Year of birth of Malikov. Successful musician and pianist. Songs for your beloved

Yuri Fedorovich Malikov. Born on July 6, 1943 in the Chebotovka farm, Tarasovsky district, Rostov region. Soviet and Russian musician, producer, creator and director of the VIA "Gems", People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2007).

Yuri Malikov was born on July 6, 1943 in the Chebotovka farm, Tarasovsky district, Rostov region.

Father - Fyodor Mikhailovich Malikov (1918-1986).

Mother - Raisa Ivanovna (1922-1995).

Uncle - Yakov Mikhailovich Malikov (1921-1973).

Cousin - Alexander Yakovlevich Malikov (born 1946).

In 1957, he graduated with honors from an industrial technical school in Podolsk with a degree in " open development coal and non-metallic deposits." It was there that I became seriously interested in music. “I watched the film “Sun Valley Serenade”, where the hero is a double bass player, and I fell in love with the instrument. And I began to beg the director of our club at the technical school, and I studied in Podolsk, to buy a double bass. In general, I tried to persuade her for a whole year - finally she somehow managed to get the money for it, and we went to Moscow to buy the instrument. And I played it day and night, and had already started performing in a pop orchestra,” he recalled.

In 1958-1960 he studied at evening music school in Podolsk. Somehow from Moscow regional philharmonic society came to Podolsk to perform Symphony Orchestra. And Yuri was seen by the local double bass player Vladimir Mikhailev, who invited him to Moscow. “And he opened the way for me to a professional musical life,” said Yuri Malikov.

Graduated in 1962 School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov.

In 1965-1969 he studied at the Moscow Conservatory in the double bass class, the head of the department was Mstislav Rostropovich.

In 1971, Yuri Malikoa created a vocal and instrumental ensemble "Gems".

VIA "Gems"

The history of the creation of the famous VIA dates back to the beginning of 1970, when Yuri Malikov was offered to go to Japan to the EXPO-70 exhibition. There he got carried away modern music and especially its technical side. As a result, all the funds earned over eight months were spent on fifteen boxes of musical equipment and instruments for the future ensemble.

Upon arrival in Moscow, Yuri Malikov immediately began organizing the ensemble. Was tapped great amount musicians until, finally, the composition of the band was determined. Having recorded several songs with the ensemble, Yuri Malikov turned to the director of the popular radio program “S Good morning!” Ekaterina Tarkhanova, whom he met back in Japan (she worked at the stand of the All-Union Radio at EXPO 70) and who, in turn, introduced him to the editor-in-chief of the program, Era Kudenko. She liked the ensemble’s songs, and on August 8, 1971, as part of the “Good Morning!” a whole program was made about the new group, which performed two songs: the Russian folk song “Will I go out?” and for the first time M. Fradkin’s song “I’ll take you to the tundra.”

At the end of the program, a competition was announced among radio listeners for best name a new ensemble (then called VIA under the direction of Yuri Malikov). The editors received several tens of thousands of letters, offering 1183 different names. Of these, the musicians chose “Gems”. And not only because in their first song, “I’ll take you to the tundra,” which immediately became a hit, there were these words: “We’ll collect as many gems as you want!” “This name very accurately determined the direction of our collective creativity. In it, everyone had to, as it were, shine with the facets of their talent, reveal their capabilities as fully as possible in the team, and complement each other,” recalled Yuri Malikov.

On October 20, 1971, VIA, under the leadership of Yuri Malikov, went on air with a new name - “Gems”. Their songs were now heard in the Mayak program, and on the first radio program, and in the youth editorial office, and in the program “Hello, Comrade!” But basically all the initial activities of the ensemble were carried out through the Mosconcert. For the first time, audiences saw them live at a large pop concert in the summer theater of the Hermitage Garden in Moscow, in which they performed several songs. The first composition of the ensemble gradually changed and eventually a main group of performers emerged, with whom the most famous songs of “Gems” were later recorded. These are Irina Shachneva, Eduard Krolik, Sergey Berezin, Gennady Zharkov, Valentin Dyakonov, Nikolay Rappoport.

During 1972, other musicians also auditioned. Yuri Genbachev, Anatoly Mogilevsky, Yuri Peterson joined the team. The songs that formed the ensemble’s “golden fund” owe their popularity to this formed first composition of “Gems”: “I’ll take you to the tundra”, “This will never happen again”, “Good omens”, “Willow”, “Don’t be sad”, “Near the village of Kryukovo”, “Building BAM”, “If you are young at heart”, “Dovedove”, “My song, song”, “Snowflake”, “School ball”, “Ledum”, “There, behind the clouds”, festival song “About friendship”, “We, the young”, “Love lives on earth”, “For that guy”, “The crew is one family”, etc.

