Runes protection from witchcraft. Runes of protection against negativity for the home, runic becoming, shield from enemies. Placement of runes in the home and at work

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ - the formula translates as "wild onion", which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:

URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
ALGIZ - Rune strong defense and patronage of the gods.

It consisted of 24 runes, it was constructed from the meanings of each name in Proto-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon poems. This is a quick introduction to the basic properties associated with the runes of this alphabet. It is believed to have arisen from a combination of ancient characters already in use by the Germanic peoples and the alphabets of the peoples with whom they had commercial contacts.

It was used to write Proto-Germanic, and it is important to remember that very little of this era remains; most sentences and words in this language are reconstructed. As a magical system, the Elder Futhark is shown to be one of the favorites of modern practitioners; either because it is the oldest or because of the number of runes it offers, it also makes it easier. Since the runic verses relating to it directly have been lost, they are generally based on Anglo-Saxon, which includes all the Elder Futhark runes, but with an additional 5 relating to Old Saxon.

Home Protection Spell

Home protection formula. A strong protective spell that protects against the envy of others, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents entry into the home negative energy. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the home and household, strengthening its status and well-being. A talisman with this spell should be placed at the entrance, on the gate, on the porch, above the front door from the outside.

Although it was written in the post-conversion period, the poem contains a mixture of Christian and pagan references; it is believed to have been modified from an ancient original to be accepted by the church. Again reinforcing, it is important to well define the alphabet with which we will work before we begin magical practice; Not only do we have divergent meanings, but we also have some symbols that refer to a different phoneme in each. Also, only Proto-Germanic forms of rune writing will be presented. Wealth is a consolation for all people; though every man must exercise it freely, if he would gain honor in the sight of God.

Rune combination:

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft and Damage

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and damage. A magical word that means "horse" and is an invocation of the good power of the sacred horse.

However, it is also a rune that draws motor energy and awakens movement; therefore, it is often used to give a "kick start" to a project. His association with cattle leads to his connection to the god Vane Freyr. Aurokhs are proud and have large horns; He is a very wild beast and fights with his horns; great moor ranger; is a creature of great courage.

The Aurocus was an ancient type of cattle, probably hunted by the Germans and associated with boys' passage rites. Because of the power associated with this animal, this rune has been given a health purpose and is largely used for healing spells. When combined with the rites of the majority, it can also be used to catalyze change and evolution.

Rune combination:

OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell on Protective Barrier, Shield from damage and evil eye

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizing targeted energy attacks and the negative energy of others.

"The thorn is exceptionally sharp, bad for any knight to touch, surprisingly serious for anyone who sits in it." Although there is a striking difference in the Proto-Germanic association with Anglo-Saxon, it remains a rune of aggression for both peoples. However, Yurizaz's destructive potential can easily spin out of control and turn against the mage if it is not used with proper focus and concentration. “The mouth is the source of all tongues, the pillar of wisdom and comfort for the wise, the blessing and joy of every knight.”

This is due to the fact that it is associated with Odin, as well as with the intelligentsia, enhancing cunning, facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and artistic inspiration. Since the attribution of the Anglo-Saxon poem, it is also a rune associated with communication and used for eloquence. "The journey seems easy to every warrior in the hall, and with great courage he crosses the great roads on the backs of a strong horse."

Rune combination:

TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
THURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

Spell for Protection and Reflection (mirror)

Palindrome formula - for reflection and protection. A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back unchanged.

In all verses this rune is associated with movement. It can be used to provide stability by controlling and ordering the circumstances around us to ensure advancement. He is also able to change the pace of events, making them happen faster. “The torch is known to every person, alive with its pallor, its bright flame; always burns where the princes sit next to her.”

Associated with fire, it is indicated as the opposite of the Isa rune. By bringing warmth, it is able to generate enthusiasm and energy in people. Just as a torch lights the path, Kenaz has the ability to bring mental stimulation and ease of understanding. Additionally, it can also be useful in rituals that seek to cleanse or ward off negative influences.

Rune combination:
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.

“Generosity brings honor and honor, which bears on the dignity of man; provides help and sustenance to all broken people deprived of all other things.” It can also be used as an asset for abundance and the positive aspects of another rune, being very common in lucky amulets.

