Sergei Shnurov. Cooler than Leps and Kirkorov. Why Sergey Shnurov became the most successful artist According to the rating

Sergey Shnurov is a Russian rock musician, actor, showman, TV presenter, artist, leader of the “” group, who became famous for his shocking behavior and shocking lyrics. For several decades it Music band maintains a high level of popularity. Today he is known as a brilliant mentor of young performers who, under his leadership, become celebrities.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in the spring of 1973 in St. Petersburg. He grew up in a simple Soviet family, where his parents worked as engineers. As a child, he was an ordinary boy and went to school. secondary school. The boy's biggest hobby in childhood was music.

Today "

After school, Shnurov entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but never graduated from it. I went to study at a vocational school to master the profession of a restorer of wood products. Later, Sergei and his friends entered the theological seminary, where he studied only 3 courses at the Faculty of Philosophy.

Before connecting his life with music, the future artist changed great amount professions. In his youth, he did not hesitate to work as a loader, a kindergarten watchman, a carpenter and a glazier. The star’s biography also included more creative positions: assistant director and director of the promotion department at the Modern radio station.


In 1991, Shnurov decided to take music seriously, which led to the creation of his first group called “Alkorepitsa”. For some time the team performed on small stages, but soon ceased to exist. Sergei’s next project was a team with no less exotic name"Van Gogh's ear."

In 1997, in 4 days, Sergei created new team called "Leningrad". The singer relied on scandalousness and shockingness. With the support of a musician from “,” the group recorded their first studio album, “Bullet,” which the world saw in July 1999. After the frontman left, Sergei himself stood up to the microphone.

In many ways, the popularity of the Leningrad group was contributed by its bright leader, whose charisma, despite average external data (Shnurov’s height is 177 cm, weight is 75 kg), allows him to retain the public’s interest.

For the first time on television, Sergei made his debut in the multi-part film “NLS Agency”. The artist appeared in the episode as an electrician-musician. Then there were cameos in the films “Day Watch”, “8 New Dates”, “” and “2-Assa-2”. In 2016, the actor starred in the science fiction action film Hardcore, which he produced.

Creative biography Shnurova is not only music and songs. Showman is also famous TV presenter. He hosted the program “Unblue Light” on the Ren TV channel, the travel show “Cord around the World” and the documentary military program “Trench Life” on NTV.

In 2016, Sergei pleased fans with his appearance in the new TV show “About Love,” which airs on Channel One. In the same eventful 2016, the singer gave a gift to the children. Creators morning broadcast for children on the Karusel channel they invited the musician to write a song for the program. Shnur agreed.

Personal life

Sergei's personal life is no less stormy than his work. While a student at the Theological Academy, the artist met. A romance began between them, which ended in a wedding. In 1993, the couple had a daughter. The relationship did not stand the test of creativity - Sergei left the family as soon as the Leningrad group was created.

After the divorce from Matilda, new muse, graduate of Moscow State University. The age difference between the lovers is 18 years, but this did not stop Sergei and Olga from going to the registry office. In mid-October 2018.

Sergey Shnurov now

She reacted to the separation of Shnur and Matilda. The TV presenter sided with the musician’s ex-wife and even interviewed Mozgova for her blog “Beware, Sobchak!” at the beginning of 2019. Regarding the posting of the video, which turned out to be interesting to viewers of the Sobchak channel, a dispute broke out between her and Sergei: the singer asked the journalist to delete the release. Ksenia refused.

Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov (Shnur) is a popular Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter, artist, composer, leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups. Shnurov’s popularity is brought not only by his incendiary songs (the Leningrad group is known for many hits), but also by their bright videos, as well as skillful PR on social networks and shocking behavior. In the Forbes ranking for 2016, Sergei Shnurov became third among show business and sports stars.

Childhood and education of Sergei Shnurov

Shnurov’s parents were Soviet engineers and had nothing to do with music, especially rock music. And Sergei himself said that as a child he was going to become a diplomat. Like many children of the 70s of the last century, he loved chewing gum and believed that diplomats had pockets full of chewing gum.

