Transiting Mars conjunct natal Venus. Transit of Mars through Proserpine. Transit Mars by radix Pluto

Transiting Mars is associated with action, and, true to its nature, it often becomes the herald of certain circumstances when personal activity is required from a person. Aspects of others transit planets to natal planets indicate possible circumstances that appear nearby, in the immediate environment or in the background, and when it comes to transit Mars, its aspects should be perceived as a signal for personal action. This is why transiting Mars is important to watch as a coordinating mechanism.Transit aspects of Mars strengthen willpower and give strength to realize your plans. For Mars, the stimulus is either some idea or feelings that push to take decisive action.

Mars takes approximately 22 months to travel the entire zodiac circle; its aspects to the natal planets last longer than those of the Sun, Mercury and Venus. About every two years, Mars goes retrograde for ten weeks. Retrograde movement enhances the influence of the aspects that Mars forms to the natal planets during this period. If in the natal Mars is accentuated: strong aspects, it is in configuration or the leading planet in the Jones figure, the final dispositor or Rex Aspektarius, then dangerous Martian days need to be especially highlighted for this person. These days, a person needs to be extremely careful and attentive; it is not recommended to take active actions, get involved in quarrels and sit behind the wheel, and especially at the controls of an airplane.

Roles of Mars in transits - who comes to us during Mars transits - we are dealing with young, energetic, strong, rude, irritated, sexy people. Most often these are men, less often – women, yet Mars is the personification of male power.

Harmonious Aspects Mars gives an increased need for action, for work, there is a feeling that everything is accessible, that there are no dangers, the pain threshold increases - a person is less sensitive to pain during these periods. There is courage to start something new, the need to start, euphoria from risk, anticipation of adventures, adventures, victory is imagined, a period of increased excitement, a lot of strength. A person’s positions and decisions during this period are not susceptible to outside influence; he does not hear anyone. Harmonious aspects help bring the matter to a victorious end. A person wastes a lot of energy on satisfying his needs, in particular, it can be competitions, forceful actions, it can be victories over the opposite sex. Fatigue will be felt later, when the aspect passes, then there will be a feeling of deprivation, since Mars works in impulses and, with a harmonious aspect, gives a very strong impulse. However, there is a lot of strength and a person does not see the edge, does not feel the boundaries, from an excess of strength a person can become careless, imprudent, so injuries and accidents are possible.

Inharmonious Aspects– increased energy, but this is where the excesses begin. Instead of courage - arrogance, decisive actions border on violence, instead of a decisive position - mercilessness, bitterness, although whether a person allows such manifestations depends on the level of his development. During this period, communication comes from a position of strength. Harmless and everyday disputes lead to conflicts. An underlying strong tendency towards destruction appears. Extreme waste of energy and as a result, health suffers due to psychosomatic disorders. Accidents that lead to worse consequences than a person can imagine occur when Mars aspects the natal: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Sun and Moon, especially when the Moon and Sun are inharmoniously aspected in the radix. During these transits, hasty actions are possible that lead to irreversible consequences: separation from loved ones, dismissal, getting into a fight on the street, i.e. the will does not control action, does not control action with inharmonious aspects of Mars. These periods can give great excitement, it seems that everyone is offending, and at this time there is always a danger that a person’s actions will go beyond the boundaries of permitted behavior - being taken to the police, for example. Often with inharmonious aspects of Mars, especially when, for example, a square of Mars is formed, and then Mars itself goes into retrograde motion and returns again, this period can be associated with a crisis in the human psyche, with the mental state of the person.

The description provides brief interpretations of the transit aspects of Mars in the topics: 1. business, 2. personal relationships, love, family. 3. health.

1. Transit aspects of Mars - business

The effect of this aspect can last from several days to three weeks and will give you the opportunity to show unusual activity, assertiveness, and initiative. First of all, your purely physical mobility and ease of climbing increases. When conducting business, however, you should pay attention to the tendency to rash actions, hasty decisions, and unbridled financial ambitions. The spirit of competition (often not entirely healthy) overcomes you both in relation to your superiors and in relation to colleagues and companions. The desire for superiority and increased ambition can ruin a lot. You are self-confident and strongly defend your interests. If you lacked the determination to accomplish something, use this period. Avoid displays of anger, impatience and intolerance, aggressive behavior and lack of attention to the interests and rights of partners and employees. Occupational accidents, injuries, and actions directed against you are possible.

During this transit (from several days to three weeks), you will experience an increase in activity, energy, initiative and self-confidence. But your actions are ill-considered and often not constructive. The desire for creative fulfillment will help you solve many problems and tasks. A favorable period for business, starting new projects. Sports, physical labor, any activity that requires the use of strength, determination, and enterprise will bring you pleasure. You will be able to overcome some obstacles and obstacles. A good period for concluding deals, opening a new enterprise or reorganizing production. Business visits, appeals to authorities and official structures will be successful. You will also experience the support of employees. Use this period also for planning, meetings, and important speeches. It is possible that you will encounter strong resistance from other opinions and interests.

Your unusually aggressive, impulsive behavior, rash actions and violent expressions of protest can significantly hinder your business. The desire for competition (not entirely healthy, either) is increasing. You are angry, you want to impose your will, to assert your opinions and interests, so you can fall out of favor with your superiors, and your business partners simply will not understand you. Beware of resolving conflicts using force, avoid fights. Selfishness and increased conflict will hinder you when discussing projects, concluding deals and contracts, and when visiting superiors and official bodies. Imprudent financial transactions will lead to losses. This unfavorable aspect can last from several days to three weeks and calls you to prudence and calm.

The support of employees and partners increases, you will be able to earn praise from your superiors and actively influence the opinions of your business partners. You will feel an increase in courage, determination, personal activity and initiative, and self-confidence. All this will play into your hands when solving business problems. The effect of this aspect will last from several days to three weeks, and it can be successfully used to conclude deals and contracts, open new enterprises and constructively reorganize old ones. If necessary, you can safely intervene in political issues, although it is possible that you will encounter resistance. Schedule official visits, visits to higher and official organizations, negotiations and important speeches for this period, but also take into account the testimony of other, possibly unfavorable, aspects.

Resolving business and production issues is accompanied by personal confrontation, a clash of opinions and interests. It is even possible to use physical force. The desire for leadership and activity in professional and political affairs will increase. The result of this transit, which lasts from several days to three weeks, may be negative changes in relationships with superiors, employees, partners, and authorities. Avoid negotiations and meetings, responsible speeches, making deals and large expenses. All this can lead to crushing financial or moral losses. Clashes with officials and law enforcement agencies are possible. Resolving issues of joint financial transactions and capital ownership, distribution of profits and dealing with taxes, duties, etc. will bring you additional difficulties. Avoid financial speculation. You should also take into account the testimony of other, perhaps more favorable aspects, to resolve urgent matters.

During the duration of this aspect (from several days to three weeks), current little things cause grief and make you angry and irritable. This may also include an unpleasant aftertaste from problems in the family and on the personal front. The concerns and interests of women close to you irritate and distract you from work. Business activity will concern, first of all, issues of real estate and the service sector. Possible financial difficulties. Contacts with women - employees and business partners - even the most urgent ones, are undesirable and can bring troubles and quarrels.

You tend to be honest and straightforward at all costs. Communication is dynamic and constructive, especially with female partners and employees. Contacts with the general public will help solve some business issues. Your energy and ambition are more visible today than ever before. Some tasks will require the use of physical force. If your actions during this period (from several days to three weeks) are skillfully planned, you can lay the foundation for further success.

emotional instability and impulsiveness, irritability and the need to solve business and home problems and the problems of close women at the same time interfere with your work. Small troubles cause anger. This is an unfavorable period for contacts with the public and participation in social life; it is better to devote it to current issues. Business transactions, especially those related to real estate and services, will bring losses in the future. In general, it is better to limit business activity for a while. This period will last from several days to three weeks and may bring property problems.

Impulsivity and interference from family concerns prevent you from successfully resolving many issues. Apparently, you will not be able to avoid conflicts at work, especially in relationships with women. You tend to be intolerant of other people's behavior. Impulsive spending will cause additional difficulties. Financial and property losses and difficulties are possible. This period, lasting from several days to three weeks, is unfavorable for transactions in real estate, services, and medicine.

During this period (from several days to three weeks) you are characterized by periods of harshness, sarcasm and unnecessary frankness. You tend to engage in debates, conflicts, and express your competitiveness. You are unusually aggressive and lack common sense. Beware of making important decisions. However, this is a good period for developing a strategy for your business activity and, in principle, you can solve many problems and increase the efficiency of your efforts. Acute conflicts can lead to the use of abusive language and even assault. Quarrels, disagreements and confrontation are not excluded, especially with friends.

Dynamic approval of your ideas and plans. A good period for constructive discussion and useful debate. Maximum communication, successful business trips and contacts are possible. The effectiveness of your efforts is high. The period (it will last from several days to three weeks) is favorable for signing contracts, important documents, and developing a business strategy. Your initiatives will be appreciated.

You are angry and irritated by little things, prone to unconstructive arguments and open confrontation. This period can last from several days to three weeks, and at this time it is better to postpone visits to superiors, others important conversations. Difficulties and conflicts will arise during negotiations, concluding deals, and during the trading process. Be careful when driving and working with sharp objects and equipment. There may be a communication malfunction. You are likely to receive unpleasant news.

Your energy and determination are aimed at constructively solving many problems during this period, lasting from several days to three weeks. The ability to dynamically plan, coordinate actions and be entrepreneurial in communicating with colleagues and business partners will help you. Your initiatives will be appreciated. A good period for negotiations and discussion of future work strategy. Maximum contacts, successful business trips are possible. The period is favorable for signing short-term contracts.

Irritability, aggressiveness, and disagreements that arise interfere with the successful conduct of business during this transit (from several days to three weeks). The period is unfavorable for business communication, negotiations, making deals, trading, making decisions, and contacting superiors. Possible financial difficulties, receiving unpleasant news. There are various delays and obstacles, and accidents are also possible, so you should not take the trip. Major conflicts and confrontation with partners and colleagues are possible. Any intellectual activity goes poorly.

Increasing creative, constructive energy. But excessive impulsiveness, combined with ignoring the feelings and interests of others, fails in business and personal contacts, in social activities. Business activity increases, new contacts and opportunities appear. The period lasts from several days to three weeks; it is especially relevant for artists, show businessmen, artisans, and production workers. But it is also fraught with loss of profit, one-time losses, impulsive spending, and costs. It's better to refrain from shopping. Ambiguous incidents are possible during negotiations, signing contracts, discussions, and speeches.

This aspect helps to intensify your social activities, update various contacts, and resolve business issues. Increases your creative and constructive qualities. During this transit (from several days to three weeks), cooperation and interaction become important; in principle, it is favorable for negotiations and speeches, if you are able to restrain impulsiveness and the desire to put an end to many problems at once. The period is constructive for manufacturing workers, artisans, athletes, as well as show businessmen, luxury goods and art dealers. The emergence of new ideas and interests, an ambiguous turn in relationships with colleagues and partners, business relationships with women can turn in a romantic direction. The possibility of some losses as a result of rash actions and uncalculated steps cannot be ruled out.

