Aspect configurations in the natal chart. What does the Sail mean in the horoscope, and where can you sail under it?

Geometric shapes of aspects

These are planetary configurations of two or more aspects.

Linear structures

People with a linear aspect structure in natal chart personify the cardinal principle of manifesting their qualities. They prefer to subordinate circumstances to their goals rather than fit harmoniously into them. When circumstances turn out to be stronger, they become irreconcilable fighters. Dynamic, open, restless. Greater willpower, but less discretion. Subject to stress.


A sequence of unrelated sextiles, sometimes combined with a square or trine. Irritability, nervous tension, quarrelsomeness.


Several aspects emanating from one planet and not closed in a triangle. Multilaterally but uniformly related to the environment; self-willed, individualist.


"Swing", according to Jones's figure. A person knows how to see both sides of a coin in a phenomenon, but we are overwhelmed by opposing aspirations.

Half star

Two fans, the handles of which are spaced apart. The person shows versatility.


A person shows a noticeable interest in two areas of life and activity, indicated by planets on the points of the legs.


Conjunction of 3 or more planets in 1 sign or 1 house. It occurs quite often (the orb is allowed to be large; some researchers consider a stellium to be simply the presence of 3 or more planets in 1 sign).

Great strength in one thing – and weakness in the rest. The problem is balance, because this figure creates a skew.

Self-sufficiency. Determination. Choosing a direction in life is easy, but making compromises is hard. Stellium influences appearance person as if he were in the 1st house.

Triangular structures

People with a predominance of triangular structures are dynamic, constantly searching for love and understanding. They do not shy away from society, but fit into it as harmoniously as possible. They strive to find a balance between internal and external, heart and head. Joy of life, acceptance of new things. Ideas for improvement and assistance. The larger the area covered by the triangle, the brighter its influence. The most important triangles that include the center of the zodiac circle.

Grand trine (trigon) - Mercedes

Equilateral triangle, formed by three trigons. It is considered the most successful and prosperous configuration of aspects. 3 planets in one element. The strength of planets in a grand trine is similar to the strength of planets in their sign - it is maximum. The harmonious flow of energy from one planet to another, without effort on the part of man. An “overabundance” of good things. Gifts are taken for granted. Luck, success. Spheres excluded from the grand trine are not mastered. The manifestation of a major trine depends on the element.

Fiery: high activity, self-confidence, optimism, enthusiasm. Pronounced abilities. High level claims. This configuration most often makes a person a celebrity.

Terrestrial: the importance of material well-being, the desire for it. Practicality. Focus on a specific result.

Air: connection with the mental world, sociability, developed intelligence. Inspiration and creativity. Ideas matter most.

Water: high emotionality, subtle perception, intuition. If its huge creative potential, may suffer from dissatisfaction.

Opposition points to the tops of Mercedes are important. Transit planets, falling into them, create an “arrow-opposition”, activating all the planets. If the “arrow” is present in the natal chart without creating a quadrangular structure (sail), it provokes trouble. In a grand trine, as in an electrical case, an impulse directed at one of the vertices immediately responds to all the others.

Sail, or Kite, or Kite

It belongs to quadrangular structures, but its meaning is close to the Grand Trine, since it is a large trine with an opposition and 2 sextiles: Mercedes plus the triangle of happiness. Balanced and dynamic at the same time. Due to the opposition, motivation arises; the opposition gives the sail direction of action. Increased aspirations do not promise peace, but provide opportunities and strength to realize them. The configuration is positive. But, like all strong and large figures, it creates a concentration on the planets of this figure and leaves other areas unattended.

Finger of fate

The point at the apex of the triangle indicates the fateful planet. For a life problem whose solution is necessary. The situation becomes even more acute when there is an arrow to the apex of the triangle. This is a hint for development: what needs to be done.


Quite common. Allows you to harmoniously resolve the contradiction of the opposition through the third planet.

Triangle of happiness

Harmoniously connects 3 planets, one of which is a midpoint for the other two. Brings success in areas indicated by the planets forming a triangle.

Quadrilateral structures

Mainly creating tension. People with a predominance of quadrangular structures are tough, uncompromising, they know that life is a struggle from personal experience.

Great Square, or Cosmic Cross

Formed by 4 quadratures (and 2 oppositions). A tense, rigid configuration that forces its owner to look for a way out of a life situation that does not suit him. The person is active and has willpower, but there may be too many obstacles. Tough, unyielding character. The desire for glory.

The Cardinal Big Square is the “easiest”: a clear awareness of the goal. But without the support of trigons, a person can come to complete exhaustion of strength in the struggle of life.

Fixed Big Square is the most difficult: it is not resolved, its tensions tend to freeze. Focused on the internal state.

Mutable Big Square gives rise to indecision, inability to identify a goal and follow it, fruitless waste of energy, and repetition.

Rectangle, cart, or envelope, or mystical quadrangle

2 sextiles, 2 trine, 2 crossing oppositions. Oppositions can be called “mastered.” Organizational skills, versatile thinking, synthesis. Works on a practical level, similar to Kite. Oppositions sharpen consciousness, set goals, and harmonious aspects help achieve them. Danger is being fixated on some idea or area of ​​life.

Tau square

In fact, this is a triangle, but one of the most problematic, since it is built from 2 quadratures striking one planet, and 1 opposition. Moreover, it is found in the cards of many celebrities. Doesn't let the owner of the horoscope get bored. He forces us to fight, and seriously punishes those who refuse to fight, turning them into whiners and pessimists, losers and “ostriches” hiding their heads in the sand.

When the planet in the center of the tau square passes transit planet, a crisis arises, but an opportunity is also given for its resolution.

This is how astrologers describe the influence of tau square. “This position of the stars causes certain obstacles, immediate crisis situations - but also creates a desire (sometimes obsessive) to overcome them. When tau square energy is channeled by a mature person, it often leads to significant achievements as it gives impetus to development and success.” Globa considers tau square to be a source of narrowly focused negative energy, the culprit of difficult situations that arise unpredictably.

The impact always falls on the planet in the center of this configuration.

Sun – self-expression and realization suffer.

The moon hits the sphere of feelings.

Mercury - makes the intellect tense.

Venus – the sphere of love suffers.

Mars - actions can lead to mistakes.

Jupiter – there are too many people.

Saturn – general bad luck, difficult fate.

Uranus - unpleasant surprises, anarchy, excessive freedom or, conversely, its lack.

Neptune – illusions, susceptibility to tonics.

Pluto – instincts beyond human control.


A combination of Tau-square and Mercedes. It gives great opportunities, but does not promise a quiet life (like Parus). Broad prospects for life fulfillment.


Correct trapezoid: 180-60-60-60.

Opposition, resolved smoothly and calmly through 3 planets in sextiles to each other and 2 trine. The “bowl” often appears in the Jones figure.

Gives full recuperation of strength, overcoming, tirelessness. Protects against troubles provided certain efforts are made. Often becomes an indicator of talent. Although it may also indicate a lack of work on oneself, an impenetrable immutability.

Irregular trapezoids.

Two side squares connected on one side by a sextile and on the other by a trigon. Squares create difficulties, harmonious aspects help resolve them.

Star of David (Diamond)

6 sextiles, 6 trines, 3 oppositions. Beautiful configuration. Enormous creative potential - and practically no incentive to action. In any situation, a person strives to return to the original balance - and achieves it. As a rule, great luck, very happy life, and in all directions.

Rarely seen. The configuration of the card of singer Edita Piekha is similar (two crossed Mercedes).

The absence of an aspect is as important an indicator as its presence. Unaspected planets are worse than poorly aspected ones. "Blind" planets. But they are not necessarily “weak”: they can manifest themselves at the internal level.

Sinister configuration in astrology, Grand Cross

One of the most ominous configurations in astrology, the Grand Cross, will appear in June 2016. Periods in history when the Grand Cross reigns in the sky often bring fatal events that affect both the whole world and each person individually.

The Grand Cross in astrology, or as it is also called the Big Square, consists of four warring parties. If you imagine a circle, then these four points will be located opposite each other at an angle of 180 degrees in irreconcilable opposition in the form of a cross. Moreover, each point will also be 90 degrees to the neighboring one. In June 2016, the Grand Cross will form in the signs of Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces during the new moon on June 5, 2016 and will last until June 10.

In 2016, the Grand Cross will consist of very different planets: Jupiter and Venus in conjunction with the Sun, as symbols of Good and social order, as well as Saturn and Neptune, personifying the forces of Evil and various restrictions.

The Grand Cross of planets has always been associated with future changes, and not at all with the “plus” sign. For example, such a situation in the sky was observed in the early 30s - then I. Stalin came to power in the USSR, and the world conflicts that were heard during that period led to the beginning of World War II.

According to astrologers, the Grand Cross of planets is a harbinger of not only wars and armed conflicts, but also natural disasters. It was during the period of activity of this planetary configuration that Mount Etna erupted on October 26, 2013, as well as strong earthquakes in several regions neighboring Italy.

What can we expect in June 2016?

Turning situations are likely in world processes, primarily in the global economy and international relations, since members of the Grand Cross Saturn and Venus are related to finance, and Jupiter symbolizes social order and foreign states. It is possible that the Cross will mark another crisis in oil prices and rising food prices with a decrease in the purchasing power of the population. This state of affairs risks leading to protests by dissatisfied citizens in order to reach those at the helm of the country. The influence of Neptune in Pisces can provoke religious disputes and problems of an interethnic nature. This is a time when it is so easy to suffer due to exorbitant ambitions and wrong decisions.

A “fatal combination” cannot influence world processes without affecting an individual person. We, as part of the Cosmos, as the arbiters of global processes on Earth, will undoubtedly feel all the “charm” of its impact. The Grand Cross has the power to provoke a deterioration in well-being, mood swings, and also send trials in the form of conflicts with loved ones and financial difficulties.

During this period, it will be especially difficult for those born under the signs of Libra, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as those who have important astrological points in their horoscope in these signs.

Precautionary measures

Forewarned is forearmed. By adjusting your behavior during the formation of the Grand Cross, you will be able to minimize the aggressive impact of the Cosmos. So, precautionary measures for the period from June 5 to June 10, 2016:

  • if possible, do not take important decisions̆, especially if they relate to material issues;
  • do not get involved in disputes or enter into discussions: it is unlikely that you will be able to defend your point of view, but relations with your opponents will be ruined for a long time. The most explosive topics will be religion, cultural and national differences;
  • do not go on a trip: there is a risk of force majeure situations and injuries along the way;
  • do not take on debt, do not bind yourself to credit obligations: paying back the money will be an impossible task;
  • do not ask for a promotion or salary increase: most likely, you will not achieve what you want, but will only turn management against you. The results of your work will be subject to the strictest criticism;
  • carefully analyze the personal, business and other offers you receive: the risk of being masterfully deceived increases;
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages: the effect of them can be completely unpredictable.

“Is it possible to take advantage of the Grand Cross situation?” - you ask. Of course, it is possible, if you perceive this period as a temporary test. And when we pass tests, we train endurance and willpower, and as a result we become more resistant to any blows of fate.

Aspects form certain figures on the horoscope map, which also matter. Aspects in the natal chart are called configurations. You need to know the following about them. There are configurations of tense aspects and harmonious ones.

What do aspect configurations mean in a natal chart?

Tense aspect configurations include the Grand Cross, T-Square, Axe, and Dart. Configurations of harmonious aspects in the natal chart - Grand Trine, Bisextile, Yod (Pitchfork), Roof, Star of David (very rare), Sailboat.

Grand Cross Aspect Configuration

Four points. Two oppositions whose vertices are square to each other. It gives you big problems in life, carrying your cross. The Grand Cross deprives a person of freedom of action - he has only one path in life and often does not notice it. Unless a feeling of doom can haunt him or a sense of his high destiny, no matter what it leads to.

Tau-Square Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Opposition and one point in the squares at its ends. A person, as if against a wall, constantly hits the planet squared to the ends of the opposition, because it is a way out that he is inclined to use when solving the problem of opposition relations.

Ax Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Two form a square and are one and a half squares to the third. It manifests itself in the desire to fall into despair in the sphere of the planet at the apex of sesquiquadrate when a quadrature problem arises. Inappropriate behavior of a person in a situation with only one way out.

Dart Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Two form a square and half squares to the third. The person is very irritable and very harsh in matters of his square, quick-tempered.

Grand Trine Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Each of them is in trine with the other two. Luck in the affairs of planets associated with this configuration, protection of fate in their sphere, which gives rise to laziness and idleness.

Bisextile Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Two in trine with each other form a sextile to the third. Great ability to get rid of your problems. With a little luck and personal effort, a person will always find several ways to avoid trouble.

Configuration of Yod (Pitchfork) aspects

Three dots. Two are sextile, quincunxes to the third. The configuration leads to constant transformations, revolutions, always unexpected, after which nothing remains the same as before. Forces you to draw conclusions from what is happening to a person, poking his nose into the same problem again and again.

