Stand Up show participant Dmitry Romanov: biography, creativity and personal life

Romanov Dmitry – popular Russian comedian and an artist who became famous thanks to his participation in the project “ Comedy Club» KVN.

Childhood and youth of Dmitry Romanov

Romanov was born on January 8, 1985 in Odessa. Since childhood, he amazed his family and friends with his sharp mind and good sense of humor. The boy had extraordinary facial features - beautiful eyes and an infectious smile. Already in childhood, many believed that this child would be able to achieve a lot in life.

Dmitry Romanov entered the Academy of Food Technologies, majoring in mechanical engineering. Already at the academy everyone noticed the artistry young man, and soon Romanov began playing in the KVN team. As he himself notes, it was in the KVN team that he realized that he had chosen the wrong specialty, the wrong calling.

The team's performances were extremely popular, thanks to the artistry of Dmitry Romanov. He knew how to infect auditorium with his cheerful laughter, smile, sharp and original jokes and energy. The audience liked the performances so much that his jokes were recorded and then listened to and quoted.

Dmitry Romanov in KVN: team “Republic Shkid”, 2006

The star did not work a single day in his specialty, and as he himself claims, he received his diploma as a tribute to his parents. Constant performances, rehearsals, work at the Comedy Club in Odessa, on radio and television occupied all his days. IN free time he wrote monologues and jokes.

The artist performed at many corporate events, weddings and parties. Income was not the main thing, the main thing was the audience, ready to listen to the young artist. And it was thanks to this experience that Dmitry Romanov realized that it was the solo performance in front of the audience that he liked more than anything else.

The beginning of the creative career of Dmitry Romanov

The beginning of Dmitry’s creativity is considered to be participation in “Comedy Odessa” and “Comedy Kyiv”. He was then invited to become a professional writer in new project on the TNT channel.

Romanov worked in the new direction of Stand Up. This trend was just gaining popularity in Russia; the artist had to perform a solo number in front of an audience. And artistry and the ability to improvise were of great importance for a successful performance. It was in this direction that Dmitry became famous.

The artist often talks about how he came to this genre: “I came to stand-up because I wanted to perform in a solo humorous genre, it turned out that it has a name”; “Real stand-up is when what the comedian says catches you, when you can somehow relate to it. When there is life in it, and not fictional situations about two friends at a disco or about Mayakovsky’s meeting with Stalin.”

This was followed by participation in such projects as: “Laughter without rules”, “ Slaughter League", "Comedy Battle", "Bunker News", "Faina Ukraine".

Dmitry Romanov. About money.

In 2011-2012, Dmitry Romanov performed in such projects as: “Stand-up evening”, “Central park”, “Stand-up project”. He performed together with Ruslan Bely and Vyacheslav Komissarenko in “solo performances for two”. Dmitry participated in the Big Difference festival and also worked on the sitcom It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Speeches by Dmitry Romanov

Romanov's performances are always very warmly received by the public. His humor is simple, without vulgarity or rudeness. Here's what Dmitry Romanov says about forbidden topics for jokes: “ Taboo topics for jokes: I allow myself to joke on any topic, but in the company of friends. There are a lot of topics on stage that I don’t joke about yet.”

In his rooms he talks mainly about himself, his friends and his girlfriend. Dmitry is not afraid to laugh at himself and his shortcomings, he is not shy about saying something personal, it is this openness that the viewer likes. Romanov openly talks about the fact that he is Jewish.

His most popular speeches are: “About Jews, Russians and his girlfriend”, “About Birthday”, “About freebies and their lovers”, “About gifts, holidays with a girl and nicknames in relationships”, “Awkward situations”, “ About the first date, lies in relationships and girls” and many others.

His jokes are popular and published on many blogs and forums. For example: “When you come to the hospital, you need to put on shoe covers, and these shoe covers are paid. One pair of shoe covers costs 5 rubles. On average, 800 people come to the hospital per day. It’s not that I like to count other people’s money, but quite by accident I counted everything. It turns out, purely on shoe covers, one and a half million rubles a year. Agree, it’s not a bad boot turn?”