Sergey Shnurov in childhood (Photo:

Sergei studied at Leningrad school No. 256. At school, Sergei Shnurov had the nickname “Shurik” (and not Shnur, as now), given to the boy classmates for their amazing luck and cheerful disposition.

Sergei received good grades in his subjects, according to his biography on Wikipedia. But the boy Seryozha had problems with his behavior. He learned “informal vocabulary” early, which affected his future creativity. At school he often became a hooligan, and for his misdeeds and self-will he ended up in the children's room of the police. According to Sergei, his rebellious spirit comes from his grandfather, Daniil Pavlov, who was a revolutionary and participated in the Kronstadt uprising.

WITH youth Sergei developed a passion for music. Shnurov was fond of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, then listened to the songs of Yuri Shevchuk, Viktor Tsoi, and the Leningrad group “Secret”.

Sergey Shnurov in his youth (Photo:

The family lived quite frugally. Sergei Shnurov helped his parents by working part-time different jobs— swept the streets, distributed leaflets. By the way, Sergei posted a photo with his dad and mom on Instagram only on his 40th birthday.

Sergei Shnurov with his parents (photo on the right) (Photo: TASS/

After school, Sergei entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute. Then he worked in a restoration “travel” * (received a specialty - restorer of works made of wood, 4th category). He studied three courses at the religious and philosophical institute at the theological academy. But something did not give the young man peace, and he went on academic leave, and stayed there for a long time. The life of Sergei Shnurov shone with its diversity: he worked as a loader, a watchman in a kindergarten, a glazier, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a designer in an advertising agency, an assistant on the set of video clips, and a promotion director at the Modern radio station. And then Shnurov liked most of all making fences for graves - they paid well for this work.

Sergey Shnurov (Photo:

The creative path of Sergei Shnurov

One fine day, Sergei realized that his calling was music and songs. In 1991, the hardcore rap project Alkorepitsa appeared. Such a project was the first in Russia, according to Wikipedia. Then, in Shnur’s biography, the group “Van Gogh’s Ear”, which specialized in electronic music. And on January 9, 1997, the Leningrad group arose, with which Sergei Shnurov achieved all-Russian fame.

The albums “Bullet”, “Summer Residents”, “Checkmate without Electricity” contained songs with simple, cheerful melodies, funny lyrics with a lot of obscene language, which quickly became popular hits.

The Leningrad group led by its soloist Sergei Shnurov, 2003 (Photo: TASS)

At the end of 2008, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, unexpectedly disbanded the group and canceled upcoming concerts. The Ruble project, announced as a side project, became Shnurov’s main group.

Musicians Sergei Shnurov and Andrei Antonenko (from left to right) performing at the premiere of their solo program new group"Ruble" (Photo: TASS)

On August 9, 2010, with the announcement of two November concerts in Moscow, the revival of the group “Leningrad” began (the full name is “Group Leningrad”), on September 20, 2010, the first video of the revived group “ Sweet Dreams", which aroused great interest. Now vocalist Yulia Kogan appeared in the group, who was replaced a few years later by Alisa Vox-Burmistrova, and in 2016, she also left. Now in “Leningrad” Vasilisa Starshova and Florida Chanturia sing together with Shnurov.

Members of the Leningrad group Florida Chanturia, Sergei Shnurov and Vasilisa Starshova (Photo: TASS)

A separate place in creative path“Leningrad” is occupied by video clips. Shnurov mastered this genre especially successfully in last years. The clips “Bag”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Karasik”, “Road”, “Vip”, “Prayer”, “Soon to School” were very successful, but “Exhibit” (2016) from the Fancy Shot studio and director Anna Parnas beat all records, reaching one million views within a day after appearing on YouTube, within a week there were already 12 million views. Almost every “Leningrad” video becomes an event, causes many parodies, and generates a huge amount of news.

