Biography. Chris Martin - biography and personal life Development of a musical career

Christopher Anthony John (Chris) Martin is one of the outstanding musicians of modern British pop culture, singer, songwriter, leader of Coldplay, multiple Grammy winner, producer and philanthropist. Former husband of Oscar-winning film star Gwyneth Paltrow.

In 2017, the rock artist was honored to be selected to the list of the top five hundred influential people United Kingdom "Debrett's 500", published annually by this authoritative British publication for 200 years.

Coldplay's numerous albums have sold more than 90 million copies, placing them among the world's top sellers.


The future successful vocalist and instrumentalist was born on March 2, 1977 in the southwest of England in the village of Whitestone, located near the city of Exeter in Devon. He was the eldest of six children in Christian family, where his father worked as an accountant and his mother as a music teacher.

Interestingly, among their ancestors was the British builder William Willett, who was Chris's great-great-grandfather. He is famous for the fact that back in 1902, in order to save energy, he proposed the idea of ​​​​changing the clock hands to summer time.

Young Christopher began his education in preparatory school Exeter Cathedral. There he sang in the church choir and organized his first group, Rocking Honkies. He then became a student at an independent boys' school in the town of Sherborne in the same county, where he met Phil Harvey, the future manager of Coldplay.

In 1995, he became a student at University College London, where he studied Latin and Greek in the department ancient history, receiving a first class diploma upon completion. While studying, he became friends with Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion, who shared his musical tastes. A year later, the guys created the group Pectoralz, then renamed it Coldplay and began composing compositions in the alternative rock style.

Music career development

In 1998, Chris’ team presented the EP “Safety”. Most of its copies were presented by musicians to their friends and record labels. At the end of the same year, they recorded another EP, Brothers & Sisters, the compositions of which immediately became popular. This was followed by the musicians’ very successful participation at the famous Glastonbury festival and the release of the mini-disc “The Blue Room”.

World fame came to Coldplay in 2000 with the presentation of their debut studio album “Parachutes”. The main hit instantly became the song Yellow, which ended up on the fourth line of the British chart. The disc itself eventually became twice platinum overseas and 7 times in its homeland, and also won the 2002 Grammy and Brit Awards in its genre. Subsequently, several more records of the group were released, including such as “Live 2003”, “X&Y”, “Mylo Xyloto”. In total, the group, which always maintained a signature style in its compositions, distinguished by the special melancholy of the music and the lyricism of the lyrics, received a Grammy eight times.

Coldplay - "Yellow", 2000

In 2002, the Coldplay frontman also began performing solo. He released the song “Where is my boy?” with David Kosten (alias Faultline), “See It in a Boy's Eyes” with Jamelia, and also recorded joint tracks with Ron Sexsmith, with Mike Skinner, with Ian McCulloch. In 2004, Martin wrote the lyrical composition “Gravity” for the American group Embrace. He then worked with Band Aid 20 on the single "Do They Know It's Christmas?" and with Nelly Furtado on the track "All Good Things (Come to the End)" for her wildly successful LP Loose.

In 2006, Chris tried his hand at a new genre: he recorded the song “Beach Chair” with rap artist Jay-Z, and the single “Homecoming” with Kanye West. He also participated in the creation of the video for this song: in 2008, the video was nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards. A year later, the singer also collaborated with hip-hop artist Kassim Deem (Swizz Beatz), working on the track “Part of the Plan.”

In 2015, Chris Martin collaborated with Swedish DJ Avicii on the song “True Believer.” In 2017, with the assistance of Chris, Dua Lipa’s song “Homesick” was written, included in her personal disc.

The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - “Something just like this”

During the same period, a brilliant composition by the US duo Chainsmokers and Coldplay was released, called “Something just like this”, which took third position on the famous Billboard Hot 100. The video clip for it, posted on YouTube, attracted the attention of 9 million users in a day, surpassing the record 2015 Justin Bieber, when his video “What Do You Mean” was viewed by 8.2 million fans.

In addition, Chris Martin played himself in the next episode of the popular series Modern Family. Previously, he had already starred in comeo roles, for example, in the British comedy television series Extras.

Personal life of Chris Martin

One of the most successful musicians planets divorced. From 2003 to 2014, his life partner was Gwyneth Paltrow. The couple has two children: daughter Apple, born in the capital of Foggy Albion in 2004, and son Moses, born two years later in New York. In honor of the birth of his daughter, he wrote the song “Diapers,” and his son, the composition “Moses.”

