Rag doll dream book. Why do you dream about the Doll?

Wanting to know his future, a person closely monitors everything that surrounds him: he lives according to signs, and also tries to interpret his dreams. Now I would like to talk about why dolls are dreamed of. After all, it would seem, on the one hand, this dream simply means longing for childhood, but there is also a deeper, different meaning.

So, what in general could a dream mean in which the sleeper saw a doll? This means quick cooperation, partnerships in business. It is important to remember that such a dream also promises excellent results from future transactions, so it is very important in reality not to miss your chance to improve your own financial condition.


If a person receives a doll as a gift in a dream, this may mean misunderstanding on the part of others, as well as loneliness. The doll in such a dream tries to replace everyone around him. If the sleeper goes to the store and buys a ceramic doll there (especially in packaging), this indicates that in life this person does not receive from his environment the respect and attention that he rightfully deserves. Therefore, in reality you need to try hard to change this state of affairs.


Why do you dream about dolls? If a person gives his toy in a dream, this means that those around him in reality value and respect him very much. If the doll is simply given away as unnecessary, you should be wary, because all the bad deeds done by the person seeing this dream will be perceived too negatively by others in reality, and some people may even then incriminate the person. Gossip and unpleasant conversations behind your back from those close to you are also possible.

Be a doll

If a person is sleeping and realizes that in the dream he is the doll, he needs to take a close look at his surroundings in life. After all, all close people simply do not consider a person as an independent person, constantly trying to guide and direct the sleeping person at their own discretion.

Living doll

It is also important to understand why you dream about a living doll. In this case, it is important to remember what her face was like. If it is good, there is no need to be afraid, but if it is evil, then the sleeper needs to be afraid of what will soon happen in real life. After all, a person can be drawn into an adventure, which, unfortunately, will not end well at all. It is important to say that you should not underestimate the danger and you need to carefully look at any proposals, even the most harmless at first glance.


I would also like to talk about why Barbie dreams. A woman’s dream about a doll may indicate that she simply wants to return to the past, where everything was simple and carefree. If a young lady dreams of Barbie, this may mean empty fun, which may end in some problems. And the naked beauty doll says that a sleeping person in reality cannot trust anyone and open his soul, keeping his experiences to himself.

Games with a doll in a dream

When understanding why dolls are dreamed of, it is also important to fully remember the dream, taking into account even the most insignificant details at first glance. After all, they can tell you a lot. So, if a girl in a dream dresses up a doll in various beautiful outfits, this suggests that in reality no one appreciates a lady or pays due attention to her, and her beauty also remains unappreciated. If the sleeper combs the doll’s hair, this means that he will soon be initiated into a secret, which, however, he does not need at all and will only weigh on his mind and soul. If a man dreams of a large rubber doll, then this means that in his life he lacks thrills in the intimate sphere of life, and he is afraid to reveal his secret fantasies to the lady of his heart. It is also important whether one person plays with his doll in a dream, or in a group. In the first version, such a dream promises a single solution to one’s problems, an independent achievement of the intended goal. If the sleeping person plays with dolls in the company of friends or even strangers, this means that it will help solve problems in reality huge amount well-wishers.

Special dolls

Why do you dream about dolls? It is important to remember here that this is exactly what the toy was. So, for example, a dream about a voodoo doll is not good sign. This means the beginning of a black, difficult period of life. After such a dream, it is important to take a close look at your surroundings, because it is precisely because loved one some negative changes will occur in the life of the sleeping person, and nothing good will come from ordinary communication with him. If you dreamed of a broken doll, without a head or in torn clothes, this is also not very good sleep. You should expect deception or betrayal from a loved one. If a child breaks a doll in a dream, nothing particularly terrible will happen. The worst: too much spending or uninvited guests. Why do you dream about a child doll? A dream about a baby doll does not foretell anything bad; it means that the dreamer regrets the past time and is a little nostalgic about the past. However, in reality it is worth abandoning such actions, because living in the past, a person simply has no future. The matryoshka warns the sleeping person that he needs to be attentive to new friends, comrades and acquaintances. After all, some of them are a multifaceted person who only wants to benefit from communication for themselves, constantly changing masks and guises. Also, such a person can soon become a traitor and cause considerable damage to the life of the sleeping person if he does not get rid of such communication in time.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is also interesting to consider what the Italian dream book says about what the doll is dreaming about. Thus, the author believes that such a dream of an adult only speaks of nostalgia for the past, especially for a carefree childhood. Also, in his opinion, this can indicate that a person is a puppet in the hands of others and he should change his pliable position.

