How to get a government grant for business development. Grants for training. What can the grant amount received by the unemployed be spent on?

Are you young and have decided to start your own business, but have no money? Or you want to expand your business, and all cash flows end up in working capital and if the required amount is extracted from it, will the solvency of the business be shaken? The solution to this problem in 2018 could be grants for small business development.

Basic conditions for receiving a grant

This year, it is planned to allocate about 9.6 billion rubles from the Russian budget to support small and medium-sized businesses. It is worth noting that this amount is significantly lower than in previous years. Therefore, in order to become a happy owner of financial assistance, you will have to make even more efforts. At the same time, you need to remember that you will be personally responsible for the misuse of funds.

If you decide to try your luck and apply for a grant, be prepared that in order to receive free investment financial support mandatory requirements will need to be met.

The conditions for receiving and using a grant for small business development are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to submit an application in which you indicate the goals and objectives of the activity.
  2. It is necessary to indicate goals, objectives and the amount of additional financial investments. It should be taken into account that during the consideration of the project it will be impossible to adjust the business plan.
  3. When applying for a grant for the first time, you should not go too far - indicate real numbers: ask for the minimum to make your business plan a reality.
  4. Having an original project increases the chances of receiving funds by 50%.
  5. Funds from the grant are received in tranches for each. And in some cases, goods are received instead of money.
  6. Every penny of sponsorship funds must be spent in accordance with their intended purpose.
  7. During the implementation of the project, it is necessary to provide correctly completed reports in a timely manner, in accordance with the schedule.
  8. If a grant is awarded, you will need to pay income tax on the amount of funds received.

Required documents

Each participant in the financial assistance program must prepare a package of documents for a future project before submitting an application.

To receive a grant from the state, you must prepare and submit for consideration within a certain period of time:

  • table of contents;
  • resume;
  • introduction;
  • statement of the problem;
  • goal and objective of the project;
  • methods for solving assigned problems;
  • risk assessment;
  • budgeting amount;
  • applications and add-ons.

Be sure to include a cover letter with your application explaining why your project is important and deserves support.

If you are applying for a grant from private foundations, including foreign ones, additional documents may be required. Their list is different in each case - it is compiled directly by the grant director.

Who can become the owner

When selecting participants for the small business support program in different cases different criteria apply.

If financing is provided by a foreign fund, then the main thing for it is the full targeted use of funds in accordance with the approved business project. Therefore, as a rule, foreign sponsors are more willing to invest in business representatives who have previously received grants.

It is important for the state to provide employment and social protection population. Therefore every year local authorities authorities determine priority economic sectors for their region. The state is most interested in the development of these industries, which means that it will be easier for entrepreneurs who have chosen the appropriate line of activity to receive a grant.

And if foreigners prefer to give money to experienced “players”, then the state gives preference to newcomers who need a confident start:

  • university graduates;
  • unemployed;
  • those who were laid off;
  • single mothers;
  • disabled people;
  • retired military man.

For what purposes is it allocated?

According to statistics, 30% of individual entrepreneurs who received a grant are involved in the service sector, 20% in production and only 12% work in the trade sector.

It is easier to get a grant for renting premises, purchasing basic and working capital(purchase of raw materials and supplies), if the project is shared (part of the expected costs for the purchase of equipment is covered by the individual entrepreneur from his own funds, and the rest of the project is allocated by the investor).

Domestic funds, as a rule, refuse to allocate funds to pay salaries. Foreign sponsors have no objections to financing this expense item.

When providing a grant for the development of small businesses, there is a clear difference between state and foreign funds in determining the priority areas of activity for which funds are allocated.

If production support is needed, agriculture, natural sciences and education, the state will willingly allocate funds.

Private domestic funds are ready to finance innovations in the field of economics and business. If you want to engage in research in the field of ecology, economics, democracy, culture and society, then you should turn to foreign foundations for funds.

In terms of the number of grants provided, the leading business startup projects are:

  • clearing companies;
  • training courses;
  • design bureau.

Where can I get it?

In 2018, many organizations are ready to provide grants for small business development.

The state represented by:

Private foundations, individual investors and large business philanthropists:

Skolkovo Foundation– allocates from 5 to 150 million rubles for scientific developments in the field of biomedicine, nuclear, space and energy efficient technologies. Grant applicants must:

Prepare a package of documents, which includes:

  • memorandum;
  • presentation;
  • project roadmap;
  • financial plan;
  • estimate and justification of the project.