Problems in business relations and communication, especially with female partners and colleagues, ignoring their interests and ideas. You risk giving the impression of a tasteless person, an ignoramus and a rude person. A period of minor failures and troubles, minor losses and damages are possible, costs aggravated by wastefulness and thoughtlessness of spending and investments, expenses for pleasures and entertainment, personal life. Sexual advances can cause a scandal. You can expect criticism and open confrontation. The period is especially unfavorable for visits to superiors, influential people, official and legal bodies, for social activities and social life.

The period of action of this aspect lasts from several days to three weeks and is favorable for business and personal contacts, active interaction, partly due to increased sexual attractiveness. Creative inspiration, active self-expression. This period provides considerable opportunities for traders and businessmen. Social connections, activities and cooperation are of particular importance. Possible minor financial success, one-time gains along with some losses. Investments and corporatization are risky, and receiving financial support may prove problematic. Ambiguous relationships in the team, with partners and superiors. The period is generally favorable for negotiations, meetings, contract signing, speeches and various visits, if you can moderate unusual aggressiveness in behavior and expression of your interests.

Increased emotional excitability, aggressiveness and irritability will persist during this transit - from several days to three weeks. A tendency to ignore the feelings and interests of others, including business partners and colleagues, which can turn against you. Sexual inclinations can become a source of problems and scandal. Financial extravagance and rash actions threaten costs, losses, lack of expected profits, and various difficulties. Financial conflicts are possible. Desire for entertainment and pleasure. However, provided you curb your negative tendencies, you can make this period quite neutral. Postpone important visits business conversation and social activity.

Increased initiative, combativeness, and propensity for new beginnings. Inner restlessness prompts you to take personal part even in things that can be done without you. Your behavior may be overly aggressive and also sexually oriented. Good physical shape and a sense of strength can draw you into a fight, a sharp showdown, and force you to use a weapon (cold steel or firearms). Business and professional ambition increases, so your chances of achieving success during this period (it will last from several days to three weeks) increase significantly. A good period for sporting achievements. Problems of joint finance, corporatization, as well as taxes and duties, debts, alimony and inheritance often become more active.

Energy and initiative increase. Your new ideas are put to good use and contribute to success. This period should be used to make maximum progress towards your goal. Your business acumen and professional ambition increase. A good period for sports achievements, as it is accompanied by excellent physical shape and a feeling of strength. It will also be favorable for you if you work with your hands or use various tools and mechanisms. Professionally, this is a positive period for a production worker, engineer, technologist, military man, scientist, entrepreneur and politician.

Characterized by impulsive, to the point of aggressive, behavior. Beware of picking up weapons, piercing and cutting objects, reduce the use of various tools and mechanisms to a minimum. This period can last from several days to three weeks, and is quite dangerous for you and others. There may be a collision with criminal elements or authorities and law enforcement, participation in fights. From a professional point of view, ambition and selfishness increase, the desire to compete and win at any cost, the tendency to enter into conflicts and open confrontation. Imprudence and unreasonable actions in the financial sector lead to mistakes, losses, and damages. If confirmed by other indicators, theft is possible. Unbridled sexual desires can cause additional difficulties and cause a scandal. This is not a good time for business activity, especially for new ventures.

Creative, constructive approach to problem solving. Dynamic progress towards success. This period (it will last from several days to three weeks) will help lay the foundation for further success in business and career, and professional matters. Increased ambition, desire for leadership, tendency to openly express one's interests and ideas. A good period for sports achievements due to excellent physical shape and a sense of strength, for politicians, industrial workers, military personnel, engineers and technologists, scientists, for work that requires a lot of stress, the use of force, various tools and mechanisms, and working with hands. Favorable for new beginnings and implementation of projects.

Characterized by extremely impulsive, to the point of aggressive, behavior. Beware of picking up weapons, piercing and cutting objects, reduce the use of various tools and mechanisms to a minimum. This period can last from several days to three weeks, and is quite dangerous for you and others. It is possible to clash with criminal elements or authorities and law enforcement, participate in fights, even be arrested. From a professional point of view, ambition and selfishness increase, ignoring the interests of employees and partners, the desire to compete and win at any cost, the tendency to enter into conflicts and open confrontation. Clashes with superiors are common; you should not seek their patronage and support. Imprudence and unreasonable actions in the financial sector lead to mistakes, losses, and damages. If confirmed by other indicators, thefts and robberies are possible. Unbridled sexual desires can cause additional difficulties and cause a scandal. This is not a good time for business activity, especially for new ventures. The cause of disagreements with partners may be issues of joint finance, profit distribution, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, and debt obligations.

A period of increasing enthusiasm, ambition and self-confidence. Favorable for new beginnings, project implementation, and successful career advancement. Entrepreneurship and business acumen contribute to success especially in foreign trade activities, communications and negotiations with foreign and distant partners, on trips and business trips. Relations with law enforcement agencies, legal and public organizations are being updated. The period is also favorable for teaching, publishing and cultural activities, and for charity. Good opportunities for joint actions, development of unions and associations, for entering corporate business, for corporatization, insurance issues, taxes, duties and debt obligations. Are you trying to impose your ideological positions and values ​​of others, and if you show unusual persistence, it may turn against you. The period is favorable for sports achievements, recreation and travel; unusual adventures are possible. It is possible to seek support and patronage from influential people.

Progress in business and professional sphere, career advancement is possible. Demonstrations of sincerity, honesty and directness attract not only employees, but also bosses and business partners. A good period for a politician, public figure, lawyer, as well as for educational, educational, cultural, literary or publishing activities. Participation in charity events will increase your rating. It is favorable to resolve legal issues, receive advice, go to court. Successful implementation of new projects, creation of unions and associations, negotiations and conclusion of contracts, entry into corporate business, corporatization, insurance. Successful trips and business trips, connections and trade relations with foreign and distant partners, your business abroad is progressing well. Sports achievements are possible, a good period for relaxation, travel, and unusual adventures are likely. Financial success, success with superiors, receiving material support, praise and awards are possible.

Excessive sense of self-importance, conceit and exaggerated ambition. Lack of moderation, a tendency to unreasonable and erroneous actions, financial transactions and investments can lead to tangible troubles, loss of profit, and losses. Thefts and robberies are possible. Ambitions in politics, economics, business, academic or cultural activities, failures in publishing. Fanatical imposition of one's point of view and interests, unethical behavior, manifestations of bad taste will harm public life, in relationships with superiors and employees, influential people and business partners. Avoid speculation, dishonesty, and fraud. But you yourself can become a victim of such manifestations. The state of finances, corporate business, connections with foreign and distant partners generally pose a threat. Businesses abroad may fail. This is not a good time to go to court, seek legal advice, or visit official and public organizations. Lack of success in travel and business trips. Bad time for travel and vacation.

Significant progress in business and professional sphere, career advancement. Demonstrations of sincerity, honesty and directness attract not only employees, but also bosses and business partners. An excellent period for a politician, public figure, lawyer, as well as for educational, educational, cultural, literary or publishing activities. Participation in charity events will increase your rating. It is favorable to resolve legal issues, receive advice, go to court. Successful implementation of new projects, creation of unions and associations, negotiations and conclusion of contracts, entry into corporate business, corporatization, insurance. Successful trips and business trips, connections and trade relations with foreign and distant partners, your business abroad is progressing well, receiving considerable benefits and profits. Sports achievements are possible, a great time for relaxation, travel, and unusual adventures are likely. Financial success, success with superiors, receiving material support, praise and awards.

This is an unlucky period for expanding your business, creating new enterprises and starting to implement various projects. Beware of manifestations of excessive self-confidence, do not make empty promises, and do not take on too much. An exaggerated sense of self-worth, ambition, erroneous, unreasonable, risky actions can greatly let you down. Your interests, ideas and beliefs come into direct conflict with the interests, ideas and beliefs of employees, superiors and business partners, especially foreign and distant ones. Business abroad can bring significant losses and losses. You risk becoming a victim of dishonesty, fraud, profiteering and hacking, as well as theft or robbery. Failures in politics, social activities, sports, academic, cultural or publishing activities. Legal difficulties, you may be involved in litigation. The severity of financial losses depends on the influence of other aspects. Troubles during trips and business trips, bad time for travel and vacation. You should not seek support and help from influential people, bosses, or public organizations.

Difficult time for business. The need to make great, often exhausting efforts to overcome current troubles. Severe emotional status: anger, dissatisfaction and depression. But the effect of this aspect also enhances caution and discernment in choosing means to achieve a goal. The work requires great organization, discipline and awareness of responsibility. For strong-willed people, this aspect promotes advancement and gives specific practical results, the weak - subjects him to many tests. Ambition and selfishness in asserting your positions and interests increase; you risk losing the sympathy of colleagues and partners. Conflicts with superiors, influential people and patrons, as well as official bodies are possible, which, if confirmed by other indicators, sometimes threaten with arrest. A professional crisis or a career crisis is likely. If other aspects are well, it is possible to be involved in politics, to be involved in cooperation with authorities, to enroll in public service, change of place and nature of work.

Willpower and energy, combined with endurance and perseverance, contribute to the productivity of this period. You will be able to increase discipline in the team and improve work organization. At the same time, you are conservative enough to ensure that the results of your efforts are felt immediately. This period will only help you lay a good foundation for further success. You can count on the understanding and help of management, superiors, influential people, and successful contacts with official bodies. The period is favorable for concluding long-term agreements, major transactions, and taking important steps in business. A good period for athletes, politicians, military men, administrators, artisans, manufacturing workers, designers, engineers and scientists. Successful work requires the use of physical strength and various tools and mechanisms.

Disappointments, failures in business. The desire to speed up some processes only leads to the creation of further obstacles. On the other hand, actions aimed at stabilizing the situation also do not give the desired effect. The effect of this transit will last from several days to three weeks and indicates the desirability of limiting any active steps. You are angry and have a depressing effect on others, so you should also limit business contacts to a minimum. Conflicts with management, influential people, official bodies are possible; visits and appeals to them will not be successful. The amount of work and responsibility is burdensome. Many professional problems, a possible career crisis. An unlucky period for a military man, a major leader, a politician, a production worker and a craftsman. A change of place or style of work, a job transfer, often forced, is possible. Possible legal troubles (up to and including arrest), bureaucracy, unnecessary formalities.

Willpower and energy, combined with endurance and perseverance, contribute to the productivity of this period. You will be able to increase discipline in the team and improve work organization. Success in administration and management. At the same time, you are conservative enough to ensure that the results of your efforts are felt immediately. This period will only help you lay a good foundation for further success. You can count on the understanding and help of management, superiors, influential people, and successful contacts with official bodies. The period is favorable for concluding long-term agreements, major transactions, and taking important steps in business. A good period for athletes, politicians, military men, administrators, artisans, manufacturing workers, designers, engineers and scientists. Successful work requires the use of physical strength and various tools and mechanisms.