In 2017, as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Leningrad, Shnurov began, with concerts from Paris to Israel. The tour began, naturally, in Leningrad, that is, St. Petersburg. And after the end of the tour, Shnur promised to release an album with songs for children.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the shopping and entertainment complex "Class!" Alexander Mitroshenkov, musician, leader of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov and head of the children's program studio at VGRTC Tatyana Tsyvareva (from left to right) during a press conference dedicated to the presentation of the new format of the children's program " Good night, kids!”, 2016 (Photo: Mikhail Pochuev/TASS)

The Russian Orthodox Church harshly criticized the new mentors of the popular show “The Voice” Basta and Sergei Shnurov. In one of the programs, Alexander Shchipkov, who is the first deputy head of the synodal department, noted that Basta and Shnurov are talented people, but their “quality of language is very poor.” Shchipkov noted that this applies not only to the use of obscenities in vocabulary, but also to conversations in public. A representative of the Moscow Patriarchate believes that artists behave this way on purpose to increase their popularity.

Shnurov admitted that the most bright participants shows choose him. Sergei also said that he set only one condition to Channel One before agreeing to become a mentor in the seventh season of the music show “The Voice”.

“Yes: smoke after every third participant. But I did not immediately achieve such privileges - smoking right in the studio. First I smoked on the street, then in a dark room, then in a corridor, and now I smoke in a chair and everywhere else. The management realized that it was useless to fight me. And then, it speeds up the process if I smoke without leaving my workplace,” the musician told

Sergei Shnurov's net worth

In 2016, Shnurov earned $11 million, rising to third place in the Forbes ranking of show business and sports stars. Only Maria Sharapova and Grigory Leps beat Sergei. It is curious that at the end of 2015 he was only 28th.

In St. Petersburg, Shnurov has the Blue Pushkin bar and the Kokoko restaurant, run by his wife Matilda. In 2014, he launched his own clothing line, Shnurovs.

The first place in terms of income in 2017 in the Forbes ranking was taken by opera star Anna Netrebko, who earned $7.5 million. Philip Kirkorov earned a little less (7.4 million), followed by Timati (6.6), Grigory Leps and Dima Bilan (6 each). Sergei Shnurov, according to the magazine, has only $5 million this year.

In general, the ranking takes into account, in addition to income, mentions in the media and the number of requests in Yandex. In total, Kirkorov became the best among the musicians; the media most often mentioned Shnurov and Bilan besides him, and on the Internet they most often searched for Leps, Yegor Creed, Basta, Timati and, again, Kirkorov.

In 2019, news reported that Shnurov became the richest artist in Russian show business.

In 2018, Shnurov’s income amounted to about $14 million, although two years ago he was not even among the top ten wealthy people in Russian show business.

Sergei Shnurov admitted that, being in a previous marriage, he did not follow the money. Then the ex-wife was almost entirely responsible for the state of the family budget. Now the musician has tripled his income.

Political Views Sergei Shnurov

Sergei Shnur often talks about politics or sings about it in his songs, although he has no intention of getting involved in it. Shnurov denied the existence of civil society in Russia, and the possibility of “negotiating with the pro-Kremlin authorities”; the leader of Leningrad also advocated in 2011 for the release of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. However, in an interview in 2015, Shnurov said that there is freedom of speech in Russia and criticized the opposition. Here is one of the quotes from Sergei Shnur: “There is no ideology, there are no clear ideas about the future. If you think about it, they say the following: we want to do the same thing as the “Putin regime,” only better. That is, the government must be replaced, but everything is fine with society. Where will it be better? "And we honest people Let’s deliver!“ Where will they get so many honest people? From Mars?

Members of the Leningrad group Grigory Zontov and Sergey Shnurov (Shnur) (from left to right) during a concert at the Fetisov Arena KSK, 2016 (Photo: Yuri Smityuk/TASS)

Sergey Shnurov is active in public life, puts forward ideas, for example, banning the sale of alcohol and drugs to persons without higher education. Shnurov is the enemy death penalty. In February 2013, he spoke out in support of homosexual teenagers in an interview with The magazine New Times" “There is neither Greek nor Jew. These words were not spoken by me, and these words are already 2000 years old. Has anything changed since then? There are people. “Everything else doesn’t matter,” said Shnurov.