Harmful pets (Dmitry Romanov)

Dmitry Romanov was received very warmly by the public. Many spectators come to his performances. He is popular on YouTube, TNT channel, RenTV, NTV and Ukrainian channels. His work is discussed in blogs and forums. Creativity is not understood by everyone and not everyone likes it, but despite this, his talent is recognized by everyone without exception.

Personal life of Dmitry Romanov

Despite his busy schedule and constant performances, the star has a girlfriend and in his speeches he often talks about his relationship.

But whether this is true or not remains a mystery. In one of the interviews, he said that he was happy in his relationship and all the other girls did not bother him at all.

Family is still the most important thing in the artist’s life. Dmitry's beloved grandmother is always waiting for him at home, as is his grandson, who has a wonderful sense of humor. In his numbers, Romanov jokes that it is his grandmother who is the author of his texts.

Dmitry Romanov now

Since the fall of 2012, Dmitry Romanov has been constantly participating in the project on the TNT channel “Stand Up”, and is often a guest on the “Comedy Club” program. His humor is always popular; Dmitry is invited to perform at many private events and holidays. The most important thing for Romanov is still the love of the viewer; it is the absence of an audience that he fears most.

Romanov was born and raised in Odessa, but left hometown for the sake of a project on TNT, he now lives and works in Moscow. But he does not forget about his homeland, where his work is loved, and often goes to Ukraine for concerts. Tickets for performances are bought up as soon as the arrival of a star becomes known.

Our today's hero is a bright and cheerful young man, a regular participant in the program, Dmitry Romanov. Do you know where he was born? How did you get on television? Is he legally married? If not, then you can find the necessary information in the article.

Dmitry Romanov biography, childhood and youth

Born on January 8, 1985 in the glorious Ukrainian city of Odessa. Our hero is Jewish by nationality.

WITH early years the boy demonstrated an excellent sense of humor. At his jokes and funny stories All the neighbors and relatives laughed. Dima did well at school. He attended a drawing and aircraft modeling club.

Upon completion high school the guy applied to the Academy of Food Technologies, choosing the specialty “mechanical engineer”. Dima was admitted to university.

Humorous career

An active and cheerful young man already in his 2nd year was accepted into student team KVN. Many performances were received well by the audience. And all thanks to the artistry of Dima Romanov.

Soon the guy was invited to the team “Republic Shkid”, which got the opportunity to perform at main stage KVN and stand next to Alexander Maslyakov.

After receiving his diploma, Dima did not work in his specialty. He began developing his humorous career. Our hero performed on local radio and television. Later, Dmitry participated in such projects as Comedy Odessa and Comedy Kyiv.

In 2010, the guy moved to Moscow, where he was offered good job. He was a screenwriter and joke writer. But at some point, the comedian from Odessa wanted to perform on stage himself.

Since 2012, our hero has been a regular participant show Stand Up. Dmitry Romanov never ceases to delight the audience with sparkling performances. He jokingly talks about Jews, relationships with his girlfriend, conditions modern life, awkward situations and much more.

Personal life

Many fans want to know if Stand Up resident Dmitry Romanov is available. Let's take a closer look at his personal life.

While still in high school, Dima fell in love with a girl who was a year younger than him. He showed her signs of attention. But the feelings remained unrequited.

In 2010, in Moscow, the comedian met the charming blonde Kristina Talyzina. The girl came to the capital from Krasnoyarsk. She graduated from the Siberian Aerospace University (financial and economic department). Romanov did everything to win her favor.

The couple was in a civil marriage for several years. And in June 2015, the lovers got married. Dima and Christina signed their names at the Kutuzovsky registry office, then went to celebrate the occasion in one of the capital's restaurants. The couple are planning to have a child in the near future.

In conclusion

We reported where Stand Up resident Dmitry Romanov was born, studied and with whom he lives. We wish him development in creativity and prosperity in his family!

