Political absenteeism: causes, types, problems, consequences, examples. Absenteeism - what kind of system is this? Causes and consequences of absenteeism

The term political absenteeism appeared in the first half of the 20th century. American scientists began to use it to describe the reluctance of citizens to participate in political life country, and primarily in elections. Research into the phenomenon of political absenteeism has given rise to many theories and hypotheses explaining its causes and consequences.


According to political science, political absenteeism is the self-removal of voters from participating in any voting. Modern ones are a clear demonstration of this phenomenon. According to statistics, in many states where elections are held, more than half of the citizens eligible to vote do not participate.

Political absenteeism comes in many forms and shades. A person who does not attend elections is not completely isolated from relations with the authorities. Regardless of your political position, he remains a citizen and taxpayer. Non-participation in such cases applies only to those activities in which a person can prove himself as an active person, for example, determining own attitude to the party or candidates for the position of deputy.

Features of political absenteeism

Electoral passivity can only exist in states where there is no external compulsion to political activity. It is excluded in totalitarian societies, where, as a rule, participation in sham elections is mandatory. In such countries, the leading position is occupied by a single party, changing it to suit itself. Political absenteeism in a democratic system occurs when a person is deprived of responsibilities and given rights. By disposing of them, he may not participate in the elections.

Political absenteeism distorts voting results, since in the end elections demonstrate the point of view only of voters who came to the polls. For many, passivity is a form of protest. For the most part, citizens who ignore elections demonstrate distrust of the system through their behavior. The common view in all democracies is that elections are a tool of manipulation. People do not go to them because they are convinced that in any case their votes will be counted by bypassing the legal procedure or the result will be distorted in some other less obvious way. And vice versa, in totalitarian states, where there is a semblance of elections, almost all voters attend polling stations. This pattern is a paradox only at first glance.

Absenteeism and extremism

In some cases, the consequences of political absenteeism can turn into political extremism. Although voters with this behavior do not go to vote, this does not mean that they are indifferent to what is happening in their country. Since absenteeism is a mild form of protest, it means that this protest can develop into something more. The alienation of voters from the system is fertile ground for further growth of discontent.

Due to the silence of “passive” citizens, there may be a feeling that there are not so many of them. However, when these dissatisfied people reach the extreme point of their rejection of the authorities, they take active action to change the situation in the state. It is at this moment that one can clearly see how many such citizens there are in the country. Types of political absenteeism that differ from each other are completely united different people. Many of them do not deny politics as a phenomenon at all, but only oppose the existing system.

Abuse of citizen passivity

The scale and danger of political absenteeism depend on many factors: maturity state system, national mentality, customs and traditions of a particular society. Some theorists explain this phenomenon as limited electoral participation. However, this idea contradicts the basic democratic principles. Any government in such a system it is legitimized through referendums and elections. These tools allow citizens to run their own state.

Limited electoral participation is the exclusion of certain segments of the population from political life. This principle can lead to meritocracy or oligarchy, when only the “best” and “elect” have access to government. Such consequences of political absenteeism completely eliminate democracy. Elections as a way to shape the will of the statistical majority are no longer working.

Absenteeism in Russia

In the 90s, political absenteeism in Russia manifested itself in all its glory. Many residents of the country refused to participate in public life. They were disappointed by loud political slogans and empty shelves in stores across the street from their home.

IN national science Several points of view have emerged about absenteeism. In Russia, this phenomenon is a peculiar behavior manifested in avoidance of participation in elections and other political events. It is also an apathetic and uncaring attitude. Absenteeism can also be called inaction, but it is not always dictated by indifferent views. If we consider such behavior as a manifestation of the will of citizens, then it can even be called one of the signs of the development of democracy. This judgment will be correct if we discard cases when a state that changes the political system without regard for “passive” voters takes advantage of such an attitude of citizens.

Legitimacy of power

The most important problem of political absenteeism is the fact that if a small part of society votes, it is impossible to talk about a truly popular vote. However, in all democracies, from a social point of view, the structure of visitors to polling stations is very different from the structure of society as a whole. This leads to discrimination against entire groups of the population and infringement of their interests.