Transiting Mars in opposition to Saturn

Disappointments, failures in business. The desire to speed up some processes only leads to the creation of further obstacles. On the other hand, actions aimed at stabilizing the situation also do not give the desired effect. The effect of this transit will last from several days to three weeks and indicates the desirability of limiting any active steps. You are angry and have a depressing effect on others, so you should also limit business contacts to a minimum. Conflicts with management, influential people, official bodies are possible; visits and appeals to them will not be successful. The amount of work and responsibility is burdensome. Many professional problems, a possible career crisis. An unlucky period for a military man, a major leader, a politician, a production worker and a craftsman. It is possible to change the place or style of work, which is undesirable for you, a job transfer, often forced. Possible legal troubles (up to and including arrest), bureaucracy, unnecessary formalities.

Impulsivity, desire for independence in actions. Initiative, enterprise, extraordinary steps in business or politics. Active connections with various groups and organizations, attracting friendly connections, but the desire for leadership and ignoring other people's interests can lead to conflicts with friends and refusal to help. The desire to change one’s position, status - professional, social, family. Destructive events leading to change cannot be ruled out. The period is favorable for the introduction of advanced technologies, modern technology and means of communication. Care should be taken when handling various tools, equipment, fire, electricity, when operating vehicles and machinery. Scientific research and experiments should be suspended. Don't pick up weapons, avoid fights.

A good period to fight for independence (professional, your own business, enterprise). You are able to express and implement original, creative ideas and plans. The ingenuity and initiative of the entrepreneur, scientist, politician, and public leader are enhanced. Thanks to this, you can achieve considerable success. Friendships are often renewed and put into action. Contacts with various groups and public organizations are favorable. A good period for purchasing or introducing new technologies, modern equipment, and computer developments. Unexpected luck.

An excellent period for the fight for independence (professional, your business, enterprise). You are able to successfully express and successfully implement original, creative ideas and plans. The ingenuity and initiative of the entrepreneur, scientist, politician, and public leader are enhanced. Thanks to this, you can achieve considerable success. Friendships are often renewed and put into action. Contacts with various groups and public organizations are favorable. A suitable period for purchasing or introducing new technologies, modern equipment, and computer developments. Unexpected luck, changes in business.

A critical period for entrepreneurs and politicians. Impulsivity, outbursts of anger, desire for independence of action at any cost, extreme egocentrism. Disagreements with friends, lack of their support, quarrels. Refusal of assistance from various groups and organizations as a result of the conflict. The source of conflict with management, employees or partners may be administrative matters, joint finances, issues of corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, debt obligations. Unlucky period for the implementation of plans and projects, failures and losses. Unfavorable financial situation. You should be wary of theft or fraud. Pop up unexpected facts, information, the harmful effects of previous events. Breakdown of office equipment and communications equipment. Increased caution should be observed in transport, with fire, when using instruments and mechanisms, and electricity. The destructive impact of circumstances. A collapse is possible, at least on a small scale.

Secret, hidden actions: yours or directed against you. Characterized by secret activities aimed at preserving your reputation and supporting other people. Uncontrolled work of the subconscious, strengthening of mental processes, intuition. Involvement in the activities of secret, often criminal, organizations and cult groups is possible. Desire for adventure or travel. Relations with foreign and distant partners are updated, their influence and your participation in foreign business are enhanced. Care should be taken in financial affairs, beware of fraud, forgery, deception, theft. This period is not favorable for risky fraud, as their consequences may turn against you. Perhaps unpleasant circumstances will emerge, hidden information, but also the need for action on your part aimed at hiding it. Receiving unpleasant news. Secret negotiations, discussions, behind-the-scenes activities, intrigue.

Transiting Mars sextile Neptune

In the successful course of business, entrepreneurial intuition, cunning, the ability to mislead, and healthy competitiveness occupy a prominent place. Having complete information will greatly help you, and you can count on it. The need for secret actions, intrigue, cover-up, almost harmless fraud, deception. A good opportunity to overcome or expose your enemies. A good period for contacting or contacting charitable or religious, cultural organizations. This is also a good period for gaining weight in foreign business, successful interaction with foreign or distant partners, as well as for relaxation, travel and pleasant adventures. If other aspects do not contradict this, there is the possibility of successful scams and winning investments. Despite the veiled nature of the situation, your actions must be specific and constructive. A great period for developing and demonstrating various talents and skills.

A period of crisis: losses, deception and unreasonable steps. Loss of vigilance, addiction to alcohol or other intoxicating substances, sex or pseudo-spiritual practices lead to serious consequences. You will have to fight intrigue, fraud, forgery, possibly blackmail, and threats. Remember that your enemies and opponents are now well armed, including, possibly, information that may compromise you. Beware of collaborating with criminal elements. You do not have the situation, the necessary and truthful information, do not expect good news. Beware of theft. Perhaps this is a period of underground activity, secret actions. Avoid dubious means for achieving success and risky transactions. Absent-mindedness, internal dissatisfaction.

Your imagination and creativity are enhanced. A feeling of harmony in business. In the successful course of business, entrepreneurial intuition and healthy competitiveness occupy a prominent place. Having complete information will greatly help you, and you can count on it. A great opportunity to overcome or expose your enemies. A good period for contacting or contacting charitable or religious, cultural organizations. This is also a good period for gaining weight in foreign business, successful interaction with foreign or distant partners, as well as for relaxation, travel and pleasant adventures. If other aspects do not contradict this, there is the possibility of successful scams and winning investments. Despite the veiled nature of the situation, your actions must be specific and constructive. A great period for developing and demonstrating various talents and skills.

A period of crisis: intrigue, loss, deception and unreasonable steps. Loss of vigilance, addiction to alcohol or other intoxicating substances, sex or pseudo-spiritual practices lead to serious consequences. You will have to fight scams, fraud, forgery, possibly blackmail, and threats. Remember that your enemies and opponents are now well armed, including, possibly, information that may compromise you. Beware of collaborating with criminal elements. You do not have the situation, the necessary and truthful information, do not expect good news. The impact of circumstances hidden from you. Beware of theft. Perhaps this is a period of underground activity, secret actions. Avoid dubious means for achieving success and risky transactions. Absent-mindedness, internal dissatisfaction. An attempt to neglect the fulfillment of financial obligations: on your part or on your partners. During this period, it is necessary to carefully cultivate a practical, realistic view of what is happening.

When transiting Mars conjunct your natal Pluto, vitality people and situations are likely to be characterized by intensity and purpose. It's also true that they will inspire you more than usual. For example, at this time you will successfully complete projects that require patience and focus. During this period, the influence of karma is noticeable: you will have the opportunity to carry out what you have long planned. Mars indicates that men will push you into action. The negative aspects of this period are relationships with people who can be imbued with envy and revenge, which will lead to a very dangerous outcome. Thus, it is unwise to provoke quarrels and arouse hostility in others. During this period, you can take the following positive actions: restore some previous aspects of your life, awaken hidden talents in yourself, find new uses for old things, appreciate some benefits and take advantage of them, conduct research or investigations - especially related to the mysteries of science and nature. Aspect gives nredisposition to critical, often catastrophic, events in business or political activity. Active self-affirmation, increased willpower and energy. This transit can both bring on and help overcome unpleasant events. Intensification of scientific research or occult interests and practices. Involvement in secret activities, possibly fraud, especially with other people's money and joint capital. Updating issues of corporatization, funds, insurance, taxation and duties, debts. Large crowds of people should be avoided. It often becomes necessary to make great efforts to survive in politics or business. Desire for leadership. The opportunity to radically restructure your business, professional position, and career changes. You have no control over your circumstances.

Willpower, thirst for action and adventure. The desire for financial adventures. If you decide on them (this aspect is quite favorable), do not expect instant returns, consider that you have only laid the foundation for future success. Interest in scientific research and various experiments, desire for reforms in the professional sphere and entrepreneurship. Involvement in the affairs of official bodies. A good period for politicians and military men, big businessmen, and scientists. The opportunity to take skillful, constructive steps in joint business, corporatization, funds, in resolving issues of profit distribution, taxes and duties, insurance, debts, and disposal of large capital. This transit requires enormous physical and mental stress from you. Relations with the general public and public organizations and influential structures are favorable.

Impulsiveness of action, struggle for radical reforms in production, career, and business affairs. Often outbursts of aggressiveness and anger. Caution, diplomacy and common sense will not harm you now. The desire for leadership can put you in conditions of struggle and competition. Failures, career collapse, major financial setbacks, losses and financial disagreements are possible. This period is considered critical for business, politics, and scientific research. Unsuccessful solution to pressing problems of profit distribution, use of large capital, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, debt repayment, as well as inheritance and alimony. Involvement in high-profile areas, large-scale events, illegal activities, dangerous scams, and criminal groups is possible. Be careful when using various equipment, driving vehicles, conducting experiments and experiments.

Willpower, thirst for action and adventure. The desire for financial adventures. High labor efficiency, tangible progress in business, especially in corporate business or politics. A change in the nature of employment, work style, and job moves (mainly promotions) are possible. Interest in scientific research and various experiments, desire for reforms in the professional sphere and entrepreneurship. Involvement in the affairs of official bodies. A good period for politicians and military men, big businessmen, and scientists. The possibility of skillful, constructive steps in corporatization, funds, in resolving issues of profit distribution, taxes and duties, insurance, debts, and disposal of large capital. This transit requires enormous physical and mental stress from you. Relations with the general public and public organizations and influential structures are favorable. The desire for leadership, the ability to protect one’s principles and interests.

Aggressiveness, entering into competition, struggle for leadership, tendency to control colleagues and partners. The principle of cooperation is now more important than ever to curb negative influence this aspect. Impulsiveness of action, struggle for radical reforms in production, career, and business affairs. Often outbursts of aggressiveness and anger. Caution, diplomacy and common sense will not harm you now. Failures, major financial setbacks, losses and financial disagreements are possible. This period is considered critical for business, politics, and scientific research. An ambiguous solution to pressing problems of profit distribution, use of large capital, corporatization, insurance, taxes and duties, debt repayment, as well as inheritance and alimony. Involvement in high-profile areas, large-scale events, illegal activities, dangerous scams, and criminal groups is possible. Be careful when using various equipment, driving vehicles, conducting experiments and experiments.

2. Personal relationships, love, family


You are active and assertive in seeking pleasure and contact with the opposite sex. The need for sex increases significantly, you can go on sexual adventures. Women, however, must guard against sexual violence. Impulsive actions and a tendency to dot all the i's can let you down in terms of maintaining peace in the family and harmony in couple relationships, and lead to a break in the relationship. Avoid aggressive actions towards children. This period (from several days to three weeks) is often characterized by the emergence of short-term sexual and romantic relationships without commitment.


The period (from several days to three weeks) is favorable for dating and sex. Your activity increases, and this attracts partners of the opposite sex to you. You have a desire to rule, to become a leader in a couple or in a family, so you should think about how this may affect your relationship. A good period for explanations, engagement, marriage, but only for people who are confident in their feelings, as well as for active recreation.


