What to drink during training: water vs isotonics. Is it possible to drink during training? What is the best thing to drink during training?

During intense training, our body loses not only fluid in large quantities, but also useful substances that our body needs for recovery and normal functioning. What is better to restore reserves: water or special sports drinks (isotonics), which contain all the necessary substances?


If your run lasts no more than an hour at an average pace, then your needs can be satisfied with water and it is not at all necessary to weigh yourself down with bottles of sports drinks and tubes with special gels.

Your average pace is the pace at which you can carry on a conversation without getting out of breath.

So, if your run lasts no longer than an hour and you maintain your average pace, water is your choice.


Isotonics are advised to be reserved for more complex workouts, when the efforts made go beyond the usual loads. Many sports drinks don't have much good reputation, since they contain a large number of sugar, but in the case of intense training, a large amount of fast carbohydrates and a portion of electrolytes is just what you need!

With a light load, the use of isotonics does not make much sense, since the benefits from them will be about the same as from plain water.

Recovery. The sports drink contains on average from 20 to 50 kcal and from 5 to 14 g of sugar per 240 ml volume. Glucose (sugar) in this case is the fuel for the muscles. Our body can get glucose from almost any product, but it is much easier and faster to separate it from sugar. And the sooner this happens, the better, since during intense training our body simply does not have time to wait until, for example, the bread in our stomach is digested and divided into simpler components (including glucose). After long, intense workouts, there is a short carbohydrate window, and it is at this time that muscles are best able to replenish wasted sugar, which helps in recovery and preparation for the next race.

Carbohydrate window- the expected period is within 35–40 minutes after intense physical activity. The existence of such a period has not been scientifically confirmed.

After an active workout, the body needs to replenish not only fluid, but also the glycogen expended by the muscles.

During training, the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the body increases, which after training continue their effect, destroying protein tissue (muscles). To prevent this muscle shrinking effect, it is important to use another hormone - insulin. It neutralizes the destructive effects of cortisol, as it is its biochemical antagonist.

Insulin is produced when consuming so-called fast carbohydrates and blocks the action of cortisol and adrenaline.

In addition to carbohydrates, the body that has received physical activity needs proteins. Muscle growth and physical recovery in the human body depend on the amino acids that make up the protein. This means that during the carbohydrate window it is best to consume protein foods with high bioavailability (dairy products, legumes, nuts).

Source: Wikipedia

Fast rehydration. During intense exercise, our body loses large amounts of water, sodium and potassium through sweat. Water is great for quenching thirst, and drinks with electrolytes help restore fluid and electrolyte balance much faster. Sports drinks on average contain about 80 mg of sodium and 488 mg of potassium per 355 ml volume. This mixture of water, sugar and sodium helps our body absorb the moisture it needs much faster than just water.

Isotonic recipes

It is not necessary to buy special sports drinks in stores; some of them are quite easy to prepare at home.

Apple drink


  • 2 glasses cold water;
  • 1/4 cup apple juice;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • sugar or honey to taste;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon or ginger.

Vegetable isotonic


  • 1 liter of vegetable juice of your choice (you can make fresh beets or carrots at home);
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 cup orange juice.

Basic isotonic drink


  • 300 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 200 ml water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Citrus isotonic


  • 20 g honey or sugar;
  • 30 ml lemon, orange or grapefruit juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 400 ml water.

Even more simple options- dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in 1 liter of water or buy mineral water and release the gas from it.


If you are involved in an active sport aimed at burning calories, start preparing for exercise another 2 hours in advance. Drink a cup of tea without sugar or a glass of juice, preferably freshly squeezed. Immediately before exercising, take a few large sips of water.

In time workout The body itself will give a signal that it is dehydrated. You will understand that it is time to freshen up when viscous saliva forms and becomes dry. May appear from the mouth bad smell. All these symptoms will indicate that the body is actively burning fat. Decay products will be excreted by the kidneys, so they need help. In time workout It is recommended to take one sip every 10-15 minutes.

Only after completing the lesson can you drink a full glass of still water. Please keep in mind that along with water time During active physical activity, the body loses mineral salts. Cup mineral water It will also quench your thirst well. Or simply rinse your mouth with salted water.

In time strength loads, training with barbells, etc. the body loses moisture less intensively. This means you may not feel the need to replenish it. IN in this case Drink whenever you feel like it and feel thirsty. Throughout the entire power workout In principle, you can do without water. After completing your exercises, be sure to drink a glass or two of liquid.

