Let them talk to Nikita Dzhigurda, part 1. Scandalous video: Dzhigurda again threw a tantrum on Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk,” casting out demons from the audience. The flamboyant actor reacted to the accusations against him in a unique way. Nikita Dzhigurda appeared on air

Russian actor Nikita Dzhigurda threw up new scandal in the Channel One studio on Andrei Malakhov’s TV show “Let Them Talk.” The subject of the scandal was the story of the inheritance of the late Lyudmila Bratash.

Dzhigurda told the television studio that he is the real heir to the enormous wealth of Bratash. But Lyudmila’s sister responded by saying that the testamentary document in the actor’s hands is false, and the information from the real will remains a secret. We remind you that the body of a businesswoman was found in her apartment with multiple injuries.

In turn, Dzhigurda suggested that Bratash was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. It was as if the servants deliberately mixed drugs into her alcohol. When proving that he was right, Dzhigurda shouted furiously, waving his arms. After that, he took off his jacket and began reading prayers. He made strange signs with his hands, supposedly casting out demons from those around him.

Because of the accusations that regularly poured out from the audience, the eccentric actor periodically lost his temper and shouted: “Koo! I cast out demons from you! You don’t trust the notary!” rushed to the audience, proving that he was right.

Participants in the program discussed a will, according to which businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash left actor and figure skater Marina Anisina a billion rubles.

After a rather heavy broadcast, during which the studio guests were shouting at each other, and after another performance by Dzhigurda, during which he French confessed his love to Anisina, Malakhov said:

"I want to say that you are a brilliant actor, and, of course, the lack of roles affects what we see today."

Dzhigurda declared that he was mistaken. According to the actor, he once played main role in a Hollywood movie.

“I played the main role – Nikita Dzhigurda, a special agent under the cover of the FSB, and they paid me several million,” the artist boasted.

But the presenter was not particularly impressed.

“The main thing is that all the millions that are paid to you do not spoil you. Because faith in God begins not with the cross, not with a T-shirt, but, of course, in the soul and with love. Love for to a loved one", explained Andrey.

“A person who believes in God is helped by God,” Dzhigurda said in response. “A person who believes in the Devil is helped by the Devil. A person who believes in himself is helped by both God and the Devil.”

Then the artist declared himself God too.

"You're a joke!" – they shouted from the auditorium.

“And a jester,” he agreed.

“Take care of yourself and your loved ones,” concluded Malakhov. “Goodbye. We need to consecrate the studio, I think, today, after this broadcast.”

Let us remind you that Nikita Dzhigurda and figure skater Marina Anisina are fighting for an inheritance of one billion rubles, which was left to them by a businesswoman.

According to press reports, Bratash bequeathed most of her property to Nikita and Marina Anisina. Lyudmila’s relative denies this, claiming that the document is forged. Program specialists in short time They established that the will was not genuine, but the showman never calmed down. According to him, after the death of the millionaire, a notary came to him and handed him a document.

Dzhigurda and Anisina divorced at the end of November. According to the latter’s lawyer, the reason was insurmountable differences between the spouses, as well as Nikita’s irresponsible attitude towards her family.

We remind you that the first part was released a couple of days ago. The scandalous Russian showman Nikita Dzhigurda created another scandal.

The scandalous story of the inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash, which Nikita Dzhigurda is claiming, was continued in the talk show “Let Them Talk.” Svetlana Romanova, the sister of the late Bratash, and her opponent Dzhigurda came to the studio. However, the dialogue did not work out. The outrageous artist staged a one-actor show, running around the studio, screaming and not letting anyone say a word.

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In the second part of the “Let Them Talk” program, dedicated to the legacy of the late Lyudmila Bratash, her sister Svetlana Romanova put forward a version of the death of the businesswoman and accused Dzhigurda and Anisina of forgery with the will.

The second part of the “Let Them Talk” program has been released, dedicated to the conflict between Svetlana Romanova over the inheritance of the late Lyudmila Bratash.

In the second part in the Let Them Talk studio, Nikita Dzhigurda responded to accusations of forging the will of millionaire Lyudmila Bratash. Is there a real will? And why didn’t Lyudmila want to see her sister Svetlana Romanova? What does this have to do with all this? detective story has the driver of a wealthy woman? What role did Bari Alibasov play?

