How to remove the evil eye. How to cleanse yourself of damage yourself. But what to do if a person constantly causes damage?

People often ask on the Internet or from practicing psychics and sorcerers how to remove damage and whether it is possible to remove the evil eye on their own - completely. In the arsenal of our ancestors there are many effective and efficient rituals for getting rid of damage and the evil eye. By the way, also read the series and damage from the previous article.

How to diagnose damage to yourself and others

The evil eye is less dangerous than damage

You can independently diagnose damage at home on your own. First of all, you should not panic and sound the alarm - casting curses requires considerable effort from the customer or the magician. And if damage or the evil eye is cast, they will manifest themselves in a number of characteristic signs, which are worth paying attention to during the diagnostic process.

  1. Constant and groundless scandals with friends, colleagues, and relatives that arise out of the blue, practically out of nowhere.
  2. Persistent health problems where doctors are unable to diagnose and treat the patient.
  3. Loss and irreversible damage to your own property - fires and hurricanes, robbers and scammers.
  4. Chronic bad luck in almost all areas of life - love and business, at home. At the same time, bad luck manifests itself both in small things and in more significant, global issues.
  5. All sorts of obstacles arise in a person’s personal life - relationships don’t work out, a couple cannot conceive and give birth to a child, divorce and breakup.

All these signs directly and indirectly indicate an induced dark evil eye and destructive damage. If such signs do not convince you, you can diagnose the induced negativity using one of the presented rituals.

Diagnostics with holy water and matches. It is enough to fill a vase or glass with the liquid consecrated in the temple, and then take 3 matches from a new box. You light them one at a time and let them burn out, throw them into the water - if they float on the surface, then there is no damage, but if 2, or even more so 3 of them fell to the bottom, then damage has been caused.

You can also diagnose induced damage using a fresh egg - perform the ritual on the 9th lunar day. Carefully, so as not to damage the yolk, break the egg into a glass of holy water and hold it over the head of the potential victim for a couple of minutes or place it at the head of the bed at night. If the yolk has changed, white threads are visible in the white, especially with blood clots or pus - dark damage and the evil eye have been induced.

What is the difference between damage and the evil eye?

You can remove the damage yourself

Before raising the question of how to remove damage or the evil eye, it is important to understand what the difference between them is. Despite the apparent similarity of these magical terms, they differ from each other.

Before we talk about how the evil eye is removed, it is worth understanding that by this magical term psychics mean the unintentional sending of a dark message to a person. This can be done by both a magician and a simple person with strong dark energy - they are often said to have a black eye, a dark soul.

On the other hand, damage is a purposeful magical message with negative energy. An experienced magician can guide him. But this is not all, and if you imagine a comparison of damage and the evil eye in a table, it will look like this.

Evil eye Damage
It is more of a random, unintentional nature, when a person without knowing it can jinx it This is an exclusively targeted influence on a potential victim, carried out according to a specific ritual.
Almost anyone can bring it up, even an unprepared person ignorant of dark magic. To cause damage, the performer must have certain knowledge and magical practice
The impact is momentary and short-lived in its impact on the potential victim Carrying out the ritual requires certain preparation, and the result of magical influence may appear after some time.
The basis of the evil eye is the evil eye and negative thoughts and wishes, but not a purposeful program of destruction Contains a verbal basis, a specially performed magical ritual
His character is short-lived and therefore needs constant nourishment. It “attaches” tightly to the victim and can influence it for a fairly long period of time.
Has negligible effect negative impact on a potential victim and often goes away on its own Can cause serious harm, even death, and requires the help of a magician to neutralize

All this clearly shows what exactly is the difference between damage and the evil eye - this brief description will allow you to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Ways to remove damage yourself

Removing spoilage from salt

You can remove the induced evil eye or negative damage from yourself - the main thing is to determine an effective ritual for yourself and take into account a number of tips given by experienced sorcerers and magicians.

You can get rid of the evil eye and damage - the main thing is to take into account the following recommendations.

  1. Rituals performed in order to get rid of damage and the evil eye are best performed during the waning moon.
  2. When performing a ritual, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the goal, neutralizing the magical influence.
  3. A couple of hours before the ritual, it is not recommended to eat or drink, and the ritual itself is carried out at midnight, completing it before sunrise.
  4. The ritual of cleansing from damage and the evil eye is carried out in splendid isolation, and all attributes used in the ritual must be new.

After performing the ritual, you should not use the attributes in everyday life - they are taken away from the house, destroyed, and you should never talk to anyone about cleansing. We’ll talk further about how exactly to carry out the ritual of cleansing from damage and the evil eye.

Ritual with salt

Damage is a purposeful influence on the victim

You can remove the evil eye and damage from yourself and your family at home using the most common salt. For the first ritual, which is performed to cleanse your family and friends, you will need a new pack of salt and a frying pan. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour salt on it and when the white crystals are hot enough, say over them:

“Salt is holy and sanctified, take all the evil eye and damage from the servant of carry it across the water to Buyan Island. She will live there forever, but I won’t know grief.”

Next, let the salt cool and pour it into a small canvas bag, then place it behind the photo of the victim of dark magic, place a church candle on both sides. Light the candles and let them burn to cinder - repeat this 5-7 times until the negative magical influence is neutralized.

You can also neutralize damage and the induced evil eye using a salt bath. Perform the ritual on Thursday - add 200 grams to the bath. salt and turn on warm water. While the water is being collected, say over it:

“Yes, this is Monday, yes, this is Tuesday, yes, this is Wednesday, yes, this is clean water - you wash the earth, yes, you wash me, the servant of, newborn and baptized, praying and receiving communion. Wash my face with some water, wash away the anger and damage caused from my body, take away the pain and give me lightness.”

When the bath is full and the salt has dissolved in the water, lie in it for 5-7 minutes, relax and try not to think about anything at this moment. Then flush the water down the drain and rinse your body in the shower to remove the saline solution.

Ritual with water

Water cleanses and removes spoilage

You can remove damage from yourself with water - spring or holy, simple clean and running water from the tap. To carry out the first ritual, you should go to the temple in advance to confess and repent of your sins, clear your thoughts of anger towards the enemy and forgive them. This will enhance the positive effect of the ritual.

Next, take a large container and fill it with clean water, preferably from a clean spring - be sure to collect it at dawn, when the sun is just rising. If there is no clean spring nearby, just open the tap and fill the bathroom with water. Then they say the following words to her:

“The water of Stepanida, and the dawn of Solomonida, and the land of Levanida, and the clean well of Jacob - bless this water and the servant of health and strength. May it therefore be for the glory of the Holy Trinity.”

