Opposition chiron moon in cardinal signs. Aspects of Saturn and Chiron in the natal chart

“It’s amazing how I’ve worked so far, 09.2005, without Chiron.”

The symbol of Chiron is like a key. What does he reveal? Almost everything. The question is when?
Chiron was discovered on November 1, 1977. This date for me is one of the most amazing in the history of astrology and is comparable in significance only to the date of the discovery of Uranus, when the traditional model of seven planets was debunked. The discovery of one planet marked the beginning new era, the discovery of energy flows that the planet itself symbolizes, and they burst powerfully and manifested themselves actively in the life of all humanity. So the discovery of Uranus coincided with French Revolution and the motto raised on the barricades “Freedom, equality, brotherhood”, as if taken from an astrology textbook, from the topic keywords Uranus. Although this motto has not yet been fully realized, the desire for freedom and the struggle for human rights have formed an indivisible part of human history in the last few centuries.
The discovery of Neptune in 1844 coincided with the emergence of socialist ideas and the teachings of Marx, and although they were not implemented in pure form, let's frankly say that they were defamed. But they continue to influence political life even now.
No less dramatic was the time of the discovery of Pluto in 1930, when the biggest economic crisis in world history broke out, the greatest dictator came to power - Hitler - 1933, the last Second world war(1939), explosion of the first atomic bomb(1945) - all events are subject to Pluto.
However, if we look at the events around 1977 and after them, we will not discover anything particularly dramatic. On the contrary, we will reveal only positive events - the end of the Cold War comes, people begin to talk about disarmament, the “Iron Curtain” falls, dictatorial regimes collapse, people achieve more and more religious freedom, they stop persecuting political reasons, the end of the era of racial discrimination is coming, women in the Muslim world are gradually achieving rights. Just as many of the ideals of Uranus and Neptune are beginning to be realized right now, on the other hand, the heavy influence of Pluto is being limited.
The era of Chiron has begun. At first it looked like an asteroid due to its irregular shape. But, when it approached its perihelion, astronomers observed a gas cloud near it, i.e. Chiron showed its main nature - comets. But unlike them, he doesn't leave solar system, and much larger than their size. After Chiron, other bodies were discovered that move in an orbit similar to it and now bear the names of centaur
Chiron orbits the Sun every 50.8 years. There is no consensus among astrologers about the rule of Chiron. They consider him to be the ruler of the signs Virgo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, and some astrologers believe that he does not rule the signs.

Semi-square - 45°, disharmony. Methodology: Traffic interpretation with equilibrium approach. Transits and progressions show the cycle of unlocking the inherent potential in natal chart and mark turning points or decision points. Therefore, using a “transformational” approach, traffic is seen as providing opportunities for growth. No attempt is made to determine in advance the client's future under certain conditions. The focus is on psychological and process orientation as opposed to the event presented.

