Electronic trading of cargo transportation. Cargo transportation auction. Tenders for sea transportation

Cargo transportation across the country is a popular service at all times. Regardless of the time of year or economic situation, searching for orders for cargo transportation is important task for a company that provides similar services. Our platform allows you to:

  • Hold an auction for carriers.
  • Place an order for transportation.
  • Search online at any time of the day.
  • View placed orders in Moscow and throughout Russia.

Companies submitting advertisements in the “looking for transportation orders” segment now have the opportunity to use a convenient resource where a customer and client can quickly and easily meet without intermediaries. The benefit is obvious to everyone, since intermediary services in the transportation of goods mean a noticeable increase in the cost of the service and inconsistency in actions, and contracts directly exclude all this.

The search for cargo transportation in Russia is carried out with the necessary parameters included. Electronic auction transport services in Moscow - modern form connection, which allows you not only to turn on all filters and quickly find a contractor or, on the contrary, an order, but also to do this in the most convenient form today, without hours of calling companies.

Electronic agreements allow the customer to select the most interesting transport companies. The online auction allows you to do optimal choice in any format - urgently, in the long term, in any other. The ability to bargain and receive an order or find a carrier is an excellent illustration of the possibilities of the Internet. Mutual benefit and speed of submitting and finding orders are the main advantages of our site.

Be accredited for Electronic Platform. Obtaining accreditation is a simple and free procedure, but takes about one business day.

If necessary, undergo training in working with bidding on the Electronic Platform.

Make sure all documents required to participate in the auction are up to date.

If necessary, prepare the documents and information provided for in paragraphs 1, 3 - 5, 7 and 8 of part 2 of article 62, parts 3 and 5 of article 66 of 44-FZ.

Select the method of providing security for your bid to participate in the auction. Take advantage of our solutions.

Have you applied to participate in the auction?

Expect notification of admission to trading! At this stage, the first parts of applications are considered.

Are you allowed to trade?

Congratulations! Plan your participation in the auction.

The auction organizer rejected your application and you do not agree with this decision?

Auction! The one who offers the most wins favorable conditions and price.

If within 10 minutes from the start of bidding none of the participants submits a single price offer, such an auction is considered invalid.

If the price offered by the winning bidder is 25% less than the Initial Maximum Price (IMP), such participant is obliged to confirm his reputation and provide security in a larger amount.

If the auction winner avoids concluding a contract, information about this is sent to the Register of Unfair Suppliers (RNP).

Wait for the results of the auction, monitor compliance with deadlines:

Within 30 minutes after the end of the auction - publication of the Protocol Electronic Auction(PPEA) on the Electronic Platform.

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication of the Protocol of the Electronic Auction (PEA) on the Electronic Platform - consideration by the Customer of 2 parts of applications, as well as the formation of a Protocol of Summing up (PPI).

No later than the working day following the date of signing the Summary Protocol (SMP) - placement by the customer of the SPI on the Electronic Platform and in the Unified Information System (UIS)

Are you a winner? Congratulations! Provide the Customer with contract performance security and sign the contract

Signing of the contract is possible no earlier than 10 days from the date of publication of the Protocol of Summation (PPI) in the Unified Information System (UIS).

Follow deadlines strictly. The ratio of working days and weekends is not important:

No more than 5 days from the date of publication of the Summary Protocol (SMP) in the Unified Information System (UIS) - the Customer publishes the draft contract.

No more than 5 days from the date of publication by the Customer of the draft contract - the Winner publishes the protocol/draft contract. The winner who did not send a protocol of disagreements or did not send a signed draft contract after 13 days from the date of publication of the Protocol of Summation (SMP) in the Unified Information System (UIS) is considered to have evaded signing the contract.

The ratio of working days and weekends is fundamental:

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the winner in the Unified Information System (UIS) of the protocol of disagreements, the Customer publishes a revised draft of the contract (or in a separate document, a refusal to fully or completely take into account the comments in the protocol of disagreements of the winner).

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the Customer in the Unified Information System (UIS) of the finalized draft contract - the winner publishes the protocol/draft contract + provides confirmation of contract enforcement.

They belong to the category of the most popular. Currently large number transport companies offers clients to deliver cargo to its destination.

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In addition to transportation, services such as loading and unloading of transported goods, forwarding, collection and execution of documents, cargo packaging, and so on may be offered.

Due to the large number of organizations, it is difficult to find the most advantageous offer. To facilitate the search for a contractor, tenders are used.

What is it

The concept of “tender” comes from a similar English word, which translated means “offer”. Russian synonyms for tender are:

  • contest;
  • bargaining;
  • auction.

There are tenders:

  • open. Various companies can participate in the auction;
  • closed. A closed tender is held for a narrow circle of persons who, for some reason, were previously selected by the transportation customer. To participate in the auction you must receive a special invitation;
  • specialized. Only those organizations whose operating rules best suit the customer’s needs can take part in such auctions.