Submit an application to the cluster, which, if approved, will be sent to the grant service to verify the accuracy of the information provided. After this, the application will be reviewed by experts and assigned points from 1 to 10. If the score is higher than 5, it will go to the grant committee, where the decision to issue a grant is made by voting.

Foreign organizations:

Microsoft Seed Fund. Bill Gates is ready to give startups – young IT companies that develop software or information storage systems – up to $100,000. The main requirements of the fund are that the applicant for the grant must have a team of professionals, participate in the Microsoft BizSpark program and use latest technologies Microsoft (Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Kinect).

In order to receive this grant, you must submit an application and be included in the list of participants. After this, you will have a telephone/Skype interview, and then, if successful, you will be able to present your project at English before the members of the selection committee. The final stage will be a speech at the main office of the foundation.

Grants for small business development in Altai: Video

Do you want to receive a grant to implement your idea? Do you think that the obtaining process is very complicated and problematic? Do you think that all the grants have already been “cut” in advance by “their” people? All these assumptions are complete nonsense. If you are ready to spend a few minutes to learn all the secrets of obtaining a grant for the implementation of your project, then read this article carefully and write down the key points.

How can a student receive a grant?

Let me, before I tell you all the tricks of getting a grant, first let’s define exactly what a grant is.

So, according to Wikipedia, grant- free subsidy to enterprises, organizations and individuals in cash or in kind for scientific or other research, development work, training, treatment and other purposes with subsequent reporting on their use.

IN real life grants are usually issued for projects aimed at solving some social problems(for example, to deliver mail to pensioners in remote villages, or to build a rehabilitation center for teenagers).

In addition to social projects, grants can also be issued for commercial purposes. If, for example, you are a young man or woman and you decide to open your own business, and starting capital If you don’t have one, then you may well participate in a municipal (or regional) competition for a grant.

In short, a grant is, in most cases, a certain amount of money that is given to a person for the implementation of a social or commercial project on account. We seem to have figured out what a grant is. Let's move on.

How to get a grant to implement a project?

So, how can a student get a grant? In most cases, as mentioned above, grants are issued for a project.

Accordingly, in order to receive grant funds, you must first write this project. How to write it? Where to start? How to write a project so that money is given for its implementation?

Oh-oh-oh, so many questions. Let's get things done in order, okay? In addition to writing the project itself, it will also be necessary to present it to competent experts who will decide on the allocation cash for the project. How to convince experts that the project is important and money should be given for it? How to properly present a project to the jury? How …?

All. Wait:). I understand that you have a lot of questions right now. This topic is interesting to you now, however, at the moment, you just have some kind of mess in your head from all these “how”, “why”, “why”...

To make your life easier, I have prepared for you step by step plan, using which you will be able to move step by step closer to achieving your goal - receiving a grant.

Grant plan

1. Determine the problem.

2. We are looking for potential grantmakers.

3. We study the requirements.

4. We write a project.

5. Prepare the defense.

6. We receive a grant.

7. We make a report on the funds spent.

So, let's now look at each point of the plan.

1. Determine the problem.

Any project, especially one that is supposed to receive a grant, must solve some problem. No one will give money for a project just for the sake of a project. If you want to do a good deed for society, then first understand whether your intervention with your project is necessary in current situation things? Maybe everything is fine anyway.

Example. Let's say you want to implement a project aimed at bringing the indigenous population and representatives of other nationalities closer together. And in order to achieve your goal you want to organize an exhibition artwork, both representatives of the local population and visitors. However, in fact, neither the local community nor representatives of other nationalities simply care about any kind of exhibition.

You may think your idea is very noble, but a project based on an unpopular idea among the public will not receive grant funds. Roughly speaking, why would people give you money for something that no one really needs?

It’s another matter if you find some really sore subject that requires an urgent solution. Moreover, this problem should not cover 1-2 people, but a certain group of people, numbering at least 50 people.

What problem could this be? For example, such a problem may be the lack of ramps at the local House of Culture. When does the cultural center host any events for people with disabilities? disabilities, then people with disabilities simply cannot enter the House of Culture without assistance, due to the presence of steps in front of the entrance and, at the same time, the absence of a ramp.

Having written social project, based on this problem, you can most likely count on the favor of people making decisions regarding the issuance of grants.

Regarding grants issued for development own business, then there are also “tricks” here, using which you can increase your chances of receiving the coveted grant. But about all the “stuff” a little later. I need to somehow motivate you to read the entire article :).

