Making a candle with your own hands. Making candles at home. DIY decorative candles. Decorative candle with gradient effect

A small light can always remove bad and sad thoughts from your head, and its light is so sincere: any conversation or confession by candlelight has a special aura and creates a truly unusual atmosphere.

Perhaps, it is precisely for this reason that a candle has long been considered an excellent gift, which can bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also practical use.

How to make candles with your own hands at home: is it possible?

Naturally, such a thing as a candle can be purchased at a souvenir shop, because you can always find many different variations of candles there, but if you want to make a gift twice as pleasant, it is better to make it yourself. I would like to devote this article to the topic of how to make candles with your own hands at home.

In fact, making candles at home is not as difficult as it may seem initially, and if you approach this issue wisely, you will understand that in reality everything is quite simple.

As confirmation, we can cite the fact that people who decide to engage in candle production gradually get involved, and for them it is no longer just income, but also an interesting and exciting activity. The more often you practice this business, the better quality your finished products will be.

Making candles with your own hands at home does not require a lot of money, so in addition to the pleasure you will get from the making process itself, you will also be able to save a lot.

Making candles at home: necessary materials

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of the product itself, it is necessary to decide the necessary materials, which will help create the required shape for our product. An ordinary saucepan is suitable for this, which we will need to create a water bath.

We also need some other container in which we will melt paraffin or wax. It is better to take some unnecessary utensils as containers, since at the end of the process it will be extremely difficult to get rid of the stuck wax.

If we take into account that the vessel must be fireproof, then we are unlikely to find a better one than an ordinary tin can. So, take a tin can, bend its edge so that a small spout appears (wax will flow through it).

As for the raw materials themselves, wax, paraffin or specialized helium can be purchased at specialty store or order online.

If you decide to start creating a candle for the first time, we recommend starting with paraffin, since wax is much more difficult to work with, it is a less light and pliable material. You can also start with old household cinders or buy ordinary household candles.

Next, you need to take care of the material from which the wick will be made. Often, 100% cotton paper threads are used for this, since they do not have unpleasant odor and burn much longer. Also for this purpose we recommend trying floss (threads different color), they are quite easy to find and they look very interesting on a candle.

To give a candle an unusual character and color, decorate them and give the product certain tone and shade. Such candles will delight you and those around you not only with their warmth, but also with their beauty and extraordinary appearance.

To give the product the desired color, use children's wax crayons; it is better to choose softer options, since they dissolve better and color the molten mass more evenly. Some people use lipstick and eye shadow for this, this is also a good option, if you don't mind sacrificing cosmetics.

There is another common option - coloring with special pigments in the form of tablets. They come in a wide variety of colors and shades, so with their help you can create absolutely any color scheme for the product.

Before determining how to make candles with your own hands at home, you need to decide not only on the materials, but also on their proper use. This, for example, concerns the wick, you need to learn how to twist it correctly, because this will determine how long and brightly the candle will burn.

For example, if you are going to use paraffin or gel, then for these materials it is better to use thin, tightly woven threads. For wax candles, it is better to take a thickened wick, braided, with threads that are not too tight.

You also need to worry about special forms, because the main form and appearance products. Here it is best to use cookware that you don't need too much and that can withstand elevated temperatures. Containers of yogurt, creams, bottles, small vials, and so on are suitable for this.

To give the product not only an attractive appearance, but also a pleasant aromatic content, add a few drops of essential oil to the total mass, the aroma of which is similar to the appearance of your candle. For example, the scent of lime or mint is perfect for a light green shade of the product, while vanilla or berry scents need warmer shades.

How to make candles with your own hands at home: technology step by step

Here we come to the most important point: the process of making a candle at home. For example, we will consider the option of making a wax candle.

Preparing wax for melting

First, decide on the type of wax on which the candle will be prepared. Don't forget that wax can cause irritation for some people, so take this issue seriously.

The most popular today is soy wax because it is easy to work with, it is environmentally friendly and burns slower than other types.

Before you start, prepare your workplace. To do this, you need to lay newspapers on the work surface, prepare cardboard and towels. You should also always keep warm, soapy water nearby in case you spill any wax.

