Making goat cheese at home. Homemade goat cheese production

"Oh no not this!" - this is what we hear from guests of our stores when they offer to try goat cheeses. And the consciousness immediately pictures the stunning aroma and “vigorous” taste of wool. And, of course, this association comes from childhood – grandma’s cheese! Or for a modern Ukrainian, the association comes from gourmet France - chevres and chabichos. Today I will try to expand your horizons. We will go into the world of goat hard cheeses from Holland!


The smell of hard goat cheeses from Holland is much more restrained than French curd cheeses, not to mention homemade ones. This is achieved through proper maintenance - goats and female goats should live in different stalls. Because the recognizable smell of goat milk is contained in enzymes that are produced by the hormonal system. And, of course, on goat farms the sanitary conditions for milking goats and processing milk into cheese must be perfectly observed.


Cheeses can be made from any milk - goat, sheep, mare, buffalo, cow... And the history of cheese making begins with goat cheeses, not cow cheeses. Several thousand years ago, nomads in the Middle East took with them in wineskins exactly goat milk. IN Western Europe We became acquainted with goat cheese recipes only in the 18th century, after the conquest of Spain by the Moors. The roots are still preserved - the name of a very popular variety of French cheese - chabichou - comes from the Arabic "shabi", which means "goat".


It turns out that cheese can be made from goat's milk in the same way as from cow's milk. It’s just that goats produce several times less milk than cows - up to 6 liters per day versus 25-30, which is why the cost of goat milk and cheeses made from it is higher. But goat cheeses are easier to digest due to the fact that goat milk molecules are smaller. Goat cheeses are richer in protein, phosphorus, retinol and vitamin B2. And in terms of protein, calcium, zinc and vitamins, they are not inferior to cow’s. In addition, when entering the gastrointestinal tract, lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Goat cheeses are rightfully considered very healthy and natural, which is why children and mothers love them.


Let's look at the classification! Goat cheeses, like cow cheeses, come in hard and soft varieties. Soft (aka curd) ones are familiar to us from French:

  • Chevre– tender curd when young, and sharper and tart when aged;
  • Chabishu du Poiteau– with a moldy bluish-white crust with a pungent taste and a strong goat aroma;
  • Saint Maur from Turin, rolled in ash and snow-white inside with a salty-lemon flavor;
  • Crottin de Chavignolles in the form of small heads, with a nutty-fruity taste and a strong goat aroma.

Among hard goat cheeses, it is worth noting cheeses from Spain - Queso de Cabrapo in Spanish:

  • El Pastor– cheeses from one of the most famous cheese dairies in Spain, soft and semi-aged. Externally, the heads are similar to manchego;
  • Garrocha- hard cream cheese made from goat milk aged 1 month with a crust of dark gray-blue mold and a slightly spicy taste, from the volcanic region of Catalonia of the same name.

Special cheese goes on a separate line Gudbrandsdalen, aka Brunost– Norwegian brown cheese, made from whey with the addition of cream and 10% goat milk, is therefore considered goat cheese. This is a completely unique cheese, similar to thick, salty boiled condensed milk - an essential attribute of a Norwegian breakfast, with waffles or cookies, and aromatic coffee.

Fragrant Holland

For me, the biggest revelation in the world of goat cheeses was Dutch hard cheeses. As it turns out, they have the widest selection and are famous all over the world! The richness of tastes, smells, aftertastes and the most delicate taste of goat - all in Dutch-made hard goat cheeses. They, in turn, are young, aged and old, as well as pure and with additives. And absolutely everything contains only traditional cheese ingredients - goat's milk, sourdough, non-animal enzyme and salt. All! Simply incredible for our civilized 21st century!

Pure goat hard cheeses are aged from 1 month (young) to 1 year or more (old), there are also those over-aged for more than a year, also called VSOP. The taste of such cheeses ranges from creamy, sweetish with a slight aroma of goat to aged, spicy, with an even less noticeable goat aftertaste, and VSOP has almost the taste and consistency of Parmesan, only with a more pronounced and pungent taste.

The biggest revelation for those who don’t like goat milk is hard goat cheeses with added herbs and spices.

  • Goat with nettle has a slight taste of grass, while being a super-immunomodulator - especially important during the period of spring vitamin deficiency;
  • Goat with Italian herbs– cheese with a mild taste of goat’s milk and a spicy aroma of herbs;
  • Goat with olives and sun-dried tomatoes– also a soft cheese with an Italian accent, a little saltier and more pronounced taste;
  • Goat with honey– young goat cheese for lovers of honey cakes, gingerbread and other delicacies with the smell of honey and a sweetish taste;
  • Goat with coriander and fenugreek- one of the pearls of Dutch cheeses, a cheese with a very soft and delicate taste, with a taste of bread and an aftertaste of mushrooms and nuts - after trying it, almost all “goat-skeptics” radically change their attitude.

