Dmitry Romanov biography, personal life and his girlfriend. Stand Up show participant Dmitry Romanov: biography, creativity and personal life

Dmitry Romanov was born on January 8, 1985 in Odessa. From a young age, those around him were amazed at the incredible sense of humor of the boy, who with just his smile could make many laugh until they dropped. Even then it was clear that such an open and cheerful person would have a bright future.


After graduating from school, Dmitry entered the Academy of Food Technologies, after which he was supposed to become an engineer. Even in his first year, the young man decided to try his hand at the local KVN team, which consisted mainly of creative personalities who dreamed of making a name for themselves. Given Romanov's incredible artistry, he quickly realized that making people laugh on stage was his true calling in life. But, despite this, he still completed his studies, as he promised his parents.

Start of a career

After receiving his diploma, of course, Dmitry Romanov did not go to work in his specialty. Instead, he began performing at all kinds of corporate parties, weddings and other public events. In this way, the aspiring artist gained experience in the hope that one day they would pay attention to him and invite him to work on stage. Romanov performed mainly solo, and also wrote all his jokes himself. Such a talented person simply could not remain unnoticed for long.

Working on television

The comedian got his first television experience back in 2006, when he began performing on the stage of the Kyiv Comedy Club, where he gained incredible popularity among the local public. There he worked for several many years, after which he received a long-awaited offer from the TNT television channel, whose employees were working on a new promising project. Without thinking twice, Dmitry Romanov accepted this offer and moved to the Russian capital.


The new project is called StandUp. For the Russian audience, this phenomenon still remained something unfamiliar and complex. But despite this, the show was still launched. Little-known comedians who previously had experience working either in KVN or in small cities of the CIS countries began performing on stage. Among them was Dmitry Romanov, who immediately pleased the audience.

As you know, this humorous genre is famous for the fact that it allows for quite harsh jokes, as well as some vulgarity. It is for this reason that most stand-up comedians begin to abuse these things. But, unlike many, Dmitry entertains the audience in a completely different way. He tells stories that, in the vast majority of cases, are based on his personal experience. He also touches on topics that are relevant to our day, which others do not touch upon. So it is not surprising that over and over again the public greets Romanov with thunderous applause.

Other projects

After the stunning success, Dmitry Romanov began to be invited to many other projects, among which the most notable are “Stand-up Evening”, “ Slaughter League», « Comedy battle” and “Big difference.” It was also Dmitry who had a hand in creating the Russian adaptation of the popular foreign comedy series"It's always sunny in Philadelphia." On at the moment the comedian continues to actively perform and delight viewers with fresh performances.

  • Despite his rise to fame, Dmitry did not have his own home in the capital for several years. he rented an apartment with friends;
  • believes that he is best at making jokes about his own nationality;
  • Dmitry is a big fan of traveling. Over the past few years he has visited several European countries and islands.


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Dmitry Romanov is a comedian, participant in KVN and STANDUP shows. Born in Odessa January 8, 1985.


Since early childhood little Romanov possessed good sense of humor and was very charming. A love of humor instilled in him dear grandmother, who, in fact, was involved in his upbringing. Romanov grew up in a very poor but friendly Jewish family. He had an unusual number of grandparents.

After the divorce, the parents of Dima's biological father did not stop communicating with the boy, his mother was able to remarry. Thus, Romanov had three grandfathers and three grandmothers. Relatives often gathered on weekends; the boy could make anyone laugh.

Therefore, we can safely say that the first large audience young talent was his own family. By the way, in one of the interviews, Dmitry admitted that he wrote many of the texts for his speeches with the help of his grandmother. Now all the actor's family lives in Odessa and doesn’t want to move to Moscow.

Dmitry went to the most common Odessa school, where he took part in all amateur activities. According to the comedian, he entered the institute closest to home, because for a long time he did not know how he would earn a living.

At the institute where he studied mechanics he joined the KVN team. The student was very artistic and had rare charisma.