Prepare an ordinary water bath, the same as you do when cooking.

Attention! You should not melt wax over direct heat. The melting process must be slow, otherwise it may burn out and evaporate.

Pour half a pan of water and place a smaller pan on top of it, you will need it to melt the wax. Don't forget that wax is almost impossible to clean, so use utensils that you don't need.

Place the wax on a board and cut or plane it. The smaller the pieces, the easier it will be to work with.

Melting wax

Place the wax pieces or shavings in a small saucepan and set the heat to high. When the water boils, it will begin to gradually melt the wax; do not reduce the heat.

Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the wax. A pastry thermometer or meat thermometer is suitable for this.

Depending on the type of wax, it melts at different temperatures.

Let's look at the main types:

    paraffin wax melts at 50–60 °C;

    bee – within 62.7–79.4 °C;

    old candles - 85 °C (before using them, do not forget to remove the old wick with tongs).

Then you need to add fragrance to the melted wax; select the fragrance at your discretion. Flavorings are sold in all craft stores. To determine the required amount of flavoring, read the instructions, then stir thoroughly.

After this, according to the instructions, you need to add the required amount of dye. Common food colors in in this case are not suitable because they are water based. It is better to opt for oil-based dyes or special dyes for candles. Dyes must be added until the mixture reaches the desired color, after which the mixture must be stirred.

Wax casting

Place the wick in the very middle of the candle mold. The wick must be attached at two points outside the mold so that the fixation is obtained in the very center. For convenience, you can attach the wick to a pencil or pen, and then move it to the center. After installing the wick in in the right place, fill the mold with wax. If you have a long clamp, you can use it. Clamp the wick into the very center of the mold, making sure it is long enough to support the entire mold.

After this, you need to pour the melted wax into the prepared molds. You need to pour slowly so that the wax does not spill, and you need to make sure that the wick is securely fastened in one position.

Important! If you use beeswax, do not forget that it shrinks somewhat when cooled; take this into account when pouring the molds.

Each type of candle has its own cooling:

    paraffin candles need 24 hours to cool;

    4-5 hours will be enough for soy;

    beeswax candles require at least 6 hours, the optimal solution would be to leave them overnight;

    Old candles need 2-3 hours.

The last steps remain - remove the product from the mold and cut off the wick, leaving no more than 7 mm from the source of the candle. This length will give your candle the desired fire height. If you leave the wick too long, the fire will become too big.

That's it, your homemade candle is ready, light it and enjoy!

Paraffin candles can be found on sale today in any hardware store. Of course, products of this type for household use are not as popular as in past centuries. However, sometimes they are still bought in case of a power outage. Decorative candles are sold simply in huge quantities. This product option can be used to create a romantic atmosphere in a room, to decorate cakes, festive tables etc.

A little history

It is not known for certain where candles began to be made. It is believed that the first such products were made in Egypt. At that time they were made from the core of the rush plant. The first official mention of candles dates back to the 10th century. BC e. Some ancient sources contain information about products of this type, which were containers with a wick inserted into them, filled with a special solution. The Romans came up with the idea of ​​making solid candles, vaguely similar to modern ones. They rolled papyrus into a tube and dipped it in fat.

For centuries, candles have remained the most common way to illuminate rooms. They were often used in various kinds of religious rituals. By the 13th century. Entire guilds of candle makers appeared in Europe.

Types of candles

Modern industry produces candles:

    Household. Made from untinted paraffin. A household paraffin candle usually has a white translucent color.

    Dining rooms. Such candles can be twisted, scented or classic.

    Hemp. They also have a beautiful appearance. They differ from dining rooms only in their larger diameter.

    Church. They can be made from both paraffin and wax.

    Decorative. Such candles are made from colored paraffin and usually have some unusual shape.

    Candles for the cake. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have a long and thin shape.

    Tea candles. Available in tablet form.

What equipment is used for production

Paraffin candles can be made either manually or on a machine. In the first case, special casting molds are used. They can be made of metal, silicone or plastic. In the manual production method, the following is also used:

    A special container for melting paraffin, designed on the principle of a water bath.