An important message to lacto-vegetarians - all goat hard cheeses from Holland are curdled with microbiological rennet of non-animal origin, that is, no animals were harmed during the preparation of the cheese. And, of course, thanks to the correct maintenance of goats, the smell of milk and cheese from it in Dutch cheeses is minimal.

Serving and combinations

Goat cheeses are an excellent decoration for a cheese plate; they are snow-white and aromatic. Curd ones are placed in the middle of the dish, hard ones - in accordance with the aging and additives, for about 12 hours (imagine a cheese plate in the form of a dial). Goat cheeses go well with high acidity wines, such as Sauvignon Blanc, and also with sparkling wines.

Of my favorites classic dishes, based on goat cheeses, I would like to mention a green salad with hot goat cheese, baked beets with goat cheese, as well as a unique dessert - hot goat cheese with raspberry sauce or creamy balsamic vinegar. You can grate goat cheeses into hot dishes and salads, instead of hard cow cheeses - the salad will sparkle with new colors and aromas. Goat cheeses form the basis of national French, Greek, and Spanish cuisines.

Summarizing this excursion into the world of goat cheeses, I would like to wish you new discoveries and a desire to experiment and discover new tastes! Goat cheeses will serve you well in this regard, be it soft cheeses from France, homemade Ukrainian ones, or a wonderful variety of Dutch ones. After all, goat cheese is not only a gourmet delight, but also an incredibly healthy and versatile product.

Once upon a time, about seven hundred years ago, goat cheese was not a delicacy, and eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner was considered the norm.

Nowadays, in conditions of fierce competition among cheese producers, the product has received a status that geographically limits the possibility of making its copies and using original names.

In our country, a livestock farming tradition has developed - breeding mainly cattle, and therefore the raw material base allows us to produce cheeses mainly from cow's milk, which, of course, limits the taste preferences of goat cheese lovers.

In addition, sanctions and counter-sanctions have emerged that have limited the export of goat cheeses from countries that traditionally raise goats and sheep and produce cheeses from goat milk.

This circumstance further narrowed the range of cheeses domestic market.

Typically, it takes 12-13 liters of milk to make a kilogram of goat cheese. This factor explains the high cost of the product. The ripening period for cheese can be up to several months, which affects the profitability of goat cheese production and explains why farmers choose to raise cattle. But the value of goat's milk, nevertheless, is more significant in that it is closer in composition to human milk, and milk formulas for infants are produced on its basis, while natural cow's milk contains a smaller amount of the enzyme, lipase, which dissolves fats and promoting better absorption of the product.

Fortunately, we are still actively breeding goats on private farms; international standards are not a decree for us, and if you have your own goats, then there will be goat cheese. Therefore, making homemade cheese from goat’s milk is our answer to all sorts of production bans and sanctions.

There remains only one small obstacle - the exact recipe for goat cheese. Since most of the recipes for the most famous goat cheeses are kept in the strictest confidence by their producers, all that remains is to look for your own recipes, try, and experiment. Although, there is a certain positive aspect to this: this is how the famous cheeses Feta, Manchego, Coeur de chevre, Brynza, Crottin and many others were born. Who knows, it may happen that the search original recipe will lead to new discoveries.

How to make goat cheese at home - basic technological principles

Before considering the technological aspects of preparing cheese from goat's milk, it is necessary to consider in more detail its biochemical composition, which affects the quality and taste characteristics of goat cheese, and also plays a role in significant role in the cooking technology itself.

The proteins and fats of goat's milk are smaller in size compared to the elements of cow's milk, and their content is also slightly lower. Therefore, homemade goat milk cheese is made dietary product compared to cow's milk cheeses. Small globules of fat slip into the whey during milk fermentation, as a result of which the resulting milk curd contains less fat than in fermented cow or buffalo milk. Another feature of goat milk is its low level of acidity, which is why during the ripening process casein turns into flakes that do not bind together well.

For consumption in fresh, unprocessed form, the indicated properties of goat milk have a positive assessment: it does not cause heartburn or allergic reactions, but making cheeses from it requires special preparation of raw materials.

To improve coagulation and increase the mass fraction of dry matter, goat's milk is mixed with cow's milk. Since the coagulability of cow's milk is on average 10% higher, adding a small proportion of it will not greatly affect the taste of homemade goat's milk cheese.

The next way is allowing to increase the coagulability of goat milk and obtain a denser curd during ripening - introducing an increased rate of lactic acid bacteria and regulating the acid-salt composition of the raw material. At home, you can use sour cream and yogurt based on cow's milk (10-20% by weight of goat's milk) as a starter. The disadvantage of this method of ripening is that you will have to independently, each time, calculate the amount of starter introduced, and for goat milk, the ripening time plays a big role: it cannot be over-conditioned, so as not to end up with an undesirable aftertaste.

