Why do you dream of a deep knife wound? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a wound?

Why dream of cutting your hand? Such a plot in a dream warns of complications at work, quarrels, conflicts, and financial difficulties. Depending on the other details of the vision, the dream book gives an interpretation of the dreamed situation.

Trouble in business

Why do you dream of cutting your hand deeply? The dream book says: this is a bad sign. You need to be more careful in your aspirations and desires, since the risk of trouble is great. An undertaking that was entrusted big hopes, may fail or require unjustified costs.

Cutting yourself deeply in a dream foretells losses. Perhaps one of the competitors will achieve success before the dreamer and begin to harm him, preventing him from receiving the planned large profit.

Be more careful with others

I dreamed that I was hurt right hand? The dream book warns: you will have a serious quarrel with a good friend. Try to make peace quickly.

Did you cut the right one? There may be financial difficulties that will have to be resolved with the help of friends or relatives.

The dream book interprets a dream about a small cut on a finger as a warning: excessive activity of the sleeper can be perceived by others as aggression. You should be more gentle.

Possible financial difficulties

Seeing a cut from which a lot of blood flows in a dream soon promises financial difficulties. Therefore, it is better to refrain from concluding any transactions, and also not to borrow.

A cut with blood is an unfavorable omen. This means: the sleeper will soon get sick.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why dream of cutting your hand and seeing a wound with blood? There will be a temporary estrangement among loved ones, or the dreamer will unfairly judge a friend.

You can overcome difficulties

Did you dream of getting hurt and bleeding, but you managed to stop it? Thanks to your own hard work, you will be able to overcome the problems that have arisen and improve your life in all areas.

Cutting your hand in a dream and washing it means that in reality you will have unpleasant, difficult chores, worries that you will still be able to complete.

Difficulties at work, losses

Injuring your fingers means: you are about to lose something, and this loss will throw you off balance. Also damaging your fingers is a warning about problems and complications at work.

Did you see your brother with a wound on his arm in a dream? In reality, expect troubles due to your own oversight. Try to make more informed decisions.

Conflicts at home, obstacles in business

Why dream of cutting your hand with a knife? The dream book indicates: the dreamer’s loved ones will try to tame his character, but this will only provoke quarrels and serious conflicts.

A wound received with a knife portends: in reality, some circumstances will develop very confusingly, so you will encounter great difficulties in business.

according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dreamed that someone hurt you, then this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Stay alert. You should change your place of residence.

The meaning of a dream about a wound

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream - such a dream indicates that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

Wound in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see wounds on your body in a dream means that one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news. Seeing a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to peace. If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their gossips can cause you heartbreak. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality. If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

I dreamed about a wound

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are injured is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. Soothing a pain or bandaging a wound foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Why do you dream about an abscess?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

drinking party

I dreamed of an abscess

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an abscess, a boil from which pus and blood flows in a dream, means that trouble awaits you in the near future. Perhaps one of them is the insincerity of friends, which will cause you great anxiety. Seeing boils on your forehead in a dream means that someone close to you is ill.

I dreamed about blood

according to Miller's dream book

Dreaming of bloody clothes speaks of possible enemies who seek to interfere with the successful career that is opening up before you. Anyone who sees this dream should be wary of strange new friendships. Seeing blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health or impending anxiety, failure in business caused by unsuccessful transactions with foreign syndicates, cartels and other associations. Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of failure, fatal bad luck if you do not immediately take care of yourself and your affairs.

Why do you dream about blood?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see a lot - to money; accident; from the nose - monetary loss, plight, relatives; from the mouth - property disputes with loved ones; from a member - divorce with loss of children or reputation; on others - illness in the family; someone else's soiled - benefit through the one whose blood; liberation through loss; unexpected happiness; spilled on the ground - to money; unexpected help; soiled clothes - someone’s anger; dried up - old enmity or envy.

Blood in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, you will soon receive news from your relatives. A dream in which you are bleeding means temporary loneliness and sadness. To see in a dream how you shed someone's blood is to show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important to you. You should take the initiative into your own hands. See in a dream loved one bleeding - because of your selfishness, your relationship with a loved one will deteriorate. A dream in which you saw the ground drenched in blood foreshadows difficult trials, conflicts and human sacrifices.