Roof Aspect Configuration

Three dots. Two are sextile, semi-sextile to the third. A person achieves his goal thanks to the kindness of those with whom life encounters him. The roof is just that - a roof. At least in astrology, at least in the criminal world.

Configuration of the Star of David aspects

Six points. Two Grand Trines whose vertices are sextile to each other. Total protection of fate. This is a person to whom nothing bad can happen. He is a hostage to peace with no right to freedom. But he is lucky, simply indecently lucky.

Configuration of aspects of Parusit

Four points. Grand Trine, to one of the vertices of which there is opposition. The design is like a small boat formed by the Roof, with a large Grand Trine sail above it. Good configuration. A lucky and at the same time active person who can achieve a lot.

Aspect– means to look (in Latin), so a certain number of related aspects form a structure (configuration) in the horoscope. This structure is called aspect figures.

Aspect Configurations in the horoscope of three, four, five or more planets, they always create in the space of the horoscope Geometric figures formed by lines of aspects (angular distances between the rays that come from the planets).

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All aspects of the horoscope are conductors of planetary energies. Each aspect has its own specific energy transfer. Radix (horoscope), in which the lines of aspects are not interconnected without forming aspect figures, is a complex version of the interpretation of horoscope analysis.

There are also astrological figures that are commonly called Jones Figures (from the English Jones Patterns), horoscope configurations, horoscope patterns.

The influence of aspect figures on the Horoscope

The absence of figures in a person’s horoscope, cosmogram, is interpreted as an inconstancy of purpose due to the lack of connections between various psychological motivations of the subject, indicating a scattered and uncollected personality. A horoscope, endowed with several figures, reveals the multifaceted personality and character of a person, has the potential to turn from a rough diamond into a brilliant one.

No figures


Of course, it is unlikely that you will come across a card with only one aspect. The horoscope contains only open lines, there are no correct ones. geometric shapes. The non-closedness of the aspects indicates that the efforts and application of energy do not result in visible achievements, that is, there is activity, there is strength, but there is no result.
...Give me a point of support and I will change the world... In this case, there is “me” (one end of the line), there is “the world” (the other end of the line), but there is no fulcrum (third point). Such a person moves in search of a goal, looking for a point of application for his activity, but he has nothing to rely on. He moves from one pole of action to another, from the sphere touched by one planet to the sphere touched by another planet, and back again. Great activity, great mobility, but lack of focus and stability. In a word, Swan, Cancer and Pike - a lot of work, but “things are still there.” Among the horoscopes famous people This type of map does not occur at all, so as an example I will take a certain drawing of the real position of the planets at a certain point in time.


Three-planet configurations

  • 1.1 Trigon
  • 1.2 Bisextile
  • 1.3 Creative triangle
  • 1.4 Tau square

Triangles in a horoscope indicate high activity, rectangles indicate stability, the absence of figures indicates mobility and lability, but at the same time the absence of a constant goal. A more detailed and subtle analysis of the figures is obtained in the astropsychology horoscope.


Grand triangle (triple trine)(blue triangle, Mercedes sign). Consisting of three Trines (harmonious aspects of 120 degrees each), the figure imparts a feeling of inner harmony and joy, inclines to contemplation and meditation, indicates a rich and gifted personality in those areas of life with which the planets form TRIGON.

Without intense aspects to the Triangle, a person may turn out to be an unfulfilled personality. The main disadvantage: if there are few tense aspects in the horoscope, it causes a feeling of laziness due to strong internal relaxation (no internal tension), provokes a desire to indulge one’s whims.

Meaning of the word "Trigon"- used to characterize the signs of the zodiac, since the beginnings of the signs of the zodiac belonging to the same element form a Great Triangle. Therefore, if the Zodiac Signs belong to the same element, then they belong to the same trine; for example, the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius belong to the fire trine.


Bisextile (two sextiles)- an aspect figure consisting of a trine and two sextiles. Personality arouses sympathy in the people around him. Occurs in the birth horoscope (with several) bisextiles V different angles cards and no stress horoscope in general gives lack of initiative, blurriness, laziness, self-indulgence! Bisextile- energy of harmony, creative development, a way out of stress and conflicts. In social terms, it is always creative self-expression, the gift of reconciliation and conflicting parties, confident support in achieving goals and assigned tasks.


Creative triangle (oblique triangle)- a figure formed by three planets, from opposition, sextile and trine.

Favors creative activity human and contains tension that gives incentive to action, and talent, and luck! One of the most successful figures.


Tau-square (Tau, incomplete cross), (jargon - Boomerang, tau-square- consists of the opposition of two planets closing in a square to the third. A difficult configuration, bringing difficulties over the planet at its apex and contradictions due to the opposition of the other two planets. The configuration (in the first house, for example) hardens in the struggle of life, but also physically exhausts, exhausts the personality through internal deep experiences.

Figure creates complex problems in the life of an individual, gives rise to stress, illness, and trials. Subject's life with tau quadrature turns into eternal struggle. On the event plane, the tau square manifests itself at the most inopportune moment, in unexpected obstacles, complications, and stress.

One tau square in a horoscope can be useful, two - long-term painful trials, three - walking on a razor, blows of fate. Tau square(from evil planets) - gives rise to “holy fools” and unpredictable actions, punk-active manifestations of the subject. The most malefic tau square consists of five or six planets (in conjunction) without the support of harmonious aspects.


Quadrilaterals can always be decomposed into triangles. Therefore, their characteristics can be obtained from a synthesis of the properties of the corresponding triangles. In this case, two quadrangles deserve special attention.

  • 2.1 Cross
  • 2.2 Rectangle
  • 2.3 Sail
  • 2.4 Trapezoid


CROSS- consists of four quadratures and two oppositions. All together - 4 different triangles. This figure is called "Hit or miss". Paradoxically, this figure often turns out to be less harmful than tau square. This is due to the symmetry of the figure relative to the center of the horoscope (Earth), the uniform distribution of gravitational energy in space. Thanks to this energy, the subject can stay awake for a long time, work a lot, and experience practically no illness for many years. But if he gets sick, it is usually very serious and dangerous. The figure locks a person into the framework of harsh conditions, gives great internal tension, energy constantly requires an outlet. If a person does nothing - physically and socially, energy destroys him from the inside, which often causes serious illnesses. Work with a dose of healthy fanaticism is required. People with such a figure have been trying to find themselves since childhood, try a lot, tend to impose their attitudes on the world, and perceive the outside world inadequately. They do not tolerate pressure and do not change their path. Enormous energy that can lift a person to the pinnacle of success, and at the same time, can lead to complete collapse and defeat in life.

On the physical plane - a heavy figure. Gives acumen, practical abilities are very great, but ambitions often interfere, but an iron grip also helps in difficult times. There are many events in life, problems, hence the decision on this figure is not easy. It is necessary to solve the assigned tasks (houses of the horoscope) using all 4 vertices of the corners of the square. If you work on only one problem, the rest will immediately remind you of themselves. With such a figure, people achieve a lot, fall a lot and get up again.


Sail- the strongest aspect figure formed by a major trine, one of the faces of which consists of a bisextile. It is also presented as two creative triangles with a common opposition. This figure is typical for creative personalities- gives a variety of various abilities for implementation, both in practice and in the spiritual sphere. It's a dynamic life with a bit of tension. It is good to work with the opposition, there are few obstacles, there is enough energy.


Rectangle (Royal Carriage)- a figure consisting of two creative triangles with two oppositions. This figure is called “there are no barriers to us, everything is possible”; people with such a figure can handle many tasks! This is always a successful combination of harmonious and intense aspects that help in achieving goals and implementing plans.


There are three of them. All of them give greater coherence to the horoscope and integrity of the personality. The planets of these figures, as a rule, affect almost all houses of the radix, and therefore provide the individual with great opportunities for realization.

  • 3.1 Pentagram


Pentagram or Harmonious Pentagon- an aspect figure formed by four sextiles and one large tringon. The figure speaks of a complete personality, and provides very great opportunities for the realization of both internal, social and spiritual life. Extraordinary creativity!

Strained Pentagon - Trapezoid- consists of two squares, an opposition, three sextiles and two trines, which is less common. In it, the sides are formed by two quadratures standing next to each other and three sextiles in a row. It can be decomposed into a tau square and a trapezoid.

Another tense pentagon - Trapezium- makes two squares, three sextiles and a trine - is rare. Its sides are formed by the same aspects as in the previous one, but the squares are separated by a sextile. It can be divided into bisextile and trapezoid.


  • 4.1 Hexagram


Hexagram (Shield of David, Star of David)- a very rare figure consisting of two trigons rotated 180 degrees relative to each other, such that the vertex of one trigon is in opposition to the vertex of the other. The figure contains a huge number of harmonious aspects, which significantly facilitates the path of life. Much depends on the spiritual level of a person, on the connections of the houses (combinations) of his horoscope and the planets that make up the Star of David.


  • 5.1 Octagram


Octagram - Diamond, Atomic Cauldron (very rare)-consists of eight planets (four oppositions (two Crosses)). A large supply of strength, energy and capabilities.

