Health-saving technologies in kindergarten. Pedagogical project "use of health-saving technologies in primary school"

Abstract: Protecting and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive physical development, hardening the body - this is the main goal of the kindergarten staff. Protecting and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive physical development, hardening the body - this is the main goal of the kindergarten staff. The project includes: The project includes: Types of health-saving technologies Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions - as one of the types of health-saving technologies A plan for physical education has been developed health work in the summer.

Description of the problem For last decade the number of absolutely healthy children decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average in Russia, every preschooler experiences at least two diseases per year. In 20-30% of older children preschool age neurotic manifestations are observed. Description of the problem Over the past decade, the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average in Russia, every preschooler experiences at least two diseases per year. Neurotic manifestations are observed in 20-30% of children of senior preschool age.

The above results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise for employees preschool institutions designed to raise a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development. Therefore, the teaching staff and medical personnel Purposeful work should be carried out to create a health-preserving environment that ensures the functional development and preservation of the health of pupils. The presented results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise before employees of preschool institutions, called upon to raise a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development. Therefore, the teaching staff and medical staff must carry out targeted work to create a health-preserving environment that ensures the functional development and preservation of the health of students.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education: medical and preventive; physical education and health; support technologies socio-psychological the well-being of the child; health conservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers; valeological education of parents.

Children's physical health is inextricably linked with their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical education and health improvement work includes therapeutic, preventive and physical education and health activities. Morning exercises Invigorating exercises Breathing exercises Finger gymnastics Acupressure Physical education classes Music classes Prevention of flat feet Prevention of children’s posture Physical education sessions Sports and outdoor games Sports holidays Maintaining a daily routine Walking fresh air Barefoot walking in a group, on sand Air and sun baths Gargling Vitaminization Preventive vaccinations Hardening with sun, water Compliance drinking regime(in summer)

Expected result Thus, a holistic system of education, physical culture and health work and psychological and pedagogical support promotes the harmonious physical development of children in preschool institutions and, as a result, should lead to an increase in the resources of the child’s body. Thus, a holistic system of education, physical culture and health work and psychological and pedagogical support contributes to the harmonious physical development of children in preschool institutions and, as a result, should lead to an increase in the resources of the child’s body.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 000

combined species Frunzensky district

Health-saving project “Healthy”

(teacher of the highest qualification category)


St. Petersburg

As part of innovative work on the topic:

“Improving the children's system and forming healthy image life of pupils, protection and promotion of health through the implementation of health-preserving and health-developing technologies in a kindergarten, within the framework of the “Healthy” project

Head of the State Budgetary Educational Institution: , honorary worker of general education

Justification of the problem:

“I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence"

(Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

Project hypothesis:

Health is one of the main values ​​in life!

If we establish close effective cooperation between teachers and families by involving parents in project activities to protect the health of preschoolers, then interaction will contribute to positive results in preserving and strengthening the health and physical development of children, introducing children and adults to a healthy lifestyle.

Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both for ourselves and for our children.

Project goal:

Formation of the basis of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers, achieving conscious implementation of the rules of health conservation and a responsible attitude towards both their own health and the health of others, maintaining and strengthening the health of children, the need for behavioral skills of a healthy lifestyle.



- Organization of a health-preserving and developmental environment that promotes the design of healthy lifestyle options;

Increasing the resistance and protective properties of the child’s body;

- Help maintain a positive psycho-emotional state in children;

- Satisfy children's need for movement.


Form ideas about your body, the need to preserve and strengthen your health;

Form and improve vital motor skills (walking, running, climbing, throwing, etc.);

Activate the pedagogical potential of the family in the formation of health values ​​through working with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle.


Foster children's interest in physical education;

To instill in children a desire to take care of their health.


Develop in children the need for active activity;

Develop the need to perform special preventive exercises and games in classes and in everyday life;

Promote the development of self-control and self-esteem in the organizing process different forms motor activity;

Promote development positive emotions, ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.


Promote the formation of a harmonious physique. correct posture and feet (prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, colds).


Encourage motor creativity and varied play activities in children.

To develop the ability to follow the rules of outdoor games, showing resourcefulness, endurance, dexterity and independence.

Project participants:

Preschool children.

Preschool teachers


Doctor and nurse.

Head of the institution.

Senior teacher.

Physical development instructor.


Project support:

Physical education development center;

Gym, trampoline;

Swimming pool, dry pool;

Two sports grounds on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

Physical education equipment and sports equipment;

Methodological tools (card files, notes, scripts, projects, etc.)