    Scales designed for weighing ingredients.

    Water container. Used for cooling finished products.

In a procedure such as the production of paraffin candles, as additional material Stearin may be used. Also, owners of small workshops purchase wicks wound into spools. When making decorative paraffin candles, various kinds of beautiful trinkets can also be used: beads, shells, dried flowers, etc.

The design of a machine designed for the production of candles includes a frame on which wicks are hung. Candles are obtained after repeated dipping of the latter in paraffin or wax.

How are castings made?

Using this technology, paraffin candles are made as follows:

    The wick is pulled through the hole in the mold. A small part of it (about 5 cm) is brought out. To center the wick, you can use a match or paper clip.

    The mold is placed in a container with a 2-3 cm layer of water poured into it. This is necessary to prevent the contents from leaking out.

    Melted paraffin is poured into the mold. Drops that fall on the work surface are wiped off with a rag.

    The hardening candle is pierced around the filter with a sharp object. This avoids deformation.

    After hardening, the candle is removed from the mold. It's not too difficult to do this. During the hardening process, the candle shrinks slightly in size.

    Features of casting technology

    Making paraffin candles always begins by lubricating the mold with oil. This operation is performed with both silicone and metal equipment. Instead of oil, a special one can be used. After melting the paraffin, various kinds of dyes and aromatic additives can be added to it. Of course, you cannot put any solid objects (glitter, etc.) into a candle. While using the latter, they will light up. Stearin is added to paraffin usually in a 1x4 ratio.

    Sometimes it happens that the candle “does not want” to come out of the mold. In this case, proceed simply. The form with the candle is placed in the freezer for a few minutes.

    Technology for making carved products

    In this case, the traditional method of casting candles is slightly modified. When making carved products, paraffin can be used in one color or several. IN the latter case it is pre-melted, dyes are added to it, and then poured into separate containers. Next, the master dips the candle blank into the first of these bowls, holding it by the filter, and holds it for several seconds. Then the candle is pulled out and lowered into cold water. After this, the workpiece is placed in the next container, etc. As a result of all these manipulations, a very beautiful decorative candle is obtained. It is given the desired shape using a cutter.

    Domestic candle market

    In Russia there are two main types of such products - church and decorative. Candles of both types, as already mentioned, are often made from paraffin. In our country there is also a household segment for this kind of products, but not too large. This group includes household and tea tablet candles.

    From the category of decorative candles, a separate type can be distinguished - gift candles. Such products are specially prepared for the donation process and colorfully decorated. The decorative group also includes sculptural and souvenir items. In addition, expensive collectible items can also be distinguished separately.

    The best manufacturers

    Many workshops today produce paraffin candles. Such small enterprises can engage in both mass production of similar products of the same design, and the execution of exclusive work to order. Workshops of this specialization are available in every region of our country. In Moscow, for example, there are such manufacturers of paraffin candles as the Aroma of Fire company and the Candle Dvor company.

    Price categories

    Among other things, the Russian candle market can be divided into price segments. The budget class includes products costing from 10-30 rubles per piece. Such paraffin candles are purchased wholesale from the manufacturer very often. Usually these are household or tea options. Products in the mid-price category include products costing from 30 to 200 rubles. These can be gift, interior or souvenir candles. There are also expensive products from 200 to 500 rubles. These are usually sculptural candles made by hand using a chisel.

    Products costing more than 500 rubles are usually made only to order. For example, the company “Svechnoy Dvor” also produces such paraffin candles. Moscow, therefore, is a city whose residents can easily order such a cute, exclusive trinket.

You can find candles in almost any house or apartment. They are used in everyday life to decorate the interior during power outages. In addition, candles are used in churches for services. Of course, candles are not a product that you cannot do without, but nevertheless, the demand for these products is always quite high.

The candle production process itself is quite simple. Therefore, almost anyone can open a candle factory to produce church candles or produce decorative candles.

Making candles at home

Before you start opening own business It’s better to try making candles at home with your own hands. Of course, you cannot open a full-fledged production at home, but for a “test of the pen” this scale is quite acceptable.