Maly Velesov dream book

In this book you can read that the doll itself is a marvel. If you dream about a lot of them, it means having many children. If the toy is bought, the person becomes a leader in the work, maybe even a leader. If received as a gift - to profit or fulfillment of desires.

Eastern dream book

Eastern people say that seeing a doll in a dream is not good, it is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream may mean news of a loved one’s illness, deception from the outside dear people or even an unpleasant situation.

Esoteric dream book

On the pages of such a publication you can find the following interpretation: to see a doll - to receive real estate or something significant as a gift. If a person becomes a doll in a dream, you should be wary of losing your property.

Modern dream book

What does it mean for a woman to see a doll in a dream? According to the latest dream book, this promises a quick pregnancy for the lady, and a new love adventure for the man.

Dream book for the whole family

According to the interpretations of this source, seeing something like this in a dream means that the sleeper simply does not have the fortitude to resist others in defending his opinion; such a person very easily falls under the influence of others. This dream should be a signal that you need to get together and fight back against those people who brazenly apply pressure.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If in a dream a person sees a voodoo doll pierced with needles, this means that the person sleeping in reality is controlled by other persons, constantly manipulating him. This could also mean that new friend uses the sleeping person’s connections very well for himself, and for this purpose makes friends with him.

Most people associate dolls with a cheerful and carefree childhood, when they could play with their favorite toys and not worry about any serious things. But what if we saw this object in a dream? Should you expect a time without worries and sorrows, as in childhood, or, on the contrary, does it make sense to be mentally attuned to the appearance of difficulties and problems in your life? We suggest turning to several of the most complete and popular collections of dream interpretations for an answer to the question of why a doll dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse: porcelain or rag toy

According to the information in this collection, seeing a doll in a dream is a sign of very irrational business management and waste of money, which can ultimately result in serious financial problems. If you dreamed that you were playing with a rag or porcelain beauty, then happiness and good luck await you in family life.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the compilers of this collection, such a dream promises some miraculous event in real life. However, a dream of this kind may be a harbinger of temptations that can damage your reputation.

Dream interpretation horoscope: dream about a doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with toys with a child, then in reality you should beware of events that could cause serious damage to your good name. In addition, seeing a doll in a dream for a woman can mean an imminent pregnancy, and for a man - the news that he will become a father.

Modern dream book: why do you dream about a doll?

If you dreamed of a baby doll that looks very much like a real child, then it is quite possible that in the near future you will be able to discover qualities in yourself that you did not even suspect. A dream in which a girl plays with a doll promises the onset of a difficult and troubled period in your life associated with the illness of a loved one. If you dreamed of a toy with any part of its body torn off, then you will face trials that you will overcome together with family members, which will strengthen family ties.

The talking doll warns that you will soon make some very unexpected discovery about your child. Why do you dream of a living doll? Such a dream is a reflection of the loneliness and misunderstanding you experience from others. If this is a vision, then subconsciously she is very worried that she will not be able to become a good mother for her unborn baby. In such a situation, you should calm down and not think about the bad, as this can only harm the course of the pregnancy.

Why do you dream about a Barbie doll? A similar image in a dream is associated with established stereotypes and ideals recognized by society. If you had a dream about Barbie, then it is likely that you feel unable to live up to the expectations of the people around you. Also, such a vision can be interpreted as your desperate desire to avoid everyday responsibilities, which you subconsciously view as unnecessary fuss or routine. Chances are you're desperate to get back to carefree childhood. However, you need to be clear that you are now an adult and there is a need to behave accordingly.

Seeing a baby doll in a dream: children's dream book

Such a dream may mean a situation in which you lack the willpower to resist the influence stranger. At the same time, under no circumstances should you give up: on the contrary, try to concentrate, gain strength and get rid of negative influences.

