The richest cemetery in the world. Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires. Burial place of famous Argentines. Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale: up to $825,000

There are few places in the world that, having arisen in ancient times, would have retained their original purpose to the present day. Israel can be proud that at least one of these structures is located on its territory. True, by and large, this is a whole complex that over many centuries has grown to impressive sizes. And now there is a real pilgrimage of tourists here who want to join in the history and at the same time look at the magnificent panorama of Jerusalem opening from there. We are talking about a place sacred to the Jews (and not only to them), called the Mount of Olives. There is a lot about him interesting information. Here are just some facts.

1. Jerusalem is located on small mountains. One of the mountain ranges, consisting of an elongated 3-peaked hill stretching along a north-south line opposite the eastern wall of Old Jerusalem along the eastern edge of the Kidron Valley, is known to people as the Mount of Olives. This name was given because olive trees have grown there in large numbers since ancient times.

2. First this mountain mentioned in the Old Testament in the story of King David's flight from his rebellious son Absalom.

3. Highest point The Mount of Olives, and at the same time all of Israel, is its northern peak, called Scopus. Its height is 826 m. The southern peak (816 m) is inferior to it by 10 meters, and the middle, lowest peak (814 m) is inferior to it by 12 meters.

4. In addition to the already mentioned name, the mountain has another one - Olivet. Second This name was established already in Christian times thanks to the famous Olivet Sermon delivered by Christ on its slope. Each of the vertices also acquired an additional name. The southern one is Mount Temptation (on which King Solomon built temples for his many wives). The middle one is Mount Ascension, and the northern one is the Little Galilee (it once housed inns where wanderers from Galilee often stayed).

5. Since ancient times, Jews have built a cemetery on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. Gradually it grew and by now has begun to occupy the southern and western slopes. Considering that burials there, although rare, are still carried out today, we can say that this graveyard is the oldest on our planet.

6. Over the approximately 2,500 years of the cemetery's existence, at least 150,000 burials have taken place there. Its antiquity is confirmed by numerous underground passages and the catacombs extending beneath the Arab quarter of Silouan.

7. The shortest road to the Mount of Olives lies through St. Stephen's Gate, located in the Old City.

8. It is symbolic that the road from the city to the Mount of Olives is about 1000 steps - exactly as many as a devout Jew is allowed to walk on Shabbat. This road is often called the “Saturday Way.”

9. The cemetery on the Mount of Olives is believed to have a very symbolic meaning. It is assumed that at some time the Messiah will ascend to its top, the sound of Ezekiel's trumpet will sound, and at the same moment the dead will begin to rise from their graves.

10. Interestingly, this cemetery is also sacred to Muslims. They also believe that after the end of days comes, an extremely narrow bridge will stretch from the Mount of Olives to the Temple. Righteous people will walk along it calmly, but those who do not pass the test will fall into Gehenna.

11. The plots of the New Testament are also largely connected with the Mount of Olives, in particular, the period of Christ’s earthly life. The Holy Book says that it was from here that Jesus descended to people as the Messiah. The Gospel tells that on this mountain the Son of God conducted teachings with the apostles and read sermons (in particular, the famous Olivet). In this place, Christ raised Lazarus, taught the people and prayed for Jerusalem. He was betrayed by Judas on the Mount of Olives. But the most important thing is that the miracle of his ascension took place here, and since then all Christian churches built near the sacred mountain are called Ascension.

12. During the period of the Second Temple, the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount were connected not by a mythical, but by a real bridge, perhaps even two. Eight varieties of olives were grown in the Garden of Gethsemane, and since then they have continued to grow on the mountain slopes.

13. After the death of Judea as a state, starting from the end of the 7th century, the Mount of Olives began to have special meaning. During this period, the Arabs allowed Jews to visit Jerusalem, but they were denied access to the Temple Mount. For this reason, all national holidays and public gatherings were held by Jews on the nearby Mount of Olives. Here the “Announcements of the Mount of Olives” were read, which established the calendar dates of new moons, dates of holidays, and also appointed members of the Sanhedrin. According to the Midrashic tradition, this particular mountain is considered “the place of the throne of the Lord.”

14. In addition to ordinary Jews, many famous prophets were laid to rest in the Mount of Olives cemetery, who rest in an adapted deep cave, where 36 burial niches were carved into the stone. True, a number of modern researchers question the fact that the burials of the prophets are located in the cave complex, stating that there are ordinary Jewish citizens whose names surprisingly coincide with the names of the prophets. However, this does not diminish the interest in the cave.

15. The cemetery on the Mount of Olives suffered serious desecration and destruction during the formation of modern Israel. The Mount of Olives fell under the control of Jordanian military units. The Muslim military did not care at all about the preservation of the ancient burial complex. On the contrary, many of the ancient graves were destroyed by them, and the slabs installed on them were used as road building materials.

