Dream interpretation of seeing your funeral in a dream. Why do you dream about your own funeral? Subtleties of dream interpretation. Why do you dream about a tomb?

Funeral in real life are always associated with a feeling of irreparable loss; they evoke exclusively negative emotions and feelings. Therefore, if you dream about a funeral, then people begin to involuntarily prepare themselves for the fact that some catastrophic event will happen in real life. But in reality this is not always the case, so in order not to be nervous, you should know why you dream about a funeral.

Funeral - interpretation of dreams

In most dream books, the interpretation of a funeral seen in a dream is associated in real life with the fact that the business started will be successful. But at the same time, you definitely need to pay attention to the smallest events that you saw in your dream.

Funeral weather

So, great value has the weather that was observed during the funeral in the dream:
    A clear sunny day during a funeral procession indicates that you and your relatives will be in good health, and this also portends rapid positive changes in life; Cloudy weather is a negative sign and indicates that circumstances in personal life, for example, deterioration of one’s own health or receiving negative news from close relatives.

Why do you dream that you are burying your husband?

Many women are interested in why they dream about their husband’s funeral. After all, such a dream is always upsetting and can hardly lift your spirits. But in fact, such a dream is a harbinger that in real life you will soon resolve a problem that is rooted in the past and interferes with your success in the future.

The funeral of other relatives in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. The most common clues are:
    If you dream about your mother’s funeral, then this portends unexpected and very serious troubles. When you watch a funeral procession on a cloudy day, then most likely problems will be related to work. Moreover, you will have to make a lot of effort in reality to avoid bad consequences, destined by fate. When you see your father’s funeral in a dream, this means changes in life not in better side. It is very important to mentally prepare for this in order to avoid nervous breakdowns. If you dreamed of the funeral of your son or daughter, then this foreshadows that all the troubles in real life will be a thing of the past. But if there is peace and harmony around you, then such a dream may mean that your children will live a long and happy life. When you dream about your grandmother’s funeral, this is an unfavorable sign, especially when you hear bells ringing in a dream. Most likely, you will receive news of the illness of a close relative. Seeing your grandfather’s funeral in a dream focuses your attention on a dysfunctional internal state. Most likely, you lack attention from loved ones. Therefore, try to relax in real life, which will allow you to expand your social circle.
It should be understood that the funeral of relatives in a dream is in no way connected with their death in real life. Such dreams have a warning orientation and inform about any possible events in reality. But if you dream about the funeral of deceased relatives, then it is definitely recommended to remember them and light candles in the temple for the repose.

Grieve or cry at a funeral

When in a dream you grieve greatly at a funeral and cry, this is a favorable sign. It indicates your inner cleansing. This means that all the troubles in your life end and a happy period begins. But at the same time, you must realize the need to say goodbye to the past and start a new life. If in the plot of the dream you are not just grieving, but also accepting condolences from other people, then this indicates that in reality a fun festive event will soon take place, at which you you will be the center of attention. If you didn’t feel any strong feelings when you woke up, then, in principle, after a dream about a funeral, you shouldn’t be afraid of anything. You need to move in the chosen direction and take on new things.

Own funeral - interpretation of sleep

A dream in which you see your own funeral is very favorable. Most dream books interpret such a plot as a statement of good health and a prognosis for longevity. If you see yourself in a coffin, then this indicates that you will lead a prosperous family life. For a young girl or guy, such a dream foreshadows the future happy marriage.According to the legends of the ancient Mayans, one’s own funeral seen in a dream means that in reality a person will have the opportunity to correct his past mistakes. Modern dream books interpret such a dream as a possible change professional activity in real life. But at the same time, such a dream may indicate that you will encounter temporary material difficulties.

Dreamed of a stranger's funeral

Many girls are interested in why they dream of a stranger’s funeral? If you dreamed of a funeral stranger, then this portends that in real life difficulties will arise in relationships with loved ones. Moreover, if you see a luxurious funeral ceremony in a dream, then in real life circumstances will arise that threaten your reputation. Therefore, in real life, extreme caution must be exercised. And if a stranger’s funeral in a dream is sparsely attended and modest, then this may portend success in business and material well-being.

Why do you dream about a funeral procession?