Meneghetti's Italian dream book: if you dreamed of a doll

This source interprets such a dream as an adult experiencing a great desire to return to the wonderful world of childhood, full of fun, love and care. It is quite possible that in real life you are faced with a lot of problems in the face of which you feel powerless. It’s worth pulling yourself together and concentrating on overcoming difficulties.

The Italian dream book Meneghetti gives another interpretation of the dream in which the doll plays main role. It lies in the puppet behavior of a person when he follows the lead of other people who have a significant influence on his consciousness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: a ​​dream about a doll

The compilers of this source consider such a dream as a harbinger of serious financial costs associated with organizing a large family holiday. Playing with dolls promises the dreamer happy marriage, harmonious relationships with children, complete understanding with the spouse’s parents and family well-being generally. If you dreamed that you were watching a puppet show in a theater, then in real life you risk succumbing to laziness and a craving for idle entertainment, which will distract you from truly important matters, thereby damaging your financial condition.

If you dreamed of a doll: oriental dream book

According to the interpretation of this collection, such a dream is extremely unfavorable. It can be a harbinger of deception and various troubles, as well as news of a serious illness of a person close to you.

Dream Master's Dream Book: doll

Since this toy resembles a person in its appearance, the compilers of this collection associate its image with artificial and hypocritical relationships, which were built by you with a sincere, at first glance, individual. It is likely that this person started friendship with you solely for his own benefit.

Dream Tarot: if you dreamed of a doll

The authors of this source consider a dream in which you see a rag doll with needles stuck into it to be a very bad sign. This could mean that someone is manipulating you for their own benefit. Also, such a dream may be evidence of your ill-wisher’s desperate attempts to harm you at any cost.

A collection of clues received in a dream: a children's doll

Compiled by of this dream book consider this toy as a symbol of the false illusions you are experiencing. It is possible that someone is deliberately trying to mislead you, or that you are mistaken about someone in your circle. Try to take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances. It is likely that this will save you from disappointment and difficulties.

What could a dream about a doll mean? Often this image serves as a hint: it’s time to unlock your potential, realize your talents, and not wait for the right moment. Also, toys can be a sign that you miss your childhood, because then you could not worry about pressing problems.

Doll symbol in various dream books

Often dreams are beyond the control of the sleeper. The image of a doll that appears in a dream wants to tell you something important. How to interpret all this correctly? Fantasy mixed with reality is a special feature of the kingdom of Morpheus. Don't be surprised if you see a vision of a zombie doll or puppet. In a horror dream, it is quite possible to encounter a dead doll. It's creepy, isn't it? What if in a dream you were asked to choose between two equally beautiful and desirable figures in a store? What does a naked doll mean? Dream books interpret these images in different ways.

Miller and Vostochny

Both dream books interpret the image of a doll as not very favorable: it foreshadows the illness of loved ones, some unpleasant incident or deception. According to Miller's dream book, this symbol also warns of large cash expenses in the near future.

Maly Velesov

Here, a dreamed figure means a miracle. You may be surprised. When there are many of them - to large offspring. If you bought it, you will be promoted and may be appointed project manager. Received as a gift - your wish will come true, you will make a profit.


If you dreamed that you bought yourself a doll, then in reality you will be very lonely. You dream of having someone in your life who needs your care.

Playing with her characterizes you as a person who easily follows the lead of others.

Other interpreters about the doll

Here's what other dream books say about the doll:

  • the truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz promises vanity and troubles that will not bring results;
  • esoteric - mining, obtaining real estate. However, you can lose it if you yourself turned into a doll in a dream;
  • Rommel - a strange relationship with someone, an inexplicable dependence;
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima - someone you know is trying to deceive you. Be careful and it will save you from disappointment and trouble;
  • Hasse is a waste of money, and if you play with her, this will lead to successful management household;
  • Shereminskaya - it’s worth thinking about whether you are honest with others, how this manifests itself in your behavior and manner of communication;
  • dream book of bitches - you won’t be done with the business you are currently doing for a very long time.