So, I hope you understand that the very first thing you should start with if you want to receive a grant from a grantmaker is the formulation of the current problem. Some say you need to start with an idea. Not really. It’s better to solve a problem than to implement an idea that, as I said above, may not be needed by anyone.

Once you have finally decided on the problem, the next step is to search for potential grant providers who can give you a grant for the implementation of your project.

2. We are looking for potential grantmakers.

Before I tell you about the most effective ways to find grantmakers, you need to clearly understand who grantmakers are, what kind of grantmakers there are, and what is the point of the fact that they, in essence, “give” people money for the implementation of a project?

Let's start in order. Grantors– these are individuals or organizations (funds) that allocate funds to support social projects and (or) business endeavors.

Grant givers are classified according to various criteria. Moreover, it is important to know their classification; understanding it will allow you to better prepare for the requirements of a particular grantor, because, depending on the type of grantor, different requirements will be placed on you, dear friend. As they say, those who are forewarned... should not be too stupid in the future (this is ideal, but in fact...).

So, grant givers are classified as follows:

1) by form of ownership:

1.1) state;

1.2) private;

1.3) foreign;

1.4) mixed.

2) for the purposes of grant assistance:

2.1) issuing grants for the implementation of social projects;

2.2) issuing grants for the implementation of business projects;

3.1) by scale:

3.1) private person ( individual- FL);

3.2) organization (legal entity - legal entity);

This classification can, of course, be continued, but I will not do this, because a complete classification is not the main purpose of this article. You just have to at least roughly understand what grant givers can be like.

If you understand who you will be dealing with, then it will be easier for you to adapt your project writing talents to the requirements of a particular grantmaker.

Now the question arises: where can I find a grantmaker to implement my project? There are many in various ways searching for a competition for a corresponding grant. At the same time, there are a number of most effective ways searching for a grantmaker, which I will discuss below.

How to find a grantmaker?

1. Internet.

Of course, the majority of any searches today begin with search engines such as Yandex or Google. And this is understandable, because the Internet allows you to as soon as possible find what you want. With all the advantages of searching for a grantmaker through the global network, this method there is one big minus.

It lies in the fact that on the Internet you can easily find false grantors who are only pretending to be some kind of fund or charitable organization, but in fact they are ordinary scammers.

The scheme of deception in many cases is approximately the following: you submit an application to participate in a competition for a grant, and for this very participation you are asked to make a “small” organizational contribution. As a rule, no secured fund or other grant-issuing organization requires any organizational fees from participants in the competition for a grant.

Judge for yourself. If the fund was created in order to help society in solving any problems (which you will solve with your project) that other organizations (the municipality, commercial organizations etc.) does not have enough strength and resources, then why does the fund need to collect money from those who are already tight with money? It’s not logical, you’ll agree.

Therefore, in a competition for a grant from normal grantors, you will never see such a condition as an “organizational fee.” If a grant giver asks for money in order to later give the money back, then this is somehow strange, more like the work of a bank or some other financial pyramid.

Let's summarize. Finding a grantmaker via the Internet is extremely convenient at the initial stage. However, for reliability, you should also use more in reliable ways searching for a grantmaker. Among them, we will highlight state (municipal) competitions for grants.

2. State and municipal organizations .

In many regions of Russia today there are active programs to support small businesses and social projects. At the same time, I really hope that today there is adequate legitimate government in all regions of our homeland.

In this connection, participation in competitions for grants in government agencies provides you with an excellent opportunity to receive funds for the implementation of your project.

At the same time, someone thinks: “Why should a region or local municipality give money to start their own business? I understand when money is allocated for socially oriented projects, but what does business have to do with it? What, our state is so kind that it can distribute start-up capital left and right?”

In fact, when you win a grant to start your own business, in essence, the state simply invests in your enterprise in order to “milk” it on an ongoing basis in the future and receive money in the form of taxes and other fees, which, in turn, will go for a solution socially significant problems. It's simple: more money– more opportunities to help those in need.

That is why participation in state and municipal grant competitions is an excellent opportunity to find funds to solve the problem you stated.

It turns out that the state “really needs to melt down money” for their more effective use. All that remains for you to do is to convince the competition commission that you are a reliable, effective person, and that the money received will have a positive social and economic effect.

In this regard, I advise you to look for various competitions, programs for obtaining a grant from the state. To do this, just go to the websites of the necessary committees or city administration. Today, almost any more or less large government organization holds these same competitions for grants.