If the ritual is performed in relation to an unbaptized person, the following magic words are spoken:

“The water of Stepanida, and the dawn of Solomonida, and the land of Levanida. As the Samaritan’s wife sat at Jacob’s well, poured water, drink. Just as the Lord gave the Samaritan woman something to drink, so he will give drink, and heal your body and soul, and introduce you to grace.”

Afterwards, plunge into this water, and when you wash off all the negativity from yourself, do not dry yourself with a towel, let it dry on your body by itself. You can also perform another ritual to get rid of damage and the evil eye on water - to carry it out, collect holy water in the temple, preferably in a large Orthodox holiday and 3 matches from a new box. They carry out a ritual for the waning night luminary - at noon, when the sun is at its very zenith, the following words are spoken into the water:

“As the water is pure, and the blood of Christ is pure, so save and preserve the servant of the evil eye and the evil word, from hatred and malice, from the enemy and the magician.”

Then light a match and use it to cross the water three times, throwing in the water - this is repeated three times. The victim is washed with this water and given several sips to drink 2-3 times a day for several days.

Ritual at the crossroads

The crossroads have always been considered a place of power

Treatment of damage can also be carried out at a crossroads - a place of special power and the intersection of magical parallels and meridians. The very first ritual is carried out with 30 coins - for 30 days, put aside a coin every day and on the 31st day go to the nearest intersection. On it, throw all the coins one by one and say:

“As soon as I go out onto the path, I see a clear field, in that field there is a black hut, in that hut and an old black woman sitting. I give her 30 coins - may all evil and envy, damage and the evil eye bypass me. Grandma will put the money in her pocket and the black stuff in her chest. When I leave the old woman, I lock the hut and leave the key at the crossroads.”

Afterwards, leave the road intersection immediately, don’t talk to anyone, and most importantly, don’t look back. You can also resort to another ritual to neutralize negativity at a crossroads. On the very first Monday, which falls on the full moon, you go to the nearest temple, buy three candles there - you put the first one for your health, the second one for the health of your enemies, and the third one you take home with you. At home, place it in a glass filled to the top with salt, and light it with a match, saying:

“As this candle burns down to the very end, so may the evil brought upon me by my enemies burn out without a trace.”

Let the candle burn down to a cinder and throw it away at the nearest crossroads at midnight. You can perform another ritual. Prepare 4 coins in advance, always made of white, silver metal and an absolutely deserted intersection of unpaved roads. Come to it at dawn and already on the spot say the words of the conspiracy 4 times to each side of the world, the road:

“I read these words from dark damage and the induced evil eye, and on each of the 4 sides - take away evil and damage, negativity and slander from me, and take it to dark forests, deep seas, abandoned ravines. Yes, I came to you with gifts - this is my payment for my health and luck, strength and longevity. Take the coins - help me on 4 roads.”

After 4 paths at a road intersection, throw a coin - you will feel positive changes in the next 24 hours.

Birch ritual

The power of plants will help neutralize the dark slander

Cleaning from damage can also be carried out using one of the rituals from the arsenal of white magic. First, you should find a birch tree in the nearest park or forest belt, smooth and beautiful, and at dawn, hugging it and saying the following words:

“The birch is white and beautiful - everyone admires you, you are not afraid of wind, nor rain, nor the dark slander of thunder or slush. Yes, and I don’t have to be afraid of anything and under the influence dark force don't bend."

Say the words of the spell three times and then leave the tree without looking back. If you don’t feel better the next day, perform another ritual.

This ritual is carried out on a windy day - go out into the field and there find a lonely growing birch tree and walk around it several times. As you walk around, say the following words out loud:

“As this white and even birch grew in the field, it knew neither lessons, nor slander, nor ghosts, nor damage from the hands and eyes of people, nor from the violent wind. Neither that which comes from the wind nor that which goes to the wind - whatever came from it, let it go with it, and go under the roots of the birch.”

The ritual in three days will allow you to remove any negativity and damage caused from you, the main thing is that there is a strong wind during these days.

With bread

Bread is the head of everything and in magic

Bread is the head of everything and this expression is relevant not only in everyday life, but also in magic - with its help, both the dark evil eye and the damage caused are removed. For the ritual you will need a piece, a hunk of black bread, which they say:

“As heaven is a father, and as earth is a mother, so this bread is my nurse and chief helper. Help me and ward off the damage and the dark evil eye - give me wisdom, but not evil cunning.”

Afterwards, immediately eat this slice of bread - only the person who was damaged can perform the ritual. We present to your attention another ritual for bread, through which you can neutralize the magical influence. They perform a magical ritual on the waning night luminary, after sunset - pour water into 2 ceramic bowls, and put a piece of black bread in one of them.

When the bread softens to a pulp, rub it over your body from head to toe and say:

“You are a loaf of bread, may you absorb into yourself the power of the sun and wind, rain and earth, may you absorb into yourself all the dark damage and evil slander, cramps and evil eyes, yes evil people on the servant of God ... name ... directed. Take and remove from me everything that has been caused, and bless me with bright deeds and pure thoughts.”

Having pronounced the words of the ritual rite three times, clean water From the second bowl, wash off the remaining bread from your body. In order to completely remove negativity from oneself, such a magical ritual is performed for 3 evenings in a row.

With candles and matches

You can ward off damage from yourself through a ritual with candles and matches. To carry it out, you should prepare in advance:

  • A wax candle bought in a church shop.
  • New box of matches.
  • A container of water, preferably if it is consecrated the day before in the temple.
  • Photo of a potential victim of damage and the evil eye.

First, light a candle and get ready to perform a magical ritual - put a bowl on the table, pour water into it and place it on the table, cover it with a photograph. Burn 9 matches - the second and subsequent ones are lit not from the box, but from the previous one, allowing them to burn out to the remainder.

As each match burns, it is thrown into a container of water and pronounced - not the first, not the second, not the third... and so on until the ninth. If most of the matches lie vertically, it means that a strong damage and evil eye has been cast, if fewer matches lie down, there is no dark libel.

If the matches showed a magical dark slander, to neutralize it you should say the following words:

“Good has come to my gates, but evil has gone dark from me forever.”

After this, wet your finger in this water and use it to draw a cross on your forehead, then on your shoulders and wrist, in the area of ​​your heart, and also take 3 sips of the charmed water.

Using an egg

Egg cleansing ritual

The first ritual is performed in the presence of the victim herself. To carry it out, prepare in advance:

  1. A chicken egg taken only from under a chicken is a very important condition, which serves as the main rule of the effectiveness and efficiency of the ritual. A store-bought egg is not as powerful as a homemade one.
  2. The simplest, glass and transparent faceted glass, preferably new.
  3. Water can be consecrated in the temple, or from a spring, or taken from a well.
  4. Be sure to also prepare church candles cast from wax.
  5. A recent photograph of a potential victim of the dark libel.