There is a special science that studies dreams - oneirology. For the most part, it explains why a person sees different images during sleep. Tells how this or that vision is interpreted in the context of the dreamer’s lifestyle.

Video: why do people have dreams?

Who dreams about a doll: man, girl, child

The interpretation has its own nuances depending on who dreamed of the doll. The dreamer of this image is not necessarily a woman or a girl. A doll can also come to a man in a dream.

  • in a man’s dream, it marks a new amorous adventure or news of imminent fatherhood. If he dreamed of an elegant toy, this could be a warning about an imminent break in the relationship;
  • For women, such a dream portends pregnancy. When the doll is in night dream to the expectant mother, then, most likely, she fears for the fate of the unborn baby. It seems to her that she cannot cope with maternal responsibilities. In this case, it is best to distract yourself and occupy yourself with household chores;
  • if a girl dresses up a toy in beautiful dresses in a dream, then she lacks male attention. It seems to her that her beauty is not noticed;
  • For a child, dreams about dolls are considered completely natural. Pay attention to the colors in which the child talks about his night visions. You should be wary if dolls scare a child in a dream. It may be worth seeking advice from a child psychologist.

I dream about different dolls

Of no small importance for understanding the dream is the appearance of the toy: beauty, hair color, clothing, material from which the doll is made.

Beautiful or scary

  1. Beautiful - temporary success in a not very important matter, deceptive love, a frivolous girl. If in a dream you didn’t have enough money for a beautiful and expensive doll, then in reality your creditworthiness will be in perfect order.
  2. Scary - be vigilant, do not rely on luck in your actions. In the next few weeks, there is a high probability of finding yourself in a dangerous or hopeless situation. When such a doll is your reflection in the mirror, this indicates that you are ashamed of some of your features and consider it disgusting. Perhaps you perceive it as weakness.

Face: good and evil

A doll is a mini-copy of a person. Accordingly, the doll’s facial expressions can repeat the expression human face. If the doll’s face in a dream was kind and pretty, then nothing threatens you. If it’s evil, be careful, there may be danger.

Head: hair, eyes

If a pregnant woman in a dream faces a dilemma about which doll to take, then as a result the child will be born with the chosen hair color.

Dresses: wedding, mourning, beautiful...

Now remember what the doll was wearing:

  • V wedding dress- may portend a joyful event or meeting, a successful acquaintance, news of pregnancy;
  • in a black bride's outfit - do not rush to get married if you do not want to become a black widow;
  • V beautiful dress- the figurine is a reflection of your need for comfort, warmth, affectionate treatment and care.

If the doll is naked, this indicates repentance for the mistakes of the past.

Alive, talking

If the doll walks and moves, it means that it seems to you that no one understands you, which is why you feel loneliness. It can also symbolize stereotyped thinking and artificial emotions in communication. You hide your true self from people, and they feel it.

The speaking figure may be the voice of a repressed part of your personality: a sensory or behavioral one. Conduct a thorough self-analysis: pay attention to the thoughts that spin in your head most often, to your reservations, coincidences. Are they really that random? Often such a dream foreshadows a lie, substitution, and reflects disappointment in people. You will be offended and confused, you will feel your own uselessness. The reason will be fraud or pretense of those who were trusted. A talking toy can also indicate that you will soon learn something new about your child. Or an annoying and cynical lady from your environment appeared in this image.

If in a dream you yourself turned into a toy, then there is a possibility that your loved ones do not see you as an independent person, so they are trying to control all areas of your life.


If you see this beauty in a dream, it means separation from a close friend. The reasons may be relocation, long travel, excessively high demands on the opposite sex.

In a dream, this toy portends separation from a loved one

Or soon you will become very interested in something, this activity will enrich your life and make it more interesting.

Naked baby doll: girl or boy

A lovely toy girl dreams of successful endeavors. Even if the income is still modest, your business has very good opportunities for successful development. Boy - to joy.

And if you saw in a dream a girl who looked like a very beautiful doll, then something wonderful and magical awaits you. For example, a meeting that will give you trembling delight.

The baby doll girl dreams of successful endeavors

A figurine that looks like a child - you will recognize yourself from an unexpected side.