16. During the fighting, Israel regained control of Mount Maslenitsa. Large-scale restoration work began here, in particular, the restoration of buildings historical monuments, and, if possible, tombstones. During the same period, the Hebrew University on Scopus, whose campus stood on the top and was regularly shelled, resumed its work. In addition, Jews again had the opportunity to conduct burials in the cemetery.

17. The significance of the place, the length of history and the declaration of the cemetery as the most important shrine gave rise to the idea in the Jewish community that people buried on the Mount of Olives automatically went to heaven after their death. For this reason, many wished to find their last refuge in this place. To reduce the number of requests for funerals, the Israeli authorities took an unprecedented step - the cost of burial here began to cost from 100,000 US dollars. In addition, this opportunity can be used either by very famous people in Israel or by deeply religious Jews.

18. Over the past 100 years, victims of the brutal Jewish pogroms that took place in Palestine in the late 1920s, soldiers killed in the battles of the War of Independence, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, who revived the Hebrew language, and a number of famous Jewish writers and politicians were buried here. Among the last prominent people to be buried was Menachem Begin, the former Prime Minister of Israel.

19. On the Mount of Olives there is the most extensive panoramic platform, which offers wonderful views of Jerusalem. It attracts you here great amount tourists.

20. Every year, during the pre-Easter period, many Christians come to Israel to stand along the road along which, as legend says, Christ ascended the Mount of Olives. They, like the ancient Jews, gather with palm branches in their hands at the foot of the mountain, after which they walk the road of Christ to Jerusalem, along the way visiting each of the churches standing near the road.

Expensive things during life, wealth, success, fame... And what next? Unfortunately, we are all mortal. Not moral actions person during life, and the presence big money, as many believe, can be ensured the road to heaven. The last thing a person who has a lot of money can afford is the most expensive cemetery...

The Jerusalem cemetery is the most expensive road to heaven.

Such a cemetery is located in Jerusalem. The cost of a plot in this cemetery is at least $100,000. However, you can’t just buy this place. It is necessary to confirm that the deceased is a Jew by nationality, and not just a Jew, but a true believing Jew.

This cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in the world. It is located on the western and southern slopes of the Mount of Olives. Its dimensions are simply enormous and seem endless. And this is not surprising, there are at least 150,000 graves here, and the first burials in this cemetery date back to the 1st century BC. This cemetery is active, and many rich people want to rest in it. And this is explained by the fact that, according to predictions, this cemetery has “preferential” advantages - it is from this place that the resurrection of a person from the dead begins, and the road to heaven is guaranteed to those who are buried there.

The Mount of Olives is mentioned many times in the Gospel, this place is associated with Jesus. Traditions say that it was here that Jesus taught his apostles, here he came on the road to Jerusalem from Jericho, when he lived in the family of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, and it was here that he raised Lazarus. From this mountain Jesus descended to the people of Jerusalem as a Mission, and the people greeted him with cries of “Assana!” And most importantly, this mountain is associated with the ascension of Jesus, and therefore, all the churches that are located here are called Ascension.

Many prominent figures, spiritual leaders and teachers rest in this cemetery. It is believed that the prophets Zechiria, Ageus and Malachi are buried in this cemetery. Here are the graves of soldiers who fell in the War of Independence of 1947-1948, the graves of Jews who died during the “Great Arab Revolt” of the 40s, and victims of the 1929 pogroms are buried here.

The road to heaven for our stars.

Foreign and Russian media published information that the most expensive cemetery in the world had purchased places “closest to heaven” by our compatriots - Alla Pugacheva and Joseph Kobzon. However, there was no confirmation or refutation of this information from the artists’ press service.

And what? What actually distinguishes a quiet, well-groomed rural cemetery from the most dear Jerusalem. Really the road to heaven depends on the place of burial, or does the ability to go to heaven depend on a person’s worldly actions?

The Mount of Olives is the most expensive cemetery in the world and a “ticket” to heaven.
The western and southern slope of the Mount of Olives or Mount of Olives is the oldest and most expensive cemetery in the world. And our article will discuss exactly this place.

Few of us think about a place in a cemetery. Most often, this topic does not bring pleasure, so I don’t really want to deal with this issue. But some rich people think that with the help of money they can secure their way to heaven.
Mount of Olives

If there is a demand for this delusion, then there will be a supply. There is a cemetery on our Earth, where one place costs from hundreds of thousands of dollars; the richest and influential people. The oldest cemetery is located in Jerusalem on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. The size of this burial place is so huge that it seems endless. There are at least 150 thousand graves here, and the first burial dates back to the 1st century BC.
most expensive cemetery in the world

Today, a burial place for one person here costs from 100 thousand US dollars. But it is noteworthy that not everyone can buy a burial place for such fabulous money. Only Jewish believers are allowed to be buried in the Olivet Cemetery.

This cemetery is famous for the fact that, according to legend, those who are buried here have a “preferential ticket” to transfer their soul to heaven after death. And it was here that the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus, performed by Jesus Christ, took place.