Today we will tell you about an Odessa resident, comedian, funny guy Dmitry Romanov. He took the stand-up scene by storm not too long ago, thanks to his show of the same name. We will briefly tell you about the biography of this interesting person, and only then we will give a link to it this page VKontakte.

By the way, it was after his appearances on television that Dmitry Romanov became popular on VKontakte. And this is not surprising. TV is a great power!

Brief biography

Comedian Vk page

As you already understand, Dmitry Romanov is actually registered on VKontakte. Today he has a little less than eighteen thousand subscribers and one and a half hundred friends (which, of course, cannot be compared with the army of fans of the comedian). Judging by the status, he does not add everyone there, but only people with whom he actually knows. And that's right.

And here is the treasured link, copying which into the address bar of your browser will immediately take you to Dmitry Romanov’s page in VKontakte:

The page is very “live” and active. At the time of writing this article, Dima has published more than two thousand personal photographs. And when you read these lines, there are probably even more of them. There are also a lot of videos - more than four hundred. Most of them, naturally, are dedicated to such a humorous genre as Stand-Up. As for music, it is also presented on Dmitry’s page in quite a wide variety, there is something to listen to.

In general, if you were looking for comedian Dima Romanov in social network VKontakte, then you found it. All that remains is to subscribe to his page and follow all the news on the wall. He posts them quite often, supported by exclusive photographs.

By the way, it’s very interesting to go down his wall, to the very first entries, and see what Dima wrote when he was not yet so famous, in the year 2008, for example. Among the various statuses, you will find very unusual and interesting ones, for example:

  • March 29, 2008: “I’m tired, I want love” (now, probably, several hundred or thousand girls would respond to Dima’s status);
  • May 29, 2008: “how funny you all are!!” (and himself?);
  • July 16, 2008: “Gerych rules the world” (we really hope that Gerych is someone’s nickname, and not a substance);
  • 25 Jan 2011: "I like Adriano Celentano!" (almost a declaration of love).
That's all, we told you everything we knew about the stand-up comedian Romanov. Keep following our updates! There is still a lot ahead interesting personalities on social networks, secrets and advice.


Dmitry travels a lot and once he took a steam bath with foreigners, and among them there were also Russians. The comedian’s compatriots decided to heat the air as much as possible and all the foreigners left, only Romanov remained - and that’s how they met, realizing that he was also Russian. Romanov will also share his experience family life. It turns out that this is not only everyday life, but also all kinds of constraint in communicating with friends. The older you get, the fewer friends you have around you, and they are replaced by a rocking chair and rugs at home.

Dmitry once even flew with Orthodox priest. He recognized the famous comedian, because he watched Stand Up on TNT. The priest assured Romanov that he urgently needed a sermon, and was also a little envious of the tenth iPhone.

Dmitry recently spoke in the Kremlin in front of Jews. There he met many of his guys. For example, Maxim Galkin, who praised his fellow comedian. I wonder if at home Galkin boasted to his wife that he had seen another young comedian?

Dmitry took the Russian language exam for Russian citizenship. And there it was necessary to emphasize the words, and also remember the proverb about spring. Dmitry managed to remember one of these, but he was embarrassed to write it. However, the comedian was surprised when the inspector herself voiced his proverb.

Dima often flies on planes and almost always comes across very strange fellow travelers. Either people kick him and break his seat, then they ask him to take more glasses of wine. To put it simply, it doesn’t have a boring time during the flight.

The Jewish organization offered Dmitry to perform in New York, but they refused to pay for the jokes; they were only willing to pay for the flight of the comedian himself and his wife. There the Romanov family met Alexander Friends, who was with his mother.

Dmitry and his wife like to visit the bathhouse and sauna. Once they were even steaming with Europeans, whom the enterprising Romanov was able to drive away and be left alone with his wife. Also now the comedian's wife is watching him proper nutrition and forbids him to eat after six in the evening. Dmitry also recently held a corporate event, where he met prostitutes and in general the guy often saw prostitutes, because he rented an apartment with his wife, where the view from the window opened up to a number of women with reduced social responsibility.