Often a toy baby appears during a period of your indecision and worry over trifles. However, there is really no reason to worry. Such a dream is a symbol of an unexpected creative impulse, the discovery of new talents.

Play with a baby doll - you will be asked to look after the child.

Marionettes and clockwork dolls

Groovy - thoughtless imitation, mechanical behavior. This can manifest itself in both way of thinking and behavior.

The puppet is a reflection of the proverb “if you’ve done the job, walk boldly.” First you need to complete all your tasks, and only after that you need to rest.

If you dreamed of a doll that you played with as a child, then this is a warning about useless work, wasting time on empty entertainment; Memories from adolescence may come flooding back.

What is the doll made of: rag, plastic, porcelain, dough...

Remember what the doll in your dream is made of:

Vanka-Vstanka, Tumbler, Matryoshka, Nutcracker

  1. Vanka-Vstanka marks deliverance from annoying thoughts. And you won’t have to step on the same rake twice.
  2. Tumbler warns that things will go with varying degrees of success.
  3. The matryoshka symbolizes a slippery, two-faced person from your environment. If you do not distance yourself from this acquaintance, you may soon suffer from his actions and words.
  4. The Nutcracker is a friend who will help in a difficult matter.

Lots of dolls

If you dreamed about several dolls, expect important news. However, news, good or sad, will no longer be as relevant as before.

Voodoo and needles

Associations with voodoo are not the most pleasant. This ominous image suggests that there is someone next to you who knows you well, but uses this to manipulate you for selfish purposes. It is unlikely that he intends to cause harm - he just wants to profit from you. Be careful, trust, but verify.

A magical figure from a dream can be a harbinger of a bad streak in your life.

  • leading such a figure characterizes you as a strong, dominant person. However, with your domineering behavior and desire for control, you can alienate those who are dear to you;
  • when casting witchcraft spells, sticking needles into a doll - you are tormented by a thirst for revenge. Try to pacify it before it swallows you whole;
  • wanting to save someone from voodoo magic - this characterizes you as a person ready for self-sacrifice. To help your neighbor, you are ready to take off your last shirt;
  • if you sewed such a doll in a dream and knew exactly who it was intended for, then the desire to be with this person is so strong that you will achieve your goal at any cost.

Video: what are voodoo dolls


If you dreamed of a toy with black hair, eyes and skin, then it could be the personification of that part of your soul that is, as it were, in the shadows: the alter ego. Especially if you see such a doll instead of your reflection in the mirror. She is often the same sex as the dreamer. Such a dream speaks of the need to engage in self-knowledge.

A dark figure could mean something important to you that requires special attention. For example, a mental trauma or a very personal problem that you have been putting off solving for a long time. Perhaps it's time to face her.


  1. A doll without any part of the body or in a torn dress - a dear person will deceive you or betray you. Sad news or unsuccessful relationships or inability to improve them may await. This will lead to disappointment in people.
  2. With a torn off part of the torso - trials, serious troubles in your life and the lives of your family, which will ultimately strengthen family ties. These problems will bring your family together, since you will solve them together.
  3. Headless - you will lose your head from love.
  4. If in a dream you spoil the figurine yourself, then in reality you are capable of making a mistake that will negatively affect your career. If someone else spoils the doll, this also does not bode well for your career. Moreover, it is not you who will make the mistake, but one of your colleagues.
  5. And if the doll is mutilated by children, such a dream does not foretell trouble. Unless you spend a lot or uninvited guests arrive.


A dream about a dead doll appears to the dreamer as a kind of absurdity of what is happening. Some people described their dreams like this: “I saw a dead doll in a dream, but I didn’t know for sure whether it was a child or a doll...”. Certainly, similar dreams quite painful in their perception.

Such a dream usually symbolizes troubles, some kind of hardship in life, or a possible burden. But don’t be upset, but think about which area of ​​your life is most vulnerable right now. After all, this is just a dream, we should thank him for the warning.

Here’s some advice if night vision left a rather unpleasant mental aftertaste:

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Miller's Dream Book. Guide to interpretation.