A period of increased conflict in personal and family relationships. Avoid displays of aggressiveness. A woman should beware of excessive sexual demands from men. For a man, increased sexual desire can become a source of problems and troubles. It is better to limit social visits and communication with children who may suffer from your cruelty. As a rule, this period (from several days to three weeks) is characterized by quarrels in the family or in a couple due to your fault or breaks on your initiative.


You are active in communication, in asserting your own opinions and expressing your interests, so this transit (lasting from several days to three weeks) can have an ambiguous effect on your family and love relationships. Turn your activity and enterprise into a peaceful channel, avoid conflicts and claims against your partner. Engage in sports or active recreation with family members or a loved one, play with children, develop them. And you will feel how your relationship grows stronger and reveals new facets. Turn your increased self-confidence into strengthening your community connections. You will get true satisfaction and positive results from practicing your hobby. Your sexual activity increases noticeably, but you must avoid manifestations of aggressiveness and overactivity. Your social life is proceeding successfully.


A period of increased conflict in the family and in personal relationships, which can last from several days to three weeks. You strive to contrast your interests and opinions with the views and personality of your partner (spouse). Even physical clashes are possible, not to mention quarrels and scandals. Additional disagreements arise over budget allocation and possibly child support. Be careful when communicating with children - they may suffer from your impulsiveness. Today they are trying to get out of control, insisting on their unreasonable demands, and all the wisdom of an adult will be required from you. Sexual incontinence can bring additional difficulties. A break in the relationship is possible. The influence of other, more short-term and perhaps more favorable aspects should be taken into account and used to “liquidate the consequences.”


You tend to engage in vigorous activity at home and work with your hands. During this period, lasting from several days to three weeks, quarrels are possible in the family, and separations are possible in relationships with loved ones. You become sensitive, angry, and have an unusual desire for action. It is important to manage your emotions and take into account the interests of loved ones. Communication with women can cause especially strong irritation. Children are susceptible to this irritation. Unexpected visits are possible. Should be given Special attention the safety of your home.


You are direct and honest in your interactions with family members and loved ones. Communication with women proceeds dynamically. A good time to start repairs and home improvement that require the use of force and the use of tools. Energy, diluted with some gentleness, will help you harmonize relationships in the family and as a couple.


During this period (from several days to three weeks), family quarrels, disagreements with women and because of women are likely. Official matters interfere with your household duties. Financial difficulties and professional inconsistencies will have a detrimental effect on relationships with family members and loved ones. A break in relationships or separation is not excluded. Children will cause trouble and grief, and you may not be able to resist and take your irritation out on them. Sexual difficulties and unwanted conception are possible.


Often this period (from several days to three weeks) is characterized by the establishment of family relationships. In any case, you will have enough determination to express your claims and interests, emotional requests. Finding out the relationship will be constructive for the marriage and beneficial for both parties. The same can be said for romantic, love relationships. A good day to participate in family games, sporting events, and active recreation. You may want to put your increased activity and energy into arranging your home. The period is favorable for relocation, change of residence, renovation.


Conflicts and separations can be avoided during this period (from several days to three weeks) only by showing tolerance and pacifying outbursts of anger and resentment. Aggression (including sexual aggression) can leave you ununderstood by your spouse or partner. Professional concerns also interfere with solving domestic problems. Quarrels and confrontation with women close to you. Additional difficulties will be caused by budget overruns, financial disagreements in the family, and unnecessary purchases. An unfavorable period for moving, repairing or arranging housing, solving property and housing problems.


In relationships with loved ones, you are characterized by harshness, uncompromisingness, causticity, and aggressiveness. Conflicts reach the point of pronounced confrontation. Quarrels and disagreements are common during this period (it lasts from several days to three weeks). Personal and family relationships can suffer significantly, even to the point of breaking up the relationship and talking about divorce.


A good period for intensive housework, discussing family plans, and solving pressing problems. In relationships, you show assertiveness and activity, which does not cause protest from your loved ones, and you are even liked for it.


In your relationships with your loved ones during this period (from several days to three weeks), you are characterized by harshness, uncompromisingness, causticity, and aggressiveness. Conflicts reach the point of pronounced confrontation. Quarrels and disagreements are common during this period. Personal and family relationships can suffer significantly, even to the point of breaking up the relationship and talking about divorce.


This transit provides good opportunities for establishing relationships with family members, friends and neighbors. A good period for intensive housework, discussing family plans, and solving pressing problems. In relationships, you show assertiveness and activity, which does not cause protest from your loved ones, and you are even liked for it.


Pronounced confrontation with family, conflicts caused by disagreement in opinions and inconsistency in actions. During this period (from several days to three weeks) you tend to be harsh, uncompromising, caustic, and aggressive. Personal and family relationships can suffer significantly, even to the point of breaking up the relationship and talking about divorce. Clashes are especially common when communicating with brothers or sisters, neighbors, and friends. These are not the right days for explanations or sorting things out.


Impulsiveness and even some aggressiveness in romantic communication, during love dates. Sexual desire increases. Possibility of conception. New interesting acquaintances are made, new hobbies appear, mainly based only on physical attraction. A good period for active interaction with a partner.



Aggression and immoderate impulsiveness increase. Exaggerated sexual interest can cause a scandal. Outbursts of jealousy are combined with ignoring the interests of loved ones. You tend to forget about tenderness and tact, prefer a forceful solution, but you yourself can become a victim of such treatment. Passion for fun and pleasure. This period is not suitable for receiving guests, for family celebrations, explanations, engagements, and marriages. There may be disappointment in your loved one. Disagreements, quarrels, separations, betrayals are possible. Conception is not desirable.


Romantic communication intensifies, love dates become more active. Sexual desire also increases. Possibility of conception. New interesting acquaintances are made, new hobbies appear, mainly based only on physical attraction. A good period for active interaction with a partner.


Aggression and immoderate impulsiveness increase. Exaggerated sexual interest can cause a scandal. Outbursts of jealousy are combined with ignoring the interests of loved ones. You tend to forget about tenderness and tact, prefer a forceful solution, but you yourself can become a victim of such treatment. Passion for fun and pleasure. This period (from several days to three weeks) is not suitable for receiving guests, for family celebrations, explanations, engagements, and marriages. There may be disappointment in your loved one. Disagreements, quarrels, separations, betrayals are possible. Conception is not desirable.


Sexual activity increases significantly, but if it is not typical for you at all, you yourself may become a victim of harassment. Impulsivity, outbursts of jealousy and often aggression lead to disruption of normal family and love relationships. Beware of clarifying relationships using force. Not the best best period for conception.




An increase in energy and enterprise can be successfully used to solve family (economic or property) problems. A good period for repair work, home improvement, efforts that require the use of force and various tools and mechanisms, and working with your hands. Some can be solved financial questions. Sometimes during this period, issues of taxes, debts, insurance, alimony or inheritance become relevant. Sexual activity and the tendency to form short-term intimate relationships increase.


Sexual activity increases significantly, but if it is not typical for you at all, you yourself may become a victim of harassment. Impulsivity, outbursts of jealousy and often aggression lead to disruption of normal family and love relationships. Scandals and even fights are likely. Beware of clarifying relationships using force. Often this period is characterized by a break in relationships and separations. Inappropriate period for conception.


The effect of this aspect is ambiguous. On the one hand, it gives imbalance, tension in relationships, dissatisfaction and a tendency to solve problems by force. On the other hand, this period is considered favorable for special family events, marriage, and engagement. Other indicators must be taken into account to make a judgment. During this same period, actions aimed at divorce, division of property, and going to court often intensify.


A surge of strength and energy will give you determination in solving many family, economic and personal problems. The good state of the family or personal budget can be tested: large purchases, risky investments, impulsive spending on gifts and luxurious living. A favorable period for marriage, for engagements and explanations, as well as family events, hikes, picnics, travel and recreation. During this period, a peaceful resolution of many personal and family problems can be achieved.


The action of this aspect gives imbalance, tension in relationships, dissatisfaction and a tendency to solve problems by force, fanatical commitment to one’s ideas and interests, and ideological positions. This period is considered extremely unfavorable for special family events, marriage, and engagement. Actions aimed at divorce, division of property, and going to court are often intensified. A critical period for the family budget; losses, thefts, and robberies are possible. Unhealthy passion for love affairs, betrayal, tendency to break up relationships. Any partnership is at risk.


A large surge of strength and energy will give you determination in solving many family, economic and personal problems. The good state of the family or personal budget can be tested: large purchases, risky investments, impulsive spending on gifts and luxurious living. A favorable period for marriage, for engagements and explanations, as well as family events, hikes, picnics, travel and recreation. During this period, a peaceful resolution of many personal and family problems can be achieved.


The action of this aspect gives imbalance, tension in relationships, dissatisfaction and a tendency to solve problems by force, fanatical commitment to one’s ideas and interests, and ideological positions. This period is considered extremely unfavorable for special family events, marriage, and engagement. Actions aimed at divorce, division of property, and going to court are often intensified. A critical period for the family budget; losses, thefts, and robberies are possible. Unhealthy passion for love affairs, betrayal, tendency to break up relationships. Any partnership is at risk.


Crisis of personal and family life. A time of quarrels and conflicts, especially with older people. Separations, separations and, at the same time, struggles with loneliness are possible. Often - a confrontation with the death of another person. Financial crisis in the family, changes that do not bode well. Sometimes - a change of place of residence, changes in family life.




Willpower and energy, combined with endurance and perseverance, help resolve many family and personal problems. A good period for solving economic issues, for repairs, and home improvement. You will probably experience attempts to establish a long-term relationship with you, to impose certain obligations on you, but you can also make such attempts yourself.

Crisis of personal and family life. A time of quarrels and conflicts, especially with older people. Separations, separations and, at the same time, struggles with loneliness are possible. Often - a confrontation with the death of another person. Financial crisis in the family, losses, changes that do not bode well. Sometimes - a change of place of residence, changes in family life. There may be problems with parents or the need to care for them.



Characterized by a great desire for independence, therefore the changes that may occur on the family or love front depend entirely on you. This transit necessarily requires at least small changes. Various unexpected events are likely around you and with your participation, but they practically do not directly affect you. Sexual or romantic adventures.


A critical period for personal and family relationships. Sudden changes in family and matters of the heart. Breakups, separation, forced separations are likely. Sometimes it’s a change of place of residence. This is a bad time for a planned move. Repairs, work related to electricity, the use of various tools and mechanisms, electrical appliances, and explosives should be postponed or suspended. Acts of domestic violence and scandals are possible. Heavy emotional unrest, drama. Increased sexuality, unusual romantic or sexual adventures are likely.


Characterized by a great desire for independence, therefore the changes that may occur on the family or love front depend entirely on you. This transit necessarily requires, at least small, changes. Various unexpected events are likely around you and with your participation, but they practically do not directly affect you. Sexual or romantic adventures.


A critical period for personal and family relationships. Sudden changes in family and matters of the heart. Breakups, separation, forced separations are likely. Sometimes it’s a change of place of residence. This is a bad time for a planned move. Repairs, work related to electricity, the use of various tools and mechanisms, electrical appliances, and explosives should be postponed or suspended. Acts of domestic violence and scandals are possible. Heavy emotional unrest, drama. Increased sexuality, unusual romantic or sexual adventures are likely.


