Ksenia Borodina who is her husband. Kurban Omarov: biography, occupation. What is Borodina's husband famous for? Kurban Omarov. Personal life

Kurban Omarov turned out to be true. Fans of Ksenia Borodina have long begun to suspect that there are many contradictions between her and her husband. Recently information appeared that the reason was that the businessman broke up with the mother of his child due to surveillance, allegedly finding a bug on his phone.

Neither Kurban nor Ksyusha practically commented on the situation all this time. But their behavior spoke for itself: they were no longer seen together. Even a birthday eldest daughter Omarov missed his wife.

Most recently, Ksenia announced that she is no longer associated with the clothing store named after her. Her husband helped her organize this business. Then there was talk that Omarov was dating Nastasya Samburskaya, the star of Univer. The actress herself neither denied nor confirmed such suspicions. The latest news about the Borodina-Omarov couple was the businessman’s statement that Borodina did not inform him that she was going to Turkey with her daughter.

And after all this time, the presenter of “House-2” could not stand it and announced a divorce. Ksenia spoke about everything that happened all these months between them (we give the author’s text in its entirety):

“It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived in pink glasses, she was pregnant and believed her husband, she thought that Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this didn’t happen, he likes to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes, by the way, everyone who writes about Amar, I love him very much and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones... P.S. and remember whose wife you are, Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that you are a woman who is worthy of respect, love and care for yourself and your children!!! Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you, my refusal was the right decision, I will not allow any person (even my husband) to sell us!!!” - wrote Borodina.

Ksenia is now relaxing at sea and pleases her subscribers with pictures from her vacation Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

Let us recall that Borodina’s first marriage was with businessman Yuri Budagov, to whom the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Marusya, in June 2009. Three years after their wedding, they filed for divorce. She went with Kurban Omarov to the registry office on July 3, 2015, although the celebration was originally scheduled for September. The urgency was due to Ksenia’s pregnancy. In December 2015, their daughter Teona was born. The couple's divorce became known on Monday, July 18, a year after the wedding.


Borodina's husband took off wedding ring

Not even a year has passed since the wedding of Dom-2 host Ksenia Borodina and businessman Kurban Omarov, and rumors about their divorce are becoming more and more active on the Internet. They say the reason was the fact that the blonde beauty caught her husband texting someone else. Whether this is true or not, fans of the star noticed that Kurban Omarov no longer wears a wedding ring. There was no husband at the birthday party of Borodina’s eldest daughter, Marusya.

Netizens figured out: Ksenia Borodina’s husband is vacationing in Spain with Nastasya Samburskaya

It seems that the quarrel in the family of Ksenia Borodina still occurred seriously, since the TV presenter’s husband Kurban Omarov allowed himself to go on vacation with the “Univer” actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Fans of the latter figured out who the beauty was vacationing with from the photo she published on her microblog. The star is now vacationing in Spain and in one of the cafes in Barcelona, ​​where she decided to enjoy dessert, she was photographed by a “stranger.” His name would have remained unknown if not for his phone, which was caught in the frame and on which the name ZIMA is written

Three years ago, Ksenia Borodina exchanged her lover Mikhail Terekhin for new love- Kurban Omarov. It must be said that Internet users who closely monitor latest news about the life of Ksenia Borodina, they believe that the TV presenter simply has a talent for attracting gigolos.

Thus, Mikhail Terekhin, who was with Ksyusha for almost four years, all this time felt great and was fully supported by the host of “House-2”. Ksenia sponsored joint trips to resorts and paid for trips to restaurants and nightclubs. Even Borodina’s devoted fans repeatedly tried to open her eyes to the comfortably settled parasite.

It seems that Ksenia was satisfied with this state of affairs. The girl did not want her lover to go to work, because there are so many temptations there... After the breakup, Mikhail Terekhin said that because of her jealousy, Ksenia Borodina did not give him the opportunity to develop and build a career.

And, by the way, after breaking up with Borodina, Teryokhin really took his career seriously - he became a lawyer and has already begun handling his first cases.

Unemployed Kurban Omarov sits in front of the TV all day long

The appearance of Kurban Omarov in the life of Ksenia Borodina was met with distrust by Internet users. When the couple’s quick wedding took place, the public realized that the new man would stay in the life of the TV star for a long time.