It can still be seen as a rune of union that brings harmony to a group or relationship. “Happiness values ​​one who knows how to live without suffering, sadness or worry, and has prosperity, happiness and a good enough home.” A very positive rune associated with victories. An attractor of success, it is able to promote joy and optimism in people. Another reuse is to strengthen positive relationships, create bonds of friendship, or create empathic bonds. Some note that this will be a recurring rune in love amulets.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient formula for mirror runic protection against magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magical duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

“Hail is the whitest of seeds; turns from the underground of the sky and rushes between gusts of wind, and then melts into the water.” The hail-rain was a long-awaited event because of the damage it caused to farmers and plantations. Thus, Hagalaz is a rune that represents external factors and beyond our control, however it directly affects us - often causing ruptures. Magically, it can be used to better adapt to or even control these factors, even if only to mitigate its effects.

It can also be used as a catalyst for change. “Need oppresses the heart; but often turns out to be a source of help and salvation for the children of husbands and for everyone who cares for themselves at that time.” Although it is associated with the blockade, Naudis is also associated with bonfires and other signs that were used to call for help. We can use this rune to gain resilience during difficult times and help us seek outside help to resolve the problem. It can also be used to remove jetties and obstacles from our paths.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

Spell for Protection from accidents and disasters - amulet for the road

“The ice is very cold and extremely slippery; shines as clearly as glass, and seems to be precious stones; it’s a floor of ice, beautiful and visible.” While Kenaz is expansive and warm, Isa is shrinking and cold; we can use it to concentrate energy, preserve it or reduce it, but we must be careful in these processes - freezing can lead to stagnation. In protective spells, Isa works by creating insulation, which reduces outside influence.

“Summer is the joy of the people, when God, the holy king of heaven, suffers from the earth to bring bright fruits to rich and poor.” Jera represents the great cycles of the seasons, capable of promoting prosperous growth - slow but continuous. Its connection to cultures also makes it seen as a fertilizing rune that promotes the formation of ideas and brings abundance. When using it, it must be remembered that nature has its own rhythm and must be respected - this is not a fast rune.

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. A powerful amulet for travel. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

"The yew is a tree with a rough bark, hard and firm on the ground, supported by its roots, the keeper of the flame and the joy of possession." This rune is seen as a transmuter, capable of not only promoting perseverance and perseverance, but also renewal and restoration.

It is also a rune of protection, but represents aggressiveness which requires caution. "The chess piece is a source of relaxation and great amusement, where warriors sit happily together in the banquet hall." We can associate Perthro as much as with strategic thinking based on their names. It is generally seen as a rune that reveals patterns, so it contributes to liturgical practices or rituals that seek to understand and change the pattern of flow.

No matter what your life situation is, protection is always needed. The influences can be different: from property thieves, the evil eye of bad and envious people, simply envy, and sometimes damage.

In such cases, it is better to play it safe and ward off trouble. And of course, Runes can come to the rescue as signs of strong and lasting protection.

The main strong runes of protection are Algiz and Eyvaz. Algiz protects against thieves and negative influences. The Algiz rune is a universal amulet against all kinds of influences. Eyvaz protects and protects from damage, the evil eye and the influence of dark forces.

Some also point to the possibility of revealing secrets and hidden factors. “Reeds can be found in the swamp; grows in the water and makes a terrible wound, covering every warrior who touches it with blood.” Another Proto-Germanic name for this rune is "Elhaz", which is the main rune of protection; many modern sigils aimed at this are based on this. It functions as a two-way street; in addition to strengthening and protecting the user, will also act to refute aggressive intentions.

“The sun always makes sailors glad when they often travel through the shallows of fish, even to the depths of bear lands.” The Solar Rune is a sucker for success and empowerment, activating the user's mind. This allows you to have greater clarity and understanding of the situation, finding best way moving forward. It is also used in cleansing processes and prevents stagnant energies.

You can also use the following Runes for protection:

Feu – protection of funds and material assets.

Turisaz - active defense or defense, protecting the home from gossip, quarrels and the penetration of unwanted people.

Kano - defense family values and traditions.

Gebo – protection of partnerships at any stage.

“Tyr is a guiding star; who keeps faith with princes; always on its course above the mists of the night and never fails.” A rune of justice directly associated with Tyr, the god who tamed the wolf Fenrir. He will impregnate the magician with the spirit of the aces, making him bold and pushing him to victory; and can be used to resolve a situation where someone has been offended. But the nature of divinity can never be ignored; Tyr is the god of self-sacrifice and corrects the behavior of all parties involved.