Deception, fraud, scandals and intrigues in the family. Yours personal enemies now stronger than ever. Disappointments, quarrels and separations with loved ones, forced separations, difficult experiences, losses in your personal life are likely. Secrets, unpleasant facts, and unpleasant information are revealed. The desire to experience unusual sensations, the craving for adventure and travel, adventures that you should avoid! Dangers during sea or river walks. Joint participation in various events can lead to unpleasant consequences. Tendency to scams, deception, betrayal, intrigue. But you yourself can suffer from similar actions on the part of other people. Frustration of plans, disappointments, losses. Possibly property theft, assault.



Intuition increases. Good vision what is happening around you, you will be able to understand the relationships of your loved ones, as well as enemies, and not allow yourself to be deceived. In family and personal affairs, unexpected incidents and vague circumstances are likely, which, however, will not confuse you or take you by surprise. The possibility of constructive changes in the family and personal life.


Deception, fraud, scandals and intrigues in the family. Your personal enemies are now stronger than ever. Disappointments, quarrels and separations with loved ones, forced separations, difficult experiences, losses in your personal life are likely. Secrets, unpleasant facts, and unpleasant information are revealed. The desire to experience unusual sensations, the craving for adventure and travel, adventures that you should avoid! Sexual revelry, excesses. Dangers during sea or river walks. Joint participation in various events can lead to unpleasant consequences. Tendency to scams, deception, betrayal, intrigue. But you yourself can suffer from similar actions on the part of other people. Frustration of plans, disappointments, losses. Possibly property theft, assault. Postpone decisions about alimony or inheritance.



Perseverance and willpower will help you solve many everyday or personal problems. A good time for repairs, radical re-equipment of premises, as well as for the preparation and preservation of products. An excellent period for solving some financial problems, issues of inheritance and alimony in your favor.


A difficult period for a marriage or love relationship, when everything can be destroyed in one day. This period can proceed relatively calmly, but even in mild cases you cannot prevail over the circumstances. Changes in life, in fate, a possible collision with someone's death. Issues of inheritance or alimony payments are likely to become relevant. Loss, separation. Increased sexual activity, unusual relationships and incidents, accentuation of intimate problems. Outbursts of jealousy and unbridledness, possibly violence, fights.


Perseverance and willpower will help you solve many everyday or personal problems. The right time for repairs, radical re-equipment of premises, as well as for the preparation and preservation of products. An excellent period for solving some financial problems, issues of inheritance and alimony in your favor.


A difficult period for a marriage or love relationship, when everything can be destroyed in one day. This period can proceed relatively calmly, but even in mild cases you cannot prevail over the circumstances. Changes in life, in fate, a possible collision with someone's death. Issues of inheritance or alimony payments are likely to become relevant. Loss, separation. Increased sexual activity, unusual relationships and incidents, accentuation of intimate problems. Outbursts of jealousy and unbridledness, possibly violence, fights.

3. Health


The effect of the aspect will last from several days to three weeks and can bring increased headaches, heart pain and possibly injuries from blows or cuts. Particular care should be taken when using piercing and cutting objects, fire, beware of overexcitement and outbursts of aggressiveness, avoid fights, and exercise caution. Often accompanied by increased symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, palpitations, and cardiac arrhythmias. This period is indicated for sports, as physical activity increases. Sexual activity also increases. During this transit, the threat of an accident remains.


During this period, vitality and resistance to various diseases increase. This is accompanied by a rise in spirit, a feeling of vigor and physical strength. It is possible that, when faced with resistance to your actions, you will experience increased nervousness and a desire to enter into conflicts. During this period, sports and active recreation have a good effect.


Avoid fighting and the use of physical force. Injuries, accidents, injuries at work and at home are possible. Be careful with fire, sharp objects, various tools and chemicals. Aggressive sexual behavior can be a source of trouble for men, and women should be wary of sexual assault. Physical overstrain and violent emotional manifestations lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. People with a weak heart and cerebrovascular disorders should be especially careful - there is a danger of heart attacks and strokes! This aspect will last from several days to three weeks and calls you to vigilance and prudence.


Participation in sports events, active recreation and socially useful work during this period (from several days to three weeks) will significantly improve your health, especially your cardiovascular system. However, people with weak hearts should still take care of it. Classes on fresh air, sunbathing, although you should be wary of overheating and sunburn. Sexual needs and energy increase significantly.


For many, physical confrontations cannot be avoided during this period, which lasts from several days to three weeks. Care should be taken when working with various tools, when using sharp objects, fire and chemicals. Injuries at work are possible due to inconsistency in actions or in everyday life due to one’s own rashness and thoughtlessness of actions. People with weak nervous system, a weak heart and impaired brain activity, you should carefully consider your feelings. The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly. Children should be careful in games and sports - bodily injury may occur. These warnings, however, should not keep you in constant tension - you should take into account the indications of other, perhaps more favorable, aspects.


The gastrointestinal tract will cause trouble. Chronic diseases of this system are getting worse. Be attentive to foods and diet. Abdominal surgery (eg, for appendicitis) should be avoided due to the possibility of adverse effects (peritonitis, fever). Take precautions when working with tools and sharp objects. The risk of an accident increases, and if confirmed by other aspects, there is a possibility of a fire in the house. During this period (from several days to three weeks), attacks of somnambulism and worsening of the course of certain mental illnesses (for example, epilepsy) are observed.


The aspect, which lasts from several days to three weeks, gives an increase in energy and joy from the use of physical strength. A good time to play sports, increase activity and mobility. Even seriously ill patients develop a healthy appetite. I want spicy and hot food, the consumption of which requires a large amount of liquid. Due to the intensification of digestion processes, people suffering from increased acidity of gastric secretions may experience increased unpleasant symptoms. This is not a bad time to schedule a elective operation for appendicitis.


During this period (from several days to three weeks) you experience severe irritation, anger, and emotional outbursts, which can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic stomach diseases are getting worse. There is a possibility of injuries, accidents, and fires as a result of careless handling of various tools and mechanisms. Pay more attention to the food you consume, exclude spicy and too hot foods. Danger of pregnancy failure. An unfavorable period for surgery for appendicitis and other abdominal operations - there is a danger of peritonitis and other complications.


You will enjoy strenuous physical activity; being active is a good opportunity to relieve accumulated tension. Of course, you can choose sports or sex for this purpose. You feel the need for spicy and hot food. People suffering from high acidity will experience discomfort. A good time to schedule a planned abdominal operation, for example, for appendicitis.


Digestive disorders caused by both emotional outbursts and unrest, as well as abuse of spicy and hot foods, cannot be ruled out. You should beware of fire, be careful when handling sharp objects, various tools and mechanisms, and aggressive environments. Injuries and accidents are possible. Exacerbation of chronic stomach diseases, increased unpleasant symptoms associated with high acidity.


The risk of bodily injury is increased, in particular as a result of fights and accidents at work, and hand injuries. Acute infectious diseases and the need for surgical intervention may occur. A good day to start a set of physical exercises and breathing exercises.


If confirmed by other indicators, this is a good period for surgical operations. Mobility and unusual activity may cause minor injuries (cuts, bruises). A good day to start a set of physical exercises and breathing exercises.


Risk work injuries, bodily injuries in transport accidents or the use of sharp objects or equipment. Hands are especially susceptible to injury. The occurrence of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The period is unfavorable for surgical operations.


If confirmed by other indicators, this is a good period for surgical operations. Mobility and unusual activity may cause minor injuries (cuts, bruises). A good period to start a set of physical exercises and breathing exercises.


Susceptibility to infectious, inflammatory diseases, especially of the respiratory system. Hand injuries and bodily injuries are possible as a result of fights, accidents at work and transport, as a result of the use of fire or weapons. Not a good day for elective surgery.


Acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat, tonsils. The course of diseases of the genital area and thyroid gland worsens. During the entire period (from several days to three weeks) it is better to abstain from cosmetic procedures, but it can be used for qualified cosmetic operations if other indications do not contradict this. Sexual desire increases, conception is possible.




The course of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases is mitigated. But diseases of the genital area, as well as the thyroid gland, can remind themselves. During the entire period (from several days to three weeks) it is better to abstain from cosmetic procedures, but it can be used for qualified cosmetic operations if other indications do not contradict this. Sexual desire increases, conception is possible.


The danger of sore throats and other acute inflammatory diseases, including the genitals. The course of thyroid diseases worsens. Sexuality increases, unwanted conception is possible. Intimate problems.


Excellent physical shape, a feeling of strength is combined with internal anxiety and internal tension. Throughout the duration of this transit (from several days to three weeks), there remains the possibility of injuries and accidents, at least cuts and bruises, or more serious if confirmed by other aspects. Unsuitable day for elective surgery due to increased bleeding. This period is characterized by acute inflammatory diseases, especially of the oral cavity, genitals, and generalized infections. Danger to pregnancy. Women should beware of dark places and crime-prone areas.



A very dangerous period. The use of weapons (bladed and firearms), explosives, and aggressive environments should be avoided. There is a high probability of injuries, burns, and accidents. Your body is defenseless against infections. Acute inflammatory diseases, fever, and blood poisoning are possible. The course of chronic inflammatory diseases, especially the oral cavity, genital organs, meninges and sinuses (sinusitis, arachnoiditis, sinusitis), is worsening, but at the same time this is a good period for their provocation and course treatment. Surgery is strictly contraindicated due to the risk of bleeding and infectious complications. Danger to pregnancy. Women should avoid dark places and crime-prone areas, and communication with strangers.


Excellent physical shape, a feeling of strength is combined with internal anxiety and internal tension. A good period for carrying out a planned operation, as well as provocation and subsequent treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, especially the oral cavity, genitals, and blood.


A very dangerous period. The use of weapons (bladed and firearms), explosives, and aggressive environments should be avoided. There is a high probability of injuries, burns, and accidents. Your body is defenseless against infections. Acute inflammatory diseases, fever, and blood poisoning are possible. The course of chronic inflammatory diseases, especially the oral cavity, genital organs, meninges and sinuses (sinusitis, arachnoiditis, sinusitis), is worsening, but at the same time this is a good period for their provocation and course treatment. Surgery is strictly contraindicated due to the risk of bleeding and infectious complications. Danger to pregnancy. Women should avoid dark places and crime-prone areas, and communication with strangers.


The effect of this aspect is ambiguous, it gives greater excitability, tension, irritability, play of feelings, and imbalance. Therefore, many psychosomatic changes can occur in the body. The digestive system and liver are primarily affected. The course of chronic diseases of these organs may worsen or acute symptoms may occur. Fractures or cracks of the pelvis and tibia occur during this period. When deciding whether to undergo surgery, other indicators should be taken into account. Danger to pregnancy. Possible unwanted conception.


The processes of digestion and metabolism are activated, so you tend to increase your food intake. The effect of this transit has an ambiguous effect on the digestive organs, primarily on the liver. A diseased liver may not be able to cope with such a load, so those suffering from liver diseases should significantly limit themselves in food and alcohol consumption. A good period for the treatment of liver diseases, as well as planned surgery. It can be chosen to terminate a pregnancy. A set of physical exercises, breathing exercises, long walks and time in the fresh air will contribute to a significant improvement in the health of people weakened by the disease.