Dmitry jumped with a parachute for the first time in India, and he did it with his wife. The impressions remained pleasant, because then they immediately flew to the island of Bali, where they experienced even more new entertainment for themselves, which obviously not everyone can afford. The comedian also had rhinoplasty - he made his nose more beautiful by removing the hump. And finally, he will present the life of Dzhigan’s wife, because he would not wish this even on his enemy.

The final musical experiment. Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov will take part in extreme karaoke, where they will have to sing a song and at the same time go through an obstacle course. And they will do this with the help of their voice. Dmitry will perform the song “My Baby” from the group Ruki Vverh. Victor got the Shark’s track called “Acid DJ”.

In this musical experiment, Victor and Dmitry will encounter an unknown music video. The presenters selected four options for it musical accompaniment. Guests of the program will need to guess the correct one. But that's not all. Comedians will also be treated to an experiment within an experiment - four video sequences and one version of musical accompaniment.

Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov will need to guess the name famous hit, about which the show's hosts wrote their song. In the musical experiment “Song about a Song”, attention should be paid exclusively to the text and tips from the presenters - the melody has nothing to do with the original. Comedians can expect “Wonderful Valley, Valley” from Mr. Credo, as well as “A smile will make everyone brighter” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”.

The presenters of Studio Soyuz took a fragment of an unknown song and removed the last line from there. Guests of the episode - Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov - need to guess how this passage ends. They will have four options, and they only need to choose the correct one. Comedians can expect the magnificent creativity of the group “Wet Cheesecakes”, Glad Valakas and many others.

The guests of the episode were comedians Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov to find out which of them is more musical. They will start with a musical experiment called “Golden Agathon”. The presenters of Studio Soyuz took the text of a famous song and tried to imagine what it would look like in Old Church Slavonic. Victor and Dmitry will have to guess such hits as “Bullfinches-Heroes” and “On Louboutins”.

The final round, in which lines from famous songs, poems, and popular phraseological units were selected for the show participants and encrypted in a picture. The guests' task is to quickly understand what is being said, press a button and give an answer. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Both teams have a chance. Battle of cities. Sukhum vs Odessa.

Some kind of animation, a live picture, will appear on the screen. The task of the show guests is to understand what is encrypted in it. And in this picture only the name will be encrypted. The title of the film, cartoon or series. The puzzle is to solve it. Whoever guesses the most will receive one point. For some, this is a chance to break away, for others, a chance to get off the ground.

Dmitry Romanov biography, photos - find out everything!

Biography of Dmitry Romanov

Dmitry Romanov is a popular Russian comedian and artist, who became famous thanks to his participation in the KVN Comedy Club project.

Childhood and youth of Dmitry Romanov

Romanov was born on January 8, 1985 in Odessa. Since childhood, he amazed his family and friends with his sharp mind and good sense of humor. The boy had extraordinary facial features - beautiful eyes and an infectious smile. Already in childhood, many believed that this child would be able to achieve a lot in life.

Dmitry Romanov entered the Academy of Food Technologies, majoring in mechanical engineering. Already at the academy, everyone noticed the artistry of the young man, and soon Romanov began playing in the KVN team. As he himself notes, it was in the KVN team that he realized that he had chosen the wrong specialty, the wrong calling.

The team's performances were extremely popular, thanks to the artistry of Dmitry Romanov. He knew how to infect the audience with his cheerful laughter, smile, sharp and original jokes and energy. The audience liked the performances so much that his jokes were recorded and then listened to and quoted.

Dmitry Romanov in KVN: team “Republic Shkid”, 2006

The star did not work a single day in his specialty, and as he himself claims, he received his diploma as a tribute to his parents. Constant performances, rehearsals, work at the Comedy Club in Odessa, on radio and television occupied all his days. In his free time, he wrote monologues and jokes.

The artist performed at many corporate events, weddings and parties. Income was not the main thing, the main thing was the audience, ready to listen to the young artist. And it was thanks to this experience that Dmitry Romanov realized that it was the solo performance in front of the audience that he liked more than anything else.

