Proven runic formulas for cleaning financial channels. How to clear a money channel with runes

Cleaning "Shuriken" from Bast
I will share with you another proven formula, called “shuriken”. The formula was originally created as a money cleanser. Used in cases where a streak suddenly began

Trouble. Yesterday everything was fine and rosy, but today suddenly, for no reason at all, everything collapsed. On objects with long-term stagnation - I haven’t tried it, there are simply no suitable objects. If anyone decides to try it as a current cash cleaning and writes back, I would be grateful

The formula showed interesting results when it was used to break through the contour solution. For example: for the official Vasya to sign the work completion certificate tomorrow. And in the photo Vasya. But only for very specific actions. That is, “for someone to buy an apartment” will not work, but “for the Petrovs to buy an apartment and transfer the money this week” will work.
Elm laguz + feu (green, laguz darker, feu - bright green) - designation of the money channel. Laguz is a designation of direction, feu is the direction itself.
4 soulu - (in the picture - red) - allows you to quickly and efficiently achieve the goal indicated in the intention, simply by overcoming obstacles.
4 uruzas - (blue in the picture) - work like batteries, giving strength to the formula, providing a boost to a stagnant business.
In the background there appear 4 teywazas (blue leg and red cap), which are aimed at the liguz + feu ligature. 4 teyvazas ensure accuracy, speed and hitting the target, that is, the fulfillment of intentions.
Questions and answers on the topic.
A person contacted me by phone about selling my apartment, he liked it, he also had questions about furniture (so as not to talk to himself). In short, it seems like we agreed, but the money will be given in full immediately upon arrival. Or you can, knowing the person’s name, from which city and cell phone number, use it to become a “shuriken”.
Bast=Rosaliya, yes, try it, just make the intention as precise and definite as possible.
Hello Bast, can you apply for a salary increase?
if the only question is the date of making this decision or signing the papers for this decision. and if such a thought didn’t even occur to your boss... then set it up as a cleaning, without the intention of a salary, let him clean everything, the money will come from somewhere
Rosalia wrote:
That is, on a piece of paper, draw a stick, a stick, a cucumber, write all the data, draw a becoming on top and then an intention. So
Ledi wrote:
Cleaning "Shuriken", something like coercion and wish fulfillment
= no, it was created as a targeted cleansing of the money channel and removing everything that interferes with the normal flow of money and other well-being
Using one rune. GEBO

HEBO - the relationship with my husband is ideal in every sense, I radiate happiness, give and receive gifts.

Apply GEBO to ajna and give instructions for union, partnerships leading to friendship, love, marriage.

Draw GEBO on a piece of skin with the program to help in exams. Helps.

Win at cards. The GEBO rune on pine bark gives fantastic results.

To receive good money Carry an amulet with GEBO with you.

PERTH - to find lost items. We draw on the photo/drawing of the loss.

PERTH is a magical secret. Use on the 4th, 19th and 22nd lunar day for good luck in material affairs.

PERTH - see prophetic dream. Mentally draw PERTH on your pillow, ask a specific question, turn to God asking for help.

From stretch marks. Apply PERT to the area of ​​stretch marks, just apply carefully. Cleanses the skin very well from dermatic defects, scars, etc.

If you have a sore throat, apply PERT to the throat area with a marker.
If there is a burn, then the pain can be removed by visualizing the ISU on the burn, as if ice is on a sore spot.

You can stop nosebleeds within 30 seconds by applying ISU to the bridge of your nose.

Stop tissue necrosis by applying several Isa runes to the sore spot.

Very good for hiccups. Draw saliva in the dimple of the collarbone with a request to stop the unpleasant process. Helps instantly. You can draw on water, coffee, tea, etc. and drink.

Good for herpes. We draw ISU on the sore.

To calm down, apply the ISA rune to yourself. You can visually.

Visually apply ISU to the sky during rain and the clouds will disperse.

If you were under magical influence and you have already suffered, apply ISU between yourself and this person with the proviso - “Let everything that was done to my detriment lose its power!” You will feel better immediately after this.

You can stop, freeze all a person’s affairs (damage). It will work in 2-3 days.

If you are tired of your telephone interlocutor, the ISU will visually look at him and after 2-3 minutes the conversation will dry up on its own.

If you are late for public transport, you can hold him at the bus stop while you run after the bus. You'll have time.

Re: Cleaning the Shuriken money channel

Using one rune. BERKANA
BERKANY. drawn on the chest, they really enlarged it and attracted the gaze of men.

For heartache, draw BERKANA in the middle of your chest, you can go for water and drink.

From a hangover. Apply BERKANA to your nail thumb left hand.

VERKANA will calm the child and add weight.

The applied Berkana will balance and give calm. Doesn't let you get nervous and worry about trifles. You will become more tolerant and wiser. You will not take it out on your children and husband.

Amulet. Draw a rune and say, “May BERKANA protect me and protect me from stress, neuroses, depression, and may all this not touch my soul!”

Inspect oncology and control the growth of cancer cells. For any organ from a photo.