Elena Bytka FIGURES OF ASPECTS Compiled by Bytka E.V. Aspect figures. This book presents the main types of aspect figures from the point of view of classical astrology. A definition and classification of figures according to main types is given. Along with traditional ones, the book also presents rarely encountered aspect figures, as well as brief recommendations for working with them. The book is of interest to professional and novice astrologers. 1. Introduction. 2 Definition - what are aspect figures? 3 Types of figures. 3.1 Linear type. 3.2 Triangular type. 3.3 Polygonal type (polygonal shapes). 4 Conclusions on the types of figures. E A few words about the stellium. 6 Configurations of tense aspects. 6.1 Big square. 6.2 Tau square. 6.3 Axe. 6.4 Dart. 6.5 Razor. 6.6 Dagger (Sword of Damocles). 6.7 Devil's finger. 6.8 Eight-pointed star. 7 Configurations of harmonious aspects. 7.1 Grand trine (Closed trine, Mercedes Cosmic Shield). 7.2 Bisextile. 7.3 Roof. 7.4 Iodine (Finger of God, Finger of Destiny, Pitchfork). 7.5.1 Hexagram (Star of David). 7.5.2 Diamond. 8 Configurations of creative aspects. 8.1 Pentagram (Wreath). 8.2 Ship. 8.3 Palm tree. 8.4 Boat (Pier). 9 Configurations of spiritual aspects. 9.1 Seven-pointed star. 9.2 Biseptile. 9.3 Tree. 9.4 Shuttle. 3 9.5 Wings. Yu Configurations of karmic aspects. 10.1 Cage. 10.2 Box. 10.3 Arcana (Noose, Noose). 10.4 Lock (Saddle). 10.5 Sword. 10.6 Binonagon. 10.7 Chest. 11 Mixed configurations of aspects. 11.1 Sail. 11.2 Large wedge. 11.3 Small wedge. 11.4 Scissors. 11.5 Compass. 11.6 Corkscrew. 11.7 Carriage. 11.8 Alpha node. 11.9 Paper kite. 11.10 Cart (Synthetic rectangle). 11.11 Half cart (Synthetic triangle). 11.12 Trapezoid. 11.13 Mirror. 11.14 Butterfly. 11.15 Chariot. 11.16 Tower. 11.17 Swing. 11.18 Arrow. 11.19 Cutter. 11.20 Ark. 11.21 Corona. 11.22 Tent. 11.23 Pyramid. 11.24 Compass. 11.25 Envelope. 11.26 Peter's Cross (Stretcher). 11.27 Fence. 11.28 Fungus. 11.29 Star. 11.30 Dominant (dynamic) triangle. 11.31 Twelve-pointed star. 12 Literature. 13.1 Appendix 1 - table “Orbs and aspect designations”. 13.2. Appendix 2 - configuration diagrams. This is how the idea arose in lectures to consider only the types of structures and the principles of their construction, and leave the detailed description of aspect figures for independent study. This book contains a large amount of research material on the configurations of aspects of leading astrologers in Russia and Moldova, which will be of interest to both beginners and experienced astrologers. Collecting material on aspect figures, it turned out that different authors have different figures with the same names. The problem was solved creatively: based on the description, the figures were given “new names.” And so two figures were born: the Chest and the Wings. And a few words about the high importance of color in configurations. Configurations of tense aspects - of blue color. Blue knows when to move and when to wait. This color encourages rethinking the problem, a new way of looking at things. Blue represents the threshold that must be crossed to gain access to other realms. Configurations of harmonious aspects are red. Red represents victory, energy, impulse. He is capable of making a lot out of nothing. This is a powerful creative force. It helps to perceive any event as a prelude to new adventures. Realizing his strength, he can calm down and do nothing, since a life filled with passion brings satisfaction. Configurations of creative aspects - Green colour. This color penetrates to the very essence of things. He brings inspiration. Green is in constant development and therefore depends on environmental conditions. Configurations of spiritual aspects - Pink colour. Pink is the color of spiritual beauty, all-encompassing love and compassion. Helps you realize all your potential. Configurations of karmic aspects - . Yellow symbolizes the flow of wisdom. He knows everything about life... and yet he is full of optimism. Reveals the deep origins and causes of events, helps to overcome difficulties, using all possible ways to do this. 2. Definition. What are “Aspect Configurations”? Several aspects come together to form figures. Such aspects begin to act together as a single autonomous system within the cosmogram. In a map, you can often distinguish entire groups of figures: linear, triangles, squares or polygons, which have their own characteristics. 3. Types of structures. Let's first consider the general types of structures in the map. 3.1 Linear type - Linear structures. These figures consist of disparate lines (aspects), and do not close into polygons. People in whose cards we see such structures prefer to act radically, to subordinate circumstances to their goals. If circumstances turn out to be stronger than their will, then either the person leaves the uncomfortable circumstances by any means, or takes the position of an irreconcilable fighter. Often, having a restless character, great willpower and openly striving for a goal, they suffer from a lack of diplomacy, tact and reduced discretion. If linear structures cover all quadrants of the map, then such a person has diverse interests and a broad outlook. If only half of the Zodiac circle is occupied by aspects, then this is a professional, a narrow specialist, or an undeveloped type. 3.2 Triangular type (triangles). Such a person sees life as some kind of continuous movement and strives to make the most of any opportunities. A person sees a large number of opportunities provided to him by the current situation (purely external, technical opportunities), and sees meaningfully different ways of moving from this point to some other place, he is a little in the future. Psychologically, there is a desire to move so that the situation naturally develops on its own. For him, any stable situation is like a photographic print or a slice of something continuously moving, and change is a natural state. Being in one state for a long time is not very important for him. In the area of ​​thinking, such people perceive new ideas very plastically and generate them themselves, easily moving from one idea to another. They find it difficult to sit in one direction. They love to synthesize ideas, and often it doesn’t come to concrete implementation. To a quadrilateral type person, this seems simply poor organization. For a triangular type, this is normal, naturally. For him, the main thing is to catch the essence and experience it. He lives in the deep layer. The most essential things have been lived through, and then I want renewal. He is not interested in bringing to the end, polishing, to the final, detailed results, the idea that he has caught. Let others do this. This is clearly visible even in human relationships. He can only maintain relationships well if they are continuously developing. And if relationships become something familiar, stable, sustainable, then he calls them monotonous. This monotony becomes boring for him. He needs something new to keep mental activity going on all the time. Therefore, such a person changes his communication environment, circle of interaction and partners much more easily. B. Huber writes in this regard that people of the triangular type are more occupied with the internal side of human relationships: they are interested in psychology and philosophy. Triangular shapes are easy to disassemble, in the sense that the triangle is clearly visible. These are aspects of very high vibrations. Therefore, they are designated with a heavenly color, most often blue. Mystically, conflict situations are described in blue because they are conflicting only here; on the contrary, there they are one of the best aspects. “What is bad on Earth is good in Heaven,” and vice versa. In a psychological sense, red creates activity, while blue calms. An attempt to play for one pole leads to the fact that after some time the scales will still go up. You can't keep the scale down indefinitely. This requires a lot of energy. There is a psychological effect when a person holds the scale down for a long time. This attempt to suppress the opposite impulse most often leads to repression. The second pole is driven, as it were, into the unconscious sphere, a ban is imposed on it, and a person has to spend a lot of psychic energy in order to keep his psyche stable. If you are not sure about something, you are torn by doubts, which may be of a very deep order, important to you, and you, despite these doubts, at all costs act for one pole, make a strong-willed decision without understanding doubts, then you will then have to prove to yourself all the time and forbid yourself to think, that is, constantly maintain the ban, or for the rest of your life, as long as this continues to operate, you will have to prove to yourself that you are right. This creates very great stress in the psyche, often neuroses, but even if not neuroses, it leads to the fact that in the end you are not happy with the result of your own actions. It does not bring you the joy that you would like, because your doubt is repressed, forbidden, driven out, it is still present in you. You just try not to look at him. This is one of the principles of polarity. Polarity is always continuous. Opposition is a classic example of polarity because it connects areas that are directly opposite in nature. The signs are polar in nature. This is some initial, primary polarity, the polarity of the cosmic level. This is the polarity that is inherent in the structure of the world, that Aries is polar to Libra, and Sagittarius is polar to Gemini, etc. If we have opposition, then it also affects the deepest polar layer. It is almost hopeless to fight the opposition in the sense that trying to strengthen one pole in order to overcome the effect of the other. Most often they do this. Opposition is not necessarily an internal contradiction, it is often a clash of two forces: My impulse, my aspiration, my desire, my action and some strong, viscous, contradictory environment outside that prevents action. Or vice versa, pressing circumstances and I resist. There is an option when, as it were, everything And this unfolds not in me, not me against the world, but unfolds next to me, one pole against the other. What if there is a third planet forming aspects to the planets in opposition? Then a triangle is formed. For example, two squares close in opposition - we get a T-square, one of the brightest and most interesting figures in the map. A T-square is a right triangle. The T-square example shows how the opposition works in this case. The opposition creates tension. It becomes a generator of energy, but due to tension, due to two forces acting in the opposite direction, energy is pumped up. But this energy does not become destructive, it acts, it enters the zone of the third peak. And the most active action that resolves the situation occurs at the third vertex. As a result, it turns out that the planet standing in the third vertex becomes very active, regardless of what sign it is in. Why does this happen? She is pushed by the energy of the opposition. This planet is activated in its manifestation, and the resolution of all situations results in this planet. Moreover, this works not only on the T-square. This works on any triangle that is supported by an opposition. 1. T-square is the most interesting of all. 2. A triangle that Rudhyar calls a synthetic triangle. This is the opposition - sextile - trine. We call it Half Carriage. 3. With almost any aspect, you can build a triangle on the opposition (except nonagon): opposition - 150 - 30; opposition - 36 - 144; opposition - 45 - 135; opposition - 72 - 108; opposition - 80 - 100. Each of them acts in its own way, but their basic rule of action is that the interaction of planets in opposition creates energy or a problem that is resolved through action at the third vertex. This may not seem like a problem, but like a strong need. Instead of an aspect of destruction, this aspect becomes an aspect of powerful action. This triangle becomes a triangle of the strongest action. It must be taken into account that the opposition connects two opposite zones, and polarities provide the maximum opportunity for implementation. These are the most implementing aspects in the area where they exist. The opposition is the source of the greatest advancement, the greatest effectiveness. Rule. Never, without understanding the problem, identify blue triangles or blue squares as destructive. Most often these are strong squares. In some cases, the effect may be short-term, in some cases, on the contrary, it is very stable. A grand trine or trine is a triangle formed by three trines, three aspects of 120 degrees (Equilateral Triangle). Should a major trine give a person maximum success? It turns out not. We can take several examples of a grand trine, and if there is no powerful T-square in the chart, then such people usually start well, but do not bring their results to completion or the result is much less than expected at the beginning. The paradoxical effect of the grand trine is an aspect of great 13 possibilities, but weak implementation. Implementation is significantly less possible. Usually this is a child with bright abilities that were noted in childhood. Or a person who takes on a new direction, quickly achieves noticeable results while studying, clearly stands out from the environment with his unusual abilities, i.e. he has great potential. But when the time comes to create something truly new or to revolutionize something seriously, it turns out that something is missing, as if it is slipping, stalling. This does not mean that there is no success at all. There is success. Usually a large trine is a triangle of great opportunities, a prosperous triangle. It gives some success, but this success is less than expected from it at the beginning. It produces results that are significantly powerful in the beginning compared to others that are slower moving, and then those results don't translate into anything truly powerful at the end. What's the matter here? As long as these capabilities are implemented in a normal environment, everything is fine. But in order to achieve significant results, most often fundamentally important, new and unusual results are always associated with overcoming some stable environment, with overcoming environmental resistance that requires effort. The grand trine by itself, if there is no T-square or strong opposition, is a too prosperous triangle. A person who works on the grand trine simply does not have enough implementation will to overcome the resistance of materials, overcome traditions, or simply jump to some next level, because at his level he is very well realized. A major trine, if there is nothing significant, gives an average, good level of career. In science, this is a person who achieves a doctorate, but not a person who turns science around, and not a person who achieves outstanding results, noticeable results, standing at the very top. Grand trine - aspect of stability. A person with a large trigon always falls on all fours, like a cat. When a major trine is in a chart, it gives stability, it gives opportunity, regardless of which planets are affected. The presence of a grand trine stabilizes the chart. Even in difficult situations, a person manages to get out of them without major losses. A certain stable level in life has been achieved, but it is not possible to achieve a sharply high level, because it already requires great efforts of one’s own. This is the lack of appropriate energy. What is will, energy, desire in our usual understanding? When a person really wants it, when his energy begins to surge with all his might, he has a strong desire. Any desire is also an action, a mental action. Desire, feelings, aspirations are a certain process of the psyche. When a person yellow color , then the desire is strong. When the energy is weak, the desire is weaker. In those situations where there is a T-square, he needs it at all costs, but in a large trine it doesn’t work out - he especially doesn’t need it. Conventionally, we can say that blue aspects are aspects of will, which is born of great energy. Red aspects are aspects of good opportunities. The same can be said about configurations. Blue configurations give will, pressure, effort, and often super-effort. When we analyze configurations, we take configurations that include only planets, and not nodes, because nodes are always opposition. The nodes lie in a different plane. Interpreting the nodes is not the same as interpreting the planets. A node is not a physical point. The main actions associated with physical bodies are that they conduct energies at all levels, down to the physical. Red trines can have a very good result, but in a certain area. There are certain areas where the easier, the more natural it is, the better. Will, effort, pressure are required mainly for manifestation in the social sphere. Politics, business, powerful organizational activities, war, i.e. where great effort is required, where great will is required, where the ability to overcome the resistance of the will of other people is required, the ability to subordinate those around you to your will, the ability to force a team to work according to your will - this is the sphere of volitional action. Or it will indicate the sphere that pushes a person to action, and the planet standing at the top of the T-square will give the type of implementation and the sphere of implementation. The conflict is resolved through action with the planet at the top of the T-square. This planet is always quite active, in any chart. No matter how strong or weak she stands, she will still be active. The only case is when it is in a switched-on sign, then its effect will be blurred. An included sign is when the sign is entirely inside the house. On the one