The songs of “Gems” are the result of collaboration with composers M. Fradkin, S. Tulikov, V. Shainsky, E. Khank, V. Dobrynin, O. Ivanov, Ya. Frenkel, Z. Binkin, A. Ekimyan, N. Bogoslovsky, poets P. Leonidov, M. Plyatskovsky, R. Rozhdestvensky, I. Shaferan, L. Derbenev, M. Ryabinin, S. Ostrov, E. Dolmatovsky. And the song by D. Tukhmanov to the verses of V. Kharitonov “My address Soviet Union» long years was business card collective: it began and ended every concert.

VIA "Gems" - My address Soviet Union

VIA "Gems" sang about love, oh native land, about the romance of difficult roads, they sang about what has always worried and worries young people. They were one of the few vocal and instrumental ensembles on the Soviet stage that performed patriotic songs.

In 1972, the Gems ensemble went to the hit festival in Dresden for the first time. The ensemble's soloist Valentin Dyakonov took sixth place in the overall standings out of 25 performers, and a record with four songs by “Gems” was released in Dresden.

Subsequently, VIA “Gems” became a laureate of the International music festivals and competitions in Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Havana, Milan, showed his art in countries Latin America and Africa. They toured their home country a lot and with great success.

Since 1972, they have constantly performed at Luzhniki: with solo concerts, concert sections, and in national programs.

VIA "Gems" - laureate of the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists (1974).

In 1974–1975, the Gems gave ten concerts (10 days - 10 concerts) at the Dynamo stadium. The concerts were held in any weather, they were sold out - they attracted about 17 thousand spectators. The Gems' tours covered more than 30 cities of the USSR: Kyiv, Minsk, Alma-Ata, Tbilisi, Rostov, Kuibyshev, Ufa, Sverdlovsk and many others. While working on tour, they performed at huge stadiums and sports palaces.

In 1975, at the peak of fame, as a result of a creative crisis, several soloists left "Gems" and created their own group - VIA "Plamya", and Yuri Malikov recruited new line-up. In twenty days he managed to form virtually a new ensemble (from the old composition Alexander Brondman, Evgeny Kurbakov, the production group and Vladimir Vinokur, who had just joined the ensemble as a soloist, remained), and prepared a whole solo concert with new performers, half updating the repertoire. The new line-up of “Gems” included professional musicians: drummer V. Polonsky, who came from the VIA “Jolly Fellows”, trumpeter Valery Besedin from Mosconcert, arranger, pianist Vitaly Kretyuk, who worked with Alla Pugacheva in the ensemble “You, Me and the Song”, guitarist Valery Khabazin from the VIA “Veselye Rebyaty”, and from the group “What the Guitars Sing About”.

Yuri Malikov (center) and VIA "Gems"

Many idols of the 1980s and 1990s passed through the “Gems” school - Alexander Barykin, Arkady Khoralov, Sergey Belikov, Andrey Sapunov and others.

VIA "Gems" sought to revive the concert form of performances. The director's structure of the concert included precise lighting accents, emphasizing the movement of the program, creating an atmosphere of attention and concentration, and, where necessary, decisively breaking the rhythm of the action and mood. The “Gems” not only sang, but also commented on their performance, refusing the services of an entertainer and annoying service connections.

It was in “Gems” that he made his debut as a parodist, and was later replaced by humorist Sergei Kuznetsov.

The general crisis of vocal and instrumental ensembles in the USSR began with the 1980 Olympics. To show foreign athletes the progressiveness of the socialist system, rock culture was released from underground. At this time, ensembles were gradually allowed to have their own repertoire, musicians were given the opportunity to perform songs own composition. “Gems” were provided with the latest equipment, the stage of the Variety Theater. And in 1984, after the publication in the newspaper Pravda of the speech of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee on ideology K. U. Chernenko, many pop shows began to disband musical groups. After long and thorough checks, VIA “Gems” survived.

But parting with the stage could not be avoided. Those youth who listened to “Gems” in the 1970s have already matured, and the new generation has almost completely become interested in rock music. “Gems” began to lose their listeners. With the emergence of numerous pop groups (“ Tender May", "Mirage", "Vostok", etc.) and new soloists, the popularity of "Gems" fell.

Yuri Malikov said: “The guys are tired, exhausted. Some had grandchildren, others went into business or emigrated. Another generation of viewers came, and they needed their own idols.”

Future “pop stars” grew up behind the scenes of the ensemble: in 1987, Dmitry Malikov made his debut in “Gems” and began performing in the “Cruise” group.

In 1992, Yuri Malikov was forced to suspend the ensemble's activities. Tigran Aslamazyan was involved in voucher privatization in the Gaidar government, Valentin Dyakonov became an arranger and sound engineer, Oleg Sleptsov created his own group, Alexander Nefedov took up his own career, Vladimir Presnyakov began working with his son. Yuri Malikov was involved in the youth television and artistic club “Corus”, filmed television shows and videos, and headed the jury of various song competitions.