Your actions

In any dream, you can be just an outside observer, or you can take an active part in the plot. Here's what you could do with the doll:

  • bathing - to great troubles or financial losses;
  • hold in hands - vain dreams and hopes;
  • plant - a deception that will hit your pocket;
  • throw it away - you may lose luck;
  • give it away - someone you know will ignore it. Your mistakes will affect you. People around you will begin to spread rumors and gossip;
  • sell - there is a chance of missing out on a profitable deal;
  • tinkering - to an unexpected discovery. If someone else is making a doll, a friend will bring you up to date;
  • dress - a friend will deceive you;
  • undress - expose your feelings;
  • choosing elegant clothes for her - you yourself are the smith of your own happiness;
  • sewing dresses for her means looking for a new hobby;
  • combing your hair means having a wonderful time in the company of family or friends;
  • braid your hair - you will be secret about your secrets with your friend or sister;
  • if you dreamed that you were in puppet theater, which means, having abandoned important matters, take the path of bliss and idleness.
  • crying - to annoying visitors who will offer you unnecessary services and goods;
  • toys scattered on the floor warn of the appearance of a competitor in your life;
  • there are a lot of dolls surrounding you - pay attention to your circle of acquaintances: among them are those who spread gossip about you, trying to put you in a bad light.
  • If your favorite doll from childhood turned into your mother in a dream, then perhaps in reality you have moved away from her, as well as from your past. This worries you. Independent life- this is good, but still try to visit your parents more often.

    Give birth to a doll

    If during your first pregnancy you dreamed that you gave birth to a child, and then it turned into a doll, then you probably still cannot fully understand your future status. You subconsciously perceive the child as a toy.

    Buy in store

    Such a dream symbolizes profitable cooperation, concluding a successful deal that will make you richer. According to another interpretation, a series of problems await you ahead. They can be related to both money and health.

    Buying a pretty doll for your daughter is an expensive present from your husband. Buying it as a gift for someone else means disappointed hopes.

    Give or be a giver

    If you were given a toy figurine in a dream, it means that your dreams will soon come true, and your plans are doomed to success. Good news is also expected from you. The Dream Book of Wanderers also indicates a cash bonus.

    When the present is very beautiful and expensive, and you think that you don’t deserve it, then you should work on your self-esteem. Not taking control means letting them control you. own life. This can negatively affect your reputation, and, as a result, your future life path.

    If you give, then in reality you will make someone dear to you happy.


    Playing with a doll in a dream means complete family harmony, including with the mother-in-law; good news.

    A girl is playing - one of the relatives will get sick.

    Often a person who sees himself carried away by this fun suffers from complexes. However, the meaning of the dream is directly related to the size of the doll: if it is large, this indicates too much pride.

    Please note, there is a difference: the sleeper plays alone or together with someone. In the first case, you have to solve your problems yourself. In the second, well-wishers will help. Playing in the company of a child means your reputation is at risk.

    Babysitting a baby doll in a stroller

    The first interpretation is an addition to the family. Secondly, those around you do not have the most flattering opinion of you. Third, you haven’t fully grown up, you often want to return to a carefree childhood, and not take responsibility for this or that decision. You have a clear need for a protector, a patron.

    Dolls - frequent guest dreams, and in most cases they dream of something good. Or they encourage you to become better acquainted with your inner content, and also pay attention to those around you. Try to remember as many details as possible: the color of the doll’s eyes and hair, its outfit, where it was. The completeness of the interpretation depends on the details.

    Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state, physical health, clarify exciting moments? What does what you see in a dream mean will tell you.

    Why do you dream about a Doll: interpretation of dreams according to 100 dream books

    What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

    In order to correctly understand the meaning of the dream in which you see a doll, you should remember famous expressions and phrases with this word. Doll - this is what a beautiful but not very smart girl is often called. For a man, a dream often means a possible acquaintance with such a person, and if the dreamer is a woman, this warns that the partner does not take her too seriously. An inflatable doll in dreams in most cases is a symbol of falsehood and deception. Another option is when you dream about a doll, you may be deceived into financial matters- they will slip a “doll”, which is what your dream warns about.