hand, a person has a great need for fulfillment, for success, a strong thirst for success, a strong desire to become an authority. On the other hand, he constantly stumbles upon some circumstances that prevent this, i.e. on braking force. The included sign has the property of hiding the manifestations of the planet, as if leading it from the outside into the depths. It prevents it from manifesting itself openly or weakens its effect. If we have a conjunction of planets at one vertex, then we need to analyze these points. strong energy . Such people can be brilliant people who reconcile opposing points of view and become the focus in which irreconcilable political opponents find a solution to their problems, find a harmonious path that softens irreconcilable differences. This could be some kind of movement in thinking, science, knowledge, which connects and unites very dissimilar approaches, often contradictory. Find a common point of view on the opposite problem. A kind of revival, resuscitation, resumption of everything that happened a long time ago. This may be due to interest in ancient languages, with the activation of some ancient knowledge or sciences, with an attempt to reproduce or restore, to revive some ancient mysteries or rituals, an attempt to restore in the same form some destroyed temples; This may be a return to something very old, or it may be a return to newer things, for example, to some events that have already happened in your life. These are not so much memories as active involvement either in events of the same type, or a return to reviewing, reevaluating, repeating, living differently. This does not mean that the green triangle is always looking back. He just moves forward, trying to put new content into the old form. Green aspects are quite mobile, these are aspects of change, change. They provide a very interesting stability: qualitative, meaningful stability with mobility of form on the one hand, and vice versa, a return to the old form due to a change in quality. Usually in life the green triangle works in such a way that the situation pushes you to engage in some kind of long-term action. It always starts with some kind of change. A person discards what is not interesting to him, or strives to discard. And immediately he receives, acquires something essentially new in return. When he gets used to this new thing, he discovers that this situation is already familiar, it has already happened. The form changes, but the content is practically the same. When there is a return to what already happened. The feeling that a person is forced to repeat these situations over and over again. But there are options when new content is inserted into this old form. People with green triangles often have an interest in what has already happened, passed and died, as if already partially forgotten. The situation with the green triangle repeats what has already left, happened once and has ceased to happen, forgotten, discarded. A person, turning to this, discovers what has already happened, tries to reproduce it, for example, turning to forgotten languages, turning to some forgotten mysteries, some arts, crafts. And when he begins to act in this area, he first thinks that he is, as it were, studying, discovering or reproducing. But after a while it turns out that he somehow manages to put completely new content into the old form. He doesn’t so much repeat, he doesn’t even rediscover, but he reveals depths there that were not previously known. Manages to work with this form in a way that has never been worked with before. It reaches some next level of understanding of things. This is how things often happen at quintiles (72°). A very interesting thing arises when an old form or an established form becomes a support in order to take a step, most often, into depth, a deeper understanding of what was laid down. For example, interpretation of old texts, study of some ancient manuscripts, etc. This can also happen in human relationships. Certain established, established forms of relationships suddenly begin to reveal an unusual depth that a person has not yet experienced. There's a very interesting alternative going on here. Why is this aspect called creative? Those who do much practice find that the ordinary man is blind to the world where possibilities lie. They are very difficult to notice. Therefore, we often imagine that we have opportunities where there are none. Rudyard noted one interesting thing when dealing with creative people, that the green aspect provides amazing opportunities for the realization of creativity, for the discovery of something very new, very deep. The green aspect is associated with the five. Makes it possible to easily destroy the form. Gives mobility, liveliness, does not bind and gives freedom in the sense of change! The green aspect is the aspect of freedom and risk. If we accept the statement that squares clamp, and quintiles give freedom, then clamping and freedom are the perception of the person who is under the influence of the aspect. This is our personal perception. But if something depends on aspects, then what kind of freedom is this? This means that it is a subjective feeling of freedom. Simply under the influence of the quintile, a person will have a period of freedom. Then the quintile ends, followed by the square. And here the person already falls into the framework of circumstances. The green aspect is a feeling of change, liveliness, joy, and often you first lose this feeling, then gain it. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person does not like what he is losing. Gives a feeling of loss, instability in life. In some situations there is instability, in others 21 it is frequent changes or not being constrained by circumstances, the ability to undergo frequent changes. From the outside it may seem that he is a very free person: he easily took up and abandoned what he had and took on something new. At the same time, all this is very easy. Such changes are often not destructive, but give rise to self-healing situations that quickly regenerate. This is a psychological feeling of freedom, unconstrainedness. In reality, the situation here is the same, when a person walks around in a circle several times, it turns out that he did not acquire anything particularly new there. And real freedom implies such a thing as independence, unconditionality. Green aspects are points of transition to another level of implementation. And in human relationships this is connected with the depth of living the situation, with emotional depth. The content lies within us, it is not inherent in the situation itself, we ourselves carry within ourselves, we experience the content of this situation. There is a form to what is happening. It is, in a sense, quite abstract. And there is the content of what is happening. It is in no way abstract, not objective, it is always our individual. Green aspects are only sustainable when they are dynamic. But they are not dynamic in the sense of constantly changing form; they have the ability to induce change. Either a change of form occurs constantly due to almost the same content, or stability arises when we begin to move deeper and deeper in content. In this sense various groups research shows things like this. That by changing technology you won’t achieve anything in such things, a new layer of content must always be opened, a new layer of ideas, a new layer of thoughts. In this sense, green aspects transfer to another layer of existence, because the content of our life is our drink. What we put into our lives is our being. And often the only thing that forces us to move to another level is a situation of very great suffering and periods of prolonged worry. But here, green aspects alone are not enough. They need to be preceded by some set of blue ones. Those green figures that do not cover the middle of the circle are faster and lighter. have the ability to perfectly use the potential of green triangles. But it is not the green triangle that gives a person the ability to create, but a person initially has some creative potential, and he uses his green triangles brilliantly. We determine creative potential not by the presence of green triangles, but by the strength of certain planets that are included in these triangles. For example, it is imperative to take into account, first of all, the position of the Sun, how high the strength of individuality is. 3.3 Polygonal figures. Geometric shapes such as square and rectangle are highly static (four in its pure form). Already a five, both in the numerological sense and in all others, is a very dynamic figure. The six contains the features of the dynamism and plasticity of the three and some static nature. These are very interesting numbers and we need to work with them. What is the difference between a pentagonal figure and a quadrangular one? Five is located behind the four, and, in principle, has the properties of the four. It has a tendency towards stability, towards a certain concreteness, the ability to embody materials, and the desire to create stable forms. But it also has a tendency to change this stability. Here, as it were, two global life motivations are combined. These are not motives, these are more than motives. This is the perception of the world as a whole. There are things that you can’t even call motivation: it’s not a desire, it’s not an aspiration. If I see that I am walking through a swamp, then I try to step carefully from hummock to hummock, and I try to hold the stick in my hands. But I walk differently on asphalt. And this desire to walk carefully is not connected with my motives. This is due to the fact that I see the world like this: I see that I am walking through a swamp. If for one person the world is felt as something very unstable, unreliable, he does not necessarily have a security motive. But still, he will be protected more than the one who feels the world is strong and stable. If one feels that he is in a river, in a stream, then he strives to swim. This is another layer. He is above motives. This is how you experience the world in which you live. He is before all motives. This is a very deep thing. She is not unconscious. These are, as it were, the roots of our perception of the world. For a certain type of people, for a troika, the world is something living and plastic, and the forms that arise are something secondary. Therefore, the true reality of this world is always in change. They perceive the world as constant change. Naturally, they live in them. Therefore, when they stand in one place for a long time, they feel as if they are not living. Life passes by. Life goes there, and I'm here. It was as if the train had left, and we were left standing on the platform and watching people leave for interesting countries. For the four, this stable, sustainable world is the most essential thing. If there is a change, then it is forced and speaks of a crisis. Therefore, for the four, the transition from form to form is always forced, always violent and always a crisis. And most often it is not generated by him, but caused from outside. Five has an interesting property. She doesn’t like change at all, but she can’t live without change for long. Therefore, from time to time she arranges for herself a change. This is a very interesting movement, because this type is a generator of change. He creates a conflict that destroys his stable peace. This is a person who first builds a stable lifestyle, and then begins to destroy it. Six has the ability to transform plastically from one stable form to another. The most profound and difficult figure is considered to be “Palm” - the most meaningful of all. Why do we say that some people are "creative"? Because they work in the mental or creative sphere: art, science, and really give non-standard results. That is why they often return to their usual form, discovering new content in it. In this sense creative people Good work , a good, stable marriage, but the relationship in marriage does not correspond to what the soul wants. What does the four do in such cases? The four begin to suppress themselves. She tries to compensate for this with something else, to adapt to the circumstances in which she finds herself, and to live. Of course, internal rebellion, conflict, and crisis are growing. A short explosion, indignation. Then, if possible, return to the old state. Until the moment when external or internal circumstances become so powerful, i.e. the energy of the conflict will not accumulate to such strength that the situation will simply explode, then fragments will fly in all directions, a crash. The person has difficulty regaining his balance. Quickly, quickly strives to collect everything that remains and fits into a new form. For the four, this situation looks externally, as if some kind of forced force was acting. Therefore, the four’s changes are always psychologically forced, not their own. A four can move on from a situation, but only if it is absolutely prepared and guaranteed in advance. If it is not ready for something and is not guaranteed, it is still better not to take risks. Better familiar, good native evil than some unknown. Five in this case is more interesting. She is just trying to change the situation. She seems to have two forces fighting: the need for change and the desire for stability. The Five itself gives rise to conflict. It begins to generate conflict, creates difficult conditions in which it supposedly can no longer live. It seems to provoke the destruction of the situation, as if it intensifies this conflict, spins it up and moves into another new situation. In general, the way of life of the five is structured like this: a stable stable situation - a conflict (most often generated by it) - a change, a change in the situation, as if causing the conflict. The Five, unlike the Four, does not bring the situation to the point of final destruction, but itself actively participates in the aggravation of this conflict. Six is ​​when stability and change are very harmoniously combined. She is in a stable situation up to some level, as long as her situation is satisfactory. As soon as the situation ceases to satisfy her, she begins to change it quite harmoniously without destroying it. Five is destruction through crisis. For a six, conflict is some natural component of harmony. Five and six are trying to solve the problem of combining form and content, coordinating form and content. If three always choose content as opposed to form, if four always choose form as opposed to content, then five and six always solve the problem of coordination. Planets (and their aspects) that are not closed in figures are usually reset points. (Escape from great stress and discomfort, but not for long). The fact is that the planet that is not closed into the general pattern of the card sticks out like a tail (a lonely aspect that is not closed into a figure), this planet that will not play a leading role in life, but will play an auxiliary role. The main goals, tasks, situations are set by other planets. And this planet will, as it were, work for them, giving its strength and qualities to the general drawing of the map, to other planets. Sometimes it can be a place of escape when a person escapes into it for a short time. Sometimes it simply colors the actions of other planets, giving them its energy. Sometimes it is a short-term refuge or a point of indignation, breaking from time to time this monotony of habitual life. But a person cannot realize himself on it for a long time, i.e. it swings one way and comes back. Quadrangles. There are a lot of quadrangular figures and they are all different, so it is difficult to classify them. In fact, two triangles based on the opposition, whatever they may be, already form a quadrilateral. The approach to their interpretation is quite standard. Properties of quadrilaterals. 1. External stability, especially a symmetrical quadrilateral. 2. The behavior of a quadrilateral is much more dynamic than a triangle, which has internal plasticity. The quadrangle, on the contrary, is active. He can make the most of a situation. The view of the world is different. He sees the world as a sequence of forms. In every form, in every specific situation, he freezes, trying to extract everything from it. It is not without reason that the number 4 is associated with the property of the concept “matter”, and the number 3 with the property of the concept “spirit” in occultism. “Matter” in the sense that he, the quadrangle, knows how to use technical means well, sees the specific implementation of a situation quite well, and knows how to get the maximum out of it. At the same time, it is often not flexible in content, since it is too concentrated on the external side of the situation, and it lacks the depth that is characteristic of triangles. A quadrilateral requires some form for support and stability. He is mentally structured in such a way that for him the world is a world of forms. Therefore, when he loses this form, he has a feeling of instability, unsteadiness, uncertainty. He always strives to close any situation and give it some clear form. They can experience this very deeply and for a long time. At the same time, in order to live normally, they need a feeling of some kind of formal clarity, externally indicated reliability, stability, which is why they are so attached to a certain form. They seem to be trying to bring out their own experiences and, in a sense, formalize them. Idea generators, people who can move from area to area, from one area to another, usually have triangular shapes in the map. Owners of quadrangular figures, on the contrary, take on one sphere and use all the methods, all the main ideas in one area, and manage to plow it deeply, thoroughly, down to the details. The presence of a symmetrical quadrangle in the map already indicates that a person is formed early and quickly stabilizes. He has a specific, clearly defined form and sphere of life in which he will be realized. This is determined primarily by the planets that stand at the corners of the quadrangle and actually determine the main space of its existence. In practice, when we are dealing with a quadrilateral, we always have to solve the following problem: at least approximately estimate in which sphere, in which area this quadrilateral unfolds. Because it is not the configuration, but the four planets in the corners that form the sphere of application. And the configuration will show the type of application. 