However, often people simply simply do not know about the opportunities that the state provides. What can I say - the information dissemination service of government agencies leaves much to be desired. Therefore, in order to be aware of where you can get which grant, use, in my opinion, in the best possible way searching for a grantmaker.

3. “Consult” technique.

Oddly enough, word of mouth today, as in any other time, works better than any modern technologies. Most likely, this is due to the fact that social proof received from loved ones or at least acquaintances convinces a person much more that any websites or beautiful brochures with the conditions for participation in some grant competition.

If you want to find money to implement your commercial or non-profit project, then ask your closest circle. Moreover, it is best to ask people who occupy a prominent place in society. It’s just that the chances of getting the information you need will be much higher if you ask a person who has extensive connections with many influential people.

Who could be such a person? For example, such a person could be the rector or dean of your faculty. Surely, during your studies at the university, you developed certain relationships with the leadership of your university.

Therefore, if you ask, for example, your dean about reaching out to the people you need, then, in most cases, you will receive the necessary information.

In any case, even if your dean does not directly know the organization you need, he will send you to that person from his circle who will certainly lead you to a potential grant giver.

However, you should not neglect other people from your environment. It often happens that an expressionless person with a low social status, there are the necessary friends or relatives.

So, as they say, shake everyone :). As they say, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Just show a little persistence and you will be happy. Believe me, at all times there was heaps of money.

Moreover, getting money today is as easy as shelling pears, no matter how pompous it may sound. However, if of course you study the news day by day social networks or watch videos on Youtube that are useless for your development, then you won’t see anything.

I hope that it won’t be difficult for you to find exactly the grantmaker who gives grants tailored to the specifics of your project. After you find the right grant provider, the next step is to study the requirements for project design and participation in the competition for grant funds.

3. We study the requirements.

Almost any grant provider has its own special requirements for competition participants and project writing. However, in most cases, all the requests presented are very similar. Therefore, we can distinguish a number general requirements to participate in a competition for a grant.

Requirements for competition participants to receive a grant:

1) submit an application using the form;

2) write a project;

3) protect the project;

The best way to write projects was written in my other article.

Keep in mind that although the requirements for receiving grants are generally similar, there are always some nuances that should be taken into account. Sometimes a person writes a brilliant project on current problem, however, in the end it “falls apart” on bureaucratic issues, in particular, on issues of spending money.

It seems like it could be easier than spending money. However, always remember that you are receiving other people's money for a specific cause. Therefore, the grant giver should be calm about how this money is spent: for its intended purpose or not. In this regard, study the issue of reporting to the grantor in advance (form of the report, deadlines, procedure for providing information, etc.) so as not to get into trouble.

Conclusion: In this article I told you about how to get a grant. In particular, you learned that it is very important to find a current problem that should be taken as the basis for a future project to receive grant money, where and how to look for grantmakers, and the requirements for participants in the grant competition.

In the next article, I will tell you about the tricks when writing a project, how to competently prepare its defense, and most importantly, how to effectively use the received grant.

If you are interested in learning this information, then subscribe to updates on our website or join our group “

Starting a business requires considerable financial investment. If it is difficult for an entrepreneur to accumulate the required amount of funds, he can resort to help from the state or private individuals. There are special programs to stimulate business development. To participate in them you must meet a number of conditions.

Who can receive grants

Who are the grants available to? This depends on the specific program. However, in most cases this is the following list of persons:

  • The entrepreneur is unemployed and is registered with the employment center.
  • Entrepreneurs who already have a business, but want to expand it.

The funds provided under the program must be spent on the basis of a previously drawn up business plan.

Foreign grants are usually awarded to individuals who have previously successfully participated in programs. State programs, as a rule, are intended for beginner entrepreneurs. Preference is given to these categories of persons:

  • University graduates.
  • Professionals who have been laid off.
  • Employees who have been laid off.
  • Single mothers.
  • Persons with disabilities.

That is, grants are provided to the most vulnerable citizens. However, other citizens may also be eligible for the program:

  • Persons who already have a business that has been operating for at least a year.
  • Persons who are developers of innovative technology.
  • People who have entered into a leasing agreement to purchase equipment.
  • Entrepreneurs participating in exhibitions and fairs.

If an entrepreneur expects to receive a grant, when starting a business, he can focus on which areas usually receive funding. 30% of grants are provided for business in the service sector. The state usually finances projects in the following areas:

  • Agriculture.
  • Education and science.
  • Production.
  • Subjects whose introduction creates new jobs.

Foreign funds prefer these areas:

  • Ecology.
  • Culture.
  • Economy.

