Alexandra Gozias - biography, information, personal life. Alexandra Gozias - biography, information, personal life Former husband of Sasha Gozias

Alexandra Gozias. Born on June 2, 1990 in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Alexandra Gozias's height: 165 centimeters.

Alexandra Gozias by zodiac sign: Twins.

After high school graduated from hairdressing courses.

She was married to Ilya Krotkov. At first the couple lived in a civil marriage, but after the birth of their daughter they officially got married. However, the marriage did not last long - about a year. As the girl explained, her husband tried to establish tyranny in the family, so she decided to break up with him.

Moreover, she allegedly had such plans even during her pregnancy, i.e. before the wedding. But for a long time she forgave domestic violence (including because of the child) - until she finally decided to break up. By the way, fans of the reality show often raised the question of what exactly Sasha Gozias saw in her ex-husband? According to viewers of the TV show, his appearance and character as a man do not reveal any beauty or charm in him.

At the beginning of 2015, Gozias went to Kaliningrad for the casting of the project “Dom-2”. During the interview, the girl said that she was looking for her other half, but at the same time she was ready for any shocking reaction from the public - which, as we know, is important for this scandalous show.

The organizers of the project liked her so much that they bypassed Polyana and sent her to Love Island. It turned out that she got into the program on the route “Baltiysk - Seychelles”.

I came to Evgeny Kuzin. However, despite all the girl’s efforts, there was no reciprocal sympathy. Cousin refused to build a relationship with the girl and declared himself a couple with another Alexandra - Artemova.

After staying in the Seychelles for a month, Gozias returned to Polyana alone.

At Polyana I tried to build a relationship with Ilya Yabbarov. At one time it seemed that they would succeed. Yabbarov had just broken up with his ex-girlfriend. Once Alexandra was caught with Yabbarov hugging in bed (the photo was leaked to the Internet by Andrey Cherkasov).

At the moment when the girl was trying to start a relationship with Yabbarov, her ex-husband, Ilya Korotkov, came to the project. According to the latter, he wanted to bring his ex-wife back in order to restore the family and raise their common daughter together.

At the same time, he and Ilya Krotkov constantly argued on the project, telling each other all the ins and outs. He claimed that she cheated on him in marriage, she, on the contrary, claimed that he cheated. For some time after he came to the project, Alexandra moved into separate apartments with him and lived as with her husband. But then she left him again.

According to Sasha, she refused to step on this rake a second time. However, things didn’t work out with Yabbarov either.

But her relationship began with Sergei Khudyakov, who at that time was new to the project. True, this fleeting relationship did not bring her any loving consolation.

On February 5, 2016, Konstantin Ivanov came to the Dom-2 show. In the past he was a member of official marriage(ex-wife's name is Christina). Has a son, Prokop. According to Ivanov, the divorce happened due to the difficult character of his wife. Although, according to Christina, the man turned out to be unfaithful in the marriage and allowed himself to raise his hand against her several times.

At first, Konstantin tried to build a relationship with the scandalous participant Olga Rapunzel. It turned out that they already knew each other and had been communicating for six months. At that time, Olga was in a relationship with Dmitry Dmitrenko, Konstantin tried to fight her off, but was unsuccessful.

And then he turned his attention to Alexandra Gozias. Konstantin and Alexandra began to communicate more closely together once they were in the Seychelles. Ivanov was attracted strong character girls, the man began to court Alexandra and after a few days they declared themselves a couple.

On initial stage their relationship was plagued by problems. They quarreled and then made up.

And on August 2, 2016, the couple stunned the public with the announcement of their marriage. This was the most original wedding of the project. Gozias and Ivanov cemented their relationship in the detention center (on August 1, Alexandra was locked up for foul language). The marriage was registered by the head of the punishment cell, Ilya Yabbarov.

But whether the real wedding will take place is an open question.

Alexandra Gozias - Troll of the Year 2016.

In 2016, the popular show “Dom-2” held two competitions at once: the annual competition “Person of the Year 2016” and “Troll of the Year 2016”.