4. Conclusions: So, configurations of aspects can say a lot about a person: about his inner life, or got married, but for some more subtle parameters this does not suit you: the work does not correspond to its, problems, reasons for the repetition of situations, psychological characteristics of the individual. Configurations help to see what a person first of all has to work on, what needs to be used in his work. A line not included in the configuration gives a dyad - the distribution of energy between two poles (planets). This gives dynamics, but often does not give a clear result. A person can look for a goal, apply activity, but two points are not enough, two forces do not give a stable form. The dyad only creates tension, the three gives the possibility of a solution (a chance appears, a path is visible, and often more than one), and the four gives stability. A person in whose chart there are no closed configurations often rushes from one pole to another, can show vigorous activity, but there is no purposefulness of actions, no stability. Often in figures that have an odd number of angles, there is a point that experiences the greatest stress. It’s as if all the energy of this configuration converges here and seeks an outlet. This point is called the Arrow or Carnation (as in the case of Tau Square). It is necessary to carefully examine Arrow: consider the planet (or planets), sign and house. The figure is considered: 1. Foundation - where it all begins, what lies at the core; 2. External aspects (aspects) - give external situations; 3. - internal reasons; 4. Arrow (if any). If we consider configurations from the point of view of symmetry, we can note the following: Internal symmetry of configurations (for example, Bisextile, Dart, Ship, Roof...) suggests at least two ways out of the current situation - it gives the right to choose. The long aspect defines the problem, the short ones specify it and resolve it. But the type of resolution is the same for both types of aspects, therefore the two paths they offer are visible equally to any view - both deep and superficial. The symmetry of the configurations under consideration poses problems very decisively (due to their energy intensity), but also offers many solutions - at least two. So, the triangles under consideration characterize fairly specific, short-term situations and actions. The emerging events involve you, seem very important, significant, and force you to act energetically. Asymmetrical triangles also have two types of solutions to the main problem, but they are so different that it is very difficult to see them both at once. If the figure captures the center of the map, then this means that the person is fully involved in solving the problems that the configuration presents. For example, configurations (Finger of Fate, Devil's Finger, Palm Tree...) occupy the entire circle of the cosmogram and act constantly. They are symmetrical, therefore they suggest at least two identical or non-obvious exits from the situations they create. They are not completely symmetrical relative to the center of the cosmogram, so there is a slight shift in energy. It’s as if someone or something is pushing, directing, seducing, seducing, prompting a person, rather unobtrusively, but constantly. The card owner seems to be involved in situations perceived as instructions from above, which is reflected in the names of the configurations. These indications or hints can be perceived harmoniously if the figure is formed by harmonious aspects, tense if the aspects are disharmonious, and quite cheerful if there are creative aspects. A planet standing in an acute angle is more manifested, therefore it determines the external manifest problems of the figure. If a person works on himself, then all the secret, hidden configurations (for example, the karmic configurations of the Loop and the Lock) move from the area of ​​the subconscious to the area of ​​consciousness. And further. Often, especially those beginning to study astrology, they do not quite adequately understand the purpose of the blue and red figures in the chart. In this regard, Brahmagupta’s opinion is very interesting: “The greatest punishment for a person in life, karmic punishment, is a horoscope consisting entirely of red aspects.” In this case, the person does not develop at all. From the point of view of the average person, his life is absolutely wonderful. But intense aspects stimulate a person to spiritual development, do not allow him to sleep, force him to develop and grow. A cross situation is a gift from fate to a person, but he must be able to carry this cross. In general, inharmonious aspects are good for people who are capable of active development and spiritual struggle. In this work we will consider the following types of configurations: Configurations of tense aspects. Configurations of harmonious aspects. Configurations of creative aspects. Configurations of spiritual aspects. Configurations of karmic aspects. Mixed configurations. IN Inner part such a person is like a “nuclear reactor” or an alchemical laboratory. Under the influence of secret internal forces, a fusion of the heterogeneous properties of his nature occurs and a completely new person is forged. Constant internal transformations in such a person are a consequence of the process of transmutation. A person with a Stellium is associated with a certain moment in life when he can realize all his accumulated energy in a relatively short period of time. Such a person has a high point in his life. In a very short period of time, he seems to live his entire life, and then again there follows a period of accumulation when nothing happens. At such a peak, it must have time to be realized, otherwise the next peak will have to wait a very long time. Implementation time can be completely different. If, for example, there are lunar nodes in the Stellium, then the moment of realization occurs during the return of the lunar nodes. The Zodiac sign and the planets of the Stellium show how this concentration of planets will be realized. The stellium ensures that attention is attracted to the owner of such a horoscope. Such people are isolated from the general mass. 6. Configurations of tense aspects. 6.1 Large square (Grand cross, cross of fate). Two oppositions (inside) and four quadratures. The action is constant, throughout life, involving a person in critical situations in which he needs to mobilize all his forces. It’s as if a negative field appears around and the person is drawn into the struggle regardless of his desire. Crises can arise different levels, and several may occur simultaneously difficult situations . The square locks a person into the framework of harsh conditions, which are perceived as oppressive, limiting, and creating great internal tension. All wealth, all potential opportunities may be taken away from him. A person faces an important task - to completely transform. Crises can arise at different levels, and there can be a whole set of negative situations, i.e. "misfortune never comes alone". It is as if a person is being “crucified on a cross.” This figure is half a square. There is incompleteness here, i.e. half of the whole. There is a need to close this square, to balance it, since all aspects create great tension because they are disharmonious. The opposition usually gives the need for action, and both outputs, both modes of action, defined by quadratures, are approximately the same, monotonous and inharmonious. Tau square in character and in life gives impulsiveness and explosiveness. It involves situations that arise unpredictably, without warning. This is how it differs from the Big Square (Cross), whose action is constant. You can get used to the Cross, but the Tau Square gives you crises: acute life situations and trials. The center of the figure, the point at which all the tension of this figure is collected, is considered to be the point that forms two quadratures and from it the direction of action of the figure can be determined. This place is called: Tau Square Stud. This planet (the sign and house where it stands) experiences the greatest load. But even partial work leads to the establishment of a balance between planets in opposition, and a person acquires a stable direction of work, even if it is not easy. The T-square is perceived by others as obsessive, clumsy assertiveness. A person has high energy in the half of the cosmogram occupied by Tau-square, therefore Tau-square can give extraordinary success in those areas where willpower and energy are needed, for example, in politics. The energy generated by the Tau square is directed to the point opposite the stud. The areas affected by this point will be problematic. A person will strive to somehow compensate for the tension using this point, and will try to throw out energy in the areas affecting this point. Thus, here again the theme of compensation arises, which is often fruitless. Cardinal Tau-square - gives dynamics, a person instantly takes action, even in a risky, extremely dangerous situation. strong man , but is inclined to interfere in other people's affairs. Fixed - makes a person decisively methodical. Before starting any business, a person finds out the essence. A mutable T-square pushes a person to work on his indecisiveness by using his ability to get along with people. To understand the meaning of the configuration, it is necessary to carefully examine the sign and house in which the planet in the “stud” is located, as well as the point that forms the opposition to the “stud”. At the moment the transit planet passes through this point, a temporary Cross is completed, carrying fateful events. Let's consider cases when the planet in the “carnation” is: the Sun - the tendency to rush into every situation with both soul and heart; Moon - susceptibility to momentary moods; Mercury - cool, rational and restrained reaction; Venus - the desire to benefit from every situation, and if effort is required, it can retreat; Mars - a lot of energy for solving problems, but intemperance can ruin things; Jupiter - a variety of possibilities for responding to a specific situation, but there is a tendency towards adventurism; Saturn - caution, patience and resourcefulness help to cope with problems; Uranus - the desire to do everything in one’s own way, without focusing on other people’s opinions, a tendency to cut “from the shoulder”; Neptune - strong imagination and intuition, but often a distorted vision of the situation; Pluto - the tendency to transform a problem from a personal one into a public one, and a person fights in defense of all humanity, and if there is a misunderstanding, deep disappointment can arise; Chiron - the desire to avoid situations in which incompetence may be revealed. 35 6.3 Axe. Two sesquiquadrates + quadrature. In this configuration, two secret aspects (sequiquadrates) rely on a clear, sharp aspect (quadrature). The ax provides a mysterious return to the past associated with cutting off roots. If a person does not understand anything, then he is forced to start from the same place, to work like a broken record. This is both a rejection of the past and secret destruction. Dramatic and tragic situations are almost irrevocable, irreversible. And they come from a hidden source. There is no way to return, because there is an abyss behind. The configuration itself also outlines the development path. There is something that constantly pushes only forward, and a person himself feels that he needs to go only forward. A person with good intuition derives good incentives for development from this. The ax cuts off everything unnecessary. Since Sesquiquadrat is an aspect that makes it possible to turn a blunt weapon into a magical instrument, then for mastering the Ax it is very important to realize that “every cloud has a silver lining.” We need to understand that this forced sacrifice provides something positive. Dynamically developing and realizing fatality, a person then turns fatal necessity into freedom. Formula "FATUM - ROCK - FREEDOM" - To do this, you need to stop regretting losses and understand that the new situation opens up new opportunities for development. At first, the Ax gives a lot of discomfort and self-doubt. A planet with two sesquiquadrates experiences especially great pressure. The implementation of its principle is always “inconvenient”, inept and unpleasant. Although working on the Arrow of the Ax does not give a feeling of complete harmony, it allows you to develop certain behavior programs (for example, Venus - a ritual and order of communication with the opposite sex). If the situation does not require going beyond these programs, then the principle of this planet will be implemented quite successfully. You should not complain about sudden life turns with losses. It is better to follow the path of realizing what new advantages open up in a new situation, and to track what new restructuring has already occurred in a person. This may be a way out of complexes during internal restructuring. If a person does not draw appropriate conclusions when experiencing losses, then his life can become constrained and even overturned. And awareness in this configuration will be very difficult due to the fact that the situation is blurred due to the presence of Sesquiquadrat. In terms of range and strength, the Ax is the most powerful intense aspect. With a Yang cosmogram, it is easier to work with the Axe. 6.4 Dart. (90° + 45°+ 45°) The dart determines the direct but hidden destruction of the human Soul. The action of the Dart is sudden due to the square involved. It is impossible to get used to it, but you just need to cultivate a quick reaction and live correctly at the moment the figure turns on. The doubled Semisquare creates a hidden intense field around a person in the sphere of the planet that stands at the apex. The solution is a sharp Quadrature. If awareness does not occur, then the powerful negative field does not release the person. A semi-square is a prosthesis inserted in place of a living organ (according to the functions of a given planet), but people often do not understand this. A person’s soul is left with an ongoing, incomprehensible tension that acts like a grater. The elaboration is difficult, since the square forces the use of two “prostheses” at once. And yet a person may not know about any of them. If a person needs to run and jumps onto his prosthetics for the first time, the natural result is an immediate fall. If a person has learned to walk on them in advance, then he will get away from trouble on his own. For many people, Dart is obstacles that are not visible to others, only the person himself knows about them. To the one who realizes it, the Dart gives the opportunity to fight secret enemies in terms of events. The main thing is to overcome internal obstacles. If a person has overcome them, then he gets the opportunity for strong secret growth. For successful work, it is good to have a predominant Yang principle. 6.5 Razor. The four planets form a quadrilateral, the two opposite sides of which are two semi-squares, the other two sides are opposition and quadrature, and the diagonals are two sesquiquadrates. The nature of the action is similar to the Cross, but a little softer and the action is less unexpected. The Cross, as a rule, offers different plots in the spheres of action of the planets included in this configuration, and the Razor usually gives similar plots, the repetition of which leads a person to certain conclusions, first of all, to the conclusion about the meaningfulness of the trials he is experiencing. The development of opposition and quadrature - the two sharpest edges of the Razor - is complicated by the sharp and sudden inclusions of half-squares, and the inhibitory influence of one and a half-squares, which do not allow one to quickly get out of unpleasant situations. Successful development of the configuration gives the illusion of mastery of the situation. But the true discovery is to, enduring adversity and difficulties, consider yourself not a victim of the Absolute, but a student who will not spend his whole life “floundering” between square and opposition, but with humility and hard work will be able to secure for himself a completely acceptable future. Working on this configuration, a person slowly learns to make conscious sacrifices in the spheres of action of semi-squares and at the same time not get bogged down in sesquiquadrates, whose obsessions test his patience. By taking for granted the voluntary renunciation of a cloudless life and the tough struggle in the areas indicated by the opposition, one can learn not only to anticipate the blows of fate, but also to anticipate them with decisive actions. This success is achieved through long and hard work on oneself. A person who has a Razor in his radix must turn close attention by three degrees, forming semi-squares with planets of this configuration, but special attention is paid to the degree that completes the opposition to Tau-square, and the square to Axe. This very powerful configuration symbolizes Providence, Fate. This is not only a symbol of balance, but also the personification of the continuous movement of the Universe. This is change, turn, novelty. Another name for this star (in the Russian spiritual tradition) is “Star of the Virgin Mary,” an emblem of baptism by water. The configuration gives a lot of energy due to the constant confrontation of forces symbolized by the planets. It gives rise to conflicts - internal and external, crises, and confronts a person with the need to resolve polar issues, the need to make a choice. 