What to do when Caucasians say all sorts of nasty things after you? Passion for the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians. Why Russian women love Caucasians "He is the boss: he keeps everything under control."

I am Russian (I live in Russia), Christian. I can say for myself right away that I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m a home girl. I dress decently, no miniskirts, etc. I am writing this to ensure that when walking down the street, I in no way provoke male attention to myself. However, very often people of Caucasian nationality allow themselves some vulgar statements and howls. If the answer is negative, they use foul language and make offensive statements... I am not strong in religions, but after reading the articles on the site, I realized that Islam teaches respect and wisdom in one’s actions... What motivates these Muslims, please explain? This is the behavior of savages, they don’t care about anyone, they believe that they have the right to insult girls, humiliate them, for some completely incomprehensible reason they consider themselves better and superior, they allow themselves to impose their faith, which is extremely outrageous. I would like to know from you how to respond to such people? Is Islam really an empty word for them? I never be rude or offend people, even in response. I always just ignore it. Perhaps you can help find the right words to reason with these people, to say something to make them think about how disgusting they are doing. This behavior is observed not only by me alone, but by the vast majority of the fair sex of our city.

From a religious point of view:

Of course, no divine religion or civilized culture can justify such behavior. However, unfortunately, sometimes this happens, ill-mannered young people allow themselves to make indecent statements and open their hands towards strange girls and women. And, of course, it’s even more depressing that specifically in your case, Caucasians take liberties. Thus, they humiliate, first of all, themselves, their worthy ancestors who were ready to give their lives to defend the honor of a woman, us - their fellow countrymen, and, to some extent, their religion. After all, those who have suffered from their incorrect and unworthy behavior will, willy-nilly, associate their religion with them. And it’s unlikely that things will work out for them good opinion about religion, in particular about Islam. Every Muslim who has left an unpleasant imprint on the heart of another person - not to mention oppression and violation of rights - and has alienated him from studying Islam, coming to it, or developing an incorrect stereotype or hostility towards our religion, will have to answer to God on the Day of Judgment!

I would also like to say that not only some Caucasians, but also representatives of other nationalities and religions, in particular Russians, exhibit similar behavior. However, since Caucasians represent a minority outside the Caucasian republics, they stand out and attract more attention. Naturally, their actions cannot be justified and even remain without condemnation. Because even if we assume that for some people such behavior is quite common, then Caucasians, who for the most part are representatives Islamic culture, have no right to such behavior!

IN Once again, naturally, Allah forbid, but still, if this happens, tell them something like “so do you follow your religion?”,“What if your sister was molested?” or "And you are not afraid that Allah ( it is Allah, and not God - such a formulation will have more influence on them) won’t put your relatives in the same position?”.

However, I don’t think that you will be able to somehow influence them with words. The conversation between your relatives (father, brother, uncle, etc.) will have more effect if we are talking about the same people. And, of course, try to avoid places where you might encounter hooligans.

On behalf of myself and all other Caucasians, I would like to ask you for forgiveness for the indecent behavior of my fellow countrymen.

From a psychological point of view:

Unfortunately, in fact we have to admit that many people from Caucasian regions They behave very ugly and provocatively when they are in big cities far from their homeland. Even more regrettable is the fact that people perceive such subjects as representatives of Islam with all the ensuing consequences. Naturally, Islam condemns such behavior, and in fact it is simply the act of an ignorant person, not a Muslim. Such people themselves do not understand what harm they cause to their religion, what harm they cause to their fellow countrymen who are forced to be outside their homeland in search of work.

In general, we must proceed from the fact that the behavior of such people is nothing more than compensation for their own unresolved complexes of insignificance. These are unfulfilled people trying to express themselves with aggressive and boorish antics. A confident person will never behave like this. If we look at their behavior as a consequence of their psychological illness, then the question of how to make comments to them and how to respond to their behavior becomes especially relevant.

It is sometimes unsafe to make comments to them, because you can expect anything from them; this is an extremely unpredictable category of people. Their behavior does not correspond to the norms of common life accepted in society, and is even more sharply condemned in Islam. As a rule, such people are not distinguished by high moral qualities even in their homeland. This is a category of persons that can be present in any society.

You can make comments to them, but only in such a way as to cause a feeling of shame, but not aggression. If you simply say that it’s rude to behave this way, you run the risk of being rude. Instead, you need to influence what matters most: how they feel about themselves and their belonging. It should be assumed that in most cases this category of people suffers from extremely painful pride; they are downright fixated on their own person. This is where the impact needs to be directed.