According to the terms of the second competition, the winner is the one who best gets hold of his colleagues. The winner is determined by the audience. And in their opinion, Alexandra Gozias became the troll of 2016. She was ahead of Semyon Frolov by 12%, so the prize of 200 thousand rubles goes to her. Gozias said that she uses the money she won to spend her parents and their daughter on vacation at a mountain resort.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 2.06.1990

City: Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region; Moscow

Family: married to Konstantin Ivanov

Height and weight: 169 cm, 51 kg

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Alexandra Gozias was born on June 2, 1990 in the city of Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region. There she graduated from school and hairdressing courses.

Alexandra Gozias has experience behind her family life and a little daughter.

After the divorce, the girl decided to try her luck on a television project. Having passed the casting in Kaliningrad, On April 12, 2015, she appeared immediately on the second site of House 2 - Seychelles .

The organizers noted Sasha’s lively disposition and desire to remain on the project by any means, because she stated that she would not only build love, but also weave intrigues in order to stay.

She planned to charm the famous womanizer Evgeniy Kuzin, but the guy did not succumb to Gozias’s charm, and a month later the girl moved to Polyana.

There she expressed sympathy for Ilya Yabbarov, they declared themselves a couple and moved into a separate room.

After some time, Alexandra’s ex-husband Ilya Korotkov came to the project.

Gozias rushed between two men and still could not choose who to give preference to, but still remained with her ex-husband.

Although the couple could not live peacefully under the gun of television cameras, constant quarrels led to the final break.

Ilya Korotkov even left the project, but when he returned, he did not resume relations with his ex-wife.

Alexandra tried her luck with newcomer Sergei Khudyakov, but to no avail. At the beginning of 2016, Konstantin Ivanov came to the project, he was also married before the project, but got divorced and has a son.

turned his attention to Gozias and they began to communicate. The guys went to the Seychelles together and there, a few days later, they declared themselves a couple.

During this period, Alexandra’s father died and she left for her native Bratsk to attend the funeral and be with her family.

After returning, Kostya and Sasha continued to build a relationship, although it was not easy, they fought and then made up again.

In August, Ilya made up his mind and proposed to Sasha, and she agreed. The wedding took place in the isolation ward, where at that time the bride was, convicted by the collective for foul language.

The guys are still together. Alexandra brought her little daughter and mother to the project. Konstantin was very worried about how the acquaintance with his future relatives would go.

Sasha’s mom couldn’t stay on the project for a long time, she did not accept the demands put forward by the organizers and refused to tell the details of their relationship with their daughter.

The mother also stated that the television set was not a place for a little girl and took her granddaughter outside the perimeter, which caused a wave of discussions.

The team already called Alexandra a “cuckoo,” and after this incident the participants condemned Sasha’s presence on the project, which brought her to tears.

After his mother-in-law left, Ivanov and Gozias had a big quarrel; during the quarrel, the young man even covered Sasha’s mouth with a dirty sock.

Sashi and Kostya participated in the “Wedding for a Million” competition, but did not win. In March 2017, the couple left the House 2 project.

In the summer of 2017, the guys got married.

Photo by Alexandra

One of the most scandalous ladies on the television project House 2.


Alexandra Gozias comes from the Kalingrad region of the city of Baltiysk. The girl was born on June 2, 1990. Native father Alexandra passed away in March of this year, 2016. The man's cause of death is unknown. Gozias’s mother and biological father were already divorced at that time. Natalya Ivanovna has been living for a long time with another man, Alexander, who is the girl’s stepfather.

Personal life

Alexandra was already officially married, the name of her former chosen one is Ilya Krotkov. Before submitting an application to the registry office, the couple lived in a civil marriage for several years, during which the girl gave birth to the man’s daughter, Sofia.

The relationship between the girl’s parents was quite strained: constant quarrels, fights, scandals. According to Alexandra, Ilya allowed himself a free lifestyle, where there was deception and betrayal. Despite these problems in the relationship, the couple soon got married, however, this marriage did not last long. About a year later, Gozias and her husband divorced.