If you see yourself in a dream with a wreath in a funeral procession, then this symbolizes that you attach too much importance to conventions. And this prevents you from successfully moving forward in life. You should change your character, listen to your inner voice and make your deepest desires come true. But if you are carrying a coffin in a dream, then this indicates that in reality you are participating in a dubious event, which can greatly harm you. When you are at a stranger’s funeral, in your dream you see many mourners and sad people, then it's not bad sign. Especially if the event takes place in good weather. Such a dream is for good and for a favorable outcome of all your endeavors. In real life, a period of calm and peaceful life begins.

IN lately people increasingly began to turn to dream books to interpret this or that dream. In this review we will try to consider one of the possible night visions. Let's talk about what funerals mean in dreams.

What does such a dream portend?

If you dreamed of a funeral, it means that you need to prepare for changes. Such a dream implies huge amount interpretations. And the most popular of them relate to the revaluation of value, new events that will take place in life. However, everything new will be aimed at successfully resolving problem situations. At the same time, it is worth understanding that much will depend on the person’s personality and on the spiritual state in which he is at the moment when he had the dream.

Decide who is being buried

6. If in a dream you receive condolences because you have lost someone close to you, then a magnificent feast awaits you.

7. If you cry at a funeral, expect great luck soon.

8. Why do you dream about your own funeral? The answer is somewhat unexpected - you should prepare for dizzying success.

9. Young girls usually have such a dream if they are preparing for their wedding.

10. If you saw a hearse in a dream, then you should expect separation from your loved ones. Soon you will have to travel very far.

11. Why do you dream about a child’s funeral? If it is yours, then it symbolizes health and well-being. If you dream about the funeral of a friend’s baby, this is a bad sign for the family whose child died (in a dream).

12. If you need to bury pet, then this indicates changes in the weather.

13. Hearing a death knell in a dream means a possible illness of those people whom you saw not so long ago.

14. Ringing a bell in a dream is a bad sign. It symbolizes an accident. If trips were planned, it is better to cancel them. To new moon You should not drive. Those who are baptized should order magpies for health in seven churches. If you are not baptized, then you need to pour salt near the threshold. In this way, you protect yourself and your family from illnesses.

15. If a sick person rings a bell in a dream, this symbolizes own death.

A gloomy dream does not always bring only bad things

But other interpretations can also be found. So why do you dream of a funeral? Agree that a gloomy dream in which you simply looked out the window and saw a funeral procession will not add any positive emotions the next day.

If you saw a funeral in a dream, you should not take it seriously. So, if you have lost one of your relatives, and it was a bright and sunny day outside, then this indicates good health for your loved ones. It is even possible to get married, which will be quite successful. However, if during the funeral procession it's raining, then illness and not very pleasant news may await you. Things will soon leave much to be desired.

Bad news and happy events may await you

Why do you dream about other people's funerals? If a person is a complete stranger to you, then you should expect complications in relationships with people. Such problems will come as a surprise to you. If you buried your child, then nothing bad will happen in your family. However, relationships with friends will be disrupted. A death knell in a dream does not bode well. It's worth waiting for sad news. The person who is far from you at the time of sleep may get sick. If in a dream you yourself ring a bell, then in this way you foreshadow the beginning of illnesses and failures.

If you see a funeral procession, then this suggests that you should expect sad news. Did you see a torchlight procession in a dream and even took part in it? This means that in real life you will have fun. However, you should behave with extreme caution, as such fun can compromise you and your achievements.

Sad symbol

Why do you dream of a friend’s funeral? Quite a sad sign, both for dreams and for reality. Soon you should expect illnesses in friends or relatives, which can lead to death. This mainly applies to rich relatives. If you saw a person you don’t know being buried, this may portend an imminent wedding. In many cases, a procession to a cemetery can speak of unhappy marriages and illnesses of children.

What should you expect if you had a dream like this?

It is worth summing up and talking about the symbols that are hidden in such dreams.

1. The person who is buried will live a long life.

2. A sunny day at a funeral is a favorable sign that speaks of health for family and friends. The person will have quick happiness. Bad weather symbolizes illness and not entirely pleasant news. There may be a decline in business.

3. A dream in which you are simply present at the funeral of a person completely unfamiliar to you may indicate unexpected complications in relation to your family.

4. The death of a child means health and peace for you, problems for friends.

5. The ringing of bells in a dream signifies sad news. A person who is absent may become ill. Ringing a bell yourself means foretelling trouble.