Using a single rune. VUNIO
VUNYO - please yourself and everyone around you. Narcissism.

If there is pain somewhere, visualize VUNO at that place again and again. And the pain will go away, it will become cool, the fever will go away, it will become good.

VUNIO is an excellent antidepressant, tonic, acts like a mild narcotic.. Then a recovery.

VUNIO is good for children. Calms.

If you apply VUNYO on yourself, you will definitely have sex that day.

Solve everyday tasks/problems with pleasure, joy within us or with another person who makes us happy with their presence.

Apply VUNIO to yourself - fear will disappear if there is a real need to change your mental state.

SOULO- great mood, hot, a state of pure and boundless happiness.

Apply to paper and place under a candle with the stipulation - “Let the room get warmer in as soon as possible no harm to me."

To lift your mood and energy. To work at night you cannot do without SOULO.

SOULO - restoration of strength after training and competitions.

SOULO - applied to a kimono or boxing bandages to defeat an opponent.

If your hands and feet often get cold, mentally apply SOULO to them, warm them in a minute.

To find a way out of temporary difficulties, applied to yourself, it works in 10-20 minutes.

For the purpose of damage, visually apply SOULO cable to electrical wires for several weeks in order to damage it.

SOULO is a mosquito repellent rune. Write on your hand.

Using one rune. KANO
To search for something lost. For insight. Apply KANO to yourself.

If papers are missing, documents wander around the room and mutter - KANO, KANO. There will definitely be some.

To return lost luck, carry the KANO rune with you,

To get a loan from a bank (it always helps), apply KANO to yourself and the documents for applying for the loan.

KANO on the left forearm - you will pass the exams without problems.

KANO relieves pain.

KANO from unwanted hair - you can burn out all the bulbs. Correctly stipulate.

If the weather is cold, visualize KANO on the heart. It will keep you warm.

If something breaks, visually imagine KANO for 2-3 seconds a few centimeters from the thing, move the rune, pass it through the thing and your breakdown will work.

Staff of Braga (staff of Skalds) is a universal formula for luck.
At the request of workers, I am posting a universal formula for good luck and passing exams and, in general, for the general advancement of affairs. It can also be used to win cases in court and as an amulet to attract good luck.
Also, if you visualize this formula using a phantom, it can work as a suggestion of the thoughts you need for the object.
Option 1:
"Braga's Staff" (Kano+Ansuz+Nauthiz) Gebo Jera
Option 2:
"The devil is eloquent" (Kano+Ansuz) Gebo Jera good luck in practice)_________________
On this waning moon: Diagnostics, Fortune telling on tarot cards, full layouts, removal of negativity, I do quarrels, damage, Runes for weight loss.

Using one rune. ANSUZ

To find out the answer to a question asked in a dream, draw ANSUZ on your left wrist. Or you can draw it on paper and put it under your pillow at night. State your question clearly.

To successfully pass exams, draw ANSUZ on your left forearm before each exam. And in the evening, wash it off with gratitude, it won’t let you down.

ANSUZ as an avatar on a mobile phone screen provides better communication for the phone, increased signal, more communication. The rune may not be activated. You can ANSUZ on your computer desktop and power supply.

To say a strong word and be listened to, apply ANSUZ to your left hand.

To return lost luck, carry the ANSUZ rune with you.

ANSUZ is a rune that helps journalists, writers, etc.


Working runes:

1. Rune Algiz - physical and magical protection. it will not only protect a person from magic, but will also be able to provide him with protection from diseases, for example, that is, the effect will be quite extensive.
2. Rune Laguz - gives a rollback and impenetrability.
3. Rune Manaz - the person (or group) himself
4. Rune thurisaz - rune of rollback and protection.
5. Letter Moroka E - hides a person (group) from the enemy.
6. 2 Signs of Thor - provide protection from negative and magical influences, from even just psychological influences.

This is a long lasting shield. We discuss it not individually, but in general. That is, you stipulate only what you want to receive protection from.
The power of God Thor is present here. Therefore, gifts to God Thor (beer with fish).
We activate it with the ritual of the four elements for at least a year. In case of magical attacks, we will activate it with a new clause.
Stav is being tested in a group of 20 people.

If financial well-being passes you by, there is a high probability that the path along which money comes to you is blocked by dark energies.

Will runes help everyone?

It is believed that each culture and religion has its own ways of working with subtle energies. Muslim cannot read orthodox prayers just as a Christian has no right to use Muslim conspiracies. This is the wrong approach. The truth is the same for everyone. True knowledge has neither cultural nor religious boundaries.

To use runes, it is not necessary to adhere to Old Norse beliefs, to worship Odin and other pagan gods.

You should not consider contacting magical symbols as a betrayal of one's faith. Thousands of people around the world use ancient knowledge while remaining Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim.

Make way for abundance!

A person living on modest means often wonders why he is so poor. His neighbor, who devotes the same amount of time to work or even less, can afford whatever he wants.

The fact is that in the first case the channel for entry cash, significantly damaged. The reasons why it was damaged may vary. Outside interference (damage, evil eye, etc.) is also possible. Runes for cleaning the money channel will help eliminate negativity.

