List of Russian noble surnames. Royal families

Royal families

In Rus', surnames were also born according to branches family tree. This happened in the ruling dynasties of the Rurikovichs, Romanovs, and other princely and boyar families. IN chronicle code The Tale of Bygone Years mentions that the legendary Varangian Rurik came to Novgorod with his retinue and began to rule there in 862. Rurik’s successor was Oleg, one of his close warriors, who moved south and conquered Kyiv. After Oleg, power in Kyiv passed to Igor, and then to his wife Olga. According to some chronicle sources, Igor was considered the son of Rurik, so all the descendants of Igor and Olga began to call themselves Rurikovich. The Rurik dynasty ruled the Russian lands from the 9th to the 16th centuries. They stood at the head of small and large principalities during the period of feudal fragmentation, and then at the head of the Old Russian state.

The name of the founder of this dynasty turned into a surname. To understand the meaning of the surname Rurikovich, you need to look at the translation of the name Rurik. There are two versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, Rurik was not a personal name, but a kind of titular nickname, indicating a person’s high rank. Translated from the Scandinavian "hrodra rikr" means "glorious ruler." Among the representatives of the Rurik dynasty there were indeed many famous rulers who corresponded to this meaning of their surname.

And according to the second version, the name Rurik could come from the Scandinavian word “rorik” - “falcon”. Since it is necessary to consider all possible meanings in a surname, let us pay attention to this version. The falcon, on the one hand, is a high-flying bird, and on the other hand, falcons were tamed and kept for royal hunting. This is a bird of power, but its power is based on submission to someone. This distinguishes the falcon from the eagle, which rules on its own. Although the falcon flies high, it obeys the falconer’s command, and upon returning, a cap is placed on its head. This bird personifies the principle of service, the warrior. This meaning of the surname was very much lost in the history of the entire Rurikovich dynasty.

The Novgorodians hired Rurik along with the Varangian squad and invited them to defend the city. Prince Rurik was supposed to perform the functions of a warrior-commander, serve the townspeople, and the government of the city was to be carried out by an elected veche. The first princes of the Rurik dynasty actually corresponded to the meaning of the surname associated with the image of a falcon; they were warriors, led all conquests, and themselves collected tribute from the territories under their control. Svyatoslav Rurikovich, son of Igor and Olga, who was the first of this dynasty to receive Slavic name, most of all embodied the image of the prince-commander; he spent his entire life in long military campaigns and battles.

The princes of the Rurik dynasty had to voluntarily submit to someone else's influence; they actually played out the image of a falcon obeying someone's hand. First Olga and then Vladimir bowed to Byzantium and accepted Christianity. Then the Mongols kept Rus' under their hood for 200 years, the Rurikovichs had to receive a label to reign in the Golden Horde. But without such subordination to external conditions, they would not have been able to cope with internal strife and civil strife, or to unite the scattered lands into a single state.

The mystery of the surname shows the true role that its bearers should play in human history. If the Rurikovichs tried to deviate from their assigned role, they immediately lost. When the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor felt too free and tried to collect tribute from the Drevlyans a second time, he immediately paid the price and was brutally killed.

Another Rurikovich, Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgorukov, was killed by the conspirators after he began to strive for absolute power. They wrote about him in the chronicle: “although he will be an autocrat.” Starting with Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Rurik dynasty began the period of formation of absolute monarchical power, which ultimately led them to a sad ending. In 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich Rurikovich, nicknamed the Terrible, was crowned king. The Rurik dynasty became royal. But this contradicted the meaning of their surname, and in 1598, with the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, this dynasty was interrupted.

Let us note that after the formation of a centralized state, many of the Rurikovichs lost their fiefdoms, appanage possessions and formed the highest stratum of Moscow service people, becoming the so-called “princes,” continuing to embody the mystery of their surname associated with service.

After the decline of the Rurik dynasty, power passed to the Romanov dynasty. The surname Romanov comes from the name Roman. This boyar family began to call itself the Romanovs from the 16th century, and before that they were Koshkins, then Zakharyins. Archival records indicate that in the first half of the 14th century there lived a boyar of the Moscow princes, Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla. One of his sons, Alexander Elka Kobylin, continued the Kobylin family. Another son, Ignatius Zherebets Kobylin, became the ancestor of the Zherebtsovs, while the younger Fedor Koshka Kobylin became the ancestor of the Koshkins. Until the 16th century, the ancestors of the Romanovs were called Koshkins, and then the Zakharyins branch emerged from this family.

The rise of the Zakharyins began after the marriage of Tsar Ivan the Terrible to the daughter of Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin, Anastasia. The founder of the Romanov family was the third son of Roman Yuryevich, Nikita Romanovich. Nikita Romanovich's son was tonsured a monk under the name Filaret, and later became a Russian patriarch. At the Zemsky Sobor in 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the son of Fyodor-Filaret, the grandson of the founder of the Romanovs, was elected Russian Tsar. First, the Romanov family became a royal dynasty, and from 1721 - an imperial one.

Only when this humble family began to call themselves the Romanovs did they really have a chance to gain power and the question of their election to the kingdom immediately arose. The Romanovs were able to establish themselves in Moscow precisely because in the 16th century it was announced as the Third Rome. And as soon as this happened, the Romanovs appeared. The name Roman translates as “Roman, Roman” and refers to the history of education Ancient Rome. The Romanovs were able to eliminate all their competitors for royal power, since the archetype of their surname was in demand at that time. Ivan the Terrible declared himself a tsar, that is, Caesar, Caesar, and manifested the archetype of the Roman Empire. After this, the Romanovs began to rise and replaced the Rurikovichs, since they were better suited in their clan scenario to carry out the program of creating an empire, the Third Rome.