Such tests do not require large investments Money. The materials from which candles are made are found in almost every home. What will be required?

  1. Mold for making candles. For the first tests, you can easily use what is at hand - plastic cups and even deodorant caps.
  2. Wicks can be made yourself from cotton threads or purchased ready-made.
  3. Dye for candles. Again, you can use any food coloring you have at home.
  4. You can purchase paraffin or use candles.
  5. You definitely need a container for melting paraffin in a water bath.
  6. A thermometer is also needed, because the paraffin must be heated to 85 degrees Celsius and ensure that it does not overheat.

Once you have prepared everything you need, you can begin making a test batch of candles. First you need to melt the paraffin in a water bath and bring its temperature to 85 degrees Celsius.

Next, prepare the mold by greasing it from the inside. vegetable oil and fix the wick in vertical position using a toothpick (above) and plasticine (below). If we are making a colored candle, then it's time to add the dye to the paraffin and pour it into the mold.

When filling the mold with paraffin, you must ensure that no air bubbles form. Otherwise, there will be voids in the candle. Next, we wait until our candle cools down and take it out of the mold.

As you can see, making a candle at home is quite simple. The only negative that makes this process quite long is the waiting time for the paraffin to cool.

On this moment There are many technologies for producing candles. There are products made from paraffin with stearin, and there are also those made only from beeswax.

Varieties of candles

As mentioned above, candles can be used for a variety of purposes.. In general, we can distinguish these types of candles.

  1. For decoration. This includes threaded candles self made and gel.
  2. Dining rooms. These are the most accessible and simple ones. There are twisted and even ones.
  3. Church. Such products are made only from wax. They include several varieties depending on the end user - wedding, service, patriarchal, for parishioners and the like.
  4. In aluminum sleeves in the form of tablets. This variety appeared not so long ago and is very popular.
  5. Household. Used in everyday use if a light source is needed.

Registration of ownership form

Candles made at home are, of course, beautiful and quite expensive, but since it is almost impossible to make a lot of them, the profit will be small.

In order to increase profitability, you need to start making candles at home as a business. To do this, first of all, you need to properly formalize the form of ownership for your business and register with the regulatory authorities.

In fact, candle production, with the right approach, can become truly profitable business.

After all, candles are needed almost everywhere, from household needs to romantic dinners in a restaurant.

But many beginners are interested important issues. For example, how to make a candle? What materials and equipment will be required for of this business? Do I need a special permit to produce candles?

Candle production: business plan

To begin with, it is worth noting that similar business has a number of advantages. For example, it does not require too much start-up capital. By the way, some specialists started their own business by making candles right in their apartment. In addition, you are going to produce a fairly in-demand product at a relatively low cost.

On the other hand, in order for your business to become truly successful, you need the right approach and attention to detail. First, you should carefully research the market and decide what kind of product you are going to offer to customers.

In the future, you can begin to prepare official papers, purchase equipment and materials, as well as develop your own production technology. All stages of creating a business will be discussed below.

How to start a business? Preparation of official papers

Naturally, the production of candles requires registration with the tax service. It is best to register as individual entrepreneur- in this way, bookkeeping can be simplified. If you are opening a business together with a partner or intend to cooperate with other companies, then you can open a limited liability company.

The production of candles does not require any special license. On the other hand, you will need an inspection by the fire safety service, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological station. Having received everything Required documents, you can start working.

Where to rent premises for production?

In fact, the location of production is not important (unless, of course, you are going to open a store selling products here). What already
mentioned, many manufacturers on initial stages and even made candles in their own apartments.

On the other hand, if you have registered your business, you will have to undergo an inspection by the fire service and sanitation station.

Since candle making is considered an environmentally friendly business, the requirements for the premises are not so high. However, the preparation of products, storage of raw materials and finished candles should not be carried out in the same room.

In addition, the room where candles are made must be equipped with a fire alarm system, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and a constant air ventilation system. There should also be a system of electricity and water supply, sewerage. As for the minimum area, it is four square meters.

