To be a teacher you need

IQ Review continues to review professions - we interview only specialists directly and find out all their professional secrets. Today our topic is “Profession Teacher”. A young mathematics teacher from Belarus will share her life experience with readers. You will learn about the pros and cons of working in a school, how to become a teacher without a pedagogical education, and what problems representatives of this respected profession regularly face.

Primary school teacher

Why did I choose to become a teacher?

My name is Tatyana, my work experience is 5 years, I am a mathematics teacher at a gymnasium in the city of Grodno, Belarus. The profession of a teacher aroused admiration in me even as a child, but then I thought that being a teacher was very simple: come to the office, sit on a chair - and sit there, tell the children the material. But in reality everything turned out to be completely different.

A teacher is a person who must be literate, modern, well-mannered, with correct speech, and good manners. He must understand and feel both children and his subject, have a certain life experience and try to pass it on to children.

What education is needed to work as a teacher?

Today, almost all teachers have higher education, perhaps some graduated from colleges (or technical schools), and then underwent retraining in this specialty. In any case, if you plan to work as a teacher in the city, you need to get a higher education (and they will be more willing to hire you, and the salary will be higher).

They say there are two options higher education which schoolchildren choose: the first is easy to get in, but hard to study, the second is hard to get in, but easy to study. So, we are dealing with the first one.

In fact, competitions in almost all universities of the country for teaching specialties are the lowest . Therefore, they take everyone, but only 30-40% of those admitted remain at graduation.

Naturally, the teacher must:

  • possess a certain set of knowledge in your subject;
  • be able to write plans;
  • know psychology;
  • know the methods of teaching the subject.

But I will say that human qualities are no less important.

Employment process

Upon graduation, you will have two options - choose a 2-year distribution or find a job yourself ( in Belarus there is a distribution system after receiving higher education at the expense of the state budget - approx. ed.). The university will send you your assignment. Here, depending on your luck, they can go to the village, or to the city, it all depends on your rating during training (our flow was distributed, it feels like it was based on registration, so as not to pay “lifting fees” for moving). You can find a job yourself, you should go around here maximum quantity educational institutions (schools, colleges) and contact directly the head teacher or director. Don’t be upset if they don’t hire you right away, they can write down your phone number and then, if a vacancy becomes available, they will call you back.

Often, final-year students work part-time at schools (as substitutes), and then stay there. Of course, at the interview the director draws attention great attention for an extract from the diploma (for some reason it is believed that a diploma with honors is the highest indicator, but this is not so, you can have the highest mark, but not be able to present the material), so you can simply not take it. This is not a sign of intelligence. Whether you are a good teacher or not, you and the principal will only understand after some time has passed.

Be sure to dress appropriately for the interview for the occasion. business style always acceptable, bring a notepad with you to take notes (you may not write anything there, but it will show that you take the work seriously). The main thing is not to worry, they don’t scatter teachers, there are already few of them. So, if not here, then they will definitely take you somewhere else.

After signing employment contract or a contract, they will most likely assign you a mentor who will watch you and give you advice, but in reality no one wants to overwork themselves, so you will have to run around and ask, ask. At first it’s scary to do something wrong. But teachers are responsive people, they will always help and advise, because sharing experience is so nice!

The essence of a teacher's work is the daily routine

Teacher's work

As for the work itself, I can say that there is much more paperwork than work . In some places this is justified, in others it is not. Of course, let's start with the fact that you need to write a plan for each lesson - this is about 1-2 sheets of text. Fill out the journal daily, check notebooks at least once a week, plus tests, study methodological literature, letters and documents from the education department and orders from the administration.

In principle, if you are not a class teacher, then working is still tolerable. But if you are “lucky” to become a class teacher, then you have another burden of problems: checking diaries, collecting money for meals daily and paying for meals, calling parents if the child does not show up for school, checking the presence of students 2 times a day (after all, some may run away from class), organization cool hours And parent meetings, planning educational work with children six months in advance, visiting with children various events, exhibitions, cinemas, and, of course, working Saturday! Even e If you have a third lesson in a row, you are still required to come to the first one in order to carry out all the listed procedures.