To obtain a dense, stable curd, as well as maximum separation of dry matter from whey, it is good to use heating with the preliminary addition of a solution of citric acid, calcium chloride, and pepsin. It must be said that if you have a strong desire to start making cheese at home, then it is better to purchase special starter cultures in advance. specialized stores, fortunately, there are many of them now. You can order the necessary goods for cheese production with home delivery, and receive at the appointed time not only sourdough with detailed instructions its application and calculations of the norm, but also the cheese molds, pistons, presses and even a chamber for ripening cheese that are missing on the farm. Utensils are also important for home cheese making: if you have them in the right quantity and are convenient, then the process of making homemade goat’s milk cheese will be an easy and exciting task, so much so that you can think about your own small business. Believe me, even if you have to buy milk from farmers, due to the lack of your own farm, then taking into account the cost of goat cheese, the costs of purchasing raw materials and preparation will quickly pay off.

As for the taste characteristics of goat cheese, here you need to pay attention to two points.

Firstly, goat cheese with exactly the same taste as in France or in Spain will never be possible in Russia, even if the secret of how to make homemade goat cheese using the original technology of its manufacturer is revealed. The fact is that the habitat of Spanish and French goats differs from our area; accordingly, there are differences in food, which significantly affects the quality characteristics of goat cheese. This also includes the breed of goats, the conditions of their keeping, age and other physiological characteristics of the animals. But it's not a problem. It is possible that cheese made from the milk of local goats will be even better than the one that meets European standards.

However, the second important point should not be ignored. You still need to be very careful when choosing goat milk. It sometimes has a very specific and bad smell, due to improper living conditions for animals and insufficient compliance with sanitary standards. This smell may not disappear even after pasteurization of the milk and remain in the finished cheese, but it must be taken into account that there are also cheese recipes that require the use of raw milk.

IN retail networks Typically, pasteurized goat's milk is offered. Its advantage is that it does not have a specific smell, but it is precisely this feature that makes it impossible to obtain some types of homemade cheese from goat’s milk, since they should have exactly this smell and taste. In addition, pasteurization also affects technological principles and requires the addition of additional components to milk in accordance with specific recipes.

Otherwise, the technology for making homemade cheese from goat's milk is no different from making cheese from cow's milk. Taking into account the above, one should only be more scrupulous in the initial stages - selection of raw materials, fermentation of goat milk, addition of starter and rennet enzymes, and production of curd grains. Further preparation of homemade goat's milk cheese completely depends on the recipe itself. For fresh fermented milk cheeses, after all of the above operations are completed, the cheese preparation process is practically completed, since after the whey is separated, the product goes through a short ripening stage. For hard cheeses, after receiving the curd grain, further processing is required - melting. Only after this are hard cheeses sent for ripening.

About the classification of cheeses according to the method of their production and assortment, it is only worth saying that this is a very broad topic, and it is better to consider it separately, because there are now about two thousand known varieties of cheese in the world. Naturally, the methods of their preparation and the composition of the recipe also differ from each other. Goat cheese lovers have probably been familiar with the assortment for a long time, and inquisitive housewives accustomed to experimenting can try their hand at the recipes offered. For beginners in home cheese making, it will be better to practice on the most simple recipes goat cheese.

Recipe 1. How to make homemade goat cheese, pickled


    Natural goat milk 5 l


Heat fresh milk to 30°C, add rennet, having previously dissolved it in a small amount of milk, in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging. Stir the milk until a curd forms. Let the mixture sit and thicken for 20-30 minutes. Remove the resulting clot, after cutting it into cubes, using a slotted spoon. It is necessary to place the curd on a cotton cloth or gauze folded in four to prevent the solid particles of the cheese mass from dripping off. For convenience, cheesecloth can be placed in a colander or in a cheese mold with holes in the bottom to allow the whey to drain. Cover the warm curd with a napkin to protect it from airing and the ingress of foreign unwanted impurities. Place on a pallet. When the cheese is sufficiently compacted, place a weight on top of the napkin. Leave for 10-12 hours. At this time, it is better to store the cheese in a cool room or refrigerator (away from the freezer). Prepare a brine from the whey, add 10-16% table salt to it, to taste, and heat until completely dissolved. Free the cheese from oppression, unfold, cut large pieces, 150-170 g each, and place in warm brine. When it cools down, close the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator, but no more than five days.

Recipe 2. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Crottin, with white mold

For this recipe, it is better to purchase the ingredients in advance at specialized points of sale in order to get cheese that best matches the original taste.