While still at the institute, Romanov realized that he wanted to connect his life with humor. He very much regretted his wrong choice of profession, and made many attempts to leave, but participation in the KVN team stopped him.

Romanov was very far behind in his studies, but due to his successful participation in the university KVN, the management forgave him everything. After graduating from college, he did not want to get a job in his profession, and forever threw his diploma into a dusty box.


The young artist devoted himself completely to KVN for several years. There he was able to meet very famous and influential people, whom he attracted with his amazing sense of humor.

First attempt to get out big stage was unsuccessful, after several performances on ComedyOdessa the young man could not stand out among the other participants. Further, without losing hope, he left for Kyiv to conquer more large city with your talent.

This decision turned out to be career-changing young artist. There he was noticed by one of the residents ComedyClub and invited me to a casting in Moscow. The young man collected all his belongings and savings and left for the unknown.

Stand-up comedy in Russia was just gaining momentum at that time. Dmitry realized that he had a chance to stand out and show himself at the source of this trend. Then he was able to write with the help of his grandmother a number of jokes and having performed them professionally, he received a place in the Russian stand-up comedy team. The producers did big bets for the success of young talent.

The young man always told the truth about his life in his texts. His sincerity captivated millions of television viewers. Now Romanov performs at corporate events and tours around the country.

Personal life

Most recently Dmitry got married. His chosen one was a colleague “from the shop” Kristina Tazyzina from the KVN team “Malina”. Now the girl plays small roles in TV series on TNT. Despite huge amount rumors in the press, the couple does not yet have children.


Romanov since 2014 does not eat meat and is a vegetarian. IN early childhood Dmitry loved Alain Delon very much. Like many teenagers, he was bad at meeting girls; the guy was quite modest.

In 2014, the actor was seriously ill, he suffered several spinal surgeries. After a long recovery, the artist reconsidered his views on life and began to practice yoga. In one of the interviews, the artist admitted that he would suffer from a herniated disc all his life and doctors could do nothing to help him.

In 2017, Romanov and his wife went to India where we lived for several months in one of the churches. Together with his wife, Romanov leads healthy image life, they were able to give up drinking alcohol and tobacco products. The Romanovs believe that all this is being imposed by corporations, and they do not want to ruin their health.

Romanov and his wife love to travel and have already traveled all over Europe. The couple achieved everything themselves; despite their successful career and popularity, they were able to purchase their first property on credit only in 2017.

According to Dmitry, most of all the public likes his jokes about Jewish nationality. He respects his roots very much, so all his jokes are as harmless as possible.

Many believe that his participation in StandUp is a hobby. The comedian admitted that it was his main activity, which requires a lot of time and effort. Despite the audience of millions, artists on this stage do not become millionaires.

Odessa and humor are two indivisible parts for residents of the seaside city in which Dmitry Romanov was born in 1985, and who simply had no right not to have a sense of humor. Since childhood, he amused his family and friends with his humor. It was not in his character to offend or humiliate his friends or neighbors with well-aimed phrases; Dmitry knows how to joke smartly and beautifully, for this he is loved in Odessa.

Having entered the Academy of Food Technologies, a sparkling, smart guy is accepted into the KVN student team. Romakh, as his friends call him, stood out for his artistry and organic nature on stage, his monologues infected the entire audience with cheerful laughter, after his performances they were re-listened to in MP3 recordings and quoted.

Romanov failed to obtain a diploma as a mechanical engineer for food installations. Humor and work at the Odessa Comedy Club literally absorbed him; there was simply no time for study. He enjoyed writing monologues and performing on television and radio. Later, Dmitry moves to a Kiev club, where he improves himself as a comedian. His creative biography is closely related to the new genre – Stand Up. Dmitry likes this type of art most of all for the opportunity to express himself, show all the facets of his talent, to be natural, since the eyes and ears of the audience are fixed only on the artist, and falsehood instantly becomes noticeable. On stage, throughout the entire performance, Romanov makes the audience laugh, without giving them rest, performing monologues, musical compositions from his discography and simply improvising.