7. Configurations of harmonious aspects. 7.1 Grand trine (Closed trine, Cosmic shield). Three planets in trines to each other. The grand trine is noticeable in the chart and in personality manifestations at first glance. This figure is very symmetrical and stable. A person who has a major trine - the main configuration in the chart - is not afraid of any vicissitudes of fate, he has good abilities that can be demonstrated if necessary, and often external conditions help him rush through life luckier and faster than others, and even more comfortably. No wonder F.K. Velichko calls this configuration "Mercedes". Such a person has internal balance, he knows how to outwardly harmonize the situation and feel calm without resolving his problems. Negative influence trine - very great spiritual staticity. A person is plastic in relation to material conditions and not plastic in relation to spiritual influences; he tends to keep his perception of the world unchanged. It is very difficult to push him to develop and expand his consciousness. A fire trine is a self-confident person, a physically active enthusiast with pronounced abilities. Striving for, high level of aspirations. This is a good organizer who can inspire others. Often a person becomes a “celebrity”. The earthly trine gives sensitivity to material well-being, the desire for reliability and strength of social position. The person is practical and able to see reality from a broad perspective. An air trine usually produces a person who is full of inspiration and has a lot of creative abilities. This is a pronounced idealist, individualist and intellectual who easily assimilates information. A person is capable of creating powerful thought forms that can influence others. From negative qualities One can note a tendency to wander and a dislike of manual labor. The water trine imparts creativity and high sensitivity to a person. It gives a person the opportunity to safely get out of the most unpleasant situations, unless he himself is the source of aggression or conflict. 7.3 Roof. Two semisextiles on a sextile. (30°, 30°, 60°) The action of this figure is very short. You need to respond to all proposals that arise on it immediately, act very quickly - events force you to react instantly. A confused person is like a splinter in a stormy sea. One consolation is that the storm ends quickly. Semi-sextile is an aspect of connection with the Cosmos; it is a transitional aspect - from the everyday to the cosmic. A positive secret field is formed around a person; proposals are mysterious because they come from a hidden source with a content unclear to the average person. Due to the presence of Sextiles, the situation does not repeat itself, but a new one arises each time. Sextiles indicate that a person once already reached the cosmic level and could perceive this level. A planet in focus (i.e. with two semisextiles) often gives great creativity, especially in abstract and cosmic areas. Gives a feeling of harmony and dissatisfaction with the base manifestations of earthly life. For example, there may be a denial of ordinary forms of beauty, which seem faceless and insipid, and only attract patterns of the starry sky or abstract drawings. It's truly mystical beautiful. The roof often appears as a suggestion, as an opportunity for creativity. A person must realize and fulfill his mission, take a cosmic point of view, elevate himself, and this is only possible for titans and astrologers. Refusal can lead to serious disruptions in everyday life. A person must understand that a harsh attitude towards anyone leaves him with a deep feeling of guilt. Defective feelings violate the cosmic harmony within a person. There may be strange painful conditions that cannot be cured by conventional means. The figure often gives the ability to see immaterial planes and protection in case of perception of cosmic vibrations. 7.4 Iodine (Finger of God, Finger of Destiny, Pitchfork). Two quincunxes on sextile. (150°, 150°, 60°) The configuration has a boomerang effect. Quincunx (and there are two of them) is the aspect of return, retrospection, hint, when a person is invited to use his past experience. It’s as if the person “stays for a second year.” And a refund is given in the case when a person did not behave as expected. He must go back and correct past mistakes. People we met earlier return, and previous situations are repeated in a slightly modified form. Quincunxes provide clues that open the way to evolutionary development. Planets of the configuration provide hidden cosmic support that does not frighten a person. Working through the situation - development, transition to a new level. Without working on himself, Iodine becomes a double brake, fixed at one point. This is stagnation, isolation, inertia of addiction. When working on yourself, secret strengthening is given and a good springboard is created for further improvement. The configuration is permanent. A configuration (or simply several quincunxes) is often found among teachers. 7.5 (a) Hexagram (Star of David, Solomon's Seal). Two Grand Trigons, displaced relative to each other by more than 35°. This is a symbol of cosmic balance and divine symmetry, the personification of harmony between the micro- and macrocosm, the male and female principles. The configuration speaks of exceptional talent and successful implementation in life. Gives full recovery of strength and energy, tirelessness. Helps to overcome any dangers, smoothes out problems and situations, but it can also indicate a complete lack of work on oneself, impenetrable immutability. 7.5 (b) If two Greater trigons form a hexagon correctly inscribed in a circle, then such a figure is called Diamond. A quick rise, a successful career, but often a tragic fate. 8. Configurations of creative aspects. 8.1 Pentagram or Wreath. 5 quintiles + 5 biquintiles. The configuration gives a lot of freedom. This configuration was earned by those who went through the order system. The one who has already completed the Cage receives a Wreath. It contains a great "responsibility, since a test of freedom is possible. Only geniuses can use and correctly understand freedom in the Cosmic sense. Man is given any initiative, but in no case should it be made into permissiveness. Man is given versatility in character and creative activity. Pentagram - a symbol of a healthy and completely free person. Quintile is the most striking creative aspect, the aspect of the strongest need for freedom, for innovation. If a person with the Pentagram does not confine himself to the everyday level, then he is invincible in new endeavors. the responsibility is great. The possibility of any initiative, versatility in activity, a lot of opportunities to use one’s strengths. This is a very big test of freedom. The main thing is not to allow permissiveness. A person should not stop at the everyday level, but should devote his life to development and creative endeavors. Then he will be invincible. Even with a difficult fate and many trials, such a person does not break down or lose heart. He views everything that happens to him as a new opportunity to prove himself. In the worst case, everything new seems to be taken for granted and quickly becomes boring. This is already obvious laziness, degradation, because the Crown was deserved in previous incarnations. Now a person buries his talent in the ground, and this is a great sin. The symbolism of the Wreath is associated with the red star (Mars). Mars rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. The wreath is given at a high degree of perfection. When consulting, an astrologer should aim a person at a higher program, and not at everyday tasks. Hidden Biquintiles indicate potential development. Biquintiles create the presence of opposing aspirations, which push towards development and do not allow one to calm down. The elaboration consists in the development of the truly human principle according to the Biquintiles, and the expulsion of the Moon symbolizes burning with a green flame (since the Moon in Capricorn is in exile), which gives a return to a free situation. In Taoist practice, if you have a Wreath, you need to wear a rosary. This allows you to see the mystery with the help of long-forgotten things. 8.2 Ship. Two quintiles on a biquintile. The configuration gives the expectation of its " finest hour“and the ability to get involved in a situation in time and find your path. Subject to evolutionary growth, it provides protection. Switching on is always discrete. And the high program constantly gives high spiritual impulses. It often happens in the horoscopes of reformers, among people who speak a “new word” in some area. Excellent creative orientation. Unusual circumstances push a person onto the path of spiritual development, and this path is unique and always associated with internal restructuring. The uniqueness of the path makes it easy and quick to achieve the goal. Such a person is deliberately tuned to uniqueness, he feels his ship under his feet, its sails. At the average level, it can be an adventurer who instantly transforms his life. A non-creative person may have unhindered development in a specific area. At the average level, there may be an adventurer who is able to instantly adapt and live in a constant change of circumstances and situations. When defeated, a person suffers. U ordinary person there may be creative abilities in one area, a person can participate in various processes 56 in the development of someone else’s life (look at a planet with two quintiles). For example: Moon - caring for small children; Mars is a sports coach (“father” of the team); Venus - breeding decorative forms of plants or animals. The entire Ship provides protection from enemies, provided that a person is included in living art, which is natural for a person as a continuation of his life. Such art illuminates the external and internal world. Our calling on Earth is to illuminate those areas that are close to us. A person may discover a rather ingenious knowledge of life, which has a deeper meaning than it might seem. Essentially, this is a high attitude towards a low life. This is a problem of humanity on a cosmic scale. Participation in ordinary earthly life helps to understand the essence of one’s evolutionary shortcomings. In general, the Ship teaches you to love people, forgive friends, and all this by your own free choice. 8.3 Palm tree. Two biquintiles and a quintile. Palm - consists of creative aspects that give constant change, sometimes the destruction of the old before the emergence of the new. The configuration returns the problem to rejected or destroyed. This can be interpreted as constantly returning to old material and thinking about it on a new level. The essence of Palma is that a person with such a configuration is obliged to gain maturity in this incarnation. The palm works constantly. For the average person this configuration does not exist. In a low program, a person very quickly learns to use creative freedom for evil. 8.4 Boat or Jetty. Quintiles and two semi-quintiles. Such a person is able to successfully influence his environment. A creative field is formed around a person. Everything sets you up for variety, freedom and an easy perception of life. A person creates an environment around himself that provides the opportunity for creativity and diversity in life. In such an environment, everyone becomes easier, since the Boat determines the impact of a person on other people. Like-minded people gather around him. This configuration may give nothing to a person of the average program, while a person of the average program feels all the blue aspects perfectly. On a low program, a person can very freely use his environment for his own purposes, even if they are selfish. According to the high program, the Boat makes it possible to land on new unknown shores. A person can use the energy of the environment and gain new opportunities that arise under the influence of the environment. Thus, feedback operates. This is all that he earned in past incarnations. A person with a boat is given an excellent opportunity to rest, a period when he gathers his strength and outlines new paths of development. real life there is an opportunity to continue this path. At the same time, a person is given greater responsibility for his actions and actions. 9.1 Seven-pointed star, Heptogram or Star of the Magi. The configuration is formed by seven triseptiles and seven septiles. This is a strong, explicit, permanent configuration. This is a symbol of spiritual perfection - it expresses the idea of ​​the dominance of spirit over form. This is the perfection of the macrocosm united with the microcosm. The figure gives spiritual abilities and needs for spiritual improvement, as well as excellent opportunities for this. Work should first of all go along the triseptiles. 9.2 Biseptile Two biseptiles on a septile form a triangle. This is an explicit, discrete configuration. Gives spiritual training Through the opposition of matter and spirit; emancipation of consciousness; spiritual transformation through overcoming; revelation of spirituality. Vision of ways of spiritual improvement. It is better to start work from the central planet, to which two biseptiles converge. 9.3 Tree Two triseptiles and a septile form a triangle. The configuration is hidden, discrete. Gives harmonization of principles in a person, a return to the same spiritual situations for the awareness of spirituality. It is best to start the work with the septile, then move on to the triseptiles, gradually approaching the planet to which two triseptiles approach. The result of the work will be spiritual transformation through overcoming, the revelation of spirituality. The cage is a sign of patience, a sign of humility and recognition of karmic debts. The cage is maintained by people who are in an energetic state, i.e. in the period after death, they became well aware of their debts. If this is so, then, having come into this life, he will secretly never repeat old mistakes. The power of awareness leads to correct behavior in this life. If the configuration includes planets such as the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, then the person is working off light karma. Maybe he takes on someone else's karma. Perhaps he loved other people very much, and now he will be in the Cage until they love him too, waiting for recognition. In the case of the Cell, karma yoga training is required. This means frontal humility, economy and patient expenditure of energy, and a reasonable approach to problems. But maybe there was a feeling of someone else’s imposed will, a fetter. The only way out of the Cage is to change your attitude towards your life. Then the person stops living with her tied hands. He takes everything for granted. In the worst case, a person rushes about. Such a person can be turned into a slave, paralyzed, broken. Awareness and development of Cells is the most difficult karmic program, but a person himself chooses such a program at birth. This means that he takes upon himself the task of working on 9 planets and the entire Zodiac. And therefore, his powers are titanic. 10.2 Box. Sentagon, two nonagons and half nonagon. The main aspect here is the sentagon. The configuration is obvious, discrete, gives many unpredictable situations, poses serious karmic tasks for a person: suddenly debts arise, obstacles arise, and one event entails whole line others (fatal coincidence). In the best case, a person, having passed the tests, has the opportunity to move to another level of development, and then nothing can “lead” him astray. In order to control the situation, it is necessary to develop and use certain methods. The box will create sudden and unpredictable situations. It is a mystery that we encounter unexpectedly, and it unconsciously draws us in. It is as if a person is being introduced into some kind of secret that strongly attracts him and can lead to death. There are 2 Sextiles hidden inside the Box. They offer unobtrusively, but we are very firmly involved. These Sextiles drag us into a very difficult karmic situation. But we are not involved in an evolutionary program, as with Bisextiles, but in karmic processing. This is a very tough test, because... it returns us to our previous debts. This configuration destroys one person, and gives another the opportunity to rebuild. For one person, these are fetters, and for another, they are an opportunity to realize the secret threads of their karma. The box is bad only with low and medium programs. There is no variety: what you accumulate is what you get. In the high program, the Box provides the opportunity to master the secret of one’s incarnations. This is the acquisition of a springboard for evolutionary ascent. 