Remembering the history of the relationship between Borodina and Terekhin, many fans of Ksyusha, from the first days of the appearance of Kurban Omarov in her life, wondered one question - what the young man was doing.

There was a lot of conflicting information in the media about the business of Ksenia Borodina’s husband, but it is still unclear in what field of activity Kurban Omarov works. On the TV presenter’s wife’s Instagram, you can find several pictures from the man’s office. However, apart from a beautiful table, a laptop, an armchair and the inscription on the wall “Zima”, there are no additional hints about the company’s activities.

At one time, a man tried to create “Zvezdogram” - a clone of the Instagram network, in which celebrities would maintain their accounts. However, the project stalled without ever starting. Then Kurban Omarov tried to create a fashionable clothing brand SKANDAL, which also somehow very quickly disappeared from the sight of potential buyers.

Now Kurban has a new hobby - his own channel “Father” on YouTube, which has united almost 112 thousand subscribers. In thirteen videos created today by the star’s husband, you can admire the children of Kurban and Ksenia.

It seems that Kurban Omarov has too much free time to edit home videos.

Last night Ksenia let it slip that Kurban Omarov watches TV all day long. Posting a photo of a walk with little Teona on her Instagram, Borodina said:

While our dad watches broadcasts from the Youth Festival all day long 😂 the youth and I take pictures of the very beautiful ones 🍁🍁 My husband says that the interest is colossal, there are a lot of people and cool performances happening there...

Ksenia Borodina’s subscribers immediately spoke about her non-working husband:

marinagunazina What does Kurban do?
1502maria Dad's off to work...
ilmira7186 Dad doesn't have time to watch festivals, but it's time to work

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interesting girl and simply a beauty, a permanent TV presenter who has been delighting her fans with her work on a TV project for more than ten years.

She has a good set positive qualities, which help her always remain in demand and popular. Once upon a time she started with the well-known to all of us, but, unfortunately, peace and mutual understanding did not always reign in their tandem.

Several times video cameras recorded their fights and scandals that took place on frontal places. After the obstinate blonde left, they put her in her place, former member TV project. Since then, they have been working together with Borodina.

It must be said that in connection with the active development of various thematic areas TV production staff has increased significantly, but not a single colleague has yet expressed complaints about working with this charming young lady.

And if Ksenia almost never had problems with work, the path to personal happiness was thorny and full of disappointments and suffering. And today we’ll talk about who this fragile beauty ever wanted to connect her life with, and we will not only talk about the men who were with her in official marriage, but also failed suitors.

Back in teenage years, when Borodina was just conquering the heights of show business and greedily absorbing information in the media about castings and competitions, she fell in love with the universal favorite of the public and just damn handsome and talented man– Leonid Nerushenko (pictured in the center).

At that time he was already a member popular group"Dynamite". The young people fell madly in love with each other, and they started having an affair. whirlwind romance. But the lovers’ further plans were not destined to come true, because in the fall of 2005, a guy died after crashing his bike.

According to Ksenia, she still considers his departure the biggest and most bitter loss in her life. Having slightly recovered from the tragedy, the girl decided to throw herself into work and devote herself entirely to television production.

And an attractive one just appeared there. Contrary to all the rules, he decided to seek the favor of a girl with whom he should not fall in love, and this became the reason for his leaving the project.

But he didn’t give up trying outside the perimeter either, and as a result, Borodina’s heart melted. The lovers were even planning to get married, but on the eve of the wedding the couple announced their separation. The reason for this was significant differences in the vision of family life.

The beauty’s irrepressible desire to build her career became a stumbling block in her relationship with Yuri Budagov. After three years of romance and passion, the couple decided to officially tie the knot. But the wedding ceremony did not bring anything good.

The husband was very jealous of his wife, did not allow her to attend social events, and demanded that she give up her status as a TV presenter. Ksenia smiled politely in response to this and pretended that everything was fine. The situation was aggravated by the birth of their joint daughter Marusya. Yuri began accusing his wife of numerous infidelities and told the press about what a bad mother she was.