Why do you dream about blood?

according to Vanga's dream book

Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, and conflicts. A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one. If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the action of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation. In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood splashed from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can result in serious consequences for you. You dream that you are drinking from a cold river and tasty water. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and before your eyes turns into thick blood. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

Seeing blood in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

This symbol is rarely worn in dreams. positive character, perhaps, with the exception of cases related to the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy’s blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, damage or death. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, that is, it can involve the loss of significant resources. Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of “blood brotherhood”. Blood can also symbolize sacrifice - for example, a lamb given to the slaughter. In addition, blood has a deep meaning for people interested in the occult. In dreams of this kind, blood is often drunk, drawn or written with. You will find frequent mentions and references to such phenomena in many iconic works of literature. Whose blood do you see in your dream? Can you determine who caused it to appear? Did you experience a feeling of fear while doing this?

The meaning of a dream about a scratch

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see traces of scratches on your body - a talkative person will appear in your environment who will pester you with his conversations. You can be rude to him, but you should not do this so as not to interfere with possible cooperation. If in a dream you saw scratches on someone else, it means that you will be able to solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time, but to do this you will have to resort to someone else’s help. It is best if it is provided by one of your relatives or people you completely trust, since the problem will be strictly confidential. For the dreamer himself, scratching someone with his nails in a dream means very violent sex awaits you.

I dreamed of a scratch

according to Miller's dream book

If you scratch someone in a dream, it means that you will be picky and irritable in your behavior with others. If you are scratched in a dream, it means that you will suffer from the malicious slander of some liar.

Seeing body damage in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Often in a dream we are unable to act as a result of injuries - such dreams, in particular, are characteristic of periods of self-doubt. We simply believe that luck passes us by and is more favorable to others; As a result, a feeling of inferiority and vulnerability arises. It is important to know who and what caused the injury. If you have injured yourself through negligence, you may be trying to catch yourself in a lie. If the injury was inflicted by another person, and intentionally, with malicious intent, then this is an indication that someone is trying to prevent you from realizing your potential. And, of course, it is very important to monitor what methods are used to treat the wound and what consequences it leads to. What important functions were you unable to perform after your injury?

Why do you dream of hurting?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(with a sharp knife, you were wounded with a saber) - for lovers - mutual happiness; new friendship; you hurt someone - a good deed; good deed through this person.

Seeing an amputation in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Cut off part of your body. Dreams often paint us pictures in which we damage some part of the body. People dream various shapes damage. This often indicates a person’s physical weakness or self-destructive psychological beginning. Try to determine what causes the amputation, how it is carried out, and also analyze the state of anxiety caused by this process. Also see how amputation affects your later life and what inconveniences are associated with it, or maybe it brings a feeling of liberation? Think about how far away the body part you need real life for the functioning of the body. Amputation in a dream may have religious, moral or ethical implications. For followers of some religious sects, their own body is worst enemy professed social or religious principles and values. Christians, for example, firmly believe in the Holy Scriptures, which say that it is better to pluck out the eye that offends you than to keep it, but commit a sin and go to hell. Adherents of various beliefs follow similar stereotypes at the subconscious level. Cutting off part of someone else's body. To understand why you cut off body parts from someone else in a dream, it is important to analyze the relationship between you and that person. If you cut something from a loved one, it indicates an area in which you feel hurt. Causing bodily harm to a work colleague may be caused by a simple desire to get even with him or to benefit from it. If a severed organ is regenerated in a dream, it seems that this colleague or rival is lucky: he is not subject to your influence. If you cause injury to a stranger- this is a manifestation of a feeling of awkwardness when forced everyday communication with different people.

I dreamed about amputation

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the amputation of any body parts in a dream means minor losses in service. Complete loss of arms and legs in a dream means a decline in commercial affairs. For sailors, such a dream foreshadows a storm and loss of property. For people experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign.

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    wounds, cuts, sores on face in dream- to stress, worries. Disfigured face dreaming to a difficult life period of anxiety and strong feelings. This will concern primarily the one whose mutilated face to you dreamed. Paint, powder face- improve your life if in dream If you put on makeup and like it (or put on powder), then everything in life will succeed. Read more

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    When I woke up feeling cuts on left in hand... But cuts on there is no O_O in my hand and I still feel pain in those places where IN DREAM cut hand... tell me what it could be??? Had a dream that my young man kicked with all his might, but I covered myself as best I could, then he took the bottle and smashed it on my head / this happened about the third time. There was blood cuts were visible on face, and the weight had a very deep hole. Read more

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    wounds, cuts, sores on face in dream- to stress, worries. Disfigured face dreaming to a difficult life period of anxiety and strong feelings. This will concern primarily the one whose mutilated face to you dreamed. Paint, powder face- improve your life if in dream If you put on makeup and like it (or put on powder), then everything in life will succeed. Read more