Everything seems to be fine, but let’s take a closer look at one of the events, for example, going to the movies . It is necessary to brief the children the day before about the rules of behavior, sign the briefing in the director’s reception room, and put one in a folder class teacher to check, find those willing (imagine, you were given a plan - 15 people, but 5 want to go, because all the events are on Saturday, and on Saturday children go to their grandmothers, spend time with their parents, go to visit, etc.) . Of course, you do not have the right to force your child to refuse a trip out of town with his parents, but the plan must also be followed!

So you then get a scolding from the administration for the fact that few people came to the event! And this is everywhere! Not enough was handed over for repairs - it’s my fault! They don’t want to eat in the cafeteria, because after this meal an adult will have heartburn for the rest of the day, not to mention children - it’s also their fault!

You are always responsible for everything: during breaks there are shifts (you should take a break here, but no), after classes there are meetings, in the evening there are meetings. It used to be that you go to work at 7.00 and come home at 21.00, and you also go to bed by 1 a.m. to write plans and go to work in the morning. It’s always hard at the beginning, you don’t know what to take on, what to do. Then you get used to it and use ready-made materials. This all comes with experience.

How to teach effectively

Educational board

It’s interesting to work with children, it’s interesting to teach, but everything else is red tape and unnecessary stress! They say that teachers age more slowly, I believe in this, there is simply no time for this. I would like to enjoy my work, but this is rare, at least for me.

The teacher must have a lot of imagination, because it is not easy to present the material, you need to do it in such a way that the child understands, and most importantly, remembers. Well, what's interesting about sines and cosines? You can’t tell a fairy tale, it seems like the children are already in the 10th grade. So you remember that a cardiogram is the same sinusoid, you count, draw, compare. A teacher must be comprehensively developed, because one science cannot exist on its own, they are all connected.

How much do school teachers get paid in 2015?

Teacher's salary in Russia

Many people leave the profession due to low wages, but, in principle, you can make money. In the work of a teacher there are such concepts as rate and category . Now the rate is 20 hours per week, that is, approximately 5 lessons per day. How much do teachers get paid? As a young specialist, working at one rate, you will receive a maximum of $150 (this is in Grodno), after 2 years you can pass to the second category, this is another plus 10%, after 5 years - to the first category, another plus 10 %, and then after 5 years - to the highest, plus another 10%. Besides, bonuses are added to the rate (up to 50% of the rate), bonuses for high achievements in work - these are competitions, speeches at teacher councils (another plus 20%). At my school, a teacher could get a maximum of $300, and that was for almost 2 times the rate, including bonuses. Sick leave is paid, but only at 70% of the salary.

Reference: Our heroine talks about the situation in Belarus. As for Russia, the average salary of teachers since September 1, 2015 is 35,000 rubles - data from the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov (from an interview with “ Rossiyskaya newspaper"before the Day of Knowledge). The mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin and the head of the education department Isaac Kalina call the figure of 70 thousand rubles as average salary teachers in Moscow in 2015.

Career ladder in the education system

Of course, both they add and take away, although very rarely. The main thing is to be present at work in your right mind and of blessed memory. You can rise to the position of head teacher, the salary is about the same, but there is more administrative work - creating a schedule, monitoring, monitoring; they don’t work with children much, only part-time. The director is appointed by the head of the local education department, here, of course, if not, then you won’t get through.

Additional income and tutoring

But a teacher can always take on a part-time job - tutoring, both officially and without official registration of its activities. All you have to do is pay single tax for tutoring, about $20 per month (we’re talking about Belarus, in Russia you have to pay 13% personal income tax on income - editor’s note), and please work.