As a result, the man left the family and finally slandered his ex-wife, accusing her of all mortal sins. Ksenia did not react violently to all the negative statements; she only told once in an interview how everything really happened. Nobody ever raised this question again.

He also appeared in Borodina’s life thanks to the television project “Dom-2”. From the first minutes, the former policeman understood what goal he wanted to achieve. This time Ksenia no longer resisted and quickly fell into the athlete’s arms.

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For three years they were under the gun of television cameras. The couple constantly fought and sorted things out. Constant scandals and squabbles gave the girl the idea that they should hide their personal life from prying eyes.

As a result, Mikhail moved into his bride’s house and became friends with her daughter, but the quarrels did not stop. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Terekhin refused to earn money, which ultimately led to the separation of the couple.

Now the beauty is in happy marriage with Kurban Omarov. They met a month after the girl said goodbye to Terekhin. She plunged headlong into new novel, while Mikhail claimed that she was simply trying to make him jealous.

The young couple were supposed to get married in 2015, but the girl found out about her pregnancy, and the decision was made to postpone the ceremony. After the birth of baby Teona, the family experienced a crisis. better times, the presenter even filed for divorce.

It turns out that Kurban admitted to her that he had cheated on her more than once during the period when Ksenia was expecting a child. Nobody knows what happened, but a few months later the lovers reconciled and now live in a happy and harmonious marriage, raising three children.

And we wish Ksenia that there will be no more disappointments and losses in her life, and that her children and husband will only make her happy.

“Yura didn’t choose any expressions addressed to me,” the presenter complained

Ksenia BORODINA openly told why she divorced her husband Yuri BUDAGOV. From the outside, the leading lady’s marriage seemed like a real idyll, and Ksenia constantly talked about her love for her husband. However, in reality it family life was not so cloudless. It turns out that her husband simply tormented Ksenia with jealousy.

After getting married, I stopped flirting with men and didn’t go to corporate events. The only male friends I had were participants in our television project and chief editors - we talked about work topics. Fans knew that I was married; no one approached me on the street to meet me,” said Borodina "Moskovsky Komsomolets" . - In the restaurant, Yura sometimes became indignant: “Why is that guy staring at you?!” But what do I have to do with it? It's not my fault.

Ksenia denied rumors that her marriage was destroyed by her relationship with the actor Alexander Golovin.

It was easier to tell the yellow press that I had a whirlwind romance with Sasha Golovin, who starred in Yeralash and is twenty-two years old. And I am divorced, with a child. Well, let's be honest: where am I and where is Sasha Golovin! This boy is like a little brother to me – we became close during the “Dancing with the Stars” project. But he does not in any way fit into the role of a man with whom I could build some kind of relationship. “It’s just funny,” the presenter insists.

Borodina’s plans did not include talking about divorce at every corner, but she was outraged that the ex-husband himself began to tell the press some tall tales.

- When Yura began to give out “sensations” to the yellow press and they began to accuse me of having some boyfriends and cheating on my husband (which is not true), I decided that I, a famous person who had been creating my image for seven years, needed protect yourself. Yura called me a prostitute, but I don’t think so. And my child shouldn’t think like that. “I don’t want Marusya to read his comments in the press one day,” she said. - Our problem was that Yura and I knew each other little before marriage. After living together, we realized that we were not suitable for each other. Of course, there was love, passion, I wanted to save the family for the sake of my child. But it so happened that in some life principles We disagreed a lot. Yura sometimes did not choose expressions addressed to me. Probably due to the fact that he is a Caucasian man and is overly emotional. But I am also quite emotional and after some time I realized that I need a person who will not put me in my place with the help of force, but will find an approach to me.

Ksenia was born in Moscow, into a family that she herself calls Armenian. It is known that real name Ksyusha is Amoeva, and she borrowed the surname Borodin from her mother when she quarreled with her father, who did not come to congratulate her on her 18th birthday.

The fact is that the girl’s parents divorced when she was one year old. Soon my mother married an Italian architect and went to his country, leaving her daughter to be raised by her grandparents. However, Ksyusha did not suffer from this.