The action of this aspect gives greater excitability, tension, irritability, play of feelings, and imbalance. Therefore, many psychosomatic changes can occur in the body. The digestive system and liver are primarily affected. The course of chronic diseases of these organs may worsen or acute symptoms may occur. Fractures or cracks of the pelvis and tibia occur during this period. Unfavorable time for surgery. Danger to pregnancy. Possible unwanted conception.


Digestion and metabolism processes are activated, so you tend to increase food consumption. The effect of this transit has an ambiguous effect on the digestive organs, primarily on the liver. A diseased liver may not be able to cope with such a load, so those suffering from liver diseases should significantly limit themselves in food and alcohol consumption. An excellent period for the treatment of liver diseases, as well as planned surgery. It can be chosen to terminate a pregnancy. A set of physical exercises, breathing exercises, long walks and time in the fresh air will contribute to a significant improvement in the health of people weakened by the disease.


The action of this aspect gives greater excitability, tension, irritability, play of feelings, and imbalance. Therefore, many psychosomatic changes can occur in the body. The digestive system and liver are primarily affected. The course of chronic diseases of these organs may worsen or acute symptoms may occur. Fractures or cracks of the pelvis and tibia occur during this period. Unfavorable time for surgery. Danger to pregnancy. Possible unwanted conception.


A difficult period for patients with various chronic diseases - their symptoms worsen and the course of the disease worsens. In practically healthy people, a sudden illness, a disease that seemed not serious, can develop into a chronic one. Possible fractures, injuries, an accident, a collision with someone's death or misfortune. Danger to pregnancy. Exacerbation of allergic symptoms, furunculosis, skin abscesses are possible. Problems with teeth, extraction is likely necessary, but this is not the best period for treatment or prosthetics.




A favorable period for starting treatment of severe chronic diseases, including inflammatory and allergic diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the absence of contraindications from other aspects, it can be used for elective surgery, for extraction or implantation (but not treatment) of teeth.


A difficult period for patients with various chronic diseases - their symptoms worsen and the course of the disease worsens. In practically healthy people, a sudden illness, a disease that seemed not serious, can develop into a chronic one. Possible fractures, injuries, falls, accidents, encounters with someone's death or misfortune. Danger to pregnancy. Exacerbation of allergic symptoms, furunculosis, skin abscesses are possible. There may be problems with teeth and the need for extraction, but this is not a suitable period for treatment or implantation.



Intensive treatment of your condition may lead to improvement, but may be accompanied by unexpected effects or complications. A good period for a comprehensive examination using various devices, as well as for physiotherapy and various electrical procedures.


Critical period. Threat of accident, electric shock, violence, injury, burns, injuries resulting from accidents or explosions, natural disasters. Various injuries or rapid onset of the disease are possible. Dislocations or fractures of the ankle, leg bones. Sudden changes in health status. Avoid getting into unusual situations. Danger to pregnancy. Do not perform physical therapy, thermal or electrical procedures, or examinations using instruments.


Intensive treatment of your condition may lead to improvement, but may be accompanied by unexpected effects or consequences. A good period for a comprehensive examination using various devices, as well as for physiotherapy and various electrical procedures.


Critical period. Threat of accident, electric shock, violence, injury, burns, injuries resulting from accidents or explosions, natural disasters. Various injuries or rapid onset of the disease are possible. Dislocations or fractures of the ankle, leg bones. Sudden changes in health status. Avoid getting into unusual situations. Danger to pregnancy. Do not perform physical therapy, thermal or electrical procedures, or examinations using instruments.


The main danger of this transit is the incorrect use or prescription of medications, which will lead to harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, and drugs. Actions taken under their influence may be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, burns from boiling water. It is better to refuse water treatment procedures. The symptoms you may experience during this time can be extremely unique. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a serious and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal.



The main danger of this transit is the incorrect use or prescription of medications, which will lead to harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, and drugs. Actions taken under their influence may be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, burns from boiling water. It is better to refuse water treatment procedures. The symptoms you may experience during this time can be extremely unique. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a serious and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization. You may become a victim of rough treatment or medical error. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal.


A good period for active chemotherapy intervention, hypnotherapy, psychotraining, psychic treatment, therapeutic fasting and spiritual practices. Although it is possible that more material media will interfere with these processes. Anesthesia is well tolerated, so elective surgery and hospitalization can be scheduled. Water treatment procedures will have a good effect.


The main danger of this transit is the incorrect use or prescription of medications, which will lead to harmful consequences. Avoid anesthesia, hallucinogens, alcohol, and drugs. Actions taken under their influence may be criminal. Threat of accident, violence, injury and injury, danger of drowning, burns from boiling water. It is better to refuse water treatment procedures. The symptoms you may experience during this time can be extremely unique. You should pay attention to them, as they can be a manifestation of a serious and difficult to diagnose disease. This period should not be used for hospitalization. You may become a victim of rough treatment or medical error. Poisoning is possible - food or medicinal.


Life-threatening period. There may be injuries due to explosions, accidents, accidents, natural disasters and social unrest. During this period, symptoms of dangerous diseases may appear. This is a good period for surgery or active therapy for cancer. Treatment with hypnosis and psychocorrection should be avoided. Possibility of severe poisoning, as well as energetic, black magic effects. Women should beware of dark places and crime-prone areas, and avoid communicating with strangers.


This is a good period for surgery or active therapy for cancer. Successful use of hypnosis and psychocorrection is possible. Your energy abilities increase. The period is favorable for active hardening, getting in good physical shape, and for sports achievements.



This is a suitable period for surgery or active therapy for cancer. Successful use of hypnosis and psychocorrection is possible. Your energy abilities increase. The period is favorable for active hardening, getting in good physical shape, and for sports achievements.


Life-threatening period. There may be injuries due to explosions, accidents, accidents, natural disasters and social unrest. During this period, symptoms of dangerous diseases may appear. This is not a suitable period for surgery or active therapy for cancer. Treatment with hypnosis and psychocorrection should be avoided. Possibility of severe poisoning, as well as energetic, black magic effects. Women should beware of dark places and crime-prone areas, and avoid communicating with strangers.

Speed ​​of passage through the Zodiac: up to 0 °40′ per day.
Time to complete one revolution around the map: about 2 ½ years.

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Venus

When transiting Mars conjuncts your natal Venus, new partnerships, alliances and joint ventures may arise, and existing ones will feel a surge new energy and enthusiasm. If negative situations do not create an unfavorable atmosphere, your desire to cooperate will increase, and in return you will receive generous help from others. Relationships at all levels will become more intense these days. It is possible to intensify efforts in the fields of painting, music, design or the beauty industry. If you're thinking about having cosmetic surgery, updating your wardrobe, or decorating your home, now is the time to put those plans into action. Romantic adventures, legal matters and social events will be the primary goals of your energetic pursuits. It is impossible to determine what efforts will be required from you - positive or negative - and what their consequences will be; The outcome of a given situation will be determined by the specific circumstances prevailing during that period.

On the highest level. Artistic perception and sense of beauty are heightened. A person painfully perceives all dissonances; the imperfect, the ugly hurt him to the very soul. Search for harmony and perfection. A surge of strength, an opportunity to realize your creative ideas in a short time. Establishment of peacekeeping and humanitarian programs, patronage of the arts, active social activities aimed at restoring peace, harmony, and mutual understanding. Protection of cultural property.

On the Middle level. Sensuality, the search for love, a partner, the missing half. A taste for life, restlessness, and strength of desires awaken. The need for understanding, intimacy, harmony. Love adventures, passion for money, wealth, things. A lot of effort and money are spent on satisfying personal whims. A lot of shopping, acquisitions, useful and waste. In order to achieve what you want, you have to work hard. Women become more active, some become warlike (the spirit of the Amazon awakens).

At the lowest level. Uncontrollable passion bordering on aggression, anger, protest, aggravation of relations with the whole world. An acute feeling of dissatisfaction, there is no love, happiness in life, there is discord and misunderstanding. Jealousy, disappointment in a loved one. Painful situations related to money and property. A person may suffer from an excessive craving for beauty and love affairs.

Transiting Mars sextile natal Venus

When transiting Mars sextiles your natal Venus, there may be circumstances leading to romantic interests, social activities, partnerships and joint ventures. There is no guarantee that such circumstances will arise on their own. In fact, they are likely to be the result of deliberate simulation. This favorable period encourages you to help others achieve their goals, in return you can count on help in your affairs. The current situation provides you with opportunities related to legal issues, contract negotiations, improving your appearance and artistic projects.

Transiting Mars square natal Venus

When transiting Mars squares your natal Venus, physical activities and relationships are stimulating and exciting. Social events, partnerships, collaborations, romantic adventures, diplomatic maneuvers and legal negotiations may be successful, but there is a possibility that, despite all efforts, they will not go entirely smoothly. Envy, jealousy, aggressiveness and callousness are potential factors that should be avoided or eliminated before anything important is achieved. Harmony and cooperation should be called upon to help balance the influence of negative forces. A threat from a partner or other close ally is possible, but other factors are also necessary for its implementation.

Transiting Mars trine natal Venus

This period is the best time to get a haircut, visit a beauty salon, visit the dentist or undergo cosmetic surgery. Your physical actions and gestures are likely to be more refined and elegant - both literally and figuratively. A flurry of activity will unfold around you, everyone around you will become inspired and attractive. When transiting Mars trines your natal Venus, romances, partnerships, and other alliances will take on a spicy and exciting quality. This is the time to work together, because joint efforts will help achieve what is unattainable for individuals. Activities related to painting, design, music, jewelry, flowers, beauty industry, debates and legal matters are favorable.

Transiting Mars opposition to natal Venus

A love affair is unlikely or unpleasant, as are social events or interactions with colleagues, partners and other allies. This is a bad time for marriage and other unions or joint ventures, and especially for creating new ones. There may be a threat of discord or a break with your partner. When transiting Mars opposes your natal Venus, everyone moves in opposite directions without even thinking about cooperation or compromise. Elegant and refined actions will be supplanted by manifestations of bad taste and aggressiveness. Surgical interventions and cosmetic procedures to improve appearance should be avoided. Do not start projects related to decoration, do not expect progress in matters related to diplomacy, painting or music. If you're traveling, don't expect to be surrounded by pleasant travel companions. Work and other physical activities are best done alone. Energy is wasted in debates, negotiations, trials and consultations. If the negative potential of this period did not manifest itself or did not disrupt the rhythm of your life, consider yourself lucky.

(Skalka J., B.B.Shchitov)

The macrocycle of Mars is 13 and 15 years, the microcycle is 687 days. Transits of Mars can provide acute solutions to problems, either related to conflict or struggle and victory.

Negative transits, as a rule, give a sharp interference in a person’s life or the person himself interferes in someone else’s life; Fights and bloodshed may occur. At the medical level, such transits can cause furunculosis, headaches, insomnia, injuries, nervousness, anxiety, and a mood for conflict.