Recommended water consumption during physical activity: - 2 hours before workout– 200-300 ml;- in 10 minutes – 80-100 ml;- in progress workout– 100-150 ml every 15-20 minutes; - after workout- 200 ml, repeat every 15 minutes until your thirst is satisfied.

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Drink water before and after training - important factor to maintain health. Water during physical activity is a prevention of heart attack, thromboembolism, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Most sports professionals agree that you should drink water during exercise. However, opinions on what is a safe amount of water vary.

Why is it important to keep your body hydrated during exercise?

There is a naive misconception among beginners and non-professionals that drinking during exercise prevents weight loss. In fact, the illusion of significant weight loss is associated with the evaporation of water from the body.

Drinking water is highly recommended during any physical activity, not just sports. Our body is 80% water, so maintaining water-salt balance is especially important. Dehydration and related conditions pose a serious threat.

Even a short-term water deficit will certainly affect the athlete’s well-being, and therefore the effectiveness of the training. If you don't drink water during a long workout, your blood becomes thicker. In this case, oxygen will be worse distributed throughout the body.

Evaporation of a critical amount of water leads to overheating of the body, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system and can even lead to loss of consciousness. Thus, due to a lack of water, the body experiences stress and quickly becomes overtired.

To avoid this condition, you need to periodically drink water during physical activity. However, it is worth choosing moderate drinking regime so as not to harm the body.

Excess water in the body is no less harmful to the heart than its lack. It leads to an increase in blood volume, which gives the heart extra work. Also, excessive water consumption causes the kidneys to work too intensively and provokes the leaching of salts from the body.

How much and how often to drink

So, I stayed last question. How much water to drink during training so as not to harm the body? The best option is to take a couple of small sips every 10-15 minutes.

Some types of loads require more water, some less. Some professional dancers say that during dance classes it is enough to simply gargle with water periodically. Bodybuilders, on the other hand, tend to overuse water during training.

You can also replenish your water intake before exercise. In this case, you should drink 0.5-1 liter of water within an hour. Under this condition, the body will not need additional fluids during exercise for a long time.

An important point: you should not drink very cold water during training. Drinking cold water entails a sharp constriction of blood vessels, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system. It is better to take water at room temperature, and in winter you can even take hot water.

There are two opposing opinions about whether if necessary or not necessary? Some argue that it is MANDATORY, others argue that it is bad for the liver, kidneys and something else. Today we will finally find out Do you still need to drink water during training?, how much water should you drink, and what quality should it be? Since these are the questions that concern everyone who has seriously decided to go in for sports, and at the same time they do not give a damn about their health and performance during the training itself and after it. We'll talk about these factors today. website will tell you how to drink water properly during exercise, And how much water should you drink on the day of training?

Why do you need water during exercise?

From school, everyone knows that we consist of 60-70% water, and our muscles are even more - 80-85%, so a lack of water (dehydration) causes inhibition of all processes inside our body, and this can ultimately lead to to serious health problems and even death.

During training, blood circulation increases, all tissues and organs heat up, body temperature rises, and at this moment the body tries to cool itself by secreting sweat. If you notice that you are sweating profusely during your workout, drinking 100 ml of water in small sips every 15 minutes will help avoid dehydration.

Reasons why you need to drink water

A lack of water in the body by at least 2% already significantly reduces your performance and training efficiency: strength indicators drop by 20%, and aerobic endurance by 50%. What is this connected with?

Dehydration causes changes in the quality of blood flow, as the blood becomes thick and its ability to carry oxygen to cells and tissues is significantly deteriorated. For this reason, fat cells do not oxidize and fat burning does not occur, since these two processes are closely interconnected and, unfortunately, cannot exist separately from each other. This leads to the first conclusion : Drink water during exercise necessary for the normal supply of oxygen to all cells of the body, and in particular to fat cells, so as not to slow down the fat burning process.

The second reason, which follows from the first, is the increased load on the heart. Due to the fact that even with a slight degree of dehydration, the blood becomes thick, it becomes difficult for the heart to pass it through itself and further distribute it to all tissues and organs, and this in turn creates an excessive load on the heart during training.

About water shortage and negative impact We’ve already talked about losing weight, now it’s time to listen to the consequences of dehydration during training for those who like to gain weight muscle mass. Drinking water during training helps protein to be better absorbed and amino acids to enter muscle tissue. If the body begins to receive less fluid, then these two processes worsen, and the process of building muscle mass slows down significantly. That's why drink water during exercise necessary not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who want to build muscle. Here water is a universal product for these seemingly two different purposes.