    We analyze the vision in which the Toy was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

    A toy or symbolic person, a stereotype and identification for children (especially girls). For many adults, it is a symbol of nostalgia for childhood, a great desire to return to the world of childhood, full of care, love, during that period of life when they play with dolls. The image of a doll can also indicate the puppet behavior of a person, when the super-ego seems to control all human behavior , making the subject a robot. Seeing a doll indicates the presence of a negative regressive reaction to aggression from the outside, which is often a child’s emotional reaction to a situation of frustration

    The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

    The doll you see turns out to be a signal that you are under the strong influence of others. And you don’t want to or don’t have enough willpower to resist him. Someone from your environment plays with you like a doll that you dreamed of, but you are not a toy or a doll, a living person, with your own character and your own desires. You need to concentrate, gain strength and try to oust people from your life who put pressure on you.

    The meaning of the dream about Baby Dolls (Gypsy dream book)

    If you dream about an ordinary children's doll at night, it means that the person is not too serious about what he is currently doing. The doll is a symbol of innocent, frivolous fun and momentary pleasure. It is possible that it symbolizes the attitude of your chosen one towards you. Most likely, he does not have true feelings for you, but is only playing with you, like a child’s toy. As soon as he gets tired of this activity, he will leave you without any regret. Just like when you were a child you forgot a boring doll on a bench in the garden.

    Why do you dream about a Doll (Ukrainian dream book by Dmitrenko)

    According to the dream book, if you see a doll, it means that some event will soon happen in your life that will cause you great surprise. They also say that a doll dreams of temptations and temptations in reality. To a young guy the dream predicts a quick acquaintance and communication with a beautiful, but empty and flighty girl - you should not take her too seriously. A richly dressed, elegant doll is a symbol of improved financial status and a prosperous life.

    Interpretation of the Doll from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

    The doll is a symbol of everything artificial, frivolous and frivolous. So, when you dream of a doll, we can talk about the artificiality and frivolity of your relationship with your current partner; you will win with him, as if with a doll, without worrying much about what will happen tomorrow. And will there be anything at all? Or the doll represents some frivolous and meaningless matter to which you devote too much time. When the dreamer is a man, the doll predicts that he will soon meet an extremely frivolous, and possibly downright stupid, girl. A particularly beautiful doll promises temporary success in a minor enterprise.

    Doll (rubber) - Deception, protracted business, attitude.

    See Doll (living, talking) - A certain mechanical, behavioral (or sensory) part of the sleeping person himself, which is trying to integrate in consciousness, to show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.

    Voodoo doll with needles stuck into it - Someone is manipulating you, using your connections to their advantage.

    To dream about a Doll, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

    In most cases, when a person dreams of a doll, this indicates insincere and fake love relationship. It is difficult to say on whose side this falsehood will be. It is possible that you truly love your partner and may become a victim of a love scam. Or, on the contrary, you play with the feelings of a person who is sincerely in love with you, which, in general, is also very bad. Sometimes the doll represents some fake and very unpleasant person with whom you will have to communicate. Be careful not to fall for his sweet promises. And finally, a doll in a dream is simply a sign that you are very homesick for your children. Or - from my own childhood.

    Why did you dream about the Doll according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

    According to spiritual sources, if in a dream you see a small elegant porcelain doll, one of those dolls that is usually used to decorate a home, this is good sign. The dream suggests that a prosperous life, prosperity, health and happiness awaits you. When you dreamed of an ordinary children's doll, the dream toy was sent to warn you of the futility of your efforts. Whatever you do on a matter that interests you, all your efforts will be in vain. In the end, you will end up very disappointed.

    Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

    When a person dreams of a doll, it often indicates that he is doing a waste of time and is only wasting money in vain. If you don't change your behavior, you may soon go completely broke. But if a woman sees that she is playing with dolls, this is a good sign that predicts her happy housekeeping, a calm and joyful married life. Peace and quiet in the house. The dream turns out to be a very good sign.

    The meaning of a dream about Dolls (Modern dream book)

    What does the dream in which you had a doll mean? To understand this dream, try to imagine that you are playing with dolls, as if in childhood. How much benefit will this activity bring to you? So the dream in which you see a doll tells you that now you are doing something completely meaningless and useless. It will not bring you any profit, no practical benefit, or just satisfaction. All your efforts will be in vain. Forget about it and do something more meaningful.

