On which lunar days is it better to take out a loan? When is the best time to take out a loan?

Have you ever thought that the interest rate may depend not only on your income, down payment and repayment period, but also on the season? It turns out that banking activity has no less pronounced seasonality than agriculture. Therefore, if you plan to purchase something on credit, then you need to go to the bank with a package of documents at a certain time of the year.


January is the most difficult month for banks. Firstly, it takes a long and painful time to move away from the New Year and Christmas, and gradually return to the previous rhythm of work. Secondly, it is in January that events take place on the market that determine pricing policy for the entire coming year. At this time, experts are holding their breath, tracking possible trends in the global and local markets, making forecasts and calculating interest rates.

But who is stopping you from coming to the bank at this time and getting a loan on “last year’s” terms? At the same time, you should not rush to get the longest-term loan of all possible – a mortgage. The excitement around old prices with a slight increase in average rates raises the interest rate on long-term programs, so mortgages issued in winter turn out to be unprofitable.

Car loan

January-February is a golden time for car enthusiasts, during which lenders, in close cooperation with dealers, offer last year’s models at the most attractive prices. Only in winter you can buy a foreign car with an interest-free loan.

Consumer loans

February 14 and 23, March 8... Do these dates mean anything to you? Of course, preferential lending programs are offered for each holiday. In particular, interest rates on targeted loans for the purchase of jewelry, household goods and other valuables are falling. Moreover, even if you can’t get a cheap loan, you can purchase any item without overpayments using promotions in stores.


Along with warming, prices in the real estate market begin to thaw. Traditionally, in March the most valuable items are put up for sale. interesting options housing. At the same time, interest rates on mortgage products are stabilized, which allows you to calmly and judiciously consider each of the proposed options.

Car loans

Changing tires, seasonal car repairs and an abundance of impatient buyers - distinctive features spring in car showrooms. Along with demand, interest rates also rise. This is not the best time to buy a car.

Consumer lending

The issuance of consumer loans after March 8th is nothing special - everything is traditional, without promotions or gifts. As a rule, people in the spring are busy earning money for summer holiday and are extremely reluctant to purchase both household appliances and other goods. If you want to apply for a targeted loan without queues and long waits, then spring is the best time for military operations.


Summer, vacation, sea, beach... And also time to think about studying. The “hits of the season” are consumer loans offered by banks in partnership with travel agencies. Interest rates on loans for repairs and education are also decreasing, because before the fall you need to complete the repairs and resolve the issue of enrolling in college.


During rainy and slushy times there is a real credit boom. Rumors are spreading that everything will become more expensive from the New Year, and people who have had a rest or made repairs are already ready for new purchases. Banks are trampling a path of cash receipts for themselves. next year, advertising loans with repayment terms of 6 months or more.

In addition, in the fall there is a second wave of mortgages, in which hysterical consumers begin to rush between increased rates, not daring to purchase the more expensive ones. square meters. But what to do if next year it will be even more expensive? Watch carefully!

Competition is a great thing, pushing lenders to new tricks. In October, slogans appear: “We have returned the previous mortgage rate, just for a month. Hurry!” And this is where the crowd will run for the suddenly cheaper loan.

In the fall, there are also a lot of promotions at car dealerships - the old model range is gradually being sold at a reduced interest rate, and new, spectacular models are appearing.

Off-season hits

The 72-hour rule is also reflected in the lending industry. Entrepreneurs are the only segment of the population that will not wait for things to become better, warmer and more profitable. They'll just analyze possible options and within three days after the decision is made, they will send an application to the bank for a loan for a start-up, business expansion, replenishment of working capital or an overdraft. In general, all loans individual entrepreneurs And legal entities have absolutely no dependence on the weather and the mood of the population.

11 June 2016, 18:33 1510 0

People approach credit differently: some are too cautious and, if possible, will never use it. For others, this is completely normal, even necessary. Therefore, everyone solves the issue in the way that is convenient for him.

Your money wheel

If our wealth grows naturally, it happens under the auspices of Jupiter, the planet of luck. If we want to “get ahead of the times” and get the desired amount faster than would be possible naturally (through a loan), Saturn will come to our aid. This is the planet of restrictions and stability. According to the laws of interaction of these planets, credit forecasts can be made.


If in recent years your financial situation has improved. This means that the money wheel did not stand still. Then receiving money will spin the wheel - and as a result you will find yourself “above” - at the level of Jupiter. And you will not only repay the loan safely, but also reach a new financial level. It is worth remembering that a loan is a kind of sacrifice to the monetary Deity. That is, you deliberately “sign up” to limit your spending for some time. This must be done with pleasure, which is an important condition to return the loan.


