy. Then, for the sake of her daughter, she pulled herself together and continued working.

The meeting with my second husband took place in one of the Moscow clubs. But it was fleeting, and the re-acquaintance took place almost 10 years later. Moreover, Kirill Syrov remembered Anna well, but she practically did not remember him. And for the second time Anna did not pay attention to her boyfriend. And only when he deliberately left her without a hotel room, having bought Anna’s reservation, did she have to start communicating with him.

With her husband Kirill. Wedding.

Later, when they accidentally came face to face again in Dnepropetrovsk, both decided that it was time to stop playing hide and seek with fate. This is how a romance began, which eventually turned into joint work - Kirill began producing “Vintage”. Anna's daughter perfectly accepted her new dad, and over time, two more children appeared in the family - a girl and a boy, whom Anna gave birth to Syrov.