The next reason why do you need to drink water during exercise, again associated with the processes of fat burning and muscle building. In the process of burning fat or protein metabolism during the training process, end products of decomposition are formed in the blood, which, if they are not removed from the body, “slag” it, and this in turn prevents the body from delivering oxygen in the required quantities to cells and muscle tissue, which interferes with achieve your intended goals.

One of these breakdown products is lactic acid. Its accumulation in large quantities leads to muscle pain and decreased performance during exercise. To avoid this, consuming water during exercise is a must.

How much water should you drink during exercise?

On average, a person needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water per day. When it comes to training and sports, the amount of water consumed increases. How much depends on several factors: the type and intensity of the workout, the duration of the workout, and your weight.

But on average this figure starts from 2 liters and above. The longer and more intense your training, the greater the amount of water consumed.

Drink water during exercise you need 100-150 ml in small sips every 15-20 minutes. This volume does not create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and discomfort during exercise.

But drink water not only is it necessary during training. To prepare in advance for fluid loss and create a reserve supply of water in the body, saturating all cells and tissues with it, you need to drink 400 ml of water 1-1.5 hours before training. During this time, the water will have time to be completely absorbed by the body, and you will have time to empty your bladder before starting your workout.

It is also necessary to drink water after training until your thirst is completely quenched; on average, you will need about 200-300 ml of water.

Myths about water during exercise

During my coaching, I have repeatedly had to answer questions about is it possible to drink water during training, how much water should you drink during training, what it should be and many others. People who are interested in such issues actually deserve great respect, since they are not indifferent to the state of their health, and they approach the training process as responsibly as possible.

But there are also people who are sure that drink water during exercise- It's unhealthy! They are guided by false knowledge that water overloads the kidneys and liver. To dispel this myth about water during exercise and still prove that you can and should drink water, I will give you some scientific facts.

1. Firstly, overload of the kidneys and liver is possible only by drinking excessive amounts of water! If your norm, taking into account your weight and intensity of training, is 2.5 liters of water per day, and instead of totaling 8 liters, then the kidneys can really “rebel and be offended,” because they simply don’t need that amount of fluid. But if you consume the amount of water you need in small portions at a time, then your kidneys will only thank you. And the next fact will tell you why.

2. Heat and high temperatures disrupt the water-salt balance in the body, and this is one of the main reasons for the appearance of kidney stones. To prevent this, you need drink water during exercise, because physical exercise, as we already know, contribute to an increase in temperature in the muscles and the whole body as a whole! And water, through the release of sweat, lowers body temperature, and the required amount of urine produced prevents the appearance of stones in the urinary tract.

3. One more important fact The fact that the kidneys and liver do not suffer from the water received during training, but rather need it, lies in their purpose. The task of the kidneys is to cleanse the body of various toxins and waste products, but without the presence of water they simply cannot do this. When there is not enough water, the kidneys turn to their friend the liver for help, but the main task of the liver is to activate glycogen and fat stores to produce energy during exercise. It turns out that while helping the kidneys, the liver does not have time to perform its main task, and the fat burning process stops. This suggests that water helps the kidneys not only remove all harmful toxins and waste from the body, but is also indirectly responsible for ensuring that the liver performs its function well, supplying the body with the necessary energy and burning fats.

I think that these few facts have proven to you quite convincingly that drink water during exercise USEFUL and NECESSARY! Water is involved in many vital processes in the body and works for you to help you achieve your fitness goals.

I hope this article helped you understand this important issue, How can you drink water during exercise? And now, if someone asks you or reproaches you for drinking a lot, then you can explain to this person which of you is right. Drink water during exercise It was always possible and necessary. The main thing is to remember your daily norm and try to stick to it, then everything will be fine with your kidneys, liver, and the processes of losing weight and building muscle mass.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

P.S. Drink to your health =)

The totality of everything received by the body nutrients, vitamins and minerals form the daily diet. Your progress and success in achieving your goals will depend on how correctly you create your menu for the day. Every meal matters, but there are times when getting the right nutrients is especially important: before and after exercise.

Before training

Working out is your golden hour. A limited time in which you must perform as well as your body allows. To prevent your own body from fully revealing its potential at the most crucial moment - what could be more irrational and stupid? However, many do just that.