If your income is lately remained at the same level or even decreased. Credit is not a way to get out of current material problems and quickly solve critical problems, but a path to a new level of material wealth. And to do this, you must stand on the previous step very confidently and with the prospect of growth. Knowing that in any case you will have the means to buy food and clothes tomorrow, for example.


If the overall situation in the country is stable, you should not be afraid that you may have problems repaying the loan. On the contrary, responsibility, the awareness that you have debt obligations, partly guarantee that work and material income will definitely find you.


The question is formulated incorrectly. It doesn’t matter at all whether you repay the loan in 3 years, as planned, or in six months. It is important that you have a stable financial situation during this time.


There is a special magic ritual. Many of my students practice it successfully. Collect receipts and documents for your monthly payments. They have accumulated large number energy, because every payment is an emotional outburst. After you pay off the loan, burn all the receipts on the new moon and turn to the Spiritual Forces of the Universe with a request for increased wealth. This ritual releases a large amount of energy. Rest assured: soon not only the “overpaid interest” will be returned to you, but also a large amount.

Credit addicts and creditophobes.

People who may have problems with credit can be divided into credit addicts and creditophobes.


careless optimists

Extroverts, that is, people who are open, sociable, and optimistic, usually easily borrow money. But sometimes this optimism turns into carelessness. “Take it now and enjoy life, and pay it off later!” - the advertisement entices, appealing to the “childish” component, which is very strong in such people. Unable to take a sober look at the situation, they just take and take, but are in no hurry to return it. And as a result, they become chronic debtors.


anxious conservatives.

Introverts are a different matter - people are shy and not very sociable. Those, even if they have every opportunity to pay off their loans easily and on time, prefer never to take them out. They are ready to save for a car or an apartment for decades just to avoid dealing with banks. If such a person has to lend a favor, the debt will hang over him as a heavy burden.

If you do not consider yourself to be in one or the other category, living on credit is a completely legitimate way to enjoy life. Even if it's at interest.

Watch for signs of fate

I myself adhere to the principle: “Don’t borrow, don’t lend.” But if you absolutely need to take out a loan, follow the signals and clues of fate. For example, you go to one bank and get a refusal there, in the second - also to no avail, in the third you are also denied a loan. All! Stop! Most likely, you are moving in the wrong direction. Also, sometimes in a person who has taken out a loan, the desire to give prevails over the desire to receive. And you begin to subconsciously wish with all your heart that the money goes not to you, but to the banker Vasya or Petya. Which is what the banknotes obediently do.

Roman Fad, psychic.

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In recent years, living on credit has become increasingly popular. Banks advertise their credit programs and send “pick me” plastic cards by mail. Shops, doctors, travel agencies offer goods and services on credit and, without a doubt, it is quite difficult to refuse their tempting offers. Banking economists write books and articles about how “credit is cool,” and non-banking economists warn about the dangers of living in debt. However, sooner or later, almost all of us use this tool.

The experience of our friends who bought something on credit is very different: some didn’t even notice how they paid off and have been enjoying the purchased item for a long time, for some the deferred payment “exhausted all their nerves,” while others were unable to pay off their debts and has serious problems with the bank.

How to protect yourself and make sure that the borrowed money can be easily returned and avoid material and emotional problems? There are several simple but reliable rules for handling credit or money borrowed from friends.

Rule 1. When to take out a loan?

If you read the old lunar calendars, then you can see that this topic is well covered there and in almost every article not only lunar days, on which you can borrow, but also days when “it is good to borrow, so that at the appropriate time you can receive your own without loss, and return someone else’s.”

It is better to do this on the 2nd, 8th, 24th, 27th lunar days. Their peculiarity is that they help to comply with the fourth rule (read it below) and provide the opportunity to change the essence of events. Popular beliefs It is not recommended to make payments (both take and give) on loans on Sunday and Monday. But as a ritual to attract wealth, it is recommended to “borrow money from someone for the new month, and give it back for the bad month.” If you take out a loan on the 2nd or 8th lunar day, and not just like that, but with the thought that I’m not taking out a loan, but performing a ritual to improve well-being, the effect will intensify. Also folk wisdom recommends taking money (in the case of a loan, a signed loan agreement or a credit card upon receipt) with the left hand.

Rule 2. When not to take out a loan?

A popular saying says: “Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life.” It is strictly not recommended to apply for loans on the 1st, 6th, 11th lunar days. At this time, there is a great danger of overlooking something important in the contract, printed small print. 14th and 15th lunar days (during the full moon, emotionality is increased and this can prevent you from making a thoughtful, calm decision) and the 23rd lunar day.

Taking out loans for pregnant women means “the child will live in debt”

Lend amounts that are divisible by two.