An increase in the number of voters participating in elections gives the government greater legitimacy. Often candidates for deputies, presidents, etc. try to find additional support precisely among the passive population, which has not yet decided on its choice. Politicians who manage to make such citizens their supporters, as a rule, win elections.

Factors influencing absenteeism

The activity of citizens in elections may vary depending on regional characteristics, level of education, and type of settlement. Each country has its own political culture - a set of social norms relating to the electoral process.

In addition, each campaign has its own individual characteristics. Statistics show that in states with a proportional electoral system, voter activity is higher than in those where a majoritarian-proportional or simply majoritarian system is established.

Electoral behavior

Exclusion from political life often stems from disappointment with the authorities. This pattern is especially pronounced at the regional level. The number of passive voters increases when municipal authorities continue to ignore the interests of citizens every political cycle.

Rejection from politics occurs after officials do not resolve problems that concern residents of their city in everyday life. Comparing market economy and some scientists have identified the following pattern. Electoral behavior becomes active when a person understands that he himself will receive some kind of income from his actions. If the economy is about money, then voters want to see tangible changes for the better in their lives. If they do not occur, then apathy and reluctance to get involved with politics appear.

History of the study of the phenomenon

Understanding the phenomenon of absenteeism began in late XIX- early 20th century The first studies were conducted at the Chicago School of Political Science by scholars Charles Edward Merriam and Gosnell. In 1924, they conducted a sociological survey of ordinary Americans. The experiment was conducted to determine the motives of voters who avoided elections.

Subsequently, the study of the topic was continued by Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and other sociologists. In 1954, Angus Campbell, in his book The Voter Decides, analyzed the work of his predecessors and built own theory. The researcher realized that participation or non-participation in elections is determined by a number of factors, which together form a system. By the end of the 20th century, several hypotheses appeared to explain the problems of political absenteeism and the reasons for its occurrence.

Theory about social capital

This theory appeared thanks to the book “Fundamentals social theory", written by James Coleman. In it, the author introduced the concept of “social capital” into widespread use. The term describes a set of collective relations in society that operates according to a market economic principle. That’s why the author called it “capital”.

Initially, Coleman's theory had nothing to do with what had already become known as "political absenteeism." Examples of the use of the scientist’s ideas appeared in working together Neil Carlson, John Bram and Wendy Rahn. Using this term, they explained the pattern of citizen participation in elections.

Scientists compared the election campaigns of politicians with the fulfillment of obligations to ordinary residents of the country. Citizens have their own answer to this in the form of attending elections. Only in the interaction of these two groups is democracy born. Elections are a “ritual of solidarity” for the values ​​of free societies with open political system. The greater the trust between voters and candidates, the more ballots will be cast in the ballot box. Coming to the site, an individual not only becomes involved in political and social process, but also expands his own sphere of interests. At the same time, each citizen has an increasing circle of acquaintances with whom he has to argue or seek a compromise. All this develops the skills necessary to participate in elections.

Social influence

As the share of citizens interested in the electoral process increases, social capital itself also grows. This theory does not explain what political absenteeism can lead to, but it shows its nature and genesis. An excellent example for this hypothesis is Italy, which can be divided into two regions. In the north of the country, horizontally integrated social ties are developed between people of the same class, income, lifestyle, etc. It is easier for them to interact with each other and find common ground. From this pattern, social capital and solidarity grows. positive attitude for the elections.

The situation is different in the south of Italy, where there are many rich landowners and poor citizens. Between them lies a whole abyss. Such a vertical social connection does not promote cooperation between residents. People who find themselves in the lowest social strata lose faith in politics and have little interest in election campaigns. Political absenteeism is much more common in this region. The reasons for the differences between the north and south of Italy are the heterogeneity social structure society.