You can say something like: “Now, looking at you, I will think that this is how Muslims behave in society” or “Probably, if they told your sister something like that, you would hardly laugh so much.” Here, of course, there are options, since such a remark can cause aggression, and this must be applied consistently, only after they have adequately responded to the previous statement. Alternatively, you can create for them good reputation with the following statement: “You really good people, don’t set a bad example, because through it others will think badly about all the Muslims you represent here.”

The main thing is not to provoke them into conflict, not to respond to rudeness with rudeness. Maybe even they won’t show you that your words had an effect on them (“male pride” won’t allow it), but they will draw a conclusion for themselves and try to avoid this in the future.

Muhammad-Amin - Haji Magomedrasulov

Aliaskhab Anatolyevich Murzaev

Psychologist-consultant at the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children

How often do we see lovers on the street? different nationalities. No one is surprised at this anymore, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The largest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country are representatives of Caucasian peoples. It has been noticed that young Russian women prefer them. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about Eastern men

There are many stereotypes about Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rude... But do not forget that among representatives of every nation you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some kind of hostility towards other peoples, so they are mainly seen as shortcomings. Some people look deeper and realize that many Caucasian men have a large number of merits, thanks to which they win the sympathy of Russian representatives of the fair sex. Now let's find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Reasons for relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see in Caucasian men the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which they do not find in many other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Indeed, Eastern guys have a completely different mentality. Since childhood, they have been harshly raised by their fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, and a core is felt in them. It is this kind of determination and masculinity that often attracts Russian women. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not capable of making independent decisions. This is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact is that women like the temperament of oriental handsome men. Everyone famous expression « hot blood" - this is definitely about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to beautifully care for their lovers. When dating such a guy, you can be sure that he will shower you with flowers and gifts. Next to an oriental man, a woman can relax and feel like a real queen, unique and beautiful. In addition, a Caucasian man most likely will not want his woman to work, since her job is to take care of the house, children and herself. Therefore, a girl can feel comfortable and confident, without doubting that she will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life. That's why girls love Caucasians.

Some advice for Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you the same way they admire Oriental guys, be more attentive to your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to approach the girl you like on the street, and also don’t be shy to give compliments, because women, as you know, love with their ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls Slavic appearance are not very suitable for each other, you have the power to change everything! Be active and don't forget to do nice things for your beautiful ladies!


Passion for the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians

IN last years In our country, nationality is the most discussed topic, or maybe it has always been this way? Some openly declare their dislike for people of Caucasian nationality, while others swear that they will never allow a Russian girl or boy into their family. In any case, both should understand that a bright future is prepared for Russia and the Caucasus only if they are together. Separatist and nationalist sentiments only lead to destruction. But central theme The article will not be about politics at all, but rather about personal, romantic relationships. Namely, we will discuss a question that torments many: why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

I don’t know whether such total love on the part of Russian girls towards Caucasians actually exists, but the possible development of such personal relationships can be discussed. The following text will discuss only natives North Caucasus. Because the author is familiar in detail with the traditions and customs accepted in these republics and because almost all of them are Muslims, which is of no small importance.

Why Russian girls love Caucasians

On the Internet you can find a million assumptions: because they drink less, they are more courageous, bolder. But excuse me, is a person loved for belonging to a certain nationality? It's like falling in love with a man because he wears Adidas sneakers. There is a strong opinion that Russian and Caucasian boys and girls simply love a person because they love him.

At the same time, it is impossible to deny that almost all Caucasians are endowed with a brutal character and are not shy about expressing their emotions. Perhaps some of these features attract girls.

But still, looking for the reasons for the emergence of tender feelings in a girl for a man or wondering why Russian girls love Caucasians is pointless. However, if nation is not a defining factor in the early stages of a relationship, it can become an obstacle to mutual understanding in later life.

Open relationship with a Caucasian

In this case, no difficulties should arise. After all, almost any Caucasian living in a society where there is a strict ban on premarital relations between a guy and a girl will be glad to experience some carnal joys in the company of a Russian girl. It should not be forgotten that the beauty of Russian women is recognized by almost the entire planet. Such a relationship without any obligations will undoubtedly be a pleasant pastime for both parties.