Expected results:

For children:

Increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports;

Increasing emotional, psychological, physical well-being.

Formation of hygienic culture.

Improvement of somatic health indicators.

Availability of needs for a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to provide it.

For parents:

Increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;

Increasing competence in the field of health-preserving work.

Preserving and strengthening children's health.

Physical and psychological readiness children to go to school.

For teachers:

Improving the professional skills of teachers in health conservation;

Introduction of health technologies modern forms and new methods of work to promote a healthy lifestyle among preschool children.

Personal and professional growth.


Stages of work:


Drawing up questionnaires for parents;

Drawing up a long-term plan of events for children, parents, teachers;

Development of scenarios for holidays and events;

Selection the required material for celebrations and events.



Project design;

Processing survey results;

Presentation about the work done.

A special feature of the project is a unified educational space created on the basis of trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents. This is collateral successful work with children.

Our work does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children demonstrate their own potential, so that, as they grow up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, their own health and the health of others.

Business game for teachers.

"What do you know about health"

Purpose of the game: to find out the teachers’ knowledge of physical education methods and methods of improving children’s health. Develop the ability to solve pedagogical situations. Improve communication skills with colleagues.

Rules of the game: All participants are divided into 2 teams, each team chooses a captain. Preparation time for the competition: 1-2 minutes. The jury evaluates each competition and sums up the overall result.

Progress of the game:

Competition 1: "Greetings"

Come up with a team name and motto, greetings and wishes to the opposing team. The maximum score is 3 points.

Competition 2: “Warm-up”

Do finger gymnastics with your team. The maximum score is 3 points.

Competition 3: Blitz - game.

Teams take turns giving one answer to each question:

List exercises to develop correct posture in children;

Name exercises to prevent flat feet in children;

List breathing exercises for children;

Name relaxation exercises.

Score: 1 point for the correct answer, points are summed up.

Competition 4: Professionals.

Practical situations are offered to the teams for discussion. The maximum score is 3 points for each situation.

/. Valya’s mother often complains to the doctor that her daughter is sick.

It feels a little drafty and she starts coughing. In winter, all the children are on sleds, but mine sits at home, pale, with a runny nose. Why are some children not afraid of colds, but mine gets sick every now and then? They advise: you need to toughen up the child. And we have no time for hardening! Let the healthy ones be hardened!

Is mom right? How can you improve the health of a weakened child?

II. Five-year-old Vitalik, appearing in the morning kindergarten, immediately starts running around. It is difficult to switch his quiet activities. And if, obeying the teacher’s demands, he begins to play with the children, then a quarrel breaks out, which often ends in tears. This is how he started behaving recently. In a conversation with his father, it turns out that after moving to new apartment, parents are forced to take their son on the bus to kindergarten for a long time. “So the child is getting tired,” the teacher suggests.

No, this cannot be. After all, he sits all the way,” the father objects. - If I were tired, I wouldn’t start a fuss when I came to kindergarten!

Is the father right? Can a child get tired of being in a monotonous position for a long time? Why?

Competition 5: Connoisseurs.

Teams are asked to answer questions; the team that gives the most complete and correct answer wins. The maximum score is 3 points.

List methods for improving the health of children;

Name the forms of physical activity of children during the day;

Name the rules of healthy eating.

Competition 6: Tasks for captains.

the captain conducts an outdoor game with the rival team, one of the main tasks of which is to educate children: - endurance; - courage. The maximum score is 3 points.

Competition 7: Let's play!

Teams demonstrate elements of games that treat: - with sand; - with water. The maximum score is 3 points.

The jury sums up the overall result.

Consultation for teachers

Age characteristics of preschool children.

Preschool age is the most favorable for acquiring vital knowledge, skills and abilities. It is at this time that the foundations of a person’s future health, performance, and mental health are laid.

Preschool age (3-7 years) is characterized by significant dynamics in indicators that characterize the physical and motor development of a child. The skeleton is growing rapidly and muscle mass. The mental characteristics of children of this age determine the advisability of short-term but often repeated activities of varied, mainly playful content. Overload of the body associated with power tension and general fatigue is unacceptable.

In early preschool age (3-4 years), conditions are created for the child to master many types of simple movements, actions and hardening procedures.

At 5-6 years old (senior preschool age), new types of physical exercises are being mastered, we increase the level of physical abilities, and stimulate participation in group games and competitions with peers.

Hardening becomes a habitual element of the daily routine. It should be taken into account that in preschool age for higher education nervous activity instability of the basic nervous processes is also characteristic. Therefore, one should not count on a child of this age to firmly master complex motor skills and actions.