Movement according to zodiac signs

What is striking is the different periods of time that Chiron stays in one sign. His longest stay in the sign in aphelion is Aries - 8.5 years, then he moves the slowest, when he passes through Taurus he speeds up his movement a little and stays in this sign for 7 years, after which in Gemini he accelerates a little more and passes through the zone of the sign of Gemini in 4 years. In Cancer, it increases the speed a little more and passes in 3 years, Leo in 2.5, in Virgo and Libra, where Chiron moves the fastest, it is only a year and a half. After this, in the next sign of Scorpio it slows down a little and stays there for 2 years, in Sagittarius - 2.5 years, in Capricorn - 4, in Libra - 6 years, and reaches the sign of Pisces, where it stays for 8 years.
If we compare the time it takes Chiron to overcome one sign with planets Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter.
Uranus, whose orbital cycle is 84, passes through one zodiac sign in about 7 years. There are, however, two signs in which Chiron stays longer than Uranus: Pisces - 8 years. and Aries - 8.5 l. It is known that the further a planet is from the Sun, the slower its movement. Therefore, during the period when Chiron is in opposition to Uranus, it is further from the Sun than Uranus. This fact was often not taken into account by astrologers, but it is of exceptional importance for clarifying the influence of Chiron. If you need to look for an equivalent to compare the positions of the planets in mythology, then we will discover the fact that Chiron takes the place of Prometheus. It is generally accepted that Chiron moves in an orbit between Saturn and Uranus, but this does not take into account the period of 11 years (1964-1975), looking from the heliocentric starting point, Chiron, although it does not cross the orbit of Uranus, which is further from the Sun, is located between the planets Uranus and Neptune!
The time it takes for Chiron to pass through Taurus is seven years and this is equal to the time it takes for Uranus to pass through one sign. The next period when Chiron passes through Gemini is on average 4 years and corresponds to the position of Chiron between Uranus and Saturn.
The planet Saturn, whose orbital cycle is 29.5 years, passes through one zodiac sign on average for 2.5g. There are, however, 4 signs through which Chiron passes in a similar period: Cancer - 3 years, Leo - 2.5 years, Scorpio - 2 years, Sagittarius - 2.5 years. At this time, Chiron is equally distant from the Sun with Saturn . If you look at Chiron from a geocentric point, then there are moments when Chiron is closer or further from the Earth than Saturn.
In terms of the time period when Chiron moves faster and passes through the signs of Virgo and Libra in only a year and a half, it approaches the time in which Jupiter passes through one zodiac sign.
If we accept the speed of Chiron as the main factor of its influence and strength in signs, then we can make the assumption that Chiron will be strong in Leo signs, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
From an astrological point of view, the significance of this uneven movement of Chiron through the signs is enormous. If life were subject only to Saturn and Uranus with their almost uniform movement through signs in 2.5 and 7 years, respectively, then all events in our lives in the future would happen at equal intervals of time, but this is not the case in practice. The time it takes for Saturn to square its own position in the natal chart is on average 7.4 years, while time as, the time for which Chiron makes such a square varies between 5.5 and 23 years. It is because of this variation that Chiron does not provide the key to an individual approach to the entire birth chart!
So far, three positions have been established that Chiron occupies between the heavy planets:
Between Jupiter and Saturn
Between Saturn and Uranus
Between Uranus and Neptune
Is there a fourth position in which Chiron is located between the planets Uranus and Pluto?
Those familiar with astronomy know that over a period of 20 years between 1979 and 1999. Pluto crossed the orbit of Neptune and at this time Neptune was the farthest planet from the Sun. When we compare the positions of Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in relation to the Sun, it turns out that there is only one such moment and this is around the date 05/01/1980 - then Chiron was between Uranus and Pluto.
So, we established the fourth position in which Chiron was located between the planets Uranus and Pluto! From a mythological point of view, this corresponds to the descent of Chiron into the kingdom of Hades!
The distance of the planets to the Sun changes as a result of their movement, and their location also changes.
1. Jupiter * Chiron * Saturn * Uranus * Neptune * Pluto
2. Jupiter * Saturn * Chiron * Uranus * Neptune * Pluto
3. Jupiter * Saturn * Uranus * Chiron * Neptune * Pluto
4. Jupiter * Saturn * Uranus * Chiron * Pluto * Neptune
Each position gives various characteristics Chiron.
I. The role of Cupid /between Jupiter and Saturn/ is related to the sign of Libra and Leo;
II. The role of the Keymaster /between Saturn and Uranus/ - opens the gates between dimensions, makes the impossible possible - is related to Sagittarius and Capricorn - teachers who lead the student from the material to the spiritual world.
III. The role of the Healer / between Uranus and Neptune / (Virgo, Pisces) – this degree has 3 years:
1. Body healers - reflexologists, zone therapy, massage, treatment with hands in general / when Chiron was discovered, there was a boom in alternative treatment methods - 77;/
2. healers of the soul - astrologers, psychotherapists, psychologists;
3. healers of nature - ecologists;
IV. The role of the Mower / between Uranus and Pluto / - is related to Scorpio, you can also call him the Rapist - may indicate experienced trauma, violence associated with birth and death.

This approach allows the client to look at their life and create their own connections. The following demonstrates the basic principle of viewing traffic from a “transformation,” healing, or growth perspective. When Saturn transits, it offers the opportunity to become more realistic and responsible, allowing us to focus more on working on projects and overcoming obstacles. Applying the principles of focus, structure, dedication and discipline and recognizing the value that comes from greater commitment and achievement.