Why do you dream about your grandmother’s funeral? In most cases, such a dream is positive. And it leads to a happy life. There is no need to create panic after such a dream.

What if you saw a coffin in a dream?

What could a coffin mean in a dream? This item always evokes associations with death. However, you don't have to take everything so literally. In many cases, a coffin in a dream symbolizes completely different events. If it is empty, then you can rest assured that you will live a long life. And your health will be good.

In the event that you purchase a coffin or are simply present in the place where they are made, then in reality you will have real estate. The diversity in interpretations of dreams of this kind can be confusing. Therefore, you need to analyze your dream quite carefully, pay attention to the presence of people and significant, and sometimes absolutely insignificant, seemingly insignificant moments in it. If everything is reproduced with high accuracy, then the interpretation may turn out to be more detailed and correct.

If the coffin is not empty

Why do you dream about your own funeral? If you saw yourself in a coffin, then you should expect problems to arise soon, from which it will be impossible to get rid of. Matters of this kind will need to be resolved on your own, since strangers they won't be able to help. A stranger lying in a coffin symbolizes imminent misfortune that will successfully pass you by. Most likely, they will try to harm you. However, the opponents' plan will not be realized.

A dream with an empty coffin speaks of health. The subconscious can thus communicate that you have a lot of strength. You can do ambitious things.

A simple coffin made of ordinary wood indicates that you are completely satisfied with your current life. If the funeral attribute is decorated with velvet and made of mahogany, this indicates that your financial situation is not satisfactory. And failure awaits you in business.

If you are lying in a coffin, then expect an imminent accident or illness. It is necessary to consult a doctor if something is bothering you. There is no need to take your health carelessly. Otherwise, everything could end quite sadly.

What does the Russian dream book say?

Why do you dream of coffins? A funeral in this situation symbolizes an imminent separation. If you bury a coffin, then in real life you may quarrel with your loved one. At work, you will encounter problems that could cause you to be fired.

If you make a coffin yourself, this symbolizes that you find and create problems for yourself.

What is Freud talking about?

If there is a woman in the coffin, then for a man such a dream may foreshadow a quick separation. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of the worst. This only means that your feelings have disappeared. And this happened a long time ago, but you did not want to perceive it.

If in a dream you saw empty coffin, then this means spiritual emptiness. Perhaps you have experienced a separation that has had a significant impact on your state of mind.

What does Shuvalov say about his dream?

If in a dream you are lying in a coffin, expect serious problems. In the future, there may be separation from a loved one or some difficulties at work. Health will deteriorate. This may only last for a few months. Try to decide what is valuable to you. This is exactly what we need to pay special attention to. There is no need to chase after all your affairs, as you can lose everything.

What did the Mayans say?

An empty coffin signifies avoidance of problems real world. If you saw a funeral, it means that there are more envious people, and they have a huge influence on your actions. If you are lying in a coffin, then expect immediate problems, which will not be easy to cope with.

What does the English dream book say?

If you purchase a coffin or design it yourself in a dream, this may mean that you have prepared quite seriously for future problems. If you are digging a grave, burying a coffin, or just seeing a funeral, this promises some kind of loss. And perhaps you will part with many problems.

A coffin doesn't always portend bad news

A dream in which you saw such a sad sign does not always indicate impending troubles. However, before you do anything after such a vision, you need to carefully interpret it. People, actions, additional elements - all this can play a role decisive role. Don't overlook a single detail.


You should not expect problems if you saw a funeral in a dream. Just remember all the details, and then correctly “sort out” such a dream. Perhaps nothing bad will happen. Only numerous joys can await you in the near future. In this review, we discussed in detail what a dream in which a funeral could mean. We hope this helps you understand what such a vision entails.

Unlike many mammals, humans are more prone to dreaming. And if cats do not particularly care about what this or that vision means, then it is extremely important for a person to know what a specific dream can mean. For example, only a person can be concerned about the answer to the question: “To see your funeral in a dream, what does it mean?”

Such a dream can really frighten many, although the meaning it implies can be extremely positive. Most dream interpreters are inclined to believe that one’s own death means the beginning of a new stage in life.

When the dreamer sees himself in dead man's coffin, this means that very soon everything will fall into place. The period of adversity will end, and unfinished business will quickly be settled. Even in your personal life you will see positive changes - a new acquaintance, an engagement, the birth of a child, etc.