Life on the television project “Dom-2”

Aleskandra became a participant in the scandalous show in 2015, on April 12. The project's hosts immediately sent the girl to the Seychelles. On Love Island, Gozias showed her affection for bright participant, Evgeny Kuzin. Alexandra was serious about seeking reciprocity from the guy. However, he did not reciprocate her feelings. The brunette was not particularly upset about this and, instead of love, built a strong friendship with the scandalous participant Anastasia Lisova. After some time, Gozias was sent to Moscow to a clearing.

Unlike the Seychelles, Alexandra's arrival at the TV set was quite enchanting. Before arriving at the clearing, the girl put herself in order and behaved completely differently than before. On Love Island, Gozias showed herself to be a quiet and calm person, but once in Moscow, she began to make trouble with everyone.

Relationship between Alexandra Gozias and Ilya Yabbarov

Gozias did not stay in single status for very long; at that time, Ilya Yabbarov was among the participants. The girl almost immediately liked the man, and a relationship quickly began between the couple, in which “magic” soon took place. Their romance can hardly be called ideal, since the couple often quarreled and mutually threw mud at each other. Alexandra and Ilya repeatedly broke up and reconciled, but with the arrival of Gozias’s ex-husband, their relationship came to an end.

Relationship between Alexandra Gozias and Ilya Krotkov

The arrival of Alexandra’s ex-husband was a surprise both for her and for the rest of the project participants. The man came with the goal of returning to his former relationship with Gozias. The girl herself did not greet Krotkov with much joy. Alexandra made it clear by her appearance that she was afraid of Ilya and did not intend to return to him. However, Krotkova negative reaction The girls were not at all embarrassed. He was not going to back down from his intentions to achieve ex-lover location.

Yabbarov, for his part, also did not give up, the man constantly flirted with Alexandra, to which she reciprocated. As a result of this story, Krotkov still managed to make peace with his ex-wife; moreover, they declared themselves a couple and moved into separate apartments. Their relationship lasted several months, in which Alexandra constantly provoked Ilya into a showdown. Almost every day Gozias recalled old grievances to the man. The girl was never able to forget his misdeeds in marriage, although Ilya himself completely denied everything.

Ultimately, their reunion ended in another difficult breakup. The couple shared almost all the details of their family life with the whole world. Many participants in the television project had the feeling that absolute disgust, anger and aggression arose between them. Then the hosts of “Dom-2” decided to separate the former spouses in order to give both time to sort out their heads. Krotkov was sent to the Seychelles island, and Gozias remained in the clearing. In principle, this is where the couple’s relationship ended.

Relationship between Alexandra Gozias and Sergei Khudyakov

While Ilya Korotkov was relaxing in a paradise, his ex-wife switched to a new participant, Sergei Khudyakov. The 26-year-old fitness trainer initially went to Anastasia Lisova for the project, who was on the islands at that time. However, after some time, the participant liked Alexandra, they began to spend time together more often, flirting and kissing. As a result, Sergei decided to build a relationship with Gozias, after which he designated her as his girlfriend on his forehead.

The couple's candy-bouquet period began quite interestingly; there was a lot of tension between them. strong passion. But as time shows, you can’t get far on passion alone. Khudyakov began to pay attention to the girl’s rude behavior, which he categorically did not like. As a result, Sergei became disillusioned with Alexandra and ended all relations with her.

Relationship between Alexandra Gozias and Ilya Grigorenko

The relationship between Ilya and Alexandra began unexpectedly. The guy returned to the project after another breakup with Alena Ashmarina. Grigorenko, as always, was surrounded by most of the women’s bedroom, especially Kamila Korobeinikova, who always treated the participant with partiality. However, this time the guy singled out Gozias, the guys did not hide their passion for each other. As a result, Ilya invited Alexandra to declare themselves a couple, to which she agreed without hesitation.

Grigorenko has always been a very loving young man and nothing has changed in his relationship with Gozias. In their couple, there was always a third person in the person of Kamila; the girl until the last hoped to win the guy away from Alexandra. And at some point, this participant managed to get special attention from Ilya in his direction, but he was not going to completely break with his new passion. Alexandra fell in love with the guy so much that she was ready to forgive him for his endless flirting with other girls. For Gozias it was enough to be paired with Grigorenko.