He is invited to work as a professional author of entertainment projects on the TNT channel, at which time he joins the main cast of the Moscow Comedy Club.

Dmitry Romanov also performs as an independent artist, his concerts in his native Odessa are awaited like a holiday - posters with photos are hung in advance, tickets are sold. Dmitry is incredibly happy about this, he carefully prepares for his performances, checks every word, because he understands that if he stoops to vulgarity and tastelessness, one day he will go on stage with an absolutely empty auditorium. He doesn't invade political topics, because life itself gives him many reasons to talk about it with humor, as Dmitry Romanov knows how to do.


Dmitry travels a lot and once he took a steam bath with foreigners, and among them there were also Russians. The comedian’s compatriots decided to heat the air as much as possible and all the foreigners left, only Romanov remained - and that’s how they met, realizing that he was also Russian. Romanov will also share his experience family life. It turns out that this is not only everyday life, but also all kinds of constraint in communicating with friends. The older you get, the fewer friends you have around you, and they are replaced by a rocking chair and rugs at home.

Dmitry once even flew with Orthodox priest. He recognized the famous comedian, because he watched Stand Up on TNT. The priest assured Romanov that he urgently needed a sermon, and was also a little envious of the tenth iPhone.

Dmitry recently spoke in the Kremlin in front of Jews. There he met many of his guys. For example, Maxim Galkin, who praised his fellow comedian. I wonder if at home Galkin boasted to his wife that he had seen another young comedian?

Dmitry took the Russian language exam for Russian citizenship. And there it was necessary to emphasize the words, and also remember the proverb about spring. Dmitry managed to remember one of these, but he was embarrassed to write it. However, the comedian was surprised when the inspector herself voiced his proverb.

Dima often flies on planes and almost always comes across very strange fellow travelers. Either people kick him and break his seat, then they ask him to take more glasses of wine. To put it simply, it doesn’t have a boring time during the flight.

The Jewish organization offered Dmitry to perform in New York, but they refused to pay for the jokes; they were only willing to pay for the flight of the comedian himself and his wife. There the Romanov family met Alexander Friends, who was with his mother.

Dmitry and his wife like to visit the bathhouse and sauna. Once they were even steaming with Europeans, whom the enterprising Romanov was able to drive away and be left alone with his wife. Also now the comedian's wife is watching him proper nutrition and forbids him to eat after six in the evening. Dmitry also recently held a corporate event, where he met prostitutes and in general the guy often saw prostitutes, because he rented an apartment with his wife, where the view from the window opened up to a number of women with reduced social responsibility.

Dmitry jumped with a parachute for the first time in India, and he did it with his wife. The impressions remained pleasant, because then they immediately flew to the island of Bali, where they experienced even more new entertainment for themselves, which obviously not everyone can afford. The comedian also had rhinoplasty - he made his nose more beautiful by removing the hump. And finally, he will present the life of Dzhigan’s wife, because he would not wish this even on his enemy.

The final musical experiment. Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov will take part in extreme karaoke, where they will have to sing a song and at the same time go through an obstacle course. And they will do this with the help of their voice. Dmitry will perform the song “My Baby” from the group Ruki Vverh. Victor got the Shark’s track called “Acid DJ”.

In this musical experiment, Victor and Dmitry will encounter an unknown music video. The presenters selected four options for it musical accompaniment. Guests of the program will need to guess the correct one. But that's not all. Comedians will also be treated to an experiment within an experiment - four video sequences and one version of musical accompaniment.

Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov will need to guess the name famous hit, about which the show's hosts wrote their song. In the musical experiment “Song about a Song”, attention should be paid exclusively to the text and tips from the presenters - the melody has nothing to do with the original. Comedians can expect “Wonderful Valley, Valley” from Mr. Credo, as well as “A smile will make everyone brighter” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”.