Rule 3. When to repay the loan?

Avoid payouts on Mondays, and also avoid payouts in the evening. Make loan repayments only in the morning and afternoon hours (until 18.00).

19th and 21st lunar days – better time for loan payments and debt collection. Typically, the amount must be repaid each month by a certain date. a certain number. Try to choose one of these lunar days during this period for payments. Popular wisdom also recommends giving back borrowed money only with your right hand.

Rule 4. “You take other people’s, but give your own.”

Surely many of you have heard this saying about the “nuisance” of debt.” This psychological aspect really spoils the nerves of many: you fall asleep with the thought “I wish I could give it back as soon as possible” and wake up with the thought “it’s a pity to give away your hard-earned money, earned by honest labor.” This does not add pleasure to life, and the reason for such internal tossing is, first of all, egregorial, associated with subtle energies. The egregor of money wants to “eat”, but he feeds on our violent experiences, so he slips in these unnerving thoughts. Any energy frame is tuned to certain patterns of behavior and emotional response (psychological attitudes). If you remember what happens to people when they take out a loan or take out a loan, you will see: there are only two types of reactions in the process - intense joy, “finally I’ll buy what I want, hurray!” or vigorous mental activity “how will I give the money?” It is these reactions that the egregor “hooks on”, pulling invisible strings, and receives your energy for food. Note that it takes away some of the energy that could have been directed toward repaying the loan. As a result, debt repayment is delayed and occurs with great difficulty and nervous tension.

Avoiding this is quite easy. Egregor needs to not let himself get caught at the very beginning of the loan agreement. It is necessary, as it were, to “surprise” the egregor - to give out a non-standard emotional reaction. You can read more about this, for example, from V. Zeland in his first book “Reality Transurfing”.

It’s enough just to remember this phenomenon, and at the moment when you borrow money or apply for a loan, instead of the expected egregor “how will I pay it back” and “oh, I’ll buy it now,” think, for example, about the fact that you are being paid a salary, or you are registering an inheritance... There is huge scope for creativity here - compose to your heart’s content.

And finally, a few folk money will accept and household rituals that will help you make all loan payments easier and enjoy life.

For money to flow:

Keep some money under the tablecloth - there will be money in the house,

Money loves counting. But just don’t count the money that’s in the piggy bank,

Don't count your money in the evening

The money in your wallet must be kept in order so that it is not crumpled. Crispy bills should be stacked sequentially: first bills of one denomination, then of another. Money different countries(for example, rubles and dollars) are not put together, only in different sections of the wallet,

Hold the broom with the whisk up,

Money flows away like water: you can’t have faulty plumbing in your house, because the money will go away with the water,

Close the toilet with a lid to prevent money from leaking out,

Do not pick up any loose change you find.

Of course, in order for the energy of money to circulate optimally, it is necessary to strictly observe the laws and “mechanics” of the subtle plane. Astrology helps with this, suggesting when exactly is the best time to exercise. financial matters. Fortune telling with Tarot cards also helps effective management finances.

If you want to attract money, improve your financial situation, solve problems in business and personal life, then our specialists will be happy to help you. Just call Astro7's esoteric expert service.

Free consultation with an astrologer, fortune teller or psychic after registration

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Every market has ups and downs; periods when it is profitable to make purchases alternate with periods when there is a high probability of incurring losses. The loan market is no exception - most types of loans have their own “velvet seasons”. Krediti.ru found out what time of year is best to apply for a loan, depending on the purposes of lending.

Winter: borrow for a car and gifts

January is characterized by a traditional lull in the credit market: firstly, the entire end of December and almost half of January the country celebrates the New Year, and secondly, in January the laws adopted by the State Duma in the autumn usually come into force - including those relating to banking activities. Credit institutions wait, analyze the market, make decisions to revise interest rates; the activity of working with borrowers decreases for a short time, since first it is necessary to determine the rules of the game for the coming year.

But no one is stopping borrowers from “forging iron without leaving the cash register.” Winter is not the best time to apply for a mortgage, precisely because in January there is often an increase in average weighted rates, a withdrawal of cheap offers from the market and mild consumer hysteria: they say that good apartments will soon run out. In this situation, there is a high temptation to grab the first loan that comes along, on the most unfavorable terms - as long as they give it, and quickly buy what turns up.

Krediti.ru warns: Nerves and haste often turn against the borrower.

People who are focused on buying a car know this well, and therefore closely monitor seasonal car loan offers, with various discounts and bonuses. For example, a zero rate if you purchase a car of the previous year of production (the creditor bank takes interest from the manufacturer or dealer).