All tenders can be divided according to other criteria:

  1. By the number of selection stages:
    • one-stage (they are the most common in the Russian Federation and are widely used to determine the cargo carrier);
    • two-stage (practically not carried out in Russia, since bidding in several stages requires a long period of time and corresponding monetary costs).
  2. By zoning:
    • international;
    • internal;
    • regional;
    • urban.
  3. Depending on the service offered:
    • tender prices for the purchase of goods;
    • bidding to determine the service provider, and so on.

Who conducts

Tenders for cargo transportation in Russia and international transportation can be carried out both by companies that order the service (shipper) and by transport organizations that are cargo carriers.

Each organization that announces a tender must:

  • determine the subject of the transaction (for cargo transportation, this is the delivery of a specific product from the point of departure to the point of destination);
  • clearly formulate the terms of the transaction (estimated delivery time, cost of transportation, list additional services and so on);
  • determine the requirements for the contractor or customer. For example, when tendering for the transportation of goods conducted by the customer of the service, you can specify the requirements for the vehicle and driver. If the tender is held by a cargo carrier, then requirements can be presented to the customer regarding the packaging of goods, loading (unloading) conditions, and so on;
  • when conducting a closed tender, send out invitations to applicants to participate.

To take part in the tender you must:

  • carefully study the conditions of the competition, posted in the press or on a specialized website;
  • check the compliance of the company’s conditions with the conditions set by the customer of the auction;
  • submit a written application for participation, indicating in it all the main aspects of the company’s activities and compliance with the customer’s requirements.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted until the deadline specified in the rules. All received applications are considered.

If the company can take part in the competition, then management is informed about the place and time of the tender. Otherwise, a written refusal is sent explaining the reasons for the decision.

Before the competition is held, the participant may, at his own discretion, withdraw his application without giving reasons.

Benefits of holding

Conducting tenders for cargo transportation is useful for both customers and executors of the relevant contract.

For performers

A cargo carrier, when placing a tender offer for its services, can:

  • significantly increase the company’s customer base, which contributes to business development;
  • conclude long-term contracts for various types of transportation, provided that the customer’s requirements and the contractor’s work rules coincide;
  • receive additional services. For example, find regular suppliers of equipment for transportation or loading (unloading), choose a vehicle fleet maintenance organization, and so on.

The offer of additional services is an integral part of any tender, since information about the company becomes available to wide range persons

For cargo owners

During the tender, shippers can:

  • among large number various companies V as soon as possible select the most suitable carrier organization;
  • if it is necessary to constantly use the service, enter into an agreement for a long period of time, which in the future will save time and cash to search for a cargo carrier;
  • receive offers for related services, for example, forwarding, packaging of goods, and so on.


Competitions for various cargo transportation may differ significantly from each other depending on the main aspects, which include:

  • the type of vehicle that will be used to deliver the goods;
  • type of transportation: international, within Russia, regional, etc.;
  • type of cargo transported. Special conditions are presented when it is necessary to deliver large and dangerous goods.

Tenders for sea transportation

Features of tenders for container transportation by sea transport are:

  • Possibility of use only in coastal cities where there are equipped berths for stopping and unloading ships. For all regions, sea cargo transportation is impossible, which means that the service is in demand only in a number of regions of the Russian Federation;

When participating in the competition, the delivery company must have a license to maritime transport and own (rented) transport.

  • low cost of transportation. Low price the service is due to the large cargo capacity of the ship and the smaller number of people involved in the delivery of goods;

However, if it is necessary to transport small volumes of cargo, using a fleet is impractical. Low cost of services is one of the decisive factors for the customer.

  • seasonality of service use in the northern regions of the Russian Federation. During the cold season, for example, the White Sea is covered with ice, which makes it impossible to deliver cargo on time.

For road transport

Tenders for transportation carried out using road transport, are the most popular. With the help of vehicles, you can deliver goods at any time of the year and to any locality, both within the state and abroad.

In order for a cargo carrier company to take part in the competition, it is required:

  • availability of a license. Copy permit document is a mandatory attachment to the application;
  • having your own cars vehicles(there is an opportunity to use rented vehicles) and a repair base equipped in compliance with legal norms;
  • Availability of drivers with a license of the required category and a certain driving experience.

Customer road freight transportation may hold a tender, provided that:

  • cargo transportation required certain conditions, which may include delivery times, development of a specific route, and so on;
  • The company has all the documents certifying the ownership of the cargo. The set of documents is recorded in the road transportation contract and confirmed by the consignment note.

The selection of the contractor (customer) occurs, as a rule, through an open tender, which is held in the region where the goods are located.

For international

To carry out international transportation of goods various types The company's vehicles must have:

  • special license for international transportation;
  • certificates of vehicle approval for operation outside the Russian Federation;
  • if the cargo is delivered by road transport;
  • permits to cross the borders of other states.