If there are positive aspects, an acute, sharp, quick, conflict-free solution to problems is possible; a person is given a lot of energy, passions, and exciting events. During this period, it is very good to start new things and finish old ones. A person feels himself the master of the situation, of his destiny; authority, bossiness, aggressiveness, activity, dynamics, and the desire to overcome obstacles in the shortest possible way may appear. Nothing stops a person. With any positive or negative aspects, a lot of energy and strength are lost, even more than during the transit of the Sun. Mars forces you to act very actively, a person manages to do a lot, and after passing the transit he needs to rest for at least a week, otherwise he can get sick.

With an initially weak Mars, a good transit will give almost nothing except the posture of a strong personality.

Transit of Mars across the Sun

At best, this transit excites, forces you to turn on your will, actively express yourself, causes the need to wedge yourself into any situation, the desire to escape from difficult circumstances. A person often dares to take actions that are unheard of for him. For those around him, his character manifests itself like flashes of lightning.

In the worst case, transit is fraught with excess of strength and authority, excess of selfhood; hence the loudness, irritability, too much activity. Risk of fire and burns.

Transit of Mars on the Moon

At best, a person can control his emotions and not splash them out too much. Intuition appears and exact knowledge how to act in difficult situations. A good period for training animals and working with dreams.

In the worst case, transit has a strong effect on a person with initially pronounced water signs or the Moon itself, because excites the soul; carries eccentricity, changes in activity, infantility, viscosity, grumpiness; a person either laughs or cries, and therefore many at this time become completely unbearable for others. Insomnia, headaches, temperature changes are possible, especially women feel unwell.

Traveling by water and drinking alcohol are dangerous. There is also a danger associated with steam boilers, samovars, coffee and tea making devices.

Transit of Mars to Mercury

At best, during this period a person has a lot of contacts; active mental activity, efficiency, enterprise, persistence, i.e. using all the best energies of Mercury.

In the worst case, deception and aggravation of conflicts are possible. Transit results in a dispersion of mental energy, lack of concentration of thought, mental overload, violent eruption of words, absent-mindedness and, as a result, mistakes. Aggravation of relations in the sphere of contacts, troubles in transport, delays on the road, while traveling. Troubles related to papers (errors in drawing up documents, sending them to the wrong address), troubles with colleagues.

Transit of Mars to Venus

At best, this transit gives a great need for love, for understanding, a desire to seek harmony and peace in the family.

In the worst case, transit manifests itself in an active and sharp expression of feelings, in anger, protest, because of this, conflicts occur. Possible deceptions of the spouse, breaks with lovers. Inability to compromise. There are inappropriate reactions.

Transit of Mars to Jupiter

In the best case, transit organizes a person to play a more significant role in society (giving patronage, running around authorities, looking for respectable acquaintances). Authority grows, patrons appear. For a person living according to a higher program, this period is marked by a search for religious authority. He finds the necessary priest, elder, teacher, and at the same time quickly and successfully.

In the worst case, a person exceeds his authority; his initiative is not supported by his superiors, which leads to nervous breakdowns.

Transit of Mars to Saturn

At best it appears iron will and endurance, the ability to concentrate. Obsession occurs, anger in a good sense occurs, and the ability to achieve a goal appears. Fights and clashes end happily.

In the worst case, a volitional stupor is possible: a person’s persistence will meet insurmountable obstacles from external circumstances; activity may be constrained, internal protest, breakdowns, and depression may occur. External circumstances create a vicious circle, there is a danger of falls from heights and fractures. It is advisable at this time not to work in shafts, elevators, on stairs without railings, on various walls, on loggias, on the edge of a roof, etc. There is a danger of fights, blows, and collisions.

Transit of Mars through Uranus

At best, a person changes everything associated with the old way of life; there is an opportunity to make a breakthrough in achieving something previously unattainable. Transit is associated with the transition to a new spiritual level of development. These days, a person unexpectedly decides to take adventurous actions.

In the worst case, very violent and passionate upheavals occur in a person’s life, which is extremely difficult for them to experience. There is a danger of bodily harm, in particular wounds caused by bladed weapons or electric current. During this period, all his things “revolt” against a person: dishes break, cutlery breaks, and a “complete disorder” of spirits is noted; Poltergeist manifestations are possible. Changing all plans (and abruptly), being late, arriving at the wrong address.

Transit of Mars to Neptune

At best, the opportunity for high spiritual achievement is given. At this moment a person is capable of great things. He develops faith, high spiritual conviction, and strength increases.

In the worst case, illusions and seductions arise, because... Fanatic self-confidence kicks in and the person justifies any of his actions, and the element of faith and hope for better conditions is fueled by some impulses. Mars includes the forces of Neptune.

You should be wary of hot water, poisons, deodorants, and anesthetics.

Transit of Mars to Pluto

At best, a person includes a whole field around him in which different situations occur; the ability to influence some difficult situation powerful energy, because support is given by the energy of the whole team; a second wind opens.

At its worst, the transit is characterized by frantic, exciting activity. A person exceeds his capabilities. There is a danger of the formation of a confined space, radiation, and explosions, including in a mine. Demonstrations, rallies, and any large gatherings of people must be avoided at all costs, because During this period, a person is subject to panic, the influence of the crowd, and in a crush he can commit any actions, for example, trample someone along with everyone else; they might trample him too.

Transit of Mars through Proserpine

In the best case, a person solves the cardinal issues of his life: changes, weeding out the unnecessary, destroying opponents or leaving them. If the situation is related to the 7th house, then changes in exhausted relationships and rejection in marriage are possible. In the 5th house this happens at the level of love relationships. A person seems to throw out any unnecessary ballast from his life.

In the worst case, the person himself is thrown out of life, perceived as garbage, as something unnecessary. This biennial transit may go unnoticed if Mars is not the center of the configuration (eg, the center of a tau square, one end of the Cross). There is a sudden revolution, a change in a person’s life, a violent transition from one level to another. Transit is dangerous due to landslides - you can fall asleep.

Transit of Mars through Chiron

At best, the transit is well tolerated by a person if he has a high-status Chiron in his horoscope. He can deftly manage ambiguous situations, show enterprise and organizational skills, make new acquaintances, and be a good mediator, because he is able to maneuver and adapt. A good time to work part-time, organize two opposing enterprises, or travel.

In the worst case, there is an active desire to sit between two chairs, anarchy, confusion, uncontrollability in actions or atrocities, espionage, gossip, gossip, supervision, control over others are observed, or during this period the person himself is under surveillance, surveillance, control. A person is entangled in networks, he feels it is impossible to get out of them, and he is forced to sign enslaving agreements and protocols.

Transit of Mars through the Ascending Node

In the best case, a person actively gets involved in work, his will becomes more active, he strives to take more from life, solve some things, discard something, and grab something for himself, i.e. acts as necessary, but most importantly, a volitional impulse is given, and it is permanent.

In the worst case, he is torn apart by external circumstances that require the active manifestation of Martian qualities. Mars is will, energy, and the Ascending Node gives a person a new program. His will is aimed at action, but he can simply give in to life and then lose great amount opportunities that remain untapped.

Transit of Mars through the Setting Node

At best, during this transit a person pays debts; if he doesn’t owe anyone anything, then the transit will take place completely calmly and unnoticed.

In the worst case, an increase in activity is possible due to the fact that everyone demands something from a person or someone controls him and in the most severe form prevents him from manifesting himself.

Transit of Mars on the Black Moon (Lilith)

At best, for someone living according to a high program, this is a test of strong-willed qualities in a collision with negativity.

: In the worst case, transit makes a person’s sinful tendencies obvious and open, i.e. Mars reveals them and makes them manifest in outer life. It is as if active seduction occurs, the evil demon of a person becomes very aggressive, there may be clashes with criminal elements, there is a danger of robbery and violence, beatings, confrontations with the dirtiest sides of life in a harsh form. Also during this period a person can kill someone.

Transit of Mars on the White Moon (Selene)

In the best case, a person actively fights against his criminal past and gives up bad habits. He has new hopes, new spiritual horizons open up - he is pushed towards them, led to phenomena that he might not have noticed; the pointing finger of fate. Other people begin to actively help a person break bad habits, and moreover, successfully. At the everyday level, a person gets out of any difficult situations. For those living according to a high program, this is a period of helping other people, an active struggle against the evil principle in the world around them, and for this struggle enormous spiritual strength is given.

In the worst case, a person passes by new opportunities and receives nothing from this transit.

Transit of Mars by ASC

In the best case, a person’s will is strengthened, he actively manifests himself in any matter, he has great penetrating ability. A good time to start all kinds of cycles.

In the worst case, a person manifests anger and irritation, and he provokes these same feelings in others. A person loses his strength in vain; he is drawn to rash actions.

Transit of Mars by DSC

At best, the help of a marriage partner; a person’s active focus on social affairs. A good time for first roles when concluding deals and signing contracts.

In the worst case, during this transit a person faces active opposition, resolves cases in court, is condemned, has open opponents, disagreements and quarrels with partners.

Transit of Mars through the MC

At best, this transit helps a person clearly identify his place and strive to achieve his goal; puts the finishing touches on professional achievement and demonstrates active self-exaltation.

In the worst case, it results in conflicts with superiors, loss of patrons, and career failures. A man breaks into open doors.

Transit of Mars on IC

At best, a person will try to improve living conditions, fight against circumstances that interfere with his manifestation and curb his energy. A person actively returns to his roots, engages in archaeological research, tries to use old achievements at a new level, to restore the past, as it were.

In the worst case, he becomes cramped in his home, in his family, and conflicts arise with his parents; protests against traditions are possible.

Transit of Mars through the Sun

  • Connections; unfavorable aspects of Mars to the Sun

Increased energy and strength aimed at escalating the situation.

Impulsiveness and belligerence, hot temper, haste and rashness, willfulness, stubbornness and obstinacy, arrogance create a tendency to risky actions, losses, conflicts, and slander.

The threat of an accident, sudden illness, sometimes death. Opposition. A very critical period, you should be very careful and careful so that no accident occurs, or you do not commit a violent act that you will later regret.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to the Sun

Increased strength, energy, active initiative and entrepreneurship leads to an improvement in the external situation. Prospects for success and luck in life, support from others, joy from work, endurance and perseverance appear - a sure guarantee of overcoming obstacles. Increased vitality, good body resistance to disease. Ambition and desire for something new. A good aspect for starting new businesses and enterprises.

Transit of Mars through the Sun

  • Connections; unfavorable aspects of Mars to the Moon

Increased impulsiveness and aggressiveness, mental tension, courage and bravery, masculinity and rudeness. Anxiety, physical weakness, and overwork appear.

All this leads to conflicts at work and in the family (especially with women), causes a bad mood, and sometimes an attack of anger and rage threatens health (inflammation or surgery of the peritoneum or fever).

Epileptic seizures if in the radix the Moon is in the 1st house and Mars crosses exact opposition. This is a critical period, especially unfavorable for women. You should beware of the risk and carelessness of falling, burns, and accidents.