Marriages between a Caucasian man and a Russian girl

Family is the most important thing in every person’s life, therefore, when choosing a wife or husband, you need to try to take into account all the nuances. Very often, interfaith marriage does not withstand everyday tests.

To say that it will be difficult for a Russian girl entering a Caucasian family is to say nothing! In addition to the obligatory respectful attitude towards all numerous relatives, the ability to cook, you will need to learn National language and stick to traditions. Traditions, by the way, are not always simple. For example, among the Karachays, after the wedding, the daughter-in-law does not speak to her husband’s relatives until a certain time, and the Chechen bride stands in the corner during the entire wedding ceremony.

Of course, you can live far from your husband’s relatives and not learn the language. But in this case, it will be very difficult for children who will be Caucasians by nationality and do not know their customs and native language.

Thus, marriage with such a striking difference in lifestyle and mentality is a risky step. Yet loving heart cannot be convinced by logical arguments, and if there is a real feeling between two people, then they will overcome any obstacles.

So, there is simply no answer to the questions: why Russian girls love Caucasians or why girls love Caucasians. Every person in this world has a soulmate who will love him, regardless of nationality, skin color and brand of sneakers!


Why Russian women love Caucasians

Author: Site Administrator | 02/23/2014

A letter with characteristic signs of national aggression arrived in my email inbox. In it, a young man who introduced himself as Ivan cannot understand why Russian women love Caucasians. It would seem different cultures and traditions, and the language pronunciation is very different. But more and more often we see how a Russian woman with a confident look walks arm in arm with a proud representative of the Caucasian diaspora.

Here I am, Russian Ivan, and I just can’t comprehend the trend of our women. What are they missing from Russian men? Well, yes, we ferment on Fridays, but we love them to death. Our culture does not fit into the framework of Caucasian upbringing. And women don’t want to understand this.

Dear readers of the site.

In this article I will try to answer the “Russian question” through the mouth of a woman I know who has been married to an Azerbaijani for about nine years. I want to say right away that all published material should not be perceived as a reason for interethnic hatred or enmity. This publication is not that other than the opinion of an individual, which does not call you to reconsider your own interpretation.

Dear Ivan.

I studied your letter in detail and came to the conclusion of a certain stereotype in the heated narrative. Russian women, for that matter, love those who do not ferment on Fridays, but treat them with Caucasian nobility. Russian men in Lately They lose what is commonly called strong reliability and a sober level of mental content.

I don’t want to convince anyone and sow devastation, but my first marriage with a Russian man and my current one with a Caucasian man are reasons for comparison. Living in an eternal frenzy with my first man, I tried my best to get him out of the “Friday routine” .She worked, raised the children and did not wander around the taverns. And all he did was whine pitifully about difficult life Yes, he kissed the bubble. In the end, he beat me and, in a fit of delirium tremens, threw himself onto the hard asphalt. And now you will tell me about the delusion of Russian women? I am begging you".

I met a Caucasian man purely by chance, aggressively rejecting him on all 4 sides. But he was not rude and did not behave defiantly. He overtook me by a hundred meters and bought beautiful bouquet from tulips. He handed them I'm Russian woman, nobly leaving where I sent him. The next day everything happened again. He gave me flowers and went home. And I didn’t give him any reason for a sparkling continuation. And why should I, after this, consider myself, and even more so him, worthy of condemnation? Caucasians are “hot” and friendly people, in some cases noisy and mischievous. But they learned to earn money, just as they learned to appreciate their parents. Sorry, this cannot be said about our “Vanka”.

The life and love of a Russian woman for a Caucasian man is not an easy matter. Here are the sidelong glances of relatives and the stereotype you are talking about. There is an opinion that an Azerbaijani will never marry a Russian. I will tell you this thing. The marriage of a Russian and a Caucasian is not just a stamp in a passport and a clumsy painting. This is a readiness to have to defend against attacks from those who disagree with this. These are negotiations with the strict parents of the future husband and defending one’s love with a willingness to obey. A woman is simply obliged to obey a real man. This doesn't mean she's going along with it.

Over time, a Russian woman gets used to the Caucasian principles, living not only in prosperity, but also with the sober face of a loved one. I married a Caucasian man not by calculation, but by the will of fate. I love him not because he is Caucasian, but because in my house the children are always provided for, the table is well laid out and I feel protected and uncomplaining.