However, attention should be paid special attention mastering and improving new types of movements - fingers and hands, dexterity. Dexterity develops when moving with changes in direction of walking and running, in exercises with objects, especially with a ball, and playing with cubes and plasticine.

It should be noted that the 5th year of life is critical for many parameters of the child’s physical health. During this period, there is a weakening of some parts of the muscular system and articular ligaments. The consequence of this may be poor posture, flat feet, curvature of the lower limbs, flattening of the chest or its deformation, a bulging and saggy abdomen. All this makes breathing difficult. Properly organized physical activity of children, regular and properly structured physical exercises can prevent the development of these disorders.

In the 6th year of life, increasing attention should be paid, against the backdrop of versatile physical improvement, to the special development of individual physical qualities and abilities. The main task during this period is to lay a solid foundation for the intensification of physical education in subsequent years. The difference between this stage and the previous one is the increased emphasis on the development of physical qualities - mainly endurance and speed. However, this is not an end in itself.

The task of such classes is, first of all, to prepare the child’s body, control movements and their energy supply, as well as prepare the psyche for the upcoming significant increase in mental and physical abilities in the near future. physical activity in connection with the start of school. As for strength qualities, we are only talking about cultivating the ability to exhibit minor tensions for a sufficiently long time and accurately dose muscle efforts. Your child should not be offered exercises with weights, with the exception of throwing. At the same time, the mass of projectiles thrown should not exceed 100-150 g.

The general physical potential of a 6-year-old child increases so much that endurance exercises can be included in the training program: jogging for 5-7 minutes, long walks, skiing, cycling. The total time is 30-35 minutes.

By the time a child enters school, he must have a certain level of development of motor qualities and skills, which are the somatic basis of “school maturity”, since they are based on a certain foundation of physiological reserves of functions. Indicators of physical fitness are, in fact, indicators of “physical maturity” for children to enter school.

Abstract to the project “Healthy”


Modernization and development in kindergarten of a unified health-preserving environment that ensures the formation of valeological culture among all subjects of the educational space based on the use of modern innovative methods and educational technologies and effective use human resource potential of kindergarten specialists.


1. Implementation of a set of measures to improve the system of children’s health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for pupils, protection and promotion of health through the implementation of health-saving and health-developing technologies in a kindergarten.

2. Formation of a conscious understanding of a healthy lifestyle and attitude towards one’s health among all participants in the educational process.

3. Ensuring qualified monitoring of the health and development of children, taking into account modern scientific approaches, assessing the impact of health technologies on the child’s body.

4.Creation of a comprehensive system for promoting physical, psychosocial and spiritual development, as well as prevention, correction and rehabilitation of children’s health problems using advanced healing techniques.

5.Creation in kindergarten of optimal conditions for the upbringing, training and development of children, taking into account personal characteristics.

6. Strengthening the material and technical base of the kindergarten, including health, physical education and sports equipment and living conditions.

Legislative and regulatory documents:

1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated January 1, 2001.

2. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode in preschool organizations. San PiN

3. Charter of the educational institution.

Expected results:

1. Awareness by children and adults of the concept of “health”, mastering the skills of self-healing and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Decrease in the incidence of children.

3. Preparing a healthy generation for adulthood.

Basic principles:

-scientific- use of scientifically based and proven programs, technologies and techniques;

-availability- use of health-saving technologies in accordance with age characteristics children;

-activity and consciousness- participation of the entire team of teachers, specialists and parents in the search effective methods improving the health of preschool children, conscious understanding and attitude of children to health;

-unity of diagnosis and correction- correct interpretation of the results of medical, pedagogical, psychophysical diagnostics; planning methods, methods and techniques for correcting development and recovery based on the data obtained;

-systematic and focused- medical and pedagogical influence on nosological forms of diseases, maintaining connections between adult categories;

-complexity and integrativeness- solving health problems in the system of educational process and all

Project “Health Saving preschool technology» includes the formation moral attitude to your health, desires and needs to be healthy; a sense of responsibility for maintaining and promoting health through expanding knowledge and skills about a healthy lifestyle.

The project “Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions” clarifies and specifies practical recommendations specialists in promoting a healthy lifestyle for older children - preparatory group.