  • Favorable Mars to Moon

Increased energy and enterprise, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, courage and bravery, courage, frankness and straightforwardness, kindness and benevolence, endurance and perseverance help shorten the path to victory. Period of growth of emotional activity, energy creative activity and attractiveness, therefore a favorable time for personal affairs (love, family, home), for trips and visits. Successful creative activity.

Transit of Mars through Mercury, Venus and their aspects

Transit of Mars through Mercury

  • Compound; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Mercury

Mental energy, nervousness, warlike, aggressive spirit leads to quarrels, conflicts, haste, rashness, grumpiness, harshness, frankness. Lots of sarcasm. Antipathy to work, spoiled plans. A very unfavorable period for relationships at work and in the family, for travel. You should not undertake anything that requires precision, insight, or accuracy. Bad for the press and correspondence, for literary work, for trade, for finance, for various references and information. Accidents on trains.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to Mercury

A favorable period, but its influence should not be overestimated, the results will only be temporary. Intensification of mental energy, increased insight, and criticality make intensive scientific, business and commercial activities successful. Good for science and literature, for trade, travel, trade relations, negotiations (and for flirting!).

Transit of Mars through Venus

  • Connections; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Venus

Sensitivity, impressionability and vulnerability, excitability and irritability increase, but the sense of tact and tenderness is lost. The tendency towards entertainment and pleasure of a sexual nature increases. Often a person becomes a slave to his passions; the tendency to pleasure and extravagance harms his financial situation, health and causes conflicts with women at work and in the family. Bad for love and marriage, family evenings. Hidden hostility, criticism, troubles. Often sore throat, angina pectoris, inflammatory diseases of the uterus

  • Favorable Mars to Venus

Great sensitivity and sensuality, impressionability and vulnerability, great empathy and compassion. Creative and constructive work, thirst for love and creative activity, artistic inclinations. Funny, happy character. Good for science and art, for love and marriage. Good for science and technology, for sports or entertainment, for public affairs.

Transit of Mars through Jupiter, Saturn and their aspects

Transit of Mars through Jupiter

  • Compound; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Jupiter

Extremism and exaggeration, the spirit of resistance and rebellion, rebellion, rebellion, especially against authority and law, regulation and violence. Stubbornness and dissatisfaction, imbalance in actions and actions. Greater excitability and irritability.

Intense sensual life. Dependence on mood. Temporary carelessness and lack of understanding, errors in work, comments from superiors. Incidents in which a decision must be made quickly.

Extravagance, loss and damage in speculation. A critical period for unions and connections, for family and marriage, for finance, politics, and economics. Malaise (serious illness) of the gastrointestinal tract is possible.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to Jupiter

A great surge of strength and energy, physical strength increases, and sports interests increase. An aspect that brings success and good luck, honor and respect, fame and honor, a joyful mood, useful acquaintances, successful negotiations with superiors, material success.

Good for finance, politics and economics. Good for unions, for family, marriage. Good for agreements, treaties, contracts, for peaceful settlements, peaceful aspirations.

Transit of Mars through Saturn

  • Connections; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Saturn

This period is very unfavorable. Don't do anything important. Impetuosity and temper, stubbornness and obstinacy, irritability - a state of passion! Disputes, quarrels, conflicts. Social and material crisis. Violence in fate.

Injury, damage or disease. Fatal or violent death. Separation from family or loved ones. Death of relatives or friends. Change of residence. Crisis of fate, life-threatening. Victim of violence. Energy is poorly realized.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to Saturn

Martian will, energy and strength, mixed with Saturnian tenacity, endurance and perseverance, can be successfully used only in honest work and scientific work, where it will bring the greatest benefit, as a result of which the most daring and risky ideas and plans will be realized. Support from an older person. In other cases it is unfavorable. Possibility of death notifications.

Transit of Mars through distant planets and its aspects

Transit of Mars through Uranus

  • Compound; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Uranus

A critical period for all matters. A belligerent spirit that often flares up and directs a person to violence or an accident, to injury or damage, to illness or simply to conflicts, an accident or paralysis or a change of residence, work... Carelessness or thoughtlessness, excitability and irritability, disputes, quarrels, conflicts .

Fires or explosions, or a catastrophe or natural incident (natural disaster) are always a danger!!! Critical period for medicine (operation) and scientific research, loss of life. Deaths. Nervousness, emotional disturbances, aggressiveness and impulsiveness, acts of violence, fights and attacks, incitement.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to Uranus

Extraordinary creative power and energy. Willpower, courage, bravery. An amazing, extraordinary success. Good for spiritual pursuits, mental work, for science and technology, for art and the occult, for research, invention and discovery. To fight crime, for freedom and independence, for fairness and justice. Good for innovation, new ideas, goals, plans.

Transit of Mars through Neptune

  • Compound; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Neptune

Short term critical period. Great care and vigilance are required, especially at sea and on the water or on the street there is a risk of accidents, injuries, injuries, and serious illnesses. Beware of water, avoid swimming, drinking, fun. Bad for businesses related to technology and mechanics. Critical period for navigation and aviation, beware of fire and water! Often there are losses and losses, disappointments, a tendency to betrayal and ugly actions, enmity, bad plans. Peculiar health problems.

  • Favorable aspects to Neptune

A good aspect for spiritual pursuits, mental work, for connections with abroad and foreigners. Creative power.

Transit of Mars through Pluto

  • Connections; unfavorable aspects of Mars to Pluto

A surge of great strength and energy, creating a predisposition to extremely critical moments. Physical injury, incident with loved ones, accident or disaster, heart attack or other illness. A tragic incident involving loved ones and relatives.

Violence in fate. Violent death, especially if there is a predisposition in the radix to fight, fire or incidents and events among the masses of the people. Fatal blows. Life-threatening, disappointment, tendency to betrayal and ugly actions, enmity, losses, bad plans.

  • Favorable aspects of Mars to Pluto

A surge of great strength and energy, which is good to use for active creative work. A persistent, enduring and persistent will that should be used to begin, continue or complete work of a scientific or technical nature, work among or with the masses.

Transit of Mars across the Sun.
The aspect conveys extraordinary energy and the desire to assert oneself at any cost. It requires satisfaction and there is a will to fulfill desires. And desires are driven by ambition, self-confidence, and high sexuality. On the way to achieving what he wants, a person will show enterprise, drive, courage or audacity, and initiative. With dissonant or evil planets - rashness and haste, stubbornness, irritability, and a tendency to conflict. Susceptibility to accidents. We need to curb aggression. This aspect is fraught with severe internal stress, resulting in loss of strength and heart problems.

Transit of Mars on the Moon.

The aspect gives aggression to feelings, inclines to impulsive manifestations of emotions. The tendency to act under the influence of feelings, with good planets - sincerity, emotional attractiveness, success with women. If Mars is strong and kind in aphetics, then a person can restrain his feelings, but in all other cases - passions and a tendency to hysteria, intolerance, conflicts with his mother and wife. Aspects with luminaries carry danger from fire. At the physical level - overstrain in the psycho-emotional sphere, insomnia, stomach pain.
Transit of Mars through Mercury.
This aspect makes a person sociable, but at the same time talkative, sarcastic, and tactless. There are many ideas and a tendency to argue. Entrepreneurship and determination, resourcefulness. With dissonant Mars - haste, a tendency to exaggerate, irritability, nervousness, using other people's ideas for one's own benefit. Tendency to rash actions. With evil planets - nervous overexcitation, mental fatigue. Errors with documents, conflicts in contacts and transport.

Transit of Mars through Venus.
Activity in the sensual sphere, in love, in relationships with women who attract. The person himself radiates charm and sexual attractiveness; everything can be ruined by assertiveness and the desire to impose one’s feelings. With evil Mars there are conflicts and passions, a tendency towards pleasure and wastefulness. Damage to property due to a mistress. Breakups in love relationships.

Transit of Mars through Jupiter.
There is a tendency towards large-scale plans, scope in activities, a desire to expand one’s influence, to become noticeable in society. An active search for a patron and authority is possible. A good aspect for the military: it brings brilliant victories, recognition, successful negotiations with superiors. Dissonant Mars makes a person arrogant, he takes on more than he can, he is prone to adventures - as a result, professional mistakes, conflicts with superiors, with evil Jupiter, the authorities do not support the initiative, a person perceives failures acutely, which affects health - blood pressure rises, pain appears in the liver, there may be colic.

Transit of Mars through Saturn.
Difficulties in fulfilling obligations. The person is prone to serious work, but there is a lot of disappointment. With good planets, iron endurance, concentrated, purposeful work. With dissonant Mars, there is a tendency to break up in relationships and accidents. Dangerous transit.

Transit of Mars through Chiron.
The desire to be in time in two places. A good aspect for an entrepreneur, merchant, intermediary. During a trip, a person solves two different things at once. When Mars is evil, it is impossible to maneuver, confusion and uncontrollability in actions appear. A person gets involved in unnecessary matters, and he is torn in different directions. If Chiron is also evil, a situation is possible when a person falls into bondage and is forced to be a chameleon.

Transit of Mars through Uranus.
The aspect forms carelessness, a tendency to sudden, imprudent actions, regardless of the aphetic status of the planets. There may be a sudden change in activity. In general, the revolutionary-anarchist aspect. Reluctance to obey, self-will, intolerance, reckless courage. If Uranus is stronger, the person does not control his activities, and suddenly does something that he did not intend to do. With evil planets - sudden accidents, electrical injuries, operations, all with loss of blood, shock states are possible.

Transit of Mars through Neptune.
With good planets, the desire to make dreams come true. Episodic or temporary interest in the field of art. The aspect gives rise to fantasies in defending religious, spiritual views, and a scientific worldview. If Mars is weak, there is a lack of energy, a state of dissatisfaction, dislike of work or abuse of physical energy. Failures due to illusions, self-deception, false confidence, lack of clear plans. With evil planets there are fantastic accidents, danger from hot water, danger of poisoning from poisons or chemicals, medicines, drugs. Increased susceptibility to infections.

Transit of Mars to Pluto.

With this aspect, a person feels the need to assert his power or influence over other people. The aspect is very dynamic, since Pluto is behind the actions of Mars, it carries the ability to show extraordinary strength and energy. Greater self-confidence, ambition, and obsession appear. With dissonant Mars, achieving one’s own goals through coercion, ruthlessness towards others, cruelty. With evil planets there is an aspect of violence. Danger from explosions and large crowds of people.

Transit of Mars through the North Node.
Very active in society, the desire to cooperate with others, will and focus help in implementing the collective program. With dissonant Mars - disharmonious cooperation, quarrels and disputes, severance of social ties.

Transit of Mars through the South Node.
Limitation of social activity, delays in business due to external obstacles. Repayment of karmic debts, if any.

Transit of Mars on the Black Moon.
The aspect of the realization of sins. There may be robbery, violence, a clash with the criminal world, the lower strata of society. Aspect of murderers and suicides.

Transit of Mars on the White Moon.

For people living according to a high program, this is a period of helping others. An aspect of great spiritual power. Average people give up bad habits at this time. Spiritual guides may appear. For others, the aspect goes unnoticed.