A time to establish our identity, mature, plan, evaluate and demonstrate our goals and ideals in a solid and concrete way. When Chiron transits with oneself - they offer opportunities to facilitate healing for others through healing, releasing a person's wounds, learning through illness and suffering, communicating and releasing deep pain, guiding others or teaching, learn to philosophize about life and its wounds, integrating the opposite polarity, creating bridges and realizing reconciliation.


Chiron in signs

The sign that Chiron falls into very often shows the deep wound that our loved one inflicted on us in a past incarnation. It is reflected reflexively in our present life and we need to cope with the pain that we carry in the Soul. The question that everyone needs to ask themselves is “What is this pain teaching me.” Or as the saying goes, “Every evil comes for good,” the question is whether we will be able to see this good.
ARIES - Aries is a leader, a person who wants to be first; the position shows that the impulse to manifest oneself has been interrupted. You have sinned against yourself; underestimated themselves. Discover yourself! - this is Chiron’s message to people born with a similar position in the natal chart.
Example: Chiron in Aries in the 2nd house - a person did not allow himself to spend money on himself;
TAURUS - the world of feelings was deprived - love was squeezed, therefore the generation born with Chiron in Taurus must learn to express their love if they suffer from a lack of love;
GEMINI - the person was forced to remain silent, was not sensitive; now: you need to communicate more with others, talk;
CANCER - trauma from the family, you were not loved, appreciated, may not be accepted; now: maybe you don’t accept, don’t love, or love with condition; you need to learn to value family, forgive
LEO - problems related to manifestation; maybe a person was talented, but his potential remained unexpressed, you need to ask yourself, is there any talent? It is required to achieve healing through the development of talent;
VIRGO is very often an indicator of health problems in former life, but this position may also indicate problems with the service. Now there is a desire for reinsurance, a feeling of uncertainty. If a person has not coped with the role of an employee, now he needs to do it, and he also needs to strengthen his faith.
LIBRA – there were problems in relationships: drama, divorce, separation. The lesson is to learn to see your own sins in your partner;
SCORPIO – very often early sexuality, sexual violence, unfulfilled sexual desire, passions and now a person needs to cope with passions (or fears!), Chiron in the VIII house shows the same thing
SAGITTARIUS - problems of a spiritual nature, inappropriate religion, want to blindly follow some religion, fanaticism, moved away from people for the sake of their ideals; now - you need to return to the path back to them;
CAPRICORN - problems with implementation, a person had plans, opportunities, but did not implement them, maybe someone interfered with him or he simply did not have enough courage or will to achieve in time; Now - a workaholic, blindly following the goal, you need to learn to balance between home and family.
AQUARIUS - problems with freedom; the person was limited, perhaps from friends; Now, with this position, you don’t need to limit yourself to other people - partners / if Chiron falls into the 7th house / children / 5th house /, friends / 11th house /;
PISCES - relationship with God; maybe a person violated one of God's first commandments given to Moses; Now this position can manifest itself as illness or severe mental suffering. Unfairly accused, guilty without guilt, suffering for no apparent reason. We need to reconnect with God!

Time to heal and heal. When Uranus moves - offers the opportunity to move out of outdated structures that hinder growth, awakening new way being, feeling, creating uniqueness of contact, individuality, sense of truth and personal creativity.

When Neptune Transits - Provides the opportunity to get in touch with the more compassionate and spiritual side of nature itself, awakening sensitivity, creative inspiration and a desire to delve into the Divine. An opportunity to connect with a larger collective or more spiritual purpose by dedicating your own energy to a spirit of selfless service and devotion. Time to watch dreams, open your heart, see new ideals, be imaginative, come into contact with the muses.


Shows what we could do more for others than for ourselves. A sphere /area/ in life in which we fail, something we do not accept and at the same time love /person as well/; something that we desire and at the same time deny. On the other hand, we ourselves bring success to others around us (people symbolized by the house in which natal Chiron falls).