We should also not forget that a funeral can personify a person’s internal, emotional state. For example, if in real life the dreamer is prone to constant worries, is exposed to stress, or situations often occur that drive him into melancholy and despair, then it is quite obvious that he will see his own death in a dream. Wasting his emotional experiences on negative moments, a person seems to burn out from within and a dream in which he sees himself dead may be nothing more than an ordinary warning.

Having your own funeral in a dream is a good sign for men, as it marks the appearance of a sponsor or an influential friend, as well as profitable deals and well-being in the financial sphere.

But at the same time, one’s own funeral may mean that a person will soon have to say goodbye to something very important, dear and meaningful to him. These can be not only material things, but also valuable acquaintances, connections - in a word, the people who surround him.

Funerals always symbolize the end, the last stop on the path of life. Therefore, if a person dreams of his own funeral, this may mean that subconsciously the dreamer has already made the final decision not to return to his past life, to start all over again with clean slate. And such a decision will change a lot in his life, and in a positive way.

Context of death

The meaning of dreams about one's own funeral often changes depending on what details appear in the dreams.

When the dreamer takes a direct part in his funeral, this means that his ideas will soon be recognized by society. He will receive everyone's respect and honor. People who become participants in their own funeral procession can often experience in a dream such a “deadly” process as the separation of the soul from the body; there is no need to be afraid of this, because death is nothing more than purification.

If a person dreams that he was killed, then in reality he will be in danger and must be more careful. Even if a person has no enemies, the word “kill” means “destroy.” And it is possible to destroy a person not only in the physical sense, but also in the moral sense. For example, kill trust, love, hope. Lie, betray or laugh. Yes, a person will not die from this, but long time will forget what it means to be alive.

If a person sees in a dream that they are chasing him and want to kill him, then he should expect bad news. This dream cannot be ignored. As practice shows, the human subconscious often sends impulses to the brain, which turn into dreams. Thus, it warns a person about a possible danger that lurks among his surroundings.

Death and other people

When the dreamer saw that there were many sobbing relatives around his coffin at the funeral, he should be more attentive to relationships in the family. There is a high probability that a small misunderstanding will cause a storm of emotions and a big scandal will break out, which will separate family members for a long time. In a word, dreams of this kind speak of bad relationships between family members. Also similar dream may speak of previously experienced grief. The person still cannot come to terms with the loss and does not want to let go of the past.

In the case when a person sees a stranger at his funeral, he needs to be careful. In reality, someone harbors a grudge against the dreamer and wants to take revenge on him. Moreover, his plans may come true in the near future, unless the person who saw the dream resorts to active action. During this period, special attention should be paid to conversations among friends and acquaintances.

If a person is in a state of horror at his funeral, then in reality he will receive a lot of positive emotions from pleasant communication. If a person tries to escape from his own funeral, then this may indicate that he has already realized his own mistakes and will be able to correct them. current situation things.

And you need to remember, no matter how scary and frightening the dream may be, very often it is precisely such visions that carry a positive meaning.

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Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of your family's good health; possible and quick lucky fate. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Being at a relative's funeral on a clear, sunny day is a sign of good health for your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon. If you see the funeral of a person you don’t know, unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of a child in a dream foreshadows health and peace in your family and problems among your friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation Funeral - Favorable outcome; before the wedding; they are hiding you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, due to personal matters).

If you dreamed that you were present at the funeral of a relative, and at the same time it was shining bright sun, then this is a symbol good health loved ones. Perhaps some of them will have a happy marriage. But if the weather is cloudy and rainy, then expect worsening health and unpleasant news about absent persons. There are also possible problems in business. Seeing a funeral in a dream is a sign of an unhappy marriage or poor health of children. The funeral of a stranger can mean unexpected anxiety. If you see the funeral of your child in a dream, then this means the health of your loved ones. If you see yourself at a funeral in a mourning room clothes - this means possible early widowhood. Seeing a relative's funeral in a dream - foreshadows nervous breakdown and family anxiety.

Why do you dream of a funeral - To be at the funeral of a relative on a good sunny day is a sign of the good health of your relatives; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. ; If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Funeral - meaning of sleep dream book XXI century - reconciliation with an old friend, a quarrel with whom occurred out of stupidity. If your relatives bring you condolences at a funeral, that means what this picture is for - a symbol of the upcoming holiday and fun. But a negative connotation of a dream, when you feel sorrow and grief at a funeral, means short-lived happiness.

