What does it mean, according to the dream book, to see a melon in a dream. Dream interpretation: sweet melon, rotten, sliced. The most complete interpretation of dreams melon

Dream Interpretation Melon If you dream of melons: expect that your health will deteriorate, and that you will be haunted by failures in business. Eating melons: predicts that a rash act will cause your anxiety. Seeing growing melons: means that today's failures will be replaced by success in the future. Modern dream book

Dream Melon Seeing a melon in a dream foretells good and faithful friends. Eating melon means in reality being exposed to the danger of disease. Picking a melon means you are in danger of need and deprivation. Seeing a good harvest of melons in the garden means you will achieve moderate prosperity. Buying melons means placing trust in a person who will not justify it. Selling melons - fail in financial enterprise, but you will find happiness and love. Ripe melons portend love joys, unripe ones - a romance that will end in a quarrel. Planting melons means experiencing the joy of a successfully completed task. Caring for them and watering them is an honorable but difficult job. A rotten melon means illness or accident. Carrying or carrying melons is a warning that rash actions can become an annoying obstacle to the implementation of your plans. Treating melons or receiving a melon as a gift - your troubles will soon turn out on the good side, you will gain experience. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Melon There is a melon in a dream: in real life you are chasing entertainment, forgetting about your responsibilities and obligations to other people. You want to flutter through life easily and carefree, like a moth, but you don’t take into account either your age or your social status. Hence all the conflicts and conflict situations that arise solely through your fault. Buying a melon: you are very imprudent and give your enemies a reason for slander. Perhaps you believe in the infallibility of your position and therefore simply do not pay attention to everything else. This attitude will sooner or later play a cruel joke on you. Growing a melon in a dream: you are to blame for all your troubles. You take on difficult or simply hopeless tasks, hoping that this time you will be lucky. It’s not clear why you take on an unmanageable burden of obligations, and then suffer, falling into a trap you set yourself. Picking a melon in a dream: in reality you tend to blame yourself for all your sins. Even if you are not to blame for the troubles that are happening, you still reproach yourself and engage in self-flagellation. Please note that by doing this you are giving others an extra chance to blame you for what is happening. Until your level of self-esteem rises, you will feel personally responsible for all your mistakes and mistakes. The question is, do you need such increased responsibility? Cut melon into slices Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Melon Melon. Seeing melons in a dream means illness and unlucky risky business ventures. Eating them means that rash actions will cause your anxiety. Seeing them growing in the garden means that your troubles will turn into good luck in the future. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Melon Melon dreams of risky business ventures. If you ate a melon in a dream, then beware of rash actions: they can cause you anxiety. If you saw a growing melon, your troubles in the future will turn into good luck. As for your intimate life, a dream in which you treated yourself to a melon means that you are quite selfish. You love to be given pleasure, naively believing that you, in turn, should not do this. We can say that for you intimate relationships have become a hateful duty. Learn to enjoy sex, and then your problems will disappear. If in a dream you cut a melon into pieces, then in reality you are an exquisite lover. If you dreamed of a ripe melon, it means that your desire for harmony will soon be satisfied. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Melons If a boy or young woman sees melons in a dream, this means a successful marriage with a rich man and moving to another country. Such a dream is a harbinger of happiness supported by wealth. They will not have many children, but all children will give them prosperity and happiness. For those who are sick, a dream about a melon predicts a speedy recovery under the supervision of a skilled doctor. Minor disagreements in the house will be smoothed out imperceptibly after such a dream. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Melon Melon in a dream: can mean illness and unlucky business ventures. Eating a melon means committing rash acts that will ultimately cause your anxiety. Seeing melons growing: portends good luck after many troubles. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Melon Melon: dreams of risky business ventures. If you ate a melon in a dream: beware of rash actions: they can cause you anxiety. If you saw a growing melon, it means that your troubles in the future will turn into success. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Melon For women: If you dreamed of MELON, beware of troubles that will not keep you waiting. After such a dream, it is better to postpone new beginnings, take care of your health and “lay low” for a while. But if the melons you dreamed of grew in large quantities on the melon patch, and you didn’t pick or eat them, then in the future all today’s failures and troubles will certainly turn into success and prosperity.
For children: MElon - fulfillment of wishes.
Dream book for the whole family

Dream Interpretation Melon Eating a melon in a dream means that in sex you prefer to receive pleasure rather than give it to others. Even if your partner says what he wants, you are in no hurry to fulfill his request. In this case, sex becomes a commitment and you do not get pleasure. You need to understand how to find pleasure in intimate relationships while still delivering it to your partner. A dream in which you cut a melon suggests that you are in no hurry to experience pleasure right away and therefore deliberately delay the moment of orgasm for both yourself and your partner. You spend a lot of time on foreplay that precedes orgasm, so it often doesn’t come to sexual intercourse.