In 1996 - the year of the 25th anniversary of VIA "Gems" - he was asked to recall several melodies of "Gems" for the program "Golden Hit". More than 30 artists from different eras gathered for the shooting. The effect of their performance was so unexpected that six months later the famous “Old Songs about the Main Thing” were broadcast on ORT. After this, some members of the ensemble decided to resume performances - “Gems” were revived.

In 2000, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the ensemble, Yuri Malikov received the titles of laureate of the national music award “Ovation” and “Golden Gramophone” of Russian Radio.

Currently, the ensemble's soloists perform in "Gems" different years: Yuri Malikov, Irina Shachneva, Grigory Rubtsov, Sergei Ukhnalev and Elena Presnyakova, Alexander Nefedov, Oleg Sleptsov, Georgy Vlasenko. The repertoire of “Gems” includes more than 500 songs, many of which have become national song classics and are included in the encyclopedia of Soviet and Russian pop music.

“The phenomenon of the popularity of “Gems” is that our music was and remains simple, accessible, but at the same time professional and sincere”, says Yuri Malikov.

On February 14, 2007, the President of the Russian Federation signed a Decree awarding Yuri Malikov the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Yuri Malikov - President of the Development Fund musical art, vice president International Union pop figures. Awarded the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree, and the Order of Friendship (2016).

Yuri Malikov and VIA "Gems" - No need to be sad

Personal life of Yuri Malikov:

Wife - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, (born April 2, 1945), former dancer, soloist of the Moscow Music Hall, from 1984 to the early 1990s soloist of VIA“Gems”, later became the director of Dima Malikov’s concert group. They got married on October 9, 1966.

Discography of Yuri Malikov:

1973 - VIA "GEMS"
1974 - We have young people
1981 - The Path to the Heart
1985 - Weather forecast
1995 - There, beyond the clouds
1996 - Everything I have in life
1996 - Twenty years later
1997 - We became different
2003 - Kolokolenka
2003 - First love
2004 - In the Mood for Love
2009 - “Gems” GRAND Collection
2009 - NEW Gems
2011 - “Gems” surrounded by stars

The most famous songs of VIA “Gems”:

All I have in life (Vyacheslav Dobrynin - Leonid Derbenev) is unison singing;
Your whole life is ahead (Alexey Ekimyan - Robert Rozhdestvensky);
If it's just the two of us - vocals by Anatoly Mogilevsky;
My address is the Soviet Union (David Tukhmanov - Vladimir Kharitonov);
This will never happen again (Seraphim Tulikov - Mikhail Plyatskovsky);
There, behind the clouds;
I'll take you to the tundra;
School Ball (Sergey Dyachkov - Pavel Leonidov) - vocals Valentin Dyakonov;
The crew is one family

Everyone's favorite singer and composer Dmitry Malikov is today reaping the fruits of his talent, great work and kind attitude towards people. He has a wonderful family: Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, nee Valevskaya; son Mark, who was born earlier this year; two daughters Stefania Malikova and Olga Izakson.

Dmitry Malikov's wife and children adore their famous husband and father, an outstanding pianist and musician. Elena takes an active part in his project “Turn the Game,” prepared as part of the education and popularization of music. Dmitry Malikov's wife acted as the producer and author of the idea for the musical project.

Dmitry Malikov's wife Elena

Elena Malikova is an actress, famous fashion designer, director and producer. Born in Tula in 1963. After graduating from the Kazan Art School, she continued her education in Moscow. Then there was training at the Institute of Culture and at VGIK, where Elena entered in 1990, choosing future profession directing and acting.

As an aspiring actress, Elena starred in the dramatic film “Kill a Scorpio.” This is an action-packed crime thriller filmed by the wonderful director Alexander Sorokin. The second film “Kara” with Lena’s participation was released in 1993. It was graduate work Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk, graduate of VGIK. This is where Elena’s acting biography ends.

To be fair, it should be noted that at the same time as acting, Lena decided to go into modeling; she worked as a fashion designer in a children's room. art school. It was this type of activity that subsequently brought her the greatest success and allowed her to create her own own business.

Thanks to fitness (stretch) and daily jogging, the business woman always feels young and healthy, and mesotherapy helps her maintain her natural beauty. True, the ubiquitous journalists managed to find out that Elena not so long ago turned to a plastic surgeon and after plastic surgery she became even more beautiful. A woman after plastic surgery, in a good clinic, at any age is transformed for the better!

Dmitry Malikov's relationship with his wife

Dmitry Malikov is Elena’s second husband. She got married for the first time at the age of 18, and at 19 her daughter Olya was born. Despite the fact that the relationships in the young family were, as they say, the envy of everyone, Lena’s personal life did not work out. They met Dmitry thanks to the persistence of the singer, who saw the girl in the photograph and was struck by her beauty.