    Homemade milk goat 4 l

    Rennet, liquid 0.6 g

    Calcium chloride (solution) 2 ml

    Geotrichum Candidum mold (powder) 0.2 g

    Sourdough, mesophilic 1.5 g


Attention: use only sterile containers and wear gloves.

Cake pans can be used to make small heads. They need to be treated with alcohol and placed on a drainage mat, which, in turn, is placed on a grid with a tray. To ripen the cheese, you will also need a container with a lid and a wire rack installed inside, as well as napkins, which will need to be changed during the ripening period of the cheese (14 days).

Heat the milk to 25°C and add the mold and starter, stir gently until the powders dissolve. Then add rennet and calcium chloride solution. Stir again and leave, covered, until a thick clot forms, for 17-20 hours. Cover the lid loosely to allow air to enter. The curd should settle to the bottom of the dish and become covered with a layer of whey. Collect the whey from the surface and begin placing the curd into the prepared pans. The entire curd will not fit at once, so you need to wait until it thickens as a result of the remaining whey draining, and continue to spread the curd mass - please note that it is designed for 10 forms, and making smaller heads is not recommended.

Cover the cheese in the molds with a sterile cloth for two days. After 24 hours, turn the molds over, leaving them still on the drainage mat. The cheese will continue to press for another day under its own weight. Then remove the molds and sprinkle it with salt. After three days, transfer the cheese to a container for ripening. The further preparation process consists of caring for the cheese for two weeks - during this time it will reach the required organoleptic characteristics. Store the container at 8-10°C, do not close it tightly, change the napkins every day. If steam appears on the lid of the container, wipe it with a sterile cloth to prevent condensation from dripping onto the cheese.

Requirements for the quality of cheese: a white wrinkled crust should appear on the surface. The appearance of blue mold indicates high humidity during the ripening period. The crust should also not crack, which indicates too low humidity.

Ready cheese store in a separate container, wrapped in parchment, at 5°C for up to 1.5 months.

Recipe 3. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Valence with charcoal crust


    Milk, goat 4.5 l

    Two types of mold - 1.25 mg each:

    Geotrichum Candidum,

    Penicillium Candidum;

    Rennet 5 mg

    Mesophilic yeast 7 mg

    CaCl solution 2 mg

    Salt, charcoal - 3 tsp each.


The entire process of making this cheese coincides with the previous recipe, with the exception of some aspects of the final stage - ripening the cheese. In addition, the cheese head should have the shape truncated pyramid, weighing about 0.5 kg.

At the stage when the formed cheese mass needs to be treated with salt, combine it with charcoal (preferably the ash of burnt fruit trees). Ripening time in a container is 10 days at a temperature of 8°C.

The cheese should be stored in parchment paper, folded in two layers, for two months.

Recipe 4. How to make homemade goat cheese – Halloumi


    Milk (goat or cow) 6 l

    Pepsin (solution) 2 ml

    Salt, fresh mint (mixture) 50 g


Add rennet solution to freshly heated milk and continue heating the milk to 35-38oC for 20-30 minutes. Then let it sit for a while until a fairly dense clot forms. Separate the whey and place the cheese in prepared cheesecloth-lined molds with holes to allow the whey to drain. Place the molds on a wire rack in a tray. Also cover them with gauze on top. Turn the molds twice within two hours to help the cheese press better. Remove pans, leaving cheese on wire rack.

Heat the drained whey in a saucepan and transfer the cheese into it along with the grate. Warm up for half an hour, not allowing the whey to boil (temperature – 90-95oC). The finished cheese floats to the surface. Carefully transfer it to a plate, press down lightly with your hands when warm and fold the flat rounds in half into a crescent shape. Treat the surface with a mixture of salt and chopped fresh mint.

Store in a closed container for 2 weeks, avoiding drying out. This cheese has a high melting point and is very suitable for grilling.

Recipe 5. How to make homemade goat cheese with cow's milk cream


    Cream (50%) 1.0 l

    Goat milk 2 l

    Lemon juice 300 ml

    Sour cream (at least 25%) 250 g


Combine dairy products and steam to avoid burning. Having brought it to 30°C, gradually pour natural lemon juice into the milk mass, in a thin stream, while stirring continuously and smoothly. As soon as the whey begins to separate from the walls of the pan, turn off the stove, stop stirring and let the mixture stand until it cools completely. Separate the whey by pouring the contents of the pan into cheesecloth lined with a colander (place a tray under it in advance). After 12 hours, transfer the cheese mass to a blender, add sour cream and blend.

Cream cheese can be used to make desserts or snacks. When adding sour cream, you can also use various flavorings: spicy herbs, bacon, fish, mushrooms.