Imagine that your mind is a rally driver, and theoretical and practical knowledge and skills act as a navigator, telling you the right way. Together you go towards your goal that you so want to achieve. You spent many days preparing for the race, studied every turn, but forgot to refuel the car. And so you go to the start with an empty fuel tank. Failure? What a great one!

What does rally and an empty tank have to do with it? This is exactly the situation that people find themselves in when they do not pay enough attention to nutrition before exercise. Doesn’t it bother you that a couple of hours before training you already had a slight feeling of hunger? Where will the body get the resources to do the hard work? How long will you last? As a result, glycogen reserves are reduced and quickly disappear; therefore, there is no strength either, and the muscles literally burn out.

This mainly happens due to a misunderstanding or overestimation of the capabilities of one’s own body. Many people believe that what they eat for lunch or breakfast is enough to train, but if you come to class hungry, then there is no question of any productive training. Fatigue sets in almost immediately, you have to increase rest time, reduce weights, and reduce the number of approaches. And what's the result?

You literally run away from the gym and try to justify yourself: “Okay, today was a hard day, I’m tired, I’ll go home, but I’ll definitely work out the next lesson in in full" Seriously? Everything will be exactly the same until you finally start eating right before training.

Before exercise, the body must receive carbohydrates And squirrels.

Carbohydrates will give the body the opportunity to store enough glycogen to fuel the muscles with energy throughout the entire session.

Squirrels will also go into action. Many people mistakenly believe that protein should only be taken after a workout, but muscles always need amino acids, and especially during exercise. The intake of sufficient amounts of amino acids will create the correct anabolic climate in the body, promoting more effective growth and recovery of muscle tissue after training.

And here fat before training not needed. Firstly, fatty foods stay in the stomach longer. Exercising with a feeling of heaviness in your stomach is uncomfortable and is fraught with a sudden “booooee” right during training. Secondly, fat interferes with the absorption of other beneficial substances.

Regular food 1.5–2 hours before training is a good option when you have time to cook and the opportunity to carry food with you. Well, if you can also warm it up before eating, then that’s great.

Sports nutrition is more convenient in this regard. It doesn't need to be cooked. A shaker with a pre-prepared dry mixture is lighter and takes up less space. A bottle of water, milk or juice is also easy to transport, and mixing a cocktail will take a maximum of a minute and does not require heating. There are quite hopeless situations when it is not possible to take even a shaker with you, but for these cases there are solutions - protein-carbohydrate bars. You can literally snack on them on the go. In addition to convenience, sports nutrition simply more efficient.

Whey Protein- most quick way give the body protein. It is absorbed much easier and faster. It can be taken an hour before training, when regular food no longer has time to be absorbed. If you train in the morning, when very little time passes between waking up and starting your workout, regular food will not do at all.

It is useful to include a BCAA complex in protein to fully provide muscles with amino acids.

As a simplified alternative to mixing protein, BCAA and finding the optimal source of carbohydrates yourself, a gainer is suitable. The gainer contains protein, carbohydrates, sometimes BCAA, creatine and other useful additives in fairly balanced proportions. Look at the composition, add the missing components based on your needs and goals.

An even more advanced option is pre-workout mixtures, designed specifically for use before class. Their composition is optimized for creation in the body the best conditions to handle upcoming loads.

If bulking, your pre-workout meal should include 20 grams of whey protein with the addition of 5 grams of BCAAs and about 50 grams of carbohydrates. When losing weight, you need to reduce the amount of protein to 15 grams, carbohydrates to 15–20 grams and add L-carnitine to enhance the fat-burning effect.

After training

The body's needs after exercise are the same as in the pre-training period: carbohydrates, squirrels And less fat to avoid delayed absorption of nutrients. Eating after a workout is especially pleasant because you can eat it without negative consequences turn on fast carbohydrates, that is, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

Protein and carbohydrate levels are slightly higher than before training: when bulking, it is recommended to take 25-30 grams of whey protein with the addition of 5-8 grams of BCAA, and the amount of carbohydrates can be increased to 60-100 grams, based on body weight and goals.

IMPORTANT! When losing weight, you should not take carbohydrates within 2-3 hours after training, otherwise the body will stop using its own fat reserves and switch to food. BCAA can be taken in the same volumes as when gaining weight, and whey isolate with highest degree cleaning.

A post-workout gainer remains a simplified alternative to mixing individual nutritional components yourself.