While the musician was married, he was more than once credited with having affairs on the side, in particular, with Nelly Furtado, Kylie Minogue, and Kate Hudson. After breaking up with his wife for a year, he had romantic relationship with Jennifer Lawrence. Since 2015, he has been dating Annabelle Wallis. Information also appeared in the media about his supposedly more than friendly relations with singers Katy Perry, Dua Lipa, Rita Ora.

For a long time (before the divorce) Chris was a vegetarian. In 2005, animal rights organization PETA named him the sexiest vegan in the world. The lead singer of Coldplay is a passionate fan of the Arsenal football club, a fan of the Irish band U2, and the British pop group Take That. He does not drink alcohol, practices yoga, and is a frequent participant in charity projects.

0 January 29, 2019, 07:05 pm

Chris Martin with daughter Apple

Relationship ex-spouses, 46-year-old and 41-year-old Chris Martin, can safely be called ideal: they see each other regularly, raise children together and spend holidays, and often the whole big family(together with a new actress and musician!) are heading to warmer climes.

They also distribute the time spent together with their 14-year-old and 12-year-old son Moses evenly. Despite the fact that teenagers, after their parents, live with their mother, almost all of them meet with their father: he often takes his son and daughter, who grows more like Gwyneth every year, from classes and goes with them on joint walks.

By the way, the day before, the paparazzi had just photographed Chris Martin with Apple and Moses in the parking lot near the school. Coldplay's frontman once again I picked up the kids after school to have fun with them and take them to a nearby cafe for lunch. The artist's lover, Dakota Johnson, was not seen nearby.

On the way to the car, Chris had an emotional conversation with the children about something. Then the musician, along with the teenagers, got into a large black SUV and hastily disappeared from the reporters' cameras.

Let us remember that in one of her recent interviews, Gwyneth Paltrow said that she is still very close to her ex-husband and is in touch with him every day.

I think we were really able to remain a family. Chris is a very close person to me. I see him every day, talk to him every day. Yes, the divorce was very difficult, but I think the children were able to get through it. We agreed that children will always be there for us. first place,

- said the actress.

Paltrow also said that she does not plan to have any more children because she believes that she is “too old” to plunge headlong into motherhood again.


Besides musical career Chris Martin is trying himself as an actor. He has starred in several films where he can be seen in cameo roles. Martin can be seen in the films: "Insomnia", "Igby Goes Down", "Wedding Crashers" and "Extras".

Christopher Anthony John Martin was born on March 2, 1977 in Great Britain. He is a famous British musician and performer. He became popular as the lead singer of the band Coldplay.

Chris Martin grew up in an ordinary British family. His father worked as an accountant, and his mother taught at a local music school. After leaving school, Sherborne entered University College in London, where he studied Latin and Greek language. In parallel with his studies, Chris played for the student hockey team. He skated well and at times was simply an irreplaceable player.

Chris Martin became famous

to a large circle of people as a frontman music group"Coldplay" The group was formed in 1996 by University College students who were close friends of Chris.

The team's favorite direction was alternative rock. Chris fit in perfectly with the team, as he was always brutal and courageous in a rocker way.

The team's first studio albums were the following discs: “X&Y”, “A Rush of Blood to the Head” and “Parachutes”. And in 2008, the team released the album “Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.”

In addition to working in the group, Chris Martin is engaged in solo career. He writes the lyrics and music himself

to your compositions. Among the musician’s most famous songs are such singles as “Where Is My Boy”, “Gold in Them Hills”, “Sliding”, “Gravity”, “Do They Know It”s Christmas?”, “Beach Chair” and “Homecoming” .

In his work, Martin collaborates with many famous musicians. Among them are such personalities as Ron Sexsmith, Ian McCulloch, the groups Faultline and The Streets.

In 2006, the musician began close collaboration with rapper Jay-Z. Together they performed several bright compositions.

In addition to his musical career, Chris Martin tries himself as an actor. He starred in several films

where he can be seen in cameo roles. Martin can be seen in the films: "Insomnia", "Igby Goes Down", "Wedding Crashers" and "Extras".

In 2002, Chris Martin began a relationship with the famous Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. And the novel was “crazy” and passionate. In May 2004, the couple had a daughter, Alison. And in April 2006, son Moses was born. Godfathers children are Jonny Buckland and Simon Pegg.