When Pluto transits - provides the opportunity to deepen and intensify one's understanding of life, explore deeper parts of oneself, travel into the unconscious world of life and connect with a deeper sense of experience and of one's own will and purpose. Find out about strong energy and feelings, accept and adapt to life changes and transitions. Learn to let go and trust. Time to seek self-transformation, through psychotherapy, finding the inner child of pain, deep interaction with others.

Time to release the past and the old, and be reborn in a new sense of self. There will be those who argue that any attempt to exercise one's will, responsibility and ability to choose is last act arrogance. There are others, psychologically special, who fear that focusing on a transformational approach or more focused choices may lead to denial or rejection dark side aspects of life and remind us of the need to embrace the darkness as well as the light in our nature and life.


If one Astrologer can make an accurate forecast for loved ones and acquaintances, but not for himself, this is not a Chiron astrologer.


Chiron transiting Asc, IC, Dsc, MC
These are the most important points in life.
I. Passing through Asc is a moment at which a person needs to awaken spiritually, even if he is very young during this transit. This is the moment when some word, book, whether by chance or unexpectedly, can become a “push” for an event for which a map can even be rectified; Chiron always poses Hamlet's question: “To be or not to be?” Will you wake up or not? ”
II. Passing through IC - this period is extremely difficult, a person’s karma opens, karmic debt is the time of payment, almost incurable diseases are possible, problems with real estate and relatives are possible. If you suffer karma, illness, the next “gate” will open;
III. Passing through Dsc - the emphasis here falls on relationships with a partner, marriage, divorce, separation, rethinking relationships;
IV. Passing through MC - here a person needs to develop, give away what he has accumulated, devote himself to a task, make a new beginning or achieve a kind of peak in his professional or social activities;
It is foreseen that there will be defining events for the individual in the year when Chiron transits through any of the axes.
Many of those who study astrology make mistakes by being carried away by Arabic points, black and white Moon, midpoints, while they cannot extract from the chart the information provided by the Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Moon and even completely neglect the influence Sun sign, which in principle gives about 60-75% of the character and characteristics of an individual.
Therefore, if you are already familiar with the influence of other astrological factors, Chiron will be a real key for you, with the help of which you can unravel your own destiny. If, however, you have not yet mastered well the basic elements of astrological knowledge, only Chiron, by itself, will not allow you to look behind the veil of the future or discover the secrets that lie in the past.

A therapeutic and/or coaching approach will provide support for recognizing the source that is causing pain and suffering. The "transformational" approach will force a person to recognize the divinity within themselves, which has the inherent potential to mature and therefore can dedicate it from our lives to greater purposes.

It is the process and act of exercising one's will or ability to make creative choices and turn them into decisions that are extremely important for balance. We make our choices and decisions, and the rest takes its mysterious course. The idea is to tailor your therapeutic technique to lift the client's balance, to understand their pain and bring it into balance, that is, to see a healer.

Based on materials from Felix Velichko's book "Aspects of Chiron"

Aspects of Chiron with Uranus can be considered the most unusual celestial phenomena.
Firstly, their theoretical calculation is difficult due to the irregular orbit of Chiron.
Secondly, the rapprochement of Chiron with Uranus in full force reveals the unpredictability of Uranian aspects. Even with Chiron’s maximum distance from Uranus, its influence in these aspects is manifested quite strongly.
Thirdly, the long-term effect of these aspects gives them a more mundane rather than purely personal character and acts on an entire generation, imparting to it the characteristics characteristic of this aspect.
The conjunction of Chiron and Uranus has never been observed in the twentieth century.
The opposition formed in 1952 - 1989 and reached exact value 41 times. Moreover, her character in 1952 was somewhat different than in 1970 (the year of Chiron’s aphelion). The opposition should appear in full force in the natal charts of its owners in the next one or two decades, and then by the actions of mankind we will be able to judge the Uranian nature of this aspect.
For owners natal aspect Chiron with Uranus will seem to be extremely important to express and realize their individuality, so they should be expected to interact sharply, innovatively and even extremist with society.