Permyakova Marina Vladimirovna,

Teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 “Bell”, Guryevsk

Project summary______________________________________________3



Goal and objectives_______________________________________________________________7

Project description_______________________________________________7


Project developers_________________________________________________9



Teaching methods_______________________________________________9

Project implementation timeline_______________________________________________10

Work plan________________________________________________________________10

Evaluation of results__________________________________________________________12

Expected result_______________________________________________12



Project abstract

Project name– “Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions.”

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.The health of preschool children worries all parents of children aged 0 to 7 years. After all, it is at this age that doctors and teachers pay attention to any deviations in the mental and physical state of children. Without creating the foundation of health in preschool childhood, it is difficult to create health in the future. The foundation of health is created precisely in preschool age; this is what doctors, teachers, and parents should focus on.

Purpose project to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers through a unified set of health-saving activities of preschool educational institutions.

The project implementation includes the following stages:

First stage ( June – August 2014) – search.

Second stage (September 2014) – analytical

The third stage (October 2014 – April 2015) is practical.

Fourth stage ( April 2015) – presentation.

Fifth stage ( May 2015) – generalizing.

Expected result– As a result of the project implementation, it is assumed thatchildren will developbasics for a healthy lifestyle.

Project participants

Project implementation timeframe – 2014 -2015 academic year.

Relevance of the project and problem statement

IN modern conditions The social and pedagogical significance of preserving the child’s health increases. Research recent years They note a deterioration in the health of the Russian population. The mortality rate is increasing, the birth rate is falling.

According to WHO, in health statistics, health at the individual level is understood as the absence of identified disorders and diseases, and at the population level - the process of reducing the level ofmortality , morbidity And disability .

Human health is a qualitative characteristic consisting of a set of quantitative parameters: anthropometric (height, weight, chest volume, geometric shape of organs and tissues); physical (frequencypulse , , body temperature); biochemical (content chemical elements in the body,red blood cells , leukocytes , hormones etc.); biological (composition of intestinal flora, presence of viral and infectious diseases), etc.

The level of human health depends on many factors: hereditary, socio-economic, environmental, and the activities of the health care system.

According to WHO, the ratio of conditions affecting health is as follows:

  1. Conditions and lifestylenutrition - 50 %
  2. Genetics and heredity - 20%
  3. External environment, natural conditions - 20 %
  4. Healthcare - 10%

Health is laid down in the human genome from the genes of the parents. Health is also affected by:

From these WHO data, it is obvious that the primary role in preserving, developing and strengthening health still belongs to the person himself. But still modern man in most cases, shifts responsibility for his health to doctors. He is actually indifferent to himself and the health of his body. Currently, health promotion should become the need and responsibility of every person.

IN lately The health of Russian residents, especially children, has deteriorated.

According to the Ministry of Health and Industry and the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy, 50% have functional abnormalities, and 35–40% have chronic diseases. Number of children who are already in primary school are unable to master the program in the allotted time and to the required extent, ranges from 20% to 30% of total number students.

Deteriorating healthchildren due to many reasons: heredity; unfavorable ecological situation; volume growth educational information and mental stress; decreased motor activity, etc.

As a result, children become overtired and their functional capabilities decrease, which negatively affects not only the health of preschool children, but also their development prospects. In this regard, there was a need to optimize the health-preserving activities of preschool educational institutions.

Preserving and strengthening child health is the leading task of the modernization concept Russian education, including its first stage - preschool.

Teaching preschoolers to take care of their health - main task not only preschool educational institutions, but also modern education.

An important role in strengthening and maintaining health is played by a healthy lifestyle, based on: sufficient physical activity, changing types of activities, maintaining a daily routine, proper and rational nutrition, primary knowledge about your body and ways to strengthen it.

Preschool children are the most susceptible to information and to the influences of others, so it is advisable to use health-saving technologies to teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy habits are formed with early childhood, therefore it is necessary to carry out educational work on the basics of a healthy lifestyle with parents and close circle.

A rational way to solve this problem would be to organize the project “Health-Saving Technologies of Preschool Educational Institutions.” The project “Health-Saving Technologies of Preschool Educational Institutions” is aimed at teaching and developing the basics of a healthy lifestyle,support for the formation good habits, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, understanding the intrinsic value of health and ways to preserve it.

Novelty of the project

When forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to proceed from the following: the main thing is for the child to understand that human health depends on the person himself, a person is responsible for maintaining and strengthening his health, therefore taking care of health is the main condition of life.

Project " Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions» includes the formation of a moral attitude towards one’s health, the desire and need to be healthy; a sense of responsibility for maintaining and promoting health through expanding knowledge and skills about a healthy lifestyle.

Project " Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions» clarifies and specifies the practical recommendations of specialists on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the senior preparatory group.