They carry out a magical ritual of cleansing after sunset - you need to retire to the room, turn off the light and, placing candles on the table, light them with a match. Pour water into a glass and give it into the hands of a potential victim of a dark ritual.

Then, in your right hand, take a fresh egg and slander it:

“Roll and roll out the magic egg, and with right side, yes to the left, from the north side, and to the south, from the light archangel to the dark devil. Roll, roll out, tell me the whole truth.”

After such a charmed egg, move it over the head of the victim of the dark libel, moving clockwise, gradually going down. When everything is done, carefully break it into a glass of holy water - how its white and yolk will look can be judged by the magical damage caused, the evil eye. Such manipulations should be carried out until the white and yolk become completely clean, without impurities and cloudy inclusions and threads.

You can also perform another ritual - it is carried out over 9 days, and you will need an assistant.

At the very beginning, prepare the following magical items in advance:

  1. Fresh eggs just laid by a chicken - 14 pieces and 7 wax eggs purchased at a church candle shop.
  2. A container into which holy water is poured.
  3. Icon Holy Mother of God and Saint Panteleimon the Healer.

The ritual itself involves morning and evening rituals. From the very morning, before sunrise, sit facing yourself or sit the victim facing east, but sit not on a chair, but on the floor - place an icon of St. Panteleimon and a lit candle in front of him. An egg is placed on the victim’s head and, holding it in one position, they say:

“Holy and great is Christ’s helper and saint Panteleimon - have mercy on the servant of, and hear my request and provide your help. Give healing to the baptized soul of God's servant, protect him from a dark illness and induced evil. Help with your holy action and the power from Christ given to the sinful and living servant of - he will spend his life in repentance and prayer.”

Then move it a little over the victim’s head, shoulders and chest, going down to the very heels - such manipulations are carried out until the candle burns down to half. When it burns down to half, throw away the egg or bury it on the street away from the house.

In the evening, perform a similar ritual, but this time praying to the Most Holy Theotokos, using any prayer, lighting a candle that was half used in the morning. At the end of the ritual, bury the egg along with the candle stub away from the house - such ritual ceremonies are carried out throughout the week.

We destroy correctly, the found lining

Lining in magic is a fairly powerful ritual

If you find in your house or apartment, under the threshold, feathers and skeins of thread, needles or soil, or other objects that you do not understand, most likely we are talking about a lining that was planted on you. The question naturally arises of how to properly destroy it.

First of all, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you take it with your bare hands - just put gloves on your hands or use a broom to sweep it into a bag. It should be taken away from the house and destroyed. This also applies to all items that you found outside the threshold, plus keep in mind that the lining should not be brought into the house.

The best way to destroy lining found in the house is to burn it. The main thing is to take it away from the house and make a fire and burn the ritual attributes - in this case, you should stand away from the fire and never inhale the smoke. At the moment when the lining burns - read Orthodox prayer"Our Father."

If the lining item does not burn, it is still doused with gasoline or other flammable liquid and set on fire, and the remains are swept into a separate bag and buried away from the home. In this case, an important condition is to burn the lining item over an open fire, which has a cleansing power. When you arrive home, you should wash the dustpan and broom, as well as your clothes, under running water and take a shower.

We destroy the lining correctly

Separately, it is worth stopping at the fire itself - it is on it that you will burn the lining and the effectiveness of the cleansing ritual will depend on the responsibility with which you approach the ritual. Practicing psychics and sorcerers recommend adding poplar branches, aspen bushes, as well as sandalwood wood to the fire, adding a couple of fresh or dried branches of medicinal herbs and protective plants - calendula or wormwood, dill or wheatgrass.

When you burn the lining in the fire of an open fire, you should definitely say the following ritual words:

“Just as this flame of a fire is sacred, so with its power it will destroy all the dark induced evil. Let all the dark and induced evil burn in this fire forever.”

Also, by throwing the blanket itself into an open fire, you can say the following words:

“Go away the dark and induced evil to where you came from and to the one who brought you. The one who put this lining under my threshold will return to him, but he put a payback on himself. May the pure fire burn away the induced evil forever, may it cleanse me and my family, my home. He will protect me from evil - he will protect me from negativity.”

Upon completion of the burning of the lining, you should return home without looking back, and never talk to anyone until you cross the threshold of your home. Be sure to take a shower, change clothes and wash your clothes under running water.

It is important to remember that the one who brought evil upon you and made a lining for you will be drawn to your home like a magnet - just take a closer look at the one who will visit you and call you in the coming days. You should definitely consecrate your home after lining it with holy water, put up protection, thereby stopping magical negative attacks against you.

Remove damage from the temple

Orthodox Christians turn to God to remove damage

If you don’t know your angel, you can ask a clergyman about it. And if there is no icon of your patron saint in the church, just light a candle near the face of the Virgin Mary or Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or All Saints. After this, you read three prayer books - pronounce them to yourself, standing at the face of the saints.

First of all, the first prayer is read “Our Father”, and after Psalm 90, and the third prayer is the one that corresponds to your situation. In particular, it is worth noting that:

  1. If a negative destructive program has been directed towards illness, they turn to the Lord for help to grant healing to the sick person.
  2. If you have slandered your relationship, you should definitely turn to the Mother of God for help.
  3. If damage has been caused to a quarrel and divorce between spouses, be sure to turn to Danil of Moscow with prayer.
  4. If you are negative about alcohol addiction, contact Saint Boniface.
  5. If the crown of celibacy has been achieved, it is worth reading a prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for marriage.
  6. Damage to chronic childlessness - it’s worth turning to the prophets Zechariah and Elizabeth.
  7. For protection from witchcraft - a prayer to the holy martyrs Simon and Gury.

After reading the prayer, leave the temple, but in the meantime, carry out cleansing rituals, do not lend anything to anyone, try not to conflict and do not swear, reduce carnal pleasures. Plus, don’t tell anyone that you performed the ritual - most often this question is asked by the one who caused the negativity.

I personally, the magician Sergei Artgrom, perceive the question of whether to remove the damage as rhetorical, since it does not require an answer, because the answer is obvious. They put a spell on me, how to remove it - that’s what we’ll talk about in this material, where I will offer several effective rituals for eliminating negativity. Any energetic and magical (ritual) negativity, be it evil eyes, curses, etc., must be removed. But how exactly and with what help to remove damage is a matter of each specific case.

Is it possible to remove damage - how negativity is removed in different magical traditions

Here we can talk about rituals and methods of eliminating black negativity, how to remove the evil eye, and how to remove the most severe damage.