The beginning of the creative career of Dmitry Romanov

The beginning of Dmitry’s creativity is considered to be participation in “Comedy Odessa” and “Comedy Kyiv”. Then he was invited to become a professional author for a new project on the TNT channel.

Romanov worked in the new direction of Stand Up. This trend was just gaining popularity in Russia; the artist had to perform a solo number in front of an audience. And artistry and the ability to improvise were of great importance for a successful performance. It was in this direction that Dmitry became famous.

The artist often talks about how he came to this genre: “I came to stand-up because I wanted to perform in a solo humorous genre, it turned out that it has a name”; “Real stand-up is when what the comedian says catches you, when you can somehow relate to it. When there is life in it, and not fictional situations about two friends at a disco or about Mayakovsky’s meeting with Stalin.”

This was followed by participation in such projects as: “Laughter without Rules”, “Slaughter League”, “Comedy Battle”, “Bunker News”, “Faina Ukraine”.

Dmitry Romanov in "Big Difference"

In 2011-2012, Dmitry Romanov performed in such projects as: “Stand-up evening”, “Central park”, “Stand-up project”. He performed together with Ruslan Bely. Vyacheslav Komissarenko in “solo performances for two”. Dmitry participated in the Big Difference festival and also worked on the sitcom It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Speeches by Dmitry Romanov

Romanov's performances are always very warmly received by the public. His humor is simple, without vulgarity or rudeness. Here's what Dmitry Romanov says about forbidden topics for jokes: “Forbidden topics for jokes: I allow myself to joke on any topic, but in the company of friends. There are a lot of topics on stage that I don’t joke about yet.”

In his rooms he talks mainly about himself, his friends and his girlfriend. Dmitry is not afraid to laugh at himself and his shortcomings, he does not hesitate to say something personal, it is this openness that the viewer likes. Romanov openly talks about the fact that he is Jewish.

His most popular speeches are: “About Jews, Russians and his girlfriend”, “About Birthday”, “About freebies and their lovers”, “About gifts, holidays with a girl and nicknames in relationships”, “Awkward situations”, “ About the first date, lies in relationships and girls” and many others.

His jokes are popular and published on many blogs and forums. For example: “When you come to the hospital, you need to put on shoe covers, and these shoe covers are paid. One pair of shoe covers costs 5 rubles. On average, 800 people come to the hospital per day. It’s not that I like to count other people’s money, but quite by accident I counted everything. It turns out, purely on shoe covers, one and a half million rubles a year. Agree, it’s not a bad boot turn?”

Harmful pets (Dmitry Romanov)

Dmitry Romanov was received very warmly by the public. Many spectators come to his performances. He is popular on YouTube, TNT channel, RenTV, NTV and Ukrainian channels. His work is discussed in blogs and forums. Creativity is not understood by everyone and not everyone likes it, but despite this, his talent is recognized by everyone without exception.

Personal life of Dmitry Romanov

Despite his busy schedule and constant performances, the star has a girlfriend and in his speeches he often talks about his relationship.

But whether this is true or not remains a mystery. In one of his interviews, he said that he was happy in his relationship and that all other girls did not bother him at all.

Family is still the most important thing in the artist’s life. Dmitry's beloved grandmother is always waiting for him at home, as is his grandson, who has a wonderful sense of humor. In his numbers, Romanov jokes that it is his grandmother who is the author of his texts.

Dmitry Romanov now

Since the fall of 2012, Dmitry Romanov has been constantly participating in the project on the TNT channel “Stand Up”, and is often a guest on the “Comedy Club” program. His humor is always popular; Dmitry is invited to perform at many private events and holidays. The most important thing for Romanov is still the love of the viewer; it is the absence of an audience that he fears most.

Romanov was born and raised in Odessa, but left his hometown for a project on TNT, and now lives and works in Moscow. But he does not forget about his homeland, where his work is loved, and often goes to Ukraine for concerts. Tickets for performances are bought up as soon as the arrival of a star becomes known.

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