Shnurov does not support either side in the crisis in Ukraine. This did not prevent Ukraine from including him among its enemies on the “Peacemaker” website; reacting to a possible ban on visiting Kyiv, Sergei Shnurov said that “he will not break into closed door" And earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin proposed sending Shnurov to the Ukrainian Eurovision, saying, “he won’t win, but he’ll send them all somewhere.”

In the summer of 2018, Sergei Shnurov wrote poems on his page on the social network Instagram dedicated to unattainability retirement age. Shnur compared this age, in the wake of pension reform, to the afterlife.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

Serey Shnurov was married several times and his personal life continues to be the focus of media attention, news comes regularly.

His first wife was Maria Ismailova; in 1993, Shnurov had his first child, daughter Seraphim. She studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. Shnurov’s second wife is Svetlana Kostitsyna, former director Pep-C group. She gave birth to a son, Apollo (2000), named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev. Shnurov was the lover of actress Oksana Akinshina for several years. Oksana's love for Sergei manifested itself at the age of fifteen.

Sergey Shnurov and Oksana Akinshina (Photo: Global Look Press/TASS)

Third wife (since 2010) - Elena (Matilda) Mozgovaya. She is a restaurateur, born in Voronezh, after school she left her parents' house and went to Moscow, and then to St. Petersburg, where she entered the biochemistry department of the Technological University. After getting married, Matilda began managing her husband’s restaurants, the Blue Pushkin bar and the CoCoCo restaurant, opened in December 2012. Matilda Shnurova also leads dance school"Isadora."

On her Instagram, Sergei Shnurov’s wife introduced herself as the CEO of the COCOCO restaurant and ISADORA balletschool. Matilda Shnurova often posted photos on social networks restaurant dishes, yourself and your spouse.

Sergei Shnurov does not hide his children from the press; they can also be part of PR. There is a photo in which Sergei and his children - daughter Serafima and young Apollo, that is, Shnurov Jr. - are drinking together in one of the drinking establishments in St. Petersburg. Many thought that it was too early for Apollo Shnurov to drink and smoke, especially in the company of his father, but Sergei Shnurov, apparently, has his own view on raising children.

Singer Sergei Shnurov with his wife, journalist Elena Mozgova, at a wedding ceremony, 2010 (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov/TASS)

In May 2018, Sergei Shnurov shocked with the news of his divorce from Matilda.

“With great regret, but with love and gratitude to each other, preventing all kinds of speculation and rumors, Matilda and I announce that we have decided to divorce. We request all media not to violate our personal space. Thank you,” wrote Sergei Shnurov on his Instagram page.

More than 1.5 thousand comments appeared under Shnurov’s post about changes in his personal life in just an hour. Most fans expressed regret over the couple's decision to divorce. “I hope you change your mind, there are so few bright and beautiful couples like you now,” writes one of the musician’s fans.

Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya) commented on the news of her divorce on her social network page. Moreover, she did this casually in one post with a commentary on the new film “The Sobchak Case.” She called this film “an important movie about time and the role of the individual in the history of our country.”

“It’s not easy for me to comment on the sad news that many of you learned today. I will refrain and allow myself to keep the personal private. Thank you very much for the words of support to those who sent them to me,” she wrote in a postscript.

Alisa Vox, who worked with Sergei Shnurov for several years, spoke out about his divorce. She did not name any specific names in her Twitter post, but many understood that she was talking about Sergei and Matilda.

“Everyone, as one, asks to comment difficult situation with divorce proceedings in Russia. Well, I comment: “Today, more than 50% of marriages break up in the Russian Federation. 41% - due to alcoholism of one of the spouses. Most often, the woman initiates the divorce. I got divorced 2.5 years ago. She also initiated the divorce. And I don't regret it. In general, I like the stability with which I set trends. Use it - I don’t mind,” wrote Vox.