10.3 Arcana (Noose, Noose). Two nonagons are closed by a binonagon. This is a hidden, ongoing configuration. The Arcanum constantly returns a person to the same circle of problems (like a dead zone), does not give the opportunity to move on, forces him to complete and finish everything. Secret obstacles often arise, the purpose of which is to cleanse and acquire the skill to control the forces of the subconscious. Arcanum deprives a person of choice, but he does not realize it. This configuration locks you into a circle and prevents you from moving forward. In fact, it is a dead zone, repressed into the subconscious. You need to understand what task karma secretly sets (80°). And then you need to endure and withstand the tests. Karmic tense aspects create a viscous, long-term situation that does not repeat itself only if the person has worked it out correctly. And then this configuration protects the person. Its action is discrete, like Bisextile and Tau-square. This is a sudden and hidden test of strength. These are the karmic debts that must be paid in order to remove obstacles on the path of evolutionary development. Failure to pay debts most often results in prison or some other restriction. Enabling the configuration feels like an immediate constraint, like a vice. You can get used to the Cage, but it’s impossible to get used to the Arcana. The Arcana includes unknown hidden complexes that are hidden deep inside a person. The debts associated with this are visible in the planets, and especially in the center of the configuration. A person who has passed the test gains perseverance in this life. Having learned these lessons, man accelerates his evolution. When man walking along the path of evolution, this is greatly encouraged by the Cosmos, and he receives unbreakable support and protection. 62 10.4 Lock or Saddle. Two half-nonagons are connected to a nonagon. Hidden, discrete configuration. Happens quite often. A castle is a configuration that defines discreteness in both character and events. This manifests itself as an unconscious restriction on the part of the environment: a prison, but not an obvious one. In this case, an obstacle is turned on through the environment. These are all deprivations associated with the limitations of Karma. A person with such a configuration may lose his independence and end up under guardianship. He is captured by secret obstacles. The main work takes place at the subconscious level, where various situations are played out. We are forced through the situation through the active participation of other people. And it’s up to us whether we find the key to the castle. According to a high program, a person completely correctly rearranges the rhythm and masters the situation. As a result, protracted events recede from him. All contradictions merge into unity. 10.5 Sword. Two quarnonagons and a nonagon form a triangle. The configuration is hidden, discrete. Constant return of karmic situations, undermining and tension, repeated blows of fate. A person with such a figure in the chart has the opportunity to repeat the karmic experience, a sense of true direction awakens. The main tension of the figure comes along the nonagon, the problem is not felt immediately, but only through interaction with the environment. It is better to begin solving problems through access to the central planet at the top, where the quarnonagons meet. 10.6 Binonagon. Two binonagons and a quarnonagon form a triangle. The configuration is explicit, permanent. Gives the need for improvement through the perception and understanding of karmic programs, through confrontation, through overcoming the hidden. The ability to cope with psychological crises. Work should begin with the planet at the top, then move to the base of the triangle - the quarnonagon. 63 10.7 Chest. The configuration is formed by two nonagons, a binonagon and a quarnonagon. This is an explicit, discrete configuration. It creates various unpredictable situations and sets serious karmic tasks for a person. Debts and restrictions suddenly arise, one event entails a number of others. This is usually called a fatal coincidence. It is best to begin awareness and work on the configuration with work on the binonagon, then, through the nonagons, move on to the planets that make up the other base of the figure (quarnonagon). I. Mixed configurations of aspects. 11.1 Sail. Grand trine + bisextile. A very favorable figure. It combines the internal stability of the Grand Trine with the ability to find a quick, practical way out of critical situations, which Bisextile provides. All this gives high stability, the ability to overcome external crises, internal stability, plasticity and the successful implementation of one’s abilities. There is a desire to transform surrounding reality to your taste, early implementation, activity and assertiveness. It is very easy for a person with this configuration to sail with a tailwind, and often even against the wind. If there is an opposition - a “mast” - between the vertices of the two triangles that make up the sail, a person receives additional stability when moving. Perhaps these will be constant internal problems that force you to work, or simply internal dissatisfaction. But quadrangular structures do not have plasticity and flexibility - a person is little capable of reform and internal development, and this can lead to internal problems. 11.2 Large wedge. (90° + 120° + 150°) The constant hidden tension of the quincunx, which breaks out from time to time in the sphere of action of the square and is softened by the support and help of the trine. The planet that forms a square and quincunx experiences the greatest stress: the sphere of action of this planet often does not give a person peace, and in situations that are not suitable for active action on his part. The blows of fate inflicted by a square are harmonized by the planet forming a trine and quincunx. The figure represents a series of repeating events in life, and the themes may be different, but the plot is similar. A discretely activated square and a constantly operating quincunx, from whose hidden influence it is impossible to escape, create a situation that is perceived something like this: the square strikes, the quincunx holds, and the trine does not tell you to cry. At the same time, the trine, which gives a consolation prize, calms the person and eases adversity. The most difficult aspect of this figure to work with and understand is the quincunx. Being a harmonious aspect by nature, it often creates tension on both the internal and external planes. This is because each of the planets forming a quincunx is in the eighth sign relative to the other. By carefully considering the nature of the planets, the signs and the houses in which they are located, it is possible to show in each specific case whether the quincunx will manifest itself harmoniously or not. 11.3 Small wedge. (90° + 120° + 60°) The action of the figure is similar to the action of the Big Wedge, but with its own characteristics. The constant hidden tension of the quincunx, which at times breaks out in the sphere of action of the square and is softened by the support and help of the sextile. The planet that forms a square and quincunx experiences the greatest stress: the sphere of action of this planet often does not give a person peace, and in situations that are not suitable for active action on his part. The blows of fate inflicted by a square are harmonized by the planet forming a sextile and quincunx. The figure represents a series of repeating events in life, and the themes may be different, but the plot is similar. A discretely activated square and a constantly operating quincunx, from whose hidden influence it is impossible to escape, create a situation that is perceived something like this: the square strikes, the quincunx holds, and the sextile does not tell you to cry. At the same time, the sextile makes it possible to earn a consolation prize, and this calms the person and eases adversity. The most difficult aspect of this figure to work with and understand is the quincunx. Being a harmonious aspect by nature, it often creates tension on both the internal and external planes. This is because each of the planets forming a quincunx is in the eighth sign in relation to the other. Carefully considering the nature of the planets, the signs and houses in which they are located will help in each specific case to show whether the quincunx will manifest itself harmoniously or not. 11.4 Scissors. Two large and small wedges overlap each other. The action of this figure is often spontaneous, discrete in nature: life resembles a battlefield, where it is never known exactly where “friends” are and where “strangers” are. It is not clear where to expect a gift, and where to expect a blow of fate. The contradiction here is that the squares are harmonized, but the trine and sextile are afflicted. This makes it difficult to work on aspects. The interaction of planets connected by quincunxes is not obvious and is often difficult to understand (if the cosmogram has a predominance of Yin energies) or causes internal protest (if the cosmogram has a predominance of Yang energies). A constructive way out of the situation is to work on squares in the spheres indicated by the planets, taking into account the signs and houses. The implementation of sextile suggestions in this case is usually difficult, but it is necessary to pay attention to them, otherwise the Scissors may work at the most inopportune moment and cut off the wrong thing. Restoring what has been lost is difficult, especially when it comes to lost illusions. But the trine, even when struck, hints that you need to keep working - and everything will be fine. A person who has Scissors in the chart should pay attention to the transits of planets by degree, completing the Scissors trine to the Grand Trigon, and the sextile to the Roof. Roof + Scissors (general aspect - bisextile). Esoteric figure. A person is the bearer of a certain thought, an idea, which sooner or later will lead him to the path he must follow. Ramakrishna had such a figure in his map). 11.6 Corkscrew. Two configurations each: Small wedge and Pitchfork. The only “sharp” side of this configuration is the square, but it is harmonized by working with sextiles. Engaging in Corkscrew often requires a person to react quickly to events, good or bad. The actions of the person himself entail another whole chain of events with difficult to predict consequences. A sudden request from a friend for help, an unexpected transfer to another job, an urgent business trip to an unfamiliar city - these are examples of the inclusion of this configuration. But this configuration is cemented by three quincunxes, which often return the situation to a familiar direction. Some time later, the person realizes that the new job is little different from the previous one, and in the new city neither new opportunities nor new dangers await him. The situation, which seemed new, was very reminiscent of what he had seen and heard for a long time. Thus, a return to memories occurs - more or less pleasant, depending on the level of elaboration of the quincunxes and on what lessons the person has learned from repeating events. For a person with Corkscrew, it is important to find the right balance between working on the external and internal planes. Working through makes it possible to comprehend events in advance and react to what is happening consciously, anticipating the consequences of the actions taken. 11.7 Carriage. Quadrangle: two sextiles, semi-sextile, quincunx, diagonals - two quadratures. Unlike the Corkscrew, which is screwed into a person’s life regardless of his desire, the Carriage has only harmonious aspects on the outside. The whole drama of this situation is embodied by two quadratures, hidden inside and often complicating the implementation of creative ideas proposed by sextiles, comprehension of what has been passed through the quincunx and the perception of cosmic vibrations through the semi-sextile. Hidden defeat by quadratures of the harmonious aspects of a given configuration often manifests itself unnoticed by others, but very noticeably for the person himself. It seems that he has a hidden brake inside him, which turns on at the most inopportune moments: when he needs to act, the person gives up; when he needs to speak, he is unable to open his mouth, and when he needs to think about everything, his thoughts run in different directions. The way out of the situation is to work out quadratures. The difficulty is this. That they need to be worked out simultaneously. The efforts made will be rewarded by sharpening intuition in the sphere of action of the semisextile and strengthening the foundation of various undertakings undertaken in the sphere of action of the quincunx. 11.8 Alpha node. Quadrangle: sides - trine, sextile and two semi-sextiles, diagonals - quadratures. Four harmonious aspects, pulled together by two quadratures. This hidden defeat is not too dangerous: it rather serves as a warning against more serious troubles. The alpha node is devoid of earthiness, attachment to mortal affairs, and prudence, which are characteristic of Lafet due to the presence of a quincunx, hiddenly affected by quadratures. In general, the Alpha node is a configuration of unexpected success, a happy ending, luck, but only for those people who are at a fairly high level of development and clearly perceive the cosmic vibrations that permeate this configuration thanks to two semisextiles. If a person remains deaf to the calls of the Cosmos, does not work with tense aspects and does not use the support of harmonious ones, he is ultimately left alone with problems that suddenly arise in the spheres of action of quadratures. If you develop the details towards an intuitive comprehension of the world, towards a unique, non-standard view of things (which is sometimes achieved at the cost of complete misunderstanding on the part of others), then two semi-sextiles will help you get out of the most difficult situation - perhaps in a way that, again, will remain incomprehensible to others. The Alpha Node does not provide protection from all troubles, but rather assistance in difficult situations - in this it is similar to Bisextile and differs significantly from the Grand Trigon. The owner of the Alpha node should pay attention during transits to the degrees that complete the trine to the Grand Trine and Bisextile. Important planets passing through these two points can cause strange, unusual and difficult to explain events. 11.9 Paper kite. Quadrangle: two semisextiles, square, quincunx; diagonals - two trigons. The configuration is good for creative people. It gives them the free flight of creative thought, extraordinary abilities to perceive cosmic rhythms, but at the same time forces them to return to reality: the “tail” of the Paper Kite - the quincunx - symbolizes its inextricable connection with the earth. The strongest aspects of this configuration are the two trines that pull it from the nutria. This is the “frame” of the Paper Kite, giving it strength and integrity, providing its owner with constant support and assistance. The action of trines in this case is open and obvious. Quadrature is the only tense aspect in this configuration. Although it is quite strongly harmonized, it still requires constant and persistent development. The disharmony introduced by the quincunx can imperceptibly return a person to unpleasant moments and situations. This will significantly interfere with the perception of unexpected ideas in the sphere of action of semisextiles, so the Paper Kite may never fly. 11.10 Cart or Synthetic rectangle. A quadrilateral (60°, 120°, 60°, 120°), and the diagonals are two oppositions. This is a softer figure than a square, but it has all the qualities of a quadrangular structure - dynamism, pressure, non-plasticity. First we look at the whole figure, then we break it down into parts and see which spheres are affected, which planets are in the corners and which aspects are between them. And here the difference is already visible. The aspects of a rectangle are sextiles and trines, and those of a large square are squares. The overall picture is the same, but the details will be different. The sextile has more realization than the square, and a person with a rectangle in the chart tends to be the core of collective activity, but the square has more ingenuity, originality, and unusual solutions. This configuration can remain an empty figure in the sky that arose at birth if a person does not strengthen it by developing self-defense and self-discipline in life situations. Even a major trine weakens or disappears if a person does not work on himself. Although self-improvement is a real incentive, it is one of those that can remain only a potential opportunity. If a person does not reject the offers of sextiles, then he is guaranteed a slow harmonious ascent and protection. In the case when a person agrees to additional work, he thereby strengthens the Cart. The Cart contains hidden oppositions that create dynamics in the configuration. Such people know how to find a unified approach to all the thinking styles of their real 71 11.12 Trapezium. At the opposition there are three sextiles connected by two trine. The trapezoid implies a one-directional path and great persistence. This is usually accompanied by severe doubts and struggles. As a result of work on the subtle plane, protection appears on the event plane. A person has protection and at the same time constantly experiences attacks on his stability; however, many storms pass overhead. If Yin planets enter the Trapezium, then the person observes the storm from the side; if there are male planets in it, he participates in them according to at will. A person with Trapezius often has a successful career; he is not as tough as a Grand Cross holder, and his subordinates love such a boss. The trapezoid provides protection, but you need to develop it yourself by making a choice based on sextiles. Working in the spheres of action of sextiles, a person thinks much less about the misfortunes and restrictions associated with the opposition - this is the meaning of working on the Trapezium. The configuration provides the opportunity for thorough implementation, which a person once gained as a result of sharp resistance, opposition to something. And this is played out through the spheres of influence of the planets that are on the edges of the opposition. Protection along the Trapezium is built by a person independently as a result of choice in the spheres of the planets at the psychological level. 