When they met, the young artist fell in love with the beauty at first sight, and it was love for life. Beautiful and feminine Elena felt independent woman, who raised her daughter and was in no hurry to tie the knot again. In addition, she was embarrassed by the age difference (7 years), which, given her appearance and habit of constantly taking care of herself, was completely invisible.

The Malikovs spent the first eight years of their life together (starting in 1992) in a civil marriage. Love and mutual respect for each other helped Dmitry and Elena overcome all the troubles they encountered at the very beginning of their life together. The birth of their daughter Stephanie (2000) pushed the young people to legitimize their relationship.

Dmitry Malikov's wife is a self-sufficient person. She has her own business in Spain, related to modeling and clothing production, which obliges the woman to follow the latest fashion trends and keep up with the times. Today, exclusive clothes from Elena Malikova can be found in her Moscow stores, which opened in the capital quite recently.

Elena Malikova has launched the production of beachwear. The line of this brand is becoming increasingly popular, both in our country and abroad. The perfect taste of Elena and high level production culture allows Malikova’s business to flourish. At the same time, Elena herself is at her best. physical fitness. On social networks, everyone is wondering how old Malikova is and is interested in her personal life.

Family biography pages - Daughter Stefania

Next to such talented parents as Dmitry and Elena Malikov, Stefania, at eighteen years old, is already a creative person. Of course, not yet fully realized, but deserving of respect. And no matter how many years you have lived, age does not matter if you are gifted by fate, talented and hardworking!

Russian model and young singer Stefania Malikova is already beginning to prove herself as a designer (like a mother). Stefa was born in Moscow and began studying music early: first piano (like her dad), and then guitar. And it is not surprising, because the children of composers and musicians, by the fact of their birth, are closely connected with music and musical creativity.

As an outstanding performer, Dmitry Malikov, by his example, made it clear to the child that constant work on oneself, the desire to reach the top in creativity, are an integral part of success and famous composer, and a clothing designer. The wife and children of Dmitry Malikov respect musical creativity the head of the family, but at a young age Stefania hinted to her parents that she did not want to be a singer.

The parents did not take the girl’s choice seriously, however, Stefa’s desire to engage in choreography, as well as learn the secrets of artists’ skills (in the studio artistic creativity) warmly supported and helped the child develop comprehensively and harmoniously. Most recently, Stefania, in a duet with singer Yuri Kiselev (pseudonym YurKiss), performed the song “Don’t rush to marry us.”

So it began creative biography Stefa Malikova. The radio station “Russian Radio” awarded the duo the “Golden Gramophone” award. It is quite possible that the musical dynasty of Dmitry Malikov will find its continuation in children: daughter Stefania and son Mark. Dmitry’s father, Yuri Malikov, is also a musician, founder of the group “Gems,” and his mother is a singer in the music hall and in “Gems.”

Pressed by the musical talent of her father and grandfather, Stefa has her own ambitions. Who would want to after actively working on piece of music find out that envious people took credit for all your merits famous family father and grandfather. This is probably why Stefania Malikova still doesn’t say anything about recording her songs and doesn’t want to “shine” on various music competitions and TV shows.

Dreams... come true if you do something for it

Fans of the Malikov family have noticed that the young girl today has found an opportunity to realize herself not only in music, but also in the modeling business. Stefania has been interested in clothing modeling for several years now, and once said that she would like to get a professional education in Europe as a youth fashion designer.

Stefania's creative spirit is developed and supported in every possible way by her mother, who herself is a wonderful designer of modern clothes. Stefa’s conscious creative biography began a long time ago: as a teenager, she already performed on the podium. Dmitry and Elena Malikov are pleased with their daughter’s hobby.

In addition, Stefania Malikova has her own page on Instagram and regularly updates it with interesting photographs. Today, Stefa’s photo blog is becoming increasingly popular (500 thousand subscribers), and this is not surprising. Stefania's page is regularly updated with interesting photographs: family photos, photos of friends, photo reports from social events and fashion shows.

Stefa lives with her parents in Rublyovka. Her childhood friend was the son of singer Valeria, Arseny Shulgin. With age, Stefania’s personal life became more active, she was seen in the company of classmate Timofey Muravin, and she came to the premiere of the film “A Cure for Health” (directed by Gore Verbinski) with Leonid Gruzdev (19 years old), the son of the famous Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Gruzdev.

In 2017, Stefania Malikova, after graduating from school, entered MGIMO (the Faculty of Journalism). And her message appeared on Instagram, in which the girl thanks her teachers, her parents and friends for their support.

Stefa notes that she overcame many difficulties in order to achieve her goal:

“Dream - goal - plan - action - result! Dreams... come true if you do something for it.”

    Elena Malikova is the wife of Dmitry Malikov. She is 5 years older than him, got married with a daughter, and gave birth to the singer’s common Stefania.

    Elena is originally from Kazan, where she graduated art school. After that, the girl went to the capital and met Dmitry, who liked her and asked to introduce them. It turned out almost like a fairy tale about Cinderella. The spouses live amicably, neither general work, and Dmitry likes that his wife is a self-sufficient person who has her own opinion.