Our dreams are something that never ceases to cause a lot of controversy. And their reason is as follows: can a dream really be prophetic, does it carry information regarding the fate of a person, or is it just a consequence of the day?

It should be noted that there is still some truth in this, and every dream is not accidental. We can dream about anything, and any night image means something. Today we will figure out why melon is dreamed of.

What kind of melon fruit did you see in your dream? Was she big and juicy? Then in the very near future they will open to you additional features, with the help of which you can fully realize your potential.

But this dream also has another meaning: as the dream book says, a juicy melon can be dreamed of long journey, and also mean an upsurge in business. Perhaps you will go on a trip or a business trip from work. If a sick person dreams of a melon, healing awaits him, the illness will recede, and you will get better.

A dream in which a melon growing on a tree is considered very positive.. Existing problems will be resolved in the most favorable way, and changes in your personal life are also possible - of course, also positive.

Seeing an unripe melon in a dream means there is no need to rush things and make hasty decisions. Don’t rush, wait until the situation “ripes”, otherwise you risk making a mess.

Why do you dream of a melon with foulbrood? Seeing such a fruit in a dream is a sign of dishonesty and injustice. Try to remember the person who presented you with a melon - most likely, it is he who is treating you dishonestly.

What if a girl dreamed of a melon? Such a dream foreshadows her imminent marriage, perhaps with a wealthy man. For young guys, a melon in a dream means the same thing, that is, a wedding with a girl.

What then does the dream in which you happen to have a melon symbolize? For a woman, such a dream promises happiness in family life, success at work, unexpected joy or profit.

In addition, the dream book warns, the melon you ate may be a warning that you should adhere to the saying “Measure seven times, cut once.” That is, there is no need to take rash actions: think carefully before doing something. But in general, this is a sign that a favorable period is coming for you when problems will be resolved in your favor.

Now it’s the men’s turn to find out why the melon is dreaming. If you are on the threshold of new beginnings, and in a dream you ate a melon, stop: this fruit may mean the failure of the business, wait a little, wait for a better moment. Seeing such a dream at the end of a project, on the contrary, means its favorable completion and profit.

Seeing a melon growing in the garden means good luck and luck, and if you are now being haunted by troubles, then very soon it will end and come white stripe. It’s also interesting why you dream of a melon lying on a display case. This is an auspicious dream, meaning making new friends.

Have a watermelon or melon?

But summer spoils us not only with melons; it is more popular. Did you eat not only melon, but also this pumpkin in a dream with friends? This vision promises a wonderful weekend in fun company. The watermelon itself here is a symbol of joy, pleasure, pleasure and good mood.

If you were in splendid isolation at the meal, most likely you have or are planning a conflict with the team. You need to think: maybe the reason is you? It’s not for nothing that so many people have taken up arms? But, most likely, this reason is completely insignificant; the game is not worth the candle.

To see a dream in which you happen to eat a watermelon or melon in the company of a member of the opposite sex is a sign of a new acquaintance with him (her). It is possible that it will flow into a romantic relationship.

Now try to remember how many slices the dreamed fruit was divided into. The larger and thicker the slices, the longer the romance will be. If it was cut in half, then this is a sign Serious relationships, perhaps even marriage.

Are you wondering what it means to eat a melon or watermelon in a dream in secret? You are tired of the constant presence of people next to you and want to retire, to be a little quiet.

Seeing a watermelon or melon in , means that you are in control of some matter and are not letting it progress. Don’t worry, this dream is favorable, start implementing your plans, you will succeed.

Some dream books believe that to see one of these pumpkins falling and breaking in a dream is bad sign. Is there any truth to this? Perhaps, but this is not always the case, many factors come into play. For example, if you didn’t fall out of it, then this dream means that you will reveal some truth that was carefully hidden earlier.