Nowadays, an hour of tutoring costs 5-10 dollars. Many people work at school just to gain experience; their main income comes from tutoring.

Pros and cons of being a teacher

The profession of a teacher has many pros and cons; in general, it depends on the person, what he wants to see - this very plus or minus. It’s never boring with children, you are always up to date with all the news, all the new products, you know youth slang, etc.

When choosing the profession of a teacher, take care of your feet and comfortable shoes, since you won’t sit much at work. In class- go to everyone, check if the child decides correctly, at recess- to the teacher's room - hand in or pick up a magazine, during the day - check if all the children are there, take them to the dining room for lunch, go in to sign some order, prepare the board for the next lesson, and if the office is on the third floor, and the teacher's room on the first, the change turns into a cross!

Tiredness after work

At work you get tired very quickly, you come home and want nothing but sleep. There is little time for her children, and her husband also remains almost unattended. Hard. Of course, if you are not a fan of your work, you may approach this work very differently. But, as practice shows, only those who selflessly sacrifice themselves and their health for the sake of those who may not even say hello on the street when they meet their favorite teacher in a couple of years stay in this profession for a long time.

We, teachers, work not for money and not for the sake of the majority of those who do not respect us, but for the sake of those few who love us, and having become People with a capital P, they will come to the next evening meeting with graduates and say the long-awaited: “Thank you for everything you did for me!” We're such weirdos! Join us!

Almost every second child dreams of becoming a teacher since childhood. It’s a paradox, but this profession seems easy and attractive only at first. A representative of this field of activity has a huge responsibility for himself, and, most importantly, for dozens, or even hundreds of children - future representatives of adult society.

The role of the teacher in a child's life

The profession of a teacher has at all times been considered the most noble and necessary, one of the main ones in social society. After all, it is he who helps not only to gain knowledge and master it, to acquire various skills and abilities needed in life, but also has a great influence on the development of personality. Who is a teacher for a small child? He makes a great contribution to the training and education of the younger generation, bit by bit and in small steps he grows and turns a very small person into an adult and smart citizen.

Lifelong contribution

The teacher fills the child with knowledge, experience and wisdom like a precious vase. After all, everyone will carry this significant contribution throughout their entire lives. Who is a teacher in the eyes of a junior schoolchild? This is a very important and significant person in everyone’s life, participating in the upbringing and development of personality along with parents and relatives. At school, children grow up in front of their teachers and sometimes become very dear and close people to them. Very often, it is the first teachers who play a huge role in developing the child’s character, his priorities and life values. Arriving at school, the child meets the teacher there. Growing up, children are also surrounded by their mentors. And then, after graduating from school, children are led through life by teachers: in colleges, technical schools, universities and institutes.

Teaching is an excellent career choice for graduates

Many children, when they grow up, seriously think about choosing their profession. And many want to follow in the footsteps of their wise mentors, so they choose an important and the right profession- teacher. Who is a teacher for those who are just finishing school? Of course, a faithful older friend from whom you can take an example and follow him. And then schoolchildren think: how to become a teacher?

The same mentor will be able to answer this question. School teacher can give advice and help with the choice. After all, you need to clearly know what kind of teacher you want to become. There are teachers junior classes, where all subjects cover the primary school curriculum. And there are teachers who teach one or two specific major subjects.

If a child has humanitarian inclinations, then he can safely choose the profession of a teacher of Russian language and literature. Lovers of travel have a great choice to teach geography. Very interesting profession- computer science teacher. Children with an aptitude for exact sciences have a chance to study to become teachers of algebra and geometry, chemistry, and physics. For creative personalities It will be a great opportunity to get an education as an art, labor or music teacher. And polyglots can choose a faculty foreign languages. The choice is huge, because everything depends only on the wishes of the graduates. Then the question of how to become a teacher will definitely have all the answers. There are also interesting events for this profession.