The rest of the project participants concluded that the guy does not have feelings for Alexandra and does not take her seriously. Gozias herself did not deny these arguments, but she was not ready to leave the guy. In her relationship with Ilya, Alexandra was constantly depressed, lost self-confidence and feminine pride. The couple’s rather unhealthy relationship lasted several months, until Grigorenko decided to leave the television set again. Alexandra had strong feelings for the guy, but did not stop him. The girl understood that the participant still loved his ex-girlfriend, Alena.

Relationship between Alexandra Gozias and Konstantin Ivanov

After an unsuccessful relationship with Grigorenko, Alexandra remained in single status for several months, until he came to Dom-2 new member- . A man originally from Vladivostok, a short time before joining the television project, divorced his wife, who is raising their son Prokop. Initially, the man went to another girl, she was Olga Rapunzel, at that time the participant was in the Seychelles awaiting her young man, Dmitry Dmitrenko. After communicating with Rapunzel through plasma, Konstantin lost all desire to pursue her, however, he did not completely stop their communication. On the contrary, Ivanov expressed a desire to go to the islands as Olga’s friend to help understand difficult relationships with Dmitry. But the man did not go to the Seychelles alone, but together with Alexandra.

It was there that a relationship began between Gozias and Ivanov. The young mother attracted Konstantin with her lively character, which he wanted to correct. Pretty couple long time could not find an approach to each other, Konstantin wanted to see Alexandra as a gentle and flexible girl, and Gozias opposed this, because she was afraid of falling in love again and feeling her former weakness in front of a man. They constantly quarreled, broke up, made up, and this happened endlessly. But they couldn’t completely abandon each other.

One fine day, “magic” happened between the participants. After some time, Alexandra and Konstantin decided to return to Moscow to the clearing to test the strength of their relationship. There were enough girls there who wanted to build a relationship with Ivanov, but none of them could win the man away from Gozias. The couple are in a relationship to this day. The girl has already introduced her lover to her mother and daughter and hopes for a future together with Konstantin. On at the moment It’s too early to talk about marriage as a couple, because they still have a lot to work on. And only time will tell whether Alexandra and Konstantin will be able to correct their mistakes and finally create a real and strong family.

The scandalous television project “Dom-2” has existed for 13 years. The composition of the team and presenters changed several times, and the site was often modified. Among this rigmarole of reconstructions, only the criterion for selecting participants remains constant. Only bright and interesting personalities, completely devoid of complexes. Other types of people do not stay in the ranks of participants for long.

Alexandra Gozias knew the rules of the game very well. The brunette weaved intrigues, destroyed couples and expressed projective opinions, pitting both boys and girls against each other. To this day, the name of the shocking beauty remains on the lips of the whole country.

Childhood and youth

Born future star TV show in the city of Baltiysk on June 1, 1990. The parents separated when the girl was 10 years old.

Despite the fact that the head of the family left for a new, young passion, Gozias did not feel hatred towards him. The father did not disappear from the girl’s life: until his death they maintained warm, friendly relations.

Alexandra Gozias before the project "Dom-2"

So that there are no gaps in raising her daughter, Natalya Ivanova decides to remarry. The ex-participant’s family did not live in luxury, but they did not live from hand to mouth either. The stepfather did everything possible so that neither his wife nor his stepdaughter needed anything.

From the biography of the star it is known that higher education she never received it. The popular brawler of "House-2" has only school and hairdressing courses under her belt. The girl did not want to study, betting on a successful marriage, and while her peers were choosing a university, preparing for admission, Gozias was looking for a promising future husband.

At the age of 18, fate brings her together with Ilya Krotkov. An arrogant, self-confident guy immediately falls into the girl’s soul. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, and after a couple of months the young people begin to live together.

After the birth of their daughter Sophia, the couple decides to legalize their relationship, and in June 2013 they get married.

The girl fully tasted the delights of family life. After the wedding, Ilya’s hands are freed: the guy led a riotous lifestyle, not appearing at home for a long time, and did not hide his relationship on the side. If his wife showed dissatisfaction, Ilya explained through the use of physical force that she was “wrong.”

Having lived in a legal marriage less than a year, Gozias, completely disappointed in her chosen one, files for divorce. Leaving her daughter in the care of her mother, Sasha goes to seek happiness on the television project “Dom-2”.