  • The white magician turns to the Powers of the Christian egregor,
  • The Warlock summons Demons or speaks to the dead,
  • Sorcerer working with Slavic Vedic Gods, calls upon this Power,
  • The runologist relies on the power of the ancient Runes and the Gods of the North,
  • Representatives of the Wiccan tradition rely on the magical Forces of Nature.

His actions will depend on the tradition in which the magician practices, under the protection of which egregor he is, but if the negative is diagnosed, definitely it is necessary to remove the damage. You can’t leave everything as it is, you can’t live your own life, damn life. In order for the soul to walk its path and fulfill, it is necessary to be clean both externally and internally.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would like to immediately note that there are still people who are afraid of damage like fire. It is to these people that all kinds of negativity stick best -

  • damage caused intentionally,
  • negative passing with translation,
  • picked up at the crossroads,
  • in the crowd
  • from the wind,
  • evil eyes and so on.

And who, as soon as possible, begin to rush around and shout: help remove the damage for free. There is no free magic. For neither people nor spirits do anything for nothing. Even if you don’t go to a real magician for help, but do everything yourself, then you will have to pay. The sorcerer pays his vitality, spiritual energy, and also buys gifts for Helpers, without this there is no way.

But where to remove the damage from a person, you decide for yourself.

This can be done both in places of Power and at home, depending on the chosen cleansing method. Here is one of the rituals of black annealing - cleaning the negative with the help of fire. Annealing in Russian witchcraft is widespread; magicians often use them when they need to quickly remove damage.

How to remove damage yourself correctly - use a black candle to ward off grief

If you sense something wrong, do a magical diagnosis. And it happens that the knowledge that it will be bad arises on its own (clairvoyance), then to ward off trouble from yourself, not to allow damage to stick, you can use this spell to remove damage at home.

List of what to take for the ritual of removing black energy from yourself:

  • black wax candle
  • flat plate

On Tuesday evening the ritual must be done. Draw 3 equilateral crosses in a row on a plate with soot, and place a candle in the middle of the middle cross. Then light the candle. When the candle lights up, stomp on the floor three times with your left foot, and stomp with your right foot three times.

And after that, read a strong conspiracy to remove damage 7 times:

"Yako church candle they remember the dead, and coo with their saints with a black candle. The knock to the left will disperse three times, and a regiment of devils will turn up for me, and with each devil it will happen that the destinies of the parish will change. Yes, God’s plan will change, but what was badly foretold, and what was destined for my tearful destiny, then today it will change like devils, and it will move away from me a hundred miles. Yes, every devil will be like a wall, yes, every devil will be at my mercy, yes, he will be killed by the fire of a black candle, and if he throws himself, he will be picked up by devils, and he will throw himself into the fire of a black candle, and will be destroyed in this fire, and the woeful prophecy will be destroyed. Yes, everything will be covered with devils, yes, every disastrous path will be covered, yes, yes, yes, it will be settled by the devils, yes, it will be overcome by the fire of a black candle, and every grief will be overcome. This is written in a black book, but it was done by me, but fate changed it in the course of time. Made by witch fire. Amen".

In this witchcraft method of removing damage, the spell is pronounced 7 times; before each reading, the magician stomps on the floor, first with his left foot, then with his right. Then the Demons-Helpers will be thrown away in a bad way, and will burn in the flame of a black candle. Do not extinguish the candle; the candle must burn out completely. And hide that plate in the house, it will be a talisman against witchcraft defilement. If the task is not to remove negativity from yourself, but remove damage from another person, then in the spell the pronouns “mine” and “me” are omitted, and the name of the one from whom the damage must be removed must be pronounced.

Here's more good way annealing, which allows you to independently remove damage using black magic. This ritual is called “Remove the allotment for the fire.” The assignment is negative, of course, i.e. black damage.

Using your own fire to remove black damage

Take note of my advice from the magician Sergei Artgrom for removing severe damage. They perform the ritual in the open air, in a place of Power, on the edge of a forest, for example. Magic ritual really allows remove damage yourself, without calling upon infernal Helpers. For this ritual you need to collect branches for the fire from 7 different types of wood. The ceremony takes place at midnight. If everything is done correctly, then there will be a good result. You can do it both for yourself and for another person.

Walk the patient around the fire counterclockwise (from right to left).

“Even if it is an ardent fire, then it is a practical fire, sometimes it is applied to the body, sometimes it is placed in the soul; Now the depravity is asked, then the wickedness will hide, then the blackness will be moderated, then the cursed will reconcile, then everything will get off, then everything will fall back, like the seven-born fireman, and in the process (name) is good. Amen".

Reviews from those people who removed damage through fire

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that annealing is used in almost all traditions of Russian and Western witchcraft. The methods of reproducing magical actions differ, while the essence of cleansing with fire remains unchanged. Fire is a very powerful pure Element. Often the fire works on its own, with minimal intervention from the magician.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Where can I remove black damage with fire?

Annealing with candles can be done at home, while in places of Power they independently perform rituals with a large amount of fire - a fire or several fires, as required by a specific ritual of cleansing from negativity. With the help of fire, you can clean yourself, or another person, or remove damage from your home yourself. The flame cleanses, burns out all the slander, and the witchcraft words of the spell reinforce and complete what has been started.

What happens when damage is removed by fire?

Of course, there will be no bright, impressive special effects. The cleaning object can:

  1. start yawning
  2. may feel tired
  3. pain,
  4. desire to stop the ritual.

This is a great temptation, however, cleansing, and preferably complex cleansing, must always be completed, even if the one from whom the negative is removed has a large loss of energy, or some ailments are getting worse. You need to endure this, then it will be easier.

Any magical negativity is resisted, and painful or uncomfortable manifestations are the result of resistance to corruption against elimination. Strong damage done by professional magicians has fastenings and locks - these are special rituals and conspiracies carried out in conjunction with the ritual of causing damage. This is done so that it is difficult to recognize and remove. In order to eliminate black negativity, in order to effectively remove the most severe damage, it is first necessary to demolish the locks and protections, after which the turn of the directly destructive program begins.

Of course, to do it yourself recognize damage and remove it, you need to have knowledge and practical skills of such work. If you have never done magical cleansing rituals yourself before, start with simple ones in a technical sense, such as annealing or salt cleansing. You can find out whether the damage has been removed using determination rituals, personal feelings, and current events.

You can choose the cleanings yourself. Only the result is important. If you are not close to the black tradition of witchcraft, you can try to remove the damage with white magic. White magicians also have many different types of cleansing through diligent prayer and the power of the Christian egregor.