The birch tree has no fruit; but without the seed they bear shoots, which for him are born from the leaves. Its leaves are magnificent and magnificently decorated, and its crown reaches high to the heavens. Berkano is associated with concept and femininity, promoting fertility and providing nutrition for growth. Thanks to its connection with birch, it is also seen as a harmonizer that brings joy. Some authors note that women can use this rune for the health of their bodies and contact with internal aspects.

Hagalaz – protection from unwanted attacks, protection from negative energies.

Nautiz - from magical influences, blocks aggressiveness.

Isa - self-defense, neutralization of destructive forces, blocking and repelling influences directed magically.

Raido and Soulu - provide protection during trips and travels.

The horse is the joy of princes in the presence of warriors. The horse is in the pride of its hooves, when the rich people on the horse's tip collect words on it; and is always a source of consolation to the impatient. Another rune associated with speed is used to remove obstacles and facilitate change. Some like to associate him with Sleipnir, Odin's horse, and therefore use Ehwaz as a facilitator of astral projection. Because of the connection of the rider, many consider it to be the rune of reconciliation.

“A cheerful man loves his relatives; but every man is said to fail with his companion, for the Lord, by his decree, will bring about a despicable destruction upon the earth.” Mannaz refers to "man" in the sense of "humanity". It is used to promote harmony and connections between groups, creating teamwork and accepting them as scholarship. It can also balance our personality to become more outgoing or used to receive external help.

Berkana – protection of women and children. Amulet for the hearth, peace in the family. Pregnancy protection and support during childbirth.

Laguz – protection from dangerous moments on the water.

Otal – protection of property and property.

Combinations involving Runes Evaz, Algiz, Isa are used to prevent the influence of negative forces, thieves, enemies and ill-wishers, gossip, quarrels. That is, something that can be avoided.

Combinations using Runes Pert and Hagalaz are used to remove and neutralize effects that have already begun.

Different colors for protection can be used, depending on the purpose. Basically you can use gold, black and blue.

Protective runic formulas provide not only protection, but also make it possible to feel possible attacks from the outside, thereby developing intuition.

Runic formulas and runescripts for protection.

Protection of property: apartments, houses, cars.

Inguz + Algiz - well-being, prosperity.

Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz - also used to protect against envy and gossip.

Algiz + Otal + Algiz – protection of any property.

Turisaz + Eyvaz + Feu + Otal + Feu + Eyvaz + Turisaz

Otal + Gebo + Algiz + Isa

Home protection and family prosperity.

Otal + Feu + Vunyo + Inguz + Dzhera

Home security, protection of family values.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Dzhera + Feu + Algiz + Inguz + Otal + Algiz + Feu + Teyvaz + Turisaz.

Thurisaz – protection and clearing of negativity.

Teyvaz – achieving goals.

Jera – stability.

Feu + Algiz – protection of material assets.

Otal is a family and home, under the protection of Algiz.

A protective barrier to neutralize negativity.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Turisaz

Formula for sending negative influence back to the sender.

Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz

Formulas work like a mirror, reflecting negativity and sending it back in full force.

Protection of family well-being and home.

Inguz + Otal + Berkana + Perth + Kano + Feu + Algiz + Dzhera + Kano + Uruz

Inguz + Otal is a symbol of family and home.

Berkana + Perth + Kano – storage of family and hearth.

Feu + Algiz – protection of family goods, both existing and acquired.

Jera – stability.

Kano + Uruz - energy recharge of the runic formula, brings harmony, comfort and stability to the family.

Protection from psychological pressure. Protection from magic.

Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana

Protection from magical damage and witchcraft influence.

Evaz + Algiz + Otal

Evaz + Algiz + Isa

Evaz + Hagalaz + Otal

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz – protection from retaliatory magical effects.

Protection on the road and travel. From accidents and unforeseen situations on the road.

Raido + Eyvaz + Laguz

Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Dagaz + Berkana + Raido

Mannaz + Ansuz + Raido + Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Vunyo + Raido + Vunyo

Protection from enemies.

Hagalaz + Ansuz + Gebo + Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Pregnancy protection.

Algiz + Berkana + Algiz

Postpartum protection.

Feu + Berkana + Otal + Soulu

Protection of the child after childbirth.