    Charming Elena Malikova has been the only wife of Dmitry Malikov for many years.

    In the harsh show business, their family is an example to follow.

    16 years ago, the couple had a daughter, although 15 years before this event, Elena became a mother for the first time, having given birth to a daughter from her first marriage.

  • Elena Malikova is famous due to the fact that she is the wife of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov. Elena Malikova was born in 1963 on February 14th.

    After that, Elena met Dmitry and now they have been married for 20 years. It is worth noting that Elena is 5 years older than her current husband. But in 2000, the couple had a daughter, who was named Stefania. The girl is very capable and creatively developed - she sweats, dances, and acts as a model.

    As for Elena and Dmitry, they are very friendly not only in family environment, but also on the work front. The fact is that their work is joint, since Elena is Dmitry’s executive producer.

    Elena is not a Muscovite, she comes from Kazan, where she graduated from art school and after that she went to conquer the capital Moscow, which she did successfully.

    There she first graduated from the Institute of Culture, and then received the profession of director at VGIK.

    She was born on February 14, 1963. In Moscow she was introduced to Malikov, he saw her somewhere in a photo and asked his friends to introduce her.

    He really liked her, she is self-sufficient and she always has her own opinion, she constantly helps him in his creativity, she always has ideas.

    Few people know, but she has a daughter from her first marriage, whose name is Olga Izakson, little is written or said about her, it is believed that they have a common daughter, Stefania, history is silent about her daughter. She's a great photographer now.

    53-year-old Elena Malikova’s maiden name was Valevskaya.

    Popularity came to her when she became the chosen one of the popular singer Dmitry Malikov.

    The couple is raising their daughter Stefania, who turned sixteen this year.

    But this is not Elena’s only child, since she also has an eldest daughter, Olga.

    Elena Malikova - famous in wide circles not only as the wife of Dmitry Malikov, singer and producer. She is also an artist, screenwriter and even an actress. She starred in the films Kara and To Kill a Scorpio. The woman gave birth to a daughter, Stefania, to Dima Malikov in 2000. And before Malikov, she was in a marriage, from which she left a daughter, Olga, she has been living separately for a long time and positions herself as a famous photographer, often holding exhibitions in Moscow. Elena Malikova even has her own business in Italy (clothing). The couple has been together for more than 20 years.

    Elena Malikova is known as the wife of Dmitry Malikov. She herself works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage. And only after the birth of their daughter Stefania, in 2000, they officially legalized their relationship. Dmitry Malikov is also raising his wife’s adopted daughter from her first marriage, Olga Izakson.

    Elena was born in Kazan in 1965. She is an artist, screenwriter, director and actress. She graduated from the Kazan Art School, moved to Moscow, from 1987 she studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture, and in 1990 she entered the directing department of VGIK. She worked as a fashion designer and taught at a children's art school. Malikova starred in the films To Kill a Scorpio and Kara.

    On this site you can see family photos Elena.

    Elena Malikova is the wife of the famous musician and singer Dmitry Malikov. The couple has been together for about twenty years. And they met like this: Dmitry saw a photo of Elena from a friend and asked to introduce them. This was in 1992. Dmitry was already married, he had a daughter who was in first grade. Moreover, Elena was older than him.

    Elena is originally from the city of Kazan. There she graduated from art school. Then she went to Moscow. First she studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture, then graduated from VGIK, where she studied at the directing department. She got married and has a daughter from her first marriage, Olga. She is a professional photographer.

    Elena and Dmitry lived in a civil marriage for several years and registered only after the birth of their daughter Stefania.

    On this moment Elena is engaged in business. In Italy she produces beachwear. She is also the executive producer of Dmitry Malikov’s music center. Actively participates in the production of all his show programs.

    Firstly, Elena Malikova is a wife People's Artist Russian Federation Dmitry Malikov.

    Secondly, she has a daughter, who is now 16 years old. Here is a photo of her when she was still very little:

    Thirdly, Malikova is connected with the theater. It seems that she is a stage director, and she does it together with her famous husband.

    By the way, they even created a website specifically for one of their latest performances - here’s to #turn the game around.

    Elena Malikova is the wife of Dima Malikov, in principle this is quite enough, especially since she has been living with him for 20 years. Malikova herself is from Kazan, came to conquer Moscow, quickly got married, gave birth to a daughter, separated and... finally conquered Moscow. Dima Malikov is very kind, he accepted her into his star family with a child from his first marriage, Dima himself is only 15 years older than Elena’s daughter, in principle, Elena’s daughter is like a sister to Dima. Naturally, having acquired the rich Dima Little (in the sense of Malikov Jr.), Lena found HAPPINESS and peace of mind, as it were, gave birth to Dima’s daughter Stefania, in a word, a NOBLE LADY in all respects. On ordinary people She doesn’t even look now, BV users are not for servants and rabble. This is how she is... Elena Malenkova. She grabbed a rich guy, and even 5 years younger than herself (Dima is 5 years younger than Lena), not everyone can do it. It's good that Dima is not a walker.