Where can you remove black damage - demonic cleansing at the crossroads

By applying this ritual yourself, you can remove old damage from a person. The ritual itself is good, but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would do it in combination, especially if the negative is really serious - old, or strong, generational curse. If you want to remove the damage yourself, do this ritual. The result will depend on how good your connection with demons is.
You can remove such negativity as bad luck and a series of troubles, or you can reprimand a person for illness, and even for death from cemetery damage. To remove the return flow, this ritual is also suitable. Good for ambulances when there is fresh witchcraft negativity, and need to remove the damage quickly. They cast a spell on the full moon, at the crossroads. To work you need to have:

  1. nickel
  2. ransom to the Demon (ask about the ransom using any method of fortune telling available to you)

At a pedestrian intersection, you need to stand up, throw a nickel at your feet, and step on it with your left foot. Turn to face the moon and look at the lunar disk.

Read the plot 1 time in a whisper to remove damage using black magic:

“I don’t do it with the Lord’s cross, but I condemn it as a road spread, and whisper to my mother’s moon. Yes, if a whisper is heard, then let the walker of the cross appear, and now he will buy himself with a nickel, and now he will intercede for me. Yes, if this is happening now, then the disease will disappear from me a mile away, then the witch will not pray to me, then the witcher will not chase me, then the dead man will not cling to me, then the ghoul will not stick to me, then the asp will not get under my feet. Yes, since now, it’s been released in four ways. Now I was driven away by the rush, now I was driven into a swampy swamp, now I was burned into a black coffin, now I was condemned by the moon, now I was condemned into a black stone, now the curse was taken from me, then the damage was removed from me, then the curse was taken away from me. This deed is sacred, bought with a nickel, bought with a coin. Amen".

How to remove strong damage to illness and failure through a cemetery using an egg

Here's how to properly remove damage caused by physical illnesses, as well as failures associated with induced negativity. To do this you need to prepare:

  • a black chicken egg, or an egg with a dark shell color
  • a piece of black natural fabric
  • commemoration of the dead and gifts to the owners of the cemetery

Immediately after midnight, if you need to remove damage to illness or death, put the egg on the fire to cook.

While the egg is boiling, read a plot to remove negativity from a person 3 times:

“The black bird Likhaimitsa, with two wings, with troubles, with bad luck, with dull melancholy, with dull misfortune, unhooked, turned away, curled up, fell, rolled off me (name) into the grave. Roll off my body, from my road, from small paths, from my footprints and from my bones, let loose from people and animals. Go to the grave, to the black earth, to the sleeping corpse, go, put the shaking bad luck and black bad luck into the grave. Amen".

The egg is taken out of the water, placed on a piece of cloth, and left like that until the morning. Early in the morning and left (not buried, but simply laid) at the head of a fresh grave. They leave without looking back. All work is carried out according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. An independent ritual is not entirely designed to remove damage on your own, although the first part of the ritual is indeed performed at home, and spell to remove damage, read at home. In the second part, the powerful power of the cemetery is activated, which makes this ritual strong and complete.

Pace of life modern society does not leave people the opportunity to stop and analyze the reasons for their failures and illnesses. And this must be done constantly, because a banal coincidence of circumstances can be the result of witchcraft.

Yes, no matter how people deny the existence of magic, spirits and otherworldly forces, they constantly influence our lives. And people who know how to interact with this ephemeral world can help or harm others.

If unpleasant events have become more frequent in your life, you may have been subjected to an energy attack by a sorcerer. Is this so you will find out from my article.

What kind of damage happens?

The term “damage” itself indicates destruction. IN ordinary life We often hear the phrase “damage to property,” that is, an item has been deliberately damaged and its further use for its intended purpose is no longer possible.

In the world of magic, “damage” is deliberate harm to a person by influencing his energy flows. The consequences of such witchcraft can be very different: from constant minor troubles to serious long-term illnesses or death. As a result, the victim may have problems communicating with people or at work.

Carefully! Energy Vampire

Among the variety of types of damage, we can separately distinguish such people as energy vampires. In essence, these are people who feed on someone else’s energy. If they find themselves next to a cheerful, active, healthy person, they try to constantly be nearby in order to be able to feed from him. For the donor, such communication can result in a general weakening of health, a feeling of constant fatigue and emptiness.

To identify an energy vampire in your environment, it is enough to analyze which person’s communication with you is most exhausting. Having discovered him, you should immediately stop communicating with him, or put strong defense from him. You can block a vampire’s access to your energy channels yourself. Just draw on your hands runic staves, and no one else will be able to feed on your energy.

Ritual corruption

There are very few people who have the natural ability to connect to the energy flows of the victim and feed from them. Therefore, if one person wants to harm another without physical participation, then special rituals are used. They help the magician open a portal to the Lower World and summon evil spirits who will ruin the life of the chosen person. To indicate to these malicious entities the target of influence, the magician uses personal belongings or photographs of his victim during rituals.

Black magic, in all its manifestations, has a very strong influence on the biofield of any person. And only the integrity and density of this energy shell can affect the strength and spread of witchcraft throughout the victim’s body.

No one is safe from damage. Therefore, all people living in society need to know how to remove damage from themselves or their loved ones. This will help you eliminate negative attachments in time and return to your usual, happy life.

Simple ways to diagnose spoilage

It is difficult for a person who is far from magic, in all its manifestations, to accept the fact that one can diagnose the presence of witchcraft on one’s own. There are quite simple rituals for this.

  1. Hold a burning wax candle in your hands. If it burns evenly, without soot or crackling, then there is no damage to you.
  2. Warm a fresh chicken egg in your hands. Your hands should be positioned like this: right hand holds the egg below, and the left one covers it from above. Then place the egg under the bed and go to bed. The next day, break the shell and pour its contents into a glass of clean water. An unchanged yolk indicates that there is no spoilage.
  3. Swipe wedding ring in the face. If dark marks remain on the skin, it means you are damaged.

These rituals can be performed by anyone. They don’t take much time, but the results show almost immediately.

What methods help remove negativity?

Getting rid of damage on your own can be compared to self-medicating cancer. Therefore, if you do not have any experience in magic, and do not even remotely understand the principles of its operation, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​removing damage from yourself or loved ones on your own. Such arbitrariness can cause much more serious consequences.

If you have diagnosed yourself as being affected by light witchcraft, you can try to force your body to cleanse itself of the negative program. For this, it is better for beginners to use:

  • mantra of the goddess Kali;
  • cleansing breathing techniques;
  • fire purification rituals;
  • visiting a steam room using essential oils;
  • audio recordings of cleansing prayers, which can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded to your mobile phone.