    Doll in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

    Seeing a doll means various real estate transactions. You would like to purchase a house or land, buy an apartment. Just move to a new place of residence. When you dream of a doll, it represents everything related to these issues that you will have to deal with. But if in a dream it was about the fact that you yourself have become a doll, this is already an alarming sign, warning that you may lose your real estate. Be careful and cautious during all related operations.

    What do you dream about and how to interpret the Doll according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

    When a person dreams of a doll, it often indicates that he is doing a waste of time and is only wasting money in vain. If you don't change your behavior, you may soon go completely broke. But if a woman sees that she is playing with dolls, this is a good sign that predicts her happy housekeeping, a calm and joyful married life. Peace and quiet in the house. This is the meaning of the dream you had last night.

    The meaning of the dream about Materska (Creative dream book)

    I dreamed about the Doll, what is this for. 1. A doll means that the dreamer feels like a child, or he feels the need for comfort. The doll can also express an undeveloped part of the dreamer's personality. 2. We all want to experience and learn through play, and that is why the doll, appearing, expresses our need to re-learn some lessons from childhood that were forgotten. 3. The doll represents the soul of a specific person who can be helped or harmed using white or black magic.

    Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

    If you dream of a doll carved from wood, this often signals that your thoughts are in lately busy exclusively with trivial entertainment, laziness has consumed you. You are not doing anything truly serious and purposeful at all. I dreamed of a children's doll, an ordinary toy - it is a symbol of manipulation. You treat the people around you without due respect for them own desires, you are trying to control everything and everyone, which is what the doll that appeared in the dream is talking about. When the dreamer is a woman and she dreams of a doll, this is a prediction of an imminent marriage with a frivolous and frivolous person.

    The meaning of a dream about a Mannequin (Jewish dream book)

    Doll - Warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility towards your new acquaintance.

    Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream (interpretation from Big dream book)

    If a person dreams of a doll, this is a sad sign. She says that all this person’s thoughts are occupied exclusively by laziness and craving for stupid entertainment. He devotes absolutely no time to really serious activities and leads a frivolous and frivolous lifestyle. The doll is a warning that if you don’t come to your senses, sooner or later you will find yourself in the place of the dragonfly from the famous fable. No one is interested in feeding a quitter and a slacker.

    Doll according to O. Adaskina’s dream book

    When a puppet appears in a dream, the dream characterizes you as a frivolous person. You absolutely do not want to do anything truly serious in this life, you simply float at the will of the wind and waves. Laziness and frivolity will not bring you any good. In the end you can stay in all alone and without means of subsistence. This is what the doll you dream about warns you about.

    How to understand why the Doll was seen in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

    I dreamed about a Doll - childhood; the desire to be loved.

    Why do you dream about a Doll (Slavic dream book)

    A doll is an unsatisfied sexual desire. Disguised passion. Sometimes it’s cold. Venus in the 12th house.

    Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

    If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

    Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.

    Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    What does the dream Doll mean?

    Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

    Dream about Doll

    Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

    What does a Doll mean in a dream?

    Doll - it seems to you that your willpower is not enough to resist other people's influence. You need to concentrate, gain strength and try to push out of your life those people who are trying to put pressure on you.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

    The meaning of dreams Doll

    Seeing in a dream is very beautiful doll and not being able to buy it, since it is very expensive, - in reality you will not have problems with creditworthiness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

    Interpretation of sleep Doll

    Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

    Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

    If you see yourself in a puppet theater, this means that the laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you lately will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    What does the Doll predict in a dream?

    "plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

    "inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

    “like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

    "painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

    What does it mean to see a Doll in a dream?

    Artificial relationships, frivolous matters; beautiful temporary success in a minor enterprise; deceptive love; frivolous girl.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

    Interpretation of sleep Doll

    Waste work and waste.

    Imagine taking a doll to a toy store and it gets lost among other items (see Toys).

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    What does the Doll dream predict?

    Symbol of false illusions. Usually such a dream indicates that you are mistaken about someone you know, or that someone is deliberately misleading you.

    Try to take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps this will save you from unnecessary disappointments and problems.

    Interpretation of dreams from