Feu + Berkana + Otil + Dagaz

Gaining invulnerability.

Teyvaz + Eyvaz + Laguz

Elemental protection: water and fire.

Kano + Algiz + Laguz

Removing negative influences, protecting against the emergence of new ones.

Nautiz + Soulu + Nautiz

Algiz + Soulu + Algiz

Cleansing from negative influences.

Eyvaz + Soulu + Hagalaz + Soulu + Dzhera

Traffic safety.

Jera + Raido + Evaz + Jera

Protection against vehicle theft, protection against breakdowns.

Raido + Teyvaz + Feu

Raido + Evaz + Evaz

Algiz + Evaz + Teyvaz – Evaz is the car itself, Algiz and Teyvaz provide protection.

Protection and luck.

Turisaz + Vunyo + Algiz

When Runes are superimposed on each other, Secondary Runes are formed: Gebo + Inguz + Gebo

Solar protection (shield).

Soulu + Algiz + Soulu

Protection of the element of water (shield).

Laguz + Algiz + Laguz

Protection of money and business.

Algiz + Feu + Algiz

Protection from attacks.

Perth + Hagalaz + Perth

Hammer protection.

Teyvaz + Hagalaz + Inguz

Clearing the way and protecting at the same time.

Protection from any witchcraft influence, both negative and positive. With such protection, the sender will not be able to either harm or help.

Hagalaz + Dagaz + Algiz

Protection from the influence of energy vampires.

Mannaz + Perth + Kano + Turisaz + Teyvaz in an inverted position

Mannaz is a person.

Teyvaz in an inverted position weakens the paths of influence of the energy vampire.

Kano - shows that you should not touch the person who puts up protection.

Perth - finds ways through which energy is released.

Protection of family values.

Ansuz + Algiz + Soulu

For family well-being and mutual understanding, protection from quarrels and scandals.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal

Laguz + Gebo + Berkana

Family protection from external factors.

Teyvaz + Mannaz + Nautiz

Attracting joy to scare away negative factors.

Kano + Vunyo + Kano

Vunyo is joy and light under the protection and guard of Kano.

Protecting women's health.

Uruz + Inguz + Ansuz + Berkana + Otil

Ensuring a comfortable state and protecting the comfort zone.

Gebo + Berkana + Ansuz + Dagaz + Ansuz

This runescript can be depicted as follows. The base is Gebo and at the ends place the Runes of Berkana, Ansuz, Dagaz and Ansuz.

Protection and talisman.

Laguz + Ansuz + Uruz + Kano + Ansuz + Algiz

Protective runescripts can be used not only for amulet, but also to protect your magical actions, as well as to protect yourself from rollbacks in case of incorrect execution. Protection will also be appropriate after the magical process has been performed, for safety in the event of retaliatory actions on the part of the target.

Application of runic protection formulas.

In order for runic protection formulas to work, they should be applied directly to what needs to be protected:

Apartment or house (property) - writing on the inside of the front door, or above the threshold of the entrance to the house, the door frame of the front door.

Car - you can put a runescript written on a piece of paper in the glove box.

Cash, savings deposits and accounts - a sheet of paper in the safe, or a protective runescript applied to the certificate or book itself.

To protect yourself - apply it to your body, or put a piece of paper with a runescript in your pocket or bag, and carry it with you.

The reverse side of the photograph, your own, or a person in need of protection, only with the permission of the person.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be used as amulets for relatives and friends, but only with their approval.

You can apply runic formulas to the body: iodine, brilliant green or essential oils.

Activation and deactivation of runescripts.

Activation is carried out using a slander or pronunciation of the names of the Runes included in the runescript. It can also be activated by breathing if the Runes are written on a piece of paper.

Another suitable way is meditation and visualization. IN this method Runes are mentally applied to the object of protection.

A wonderful method of activation is spontaneous.

There is no need to deactivate protective runescripts, since runic protection formulas are aimed at long-term operation, usually one year. Over time, they themselves weaken. It is recommended to simply update it once every two months, that is, recharge it.

Only those runic formulas that are aimed at achieving some final result (situational runescripts) are subject to deactivation, or a specific period of validity is stipulated. Therefore, after this period, the runescript is gratefully destroyed.