NOTE! The more an entrepreneur’s business fits the fund’s preferences, the greater the chance of receiving a grant. Experts believe that best chance have funding educational courses, marketing agencies, auto repair shops and other service providers.

Procedure for receiving a grant

What do you need to do to receive a grant? You need to go through three steps:

  1. Studying the requirements of a specific fund.
  2. Submitting an application.
  3. Preparation of documents.

Let's look at all these stages in more detail.

Requirements for applicants

Let's consider the requirements that are usually presented to applicants:

  • Submitting a properly completed application.
  • Protection of a business project.
  • Implementation of the project in accordance with previously developed documentation.
  • Providing a report for the funds spent.

The grant holder must special attention focus on developing a business project and reporting. The first will allow you to receive funding, the second will allow you to correctly account for the money provided.

Application review period

The processing time for applications depends on which grant the entrepreneur is applying for. They can vary from a month to a year. You can find out about current grants and deadlines at the Entrepreneurship Development Center or the Ministry of Economic Development.


To receive a grant, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Bid.
  • Entrepreneur's application form and copy of passport.
  • Confirmation that the person knows the basics entrepreneurial activity(for example, a certificate of completion of courses, a diploma of higher education).
  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur.
  • Document confirming payment of taxes.
  • A paper about a person creating jobs.
  • A business plan, each point of which is rational and justified.

This is a general list of documents. The Fund may require additional paperwork.

When applying to the fund, you should consider these recommendations:

  • Sometimes an entrepreneur is denied financing because the amount indicated in the application is too small. Therefore, it is recommended to overestimate it. When determining the required amount, you need to take into account the size of the commission.
  • It should be borne in mind that financing is usually carried out in installments. We need to think about how this or that part of the funds will be spent.
  • Even if the entrepreneur wins the competition, it must be taken into account that the funds will actually be issued only after 2-12 months.

To increase your chances of funding, you need to take into account the potential requirements of investors.

How does the commission decide on funding?

A special commission is created to review applications. Its representatives check the submitted documents and business plan. For a plan to be approved, it must meet these characteristics:

  • Necessary financial indicators and their rationale.
  • A description that the investment will actually work.
  • Presentation of information in such a way that the commission understands the prospects for business development and its profitability.
  • Indication of areas of financing.
  • An indication that the entrepreneur intends to create jobs. The more jobs it creates, the greater the chance of receiving subsidies. This is due to the fact that the state is fighting unemployment, and therefore provides funds primarily to those entities that will allow the unemployed to find work.

Receiving a grant does not mean that the business will be opened solely with the funds provided. An entrepreneur must also have his own capital. It is desirable that it be approximately 2 times the size of the subsidy.

When an entrepreneur is denied financing

Full compliance with all conditions does not at all guarantee receipt of a subsidy. The commission may refuse for these reasons:

  • The entrepreneur had already worked in the specified field of activity, but his experience was negative.
  • The person has been found to have misused grant funds in the past.
  • An entrepreneur opens a business in an area that is not subject to government funding.

Some areas of business activity are not financed. This is due to the fact that they are not considered socially significant and do not stimulate economic condition region. For example, these are the following subjects:

  • Credit organizations, investment funds, pawnshops.
  • Organizations dealing with currency.
  • Lottery and bookmaker companies.
  • A company that produces goods subject to excise taxes.

It makes no sense to demand subsidies for such enterprises.

Where can I get a grant in 2018?

Government subsidies are provided by these entities:

  • Small Business Development Committee.
  • Economic Development Committee.
  • Municipalities.
  • Industry committees.
  • Department of Entrepreneurship.
  • Fund for the promotion of small businesses in the scientific and technical field.

An entrepreneur can also turn to private funds. For example, young startups are financed by Pavel Durov and Yuri Milner. The funds are allocated by the Skolkovo Foundation. It provides from 5 to 150,000,000 rubles for scientific developments in the field of space technology and biomedicine. IT startups are funded by Bill Gates. However, to receive foreign funds you need to meet fairly stringent requirements.

A grand is an amount of funds allocated by a Russian or international organization for a non-profit project that is of public value. The grant is issued irrevocably and free of charge to the grantor.

To receive a grant for a social project you have prepared, you must fill out an application. An application is a written request indicating your request to receive a grant. An analogy can be drawn with a business plan, which needs to convince an investor to invest their money in the development of the company. Likewise, you need to convince the grant giver in your application to invest money specifically in your social project, in it you must set out a statement that would convince the grant giver to provide you with funds for the project. The project is a non-commercial business, i.e. a business that will not bring profit.