Why do you dream about your mother’s funeral? More often than not, this is not very good sign, but bad omens will not be associated with your mother in any way. Just prepare for the fact that life will soon present many unpleasant surprises, disappointments, and you will have to struggle with difficulties along the path of life with all your might - such are the forecasts given in the dream book.

But if you dream of the funeral of someone else’s child, and at the same time it was poor, wretched, and literally two or three people were present at it, then such a picture in a dream, according to the dream book, promises problems in the business field. Be careful, your enemies are plotting behind your back, you need to beware of any actions on the part of your competitors.

When you saw a funeral in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book is quite unusual. Oddly enough, this sad, difficult plot promises weddings if you see it unmarried girl or single. For married people, seeing a funeral in a dream is a successful, joyful result of the planned business.

Those who usually go to the funeral are those who think about the deceased, so any absurdity and contrast in a dream about a funeral should be alarming, be it someone’s bright clothes, indecent behavior, etc. Cheerfulness of the face instead of removable ones means the brewing hostility of society or a certain circle of people towards the sleeping person . The owner of such a person is advised to abandon actions traditionally condemned by society, as well as avoid unpleasant communication, dubious gatherings, companies and acquaintances.

Why do you dream about your own funeral? It turns out that this dream is very favorable. It portends excellent health, good physical fitness, a long and prosperous life. In addition, to see a VOSN funeral, a coffin and yourself in that coffin means living happily in reality family life. Such a dream plot for a girl or young man foreshadows a successful marriage. If you dreamed of your own funeral, then it is possible that the center of everyone’s attention will be the sleeper himself.

But I dreamed of a friend’s funeral can have both positive and negative interpretations. To get an accurate forecast, it is worth remembering the weather conditions at the time of the funeral. If the weather is clear, then good luck awaits the dreamer. Cloudy and rainy weather during the ceremony foreshadows failure and bitterness.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a son or daughter? Such a terrible dream portends nothing bad. On the contrary, if a child has problems (for example, failures in school), then they are quickly resolved. If there are no special problems in life, then you can be happy that your son or daughter will be completely healthy and happy.

Alina, funerals are often not bad sleep. They usually say that some stage in life will end and go into the past. A bride in white dreams of changes that will soon come. There is a high probability that you will cope with your problem. The second dream speaks of a sign of fate; something fateful awaits you in the future. Upward movement is positive, downward movement promises problems. Found and climbed in - it means that everything will definitely work out, a solution to your difficulties will be found.

If after a dream in which you buried a close relative, you have no unpleasant residue left in your soul, then in real life he will have a long and happy life. It is worth paying attention to your health if your sleep has greatly disturbed you, and you have not been able to come to your senses for a long time.

Unexpected experiences and anxiety await those who dreamed of the funeral of a stranger. After such a dream, you should pay more attention to your family and friends. They may be in a difficult situation right now and need your help.

A dream in which you see many sad faces at a funeral warns that your enemies are preparing to go on the offensive and strike unexpectedly. After such a dream, be very careful and attentive.

If at your own funeral in a dream, a stranger is present and stays away - a bad sign: someone who harbors a serious grudge is perhaps a person from your close circle. His insidious plans will succeed in the near future if the dreamer himself does not take decisive action. It is worth taking a close look and listening to what friends or acquaintances say; sooner or later the truth will be revealed.

Thus, you should not be scared and look for something mystical in a dream about your own funeral. In most cases, this dream has a positive meaning, and if there are negative aspects, they are insignificant and do not pose a serious threat.

Funeral What do you dream about - A successful outcome; before the wedding; they hide you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, in connection with the personal one), this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Funeral of a deceased person - having seen such a dream, remember what emotions overcome you during it. If you cried and grieved, then the dream means trouble. If you didn’t notice stupid emotions in the dream, it means that a good result awaits you.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you wonderful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great loss. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos - to the point of confusion in matters of the heart.

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your family; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon.

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at whose funeral, in reality this promises wealth due to a profitable marriage. A dream in which you are hiding a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Interpretation: The clairvoyant has given up on which side of her life. She decided that this was alien to her. Perhaps a job, a dream or a heartbreak. Another option: someone she loves so much that she completely dissolves in him, losing her “I”. The dream says: “You can’t give up on yourself.”