The Roman principle, which the Romanovs carried in their surname, predetermined their choice and path in life. The fate of this dynasty is very reminiscent of the fate of Ancient Rome. Having come to power, the Romanovs turned Russia into an empire. They also had a Senate, which played a ceremonial and decorative role under the emperor, as in Rome of later times.

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Scratch a Russian boyar and you will find a foreigner! Sheremetevs, Morozovs, Velyaminovs...


The family traces its origins to Shimon (Simon), the son of the Varangian prince African. In 1027 he arrived in the army of Yaroslav the Great and converted to Orthodoxy. Shimon Afrikanovich is famous for the fact that he participated in the battle with the Polovtsians on Alta and contributed the most to the construction of the Pechersk temple in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: a precious belt and the legacy of his father - a golden crown.

But the Vilyaminovs were known not only for their courage and generosity: a descendant of the family, Ivan Vilyaminov, fled to the Horde in 1375, but was later captured and executed on Kuchkovo Field. Despite the betrayal of Ivan Velyaminov, his family did not lose its significance: the last son of Dmitry Donskoy was baptized by Maria, the widow of Vasily Velyaminov, the Moscow thousand.

The following clans emerged from the Velyaminov family: Aksakovs, Vorontsovs, Vorontsov-Velyaminovs.

Detail: The name of the street “Vorontsovo Field” still reminds Muscovites of the most distinguished Moscow family, the Vorontsov-Velyaminovs.


The Morozov family of boyars is an example of a feudal family from among the Old Moscow untitled nobility. The founder of the family is considered to be a certain Mikhail, who came from Prussia to serve in Novgorod. He was among the “six brave men” who showed special heroism during the Battle of the Neva in 1240.

The Morozovs served Moscow faithfully even under Ivan Kalita and Dmitry Donskoy, occupying prominent positions at the grand ducal court. However, their family suffered greatly from the historical storms that overtook Russia in the 16th century. Many representatives of the noble family disappeared without a trace during the bloody oprichnina terror of Ivan the Terrible.

The 17th century became the last page in the centuries-old history of the family. Boris Morozov had no children, and the only heir of his brother, Gleb Morozov, was his son Ivan. By the way, he was born in marriage with Feodosia Prokofievna Urusova, the heroine of V.I. Surikov’s film “Boyaryna Morozova”. Ivan Morozov did not leave any male offspring and turned out to be the last representative of a noble boyar family, which ceased to exist in the early 80s of the 17th century.

Detail: The heraldry of Russian dynasties took shape under Peter I, which is perhaps why the coat of arms of the Morozov boyars has not been preserved.


According to genealogical books, the Buturlin family descends from an “honest husband” under the name Radsha who left the Semigrad land (Hungary) at the end of the 12th century to join Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.

“My great-grandfather Racha served Saint Nevsky with a fighting muscle,” wrote A. Pushkin in the poem “My Genealogy.” Radsha became the founder of fifty Russian noble families in Tsarist Moscow, among them the Pushkins, the Buturlins, and the Myatlevs...

But let’s return to the Buturlin family: its representatives faithfully served first the Grand Dukes, then the sovereigns of Moscow and Russia. Their family gave Russia many prominent, honest, noble people, whose names are still known today. Let's name just a few of them:

Ivan Mikhailovich Buturlin served as a guard under Boris Godunov, fought in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, and conquered almost all of Dagestan. He died in battle in 1605 as a result of betrayal and deception of the Turks and mountain foreigners.

His son Vasily Ivanovich Buturlin was the Novgorod governor, an active associate of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky in his fight against the Polish invaders.

For military and peaceful deeds, Ivan Ivanovich Buturlin was awarded the title of Knight of St. Andrew, General-in-Chief, Ruler of Little Russia. In 1721, he actively participated in the signing of the Peace of Nystad, which put an end to the long war with the Swedes, for which Peter I awarded him the rank of general.

Vasily Vasilyevich Buturlin was a butler under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who did a lot for the reunification of Ukraine and Russia.

The Sheremetev family traces its origins to Andrei Kobyla. The fifth generation (great-great-grandson) of Andrei Kobyla was Andrei Konstantinovich Bezzubtsev, nicknamed Sheremet, from whom the Sheremetevs descended. According to some versions, the surname is based on the Turkic-Bulgar “sheremet” (poor fellow) and the Turkic-Persian “shir-Muhammad” (pious, brave Muhammad).

Many boyars, governors, and governors came from the Sheremetev family, not only due to personal merit, but also due to kinship with the reigning dynasty.

Thus, the great-granddaughter of Andrei Sheremet was married to the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Ivan, who was killed by his father in a fit of anger. And five grandchildren of A. Sheremet became members of the Boyar Duma. The Sheremetevs took part in the wars with Lithuania and the Crimean Khan, in the Livonian War and the Kazan campaigns. Estates in the Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, and Nizhny Novgorod districts complained to them for their service.


According to legend, they come from the Kasozh (Circassian) Prince Rededi - the ruler of Tmutarakan, who was killed in 1022 in single combat with Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich (son of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the baptist of Rus'). However, this fact did not prevent the son of Prince Rededi, Roman, from marrying the daughter of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich.

It is reliably known that by the beginning of the 15th century. the descendants of the Kasozh prince Rededi already bear the surname Lopukhin, serve in various ranks in the Novgorod principality and in the Moscow state and own lands. And from the end of the 15th century. they become Moscow nobles and tenants at the Sovereign's Court, retaining Novgorod and Tver estates and estates.

The outstanding Lopukhin family gave the Fatherland 11 governors, 9 governors-general and governors who ruled 15 provinces, 13 generals, 2 admirals, served as ministers and senators, headed the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Council.