Those present in the studio expressed confidence that the will presented by Dzhigurda was not real. In response, Nikita began to cast out demons from the show participants.

Let us remind you. A scandal erupted around the billion-dollar fortune that Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda inherited from a family friend who baptized their children. The sister of the deceased, Svetlana Romanova, accused Nikita Dzhigurda of forging a will. There were also accusations that he drugged the late Lyudmila Bratash and drove her to death. Although, it is a known fact that Marina and Nikita treated Lyudmila in a clinic for alcoholism.

There were accusations that Dzhigurda raped Lyudmila Bratash.

The war with Dzhigurda for a billion continues. Part 2. Let them talk

Lyudmila Bratash was a very successful businesswoman. She was involved in luxury air travel. She was spotted on vacation at an expensive resort with Obrbakaite, and there were photos of her with Prince Charles. The millionaire was friends with many stars, both foreign and domestic. And in recent years She was close friends with the family of Dzhigurda and Anisina. Lyudmila even baptized the couple’s children.

She passed away on February 15th. She was found dead in an apartment in the west of the capital. Lyudmila drank heavily in recent years. And she left her entire fortune to Dzhigurda and Anisina. Dzhigurda provided the court with Lyudmila's will. The younger sister of the deceased is challenging this will. The sister claims that in recent years the Dzhigurda family entangled Lyudmila like a net, they drugged her, and she died under strange circumstances.

The flamboyant actor reacted to the accusations against him in a unique way. Nikita Dzhigurda appeared on the program to tell the truth about the multimillion-dollar will. However, guests in the studio sought to express their opinions, drowning out the artist’s voice.

24.01.2017 20:00

For several months there has been a fierce struggle over the inheritance of businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash, who died under mysterious circumstances. According to one version of the will, about a billion rubles should go to the shocking couple - Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina. However, the businesswoman’s sister Svetlana Romanova believes that the actor forged documents and has no right to lay claim to the property. The second day in the “Let Them Talk” program, guests in the studio are trying to figure out who is right in this story.

Today his friend Bari Alibasov came to support Nikita Dzhigurda. He tried to understand why Lyudmila Bratash had a hostile attitude towards her sister. However, the woman was unable to answer this question, since the guests in the studio decided to speak at the same time, trying to express their point of view.

Nikita was constantly indignant at the reaction of those gathered and tried to prove his innocence to everyone. Alibasov even had to calm his friend down in order to continue a normal discussion of the problem in the program.

Svetlana suggested that all the papers were written under dictation, but experts suggested that the sister did not have evidence for such loud statements.

Psychic Ziraddin Rzayev appeared in the studio to shed light on this story. He has known the outrageous couple since 2008. The medium reported that he spoke with Marina Anisina, who admitted to him the existence of the original will. However, the man could not speak normally, as Nikita Dzhigurda wandered around the studio and boasted that he was an international award winner, so he should be trusted. Ziraddin said that he knows how this case will end, but he will not say because he does not want to take sides in this conflict. After a while, Rzayev was forced to report a premonition and he admitted that the court would take the side of sister Bratash.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The guests in the studio also remembered that Nikita Dzhigurda blames Bratash driver Dmitry Kuronov for the death of his boss. As an argument, the artist said that the day before a man came to his girlfriend’s house. The driver's daughter said that he worked for the businesswoman for 22 years. The girl doesn’t understand: if the will was written in 2010 with a request to protect her from Kuronov, why didn’t Bratash fire her subordinate in this case.

The artist suggested that the driver injected Lyudmila with drugs, so Nikita could not do anything about it. However, the girl said that, according to her father, Bratash was going to write a statement to the police against Dzhigurda, since her things were missing.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

When the wife of the driver Kuronov entered the studio, Dzhigurda began to whistle to prevent the woman from speaking. Ignoring Nikita, the woman reported her vision of the situation. According to her version, Lyudmila never used drugs. Nikita considered the woman’s words to be nonsense, swore obscenely, continued to whistle and walked around the studio, arguing with experts along the way. Dzhigurda boasted that his wife was an Olympic champion, and his mistress was a rich businesswoman, that is, Lyudmila Bratash.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The lawyer representing the interests of Dzhigurda and Anisina said that the fight is being waged for an amount much greater than 800 million rubles. He said that all necessary documents to prove his clients right. Andrei Malakhov emphasized that it looks strange that a codicil was made in the will so that no one would believe the driver and sister.