Tools such as florals, scents, and breathing techniques such as rebirth can be used. Taking yourself and others into yourself. That is, 9 years is intensive so that we can recognize our great imbalances in a person and bring to the surface an awareness of balance.

We do this by expanding our identity from the ego and its vision, expanding the vision in the sense of centaury. Touching and re-electing our projected bodies. This is the essence of the balance of balance and learning at the centaur level. Holistic psychotherapy is a form of territorial therapy such as hatha yoga, polarity therapy and structural integration.

Transit aspects of Chiron with Uranus have not been studied.

Chiron conjunct Uranus
Holders natal conjunction Chiron and Uranus live very rich life, full of creative discoveries and sudden turns. They are great lovers of life, they know how to drink the joys of life to the dregs, although sometimes they pay for it with their lives. Chironian uncertainty and inferiority manifest themselves episodically, at critical moments of life, pushing for irrevocable actions. These people are remembered long after their death. In life, they often try to jump over the abyss, without waiting for bridges to be built between its banks.

Promoting understanding of the client in his therapeutic walk. This content was taken from the Internet. Chiron was in Pisces in the 1960s. They will experience their first and only return from Chiron into Pisces. This will be an extremely spiritual transit in which we will have the key that will open the door to our true essence.

Grateful for the universe at this time for the inspiration of bringing this subject as a topic of remembrance and knowledge. Reinhart, Melanie, Chiron and the Healing Journey. Much of the report was searched online. Reminder: Uranus crosses the 12 signs of the zodiac every 84 years, and it takes about 7 years to pass through each sign.

Chiron sextile Uranus
The natal sextile of Chiron with Uranus is a rather weak aspect, and its interpretation is difficult, since it represents opportunities that are not always realized.
It is believed that those with a natal sextile of Chiron and Uranus intensely strive to communicate with other people in order to introduce into their consciousness their ideas for improving the world. Often today they stand for one thing, and tomorrow for another, the opposite.

Transits of Uranus are directly related to Saturn, as Saturn represents the boundary between the known and Uranus the unknown. These transits are associated with unexpected, sudden, unusual experiences. Planets adorned by Uranus in Transit can be experienced in a more original way, in line with who we truly are. We can let go and often brutally, curb or habit, want to send everything to walk, change our lifestyle, take revenge on life, be free. The transit of Uranus causes an electrical discharge, an explosion, so we can spontaneously come into contact with an unknown dimension.

Transiting sextiles between Chiron and Uranus are almost imperceptible and are overlapped by other manifestations of Uranus, possibly stimulated by the influence of Chiron.

Chiron square Uranus
The natal square of Chiron with Uranus is a strong aspect, noticeably manifested on the event plane, aggravating the feeling of imaginary or real Chironian inferiority and pushing its owner to decisively get rid of or camouflage this defect, sometimes with the help of extreme actions.
In the lives of those with a natal square of Chiron and Uranus, many conflicts arise. Associated primarily with a person’s reluctance to submit to the dictates of other people or society as a whole.
The positive side of this aspect is that it gives rise to reformers and innovators who strive to change something for the better in their lives and the lives of those around them. They strive for something new, even without being sure that it is better than the old one. Truth means more to them than the opinion of others.
With a strong Jupiter or the 9th house, the square of Chiron with Uranus gives rise to missionaries, preachers, teachers, and bearers of a new idea. The methods used by these people to propagate or implement their ideas are determined by the position of Chiron and Uranus in the sign and house, as well as their aspects.
In all cases, the Uranian principle in those with a natal square of Chiron and Uranus is very strongly expressed.
Apparently, irrevocable decisive actions among those with a natal square of Chiron and Uranus have the highest probability of transit quadratures these planets, but this requires special research, which has not yet been carried out.

Risk may not listen to Uranus and continues to live half-dead rather than lose everything. When Uranus crosses our theme house, we can bring something new into that house. There will be a new need for freedom, independence, autonomy or the desire for rebellion. What existed before can never be the same. Uranus, associated with the unknown, opens up new possibilities for us that we did not know existed. This can lead to a feeling of exaltation, a realization that the world is not as we imagined.