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    If in dream man applies a cut himself, then in life he will be a source of danger. Also, in accordance with this dream book, a cut from which blood flows may be a sign foreshadowing loss vitality. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible. In case a person dreamed, what he cut someone, this means that soon he will face public censure and shame. Read more

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    wounds, cuts, sores on face in dream- to stress, worries. Disfigured face dreaming to a difficult life period of anxiety and strong feelings. This will concern primarily the one whose mutilated face to you dreamed. Paint, powder face- improve your life if in dream If you put on makeup and like it (or put on powder), then everything in life will succeed. Read more

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    wounds, cuts, sores on face in dream- to stress, worries. Disfigured face dreaming to a difficult life period of anxiety and strong feelings. This will concern primarily the one whose mutilated face to you dreamed. Paint, powder face- improve your life if in dream If you put on makeup and like it (or put on powder), then everything in life will succeed. Read more

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    If you will dream cute, pretty face - dream is a good omen. If this face ugly, unkind - disagreements with friends or loved ones await you. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Mom with chopped face in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation cut fingers in dream dreamed, for what dreaming in dream cut fingers in dream?Dream in which you inflicted yourself a cut Carelessly handling the blade portends illness. Apply yourself deep a cut with a sharply sharpened knife - you will become dependent on a cruel person. Cut yourself in dream glass when swimming means that you will become a victim of malicious slander. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed about it dream that I was driving my car (in reality I have a car), and everything in life brought me down and I took two cut on left side of the abdomen. Had a dream as if from the beginning on face herpes spilled out, and then it spread all over face, took on a crust and began to tighten strongly, in dream I went to the doctor, and they sat calmly thinking that I have this from nature, I begin to tell him that this happened today and this crust begins to come off, like a snake’s skin, and it came off but with pain. Read more

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    Beautiful, open face, seen in dream, means you can take part in the fun without any worries. Ugly, gloomy and angry face foreshadows undesirable events. if you dreamed that you admire the beautiful color of your faces, - you have unexpected but pleasant events ahead. Unimportant color faces- to disappointment. Dream, in which you see your reflection faces, predicts imminent dissatisfaction with oneself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cuts dirt on hands in dream.Interpret dream. See in dream. If dreamed that the husband Bugs on the skin Bugs on something The dead man is pestering Eating cake Rhyming the word by force Climbing up the mountain and Give birth to be pregnant Washing in new apartment The big brownie turns on the light. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming cut Finger in dream according to the dream book? cut in dream fingers, and at the same time not seeing blood - to annoying events at your workplace, however, your family will help you cope with their consequences. To my husband dreamed that he was saving a colleague (woman) who was bleeding, the blood was black. Later it turned out that he also had it on his right hand, on the index finger, a cut and black blood runs, which cannot be stopped and it bubbles. dream dreamed about it today.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Legs Dream about legs Cuts legs Had a dream legs. Dream Interpretation - Tenderness. Walk together along the road - to life together. caress in dream with a loved one - to separation. To cut yourself with shards of broken glass from an empty bottle - to be deceived, vain and naive hopes with subsequent blood grievances. Massaging the back of an aunt who was visiting you - symbolically the desire to either find yourself in your aunt’s situation, or to refuse it (aunt’s back, faces can not see).

Most often, a cut in a dream is identified with the need to be careful in reality, to restrain one’s aspirations and desires. One way or another, in most cases the plot foretells separation or disappointment for the sleeping person. Do you want to know exactly why you dream of a cut and what you can expect in the future? Pay attention to the details of the dream. Namely, what and how you managed to cut yourself, how serious the damage was.

General interpretation

Often, a cut in a dream is a symbol warning of a possible quarrel with loved ones. In this case, the sleeper will not find a place for himself due to the disagreements that have arisen.

If you cut yourself slightly in a dream, it means that in reality you risk losing your partner’s trust. If the wound turned out to be deep and was bleeding heavily, it means that in reality you are destined for more significant losses. However, you should not take the current situation to heart, because sometimes by losing, we can find something really important.

Are you wondering why you dream of being cut with a sharp knife? According to the dream book, in reality you will be under the influence of an unpleasant character.

Did you see that blood was oozing from a cut and it couldn’t be stopped? Unfortunately, in reality you will lose something really important.

What did you cut yourself with?

Have you ever seen a glass cut in a dream? The dream book believes that dirty gossip about you will soon spread. Try to change your behavior somewhat so as not to give rise to ill-wishers and prevent undesirable consequences.

When thinking about why you dream of cutting your finger with a knife, seek help from Universal dream book. In its interpretation in reality, you should be wary of gossip, rumors and various misunderstandings with the people around you.