It’s not easy for me, a Russian woman, with my husband’s relatives, because the laws that they honor are not yet fully understood. When Caucasian men gather, everyone remains in normal form by the end of the conversation. And I’m not afraid that I’ll get punched in the teeth. I can’t say that Russian women love Caucasians for their anatomical features. They're just tired of being afraid that Friday will come soon.

The question was asked by: Ivan from the city of Saratov.

Expressed her point of view: Diana from Moscow.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

And once again, let me remind you that this article should not bias you in favor of one side or another. Among the Russian people and representatives of the Caucasian diaspora there are those who are worthy of condemnation. Therefore, let's live in harmony with each other under a clear sky.

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Why do Caucasians love Russian women?

This was in the early 2000s. I then worked in a Ural village as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

I lived in the apartment of a local geography teacher, who had long since retired, and was also disabled. He was a talkative, interesting guy - from such a special rural intelligentsia, the representatives of which are no longer in sight. One day we were talking in the kitchen, and I asked him:

Listen, Nikolai Vitalievich! I noticed that in the 9th and 10th grades of our school there are quite a lot of guys with surnames like Mamedov and Aliev... Where are they from here - in the Ural outback?

Cough, cough, he chuckled. former teacher, - the sins of the youth of local girls.

In what sense? - I ask, already guessing something.

And in this one! This was during perestroika times. One day a team of young guys from Azerbaijan came to our collective farm to build a pigsty. Why them? Why from Azerbaijan? Couldn't ours have built it? I don't know about this. But they only stayed in our village for the whole summer. And the guys are hot! During the day - work. What to do in the evenings? They began to court local girls. This and that, moonlit walks, passionate declarations of love, hot Caucasian blood... In short, many Manki and Lyubkas could not resist the Mameds and Nazyrs back then!..

Got pregnant?

Otherwise! Ten pieces, no less. We gave birth in the regional center - all in one month! But only those Azerbaijanis had mercy on the girls, and then went back to their Caucasus.

And didn't get married?

No. However, all children are registered with Azerbaijani surnames. The fathers themselves insisted on this.

But at the same time they left the girls and children?

Hm. And why do Caucasians love Russian women? - I say thoughtfully.

But I know the answer to this question,” Nikolai Vitalievich smiles. - IN Soviet times I traveled around the country quite a lot with the kids. I’ve also been to Georgia once. Of course, Georgians are not Azerbaijanis, but they love Russian girls as much as all Caucasians. I noticed that the Georgian men strictly watched their girls, and did not even allow them to talk to the Russian guys. Even if you just go up to meet a girl on the street, a completely unknown Georgian will immediately run up to you and almost get into a fight. But the Georgians themselves!.. Cough, cough... They never passed by Russian girls! They really liked them! This is their double philosophy: they say, don’t touch our girls, but give us yours to bed with us.

So why do they love our people?

But I once asked a Georgian about this, with whom we stopped for the night. I explain the situation: so, they say, so. Why do you stick to our women? And he looked around, saw that his wife was not nearby and said: “Because our women are cold. And yours are wow hot! They drink all the juices out of us in bed. But we are happy about it!”

Is this a compliment or not?

How to say, how to say... Basically, from their point of view, this means that our women are whores. Sorry for being blunt.

It turns out like this.

It turns out that way, yes...


Why Russian women don't like Caucasian men

Lately I've been lucky with Caucasians. Yes, lucky, without quotes. After all, they are good people! Why then so much negativity towards them?

I'll start in order. A man wrote to me on a dating site: Russian name, a Russian city, distant, not Irkutsk. In my first message I wrote that I had been reading my blog for a long time without an account. After a short conversation, he admitted that in fact the name was not his, neither was the city, because he was Caucasian and was afraid that if he wrote real data, I would not answer him. And it was not in vain that he was afraid. Although in this particular case I would still answer, because I open every message. He turned out to be smart, well-read, cultured, well-mannered, very literate, that I even had doubts whether it was true that he was non-Russian. We exchanged photos and even talked on the phone (he doesn’t have Skype), I was wondering if there was an accent. Yes, there is, but barely perceptible, just a little bit, that if you don’t know, you might not even notice, competent speech.

Then another Caucasian accidentally showed up on LiveJournal. He, too, had been reading me for a long time, but somehow we didn’t really communicate. And then a conversation developed, and he asked for my photos, I asked him ahead, and he sent a few by email. I see he’s not Russian. I didn’t ask anything until the opportunity arose. And this is what he wrote about the first time he heard the expression “a person of Caucasian nationality.”