On October 8, 2018, Sergey Shnurov deleted his posts from the social network for an unknown reason. At the same time, about 3.7 million people subscribe to his page. Even the director could not name the exact reason for this action of Shnura. music group"Leningrad" Denis Veykov.

“I wanted it and deleted it. The most important thing is that we are alive and continue to do our job,” Veikov was quoted as saying by the news.

According to many, such a step by Sergei Shnurov not only did not alienate followers, but even attracted new ones to the page. Users are looking forward to the resumption of communication between the outrageous performer and fans of his work on the site of this social network.

However, soon photos began to appear on Shnur’s Instagram again, in one of them the singer appeared with a black eye. Under the photo, as the news reported, Shnurov posted a comic poem. From the text we can conclude that he received a black eye from one of his subscribers, offended by the disappearance of all the photos in the account.

Subscribers immediately began discussing the photo, making various guesses. “Beating means loving”, “Kokorin? Mamaev? Connor? Khabib?”, “Are these the two football players?”, some wrote. “Did you open the beer with your eye?” others suggested. There were also those who gave advice on how to quickly get rid of a bruise or simply laughed at the appearance of the musician.

New wedding of Sergei Shnurov

On October 20, information appeared in the news that Sergei Shnurov got married again. Shnurov’s plans to get married became known on October 11; an application was submitted to Wedding Palace No. 1 in St. Petersburg. Free Press reported that the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, was spotted in the registry office with a blonde. Shnurov, according to media reports, warned his colleagues about the upcoming wedding, noting that “life has taught him nothing.”

Shnur's new wife was socialite from Yekaterinburg Olga Abramova.

It is reported that the secret ceremony took place in St. Petersburg. Shnurov and Abramova drove up to the back door without fanfare, quickly signed their names and left. They spent less than five minutes on the ceremony.

* Putyaga, - Vocational technical school (jarg - from the abbreviation vocational school).

The soloist of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov is one of the highest paid artists on Russian stage. This year he rose to second place Forbes rating"The main Russian celebrities 2018."

Annual income of Sergei Shnurov according to Forbes

In 2018, the artist achieved impressive financial results - Sergei Shnurov’s annual income amounted to almost $14 million (more than 920 million rubles). The musician first appeared on the Forbes list in 2006. Shnurov did not enter the TOP 50 at the time of his break in creativity - 2008-2009, as well as in the period 2010-2014.

Financial condition of Sergei Shnurov in different years:

  • 2006: $1.7 million – 25th place
  • 2007: $1.3 million – 43rd place
  • 2011: $1.2 million – 49th place
  • 2015: $2.7 million – 28th place
  • 2016: $11 million – 3rd place
  • 2017: $5 million – 12th place
  • 2018: $13.9 million – 2nd place

How much does a concert, corporate event and advertising with Shnurov cost?

In addition to income from the main activity of a musician, concert performances and private corporate events, Sergei Shnurov has other sources of profit. The performer appears in commercials and hosts own business.

Earnings from concerts

Shnurov's main source of income is concerts. At the time of the suspension of the Leningrad tour in 2008, the group charged about 30 thousand euros for one concert, and after its triumphant return in 2010, the cost of the performance increased to 250 thousand euros.

Concert of Sergei Shnurov

For concerts outside the country, each member of the group receives travel allowances of 15 thousand rubles. per day. The most booked for musicians best numbers in premium hotels. The cost of a ticket to a group concert in Russia varies from 800 to 300 thousand rubles. It all depends on the time and location of the event.

Cost of corporate events

Sergei earns no less from corporate events than from full-time performances in concert halls. the most expensive Russian celebrities. In the review price lists of stars regarding the cost of the Leningrad group, it is most often mentioned - “by agreement”.