Water, wax and christian prayers are proven ways to eliminate negativity from the energy shell. They help many people regain their former confidence and strength.

Prayer for corruption

If damage is the action of black magic, evil spirits, then it is quite logical to get rid of it with the help of God, Jesus and the saints. To do this, you need to use special prayers that will notify the divine powers of your misfortune and will contain a request to deliver and protect you from it.

The most important rule for getting rid of damage through prayer is sincere faith in divine powers. People who are not confident in themselves should read prayers during services in churches and temples. If your faith in God is sincere and unconditional, then you can read the prayer at home.

Prayer should be used as medicine: certain type damage - a specific prayer text. If you decide to get rid of witchcraft on your own and cannot determine the type of damage, then read the “Our Father.”

“Our Father” is a universal prayer that will help protect against any witchcraft. If you want to defeat the evil within yourself completely and for sure, then for 40 days you need to retire to a room with a glass of water and say words of prayer over it. You need to wash your face with enchanted water. You need to repeat it morning and evening.

Other prayers that help reduce witchcraft to zero include:

  • appeal to the Life-Giving Cross;
  • appeal to Saint Cyprian;
  • reading “Live in the help of the Most High” (Psalm 90).

It is not necessary to learn the prayer by heart. It is enough to read it from the original source, the words of which are most effective and efficient.

How to read a prayer correctly

You need to understand one simple truth: without the right attitude and real faith prayer won't give desired result. Before reading, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and leave only the firm belief that the Saints will help in the fight against witchcraft.

To facilitate the preparation process, you can create an appropriate environment around you: remove animals from the room, place candles, icons of saints. The best time The best time to conduct a prayer ritual is early morning or late evening. That is, at a time when relatives are still sleeping and have already gone to bed.

How to remove damage in a bathhouse?

A bathhouse is not just a place for a pleasant time with friends. Our ancestors firmly believed that the ritual of bathing in a bathhouse helps to get rid of physical and spiritual evil spirits.

But for the ritual to work, you need to prepare for it. First of all, you should take care of the broom. Of course, you can buy it ready-made in the store. It is unlikely to be suitable only for removing damage in a bathhouse. For a ritual broom you need to use one of the proposed compositions:

  • wormwood, St. John's wort and spruce;
  • pine branches, anise and Chernobyl.

Wait until the waning phase of the moon and on Tuesday you can go to the bathhouse. Undress and sweep the prepared broom over your body, saying the following 12 times:

I sweep it, blow it, remove the damage from myself! So be it!

After this, steam the broom for 10-15 minutes and you can steam as usual. Just remember to follow two simple rules:

  1. Every time you get hit with a broom, say to yourself:

    I will steam off what is swept away, I will remove what is swept away, I will remove damage from God’s servant (name). May it be so from now on and forever and ever!

  2. After each visit to the steam room, shower yourself cold water. Better yet, dive into the mud.

Upon completion of the procedure, clean yourself up and take a broom with you. It needs to be buried in a quiet and deserted place.

Amulets from damage and the evil eye

There are many more ways to get rid of witchcraft. But the most effective method fighting witchcraft is protection from it. We are talking about protective amulets that you should always carry with you if you are afraid of magical sabotage.

The simplest amulets are considered to be a red woolen thread on the wrist of the left hand and a pin pinned to the underside of clothing.

Important: The thread or bracelet on your hand should be tied by a person you completely trust. You need to be sure that he does not wish harm when tying a red thread on his hand. If there are no such people, entrust this matter to a priest.

To protect your home from the attacks of sorcerers, you need to front door stick two sewing needles. Their position should form a cross.

But please note: The amulets do not remove existing damage. Therefore, you first need to undergo a cleansing ritual, and then apply amulets.

How to learn how to properly get rid of witchcraft

If you want to get rid of damage yourself, but don’t know where to start, do some general cleaning in your house:

  • everything that can be washed, wash it;
  • get rid of everything that has been lying motionless on the shelves of closets or pantries for a year;
  • sweep the floor thoroughly.

This will help not only to clean up the house, but also to detect linings. As a safety precaution, be sure to wear gloves. After cleaning, all garbage, brooms, dustpans and rags, gloves used for cleaning should be taken away from the house and everything should be burned.

When putting things in order, pay attention to:

  • dry soil in places where it should not be;
  • threads;
  • dried flowers;
  • remnants;
  • needles;
  • toys.

If something like this is found in places where it should not be, collect the find on a dustpan with a broom. In this case, you need to sweep with a broom in the direction away from you. As if sweeping aside someone else's witchcraft.

Now you know what to do if strange things begin to happen in life. But if the proposed advice did not help or only weakened the influence of the magicians. I advise you to find a strong sorcerer.

You can write to me for consultation or rituals.

Damage is the conscious, deliberate infliction of harm on a specific person. If envy stifles or you want to take revenge on an enemy for something, then a person damages him, not, it seems to me, fully realizing what he is taking on and how it will turn out for him in the future. There are frequent cases when a person causes damage or is simply carried away by practical black magic, and his children and even grandchildren pay for this. No one has the right to interfere in the fate of another person and ruin his life in every possible way, especially in such a terrible way.

Signs of damage - how to recognize

There are many types of damage. Each of them affects a person differently and, accordingly, the signs of damage may also differ. If you have several of the following symptoms, even though your health is fine, then you may be damaged.

1. May appear big problems with sleep. Frequent insomnia leads to malaise, a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness. Apathy appears, the person does not want to do anything, he does not even have the strength to get out of bed, let alone go to work or do household chores. It seems that you want to sleep, but as soon as your head touches the pillow, this feeling goes away and you can spend the whole night looking at the ceiling or counting jumping sheep in your head.

2. You began to notice how the person who is most dear to you suddenly began to move away from you. It is important not to confuse this with something else. It may not be a matter of damage at all, but when everything was great yesterday, and the next day it seemed to have been replaced, then it’s really worth thinking about.

3. Signs of serious illnesses began to appear, but during examinations, diagnostics and all tests, nothing was found, and the state of health worsened. This is one of the most basic signs of damage, because it can change not so much your physical state, but affect your mental one and it will seem to you that your whole body hurts, but this is just a deception to drive you crazy and make you worry and nervous and worry.

4. Obsessive bad thoughts appear, the fear of death and the fear that something bad will suddenly happen to you or one of your relatives overwhelms you. It begins to feel as if you hear someone else's voice in your head, urging you to commit bad deed or do something to yourself. This makes you doubt your balance. Hallucinations appear, and you will increasingly begin to confuse fiction with reality.