Nikita Dzhigurda filed a statement with the police. “I ask you to call for criminal liability the editors of the “Let Them Talk” program, who over the past six months in their programs have spread lies and slander against me and my wife, Olympic champion Marina Anisina. Today, despite the signed agreement, the creators of the “Let Them Talk” program “committed an act of fraud by failing to fulfill their contractual obligations, given orally and in writing,” says his appeal to law enforcement agencies.


“In response to my request to pay the fee promised to Marina Anisina for filming, they began to swear at me in the presence of people standing behind the scenes, insulting my honor and dignity in a rude manner. Filming, due to our reluctance to go to the set without prepayment, which was repeatedly confirmed by phone , was cancelled,” said the actor.

Marina Anisina stood up for her husband. On your page in social network she wrote: “After Nikita Dzhigurda announced that Lyudmila Bratash was killed, accusations of all sins rained down on him through the media! The editors themselves called and are calling us. They offer money, promising objective, fair programs.”

In most cases we are deceived! - Anisina assures. – If we had not gone on TV, without us even more lies and accusations would have been poured out against our family! I couldn’t imagine how cynical and deceitful the talk show editors behave. If they do this to us, what do they do to us? ordinary people?! We will stop this chaos through the police and laws."

Dzhigruda had problems with the “Live Broadcast” program on the “Russia” channel. "Marina and I got a call from the guest editor" Live broadcast“and offered to come to the shooting,” said Dzhigurda. “They say, we promise you a positive program about your reunion with Marina. They promised me that everyone will benefit from this program - and we will make money, and the program high ratings secured. But they cruelly deceived me - they called me back and said that they had no budget. I replied that Marina would not come for free, and I was involved in charity events, so I agreed.”

But when the actor found out that a provocation was being prepared and the studio wanted to conduct a DNA examination, he demanded that this outrage be stopped. As a result, they simply slammed the iron door to the studio in front of the artist. He was forced to call the police.

Read also:

For several months there has been a fierce struggle over the inheritance of businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash, who died under mysterious circumstances. According to one version of the will, about a billion rubles should go to the outrageous couple - Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina. However, the businesswoman’s sister Svetlana Romanova believes that the actor forged documents and has no right to claim the property. The second day in the “Let Them Talk” program, guests in the studio are trying to figure out who is right in this story. Nikita Dzhigurda takes a blow in the fight for a multimillion-dollar inheritance

ATTENTION! The article is constantly updated

Today his friend Bari Alibasov came to support Nikita Dzhigurda. He tried to understand why Lyudmila Bratash had a hostile attitude towards her sister. However, the woman was unable to answer this question, as the guests in the studio decided to speak at the same time, trying to get their point across. Nikita was outraged by the studio's reaction and tried to prove his innocence to everyone. Alibasov even had to calm his friend down so that normal discussion in the program could continue in the studio.

Svetlana suggested that all the papers were written under dictation, but the guests in the studio believe that the sister does not have evidence for such loud statements.

Psychic Ziraddin Rzayev appeared in the studio to shed light on this story. He has known the outrageous couple since 2008. The psychic talked with Marina Anisina, who admitted to him that there was an original will. However, the man could not speak normally, as Nikita Dzhigurad wandered around the studio and boasted that he was a laureate of international awards, so they should trust him. Ziraddin said that he knows how this case will end, but he will not say because he does not want to take anyone’s side. After a while, Rzayev was forced to say that the court would take the side of sister Bratash.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Nikita Dzhigurda accuses driver Dmitry Kuronov of being guilty of the death of Lyudmila Bratash, since he came to her house the day before. The man’s daughters said that he worked for the businesswoman for 22 years. The girl does not understand that if the will was written in 2010 with a request to protect her from Kuronov, why did Bratash not fire her subordinate.

The artist suggested that the driver injected Lyudmila with drugs, so Nikita could not do anything about it. However, the girl said that, according to her father, Bratash was going to write a statement against Dzhigurda, since her things were disappearing.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program