It was destined for Dmitry Malikov to become a popular musician: his father is the founder of the popular VIA “Gems”, his mother is the soloist of this ensemble. But, like any normal boy, Dima boycotted music lessons: when a piano teacher came to the house, he ran out the window of their apartment on the first floor, leaving his grandmother to talk to the teacher.

Early glory

Malikov became interested in playing the piano only at the age of 14, largely due to the fact that he was allowed to give real concerts at school. Noticing that their son was finally inspired by music and even began to compose, his parents did everything to support this hobby. When Dima was 15, Larisa Dolina was already singing his songs, and he himself played the keyboards in the same “Gems”. But real fame came to Malikov when he was invited to television. After participating in Yuri Nikolaev’s “Morning Mail,” letters began to arrive in bags to the 17-year-old performer. It was written mainly by girls his age, who would soon fill the country’s main concert venue, the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, twice.

Malikov gave solo concerts, which many performers take years to complete, at the age of 20. By that time, his repertoire already had many hits: “Moonlight Dream”, “You Will Never Be Mine”, “Until Tomorrow”. The fans knew them by heart, rushed to the stage, not paying attention to the security, and continued to overwhelm their idol with declarations of love.

Faced with such adoration at the age of 20, it is easy to become a star. But Malikov was saved from “star fever” by a serious education. In parallel with performing pop songs, he studied at the conservatory, where all the tinsel of the stage was not considered something serious. Soon the singer had no time for fans at all: he fell in love. A woman who, in the early 90s, was herself the object of desire for many men.

Songs for your beloved

Natalia Vetlitskaya Long-legged blonde Natalya Vetlitskaya was 6 years older than him. But both did not see this as an obstacle to a passionate romance. “I was very young - 17-18 years old. At this age, they usually become victims of femme fatales,” Malikov recalled many years after their relationship.

Vetlitskaya had already left her first husband, Pavel Smeyan, by that time, and she and Malikov quickly began to live together, in a civil marriage.

For her, this union also turned out to be professionally beneficial: it was Dmitry who wrote one of the most famous hits Natalia - the song “Soul”. “My soul will sing to me at the end of the day that love has passed” - these words turned out to be prophetic for their relationship.

Soon Malikov found out that his beloved was cheating on him - with singer Zhenya Belousov. Not once did he allow himself to accuse her of this directly. “At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man - not so fixated on himself. She made me understand this and eventually forced me to put an end to our relationship,” Malikov diplomatically explains their breakup. Having broken up with Vetlitskaya, he realized that white stripe his life was interrupted: the first wave of fame had already faded away, in his personal life there were only letters from fans, but even those became significantly less numerous. It was necessary to move on.

Serious music

Elena Malikova and Dmitry Malikov In the mid-90s, Malikov was no longer interested in just singing on stage. He begins to experiment: gives piano concerts, releases a debut album instrumental music, composes melodies for films.

Yes, this work is no longer for the masses, but for a more sophisticated public - but Dmitry truly enjoys bringing to life what he learned at the conservatory.

Quite by chance, fate brought him together with a woman who would support his ideas in everything. She became designer Elena Izakson.

She was also older and also divorced, raising a daughter from her first marriage. They lived together for several years, and when Elena became pregnant, they officially registered their relationship.

Daughter Stefania was born in 2000, becoming the main gift for the singer’s 30th birthday. And recently, the Malikov family truly surprised not only their fans, but also their loved ones. Secretly from everyone, Dmitry and Elena became parents again: a surrogate mother carried the boy to the couple.

#It's a little hard

Now Dmitry Malikov is 49 - and in interviews he sometimes admits that he is in a creative crisis. Keep up with modern trends It’s not easy for his peers, but Dmitry seems to have succeeded.

In 2015, Malikov became an active user social network Twitter. In October, one of his tweets became a huge hit. “How are you doing in general? Is it a bit difficult? Or nothing?,” the singer wrote. Bloggers instantly turned #heavy into a popular hashtag and began to accompany their responses to Malikov. Teenagers suddenly remembered the existence of such a singer, and soon Dmitry became a welcome guest at popular rap battles and other youth parties.

Malikov himself treats this with his usual irony, but he takes advantage of the moment: he released a video together with video blogger Yuri Khovansky “Ask Your Mom,” and then he himself rapped in the song “Emperor of Twitter.” At the same time, Dmitry Malikov remains in demand among his main audience: he is still invited to everything holiday concerts And music awards broadcast on television. Except that the singer no longer receives bags of letters. Now fans (including fans) write to him directly on social networks.