Protective Talismans

To make a protective talisman from runes or runic formulas, you first need to mentally imagine what your talisman will look like. Visualize it clearly in all details. Decide on the medium and symbols. You can first test them by making them on paper, and then apply them to long-term media. It also wouldn’t hurt to diagnose the formula to see if it’s right for you.

You can make an amulet from stone or wood. Choose a protective stone, for example black agate, schorl. Apply symbols to the blank, and then activate the talisman using a spontaneous method or any other. Always carry it with you.

If you make it from wood, you can buy ready-made blanks, but it’s better to make it yourself. To do this, go to the forest with offerings, ask the spirit of the forest to show you a tree that can be used, leave him gifts.

Carefully cut off the branch and leave gifts for the tree too. Make a blank at home using existing tools, then charge it.

To activate protective runes or staves using a spontaneous method, place them on the altar. Do it as in the picture, in the same location

  • candle
  • incense
  • salt or stones

Place rune symbols in the center.

Get ready for the ritual. Meditate for 5-10 minutes, then imagine how you have magical power that fills your entire being, how this power glistens in your blood and flows from your hands. Or tune in using the “three rays”.

Then you can open elemental portals, this will enhance the effect of the ritual. Or you can immediately begin the activation ritual.

Now light the candle, it gives off incense, touch the salt or stones, stir up the water. You can say:

Forces of Fire, I urge you to help me activate the protective talisman"

It's the same with other elements.

Now take your amulet in your hands and first place it in salt (or touch the stones with it) and say: The power of the earth charge my talisman with energy, let it protect and protect me from evil, from any negativity." Now drop some water on it and say also a spell, changing the element. Then hold it over the candles, naturally with the spell and then over the incense.

After completing the ritual, bury the remains and pour them under a tree. Leave offerings to the elements.


If you want to use disclaimers to formulas, then compose them correctly. This is a template, it can be improved. If you call on the power of the Gods, then do not forget to thank them.

  1. Beginning: Let this be a formula...
  2. Main text: protects me from...

3 Let the formula work without harm to this and that...

  1. Let the formula be activated in such and such a way, and deactivated in such and such a way
  2. True.


Let this becoming my protective talisman, let it protect me from evil, from any negative influence, from black magic, from damage and the evil eye, from envy. Let it act safely for me and my well-being. No harm to loved ones. This becoming is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning. True.

Protective runescripts

And finally, I bring to your attention 2 magical runescripts

  1. Protecting yourself. (From S. Manir)

In the central part you draw Mannaz, which represents yourself. Then draw Algiz on all sides, which symbolizes protection. You are surrounded by reinforced teyvaz, soulu and dagaz. The symbols not only work for protection, but also bring good luck.

  1. Home protection (From S. Manir)

Here in the center is the Othal rune, which represents home, your property. Surround her with protection using the Algiz and Teyvaz runes. Complete with other symbols.

Single runes of protection and their meaning


The basis of any protective formulas. It is depicted on many amulets. A single character is also used. This is a rune that has the following associations:

  • elk is an animal that is sensitive to any negativity. It is careful and insightful.
  • sedge - Also a symbol of caution. Easily feels negative influences of any nature.

The rune is very strong, has protective properties, quickly reacts to negativity, detects magical effects, for example, a love spell or damage, and signals danger.


Represents the spear of Thor. This runic sign speaks of determination and courage; she easily copes with repelling attacks on a person and returns negativity to enemies. Saves you from intrigue.

Reacts quickly to the invasion of unkind people into your space, to an attempt on material things and values. Grants insight to the wearer and develops the ability to accumulate material abundance.

Symbolizes ice. Its function is to freeze everything evil and negative. Isa freezes any damage and evil eye. But it does not protect inanimate objects, that is, it is useless for protecting the house.

The rune gives self-control. And that's a plus. Because in order to penetrate a person’s aura and instill a malicious program into him, you need to piss him off. But Isa does not allow this to be done.

The symbol also cools the desire to enjoy bad habits, freezes access to smoking, alcohol, etc.

Cools the senses and helps survive the distance. When placed on the walls of the house, it destroys relationships. So be careful.


Actively protects from ill-wishers, personifies the hammer of the Thor, that is, the symbol is capable of not only perfectly protecting, but also attacking the enemy. The rune returns a magical blow to the one who made it, reflects damage and other negativity.

Turs is used to block the wave of negativity and punish the sorcerer for it, returning everything with interest.