The presenters of Studio Soyuz took a fragment of an unknown song and removed the last line from there. Guests of the episode - Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov - need to guess how this passage ends. They will have four options, and they only need to choose the correct one. Comedians can expect the magnificent creativity of the group “Wet Cheesecakes”, Glad Valakas and many others.

The guests of the episode were comedians Dmitry Romanov and Viktor Komarov to find out which of them is more musical. They will start with a musical experiment called “Golden Agathon”. The presenters of Studio Soyuz took the text of a famous song and tried to imagine what it would look like in Old Church Slavonic. Victor and Dmitry will have to guess such hits as “Bullfinches-Heroes” and “On Louboutins”.

The final round, in which lines from famous songs, poems, and popular phraseological units were selected for the show participants and encrypted in a picture. The guests' task is to quickly understand what is being said, press a button and give an answer. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Both teams have a chance. Battle of cities. Sukhum vs Odessa.

Some kind of animation, a live picture, will appear on the screen. The task of the show guests is to understand what is encrypted in it. And in this picture only the name will be encrypted. The title of the film, cartoon or series. The puzzle is to solve it. Whoever guesses the most will receive one point. For some, this is a chance to break away, for others, a chance to get off the ground.

The stand up genre has become incredibly popular. Probably not last role The TNT channel played a role in this, namely a series of comedy projects and shows that aired. The programs “Killer League” and “Stand Up” allowed young artists to express themselves and realize themselves on stage as the authors of sparkling topical jokes. Among the best comedians is the name of Dmitry Romanov.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Romanov was born in Odessa on January 8, 1985. By confession young man, the biological father left the family when Dima’s mother was pregnant with her son. However, the woman did not stop communicating with the parents of her husband who left her. Some time later, the boy had a stepfather and a brother. It so happened that little Romanov lucky to have three grandmothers and three grandfathers.

Even as a child, the boy had a sense of humor. True residents of Odessa, relatives of the future artist, constantly joked about everyday life. According to Romanov, his grandmother lived to a ripe old age thanks to her easy approach to problems and her ability to turn them into a joke.

Dmitry does not hide his Jewish nationality. The young man, with his characteristic humor, notes that this is immediately visible from his appearance and it would be stupid to deny this fact. However, Dmitry’s family is not a believer and does not attend a synagogue and does not adhere to the canons of Judaism.

The comedian recalls that his childhood in Odessa was happy, despite the difficult life and lack of money. IN hometown the young man lived to be 25 years old.

The student completed his secondary education and received a silver medal. But the graduate realized that he had absolutely no idea what to do in adult life. The applicant submitted documents to the Academy of Food Technologies simply because the university was located closest to home.

Having started training as a mechanical engineer for grain storage and processing, the student quickly realized that the chosen profession was uninteresting. It is not surprising that the diploma received was not useful to the future comedian.

But thanks to his student life, Dmitry got into the KVN Academy team. A young man with an original, catchy appearance and an excellent sense of humor performed successfully on stage. By the way, according to Dmitry, he began his studies at an acting school. True, the young man soon realized that he was not meant to play theater stage. The talent of a comedian turned out to be much brighter and more promising than the possibility of a career as an actor.

Creativity and humor

Started in student KVN The comedian's career was developed by participating in the Major League of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Dmitry Romanov became part of the “Republic Shkid” team.

After performing on the stage of the Major League, the artist ends up in the Odessa branch of the Comedy Club. Having gained experience performing on stage, together with his friend Evgeniy Voronetsky, Dmitry participated in the TNT channel show “Laughter without rules.” The duo of young stand-up comedians was called “Made by Hand.”

After winning the show, the guys became residents of the “Slaughter League” on the same “TNT”. All this time, Dmitry lived in his homeland, coming to the capital of Russia to film. In 2010, the artist moved to Moscow.