The procedure that will help you receive a grand is as follows:

1. You can win a grand by taking part in a competition announced by the grantor.

2. As a rule, public, state and municipal organizations, as well as creative groups and individual citizens participate in the competition.

3. Fill out the application within the allotted time, which is specified in the conditions of the competition.

4. Applications are submitted to the expert council and approved by the founders of the program.

5. Financial resources are transferred to the winner of the competition in accordance with the agreement that must be concluded between the grantor and the applicant.

6. At the end of the competition, the winner and his project are announced. The grant recipient must account for the use of funds received from the grantor.

7. Reporting must include a financial and substantive part. If you do not provide it within the specified time frame, the grantee ends up on the “black list”.

8. If funds are spent inappropriately, then this information goes to the Grant Department at the tax authority.

Today, more and more individuals and organizations are faced with the idea that a grant is needed. There are many new, fresh ideas that require financial support. For specialists in the West, receiving a grant is a common procedure. Western funds announce competitions, and the winners of the competition are grandees. Russian specialists and specialists from the former Soviet Union are faced with problems in completing applications for participation in such competitions. This problem is currently relevant.

Grant- This monetary reward especially outstanding and gifted students, allowing them to receive a particular education at the expense of some fund or state. An educational grant for many students is cherished dream, as it opens up a rare opportunity to get an education upper class in a prestigious educational institution– for example, at a foreign university or business school. Getting a grant for training is not easy - such incentives are given only to the best of the best, especially since there are usually entire queues of people waiting to receive grants. Here are a number of criteria that are taken into account by commissions that distribute grants to applicants.


First of all, the student’s academic performance is assessed. The higher your educational success, the higher your chances of receiving an educational grant. Thus, the commission weeds out students who do not put effort into their studies, and retains only those who work to achieve the best results and show maximum determination.

The committee will evaluate your GPA and the variety and type of courses and subjects taken. In particular, your achievements and presentations at conferences, participation in scientific collections, research and scientific

Growing your own business, especially a small business, is quite difficult.
Special programs are provided to support such structures. Their goal is to help beginning entrepreneurs implement their planned projects and become a full-fledged business entity. How to get such welcome and always timely help?

What is a grant?

A grant is funds (money or equipment) that are transferred free of charge and irrevocably, but with subsequent reporting on their use.

Grand givers are both domestic and foreign donors.

Recipients of funds are individuals or legal entities. The purpose of the procedure may be the need to perform work of a certain significance, including scientific, technological, cultural or social.

Hand of the giver

IN different countries charitable foundations provide targeted assistance to those who want to realize their plans in public life. Priority is given to projects that ensure social progress. Grand givers are classified according to different criteria. Understanding the classification of grantmakers allows you to better prepare for the requirements of each one individually.

So, classification occurs according to the following parameters:
Form of ownership:

  • public or private grantors;
  • foreign or mixed donors.

Purpose of the grant:

  • implementation of social projects;
  • business projects.


  • Individual
  • Enterprises and legal entities.

Government structures

The state annually issues billions of rubles for various grants. Many regions of the Russian Federation support targeted programs that promote the development of small businesses. Therefore, participation in competitions that provide the opportunity to receive a grant is a good opportunity to implement a business project.

Of course, a completely logical question arises: why does the state need this? If with social programs everything is more or less clear, then in the case of small business development the state, including the local municipality, actually invests money in the enterprise.

As a result, when a particular project is implemented, the state receives its dividends in the form of taxes and other fees.

The proceeds go primarily to solving social problems. Thus, the government’s logic is simple: the more cash receipts, the more opportunities to provide assistance to those in need.

Private foundations

As mentioned above, in addition to government sources, there are also private organizations. The purpose of their existence is to provide targeted cash investments. The direction for such a distribution of money may be very specific areas of social activity.

Charitable organizations in most cases are created by large companies wishing to finance those areas of life that are provided for by their charter.

As practice shows, foundations preferably finance education, science, medicine and healthcare. Also relevant areas are programs related to environment, culture, industry.

Conditions for receiving a grant for small business development

To take part in the competition, you must first find out where the nearest Foundation is located that issues grants. The next step is to search for announcements about the start of the competition. Specialized magazines or the Internet can come to the rescue.

At the same time, you will need to find out the conditions for participation in the competition. It happens that the conditions for receiving a grant differ, but usually to participate in them you need to be on the market for no more than 2 years.