Participation in a unique competition

Such competitions usually begin in stages - in major cities first carried out by region. And then best participants and the finalists are invited to a city competition, where the best teacher of the year in each city will be revealed. Absolutely all categories of teachers can take part in the event. There is a computer science teacher here, and English language, and physics, and even physical education. They are assessed on many parameters. The qualifications of the teacher in this case are also taken into account.

Both beginners and experienced teachers can participate in the competition. Participants are assessed by a strict but fair jury. The “Teacher of the Year” competition includes an essay - this is an idea of ​​​​your life credo, your experience and priorities regarding the profession.

It is also mandatory at the second stage to show a master class where students are involved different ages. Then teachers are given a great opportunity to show all their professional qualities as a specialist.

And in conclusion it is always very exciting and the most active creative competition. After all, every teacher is unique and has many talents - some sing well, others dance.

A teacher is also an artist in life, playing different roles every day in his lessons. Convey educational material to his students in a fascinating way - one of the tasks of a true mentor. The most worthy teacher, pedagogue and winner of this competition will definitely be chosen as an example to follow.

The value of every subject teacher

The honorary title of teacher cannot be given to everyone. You definitely need to have a calling or interest in this. After all, a teacher is also an educator, since pedagogy necessarily includes education as an integral part in the formation of the personality of a little person.

The teacher needs not only to know the educational material well, but also to unobtrusively educate the younger generation during his lessons. For example, a literature teacher using the example classical works will convey to the child the human need for kindness and understanding, love and friendship. A foreign language teacher must not only teach children to be fluent in the necessary knowledge, but also instill a love and interest in cultures various peoples. And a geography teacher will definitely instill in children a love for the beauty of their homeland and their native land. Each teacher is important and contributes to the development of students, filling the child’s cup of knowledge to the brim.

Primary school teacher - educator

For a primary school teacher, it is extremely important to also be an educator, because it is not an easy task to teach restless and active children. When working with this age, the teacher must be both a mentor, and a dreamer, and a little bit of a wizard, and fairy-tale hero, since young children perceive the entire learning process only through play.

But this is also the most fascinating classification of the teacher. After all, it is with children who have just crossed the threshold of school that you can return to childhood again, presenting interesting lessons in the form of entertainment.

Here you need both bright pictures and soft toys. And educational games are a must. And a lot of visual, colorful material, and even cartoons and various children's songs will come in handy. Only then will the lessons be interesting and memorable, and little students will be happy to grasp knowledge on the fly. Well, such a teacher will certainly become a true school friend to every child.

Teacher is an honorable and important profession

Being a teacher means living a rich, active, varied and multifaceted life. Indeed, in addition to lessons and activities with children, various trips to theaters, museums and cinemas are often organized. And how schoolchildren love joint trips to nature or excursions! It is then that the teacher reveals himself not only as an experienced mentor, but also as a wise friend. The one who chooses for himself an honorable and important profession teachers, makes a huge contribution not only to the development of the younger generation, but also to social society, and makes your life more valuable, fulfilling, meaningful and interesting. Each teacher is an amazing and unique master who turns small and unintelligent kids into smart, talented, capable adults, worthy members of society.

Responsibility comes first

Are you planning to become a teacher? Cultivate responsibility in yourself. Remember: you are an authority in the eyes of future students. No matter how it sounds, you must have a strong character and be able to refuse. In this profession, like in all others, there are pitfalls. And only with experience mixed with persistence will you be able to overcome them.

In the teaching environment, like in any other professional community, there are ratings and other competitions where you can demonstrate your teaching potential. Analyzing the “Teacher of the Year” competitions at different stages, from the intra-school context to the citywide one, one is amazed at how talented and diverse teachers present their work. And choosing the best teacher in the country is truly a talent fair. But it’s no secret that even the most beautiful diamond can look dull without proper cutting. It’s the same with competitions: you can present an average person in a bright and original way, and vice versa, it’s completely untalented to present a very talented specialist. Of course, a whole team works on the performance of one person. This does not mean that he himself works on the concept, writes the script and searches for props. But it was not in vain that they chose him! Many teachers, even intuitively feeling their ability to compete for the title of the best, do not dare to go to the competition for fear of not being able to cope with the performance. For them and all those who have pedagogical ambitions, this article will be a hint.