11.13 Mirror. Two squares, two trines, semisextile and quincunx. A very magical configuration. There are practically no accidents in the life of such a person; what other people pass by becomes for him a sign of fate, a sign. There can be no trifles here, every detail is aimed at a direct broadcast of destiny, these are reminders of the past or harbingers of the future. With successful development of quadratures, the semisextile and quincunx seem to mirror each other’s problems, and the two trines that strengthen this configuration make it possible to harmonize the principles of earthly and heavenly ethics, linking together earthly and cosmic laws in the way their interaction should manifest itself in life this person. This will be shown mainly in the houses where the planets forming the Mirror are located. Yin planets appear more harmoniously. In general, the configuration does not produce a doer, but a contemplator. This person can achieve much more by working on the internal level than by actions on the event plane. If the meaning of what is happening is not clear to the person with the Mirror, he should refrain from active actions, think calmly, and the solution to the problems will come by itself. 11.14 Butterfly. Quadrangle: three sides are semi-sextiles, the fourth is a quadrature, the diagonals are two sextiles. Rare configuration. People are born with it, for whom the cosmic law is initially higher than the earthly one. These are very powerful people - precisely because the earth is not close to them, they look at it as if from the outside. They are characterized by revelations received from Uranus and a focused focus on the future. Life often requires them to be ready to engage in struggle, to consciously make sacrifices, and to limit themselves on the external plane. The Butterfly, in a sense, resembles the Trapezium, but is not as imperative. It is usually formed by planets and points that are important for a person: the Sun, the Moon, their dispositors, ASC, etc. 11.15 Chariot. Pentagon: three sextiles, two quadratures, diagonals - four quincunxes and a trigon. The configuration is most often found in people with a strongly pronounced Earth element. It shows the direction of energy flow different types, conditions for correct understanding of your life path and the possibility of further work on yourself. The main planet of the configuration - the “coachman of the Chariot” - is located at the top of Bisextile. His energy fills the entire configuration. A person’s life will very much depend on how fully he was able to feel and realize the power of this planet. The opposite side of the pentagon - planets in sextile - “horses”. Thanks to them, the energy of the main planet is realized. The signs and houses where these planets are located will show what the capabilities of 73 people are in realizing their potential. This is the most important aspect Chariots, without its elaboration constructive work is impossible. Planets in trine are a “transmission mechanism”. They adjust the operation of the entire configuration, performing the functions of direct and feedback. 11.16 Tower. Quadrangle: two sides are two trines, the other two sides are quadrature and semi-sextile, diagonals are two quincunxes. The configuration encourages isolation and asceticism. This does not mean loneliness, but in those areas that are truly important to a person, he is often left alone with his problems. In this case, a person does not make voluntary sacrifices, he is simply faced with the fact that there is nowhere to wait for help, and he has to rely only on his own strength. The key to mastering the situation is correct elaboration of the semi-sextile. Then the Quincunxes soften, and the square does not appear too sharply. If a person does not catch cosmic vibrations, he loses the protection of the semi-sextile, the Quincunx becomes stale, and as a result he finds himself imprisoned in a tower. To work through it, it is important to understand that the world does not consist of scoundrels at all, there are many good people, and you need to realize this. The tower is not an abstract and contemplative configuration, it is aimed at practical matters and decisions. Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron appear most harmoniously in it. Planets at the base of the Tower (in square) are more active. 11.17 Swing. Quadrangle. The two opposite sides are the opposition and the trine, the other two sides are two semi-sextiles, the diagonals are two quincunxes. The configuration, regardless of the level of elaboration, involves a person in the struggle and predetermines active work on the external, event-based plane. Life can change quickly and quite significantly, including of your own free will. Lots of ups and downs. Man tends to create obstacles himself and then heroically overcome them. The configuration is associated with the element of Fire and the problems of the 21st lunar day . It is usually formed by important planets and points of the horoscope. If a quincunx is formed by Mars or Saturn, then it becomes similar to a sesquiquadrate, and swings in life appear unevenly, in jerks. The more precise the semisextile, the higher the esoteric potential and ability for internal work. 11.18 Arrow. Bisextile on the swing. The main task is a reasonable combination of work on the external and internal planes. The energy of the four planets forming the Swing is transferred to the fifth planet - the tip of the Arrow. The nature and position of this planet shows the purpose of the Arrow. The hardest thing here is to work out the quincunxes, but they are the ones that largely determine the accuracy of the arrow hitting the target. Quincunxes, being aspects of the earthly element, protect a person from trying to solve insoluble problems and from setting unattainable goals. If the Bisextile is formed by good planets, then the person is prone to fantasy; if the planets are evil, then having filled himself with cones, he quickly recovers from projectism. You need to pay attention to the transits of planets in degrees opposite to the tip of the Arrow. If the higher planets, or the point of life and the point of death, transit along this degree, then the Arrow can hit a target that the shooter is unaware of. 11.19 Cutter. The configuration provides a subtle and quite sophisticated tool for working on the external plane. A planet at the top of the Tau square (the tip of the Incisor) will show a promising field of activity. All the energy of the Incisor is directed to its tip, but for its successful implementation it is necessary to work out the entire configuration, especially semi-sextiles, and resolve the contradictions dictated by the opposition. If a person works only on the outer plane, without paying attention to spiritual evolution, then he loses his sense of proportion and misuses his capabilities, resembling a surgeon who puts so much pressure on the scalpel that he has to retire the operating table. You should pay attention to the transits of planets in a degree that is opposite to the tip of the Incisor, because the action of the entire configuration will unfold against the background of the transiting planets. 11.20 Ark. The Cross and the Grand Trigon, combined at one point. The configuration gives a persistent struggle, overcoming difficulties, bright external manifestations, and a rather difficult character in communication. A person with an Ark tends to think that his giftedness gives him some additional advantages over other people. Serious misunderstandings can occur due to this misconception. A person likes to set the rules of the game for himself and change them whenever and however he wants. This can lead to quarrelsomeness, tyranny, and inability to hear others. Worldly wisdom comes over the years, as a result of trials and one's own bitter experience. 11.21 Corona. The configuration consists of a Tau-square and a Trapezium, the basis of which is the same opposition and which lie in different hemispheres of the horoscope. Five planets make up a pentagon: the sides are two quadratures and three sextiles, the diagonals are two quincunxes, two trines and an opposition. Very heavy configuration. It involves the owner in a constant struggle, creating “high pressure areas” in his life in the areas marked by this configuration. The greatest tension falls on the planets forming an opposition, and unexpected sharp blows fall at the apex of the Tau square. At the same time, assistance from trines, as in the case of a regular Trapezium, is hidden and unobvious, and the harmonizing effect of quincunxes is felt only after long and hard work, and not only of the quincunxes themselves, but also of the entire configuration as a whole. It should be remembered that the planets or lots lying at the base of the Crown (the points forming the central sextile) harmonize and support with their energy the “teeth” of this Crown - the three planets that form the Tau-square. Therefore, successful elaboration of the configuration is possible only with the simultaneous elaboration of the oppositions and the central sextile, which at first glance have little relation to each other. 11.22 Tent. The configuration consists of a Tau-square and a Trapezoid, the base of which is the same opposition, and which lie in the same hemisphere. It is formed by five planets that make up a pentagon, the sides of which are two semisextiles, two sextiles and an opposition, the diagonals are two trines, two quadratures and a sextile. This is a rare configuration, it is not given to average people. For its successful implementation, you need to be able to “hear” your semisextiles. The source of energy is the apex of Shatra - a planet that forms two semisextiles and two quadratures. This same planet also accounts for the maximum discharge of negative energy, which is preliminarily processed by four other planets of the configuration. Two planets in opposition, trine, square and sextile, lie sequentially in the same hemisphere (unlike the Crown). This means that in relation to the owner of the Tent, fate has a pre-prepared plan of action. The planets forming the central sextile will show what and how this person must learn in order to fulfill his destiny and soften the blows directed at the top of the Tent. This configuration is not as rigid and powerful as the Corona. Its effect is not so noticeable on the event plan; here it resembles a slightly softened Tau-square. But on the internal plane, the presence of this configuration requires hard work on oneself, the meaning of which often lies in the radical measurement of one’s views on the world and one’s place in it. Owners of a trapezoid in their chart should pay attention to the degrees that complete the Trapezium to the Crown and Tent. The transit planet, which forms the Crown together with the natal Trapezium, requires working on the external plane, and the planet forming the Tent, together with the natal Trapezium, requires working on the internal plane. It is worse if these two degrees are involved simultaneously: in this case, a Cross situation is formed, in which the natal and transit oppositions mutually strike each other. In search of a way out in this case, you should look at the transit position of the planets forming the central sextile of the natal Trapezium: perhaps the trines they form in the radix. They will tell you what to do next, where to look for a way out of the current situation. 11.23 Pyramid. Quintile, quincunx and sesquiquadrat. Take it with an orb! The pyramid contains diverse aspects. 75° here can be considered as a stretched Quintile. The word “pyramid” itself consists of two Greek words: pyroes - fire and mides - frozen. So, the Pyramid is a frozen fire. As a result, only after gaining freedom can a person take advantage of unusual opportunities. The pyramid is laid in childhood, and the smallest changes in the early period will later turn into major events. The pyramid works like a progression, where 1 day equals 1 year. A person may exhibit special abilities, but subject to sufficient freedom. There are no trifles in his life, all events are interconnected. The configuration begins to manifest itself in childhood and continues a chain of events throughout life. Often a person balances on the brink of critical situations. This configuration emphasizes that there are no insignificant trifles in a person’s life, but only a chain of interconnected events. A person with a Pyramid, like a good tightrope walker, maintains balance in any destructive conditions. The result is a combination of seemingly incompatible possibilities and the acceptance of any conditions as a given. 78 11.24 Compass. Opposition, quintile and tridecile. The compass gives a “free artist” who finds a way out of an unsettled life in creativity. The planet at the apex, where the tridecile and quintile meet, gives creative freedom and unpredictability in behavior. A person can gain freedom through struggle, but then his freedom will manifest itself destructively. It is better to start working on yourself with the synthesis of planets in opposition - to learn how to get out of situations without conflict. The “Compasses” or “Plumb Line” configuration is drawn together by an obvious opposition. In this case, a person feels the “growth” of a certain development within himself (due to the presence of the Quintile), and everything begins to “spill out” in creativity in the sphere of the tridecile planets. All this is spurred on by an obvious everyday “screed” - an opposition that is either strictly tense or harmonious, which depends on specific rulers. The most free and unpunished planet is the one at the apex of the triangle in green aspects. She is completely free. The more harmoniously and creatively the more thoroughly a person overcomes opposition, the more freedom he is given. 11.25 Envelope. Two oppositions, two quintiles and two trideciles. This is a figure in which the “green” aspects are struck by oppositions. Internal tension (according to oppositions) forces a person to look for a way out in creativity. The figure gives great efficiency and creative energy. Such a person cannot help but create! In the envelope, two oppositions are hidden within the configuration. This configuration is softer and less common. The outer contour of the configuration consists of green aspects. This means that the selection, breaking and releasing are more fluid and permanent. Some hidden constant heaviness of creativity. Man is constantly forced to create. He becomes a slave to his talent. There is not a single free planet here. They are all “beaten” by confrontations. If a person gets used to tension and its oppositions are harmonious, then “Envelope” gives great productivity in creativity. Firstly, this opposition of planets begins to act very intensely; secondly, ideally a person learns to work in the moment. 11.27 Fence. Quadrangle: Two semisextiles + Two quincunxes, diagonals - two oppositions. This configuration is completely mysterious on the outside, but all the tension in it is hidden inside. A direct broadcast of cosmic karma is associated with it. But for this a person must become a good receiver. The semi-sextile aspect is cosmic, and the Quincunx means a hint. Such a person must participate in cosmic evolution and be a good receiver. 11.28 Fungus. Tau Square + Grand Trine. The figure is formed when the “stud” of the Tau square coincides with one of the angles of the Grand Trigon. The fungus provides an excellent opportunity to realize your potential, but you should not expect peace and quiet. 80 11.29 Star. Pentagon. Outside there is a trine + four sextiles, and inside there are three trines + two oppositions. A rich emotional life, but emotional instability emphasizes the inability to cope with life's difficulties. Often a tragic fate. 11.30 Dominant (Dynamic) triangle. Quincunx, trine and square. The figure includes the center of the map. A man on his own life path constantly encounters difficulties and obstacles. The central planet of this figure is considered to be the one that stands at the intersection of trine and quadrature. The flow of energy through this figure begins with it. There are two options for working with this figure. The first is that a person, encountering difficulties, immediately sets out to overcome them and goes in the direction of square-quincunx-trine. They usually have pronounced elements of Fire, Air, and the cardinal cross. Having solved their problem at square, these people get an unstable respite at the quincunx and harmoniously enter into a trine that happily ends the situation. The second option is that a person prefers to delay the elements of the fight in quadrature as long as possible, and go around the figure in the direction of trigon-quincunx-quadrature. Those. the ostrich well-being of the trigon is replaced by the alarming uncertainty of the quincunx and a square appears in front of it in all its glory. After successfully overcoming this quadrature, he rests on the next trigon. For those who prefer this type of work with the figure, the elements of Earth and Water, and a fixed or mutable cross usually predominate. 11.31 Twelve-pointed star. The configuration is formed by four interpenetrating Greater Tritons. The vertices of the Tritons are connected by semisextiles. A very powerful configuration - a symbol of the “Philosopher’s Stone”, completeness and the Divine circle rotating the Universe. Represents the twelvefold structure of the universe. The finished version is extremely rare.