In other words, foundations are more likely to support start-up entrepreneurs.

Moreover, in order to receive a grant, the company must also take part financially in the project. On average, the size of its investments ranges from 60 to 80%.

After studying the conditions, you need to send an application and begin preparing for the competition. Having registered as a participant, the next step should be the preparation of a business project. Particular care must be taken here. The answer to the question: “How to win a grant in 2019?” depends entirely on the commercial qualities of the applicant.

Do not forget that economically feasible projects are priority. In addition, it is desirable that projects represent technical novelty. It will also not be superfluous to have prospects for production development. The applicant should additionally prepare a package of documents proving the usefulness of his project for society. In addition, mini-presentations can be arranged for the applicant who wants to win a grant. In other words, the main goal of a potential grant recipient is to provide maximum support for their project.


List of required documents:

  • Document confirming state registration.
  • A document confirming registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  • Constituent documents legal entity. You can provide copies of the above documents.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Certificate of headcount for the current reporting period (for legal entities).
  • Business project (indicating the cost and timing of the project, as well as the address of the location of the object).
  • Certificate from the Federal Tax Service on the applicant’s fulfillment of tax obligations and payment of insurance premiums. This also includes the issue of tax penalties.
  • Copies of documents that confirm funding from the applicant for the implementation of the project (agreements or payment orders).
  • A document confirming the creation of new jobs.

These documents are submitted to the competition commission, which verifies the accuracy of the information and makes the final decision.
Note: the Federal Tax Service certificate must be issued no later than one month before submitting the application.

Requirements for applicants

Different authorities can demand anything from a candidate for help.
For example: in the Orenburg region, in order to receive subsidies, the applicant must:

  • be an entrepreneur for no more than 1 year;
  • undergo entrepreneurship training (except for cases where the applicant already has an economic education);
  • plan your activities in accordance with the types of activities provided for in the target program.

The following areas are subject to subsidies:

  • production of goods;
  • farming development;
  • craft activities;
  • production and processing of agricultural products;
  • construction of industrial facilities;
  • tourism development;
  • construction of cultural facilities;
  • catering (including workers or student canteens);
  • research of innovative technologies;
  • development of industries that accompany city-forming enterprises;
  • household services.

To receive government subsidies, you must take the following steps:

  • Register with the employment center;
  • Register individual entrepreneur and provide documents to the employment center;
  • Draw up a business plan, which must indicate: the purpose of receiving the subsidy, cost estimates, economic feasibility and payback periods.

Watch also the video about receiving a grant for farming development

Limits on the requested amount

To understand how much an entrepreneur can realize his plans, it is important to understand how much benefactors can offer him.

Typically, the grant amount does not exceed 300 thousand rubles.

The lower limit has no definition. But behind the scenes there is less 50 thousand rubles They don’t offer it – it doesn’t make sense.

Receipt procedure

As previously stated, a potential grant recipient should contact state center employment. The second option is to search for a private Fund and announce the start of the competition. After you have become familiar with the conditions for participation in the competition, you need to send an application and begin preparing for the competition. It is advisable to attach a letter to the application outlining the social importance of the project.

When submitting an application, you can follow the following structure:

  • project content;
  • general message;
  • applicant's resume;
  • the problem being discussed;
  • tasks and goals;
  • solution methods;
  • project budget;
  • risk assessment;
  • applications.

Usually the Funds establish a list necessary documentation and the volume of the application itself. The package of documents may include the applicant's biography, financial statements and letters of recommendation. The applicant is required to do everything possible to be noticed.

Of course, there are cases of refusal to issue a grant and you also need to prepare for this. The reasons for refusal can be different, in particular, the topic of the project is unsuitable or a similar project has already been funded. Among the reasons for refusal, there are also cases where applicants asked for too small an amount of funds.

In the event that the applicant has passed the competitive selection and won the grant, the next stage will be its implementation. In this case, every effort must be made to use it as efficiently as possible. This, in turn, is due to the fact that it will be necessary to report in detail on the implementation of the business project.

The right approach will help you earn a reputation as a reliable entrepreneur and, as a result, ask for an additional grant, but for the expansion of the current project.

This time, it will be enough to just edit the numbers in the documentation. In practice, there are cases when individual companies After some time, they were invited to join expert councils, and also developed thanks to systemic support from the Foundations.

Submitting a business plan

Before submitting a business plan, you must first study the rules for its preparation. Often, inattention becomes the reason for refusal to issue grants. Funds are more inclined to economically sound projects that stand out for their innovation or are capable of influencing market development.