Equipment for the production of candles

In fact required amount equipment depends on the volume in which you are going to produce candles. For example, many beginners working alone melt wax and paraffin in a water bath and decorate by hand.

If you are going to produce household or church candles, then most likely you will need a foundry machine and a tank for melting the candle mixture. You can purchase ready-made wicks or purchase a special machine for weaving them.

Packaging of candles can be done either manually or using a special machine. You will also need cutting equipment. Don't forget about the different shapes - they are necessary both for making standard wax candles and for handmade decorative products. Choose molds different sizes, With different drawings- this will give you the opportunity to produce candles with different patterns, designs, etc.

Basic materials for production

At one time, only beeswax was used to make candles.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce this product using cheaper materials, in particular, pure technical wax, paraffin, and stearin (makes candles more flexible and elastic).

To make decorative candles, a special transparent gel is often used.

Naturally, in addition to the basic materials, you will also need some other little things. In particular, dyes, flavors (some experts use essential oils for this purpose), as well as wicks and rings to secure them. It is worth thinking about packaging materials (boxes and boxes for household candles, gift wrappers). There are other decorative items that you should purchase.

Manufacturing technology: paraffin and wax candles

It’s worth noting right away that the technology for making candles largely depends on what product you are producing and what equipment you use. For example, if you have all the necessary equipment, then by and large your job
is reduced to a minimum.

But how to make a candle at home, using only improvised means? In fact, everything here is quite simple.

For production you will need wax or paraffin (paraffin candles usually contain about 20% stearin).

They need to be melted in a water bath to 80%. At this stage, you can add dyes and flavors. After this, the melted hot mixture must be poured into the appropriate mold, having previously secured the wick in it.

Naturally, when making gift candles using various decorative elements, this process is more complicated.

What kind of candles are profitable to make?

In fact, there are many ideas that can bring good income. That is why it is important to decide what kind of product you are going to make. For example, production church candles could be a good business.

Every evening, as darkness falls, electric light bulbs turn on in millions of windows around the world. Those who have ever flown on a plane over a city at night can imagine this spectacle - thousands of lights spread out below like a carpet of light. But, for example, in the 18th century, there was no electric lighting, and people mostly made do with candles, while those who were poorer used torches. About 300 years have passed since then, communal amenities have become completely different, but candles remain, although they have somewhat changed their purpose. But candle making is still very profitable business, bringing substantial income to its owners.

If 300 years ago candles were one of the few sources of lighting for people in the dark, today’s candles are a symbol of the holiday, a way to create a romantic atmosphere, home comfort and coziness, and simply a calm mood. Some time ago I already wrote about making handmade decorative candles. Today I want to talk about the candle business in more detail. These are completely different scales of production, and, accordingly, different profit margins.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:500,000 - 800,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the following population: no restrictions
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1 - 1.5 years

Where are candles used nowadays?

As I already said, the production of candles is still a profitable business, it is a sought-after product, for the most part, of course, this can only be said about souvenir products. IN Soviet time candles were also used for lighting during planned and emergency power outages; today there are various independent power sources for this case.

The main purpose of candles today is to decorate the room, giving the atmosphere a touch of solemnity, romance, and generally enhancing the sensual atmosphere. Here are just a few types of candles for a variety of purposes:

  • Household. As a rule, they are made from paraffin or stearin and are used in household lighting.
  • Dining rooms. These candles can often be found in restaurants or small cozy cafes. They usually have a long cylindrical, conical, or twisted shape.
  • Confectionery shops Such candles are stuck into cakes at celebrations, or made in the form of numbers.
  • Decorative. This product has the most various shapes, colors, including the colors of the flame, various aromas. Used to decorate the interior, as decorative elements, and as an addition to gifts.