Recipe 6. How to make homemade goat cheese with spices, brine type


    Milk, whole 10.0 l

    Rennet 5 ml

    Calcium chloride 3 ml



    dried paprika and tomatoes,

    basil and olives,

    dill and garlic

Operating procedure:

To prepare feta cheese, you can use farm whole milk from any animal, either individually or in a mixture of any proportions.

The process of obtaining curd grains does not differ from previous recipes: an enzyme and calcium salts are introduced when heated. After separating the whey, any of the spicy compositions are added to the curd mass, and the prepared mass is placed under a press for a day. After this, the cheese can be stored in a brine of table salt and water, but if you want to give the cheese additional piquancy, place it on a wire rack and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and the herbs that are already inside the head.

    When preparing blue cheeses, it is imperative to maintain sterile conditions to avoid the introduction of unwanted bacteria into the product.

    If you need to collect a large number of goat milk several times, then you need to store it only in pasteurized form, in the refrigerator. For pasteurization, which does not involve boiling milk, but heating it for a long time to 65-70°C for 10-15 minutes, it is convenient to use a special immersion thermometer.

    To prevent the cheese from burning on the stove during the melting process, use the steaming technique. Place the container with the cheese mixture on a stand immersed in a large pan of water.

    The minimum volume of a cheese wheel should be at least 0.5 kg, since with a smaller mass it is difficult to achieve the desired result. To make cheese of this weight you will need about five liters of milk.

    The whey remaining after obtaining the curd grain can be used to prepare brine. Whey has a valuable composition, so do not throw it away, but try to use it to make dough. It can also be useful for fermenting milk the next time you make cheese. Ricotta can be prepared from pure and fresh whey.

Almost all cheeses are very healthy, but goat cheese is perfectly digestible and has a soft and delicate taste, which is why it is so loved. And this product can really be prepared at home.

Product benefits

Goat's milk is very healthy and has almost all the qualities of cow's milk, but is still different from it. The product contains many useful substances, including calcium, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, protein, live lactic acid bacteria, as well as vitamins A, D, group B and much more.

Goat cheese is good for joints and bones, increases brain activity, normalizes metabolic processes and has a positive effect on functioning nervous system, normalizes digestion and tidies up the intestinal microflora, and also strengthens the immune system.
Goat milk differs from cow's milk in its lower content of fat, milk protein, lactose, and cholesterol. And this means that goat cheese is lower in calories and can be considered a dietary product, does not cause unwanted reactions and is suitable even for allergy sufferers, and is also absorbed much better and faster. It is for these qualities that he is valued.

How to make cottage cheese yourself?

How to make real goat cheese at home? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and several options are discussed below.

Option one

To get goat milk cottage cheese according to this recipe, you need:

  • two liters of goat milk;
  • one medium-sized lemon;
  • salt;
  • optional your favorite spices.
  • Process description:

  • Pour the milk into the pan, place it on the stove and almost immediately add salt, completely dissolving it. At this stage you can add spices.
  • Heat the milk until it is hot but not boiling. If you have a specialized kitchen thermometer, then achieve the optimal temperature, which should be about 85 degrees.
  • Remove the milk from the heat and after a couple of minutes pour in the freshly squeezed juice of one prepared lemon. Stir everything well. Almost immediately you will notice that the product begins to ferment and separate into two parts: light cheese flakes and yellowish-transparent whey.
  • After fifteen minutes, the separation will be completed, and you will need to transfer the curd mass into a colander, having previously covered it with gauze folded several times.
  • Place a colander in a container to drain any remaining liquid.
  • After about an hour, the curd mass needs to be squeezed out well.
  • Fresh and tender cottage cheese is ready, and the output should be about two hundred grams of this product.
  • Option two

    To get delicious hard cheese with holes, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • about three liters of high-quality goat milk;
  • 900-1000 grams of cheese (if you can get goat cheese, it will be great);
  • tsp soda;
  • egg;
  • salt to your taste.
  • Instructions:

  • Pour the milk into the pan and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and add the cheese. Simmer the mixture for about twenty minutes, then remove from the stove.
  • Place the curd mass in a colander and squeeze well to remove any remaining whey.
  • Next, add soda, salt, and a chicken egg, which will give a pleasant shade and become a kind of binding element.
  • Now place the mixture in a container and place it in a water bath. Simmer the mixture after boiling water for at least fifteen minutes.
  • Next, beat until smooth, wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for a day.
  • The cheese is ready, you can serve.
  • Option three

    This recipe will make a very tender cheese.
    The list of ingredients will be like this:

  • 2 liters of goat milk;
  • two tbsp. l. cheese;
  • two tbsp. l. sour cream (the fattier the better)
  • Art. l. 6% vinegar (if the ripening process is too slow);
  • tsp salt.
  • Instructions:

  • Heat the milk to 50 degrees.
  • Grind the cottage cheese with a small amount of cold milk and add to the pan.
  • Next, add sour cream to the milk. In this case, you should actively stir the composition (all this time it will remain on the stove, but the fire should be reduced to minimum).
  • Continue stirring the mixture while keeping it on low heat. After some time (about fifteen minutes) you will notice the formation of a clot. If the process has not started, then use vinegar, which will start fermentation.
  • When the curd is finally formed, place it in a colander lined with a cloth, cover with the same cloth and place a weight on top.
  • In an hour or two, the cottage cheese will be ready. The longer you keep it under pressure, the denser it will become, so to obtain a delicate consistency, pressing time can be reduced to half an hour.
  • Option four

    You can make very tender goat cheese, but its calorie content is quite high.
    The following ingredients are needed:

  • 25 liters of goat milk;
  • 500 g fatty thick sour cream;
  • five or six eggs;
  • couple of st. l. salt.
  • Preparations:

  • Sour cream must be thoroughly beaten with eggs to obtain a homogeneous fluffy mass.
  • Heat the milk to 55-60 degrees, add salt, mix everything.
  • Add the egg-sour cream mixture into the hot milk, stirring quickly and vigorously.
  • Continue stirring the mixture while keeping it on low heat. When it almost boils, you should see some kind of dense lump - a cheese curd. Take it out and place it in gauze rolled up in several layers. Tie the ends and hang the mixture over a sink or some container to remove any remaining whey.
  • Place the future cheese under a weight for about six hours, then put it in the refrigerator for a day so that the product is finally formed and hardened.
  • Option five

    Tasty and not at all greasy cottage cheese can be made from goat milk with the addition of kefir. Here's what you need for this:

  • liter of kefir;
  • 15 liters of goat milk;
  • 15 tsp. salt.
  • Instructions:

  • Kefir needs to be heated slowly and then brought to a boil. Remove any clots that have formed and leave the whey at room temperature for two days.
  • Next, heat the goat milk and pour the prepared whey into it. When the product begins to curl, cook it on the stove for another minute and then remove. Remove the clots with a slotted spoon and transfer to cloth or gauze. Tie the material and place it in a sieve or hang it for several hours to remove any remaining liquid.
  • Squeeze out the cheese and serve.
  • How to use homemade cheese?

    Homemade cheese is not only a tasty and healthy product, but also a universal one, since it can be used to create a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. So, you can add it to any hot poultry or meat dish to create a nice, tender crust on the surface. Goat cheese also makes an excellent filling for pies, scones, pies and other baked goods. In addition, using this component you can prepare a delicious and almost dietary salad.

    Tip: homemade goat cheese will be a worthy replacement for any other cheese, including expensive and gourmet cheese such as mozzarella.

    Be sure to try making delicious goat cheese with your own hands; all your family and guests will love it.

    Homemade cheese recipes are a real find for connoisseurs of tasty and healthy food, because by preparing such a snack yourself, you can be sure that it contains no harmful substances or preservatives. The main ingredient for making homemade cheese is milk. You can use homemade or store bought. Homemade goat's milk cheese is very tasty and creamy. In addition to milk, many recipes also include cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and butter. You can give the cheese the desired taste using salt, spices, seasonings and herbs. The snack will be very tasty if you add cheese green onions, chopped ham, garlic, nuts, chopped fried mushrooms etc. - fillers can be very different.

    There are a lot of recipes for homemade cheese, according to which you can prepare not only ordinary hard cheese, but also cheese or processed cheese, as well as popular varieties (for example, Philadelphia, mozzarella suluguni, ricotta, etc.). You can also make an incredibly delicious soft cream cheese that can be spread on toast or used to make delicious cheese desserts and toppings.

    The general principle of making homemade cheese is as follows: milk is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil, then the remaining ingredients are added. After which the contents need to be boiled for some time until the curd curd and whey separate. After this procedure, the cheese should be placed in cheesecloth and hung to drain the whey, or placed in a colander, placed on a pan, and a weight placed on top. Once the cheese has cooled, you can put it in the refrigerator for a few hours to cool it properly.

    Homemade cheese - preparing food and utensils

    To make homemade cheese, you will need a large saucepan, a bowl, a colander and clean gauze. It is also necessary to prepare some kind of weight to place on top when the whey drains. It is better to take a pan in which the milk will be heated with a non-stick coating so that the milk mass does not burn.

    Making homemade cheese does not require specific preparation of products, except that you need to measure out the required amount of milk, kefir, sour cream, etc. Butter must be softened, so it must be removed from the refrigerator in advance. If you plan to use spices, herbs and other fillers, it all needs to be prepared.

    Homemade cheese recipes:

    Recipe 1: Homemade cottage cheese

    An excellent recipe for delicious homemade cottage cheese. In addition to this ingredient, milk, eggs and butter are also used here. You can make the taste more or less salty by adding the desired amount of salt. Overall, the cheese is very tender and creamy.