5. If you have a cat or, better yet, a dog at home, you will notice how they change their attitude towards you. They feel a person very subtly, his mood and are even able to see what is hidden from human gaze. The cat will begin to be wary of you and will hiss and run away if you want to pet it. The dog may show aggression towards you, of course, because your beloved owner has suddenly become different, and the dog will not like it.

6. You will feel like your luck has left you. Even in the simplest daily tasks you will fail. Everything will fall out of your hands, break, and you will become more absent-minded and clumsy. If luck has never been on your side, then you will not notice this symptom. The contrast is clearly visible when you were born under a lucky star, and then, at one moment, everything suddenly began to go downhill. Absolutely everything can’t be bad. If this is so, then there was definitely some damage involved.

7. Self-esteem decreases and it begins to seem as if there is no uglier person in the world than you. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a strong feeling of self-doubt will appear and an aversion to everything that you previously liked about yourself will arise. Again, there are people who, in principle, suffer from low self-esteem, so they simply will not notice this symptom.

8. Depression begins, and it seems as if no one in this world needs you. I want to give up everything at once and go somewhere or commit suicide. A person will suddenly alienate all his relatives and stop communicating even with his closest friends. You will want to close yourself off and just be silent. Anyone who starts a conversation on any topic will be immediately rejected and the conversation will be interrupted.

9. If you touch a person who has been damaged by a cross or some object blessed with holy water, he will have a burning sensation in that place and redness will appear, as during an allergy. Suddenly you will have a desire to take off your pectoral cross, if you have one, and put away the icons.

10. It will seem that the room you are in smells unpleasant, but after interviewing the other people who are there with you, you will understand that only you smell this smell, and in fact it does not exist. These unpleasant odors they will follow you everywhere. Even freshly prepared food will seem to smell bad. Because of this, you will lose your appetite, because you won’t want to eat when you don’t like the smell of even the most attractive-looking food.

How to find out who caused the damage and is it even possible?

Yes, this is possible. The question involuntarily begs: why know who damaged you? In order to stop communicating with this person forever, because he may be someone with whom you are close. Just imagine what feelings he has for you, since he is ready to commit such meanness.

There are rituals that can even tell you the name of the one who caused the damage, or bring him into your house so that he himself does not understand how he ended up there. But don’t rush to resort to magical help. There are other ways. First, sit down and think about who could do this. Analyze with whom lately your relationship has deteriorated and remember if you have done anything bad to anyone. If nothing comes to mind, then ask the opinion of those you trust. From the outside they see much more than you and can accurately point out the person who could spoil you. But, do not forget that friends, and even relatives, are under suspicion of in this case. Perhaps some of them have some hidden motives to do you bad, which you are not even aware of.

One of the easiest ways to find out who caused the damage is fortune telling using the wax of a church candle. Take one such candle, light it and wait until it burns down. Take the wax that remains from it and boil it over low heat for a couple of minutes. Pour the wax onto a flat, large white plate with the words: “I pour the wax onto the plate, now I know the name of my enemy.” Now wait until the wax hardens completely and take a closer look at the resulting picture. Ideally, the wax should form the first few letters of the name of the one who damaged you. If you don’t see any letters, then just look at the picture more closely. She may remind you of something that will somehow be connected with the person who damaged you.

How to remove damage

For those who do not know how to remove damage at home and believe that in this matter you only need to contact specialists, the following information will be informative. Absolutely anyone can remove damage from themselves and help someone with it, unless it is a pregnant woman. You just need to follow all the rules and then, of course, everything will work out the first time.

The most effective prayer against corruption is the “Our Father” prayer. It must be used when performing any of the rituals to remove damage. If you are not a Christian and believe in another god or are an atheist, then instead of “Our Father” you need to say words that characterize something bright and good. Can you just list everything? good qualities that a person can have or name everything that you would wish for yourself. Saying these words, you need to baptize yourself with a lit church candle. Such a simple ritual serves a shining example on how to remove damage from yourself. It will not only remove it, but also strengthen your biofield and help it recover more quickly from the harm caused to you.

Ordinary prayer will not save you from corruption unless it is accompanied by certain actions. That is why, if you are not completely sure that you know how to remove damage, then it is better not to take it on, contact a specialist or a person who is interested in practical white magic.

How to remove damage at home using a wax doll

For this ritual you will need a large candle, a gold ring, a gold chain, a piece of black cloth and a photograph of you, which shows only you. The ceremony must be performed at night in the light full moon. This ritual is not the most best example on how to remove damage from yourself on your own, because it can be difficult for someone who is doing this for the first time.

Light a candle and burn your photo in its flame. There is no need to throw away the ashes. Collect it carefully and place it in a small plate. Now wait until your candle burns out completely. When this happens, collect the wax left from it and mix it with the ashes of your photo. Make a small doll from ashes and wax and put a gold ring on her head. It symbolizes a crown that drives away all bad things from your person. Cross your doll three times and name your full name. Next, act very carefully and carefully, because you are in your hands. You need to wrap it around your doll's waist gold chain and say the following: “This golden belt is saturated with the light of the moon, it will remove damage, drive away evil.” Now smear the doll's face with your saliva and blood. The effect will be better if the blood is menstrual. Wrap the doll in black cloth and hide it in a secret place where no one can find it. After the symptoms of damage have disappeared, it should be destroyed. If you want to keep the ring and chain, then consecrate them in the church and you can continue to use them.

How to remove egg damage

As an example, I will provide you with the simplest, but really working method of removing damage from a person using ordinary chicken egg. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that the egg must be homemade and fresh. You cannot use one that has been stored in the refrigerator for some time. So how to remove damage from eggs?

Undress completely, let your hair down, take an egg and “roll” it over your body from your head to your toes. Do this as carefully as possible so that it does not break. Read the “Our Father” prayer at the same time. After the egg has “bypassed” your entire body, you need to go outside and, having dug a small hole under the nearest tree, bury the egg there. Go home without looking back.

How to remove damage to death

If you realize that you have been hexed to death, you should not immediately panic and go to draw up a will. If you know how to remove damage to death, then you can not only remove it from yourself, but also help another person in this.

The ritual is very simple to perform. You will need a pack of regular salt that you eat. Bless it in church (the pack of salt must be open). At night, go outside and get as far away from your house as possible. Find a place where no one will see or disturb you. Light seven candles around you, place them in a circle, undress and sit in the center of the circle with a pack of salt. Sprinkle yourself with it and read the Our Father. When you finish, get dressed and go home without taking the candles with you or extinguishing them.

This ritual will not only remove damage from you, but will also protect you from repeating the situation in the near future.