Chris Martin is a public and bright personality. He always openly expresses his opinion both regarding music and regarding his political and religious views.

Christopher Anthony John Martin was born on March 2, 1977 in Great Britain. He is a famous British musician and performer. He became popular as the lead singer of the band Coldplay.

Chris Martin grew up in an ordinary British family. His father worked as an accountant, and his mother taught at a local music school. After leaving school, Sherborne entered University College in London, where he studied Latin and Greek. In parallel with his studies, Chris played for the student hockey team. He skated well and at times was simply an irreplaceable player.

Chris Martin became famous to a wide circle people like the frontman of the musical group Coldplay. The group was formed in 1996 by University College students who were close friends of Chris.

The team's favorite direction was alternative rock. Chris fit in perfectly with the team, as he was always brutal and courageous in a rocker way.

The team's first studio albums were the following discs: “X&Y”, “A Rush of Blood to the Head” and “Parachutes”. And in 2008, the team released the album “Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.”

In addition to working in the group, Chris Martin has a solo career. He writes the text and music for his compositions himself. Among the musician’s most famous songs are such singles as “Where Is My Boy”, “Gold in Them Hills”, “Sliding”, “Gravity”, “Do They Know It”s Christmas?”, “Beach Chair” and “Homecoming” .

In his work, Martin collaborates with many famous musicians. Among them are such personalities as Ron Sexsmith, Ian McCulloch, the groups Faultline and The Streets.

In 2006, the musician began close collaboration with rapper Jay-Z. Together they performed several bright compositions.

Best of the day

In addition to his musical career, Chris Martin tries himself as an actor. He starred in several films, where he can be seen in episodic roles. Martin can be seen in the films: "Insomnia", "Igby Goes Down", "Wedding Crashers" and "Extras".

In 2002, Chris Martin began a relationship with famous Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. And the novel was “crazy” and passionate. In May 2004, the couple had a daughter, Alison. And in April 2006, son Moses was born. The children's godfathers are Jonny Buckland and Simon Pegg.

Chris Martin is a public and bright personality. He always openly expresses his opinion both regarding music and regarding his political and religious views.

Chris Martin is a British musician, frontman and lead singer of the rock band Coldplay, Grammy Award winner and, among other things, ex-husband Hollywood star.

Childhood and youth

Christopher Anthony John Martin was born in March 1977, according to some sources - in Exter, the main city of Devonshire, according to others - in the village of Whitestone. Chris was the first-born of five children of accountant Anthony and music teacher Alison Martin. Chris's ancestors include English entrepreneur William Willett, the author of the idea of ​​​​changing clocks to winter time.

Chris spent his childhood at Exeter Cathedral School and Sherborne School in Dorset. In the latter he became friends with Philip Harvey, who would later become manager musical group, created by Martin. Sang in the church choir.

Upon completion of these educational institutions The future musician entered University College in London to study ancient history. Here he mastered the Greek and Latin languages ​​and, in addition, made friends who shared his musical passions. Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Jonny Buckland and Chris formed a group called Coldplay.

Chris's passion for music was influenced by the bands A-ha and U-2. Initially, the musician had the idea of ​​​​creating a boy band and came up with the name – Pectoralz, but in the end the friends settled on the “alternative rock” style and the already known name.


The debut album Safety, by and large, said nothing to critics and ordinary listeners. In 2000, Martin's group released their first studio album, Parachutes, which became certified seven times platinum in Britain and twice in the USA and Canada. The album won a Grammy Award and its British equivalent, the Brit Awards, and was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize.

Among the album's other accolades, it was ranked 12th in the list of the 20 best-selling albums of the 21st century in Great Britain, 25th in the hundred greatest albums of all time according to Channel 4. Surprisingly, despite the dizzying success, the Coldplay frontman said that the album the group didn't like it.

Although it is known that Chris likes the work of his own group called “Glass of Water” and the title song of the album “A Head Full of Dreams”. By the way, the latter’s promotional single, called “Everglow,” featured backing vocals performed by Gwyneth Paltrow.

The group won the Grammy Award 8 more times for songs from the albums X&Y, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, Mylo Xyloto. Videos for individual songs also got into rotation and took high places in the charts.

The solo page in the singer’s biography turned out no less successfully. His most diverse colleagues can be proud of their collaboration with the musician - Ron Sexsmith and Jamelia and Ian McCulloch. For solo career Chris Martin has recorded 9 albums in which the singer participated as a co-author and producer. And after working with the Briton, he said that he simply didn’t want to sing with anyone else.