A harmonious image is remembered

Sometimes the “overload” of the image spoils the entire impression. The accumulation of talents and abilities, the desire to fit as much information as possible into a laconic performance, by definition, will let the contestant down. A participant is usually remembered for one thing - something bright, something that captivates the viewer and the jury. If this one unique feature stands out against the background of general friendliness, literacy, and charm, this is already a success. There is no need to list all the contestant’s hobbies and skills; not every one of them somehow influenced him as a teacher. And even if you find the one that is worth mentioning, you need to present it brightly. A hobby may be as old as time: writing poetry, sewing teddy bears, or making cakes, but if you embellish it a little, it will be what you need. He writes poetry during breaks (that’s when his muse visits him), each teddy bear has his own name and all the bears must have ties, prepares cakes according to his own recipes, etc. Of course, deception is inappropriate here, but a reasonable compromise between the truth and the ability to embellish it can be found.

It’s not very good to “break” the image. If a participant appears before the viewer as an energetic, irrepressible, cheerful person, then his activities and hobbies should correspond to the image. It seems to everyone that the contestant loves rock and roll rather than reading poetry by the fireplace. The audience and the jury must believe the image, they must see a unique, harmonious personality in front of them.

The participant needs to be a showman

A showman is not only a herald of sensations and a stirrer of the public. He is also a pleasant person who easily adapts to any scenery and genres. His behavior is natural, his speech is easy and quite simple, and his smile does not betray excitement. Memorized speeches with an abundance of “smart” words and quotes look unconvincing and repulsive. The participant must speak as if he wanted to say all this right now, even if he spent the whole night learning the words. Like a showman, a contestant must feel the audience. Pause, smile, joke if the situation is conducive. The more natural your behavior on stage, the better the result.

There is only one task - you need to become the star of the event. Even if it’s for the evening, you need to make the viewer fall in love with you. All this directly depends on the coincidence of the performance script with the real image of the teacher. Of course, even when preparing for the competition, you need to remember that a certain image of an ideal teacher is already embedded in the subconscious of society. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and deviate too much from existing ideas. The teacher is not forgiven for illiteracy, preoccupation with himself and his appearance. The main features of a real teacher, according to established opinion, are wisdom, goodwill, attentiveness, patience, and sincerity.

Strength in individual teaching style

The main thing is what makes you unique and talented in your profession. Strengths teachers deserve the main attention in such competitions. And this needs to be demonstrated. The question is - how? Make a report on your teaching achievements? Boring. Show a multimedia presentation with the main points of your work? Not new. Dramatize a fragment of a lesson on stage? Also not an option.

In fact, there are many solutions to this problem. When talking about his techniques and methods of work in the lesson, the teacher can combine oral presentation with a demonstration of these same techniques. As an audience - auditorium. The first rows are unlikely to refuse to take part in the performance. This is suitable for those teachers who, for example, conduct interesting surveys or speak brightly and eloquently. new material. Almost any of your stories need to be visualized. For example, when talking about the types of activities used by the teacher in the lesson, you can draw a flower or a small landscape where these types of activities will be written on petals and clouds. It's simple: a magnetic board and details big picture, which are easily attached to this board. That is, the viewer enthusiastically follows the process of creating an elementary object fine arts and receives information about your teaching preferences.

The contestant can play “Guess the Melody” with the audience. For example, he talks about how he prepares the guys for an exam or test work. The audience suggests association songs, and in the end the song “Everything will be fine” (Mitya Fomin) sounds. Here, of course, you need to think about the choice of songs. But in the very content of such an element of the speech, the teacher already includes information about his individual pedagogical techniques. So he can talk about intelligence minutes in the lesson, about the role distribution of students, when each lesson two students are assigned to play the roles of censor and optimist in the lesson. That is, one makes comments, and the second looks for reasons to praise the class.