Elena Malikova is an example of a woman who managed to become a faithful and obedient wife to her chosen one, a woman endowed with wisdom and patience, truly able to be the “neck” when her husband is the “head”. The biography of Elena Malikova is firmly connected with the life of her husband, Dmitry Malikov, despite the fact that the spouses’ birth dates are significantly different - Elena is seven years older than her Dima.


Wives popular singers, actors and other television celebrities are quickly becoming famous themselves. And this is not surprising: fans are always interested in who their favorites decide to connect their lives with, why this particular woman and not some other?

Elena Malikova became a worthy match for her husband; her biography since their meeting is complete interesting dates and touching stories, although the couple could have divorced long ago - especially after the terrible incident that happened at Dmitry’s birthday. But first things first.

Childhood and family

Elena Malikova, nee Valevskaya, was born in Tula; her passport indicates the year of her birth as 1963, although according to some sources she was born in 1965. Elena was the only child of her parents, who tried to make their beloved daughter’s childhood rich and bright. The cozy creative atmosphere of their home contributed to the fact that Elena decided to get art education. For this, the girl moved to Kazan and graduated from the Kazan Art School there. Having continued her studies in Moscow, Elena received a diploma from the Institute of Culture, and then entered VGIK, where she chose the directing department.

With husband Dmitry Malikov


After finishing her studies, Elena Malikova began to try herself as an actress, model and fashion designer, businesswoman and, finally, wife. Director Alexander Sorokin invited her to star in his film “Kill a Scorpio,” but for the 90s this film was quite banal - action, crime, gang warfare. The next attempt at writing was “Kara,” which was released in 1993 and also did not bring much fame to the young actress.

The modeling business greeted young Elena more cordially - for some time the girl worked as a fashion designer at a children's art school. It was this area of ​​activity that brought Elena Malikova the greatest success.

Subsequently, having already become Dmitry’s wife, Elena founded her own clothing brand “Honeymoon”, which began to bring the woman not only fame, but also a stable income. This brand was born in Italy, where Elena was vacationing with her friend. Bored from the monotonous holiday (beach, wine, shopping), the women decided to have some fun and created their own clothing line. Despite their different nationality, the Italians were happy to help the spectacular Elena Malikova decorate her biography with a new creative business, especially since the woman then had a birthday and they simply could not refuse her such a important date. Considering Elena’s connections and her loose tongue, she quickly agreed with one of the factories in Florence and began work.

Elena Malikova with Alexander Vasiliev

After some time, shops under the brand of Elena Malikova, the wife of Dmitry Malikov, began to appear in Moscow, making the woman’s biography more intense - because now she could work not only for her husband. Such successful business Elena managed to create thanks to her unsurpassed taste and ability to sensitively sense all trends in the fashion world.

Even before meeting Dmitry, Elena tried herself not only in creative fields, but also in the serious economic field. The girl acted as an economist in a joint Austrian-Russian project, thanks to which she was able to spend a lot of time on business trips to foreign countries.

Today, Elena Malikova devotes all her time and energy to helping her husband, performs all possible roles and is his right hand. In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Elena admitted that with her husband she is a costume designer, a manager, a director, and an adviser. However, the wife famous artist does not complain about fate - according to her, she likes to help her loved one realize his creative plans.

With husband Dmitry Malikov

Personal life

Elena's first husband was a businessman who was ready to shower her with diamonds and fur coats, despite the difficult 90s. In those years, the girl lived like in a fairy tale - she was only 18 years old, and her husband fulfilled her every whim. At the age of 19, Elena became a mother for the first time - she gave birth to a daughter, Olya.

At the same time, the first tragedy happened in the girl’s family - her mother died. Through a short time My father followed my mother to another world. It was a very difficult period for Elena; in fact, she held on only for the sake of her daughter, although her husband also tried to support his beloved wife.

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter at the premiere of the film “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away”

Time passed and, despite the established way of life, it was very difficult for the girl to communicate with her husband - after all, he could not share her passion for talking about “high” things, and soon heavenly life turned into a “golden cage”. Unable to bear such a big difference in character, the girl decided to divorce her husband, although he was a kind, understanding guy.

A mundane life could not satisfy Elena’s highly spiritual nature; already at the age of 25 she understood that she needed a person endowed with “spiritualized sexuality.” Ideal man must be not only attractive and educated, but also interested in the spiritual world. Dmitry became such a person for Elena.

They met when Dima was 22 and Elena was 29. But the artist did not know about the age difference, because he first saw the girl in a photo in an album from mutual friends - and immediately fell in love. Through a mutual friend, he insisted on a date with Elena.

As the artist’s wife herself recalls their first meeting, it was very touching and romantic. A friend called her and, begging, convinced her to agree to a date with the already famous Malikov at that time. Elena knew him as a TV character, and now she had to see the handsome boy in person.