Personal life

The list of novels of the brutal rocker is enviable. In first place is an Oscar-winning Hollywood star. But if the singer spoke openly about his thirst for fame and success, he immediately closed himself off when talking about his family. Moreover, his wife and daughter, in general, made him a recognizable face for the press.

Chris met the actress in 2002 at his own concert. A year later, Gwyneth became Martin’s wife; the couple had a secret wedding, inviting only their closest relatives. The marriage produced children: daughter Apple Blythe Alison, born in London, and son Moses Bruce Anthony, born in New York. Apple's godfathers are British comedian and Coldplay bandmate Jonny Buckland.

After 12 years life together and two years of divorce proceedings, Chris and Gwyneth broke up, but kept good relationship. As Martin said, they did nothing in public, and journalists can think whatever they want about family relationships. As if to confirm the words “There is friendship after divorce,” joint and quite friendly photos of Chris with Paltrow’s new lover, Brad Falchuk, appeared on the Internet.

The yellow press suspected Martin of having tender feelings for and. However, the paparazzi only managed to catch the musician with the actress on the beach and with the children. Chris was caught walking with the singer during the British Summer Time festival. The official representative said that the Australian and the British man had been friends for a long time, and one came to support the other during the performance.

Chris's relationship with another film figure seemed serious. The musician dedicated the song “Atlas” to the girl, which became the soundtrack to the film “The Hunger Games. And the flame will burst out." The couple broke up and got back together, for a long time called the relationship friendly or simply remained silent.

However, according to rumors, the actress’s mother opposed the development of the novel. The woman felt that her daughter’s boyfriend was spending a lot of time with her. ex-family. In addition, Jennifer's mother still sympathized with the actress's ex-boyfriend. The blonde eventually returned to him.

Then the singer switched to the actress of the TV series “The Tudors” and the film “The Mummy”. The musician’s friends noted that Chris was specifically looking for a girl who was cheerful, sociable and easy-going, who would be different from the too serious Gwyneth. Followers noticed a certain pattern. Not only is there a physical resemblance between Annabelle and Gwyneth, but photos also appeared on Wallis’s Instagram that were similar in plot to the images from the page ex-wife Martina.

At the same time, Chris flirted with singers and. With a girl from Kosovo British performer worked on a song from her first album. The second paparazzi was caught hugging the lead singer of Coldplay at the Glastonbury festival.

In 2016, ubiquitous journalists caught Martin at a night party with the singer. The conclusion about the new romance suggested itself when the celebrity was caught leaving the same hotel in the morning where Chris lived.

When he was Gwyneth Paltrow's husband, Martin preferred vegetarianism. However, the musician does not know how to cook. The Hollywood celebrity said that when Chris entered the kitchen, a fire truck would certainly arrive.

Chris is an unconventional rocker because he has no cravings for tobacco, drugs or booze. Among the singer’s musical preferences are “Nightswimming” by the group R.E.M., the Scottish group Travis, “Bitter Sweet Symphony” by The Verve. The vocalist of this group is the favorite performer of the leader of Coldplay.

The musician participates in charity projects. In particular, he buys expensive works of art, the proceeds from the sale of which go to special funds help. Martin also wrote compositions for Bands Aid, created specifically to raise money for starving children in Ethiopia. Chris presented his first guitar at an auction, the proceeds of which were donated to an organization that helps children from low-income families.

Chris Martin now

Charming, blue-eyed, tall (the musician’s height is 186 cm), the singer is not deprived female attention.

At the end of 2017, Chris’s next romance was confirmed, this time with, the daughter of the notorious and. The actress and model is known for her appearance in the film Fifty Shades of Grey. The girl has already managed to introduce her beloved to her father. The Miami Vice star is somewhat concerned that his daughter's relationship is moving too quickly.


  • 2000 - “Parachutes” (with Coldplay)
  • 2002 - “A Rush of Blood to the Head” (with Coldplay)
  • 2003 – “Sliding”
  • 2004 - "Gravity"
  • 2005 - “X&Y” (with Coldplay)
  • 2006 - “All Good Things (Come to an End)” (co-author)
  • 2007 - “Homecoming” (co-author)
  • 2011 - “MyloXyloto” (as part of Coldplay)
  • 2014 – “Ghost Stories” (with Coldplay)
  • 2015 – “A Head Full of Dreams” (with Coldplay)