Is appearance important?

Of course, charming and good-looking people always attract attention. But you shouldn’t overdo it, because a teacher is all about style and reasonable rigor. There is no way to switch to the image of a toastmaster! However, a boring business suit can disappoint the public. Bring an element of elegance and lightness. This can be either a bright neckerchief or an elegant but appropriate decoration. It is quite possible to combine a black business suit with red stilettos. A bright accent removes the dullness of the image and lifts the mood. The viewer, like the student, will always note the elegance and sense of style of the teacher. And the attractiveness of the external image is the first sympathy, which is conducive to contact and cooperation.

To summarize, we can say that a sense of style (and this is not only a characteristic of appearance) should be visible throughout the entire performance. It’s great if there is nothing superfluous: an abundance of words and gestures, excitement, a desire to say and show everything. And the friendly support of colleagues is just as important; this is also recognition of the teacher. If you have all this, luck is already on your side.

The best teacher in life is the one who greatly influences students, who changes their outlook on life and the subject, who allows them to open up and motivates them to achieve. One that makes students feel special. Many people remember their favorite teacher throughout their lives, not just before the graduation ceremony. They even tell their memories of school to their own children. What makes a good teacher? How to become someone who is remembered? Try to do what the best teachers do. Here are thirteen important differences.

They don't control everything too tightly

A teacher can be called good if his presence becomes unnecessary over time. He pushes students in the right direction, rather than dictates their every step. He understands that the role of a teacher is to be a source of knowledge, not its custodian. Such a teacher never dictates his opinion; he forces students to learn independently. A good teacher simply does not need dictatorship - students are ready to obey him and are motivated to learn without threats. This is the best approach possible.

They learn by doing

It's not about what grades you get at university or how well you study pedagogical theory. One who is naturally good at teaching does not need instructions. He is willing to learn as he goes, honing his skills every day. Like doctors or engineers, such teachers gain knowledge through work. In addition, they do not believe that they can become experts, and are ready to work all their lives on their own skill as a teacher.

They're not always fun

People often think that teachers should be able to entertain children, but you know, this is not part of their job. A teacher must share knowledge and skills, his goal is to teach. Sometimes this means being tough, sometimes giving a boring lesson. This is necessary. Good teachers know that learning isn't always fun, and they don't set out to entertain students. This is the only way to achieve the maximum - leaving your comfort zone and not trying to ensure fun in every lesson.

They don't know everything

A teacher should not come to class looking like an expert who has known everything for a long time. Every day brings new inventions and knowledge that can be applied. Therefore, good teachers always engage in self-development. In addition, they are ready to learn from their own students. Only a specialist open to new knowledge can be considered a talented teacher.

They are program-oriented, but think bigger

An excellent teacher has a wealth of knowledge and is enthusiastic about the subject he teaches. He not only knows everything about the program and educational standards, he is ready to give students more. Therefore, a good teacher is never limited by the program - he knows about its importance and is ready to rely on it as a proven basis, easily going beyond the standard.

They involve students in the process

Benjamin Franklin believed that if you tell, the student will forget, if you teach, he can remember, and if you involve him in the process, he will learn. A good teacher is full of energy. He is ready to answer all questions and maintain interest in the subject, he is a master of explanations. With a good teacher, all students are engaged in the process, even the most modest and reserved ones.

They don't try to find perfect students.

A good teacher knows how to find an approach to any student. He has no labels or prejudices. He understands how difficult it is sometimes to concentrate his attention on the right topic, and does not condemn even those lagging behind. All people are different, which is why the learning process is interesting, although very difficult. Teachers must understand this and be able to deal with it. They never give up and do not believe that any of the students are simply not capable of anything. The teacher is confident that anyone can learn if guided correctly. He knows how to put himself in the shoes of others, especially those who have a hard time. For a good teacher, every student is important; he does not look for favorites and does not wait for the ideal to appear in the class.

