Gradsky in a chair. Gradsky came to the “Voice” show in a wheelchair. Orenburg city portal - a convenient information platform

Screenshot from the live broadcast of Channel One

67-year-old singer Alexander Gradsky arrived to film the new season of the show “The Voice” in wheelchair. To try on the role of a mentor again, the musician interrupted his hospital stay. Alexander Gradsky recently suffered a broken leg and still has difficulty moving.

Posted by SUPER ( Aug 14, 2017 at 4:31 PDT

The video explanation says that Gradsky ended up in wheelchair due to a broken leg, writes

Colleagues on the project have great respect for Alexander Gradsky. Given the musician’s condition, other mentors gather at his chair to discuss the participants’ performances or just chat before the start of the show, Nation news adds.

Filming of the sixth season of the popular project “The Voice” has started in Moscow. Earlier, Gradsky commented on the return of the “golden composition” of the jury members of the music program “The Voice”. In his opinion, the jury of previous seasons, Polina Gagarina and Grigory Leps, left the project because they were not suitable for each other, reports the Federal News Agency.


Arseny Borodin was born in Barnaul in 1988. He was a member of the “Star Factory-6”, after which he sang in the team of “manufacturers” - the Chelsea group. His name is associated with song competitions " Main stage" And " New wave" Now the artist is hosting solo career. Borodin released the scandalous video “Native”, in which he starred in an explicit video with his girlfriend Nastya Ivleeva.

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His appearance in the Kremlin Palace created a real sensation, because none of the guests expected to see the musician in such a state. However, everything turned out to be not as scary as fans thought. Alexander Borisovich simply broke his leg, but according to Leonid Agutin he is already on the mend:

“With men at the anniversary of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. Alexander Borisovich broke his leg, but is already recovering. Funny."

The artist was also supported by his longtime friend, musician Alexander Buinov. He not only helped Gradsky with moving around the Kremlin, but also remembered how once upon a time they played together in Moscow:

“Black and white report from the concert in the Kremlin!
Gradsky broke his leg, but he still rolled out on stage to Joseph Kobzon in a wheelchair, man! Let me remind you that Sanya and I started rock and roll in Moscow. Legendary group“Buffoons”! Get well, Brother!”

We join all the wishes of the celebrity guests and wish Alexander Borisovich to get better as soon as possible. ?

Filming for the sixth season recently started. show "The Voice", which means the program management has already decided on the composition of mentors this year. Fans of the program remember how negatively TV viewers and many music experts on last year's appointment of the show's management. After all, then Polina Gagarina, Grigory Leps and rapper Basta became members of the jury. This composition of mentors seemed incompetent to many - the stars were accused of not professionally selecting participants in blind auditions.

Apparently, this year the show's management decided to listen to the wishes and comments of TV viewers and fans of the program. Thus, it became known that in the sixth season the “golden” jury, which included Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin, Dima Bilan and Pelageya. This was announced by the General Producer of the United Directorate of Music and Entertainment Broadcasting of Channel One, Yuri Aksyuta. A video announcing the names of mentors was published on the channel’s website.

Fans of the program were delighted with the news of the return of the “golden” jury. However, many were alarmed by the news that Gradsky was coming to the set of the show in a wheelchair. According to eyewitness accounts, the organizers of “The Voice” even had to install a special ramp so that Alexander could sit in the mentor’s red chair.

As it turned out, the artist broke his leg shortly before filming began. However, despite the accident, he decided not to refuse work and accepted Channel One’s offer to participate in the sixth season of “The Voice.” Gradsky missed the fifth season of the program, which, according to rumors, he refused to participate in due to disagreements with the management regarding his fee. However, there is another version - gossipers claim that Alexander was very disappointed with the results fourth season, when it was not his ward who won and therefore refused to film in the fifth season. Neither the musician himself nor his representatives confirmed these speculations in any way.

On the set, Gradsky was accompanied by assistants

Alexander Gradsky, who returned to the mentorship of the TV show “The Voice,” appeared on the set in a wheelchair, accompanied by assistants. The video posted online shows the moment when he was moved to the jury chair.

A video has appeared on the Internet in which 67-year-old singer and composer Alexander Gradsky is transferred from a wheelchair to a place for mentors of the TV show “The Voice”. It is reported that the singer returned to the jury of the popular television project with a broken leg. To participate in the filming of the new, sixth season, Gradsky was forced to interrupt his sick leave.

On the set, the returning mentor was accompanied by assistants. With their help he was moved to workplace- in the chair of a jury member.

Posted by SUPER ( Aug 14, 2017 at 4:31 PDT

Previously, Alexander Gradsky, considered one of the members of the “golden cast” of “Voice” mentors,. In his interview with ELLE magazine, the composer said that last season the mentors failed to work together.

At the same time, according to some media reports, the channel’s management decided to change mentors under pressure from fans who were irritated by the figures of Grigory Leps and Polina Gagarina. RBC wrote about this, in particular, citing sources familiar with the situation.