I wish you that every night the Sleepy Cantata will sound for you - a perfect and complete dream, like piece of music, which carries a charge of cheerfulness and a prophecy of prosperity in the coming day and for the rest of your life.

The death of any person in a dream always causes negative feelings and fear of the future. Why do you dream about your funeral? You should not be too afraid of these visions; most likely, this is only a symbol that a certain stage of your life has come to an end.

Also, this sad event may indicate deliverance or the need to get rid of unnecessary experiences, emotions or bad habits. A dream book will help explain in detail why this sad event is dreamed of.

Seeing your funeral is a sign that soon everything in your life will fall into place, troubles and adversities will pass, and all insoluble situations will end successfully. Changes are also coming in the dreamer’s personal life. This could be a meeting with a loved one, a marriage proposal, the birth of children, or a magnificent wedding. One’s own funeral in a dream can also represent a person’s inner state. Perhaps you are tormented by deep emotions, you feel melancholy and despair, fear of something or someone, loss life guidelines, physical or nervous exhaustion.

For a man to see his own funeral in a dream is a good sign. Soon influential sponsors and lucrative new contracts will appear in your life, you will achieve incredible heights in business and receive the expected profit. It is also possible to purchase new real estate.

Seeing many relatives around your coffin who are suffering and crying is a symbol of bad family relations. In your family, unfortunately, there are constantly quarrels and conflicts, there is hatred and stupid accusations, careless attitude, disrespect. It's worth trying to change this situation.

If a stranger was present at your own funeral in a dream and kept aloof, then this is a bad sign. Someone has a serious grudge against you. Perhaps this person is from your close circle. In the near future, you should be on your guard, because this person there are insidious plans and soon he will take decisive action. Sooner or later the truth will be revealed, but you should not take risks and be too trusting.

Feeling terribly depressed at your funeral in a dream is an auspicious sign. Soon you will have a happy trip with your lover, pleasant communication with friends, and so on.

Running away from your own funeral in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will come to realize your own mistakes, you will try to correct what previously seemed impossible. This can be either reconciliation with a long-time enemy, or deep repentance, forgiveness of insults and choosing something else. life path. Also, such a dream can foreshadow a comfortable and long life into old age.

It's a bad sign to see your own funeral in wedding dress. This dream predicts a whole bunch of problems that are about to fall on your head. If in fact you have already worn this dress, then you will soon face serious health problems and the strongest and closest relationships in your life will be destroyed. If you see the dress for the first time, problems with loved ones and financial losses are coming. You should try not to make large purchases and smooth out conflicts with your loved ones as much as possible.

If in a dream you were buried in an old dress, then soon you will have problems with finances. You may lose money because of your self-confidence or, conversely, problems with your own self-esteem. If this dream dreamed young man, then this is a kind of warning that you should not trust your intuition alone. Needs to be calculated more carefully possible options solutions to various situations in life, otherwise it can end very badly.

If you were at your funeral old shoes, then soon you will have troubles along the way. Perhaps the trip planned for the near future will be dangerous and there is a risk of accidents.

If in a dream you were buried alive by your loved one, then you should expect betrayal and betrayal from your partner. Perhaps because of his indifference and coldness in your relationship, you cannot change the situation around you and get rid of pressing problems. You should behave more carefully, maintain your nervous system. Soon your bad streak in life will end.

Interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets funerals ambiguously. Special attention he pays attention to the weather in this dream. If you dream of good and sunny weather, then a happy fate awaits you, the health of your family and friends, and good luck in all your endeavors. If your own funeral took place in cloudy and rainy weather, then illness, failure and losses await you.

According to Hasse's dream book

In this dream book, it is believed that one’s funeral in a dream predicts long life and excellent health, as well as harmony and happiness in your family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov, his own funeral foreshadows successful outcome Your affairs or a quick wedding. Such a sad event is also considered a symbol of a long and carefree life. If the coffin was carried with you easily and smoothly, happiness, prosperity, success and a long life await you. For a sick person, this dream promises complete healing and deliverance from ailments;

  • hearing a funeral march during your own funeral is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. Also, these night dreams urge you to reconsider your attitude towards other people and finally determine which of them is an enemy and which is a friend;
  • cheerful music during your funeral is a sign of danger. You should be very vigilant and careful. In reality, someone is plotting something evil against you.