They know how to reach

Of course, it is difficult to expect a teacher to become intimately acquainted with every student in the class. This is simply unrealistic, but it is still quite possible to feel sincere interest in everyone. An excellent teacher does not have to know everyone personally, he simply knows how to understand people and knows how to influence each of them in order to move towards the goal together. A talented teacher can be a bit of a psychologist and at the same time just a friend. He easily understands people and their needs.

They make the learning process easier

A good teacher knows how to make the process easier, but does not simplify the information. It simply creates an ideal learning atmosphere that puts students in the right mood. He does not need strict discipline - he knows how to manage people without strict control, he encourages rather than scolds. To the teacher high quality It is possible to create an atmosphere in which each student will consider himself involved in the process, and only after that the teacher begins to teach. He does not adhere to a routine and one single tactic - he is ready to try different things and each time changes his approach depending on the situation.

They know how to measure success in their own way

The teacher awakens ambition in the student. Of course, the teacher has his own expectations for each of the students - especially that they will try their best. At the same time, he knows how to measure progress correctly - by how much everyone has progressed, and not by the number of grades received. This approach is the most effective and does not deprive any of the students of motivation.

They are passionate about their work

An average teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a great teacher demonstrates, and a great teacher inspires. We all want to learn from someone who not only loves to teach, but is also filled with inspiration. Such teachers are not limited to their field of activity, they are simply interesting as interlocutors. This kind of teacher can chat with students about life events, for example, exchange thoughts about the latest match or news seen on TV. You can talk about anything with such a person, and the conversation will always be exciting, he interesting conversationalist and is full of varied information.

They are proud of the students

Do you remember the joy of getting your first A or simply completing a task successfully? What did your teacher say in elementary school that day? And at university, did you have a teacher who would highlight your work as an ideal for others to strive for? You felt slightly embarrassed, this is natural, but at the same time your heart was filled with joy. An ideal teacher knows how to please students, he always celebrates their successes and encourages them to new achievements, allowing everyone to achieve more. Great teachers are excited about progress; they don't try to measure it. This should be one of the main character traits of a talented teacher - the ability to be proud of his students and do it sincerely.

They have the right motivation

No one can be successful in teaching unless he treats his students with warmth and respect and is filled with a genuine interest in teaching them everything they need to know. The best specialists They don’t come into the profession for the money. They choose their path because they want to change something in the world. Teaching can be extremely frustrating, but it can also be the most rewarding. People who were born with a calling to teach understand this fact.


Teaching is a great profession. However, not everyone is able to do it. Many teachers change professions after just a few years of work. This is due to several factors: low wages, heavy workload and the need to follow curriculum. For those who remain faithful to their chosen profession, a teaching career pays off over time. FeelGood offers 8 reasons to become a teacher:

1. Infect others with a passion for learning.

When talking about something, the teacher must thoroughly study his subject. The surest way to motivate others to learn is by example. If you enjoy learning new things, teaching is best choice professions.


2.Influence the lives of future generations.

At one time, every adult had teachers who directed him in the right direction and provided the necessary support. This is the kind of person you can become for future generations.


3. Lack of identical days.

Every day is different, from the schedule to the students' responses. A teacher rarely has a busy day (especially when working with children).


4.Independence in the audience.

Once the door closes and class begins, you are the only person who decides what happens and when. Not many professions offer this kind of freedom to be creative and follow your own agenda.


Teachers always have a free summer, because schools and universities have holidays. This is the main advantage of the profession. If you need funds, you can always teach at summer school, give private lessons or take up other work.


6.Be a constant support for students.

Unfortunately, many students will see you more often than their parents. It is critical for them to have someone with whom they can always consult, talk, take an example and receive support. You can change someone's life!