The novelty of the project lies in the fact that the need and possibility of developing children’s interest in a healthy lifestyle through health-saving technologies has been substantiated, appropriate ways and means have been identified, and a system of classes has been developed.

The accessibility of the project “Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions” is manifested in the fact that it can be used by teachers of all types of preschool institutions.

Project goal and objectives

Purpose The project is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children through health-saving technologies.


1. Introduce children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle through health-saving technologies.

2. Develop classes on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children in the senior preparatory group.

3.Prepare a collection of lessons on health-saving technologies for children in the senior preparatory group.

Project Description

At the stage of preschool childhood, the initial foundations of a healthy lifestyle are formed: the child acquires self-care and personal hygiene skills, accumulates ideas about his body, about rational nutrition, hardening the body, and improves motor skills. Thus, already during this period a part is formed general culture person about health. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have health-saving technologies: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, they show little man the importance of maintaining and promoting health for life, help information of health saving experience.

In working with preschoolers on the formation cognitive interest using health-saving technologies, within the framework of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, an integrated approach should be used, involving the interconnection of games, complexes various types exercises, gymnastics (respiratory, kinesiology, morning, awakening gymnastics, etc.). Used in working with children: physical education, sets of hardening procedures, watching TV shows, excursions, conversations, recreational minutes, plot - role playing games, holidays, literary works, self-massage, etc., i.e. health-saving technologies for various types of child activities.

Conversations include issues of hygiene, nutrition, hardening, human structure; issues related to factors that strengthen and destroy health, etc. One or more areas may be covered in one conversation.

Wellness minutes include physical exercise, physical exercises, eye exercises, finger exercises, posture exercises, etc. The purpose of such health breaks is to provide knowledge, develop skills and abilities, necessary for the child to strengthen posture, relieve fatigue, etc.

Working with children involves cooperation, co-creation between teacher and child and excludes the authoritarian model of teaching. Classes are structured taking into account the child’s visual-effective and visual-figurative perception of the world around him and are aimed at developing cognitive interest within the framework of health-saving technologies (knowledge about the human structure, rules of personal hygiene, hardening the body, motor mode).

The project we have developed is designed to form a conscious awareness in the child. right attitude to one’s own health and those of others, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, which one learns in preschool. And health-saving technologies will help us with this.

The project implementation includes the following stages.

Search stage ( June – August 2014) - collection of information. Collection of diagnostics.

Analytical stage(September 2014) – study and analysis of the experience of teachers working on health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Development and implementation of diagnostics: “Definition characteristic features representatives of the animal world", "Seasons".

Practical stage(October 2014 – April 2015) - implementation of the work plan. Development of event scenarios.

Presentation stage(April 2015) -

Generalization stage (May 2015) - generalization of the results of the work, analysis and clarification of conclusions on the implementation of the project.

Project developers -Permyakova Marina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 “Bell”.

Project participants– pupils of the senior preparatory group, teachers, parents.


Intellectual and personnel educators.

Informational – literature on health-preserving topics, Internet resources.

Technical – computer, printer.

Organizational – organization of classes.

Economic – cash to purchase consumables.

Teaching methods:

Passive methods– story, explanation, conversations, exhibitions, electronic presentation.

Active methods– hardening procedures, motor mode, games.

Project implementation timeframe– 2014 -2015 academic year.

Project implementation work plan





Who conducts

Expected results

First stage (June – August 2014)– search


Collection of information.



Setting a project goal, defining project objectives, analyzing resources, determining a way to solve a problem.


Collection of diagnostics

Second stage (September 2014)– analytical


Study and analysis of the experience of educators using health-saving technologies



Lists of literature on health-saving technologies.

Step-by-step planning of project implementation.


Development and implementation of diagnostics “Physical development”.

Diagnostics of children.


Processing of the obtained results.

Collection of diagnostic data.


Execution of the work plan.

Development of a file cabinet of health-saving technologies



Event scenarios

Fourth stage (April 2011)– presentational


Preliminary assessment of the project, preparation of presentation materials.



Presentation of a working project at the Ministry of Education and Science of MBDOU teachers

Project “Health-Saving Technologies of Preschool Educational Institutions”



Project presentation

Fifth stage (May 2011)- generalizing


Generalization of results, analysis and clarification, conclusion on the implementation of the project.

MDOU No. 6


Evaluation of results

To clarify the topic of the project, a “Physical Development” diagnosis was carried out in the kindergarten.

20 students from the senior preparatory group took part in the survey.