Uranus is the upper octave of Mercury, this corresponds to the possibility of considering the future, developing new concepts to create a different world. Transits of Uranus are sometimes accompanied by feelings of dissatisfaction. There is a great sense of freedom and at the same time frustration to live in an ultra-conditioned world that is not adapted to the expression of free individuality.

Trigon Chiron Uranus
The natal trine of Chiron with Uranus is a favorable aspect that allows one to successfully overcome or disguise Chironian inferiority. This does not deprive the owners of this aspect of Uranian originality and extravagance.
Those with a natal trine of Chiron and Uranus are smart, resourceful and resourceful. They choose theirs quite early life path, sometimes completely inconsistent with their character, but nevertheless achieve noticeable success.
They often change their specialization more than once. They do not disdain secret and not very legal affairs, as long as they internally consider themselves honest. When they make mistakes, they learn from them.
Transit trines between Chiron and Uranus are usually accompanied by good luck in business, but have a clearly Uranian connotation in the sense of impulsive decisions and susceptibility to sudden troubles.

When Uranus crosses the Ascendant and moves through the 1st house, the image we had may change completely. Everything we've identified has begun to crumble, landmark changes seem to big light came to illuminate what we have always believed in ourselves. The passage of transpersonal planets on the Ascendant corresponds to moments of deep rebirth of oneself. With Uranus, the challenge is to free yourself from what is not yourself and reconnect with the essence of being. It's time to ditch the masks, stop lying to yourself and dare to assert your individuality.

Quincunx Chiron with Uranus
The natal quincunx of Chiron with Uranus is a difficult to identify aspect of a person's inner life, emphasizing his Chironian self-doubt, but masked by the external manifestations of other, stronger aspects of Chiron and Uranus. Therefore, its characteristics are largely speculative.
It seems that those with a natal quincunx of Chiron and Uranus do everything without having a clear idea of ​​whether their actions will lead to good or bad. Being sensitive and touchy, they often withdraw from real world into the internal, imaginary, especially if Neptune is strong in the chart. Sometimes they are endowed with the gift of insight and clairvoyance. They seek their own, original path in life, often bringing misfortune upon themselves.
Those with a natal quincunx of Chiron and Uranus feel a strong need to convey to the consciousness of others the results of their psychic experiences and the philosophical concepts associated with these experiences. Mystics are often found among them. They do not put up with the conventions of life and this causes suspicion of their mental normality among those around them.
Nothing definite can be said about the influence of the transit quincunxes of Chiron and Uranus.

The outside world may feel like an obstacle and some frustrations may arise as well as a feeling of rebellion. The task of Uranus in House 1 is to free oneself, beliefs, identifications, behaviors that are no longer needed. The transit of Uranus into house 2 invites us to transform our relationship with our inner and outer wealth. The transit of Uranus into house 2 and into the following houses is due to the transformations that occurred after the passage of Uranus to the Ascendant. Some may feel the need to empty, get rid of accumulated items and things they no longer use.

Chiron opposition Uranus
The natal opposition of Chiron and Uranus is a psychologically difficult aspect. Its owner is tormented by Chironian duality and tries to prove his self-worth. And since Uranus is involved in the aspect, this evidence sometimes takes on extreme and sometimes ugly forms.
Those with a natal opposition between Chiron and Uranus crave new sensations to relieve internal anxiety and nervous tension. Any restrictions irritate them immensely. They need a large living space in which they can develop their activities. Usually these are active active people. Businessmen with this aspect are resourceful and resourceful.
Transit oppositions between Chiron and Uranus bring an eventful life and can lead to actions that are later difficult to explain.

Others learn about their freedom to use what they have as they see fit. During this transit, you may feel the need to reduce certain material dependencies and completely change your value system. Uranus transit in house 3 suggests transformation of habits everyday life and bring new things into mental functioning. Thus, with the transit of Uranus one is taken out of routine to dare to make new experiments; routine can begin to weigh us down to frustrate us.

We need to change the way we do things, the way we communicate, the way we interact. Uranus offers a liberation of our minds through which we can imagine thinking for ourselves and no longer being subject to consensus or goal-oriented ideas. Some may go back to school, get computer science, or learn astrology.