Statues designed to normalize the channel of material well-being exist huge amount. The authorship of one of these formulas belongs to Constance Sagata. This becoming looks like a snowflake, each branch of which consists of a certain combination of runes:

The whole combination is based on 2 signs called Gebo. They symbolize what was given to a person at birth and what he created during his life.

The first branch is a combination of the Laguz, Anzus, Eyvaz, Kveort runes, which will help destroy obstacles to financial well-being.

The second branch consists of the runes Raido, Fehu, Algiz, Teyvaz and the mirror Thurisaz. The combination opens up new possibilities and protects the channel from damage, evil eyes and other unwanted influences.

In the center of the stave there are 2 Dagaz. Their purpose is to speed up clearance.

You need to apply it to your photo or body. It is used for three to five days. Then it must be removed, otherwise it will begin to have the opposite effect. For runes, you should come up with a clause that would indicate the purpose of the combination. In the disclaimer, you need to mention the safety of the formula for yourself and others.

Money channel cleansing runes open the way for abundance to flow into your life. However, we should not forget that wealth and prosperity will not appear on their own. Don't rely on ancient knowledge alone. New earning opportunities will open up for you. Hurry up to use them.

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I suggest effective method cleaning the money channel, which has shown itself to be successful in its work. So. Take a photo of yourself or the object of influence, put it under a bowl or bowl (preferably transparent) with cold water. Melt the wax in a water bath. We read the spell once, moving the anti-salt container with wax over a bowl of water and a photo under it, after which we slowly pour the wax into the water, reading twice more, a total of three times: I pour wax and pour it out, lack of money and poverty from myself (or Name) I remove with wax, everything that interferes with my monetary profit (or Name), my prosperity and well-being/(Name) is taken away, any attachments, tags, taps, vows and other adversities are removed with wax from myself/(Name). Everything that closes the way to the influx of money, removes luck and profit from me/(Name), I cast from myself (or the Name), I lock it in wax. Then we read three times about the wax hardening in water: As hot wax cools in water, so does everything that I wish for well-being. money luck It deprives me, it hardens in wax, the wax locks poverty and lack of money within itself, it removes the reasons for lack of money from me. I, (name) said, let what was said come true! So be it! We cast for three days in a row without breaks, 3 castings per day, for a total of 9 castings in 3 days of work. We take new wax for each casting. After casting, bury it or throw it away from the house.
Sometimes even high wages does not provide sufficient comfort for living, and funds literally evaporate. In order for your savings to multiply, you need to think about how and where you store them. Avoid storing savings in places with negative energy so that negativity does not interfere with the flow of financial energy. Favorable places to store funds. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the house is divided into certain zones. Some attract love to their home, others - comfort and luck, and others - prosperity. These are the places you should pay attention to. The southeast sector is responsible for material well-being. It is worth placing a piggy bank there and constantly replenishing it, thereby increasing financial flows. Here you should leave some of the money that you received for your merits and achievements at work. The correct arrangement of this sector is tied to colors - this zone should contain green, purple, lilac and gold shades. You should also put live plants there (for example, a pot with a money tree) and wooden pieces of furniture. With the auxiliary element of Water, you will increase the effect of the wealth zone. Place a container of water, a small aquarium or a decorative fountain in the sector. You can use photographs depicting waterfalls, deep-sea rivers, seas and oceans. Using wealth talismans also reveals financial potential. These are considered to be goldfish, a money frog, coins strung on a red thread, or other objects that can attract material well-being. For example, you can create a special vase of wealth, which in the teachings of Feng Shui is considered the strongest money talisman. Many lucky people use a trick and place in this sector a twig or shoot of a plant “stolen” from a rich house. Places of power in the apartment. You can store money so that it multiplies in places of power. There are such points in every apartment, and you can find them using your own sensations. These are the most comfortable places where you get a boost of energy and relax after a working day. You can create a place of power yourself by choosing a room or part of it that is suitable for its energy. These places are a good place to store finances, but to increase profits, take care of the capacity. Items in red or green shades are best suited: wooden boxes, leather wallets, beautiful handmade boxes. Our ancestors turned to otherworldly forces for help and called on the brownie for help. Having secured his support, you don’t have to worry about your well-being. The businesslike nature stands up for the happiness of the owners and will definitely help you find a way to increase your finances. You need to give the brownie a patch for safekeeping and ask him to hide it so that no enemy can find it. These guardians of home comfort, when treated properly, often negotiate with other otherworldly entities about finding treasures, wealth, or suggest places where there is a chance of making money. Keeping money in places with positive energy. You can arrange a place to store money in a private home in the attic. The most favorable place would be a secluded corner under a bird's nest or a hive with wild bees or wasps. The hard work of the animal world imparts positive energy to your finances, and they begin to attract flows of financial energy to you. Any place in your home where life is in full swing, laughter is heard often and positivity prevails can become a storage place for money. It is these places that have unprecedented power that will never leave you in poverty. You can also attract financial well-being with the help of special rituals. To do this, you should use proven methods and be confident in your abilities.