Every year I went on vacation to visit my mother in Italy, and in high school I transferred to a lyceum with in-depth study of languages. After graduating from Russian high school, got the opportunity to study in the British language school. She did not last long there: she greatly missed Russia, her grandparents, and also her lover. Then the sentimental and amorous Ksyusha already had a dear friend - neighbor Sasha.

A month later, the girl fled from England to Moscow and was able to immediately enroll in the second year of the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. She soon broke up with Sasha, because of whom the girl left the English school, but never blamed him for the fact that the circumstances had turned out this way. The girl still believes that she did the right thing.

Office romance

After graduation, she dreamed of working in television. Ksenia went to auditions and auditions, starred in minor cameo roles little-known films, but still couldn’t get her dream job, which would glorify her and make her a real star.

When the reality show “Dom-2” was looking for a co-host for Ksenia Sobchak, Borodina tried her hand. Accustomed to refusals, she did not even hope that she would make it onto the show, which promised to be popular. And while the casting directors decided her fate, she agreed to her mother and stepfather’s offer to move to Italy, bought a ticket and was already waiting for the flight. A few minutes before boarding the plane, she received a call from television: she had passed.

A couple of months later, the whole country, quickly hooked on reality, watched the developing romance between the presenter and the participant, Oscar Karimov. This was a new thing on the project: it seemed that the participants had to build pairs with each other, but you couldn’t order your heart.

As a result, the romance between Borodina and one of the Karimov twins lasted more than a year and quietly faded away on its own.

The world's most rated project of this format, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, could not help but bring wild popularity to its presenters. So Ksenia became one of the most recognizable people in the country. Now she not only hosted reality, but also wrote books with advice on how to build ideal relationship, and also - about proper nutrition and fitness.


The beautiful and ambitious TV presenter began to be invited to various parties and shows as a special guest. At one of these parties, businessman Yuri Budagov met Ksenia. The man noticed the beauty right away, but for some time she believed that their relationship was not developing beyond a friendly “hello and bye.”

One day, right on the road, the brake pads in Borodina’s car failed. A serious breakdown could have led to serious consequences if, by coincidence, Yuri had not been nearby. Ksyusha only asked where the nearest service was located, and the man had already decided to take everything into his own hands.

He simply took the girl’s car and then returned it in good condition. Ksenia appreciated the gesture and agreed to a date with Yuri. This is how their relationship began. They will last three years, after which, on a beautiful date - 08/08/08, the young people will get married.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, Marusya. Ksenia said more than once that before giving birth she was afraid that her contract would be broken because of maternity leave, so she tried to leave as early as possible. However, no one put pressure on her. Despite this, Ksenia quickly found a nanny and returned to the project.


And again, Ksenia found her love on the project she led. This time passion happened to the young handsome Mikhail Terekhin. They were together for more than three years, and the whole country watched the eccentric relationship.

Lovers with difficult characters constantly and loudly swore and tried to break up several times. When Ksenia finally decided for herself that this could not continue and broke off the relationship, Terekhin launched a real information attack.

At first, the man told the details of their intimate life, then he pointed out that Ksyusha interfered with the development of his career and did not want to share money with her beloved. Accusations that her little daughter constantly prevented Misha from enjoying her holiday with Ksenia became the talk of the town.

In response, the TV star gave an interview in which she said that Terekhin has a difficult character and often limited her freedom. She also emphasized that she would not meet with him again.


While Terekhin was trying to survive the breakup in his own way, Ksenia began a new relationship. She met this young man several years ago, but then they were both busy. The man began to court the beauty and quickly won her favor. At first she hid the name of her beloved, and only before the wedding she showed it to the public.

Dagestan entrepreneur Kurban Omarov is gallant and well-mannered. He surrounded his beloved with care and attention. They planned the celebration for the fall, but Ksenia became pregnant. We had to urgently postpone the wedding to mid-summer - I didn’t want the baby to be born out of wedlock.

To rumors about an upcoming event ex-lover Ksenia Mikhail reacted violently. His comments kept slipping into the media to the effect that he didn’t understand what kind of circus Ksyusha had created by getting married so quickly? And then repentance and words that he was ready to accept her even if she was pregnant from another man. It is unknown which of the statements actually belong to Terekhin.