Expected result

The implementation of the project will allowprovide the basic foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of the project, it is assumed that children will be formed the basics of a healthy lifestyle, careful attitude to health, interest in sports and hardening will develop, and initial ideas about the importance of health for human life will be formed.


  1. Kiseleva, L. S. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution [Text]: a manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions / L.S. Kiseleva. - ARKTI, 2004.
  2. Runova, M. A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten [Text]: textbook, manual for teachers of preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges / M. A. Runova. – M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2000. – 256 p.

Appendix 1

Methods for diagnosing the physical qualities of children of senior preschool age M.A. Runova, G.N. Serdyukovskaya.

  1. Test to determine speed qualities (speed) – 30 m run from a high start;
  2. Test to determine coordination abilities (shuttle running);
  3. Endurance test;
  4. Test to determine speed-strength qualities (standing long jump).

Equipment and materials:

  1. jumping pit to identify speed and strength qualities;
  2. treadmill and stopwatch to test endurance and speed;
  3. large cubes (2 pcs.).

Conditions for the examination:

Testing was carried out as part of classes on physical culture. All exercises performed were preceded by a warm-up, which included walking, running, and breathing preparatory exercises. The nurse monitored the condition of the children and their reaction to performing a motor task.

The examination was performed no earlier than 30 minutes after eating. Testing was carried out during the hours of greatest biological activity - from 9 to 12 o'clock. The area where testing of children was carried out was prepared (there were no foreign objects, etc.). Children were allowed to perform motor tests in appropriate sports uniform, selected for the season and convenient for training.

After the examination, the indicators of each child were analyzed and compared with normative data.

Description of tests

1. Speed ​​test:

Goal: to determine speed qualities in the 30 m run from a high start.

Methodology: At least two people took part in the race. At the command “Start!” participants approach the starting line and take their starting position. At the command “Attention!” lean forward and at the command “March!” run to the finish line along their own path. The best result is recorded.

2. Test to determine coordination abilities:

Goal: To determine the ability to quickly and accurately adjust your actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation in the 3*10 m shuttle run.

Methodology: Two participants took part in the race. Before the start of the race, cubes are placed at the start and finish lines for each participant. At the command “Start!” participants go to the starting line. On the command “March!” run to the finish line, running around the cube at the start and at the finish, and so on three times. Fixed total time running.

3. Endurance test:

Purpose: To determine endurance in running until fatigue in preschool children.

Methodology: 6-8 people simultaneously participate in the race; The same number of participants, on the instructions of the teacher, are engaged in counting laps and determining the total length of the distance. For a more accurate calculation treadmill It is advisable to mark every 10 m. After 6 minutes. The runners stop and their results (in meters) are determined.

Mark the distance in advance - the start line and half the distance. Instructor physical education runs in front of the column at an average pace for 1-2 laps, the children run after him, then the children run on their own, trying not to change the pace. Running continues until the first signs of fatigue appear. The test is considered correctly completed if the child runs the entire distance without stopping. Two indicators are recorded on the individual card: the duration of the run and the length of the distance that the child ran.

4. Test to determine speed and strength qualities:

Goal: Determine speed and strength qualities in the standing long jump.

Methodology: The child stands at the starting line, pushes off with both legs, makes an intense swing of his arms, and jumps as far as possible into the jumping pit. When landing, do not lean on your back with your hands. The distance is measured from the line to the heel of the back standing leg. The best result is recorded.

Physical fitness standards M.A. Runova, G.N. Serdyukovskaya, V.A. Lyakh for children 5-6 years old










Running 30 m from a high start (s)

Shuttle run 3*10m, sec.






Running duration: 5-6 years –5 min.; distance, m



Standing long jump (cm)


Criteria for assessing the development of physical qualities

Level I – high – 8-7 points

Level II – intermediate – 6-4 points

Level III – low – 3-0 points

Each level is characterized by the following parameters:

Level I – high – 8-7 points – the child completed all four tasks high level, without signs of overwork, behaved actively when performing exercises, knew how to listen to the teacher, understood instructions and completed tasks without errors.

Level II – average – 6-4 points – the child completed tasks at an average or high level (but did not complete any tasks at a low level), without signs of overwork, made mistakes when assimilating the teacher’s instructions.

Level III – low – 3-0 points – the child completed one or more tasks at a low level, was overtired, showed passivity or indifference, had negative reactions in case of unsuccessful completion of tasks.

The research work was aimed at identifying the level of development of physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, coordination) of children senior group and definitions of outdoor play as a means of developing these qualities.