At the casting, the lively brunette immediately attracted the attention of the organizers: her expressive appearance and the statement that the girl likes to weave intrigues did their job. On April 12, 2015, Alexandra becomes a full-fledged participant in the television production and, bypassing the clearing, goes to the Seychelles.

There, the young lady’s attention was attracted by the project’s long-liver – . Gozias showed the guy all kinds of attention: she cooked breakfasts, arranged romantic dinners, without leaving a single step from the handsome man. Evgeny, so as not to hurt the feelings of the young beauty, tactfully translated everything into a joke and did not reciprocate.

Realizing that this fortress could not be taken, Sasha gave up trying to win Kuzin’s favor. Compared to other participants, Gozias looked faded. TV viewers saw in the brunette the shadow of her friend, rating participant Anastasia Lisova.

The picture changed dramatically when a month later Sasha flew to the clearing and changed her role. A modest, decent girl turned into a daring, cynical person.

Chansonnier of the project Ilya Yabbarov, who appreciated the change in the image of the young mother, decided not to waste time and hit on the eccentric young lady. Alexandra happily accepted the suitor’s advances and, in order to be on everyone’s lips, soon moved into a separate apartment with the guy, declaring themselves a couple.

Alexandra Gozias and Ilya Krotkov in the show "Dom-2"

Everything didn’t go according to plan when her ex-husband Ilya Krotkov came to the project. The man said he intends to return the favor ex-wife. Alexandra was discouraged only during the first hours. For several weeks, the girl masterfully twisted both men, without bringing clarity to their relationship. As a result, the choice of the ex-participant stops with her husband. Former spouses They failed to revive the relationship, and Krotkov left to look for love in the Seychelles.

Sasha, feeling permissiveness and impunity, went into all serious troubles. During her time on the television set, she was credited with having an affair with more than 7 guys. It was possible to calm down the participant's explosive temper. Gozias immediately liked the brutal, wealthy man. In communicating with Sasha, Kostya used the carrot and stick method, either attracting or pushing the girl away.

The relationship of young people was accompanied by problems and scandals. Freedom-loving Kostya and emotional Sasha looked at many things under different angles. The couple either loudly quarreled or violently reconciled. But, after passing the Seychelles test, the young people officially declared themselves a couple.

On August 2, 2016, they jokingly played the most shocking wedding in the history of Dom-2. The wedding took place in the “isolator”, where Sasha was imprisoned for foul language. The marriage was registered by the former young man of Gozias, Ilya Yabbarov.

Trials by fire, water and the “wedding for a million” competition brought the scandalous couple together. In March 2017, the lovers left the reality show.

In June 2017, a few months after leaving Dom-2, . The lovers signed in the registry office near Moscow. On the occasion of the wedding, the newlyweds arranged holiday party, to which relatives and friends were invited.


Being an ambitious person, Gozias tried herself in many areas of activity. So, the singer’s career, which began at Dom-2, ended as soon as the girl left the gate. A debut song Sasha’s “Girl Without a Heart” became the only one in the beauty’s repertoire.

Also, do not forget about the girl’s passion for plastic surgery. Comparing photos before plastic surgery and after, it is impossible not to notice the transformation of the star.

Along with the changed parameters of her figure (Sasha enlarged her breasts), the face of the ex-participant of the TV show also underwent some transformation: her cheekbones acquired clear contours, becoming a little higher, and her lips doubled in volume.

Gozias did not deny that she had her breasts done, but preferred not to talk about the rest.

Alexandra Gozias now

It's no secret that former members TV project, thanks to its popularity, live comfortably beyond its borders. Some advertise products on Instagram, others promote own business to the masses. Alexandra Gozias was no exception. After leaving the project, the star opened the online store “Gozias – shop”. In five days, 20 thousand people signed up for the “boutique” on Vkontakte.

In addition, together with Konstantin Ivanov, the brunette created a channel on YouTube, where videos from life in the perimeter that were not broadcast are now published. But main news- this is the opening of a beauty salon, registration for which is already underway. Sasha has done a lot of work on herself.