Dmitry Romanov "On cunning"

In 2013, thanks to the idea, a new comedy show, “Stand Up,” was launched. Dmitry Romanov receives an invitation to become a participant and gets the opportunity to perform solo with his own jokes.

In an interview, Romanov said that his first appearance on stage was carefully rehearsed in front of friends, so the comedian did not worry about the project and instantly gained success with the audience.

Nowadays, the comedian's first listeners are the audience. Jokes are practiced and rehearsed directly on small stages in clubs and bars in the capital. The stand-up genre, which started on the TNT channel, lately has become incredibly popular, so there is a shortage of work successful artist doesn't experience it.

A tall, thin young man (Dmitry’s weight, according to some sources, is 69 kg with a height of 191 cm) jokes about his own appearance, relationships with girls and everyday problems that are close to everyone.

Dmitry Romanov "About Jews, sports and the army"

Dmitry does not hesitate to talk with laughter about Jews, about cunning and resourcefulness, inherent in people his nationality. Such monologues include a text about Jews in sports and the army. In addition, topical topics about football or observations from life, for example, people on a train, become the reason for jokes.

Romanov prefers to avoid jokes about religion and death, because he believes that society in Russia is quite conservative and perceives such humor negatively. The artist refuses to write monologues on political topics, simply because he does not like such subjects.

Personal life

In his monologues, Dmitry often touches on the topic of relationships with girls. In fact, things are going well for the artist with love. In the summer of 2015, the young man married Kristina Talyzina, who is three years younger than her husband.

Kristina is from Krasnoyarsk. Having received a diploma in finance from the Siberian Aerospace University, the girl moved to Moscow in 2010, where she met Romanov. The artist’s wife, like her husband, played in KVN as part of the Malina team. Therefore, according to Dmitry’s stories, the girl perfectly understands her husband’s creativity and humor.

On her Instagram page, Christina promotes her own blog in Stories. In addition, the girl positions herself as a copywriter and organizer of online training marathons in astrology.

The young couple travels a lot around the world. Photos from picturesque landscapes and happy lovers against their background in different countries fill up accounts on VKontakte and Instagram.

Having visited America, Romanov attended concerts of local stand-up comedians and adopted the experience of foreign colleagues. True, Dmitry noted that he understood little from the comedians’ monologues, since the level of English was frankly lame. But the young man got the opportunity to observe how the artists behaved on stage and interacted with the audience.

Dmitry Romanov now

After a period of hard work as part of the “Stand up” team, Dmitry unexpectedly decides to leave the project. According to the artist, the exhausting schedule, endless concerts and the need to write jokes, which have turned into a conveyor belt, are exhausting creativity author.

In addition, the young man faced health problems. Romanov was diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia. Then the comedian slows down the pace of touring activity and leaves for a six-month vacation. Quoting Dmitry, he considered himself one of the wrong Jews who eat pork.

However, having learned about the diagnosis, Romanov, on the recommendation of a specialist who practices yoga with the artist, pays attention to his diet. Simply put, the comedian becomes a vegetarian, just like his wife. A little later, the young man also gave up alcohol.

Dmitry Romanov "About people on trains"

Fortunately, yoga practices and healthy eating played positive role on the health status of the young man. Despite the fact that, according to doctors, a complete cure is impossible, the disease is gradually losing ground and retreating. In the comedian’s biography, a place has appeared for meditation and work on spiritual harmony.

Dmitry Romanov prefers to read a lot. Gives preference to literature about self-development and work on personal growth. Currently, the comedian continues to give concerts. The artist’s plans include a large solo performance with a full auditorium for 10,000 people.


  • 2006 – “Republic of Shkid” KVN
  • 2007 – “Comedy Club Odessa”
  • 2008 – “Laughter without rules” duet “Made by Hands”
  • 2009 – “Slaughter League”
  • 2013 – “Stand up”