But seeing in a dream how someone else drops a watermelon or melon has a slightly different meaning. You should remember your loved ones with whom you have not communicated for a long time, and please them with your visit or at least a call.

If you happen to not eat them, but observe them growing in large quantities in the garden, you will experience financial well-being. You shouldn't expect huge wealth, but you won't want for anything.

Seeing a melon in a dream foretells good and faithful friends. Eating melon means in reality being exposed to the danger of disease. Picking a melon means you are in danger of need and deprivation. Seeing a good harvest of melons in the garden means you will achieve moderate prosperity.

Buying melons means placing trust in a person who will not justify it. Selling melons - you will fail in a financial enterprise, but you will find happiness and love.

Ripe melons portend love joys, unripe ones - a romance that will end in a quarrel.

Planting melons means experiencing the joy of a successfully completed task. Caring for them and watering them is an honorable but difficult job. A rotten melon means illness or accident.

Carrying or carrying melons is a warning that rash actions can become an annoying obstacle to the implementation of your plans. Treating melons or receiving a melon as a gift - your troubles will soon turn out on the good side, you will gain experience.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Melon

If you dreamed of melons, beware of troubles that will not keep you waiting. After such a dream, it is better to postpone new beginnings, take care of your health and “lay low” for a while.

But if the melons you dreamed of grew in large quantities on the melon patch, and you did not pick or eat them, then in the future all today’s failures and troubles will certainly turn into success and prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from

Before you figure out why you dream about a melon, you need to try to remember the smallest details of the dream, which play an important role in interpretation. In most cases, such dreams carry positive character. However, there are also those that foreshadow approaching troubles and serious losses.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream in which you greedily eat a melon suggests that you are selfish while in bed with your partner. Please note this Special attention and try to change the situation, since your relationship is on the verge of breaking down. Cutting a melon symbolizes your desire to keep your loved one, but the point of no return has been passed and nothing can be returned. Treating people with sweet melon means a new passionate romance will appear in your life in the near future. Losing a melon means you are losing your position, and difficulties may soon arise in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Mary

If the melon seen in a dream was rotten, then material difficulties, as well as serious illnesses, await you ahead. Explaining why you dream of a lot of melons growing on melon fields, Mary’s dream book states that this good sign. If you are owed money, the debts will soon be fully repaid. If you have health problems, your illness will go away. Being alone in the house, enjoying eating melon - you will experience all the “charms” of loneliness. Treating people you don’t know with melon means you will soon receive unexpected help. If they treated you, you will have to help your close friend who finds himself in a difficult situation. If you have lost peace and don’t know why a girl dreams of a melon, then Mara’s dream book recommends that you take everything more seriously. Perhaps a lot of trouble will arise due to your recklessness.

Family dream book

To find out why you dream of buying a melon, just turn to the family dream book, which claims that this is a good sign. Ahead of you awaits prosperity and capital increase, which will become possible as a result of a profitable investment of money. If you acted as a seller, you will have to do unpleasant work. Melon on the table - get a pleasant surprise or monetary reward. Family dream book knows why a ripe melon is dreamed of. Such a dream will bring you prosperity and stability. But a spoiled melon means an approaching difficult period, during which you will need money and fight illnesses. Growing melons in a dream - you will find a way out deadlock, which arose a long time ago and prevented us from living fully. Seeing a melon empty inside means your hopes will not be justified.

Modern dream book

Seeing yourself planting melons means that the business to which you have devoted a lot of time will begin to make a profit. Collecting melons in a melon patch - you will receive income from an activity that you previously considered useless. Explaining why a woman dreams of a melon, Modern dream book claims that her lover will propose in the near future. Watched the growth of melons - your affairs will improve. Eating a tasteless melon means possible deception. You shouldn't trust people you don't know. Treating your friends with melon is good. Such a dream is a harbinger of good news, as well as joyful events.

Lunar dream book

See a lot of melons - they are waiting ahead dramatic changes, not always good, but everything will end quite well. Buy a large and juicy melon - soon you will meet an old friend, which will make you infinitely happy. If you drop a melon, be extremely careful, because if you make even a small mistake, you will seriously suffer. If in a dream you were treated to a melon by a person whom you do not know at all, then women should expect pleasant life changes. For a male dreamer, your relationship with your chosen one will become stronger. Your melon was stolen - this is a warning about danger. You may be deceived by scammers or lose credibility among your colleagues.