Winter is the best time to take out this type of loan. Firstly, seasonal car loan promotions usually begin at the end of the year and continue through the first months of the new year. Secondly, when applying for a car loan in winter, you can buy a car during the quiet off-season period: the autumn boom in demand in the car market has already ended, and the spring has not yet begun. Accordingly, there are fewer queues at car dealerships, and sometimes the prices are lower...

But at the same time, winter is truly a “golden” time for POS loans, or, as they are more often called, express loans issued directly at points of sale. Moreover, both classic trade loans and instant loans are in demand. credit cards, which some banks “sell from trays” in large shopping centers.

Krediti.ru pays attention to two “peak” months - December and February. In December, everyone is gripped by the “New Year’s syndrome”, and in February we are preparing for “gender holidays” - Valentine’s Day, February 23 and March 8.

POS loans are most often issued for the purchase of jewelry, dear household appliances, household goods. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to save on interest rates. But many goods are sold at discounts during this period, so the loan amount itself may not be that large. And besides, when express lending you do not need to provide any certificates.

Spring: solving the housing problem

With the onset of spring, you can think about a mortgage. Firstly, by this time the issue with interest rates has been “settled”. Even if they grow in January, as often happens, in the following months, until the beginning of summer, they will remain practically unchanged. And it will be possible to thoughtfully choose the most best conditions among the programs offered on the market.

Secondly, during January-February all illiquid mortgage offers will leave the market: they will be snapped up by nervous and impatient borrowers. But new options will appear, the owners of which were specifically waiting for spring, not wanting to put apartments on the oversaturated market.

Thirdly, since applying for a mortgage in itself is a rather labor-intensive process, and the purchase of a new home usually involves repairs and moving, it is better to select a loan program in March-April - then by the summer season the main chores will be completed. By starting the same process in the summer, you risk being late and facing the traditional autumn rise in prices for both loans and square meters.

Summer: fixing things, studying, traveling...

In the summer, there is a traditional decline in activity in offices and government institutions, as citizens go on vacation and go on vacation. But bank employees are rolling up their sleeves: the holiday season increases the demand for targeted consumer loans. Loans for renovations and travel are becoming bestsellers. Credit organizations are catching the wave and often offer special programs aimed at “tourists” and “repair workers.”

As a rule, they offer short-term loans for travel (for a period of 6-12 months), in tandem with partner travel agencies; for repairs - targeted consumer loans for a period of 12-24 months. Interest rates, however, are at the average market level, although in the “high season”, with increased demand for a certain loan, the bank can offer interest benefits. More often they concern those who have already received loans from this bank or are payroll clients.

Autumn: taking out long-term loans

In the fall, the topic of mortgages “comes up” again - those who did not have time to apply for a loan in the spring are in a hurry to do so before the end of the year, despite the usual seasonal increase in apartment prices and interest rates. In addition, banks that have announced an increase in the price of loans sometimes make tempting offers: if the borrower takes out a mortgage loan in a certain time interval, he will receive it at the old, more favorable rate.

So those who carefully monitor mortgage offers can win.

But perhaps the most successful type of autumn lending is consumer loans for any purpose, for a period of 36-60 months. The fact is that in the fall “everyone buys everything,” although until New Year's holidays still far away. At this time, new items in computer equipment and software, electronic gadgets, new clothing collections (including fur coats, which are often bought on credit), furniture, etc. are traditionally presented. In addition, far-sighted people purchase air tickets in advance and pay for tours if they wish to New Year relax abroad.

And for banks, on the eve of a new financial year, we need a “backlog” for new borrowers, so consumer loans are actively advertised. During this period, the largest “range” in terms of rates and lending conditions, various benefits and bonuses are usually offered, so you can choose the optimal program with taste. And often the choice is made in favor of a loan, which takes longer to repay but is cheaper.

Autumn is also a traditional time for weddings, and paying for a grand celebration on credit is quite convenient. Some banks, again, are developing special “wedding offers”.

The situation is also influenced by the fact that people “exhale” after the successful completion of August: since nothing terrible happened in this “fateful” month, there is a chance that no crisis will happen in the future. So, it is possible with peace of mind take out a loan for what you dreamed of.

Off-season loans

And one last thing. There are loans that can be called off-season, or year-round. These include business loans, since a company may need to purchase equipment, rent a new office, working capital etc. The money that entrepreneurs are looking for for a start-up is also not tied to the seasons. Finally, microfinance organizations, with their lightning-fast issuance and repayment terms, as well as the modest amounts of the loans themselves, are “on call” 12 months a year.

So best time to apply for a loan in to the greatest extent depends on the goals you set for yourself.

Anastasia Ivelich, expert editor of the Kredity.ru portal