All documents must be reflected:

  • in the application for participation in the tender, if the tender is carried out by the customer of the transportation;
  • in the documentation for the tender rules, if the auction is conducted by the cargo carrier.

To attract the attention of customers when carrying out international transportation, it is necessary to add to the main service additional types service.

Transportation between states requires passage customs control, which requires a special package of documents.

Customers quite often do not have enough time and knowledge to independently collect and prepare all the documents, so the priority in choosing a contractor will be the availability of additional services;

For oversized cargo

Transportation of oversized cargo in most cases is carried out by road.

Features of tenders for the provision of such services are:

  • the need to have not only a license, but also an additional permit, and in some cases, support. All requirements lead to an increase in the cost of the service, which must be taken into account when holding an auction by either party;
  • availability of special heavy-duty vehicles, as well as equipment for loading and unloading.

All aspects must also be reflected in the conditions of the competition or application for participation.

For transportation in Moscow

Currently in Moscow, cargo carrier organizations can take part in the following tenders:

  • transport and forwarding services in Moscow and the region. A company is required to provide long-term services. The price of the full scope of the contract is 200,000,000 rubles;
  • delivery of cars from the manufacturer's plant to warehouses in Moscow. Average cost one flight 6,000,000 rubles;
  • constant delivery of goods individuals within Moscow. Price based on the results of the competition;
  • transportation of dangerous goods by tank trucks. A contractor is required for long-term cooperation. Required condition submitting applications and having your own vehicle. The cost of work is paid by agreement after each flight;
  • container shipping required by rail on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg. Requirements for performers: existence of an agreement with the railway management, provision of forwarding services, loading and unloading by a transport company.

All ongoing tenders, as well as conditions for competitors, can be found on special Internet resources, for example, InitPro, RosTender.

Probably today only poor customers and small stools do not hold their auctions. Effective management in action. Although I'm exaggerating of course. I understand that. But let's discuss the details for those who are not in the know. I’ll say right away that the article is not about whether such auctions are needed or not, but only general information.

Are such promotions necessary?

I, as a carrier, will tell you no.. Because some participants in such trades do not think about tomorrow keeping freight costs to a minimum. It is necessary to clearly understand that next time it will hardly be easy to load at a higher price. Not only for you, but also for other carriers. I will say more - sometimes we agree with other carriers not to bargain/participate in the auction. Since the customer has a price list at which it is profitable for everyone to travel. But someone still anonymously withdraws the application, dropping the bid. Accordingly, there are two or three such cases and the customer revises the price to lower the price in this direction. This is life and reality! It's an auction baby.

And as a customer, my answer is definitely “Yes!”. Why? - Because it's cheaper. Sometimes carriers unreasonably increase rates, believing that they are the only ones in Russia. The auction helps them understand that the world can cope without them. It’s much easier to negotiate with such a tool.

What is it? Who holds the auction and why (what goals does it serve)?

Freight auction is a tender held by shippers among the existing base of carriers in order to send (delivery) cargo for an optimal (preferably minimal) budget.

Can you tell me more about the work plan?

In fact, everything is simple - there is a shipper’s website, you should have access to the tenders section and auctions on it. Typically, access to the site (login and password) is given to carriers after concluding an agreement for the provision of freight forwarding services. And then everything is simple - whoever is cheaper will drag the customer’s caravan across Motherland.

Block diagram:

How to remove cargo through a freight auction?

  1. We conclude an agreement with the shipper
  2. We get access to information about auctions and other downloads
  3. Let's take part in the auction. Don't forget that our goal is to make money, not to win an auction. Therefore, there is no need to dump. You will still take yours.
  4. We won. We fill in the transport, driver fields on the website. Double-check the loading date and unloading location. How many unloading places will there be? If something is not clear, call the shipper and clarify. It is better to do this now, and not when you are busy in another city.
  5. We send a power of attorney to the driver by email. mail to the shipper.
  6. We conclude an application agreement with the shipper
  7. Let's go and load up.
  8. Let's unload. We put blue stamps in the TTN about the delivery of the cargo. If there are no such seals at the unloading site, we be sure to call the shipper and inform about this.
  9. We hand over the TTN and get money.

How to send cargo through a freight auction?

  1. An auction site is required. Website.
      Website + programmer
      Or third-party auction systems (paid or free)
  2. Place an auction on the site, filling out all detailed information about the cargo.
  3. Wait for the auction winner
  4. Get data on the car and driver
  5. Form a contract application
  6. Generate accompanying documents. TTN.
  7. Get your TTN and pay for transportation as soon as possible


How to find third-party services for conducting such auctions?

Use Yandex or Google. Here, for example, is a freight transport promotion search from Yandex.

Video of the day: how to organize cargo transportation?