    • A kilogram of cottage cheese;
    • A liter of milk;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • A stick of butter;
    • Salt - to taste (about one and a half teaspoons);
    • Soda - 1 tsp.

    For delicious homemade cheese, you need to take dry and low-fat cottage cheese. Place cottage cheese in a saucepan with milk and place on the stove. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Dry cottage cheese will melt and stretch, and this is what you need to make cheese. Line a colander with gauze and lay out the curd mass. Leave to express for a few minutes. Place cottage cheese, soft butter in a non-enamel pan, beat in eggs and add salt and soda. Mix all ingredients until smooth and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly, for about 6-7 minutes. After all the ingredients have melted, place the cheese mixture in a container, cover and set aside to cool.

    Recipe 2: Homemade cottage cheese with sour cream

    Another recipe for delicious homemade cottage cheese. You will also need milk, eggs and sour cream for cooking. The cheese cooks very quickly and is great for breakfast sandwiches.

    • 2 eggs;
    • A kilogram of cottage cheese;
    • A liter of milk;
    • Sour cream - 5 spoons;
    • Salt - 2 tsp.

    Pour milk over the cottage cheese and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Place the mixture in cheesecloth, strain the liquid and squeeze. Place cottage cheese in a non-stick pan, break eggs and add sour cream. Salt the mixture to taste. Knead the mixture with your hands and let it cook for 5 minutes. The mass should gather into a single lump and lag well behind the bottom and walls of the pan. Place the cheese in the mold and refrigerate to cool.

    Recipe 3: Homemade milk cheese

    Very tasty homemade cheese is made with milk. The recipe also uses butter, vinegar and dill, which gives the cheese a very delicate taste and fresh aroma. The appetizer is prepared very quickly and simply. An excellent option for a small feast or breakfast.

    • Liter of fresh milk (3.5%);
    • 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
    • 2 tablespoons butter;
    • A teaspoon of dill and salt.

    Put the milk to boil. After boiling, add butter, dill and vinegar, add salt. Mix all ingredients again and bring to a boil again. Then turn off the heat. Place the cheese on cheesecloth and strain off the whey. Place a weight on top. After the cheese has cooled, remove it from the gauze and cut it.

    Recipe 4: Homemade milk cheese with green onions

    You can make a lot of homemade cheeses using milk. This recipe also uses sour cream, soy sauce, eggs and green onions, and cumin gives the cheese a pleasant taste. spicy aroma. a set of spices can be combined to suit your own taste.

    • Liter of milk (2.5%);
    • 200 g sour cream (15%);
    • 3 eggs;
    • 45 ml soy sauce;
    • Half a teaspoon of cumin;
    • Green onions.

    Beat eggs with soy sauce and sour cream. Cut the onion into small rings. Place the pan with milk on the fire. After the milk boils, carefully pour in the eggs with sour cream and stir thoroughly. Cook for about 5 minutes, during which time the whey should separate. At the end, throw in the cumin and add green onions. Remove the pan from the heat and place the mixture in cheesecloth. Tie the gauze into a tight knot and place in a colander. Place a weight on top. Leave in the refrigerator overnight, then cut the cheese into portions.

    Recipe 5: Homemade goat cheese

    Homemade goat milk cheese is very tender, creamy, with a pleasant melting taste. The recipe also uses kefir, and using salt you can make the cheese salty to taste.

    • One and a half liters of goat milk;
    • A liter of fresh kefir;
    • A teaspoon of salt.

    Put kefir on fire. After boiling, remove the curds from the surface and place in a sieve. The whey must be strained into a separate container and left for two days at room temperature. Pour goat's milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then pour in the aged whey. Cook everything together for about 15 minutes. During this time, clots will begin to form. Salt the mixture to taste and strain. Then the mass needs to be suspended in gauze for half an hour, after which you can form a cheese ball, place it between two plates and press it with a jar of water. Leave the structure for 2-3 hours. Then put the cheese in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, after which it can be served.

    Recipe 6: Homemade goat's milk cheese with sour cream

    Homemade goat's milk cheese can be prepared with the addition of sour cream. The recipe also uses salt and eggs. The cheese comes out very tender and tasty with a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

    • Two liters of goat milk;
    • Salt - 1.5-2 tablespoons;
    • 6 chicken eggs;
    • 400 g sour cream.

    Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add salt, sour cream and break the eggs. Cook after boiling, stirring, for about 5 minutes. During this time, a curdled curd will separate and whey will form. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and lay out the mixture. Let the whey drain and place a weight on the cheese. Leave the cheese in this position for 4-5 hours. After this, put the cheese directly in gauze in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

    Recipe 7: Adyghe homemade cheese

    Adyghe homemade cheese turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy, because it does not contain harmful substances or preservatives. In addition, this cheese is very easy to prepare. All you need to prepare is lemon, salt and milk. Adyghe homemade cheese can be kept in the refrigerator for several days.