(Latin absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, a manifestation of indifference to a person’s exercise of his rights and responsibilities. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the population’s indifference to political life, the philistine idea of ​​individuals that nothing depends on them in politics,” politics “none of my business,” etc. Such a view contradicts the foundations of the constitutional order Russian Federation. If “man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution states: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.” But this right, in unity with human freedom, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life and the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the socio-political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we especially emphasize that, having a general and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of governing society, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the “top”, and form a passive personality. Absenteeism exists in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its reasons are varied: citizens’ lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; lack of political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Political science. Dictionary. - M: RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens with active voting rights; evasion of voters from voting in the elections of representative bodies and head of state. Absenteeism is, as a rule, caused by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their trust in government authorities, the low level of political competence of voters, and the low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has Negative influence, since it reduces the legitimacy of the government and indicates the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is punishable by law; agricultural: a form of land ownership in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book. comp. Prof. Science Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


See what “Absenteeism” is in other dictionaries:

    - (from lat. absens absent). Passion for travel or living outside one's own home country. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ABSENTEEISM 1) living of landowners outside their estates; 2)… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    absenteeism- a, m. absentéisme m. English absenteism lat. 1834. Ray 1998. 1. Long absence, living outside one’s estate or fatherland. Poppy. 1908. This government is unable to heal the ancient plague from which agriculture suffered... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (absenteeism) Avoidance of work without good reason; often this is a one-day absence from work due to illness, but without visiting a doctor. Absenteeism is most common in large organizations where it can become serious... ... Dictionary of business terms

    - [sente], absenteeism, plural. no, husband (from lat. absens absent) (book). Avoidance of visits related to the performance of any public duties. On last elections Voter absenteeism was not noticed. Show absenteeism... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Avoidance of visits related to the performance of certain tasks. public duties (Ushakov) See ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin absens absent) in the science of constitutional law, a term meaning the voluntary non-participation of voters in voting in elections or referendums... Legal Dictionary

    - (from the Latin absentia), evasion of voters from voting in elections of the President, Parliament, etc. Usually amounts to about 15% of the electoral corps... Modern encyclopedia

    Agricultural, a form of land tenure in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit... Modern encyclopedia

Ushakov's Dictionary


absintheia zm[sente], absenteeism, pl. No, husband.(from lat. absens - absent) ( books). Avoidance of visits related to the performance of any public duties. During the last elections, voter absenteeism was not observed. Be absenteeist (absent from meetings).

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens with active voting rights; evasion of voters from voting in the elections of representative bodies and head of state. Absenteeism is, as a rule, caused by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their trust in government authorities, the low level of political competence of voters, and the low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has a negative impact because it reduces the legitimacy of government and indicates the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is punishable by law; agricultural: a form of land ownership in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


(from lat. absentia - absence)

1) absence of owner, form of land use; In which the land is separated from the owner, who receives cash income in the form of rent, but does not participate in the processing and production use of the land;

2) employee absence from work, absence from work, without a valid reason.

Political science. Glossary of terms


(Latin absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise by a person of his rights and responsibilities. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the population’s indifference to political life, the philistine idea of ​​individuals that nothing depends on them in politics,” politics “none of my business,” etc. Such a view contradicts the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. If “man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution states: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.” But this right, in unity with human freedom, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life and the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the socio-political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we especially emphasize that, having a general and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of governing society, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the “top”, and form a passive personality. Absenteeism exists in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its reasons are varied: citizens’ lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; lack of political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics


manifestation of the indifferent attitude of the population to political life, avoidance of participation in it. It receives concentrated expression in the evasion of voters from voting in elections at various levels.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Latin absentia - absence), evasion of voters from voting in the elections of representative bodies, head of state, etc.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

ABSINTHE AND ZM [sente], A, m.(book). Evasion of voters from participating in elections in government bodies.

| adj. absenteeist, oh, oh.