Raising Lazarus

The Gospel repeatedly describes this place, since Jesus taught here with the apostles.

Jesus with disciples

The holy book also states that it was from the Mount of Olives that Jesus descended to the people as the Messiah. And the most significant event on this mountain was the ascension of Jesus Christ, which is why all the churches located near the holy place are called Ascension.

They say that prophets such as Ageus, Zechariah and Malachi, soldiers who died in 1947-1948 during the struggle for Independence, victims of brutal pogroms of the late 20s of the 20th century, and Jews who died during the “Great Arab Revolt” are buried here.
Tombs of the Prophets

Here there is the grave of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, the outstanding Israeli writer Shmuel Yosef Agnon, a Jew who revived Hebrew, the German writer Elsa Lasker-Schieler and many other famous figures of art and spirituality who made a huge contribution to the development of humanity.

There are rumors that Joseph Kobzon (the rumors turned out to be unfounded) and prima donna Alla Borisovna were able to buy a burial place in this cemetery, but before today there is neither confirmation nor refutation of this information (most likely, the same is not true).
Shmuel Yosef Agnon's grave

Can a cemetery be expensive?

The expression “most expensive” is applicable to many things that accompany a person throughout life. For some people these words have magical power, and they are ready to go to great lengths to get such things. This could be the most expensive toy for a child, the most expensive school, and then the most expensive car or a mansion. The last thing a person with a lot of money can use is the most expensive cemetery.

Cemetery in Jerusalem

There is such a cemetery, and it is located in Jerusalem. A place in this cemetery costs at least 100 thousand dollars, but you can buy it only if there is confirmation that the deceased is not only a Jew by nationality, but also a true believing Jew.

This is one of the oldest cemeteries in the world. It is located on the southern and western slopes of the Mount of Olives (Mount of Olives). Its dimensions are enormous - the cemetery covers the entire slope of the mountain and looks endless. This is not surprising, because there are at least 150 thousand graves here, and the first burials date back to the 1st century BC. The cemetery on the Mount of Olives is still active, and many rich people wish to rest there. The particular importance of the cemetery is explained by the fact that, according to predictions, it has a “preferential” advantage - it is from here that the resurrection of the dead will begin, and the one who is buried there will go to heaven.

The meaning of the Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is mentioned several times in the Gospel as a place that is associated with Jesus. According to legend, here he taught his apostles, he came here on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem, when he lived in the family of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, here he raised Lazarus. From here Jesus descended to the people of Jerusalem as the Old Testament Mission, and they greeted him with cries of “Assana!” But most of all, the Mount of Olives is associated with the ascension of Jesus, which is why all the churches located here are called Ascension.

Many spiritual leaders and teachers, outstanding personalities of the state, rest in this cemetery. The prophets Malachi, Ageus and Zechariah are believed to be buried here. Here are the graves of victims of the 1929 pogroms, soldiers who died in the War of Independence of 1947-48 and Jews who died during the “Great Arab Revolt” of the forties. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, famous cultural figures E. Lasker-Shiler, Shai Agnon, E. Ben-Yehuda, Boris Schatz are buried here.

Russian stars closer to paradise

In Russian and foreign media publications have appeared claiming that in the most expensive cemetery in the world, stars bought themselves places “closest to heaven” Russian stage Joseph Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva. There was no confirmation or refutation of this information from the artists’ press service.

The most expensive cemetery in the world is located in Israel. Moreover, it is not enough just to pay for a place (about one hundred thousand dollars). Only Jews, and only believing Jews, can be buried in the cemetery in Jerusalem. Therefore, not everyone can get a place.

This cemetery is considered one of the oldest in the world. It is located on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. The southern and western slopes are covered with graves, and the vast cemetery contains approximately 150,000 burials. The first graves appeared in this place in the 1st century BC. e. Today, wealthy people can claim the most expensive cemetery as their final resting place. Such enormous popularity is not accidental. After all, believers believe that those buried in these places will definitely go to heaven.

The Mount of Olives is also called the Mount of Olives. This passage is often found on the pages of the Gospel. The resurrection of Lazarus, the teaching of the apostles, the journey from Jericho to Jerusalem, as well as the resurrection of Jesus are associated with this place. All churches located on the Mount of Olives are called Ascension.

Became a resting place famous people who made a great contribution to history, culture and spiritual development humanity. Some believe that the graves of the prophets Malachi, Agea and Zechariah are also located here. In the cemetery on the Mount of Olives lies Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, victims of the Jewish people who died as a result of repressions and pogroms different years. Here are the graves of the German writer Elsa Lasker-Schieler, an Israeli writer and laureate Nobel Prize Shmuel Yosef Agnon, the man who revived Hebrew, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, Jewish sculptor Boris Shatz and many other cultural, artistic, and spiritual figures.

Sometimes in the press, including foreign ones, there are mentions that Joseph Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva also bought places here. But information, will it become most expensive cemetery the place of their burial has not yet been confirmed, but also not refuted.