  • Aromatic (or tea). They are used to create a pleasant aroma in the room; they can be used on their own or in special aroma lamps.
  • Holiday candles. They are made in the form of elements inherent in the spirit of the holiday. For example, on New Year or Christmas - in the form of Santa Claus, Snowman, etc.; for a wedding or wedding - in the form of wedding angels, flowers, etc.; for Easter - in the form of an Easter egg.
  • Church candles are separate category candles, their production uses slightly different ingredients than other types of candles. The production of church candles is one of the most profitable directions candle business, since tens of thousands of them are burned every day in thousands of churches throughout Russia.
  • Candles that use LEDs as a lighting device.
  • Bulk candles. For such candles, small granules are made from consumables, which can be poured into absolutely any container.

As you can see, candles can be made to suit any “taste and color”. If the production of handmade decorative candles can mostly be classified as “relaxation for body and soul” - a hobby from which you can’t earn much, then large-scale production of candles is a completely different matter. In addition to the demand for products, there are several other obvious advantages of this business, for example:

  • Small start-up capital to start your own business.
  • Possibility of long-term storage of your products. If the appropriate conditions are created, candles can be stored for several tens or even hundreds of years. Therefore, even if you fail to sell the planned volume of products at the initial stages of your business, do not worry, you will not lose the consumer properties of the product.
  • Small area for production. It is not at all necessary to open, especially at first, a large candle factory. A completely possible option is to make candles at home, if you have a small free space.

Production premises

To make candles using the injection molding method, it will be necessary to prepare a room of at least 12 square meters. meters, plus a storage room finished products and storage of consumables. To produce candles on a drum-type machine, you will need a larger room - at least 25 square meters. meters. That is, an ordinary garage may well be suitable for a production workshop (excluding the production of confectionery candles). You can find out what other business you can open in a garage.

The room must have a good forced exhaust and ventilation system; in addition, it must be kept cool in the summer, otherwise there will be a risk of your products melting. Making candles for confectionery purposes at home also requires maintaining cleanliness in all rooms.

OKVED code for candle production: 36.63.7

Production technology

The candle production process is simple, and in most stages it is the same for all types; there are differences only in some nuances. The general scheme looks something like this:

  1. Grinding of material for manufacturing (paraffin, stearin, wax, etc.).
  2. Pouring the material into molds where the wick has been inserted in advance.
  3. Cooling of finished products.

The technology is so simple that almost anyone can handle it.

Making paraffin candles

Injection molds for making candles must first be lubricated with either a special silicone-based lubricant or regular lubricant. sunflower oil, and then put a wick in them. After this, you need to weigh all the crushed ingredients in the required proportions (usually take 1/5 of stearin, the rest is paraffin), and pour it into the melting chamber. During the melting process, the mass must be mixed until smooth, add dye desired color, and, if desired, flavoring.

Using a special ladle, the molten mass is poured into a special watering can, after which the mixture is poured into molds. When cooling, the candles will lose a little in their volume, so after a few minutes the molds will need to be either topped up or initially filled “heaped up”. After this, the molds are left to cool. If the products are poured to order, and you need to make candles as quickly as possible, then the molds can be lowered into a vat of cold water.

After final hardening, the candles are carefully removed from the molds, sent for packaging, and to sales points, or to a warehouse.

Making carved candles for decoration

In the production of such candles, several pre-prepared containers with different colors of molten paraffin are used. A candle blank with a long wick is prepared, holding which the candle is dipped alternately into each of the containers. The result is a candle with several multi-colored layers. After this, the master carver manually cuts out the desired figure.

Other types of candles also have their own small production characteristics. By the way, the technology for making candles is somewhat similar to making soap at home. You can read about this here -.

Necessary equipment and materials for candle production

When choosing the necessary equipment for making candles, you first need to focus on its performance, and, of course, price. Russian machines are produced only in Moscow and Novosibirsk (to save money, you can contact the manufacturer directly), foreign analogues are about 1.5 times higher in cost, but they are preferred by candle manufacturers due to the reliability of the equipment.

So, you will need:

  • Candle injection molding machine
  • Extruder for grinding consumables
  • Special oven for preparing liquid mixture
  • If you decide to eventually make a candle wick yourself, you will need to buy a machine for weaving a wick
  • You can also get a packaging machine. But two last positions are not at all necessary at the stage of business formation, and can be purchased after “promotion”.
  • Molds for making candles.

Now - consumables for making candles.