Efremova's Dictionary


Evasion of voters from participating in elections to government bodies.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(English Absenteeism, from absent) is a word that owes its origin to the well-known plight of Ireland and denotes the constant absence of large landowners there from their estates. In this absence seen main reason impoverishment and savagery of the Irish people, for thanks to this the country was deprived large amounts money that landowners spent outside of it. This view, however, certainly stated, is unfounded, because manufacturers famous country must base their existence on their own income, and not on the income of absent fellow citizens. But the matter appears completely different if, as is the case in Ireland, the absentees are the owners of almost all the land and, instead of a large middle class, almost all the available capital is concentrated in them, and at the same time the well-being of the entire country, while more than 60% of the rest agricultural families base their existence on such tiny leases and conduct such a microscopic economy, which with difficulty can only provide them with the most necessary things for life. In view of this, the normal distribution of capital in the constant absence of the landowners themselves becomes extremely inconvenient. The absence of personal, generally useful activities of landowners living outside the country is always an unrequited evil. There is no direct agreement between owners and tenants, mediation unauthorized persons who have nothing in common with either the people or the country, are always unilaterally directed only to get as much as possible for their client and at the same time enrich themselves. It was even proposed to limit Irish agriculture by forcibly retaining landowners or imposing a special tax on absentees (Absentees). But the first would be too great an infringement on personal liberty, the second would be of little help, and both would greatly reduce the value of landed property in Ireland. The sale of estates on the basis of the "Encumbered Estates Act" (1849) did not achieve its goal - facilitating the formation of a settled class of small and medium-sized landowners, but only increased the number of foreign owners, since the buyers were exclusively English and Scots. Manifested in modern times the agrarian movement and the murders associated with it can, of course, only worsen the evil. In general, Irish A. is not an isolated evil, but the result of the general unhappy state of the country, which can only be corrected by deep and radical reforms of its entire economic and social system (see. Ireland ).

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Absenteeism- a Western management term. Absenteeism is most often defined as the total number of workdays (or hours) lost or the frequency of times an employee is absent from work. In this case, a person may be absent from the workplace for both good and unjustified reasons.

Absenteeism, along with staff turnover, is considered as an employee reaction to work and is used as an indicator of the success of work with personnel: recruitment, screening, selection, training and other activities aimed at increasing the level of compliance between people, work and organizations.

Typically, organizations suffer large financial losses due to absenteeism; it is also one of the most common reasons for employee resignation.

Organizational psychologists have been studying this problem for many years. For a long time, the generally accepted view of absenteeism was that it was a response to job dissatisfaction. This assumption is based on the results large quantity studies that found a moderate negative relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism rates (the lower the satisfaction, the higher the absenteeism). It is also possible that cause and effect should be reversed. An alternative possibility is that some people express job dissatisfaction because they need to justify their absenteeism behavior.

IN last years The relationship between absenteeism and other variables was examined. The personal characteristics most often examined in relation to absenteeism include age, gender, race, education, non-work responsibilities, income and Family status. Some researchers believe that this category should also include length of service in a given position and the level of this position in the hierarchical structure of the organization. A relationship was found between each of these variables and absenteeism.

The most pronounced dependence is the connection between absenteeism and gender. Absenteeism rates are higher in women than in men. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this result. In most cases more high levels Absenteeism among women is explained by the fact that working women also have family responsibilities. An important factor It is also believed that women usually occupy lower-level positions than men.

The conclusion that the causes of absenteeism in women are more complex than in men was further confirmed in studies of the nature of the relationship between age and absenteeism. In men, age is negatively associated with intentional absenteeism (absenteeism decreases with increasing age), but for women no such relationship was found. The fact that, unlike men, women's absenteeism rates do not decrease with age is usually explained by the fact that in middle age women have more household responsibilities than men. However, some researchers doubt the adequacy of this explanation.

The existence of a relationship between absenteeism and various organizational variables, such as work shift, leadership style, company ownership, degree of harmfulness and danger of work, etc., was also studied. In general, the results of research in this area indicate a tendency towards lower absenteeism in smaller organizations and groups, i.e. absenteeism decreases with the size of the enterprise.