“I was born and raised in Baku. In my entire life I have not seen the difference between a Russian, a Jew, a Georgian and other nations. I went to a Russian kindergarten, studied at a Russian school, and in 1996 studied in England. In 1997 I flew to Moscow and, after living there for six months, I could not understand why people who don’t know me dislike me so much. But now we’re not talking about that, but about the attitude of a Russian girl towards a Caucasian man. Case 1. In a dorm I met a girl with Far East. For some reason, at first she was afraid that I would beat her if she did something wrong. And I couldn’t understand why she always locked the cabinets. Case 2. I talked to one girl on the Internet, we talked for a long time, but after I sent her a photo and she saw that I was Caucasian, she stopped communicating. The reason is unknown. Case 3. I also met a girl online. When we met, she was shocked, her words: “Why are you so sweet and kind? You’re Caucasian!”

So why didn’t these girls want to communicate with a Caucasian man? The answer is in the spoiler.

[Screen SMS]

Sends such sms unmarried girl her neighbor. More precisely, there are two of them - they are brothers and live in the same entrance together with their mother, wife and children of one of them. And the girl is afraid of them.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every Russian girl has encountered similar manifestations of sexual attention, if not in SMS, then simply walking past on the street, more than once or twice heard the clicking of the tongue followed by exclamations like “Listen, daragaya, go to the mine, you are waking up harasho! ”, which, due to her small age and inexperience, she is not able to stop, and that makes them even more unpleasant.

Therefore, I personally only had a negative attitude towards Caucasian men; I don’t have such an attitude towards women at all. Because of these intrusive, uncultured, inadequate boors, this is the attitude towards all Caucasians, they are all perceived exactly like this, and nothing else is expected from them. And if almost every woman has encountered these boors, that means there are a lot of them. And for good men It’s even a shame that they have to undeservedly endure such an attitude because of all sorts of freaks.


Why do girls love Caucasians?

On Russian streets you can increasingly see people of Caucasian nationality. Russians treat them differently: some are indifferent, some are contemptuous, some hate them, and some like them. Each person has his own personal opinion towards Caucasian people. But recently, many have noticed that Russian girls are increasingly dating Caucasians and marrying them. And such people have interest Ask: why do girls love Caucasians, for what?

Why girls love Caucasians

If we put aside all the negative aspects of stereotypical perception, we can highlight several advantages inherent in Caucasian men. Russian women themselves, as well as some men, write about them on some forums, heatedly discussing this issue. Among the most popular answers are the following:

  1. Ability to care. Caucasian men know how to beautifully look after a woman, give luxurious compliments that, although they smack of flattery, are still pleasant. Many Russian women have been waiting for years for this kind of attitude from their Russian men, but only a few get it.
  2. Strength and sexual temperament. It’s not for nothing that they say “hot blood” about Caucasians. Sometimes a commanding look from under dark eyelashes or confident behavior can charm Russian women once and for all. For Russian women, Caucasian men are exotic, something new that they have not encountered before, and that is why these men attract them so much.
  3. Proper attitude towards a woman. For the most part, Caucasian men perceive a woman as a woman, and not as a friend, a source of income or a draft horse to ride. It is the correct perception of a woman that can keep a Russian close for a long time. That's why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Stereotype and reality

Now you know why girls love Caucasians. But there are also many Russian girls who can’t stand Caucasians. Russian men usually perceive with hatred and malice women who cast their lot in with Caucasians, believing that they betrayed their Motherland and are simply, to put it mildly, prostitutes who were seduced by money. There are also plenty of those who date for money, but often a woman just wants to be happy, and if she chooses such a man, then it’s her own business. And some Russian men should learn from Caucasians how to care for a woman, and then Russian women will certainly look at Russian men with much more obvious interest.

To be fair, of course, it should be said that Caucasians can be both good and bad. We must understand that they were brought up in a different cultural environment, they have a different mentality and a different worldview, and therefore a woman who chooses a Caucasian man must accept all this. In Russia, more and more often you can see bad Caucasians who do not respect other cultures, beat Russians, treat Russian girls as prostitutes, and try to make money by any means. Of course, no one will respect or love such people. However, there are also good Caucasian men whom Russian women marry and then live happily in marriage.