Sergey Shnurov at a corporate party

It is known that musicians can charge from $60 thousand to $70 thousand for a performance, but this price is common days, not associated with any major holidays. A corporate event at the end of December, beginning of January will cost customers 100-120 thousand dollars. And in New Year's Eve– up to 250-300 thousand dollars.

Profit from advertising and cinema

Soloist famous rock band often appears in films and commercials. For participating in a film with a small budget ($2 million), he receives 400 thousand rubles. in one day of filming. In total, his filmography includes 20 films and TV series. Also in 2018, Sergei Shnurov was invited to the jury of the TV show “The Voice”.

Shnurov's provocative image allowed him to make good money from advertising. Sergei starred in commercials construction company"Terem" and the bookmaker's office "Leon", recorded a shocking video about the anti-diarrhea drug "Polysorb". Shnurov received $180 thousand for advertising the potency enhancing product “Ali Caps”; the campaign consisted of 8 commercials.

Business income

The musician has his own business. Shnurov owned a bar and restaurant in St. Petersburg, one of the establishments is located in an elite hotel in the northern capital. According to media reports, the CoCoCo restaurant went to his wife after the divorce. Sergei’s business selling clothing for men ShnurovS is developing dynamically: T-shirts, T-shirts with original prints and trousers.

Restaurant Shnurov in St. Petersburg"CoCoCo"

The leader of Leningrad owns luxury real estate near Mariinsky Theater and an old house whose area exceeds 300 m2. The singer also has 2 large apartments in St. Petersburg worth more than 35 million rubles. In addition, the artist has several cars in his garage. However, due to the divorce proceedings, Shnurova and his wife Matilda are possible.

Photo: Instagram,,,

  • Sergei Shnurov studied to be a theologian and engineer.
  • Worked as a loader, watchman in kindergarten, a blacksmith, promotion director at the St. Petersburg radio station “Modern”, painted paintings in the “nude” style.
  • Shnurov did not become the frontman of Leningrad immediately, but only after the release of the first album “Bullet”.

  • The group gained widespread fame in 2002 after the cancellation of a concert in Luzhniki at the request of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

    In 2008, he announced the dissolution of Leningrad and took up a new project, Ruble, but in 2010, Leningrad returned to the stage.

    At the same time, Shnurov opened the first bar “Blue Pushkin” in partnership with friend Ivan Ushkov, and in 2012 - the Kokoko restaurant, run by the artist’s wife Matilda. In September 2014, he launched his own clothing line, Shnurovs.

  • Writes music for films and TV series.
  • “Creativity, I have already said more than once, is created by chicks on Instagram. There's creativity there. You take a photo of yourself in the mirror, quote e... - create, please. I don't do creativity, I do art. I create artificial objects that somehow refract, explain, try to explain and find rhymes to the very existence in which we exist, to all these complex things social structures", Shnurov told Forbes, which was taken by Ksenia Sobchak.
  • After the release of the “Exhibit” video, the organizers of the exhibition “Van Gogh. Revived canvases" at the Moscow design center Artplay offered girls in high heels a free visit to the exhibition in certain days, and men named Sergey receive a 50% discount on the entrance ticket.

    The next hit of "Leningrad" was the video "In St. Petersburg- drink.” “I’m interested in making such assonances, destroying the construction of St. Petersburg as “Peter, be patient,” the city of sorrow, greyness, bad weather. So I came up with some bullshit that ruins this. Now you say “Peter”, everyone says “drink”. Wonderful. I changed my attitude towards the city, changed its emblem, symbol,” Shnurov explained in an interview with Forbes.

    On April 13, 2018 - on the birthday of Sergei Shnurov - the Leningrad group released the album "Everything", the first in four years.

    At the end of spring 2018, Shnurov announced a divorce from his wife Matilda, who, as he previously stated, managed the family budget. Shnurov himself does not know his income or expenses, nor how much his concert costs, nor how much money he has for bank card: “I’m not even worried about this at all. A person either produces money or saves it. This is not my profile. I'm thinking about how to earn them. And if I think about where to store them, how to store them, in what account, this is not my job.”