    • One and a half liters of homemade milk;
    • 1 lemon;
    • Salt - to taste.

    Squeeze juice from one lemon. Put the milk on to boil. Once boiling, remove from heat and leave for 5 minutes. Add salt and any seasonings to taste. Pour in lemon juice and start stirring. For the desired reaction to occur, the milk does not need to be cooled too much. It should be about 95 degrees. After the reaction, whey and individual protein lumps should separate. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and allow the whey to drain, then transfer the cheese to a fine sieve, pressing slightly on top. Leave to cool for several hours.

    Recipe 8: Processed homemade cheese

    Processed homemade cheese is an excellent option for breakfast, and it is prepared very quickly. To prepare you will need cottage cheese, eggs, soda and butter. The finished cheese can be spread on bread, served with pasta, etc. From 400 g of cottage cheese you will get a lot of delicious processed homemade cheese.

    • 400 g cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 100 g butter;
    • A teaspoon of soda.

    Mash the cottage cheese until smooth, add soda with eggs

    and mix again. Add softened butter to the cottage cheese and mix again until smooth. Place the pan on the fire and melt for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly. You can add fillings to the cheese to taste: herbs, garlic, seasonings, ham, etc. Pour the finished cheese into a mold and let it cool in the refrigerator.

    — To make homemade cheese, you need to use only the freshest milk. This is what they depend on taste qualities final product;

    — You need to cook the milk mass in a thick-walled pan with a non-stick coating, otherwise the mixture will burn;

    — The caloric content of cheese depends on the fat content of cottage cheese and milk, but you should not take milk with less than 2.5% fat content.

    If the unique taste and aroma of the finished product does not bother you, we recommend trying several types of goat’s milk cheese at home, to which we have decided to devote the following material.

    Homemade goat's milk cheese - recipe

    Let's start with some of the simplest cheeses - soft ones. In industrial production conditions, such cheeses are rarely packaged fresh; in most cases, they are kept for a short time or are contaminated with noble mold. The homemade version has a less pungent taste and a soft, uniform consistency due to the fact that the product can be consumed almost immediately after preparation.


    • fat goat milk – 1.2 l;
    • juice of two lemons;
    • vinegar – 25 ml;
    • salt.


    Pour the milk into an enamel bowl and heat to a temperature of 80 degrees. For maximum accuracy of the process, it is better to have a special thermometer on hand. When the milk is heated, salt it and pour in the juice of a couple of lemons along with vinegar. Remove the pan from the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Carefully remove any milk clots on the surface or strain through cheesecloth. Bring the ends of the gauze together, tie them and leave the homemade goat cheese hanging in a cool place for an hour. Sprinkle the surface of the cheese mixture with dried herbs if desired.

    Processed goat cheese recipe

    Processed cheese usually takes longer to prepare because goat milk must be curdled and excess whey squeezed out before melting begins. If possible, save time and use ready-made goat curd in the recipe.


    • goat cottage cheese – 580 g;
    • soda – 10 g;
    • butter – 15 g;
    • egg – 1 pc.


    Place the goat's curd, squeezed out of excess whey, into an enamel bowl. Salt it, add pieces of butter, an egg and a little soda, which neutralizes excess acid. The ingredients on the stove should be stirred continuously and intensively so that nothing burns. At the same time, keep an eye on the heat; it should not be too high so that the cheese mixture does not curdle. Stirring, keep the future cheese on the fire until it becomes homogeneous. At this point, you can add any extras such as herbs, sautéed mushrooms or chopped ham. Next, distribute the hot processed cheese in any form and leave until cool.

    It's amazing what to cook hard cheese it is necessary to use all the same ingredients as for preparing the processed product, but the technology for cooking such cheese differs from that described above.


    • – 2.9 l;
    • cottage cheese – 1.1 kg;
    • soda – 10 g;
    • – 95 ​​g;
    • salt.


    Combine cottage cheese with milk in any enamel bowl. Place the dishes over medium heat and boil everything for 20 minutes. Drain the milk curds in a colander and transfer the cheese to a clean bowl. Place everything over water bath, add oil, egg, soda and a pinch of salt. Stirring, boil the ingredients for 10 minutes (the longer you boil the mixture, the harder the cheese will become), and transfer the finished homogeneous mass into the chosen form and leave until cooled.

    At the stage of melting the cheese, you can add garlic, chopped fresh or dried herbs, as well as any spices to the mixture of ingredients. This way you can diversify the taste and appearance product.