In general, there are also good and adequate people among Caucasians, but the persistent negative opinion that has developed in society under the influence of bad Caucasians forces all representatives of this nation to scratch with the same brush. In any case, meet


Why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

The most popular materials for the last week

On the streets of any city in Russia you can meet such strange couples: a pretty girl of Slavic appearance and a man with characteristically southern features - a Caucasian. Passers-by are indignant: who did you contact, you fool? Are Russian guys not enough for her?.. And by the way, this phenomenon is not uncommon - there are countless girls who consider relationships with foreigners not only possible for themselves, but also preferable. Some of them even decide to start a family with a stranger, although everyone knows what difficulties they will have to face. Why does this happen? Let's figure it out.

There are a number of myths that have a very dubious relationship to the real state of affairs. Here are some of them.

1. Russian guys are all alcoholics, and Caucasians drink moderately. Think about it: how can people for whom the production of wine and cognac be teetotalers? national tradition? And if the Slavic men around you are all completely marginal, maybe you just found yourself in bad company? Or... forgive me for being frank... and you yourself are an admirer of the green serpent, since you have come across just such gentlemen? In fact, among representatives of any nationality there are drinkers and non-drinkers, and this has nothing to do with hair or skin color.

2. Caucasians earn good money, they have connections everywhere, it’s easy for them to find a good job. This is partly true. Southerners are a hardworking, enterprising and businesslike people. No, there is no need to grimace in disbelief at the word “hardworking”! You rarely see a Caucasian working at a machine in a factory, more often at a market or in his own restaurant, but this is also a job no worse than others, and they really do it “with passion.” And a person who puts his soul into his business will certainly succeed in it. The ability to earn money, unity, indeed character traits for the peoples of the Caucasus. But be prepared that your fiancé, the owner of a kebab shop, will suddenly turn out to be a bandit, and his eatery is just a way to “launder” unearned income. Not all Caucasians are associated with the world of crime, but, to put it mildly, many are. Do you really see yourself as the wife of a criminal in your dreams?..

Despite the glorious history of peaceful interaction between Slavic and Caucasian peoples, many Russians perceive foreigners coming to our country with distrust, especially representatives from the Caucasus. And this, unfortunately, is not without reason - many own experience They were convinced that it was better not to trust Armenians, Georgians and Azerbaijanis. As in other nations, among Caucasian migrants there are sometimes people involved in crime, aggressive, rude - although note that among purely native Muscovites such individuals are quite common.

Misunderstanding gives rise to conflict...

Of course, one cannot “rake everyone with the same brush” - every brunette with brown eyes and a “southern” accent should not be perceived by society as a potential criminal and rude person - believe me, in any nation there are both scoundrels and completely cultured and decent people. But the trouble is, sometimes watching Caucasians talk to each other in their native language, we get the feeling that they are planning something unworthy against us, and sometimes even mocking us...

For the first time, society started talking about “Vasya” after Zhorik Vartanov delivered his famous monologue on SevKav TV on the TV screen. It was after this program that the ordinary Armenian address became incredibly popular in Russia. Therefore, everyone became interested in why Armenians say Vasya and what it means.

Respect and dignity are the main criteria for peaceful existence

Keeping your distance, but not getting offended over trifles is the golden mean of behavior when communicating with representatives of the Caucasian peoples. This problem is especially relevant in those cities where the national issue is very acute. After all, you must admit that sometimes one carelessly spoken word is main reason serious conflicts on ethnic grounds, which, unfortunately, end in a fight. Everyone's duty reasonable person of any nationality - to prevent such groundless conflicts.

Despite the fact that the Slavs and Caucasians lived in the same country for many decades, mountain residents who come to Russia to live or work are perceived local population strangers. This is not surprising: unfortunately, the common stereotype that Georgians, Armenians or Azerbaijanis cannot be trusted is in some cases not at all groundless. Among Caucasian emigrants there are many people involved in crime, dishonest, aggressive, and simply rude.

Of course, any brunette with characteristic “southern” facial features cannot be baselessly declared a potential criminal - among representatives of any nation there are both decent people and scoundrels. But still, no, no, and bad thoughts will creep in, watching how Caucasians talk to each other in their native language - or in Russian, but using some kind of incomprehensible slang: what are they talking about, are they up to something bad? ..

Don’t be offended over trifles, but still keep your distance, this is the behavior that can be recommended when communicating with Armenians. Especially in those cities where the national issue is acute. Sometimes a carelessly spoken word becomes the cause of serious conflicts that are resolved with fists or even weapons. It is the duty of a reasonable representative of any nationality to prevent this from happening.