A small wound, according to the dream book, indicates your excessive activity, which can turn others against you. Try to behave softer and calmer. This will change the initial impression of your person.

Also, a dream about a cut may foreshadow a conflict in the family. However, if blood does not flow, then you can avoid discord. But the problems in the service will not go away.

Have you ever cut yourself with a blade in your sleep? According to the dream book, the deal you are trying to conclude in reality will turn out to be very unsuccessful and will provoke adverse consequences for you.

What to cut

Do you want to understand why you dream of cutting a woman’s or a man’s hands? Most likely, in reality you will not be able to avoid an offensive misunderstanding that has arisen between you and a loved one. It will provoke a quarrel that will drag on and lead to discord in the relationship in the future.

Did you see a cut on your leg? The trip you've been planning for a long time won't happen. Have you seen a cut on the body, in particular on the stomach, from which blood is pouring heavily? Most likely, in reality you worry too much about the problems and troubles that have befallen you. As a result, you vital energy not enough to get out of nervous overstrain. Try to distract yourself from negative thoughts.

According to the dream book, a cut on your face will inevitably bring stress, shame and humiliation into your reality. If you see a cut on your palm, then in reality you should be wary of harm from strangers. A cut on the back promises betrayal of a friend. Did you see a deep cut on your stomach? Be on your guard, in reality you are in serious danger.

In business

Did you see cut wounds on your hands in a dream? According to the dream book, they foretell losses of various nature. Most likely, competitors will take advantage of your weakness and push you aside. A cut on the palm, as a rule, portends financial losses. You will most likely end up in debt. However, try not to borrow too much.

Another's cut

Did you see a cut wound on a person you know in a dream? Soon you will have to play the role of a truce between two quarreling parties. Try to perform it as delicately as possible. Otherwise, you will be made guilty without guilt.

Did you dream that you accidentally cut someone else in your sleep? The dream book believes that in reality you are too trusting. Try not to waste yourself on trifles and concentrate on the main thing, otherwise you risk making many mistakes that will harm not only you, but also your loved ones.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

The interpretation of why you dream of cutting your hand is in many cases very unfavorable and foreshadows problems and conflicts in business sphere and family, money problems and much more. In order to find out more precisely what awaits you in the near future, the dream book recommends analyzing all the details of the plot you saw.

To the problems

Are you wondering why you dream of cutting your hand badly and deeply? According to the interpreter, this plot is very bad sign. Try to be attentive and careful, especially in your desires. There is a high chance that you will find yourself in a serious situation. Any project on which you pinned all your hopes will be an unprofitable and unpromising undertaking.

Did you have to cut yourself deeply and severely in your sleep? In reality, you are destined for big losses. Soon one of your strongest enemies will achieve success and begin to harm you.

Be on your guard

Did you see that you injured your right hand? According to the dream book, you will have a strong quarrel with best friend. Be more tolerant and do not hold grudges against your loved ones. Why else would a woman dream of cutting her right hand? In reality, you will have some problems with money, which you can only cope with with the help of your family.

Did you see a small cut on your finger? The dream book believes that one way or another your behavior will cause an aggressive reaction in others. Try to reduce your activity somewhat.

To financial difficulties

Have you seen a cut from which a lot of blood flows? You will soon experience financial difficulties. Therefore, try to reduce your spending, give up all transactions for a while and do not borrow money. A dream of a cut with blood is a symbol foreshadowing health problems for the sleeper.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book gives full interpretation, why dream of cutting your hand and seeing a wound with blood. In his interpretation, you will begin to have problems in relationships with loved ones and family.

To victory

You got seriously injured in your sleep, but you were still able to stop the bleeding. Thanks to your own perseverance and stubbornness, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and achieve certain victories in your life.

Did you dream of cutting your hand and washing it? In reality you will have to fight with everyday problems. Don't worry, you can handle everything.

To the losses

Have you ever injured your fingers in your sleep? According to the dream book, you will soon lose something. According to another version of the interpretation, you will have troubles at work.

Did you see the wound on your brother's arm? All the troubles that happen in reality will be your fault.

Towards conflicts

The dream book explains that if you happen to injure your hand with a knife, then you will not be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts with family and friends in reality. A wound received with a knife always promises great difficulties in communication.

How to cut yourself

Often, predicting a dream depends on how exactly you were injured:

  • with a knife - you will quarrel with friends because of gossip;
  • with a blade - you will get sick;
  • glass - problems will begin at work;
  • with a splinter - quarrel with your best friend;
  • If you damaged your veins with a blade, in reality you will suffer mental anguish because of your own misdeeds.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...