As an advanced replacement for a universal gainer, you can take a specialized reducing mixture.

Caffeine and other stimulants are contraindicated within two hours after exercise, as they interfere with the body's ability to restore glycogen reserves.

The post-workout meal is always given Special attention. This is due to the popular belief that after the lesson the so-called anabolic window, also known as the protein-carbohydrate window.

What it is? Different experts put their own meaning into the definition, but simply put, the anabolic window is when the nutrients received are used to the maximum to restore energy reserves and build muscles, without the formation of fat mass.

The problem is that the anabolic window phenomenon is poorly understood. Different studies provide different and sometimes contradictory data, but let's think constructively. If a window exists, eating after exercise is extremely important. If it doesn't exist, you still need to eat to give your body the nutrients it needs to repair and grow. In any case, there is no harm from a post-workout meal, so just give your body everything it needs in accordance with your goals and don’t worry about unnecessary things.

The right drinks for active people who go in for sports can become assistants in achieving sports results and solving assigned problems.

What is the best thing to drink before training?

Freshly squeezed juices before a workout can give you the extra nutrients you need to maintain strength and endurance. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain the same healthy vitamins, minerals and plant chemical substances that you get from eating whole fruits or vegetables. Your body can more easily absorb these nutrients in the form of fresh juice, and your digestive system may not have to work as hard to digest them. Fresh juices can help:

  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • increase immunity;
  • help with detoxification;
  • improve digestion;
  • and increase weight loss.

Fruit or vegetable juices that contain complex and simple carbohydrates may provide you with the best energy fuel for the body. Complex carbohydrates provide you with fructose, which your body slowly converts into energy, giving you more strength for your workouts. Carbohydrates take about two hours to process, making fresh juice a quick and easy source of energy for your workout.

carrot juice

Carrot juice can give you energy for your workout, contains high level beta carotene – antioxidant, which oxidizes the blood, brain and body tissues.

Fruit and nut juice

Banana– a good option for juicing as it contains high levels of potassium, which can help your body convert glucose into glycogen for long lasting energy.
Almond is a nutrient-dense food, and bran contains magnesium, which can help your body store and use glycogen and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tbsp. from wheat, rice or oat bran;
  • and from 8 to 12 almonds.

Mix thoroughly, adding water to desired taste and consistency.

Beet juice

Freshly squeezed beet juice before exercise may help improve endurance. Nitrates in beet juice lead to a decrease in oxygen absorption, which makes exercise less tiring.

Before your next workout, drink the juice of 1 beetroot, adding fresh Apple juice taste.

Sugar in vegetables and fruits will help increase workout productivity, but this Only necessary for those who are gaining muscle mass.

Those losing weight need to be careful, juices should be consumed in the first half of the day, exclusively from fruits with a low glycemic index, e.g. green apple. Any simple carbohydrates inhibit fat burning. Also, another tonic drink with a slight energy drink effect would be coffee, for those who is losing weight - without sugar. But it is necessary to take into account that coffee expels water from the body, so make sure to replenish lost fluid.

What is the best thing to drink during training?

The best and only drink during training will be one without additives or impurities. The main task of drinks during training is to prevent dehydration and blood thickening; for this it is better to drink water, since you have already received the energy for training before the start of classes. You should use this energy during your workout rather than adding new carbohydrates, so drink a lot of water– Absolutely everyone needs it!

What's the best thing to drink after a workout?

Immediately after your workout, you will need enough protein to maintain your muscles and overall body condition. Within 30 minutes after training It won't hurt you to drink a glass of milk, to which you can add cottage cheese or fruit (for those who are gaining muscle), mix in a blender, it will turn out to be kind of natural. You can also consume, which will replenish energy and prevent muscle breakdown.

For those who are drying out, simple carbohydrates, and even milk sugar (lactose) can interfere with the drying process, as they will provide a surge in insulin, and the weight will remain the same. Just like during a workout, you need water, and food is an important source of nutrients for you.

Conclusion: what to drink after training for muscle growth

Natural products - milk, fruit and vegetable juices - are a source of energy and nutrients. Each has its own absorption rate and nutritional value. Of course, if you gain muscle, you need to consume plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. To replenish these reserves, simple and effective way will be the intake of sports cocktails - gainer, (replaceable and irreplaceable), pre-workout complexes. For those who are losing weight, taking it before training will help to release fat into energy. These are optional, but quite effective helpers in accelerating results.

Useful video: pre-workout drink recipe