The business plan must be accompanied by a detailed description, tables, graphs, illustrations and an additional package of documents.

The procedure for obtaining a government grant is the same as in the case of charitable foundations. However, the receipt of money may be partial and require simultaneous reporting on its use. In some cases, grants are partially awarded for equipment.

To increase your chances of receiving a grant, you need to follow certain rules when writing a business plan:

  • You should not indicate the maximum amount of the subsidy, so as not to give the impression that the entrepreneur does not understand well what he will do.
  • It is necessary to use the opportunity to create maximum quantity jobs.
  • Make your requests as specific as possible, justifying that money is needed for equipment, furniture, transport, etc. The business plan should contain a detailed list of everything necessary to implement the project.
  • If possible, attach copies of agreements of intent so that the practical side of the project and the potential sales market can be seen. Warehouse or office rental agreements will also be a plus.
  • Avoid underestimating tax deductions. Ideally, you can attach a tax estimate for a 3-year period.
  • The business plan must be accompanied by competent economic calculations. Calculations that reflect an analysis of the sensitivity of the business in the event that there is a change in the cost of the product or its sales level will not be superfluous here. To carry out the necessary calculations, it is advisable to use Excel and demonstration graphs.
  • Do not forget that the calculations carried out should ideally have a double safety margin. It is advisable to avoid specifying the minimum wages for personnel, it is permissible to use inflated rental costs, but you should not inflate the cost of equipment.
  • The preparation of a business plan must be extremely accurate. Its volume should not be less than 60 sheets. It will be good if it is accompanied by photographs of products, office and future equipment.
  • A potential grant recipient must have a good understanding of his own project and clearly answer the questions posed by the commission.


When asked how long it will take to consider an application for a grant, Foundation employees usually answer that from 1 to 2 months.

But in reality, consideration of the application can take up to a year.

In this regard, it is better to clarify at the very beginning whether your topic is suitable and whether there have been similar applications from your competitors. This will help avoid wasting time.

Preferred types of business

The priority target group for receiving a grant is entrepreneurs and duly registered unemployed people. In addition, priority is given to military personnel who have been transferred to the reserve due to layoffs.

Entrepreneurs engaged in socially oriented activities, as well as those proposing the opening of large quantity jobs, after receiving subsidies and expanding production.

According to statistics about 30% entrepreneurs who received a grant for small business development and are engaged in the provision of services, 20% - develop production and only 12% - engaged in trade. In addition, to date, “ State program, related to the development of agriculture, including regulating markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013–2020.” Support priorities are set to it.

Reporting on funds provided

Building trust includes timely reporting. To do this, you just need to follow the recommendations of the Foundation. Receipt of grants in the future directly depends on the order and form of reports submitted by the applicant.

It should be remembered that individual provisions may differ for different Funds, but the requirements are the same for all. Therefore, possible reporting nuances must be discussed at the stage of concluding an agreement to receive grant funds. Such details usually include the timing of the report and its contents.

In addition, you need to understand that the report on the intended use of the grant is divided into two components: financial and substantive. It is better to invite an accountant to prepare the financial components. Usually his details are indicated in the application. Ideally, this would be an employee of your company who knows how to handle financial documents. The substantive part of the report, as a rule, falls on the project manager.

The financial report is accompanied by:

  • Documents confirming expenses incurred.
  • Documents according to which payments were made.
  • Register of documents attached to the report.
  • A certificate indicating the date, location and purpose of the project, as well as the assigned tasks and participants.
  • Concise information about the organizations that take part in the project.
  • Program of events.
  • Photos.
  • Display of results.
  • Constructive suggestions.
  • An extended description of the substantive actions taken.
  • Transcript of events.
  • Media reports (links to information sources are displayed).
  • Text of the report (for individuals).
  • Book layout (for publishing projects).
  • Other information that has been agreed upon with the grant recipient.

If we look at the realities of our day, then a grant is not such a tasty morsel. Obtaining it is full of difficulties and struggle with bureaucracy. Among the applicants there will probably be several people who are personally acquainted with the members of the commission. In our country, alas, it is not possible to defeat corruption in the coming years. And if successful, the entrepreneur will be forced to report to everyone and everything about the work done and the funds disbursed.

But this subsidy still has its own charm, and it is undeniable. This is the gratuitousness of the amount provided, which, unlike a loan, has a very beneficial effect on financial condition companies.