Damage is a scary word for many, which is associated with an endless series of misfortunes and illnesses. Yes, this is true, but not everything is as scary as it is described. You just need to identify the damage in time and immediately carry out a ritual to remove it. Be attentive to yourself and your relatives. If you notice symptoms, do not hesitate. I wish you happiness and good luck, may no damage be able to ruin your life.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will touch upon 2 questions: does damage affect the person for whom the ritual is being performed? And what to do if a person constantly causes damage? Both questions will be answered here.

A huge number of people refuse to believe in the existence of black magic. This is their absolute right. But here’s the thing - neither the demons, nor the dead, nor the gods care whether a mortal person believes in their power, influence and their magic or not. It's not faith that's valuable ordinary person. Its value vital energy. And in order to preserve it, you need to be able to defend yourself, and you need to be able to attack. To find out how damage manifests itself on a person, read about this in my articles by the magician Sergei Artgrom. Forewarned is forearmed. I don’t want you to find out everything the hard way. Therefore, be attentive, careful, and know how to defend yourself.

What to do if a person constantly causes damage?

There is a lot of negativity in our life. And most of it is connected with black magic. Doing effective rituals magical damage, people can be controlled. According to your will and arbitrariness. The Warlock has a huge arsenal of witchcraft rituals aimed at destruction. An experienced magician, influencing a person in a negative way, is able to derive benefits and benefits for himself or the customer. This is what the bet is on. An experienced magician will never work to his own detriment, this is his right. As is the right of another person to protection. You cannot look for excuses for your own weakness in the strength of your enemy.

Read about damage to a person, analyze, understand and defend yourself. We must understand that, both in life and in magic, there is no injustice. A person can gain everything, or he can lose everything. And rightly so. If you feel that clouds are gathering around you, something is happening in your life, work hard recognize damage and remove it. If you are unlucky enough to acquire a magical enemy, often diagnose the state of your defenses, health, relationships, etc., and when negative impact neutralize it immediately. It is much easier to remove damage in fresh tracks, preventing it from unwinding and causing you harm. In addition, in this case you will not have to heal wounds for a long time and remove the consequences of witchcraft.

But what to do if a person constantly causes damage?

In this case, work to destroy the enemy. There is no alternative here. There can only be one alternative: how exactly to eliminate the enemy?
You can scare him, you can ruin his life, force him to deal with his own problems, and leave him behind. Or you can literally destroy the enemy, i.e. physically, send him to another world. There are a million ways. And the choice depends on your goals and capabilities. To recognize damage to yourself, you must at least admit the reality of witchcraft and its power. For the rest, diagnostics will help you. Ask questions and get answers. If you yourself cannot recognize the influence of corruption on a person, contact real sorcerers, but solve the problem.

How can you find out if there is damage - an ancient diagnostic system and folk methods

Severe damage will not go away on its own. It will strengthen and break your life. People come to black magic (unless they are ancestral sorcerers, who have little choice, because magic is in their blood, and the power is given to them from birth) out of despair, from the impossibility of normalizing their lives in other ways. With the help of witchcraft, various, completely different issues of life are solved.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will also say that not everyone who starts witchcraft achieves success on this path. But those who consciously go to the top become powerful magicians. These are no longer for anyone, they can’t be spoiled, but the mechanism effects of damage on humans the magician knows it, and he knows how to deal with it. A true magician is a philosopher. He does not show violent emotions, he does not doubt, does not suffer, is not jealous. He has no reason to worry.

For a magician there is no question: is it possible to recognize damage?

Some mages become aware of the attack before it occurs and activate their combat defenses against witchcraft and corruption. The magician knows in advance how and what will happen. And he works to fulfill his desire. The only thing he cares about is his spirituality, fortitude and will. To the common man far from this state of inner silence and strength. People fuss a lot, worry, and are afraid. The sorcerer has left all this behind, and he is calm.

It is easy for a magician to understand that they are doing damage to him. As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have repeatedly said, magic is invisible, but leaves traces. And the sorcerer notices them. It is not difficult to recognize the negative, to find out whether there is damage to a person, if you know any kind of prediction system or lucid dreaming technique. You can also use simpler and more understandable rituals that our great-grandmothers and their great-grandmothers used.

Methods that make it possible to recognize the evil eye, damage or curse.

  • wax castings
  • egg rolling
  • checking the negative with matches
  • checking with a wedding ring
  • pendulum check
  • diagnostics with spring water and salt

All this is old traditional methods, helping to understand that a person has been jinxed or damaged.

What happens if damage is caused - how it affects a person

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, spoke about the traces that magic leaves. About the signs by which you can understand that someone has caused black damage. So, the first sign of the presence of damage is a deterioration in health, weakness, and a sudden cold. The body always reacts to witchcraft aggression, and if you know your symptoms, you can’t go wrong. The human body will help you find out that damage or the evil eye has been done, as a form of energy damage.

The second sign of damage is state of mind, psyche. Feelings of depression, self-pity, or vice versa – aggression, irritability, short temper, desire to defend yourself and prove that you are right. Such outbursts of emotion and loss of control are always necessary. There is no smoke without fire. If you feel like the ground is falling away from under your feet and you are losing control of yourself and the situation, there is a possibility that you have been spoiled. Observations – not bad a way to find out how damage manifests itself on a person. If you have any suspicions, analyze the situation using any method of magical diagnostics.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The third sign of the definition of damage is money. Even if the black damage was not done to the financial sphere, to well-being and condition money luck the negativity will be reflected. Damn man loses luck immediately. And after her, material wealth goes away. So, if money suddenly becomes tight, there is reason to think about magical negative intervention.

These signs of damage cannot but alarm an observant person and will help to understand that someone has cast the evil eye or caused damage. With the help of magical diagnostics, you can recognize who caused the damage and identify the enemy. In such matters, qualified magical assistance will not be superfluous.

What types of damage are there and what to do if it is directed at you

It is not the person himself who can be cursed, but his property. Let's say a house, an apartment, a car. Does such damage affect a person? Without a doubt. Magical negativity, no matter what area of ​​life it is applied to, affects and destroys. Here is a simple example of how a plot of land can be damaged. The earth is taken from the trampled intersection. This land is being taken to a site that they want to ruin. They whisper to the countryside:

They throw a handful of earth onto the site and then leave.

The second way to damage a plot of land: take a handful of dry earth from the cemetery, recite the spell 7 times, after which the dead soil is thrown onto the plot:

“I’ll spit in the weeds, blow smoke into them, cover them with dust, cover them with dust, sweep them with a horse’s tail, and sprout grass into the weeds. Collect this black sand in a tight bag.”

On damaged land, no matter what happens to the owners, a house built there will not be residential and will not bring happiness and joy to the owners. So, what to do if you caused damage? How to remove it? Magical cleansing. There are universal ones, and there are those that remove a specific type of damage.