Surrounded by family

When she saw Dmitry for the first time, the girl realized that it was Him: handsome, tall, with long hair and, as Elena laughs, dressed terribly, but fashionably - by the standards of that time. Malikov immediately struck her with his purity and sincerity; he was like a prince from a children's fairy tale. And the heart of the beautiful princess trembled. Moreover, Dmitry’s character reminded Elena of her father - he was the same subtle, intelligent person. The dream of “spiritualized sexuality” has come true.

Date of Birth eldest daughter Elena Malikova was born on June 28, 1985, and at that time she already had to go to first grade, but this did not scare Dmitry and the lovers began a joint biography. After all, this is exactly the kind of woman the singer was looking for - self-confident, self-sufficient, understanding exactly what she wants - and at the same time very feminine and sophisticated. Elena met all the parameters.

However living together didn't work out from the very beginning. Dmitry invited Elena to accompany him on a tour of cities, where he would perform in front of military personnel, and the girl agreed, hoping for romantic evenings and comfortable apartments. But it was not there! It was on this long trip that she had to learn what cold, hunger, and simply the complete absence of any banal amenities were like. Although, as the couple later admitted, it is precisely such Spartan conditions that bring them closer together.

With husband Dmitry Malikov

Until 2000, the couple lived in a civil marriage and only with the birth of their daughter Stephanie decided to officially marry. Moreover, Dmitry himself especially insisted on concluding the marriage - it seemed wild to him that in his daughter’s birth certificate there would be a dash in place of the “father” column. So, thanks to the birth of Stesha, the couple registered their relationship.


Despite appearances ideal life, which is created by the Malikovs, scandalous news leaked to the press about how Dmitry celebrated one of his birthdays. Elena was unable to be with her husband during the day and arrived home only late in the evening to congratulate her husband. But he was not in the apartment, Dmitry did not answer calls.

Finally, well after midnight, friends brought in a drunken Malikov, adorned with the savory kisses of fans. Elena tried to throw a scandal at her husband, but received a resounding slap in the face. She had never experienced such shock.

Waking up in the morning, Dmitry begged Elena to forgive him and tried to explain the reason for his terrible behavior. The wife put up with her husband’s prank, justifying herself by saying that in a family one always needs to understand and forgive each other, and she herself felt guilty - after all, she actually missed the birthday of her beloved husband.

With husband and youngest daughter

The next conflict arose when Elena read a text message on Dmitry’s phone from her mistress, who was Miss Russia at that time. However, Malikov managed to hush up this conflict - he convinced his wife that communication with the girl was purely friendly, despite the midnight conversations.

At the beginning of 2018, Elena Malikova gave great interview Ksenia Sobchak, where she tried to debunk the myth about her husband’s assault, but the famous journalist didn’t really believe her. Although Elena claims that her husband “wouldn’t hurt a fly,” the fact remains that once the family was already on the verge of divorce.

Neither Malikova’s Domostroevsky obedience nor the presence of a child helped this. However, the couple came to their senses in time and did not dare to destroy the beautiful fairy tale that they created in front of their fans.

According to Elena, she really likes to be a submissive wife and please her husband in everything. For the sake of her beloved Dmitry Malikov, the wife goes to fitness and works out hard on exercise machines so that her biography is worthy of her young husband - given the age difference, Elena Malikova is simply forced to take extra care of herself. In addition, Elena runs a lot on the treadmill and does not shy away from cosmetic procedures - she did mesotherapy and was satisfied.

With Ksenia Sobchak

The biography of Elena Malikova has become a model of the growth of female wisdom and humility, and not least of all, Elena’s exemplary behavior was influenced by the woman’s date of birth, but even at her age she manages to maintain ideal weight and watch your figure. Of course, many tabloids are sure that such close attention to her own appearance, the reason for Elena’s uncertainty in her husband is that the young husband has already looked at young ladies more than once.

Elena Malikova now

Just the other day, Elena, and after her the whole family (Dmitry and Stefania) published a post on their Instagram about the birth of their son. To the surprised questions of fans about the woman’s non-fertile age, Malikova replies that the family used the help of a surrogate mother. The couple had long wanted to have more children and, finally, their dream came true - on January 24, 2018, their long-awaited baby was born at the Ava-Peter clinic in St. Petersburg.

Now Elena has to feel like a young mother again and go through all the diapers and complementary foods all over again. Dmitry Malikov is very happy about the birth of his son, because he no longer dreamed of becoming a dad again.

Olga Izakson with her younger sister Stefania Malikova

Today Elena Malikova has three children:

  • Olga Izakson, who is now thirty years old;
  • Stefania Malikova is an eighteen-year-old beauty who has conquered Instagram and clubs;
  • a newborn son, whose name the couple have not yet come up with.

In a recent interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Elena secretly said that her husband had begun a period of decline male forces and therefore the appearance of his son turned out to be just in time - Dmitry will devote more time to his family and will no longer make his wife jealous as before.