Big dream book

This dream book is able to tell why you dream of a melon on the table. The interpretation says that there will be many trials ahead that you will successfully cope with. Selling melons means getting ready for an emergency at work. Even though hard work will not bring material benefits, it will be almost impossible to refuse it. Distributing melons to friends - an important, life-changing event will happen to one of your friends in the near future. Enjoying melon yourself - you will soon solve your most pressing personal problems. A girl who sees a melon in a dream needs to be prepared for possible troubles that will arise due to inexperience. If the dreamer was an older woman, then such a dream warns that a new boyfriend will soon appear who will make an expensive gift.

Vanga's Dream Book

Cutting a melon - a dream indicates positive changes in life, as well as generating income. See dirty or rotten melon- unfavorable dream. Perhaps in the near future you will begin to have serious problems caused by waste or illness loved one. Buy a melon - you can get additional income or an unexpected raise. A stranger treated you to melon - you can count on luck, which will be on your side at the right time. Carrying melons in a bag - everything that was once planned will begin to come true. Selling melons - difficulties may arise in relationships with colleagues and loved ones. You will find yourself in the midst of all kinds of conflict situations.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Eating melon - you are an overly arrogant person who does not think about tomorrow. Stop wasting your time own life, step back from the unbridled fun. It’s worth reconsidering all your priorities, otherwise colossal troubles await you ahead, for which only you will be to blame. Longo's dream book will help you explain why you dream of a melon grown in your garden. This dream suggests that you are systematically taking on work that is beyond your strength. Melon bought in a dream - watch what you say. Often you yourself provoke the emergence of all sorts of gossip that spoils your reputation. Picking a melon - this dream indicates that you often engage in self-flagellation. Stop blaming yourself for all sorts of troubles, try to look around and find the real reason. Cutting a melon - you take things too simply. Even in difficult situations you are looking for the easiest way out. Such laxity can play a cruel joke.


Knowing what a melon is dreaming of, you can prepare for various life situations, which will no longer be a surprise to you. But for a more accurate analysis of the dream, it is necessary to take into account the date and day, which are of considerable importance in interpretation. Listen to the advice of dream books and perhaps your life will change for the better.

Melon is very ambiguous dream. The fact is that one dream book may write that this dream brings many benefits to the dreamer, while another may write that the dream is bad. You can figure out why you dream about this sweet fruit by deciphering the dream “piece by piece.”

  • How many fruits were there? If there is a lot, the sleep is good. It promises unexpected but positive changes in your destiny.
  • Have you dreamed of a good harvest of melons? If in a dream you did not eat them, the dream foretells wealth.

How ripe was the melon?

  • It’s very ripe, it’s just spraying with juice - great, it means that your work is “ripe”, which means that you will soon receive a “harvest” in the form of a decent income.
  • Did it taste amazing? Be careful with money - you shouldn’t waste it. And in general, think about your actions more often; carelessness can cost you dearly.
  • Overripe, with rotten sides. This dream wants to warn: they may do something bad to you. Where did you get this fruit in your dream? If a specific person brought it to you, sold it, or gave it to you, it was he who in real life decided to get his hands on you.
  • Was the melon green in the dream? This means that you, as a specialist, have not yet matured, so do not plan grandiose things yet. Is your friend or colleague encouraging you to take a risk? Think carefully about why he needs this - perhaps he will benefit from your failure.

What did you do in your dream?

  • If you ate the pulp of a melon (or watermelon), and shared it with other people, your weekend will be spent in the most pleasant company. Don't you have any plans? Invite your guests, communication promises to be very entertaining and fun.
  • Have you eaten the fruit “alone, all alone”? Perhaps this is a sign of a breakaway from the work collective. Be careful, don't quarrel with everyone over nonsense.
  • Share the fruit with a guy (if you are a girl) or with a lady (if you are a man). The dream promises you a date, which will develop into another date, and then into a long-term relationship. Moreover, the thicker the melon slices are, the longer your relationship will last. Well, if in a dream you and your partner cut the fruit into two parts and divided it, this is a dream for a wedding.
  • Did you quickly eat the melon, on the sly, looking around so that no one would see it? You're tired of people. It’s worth seclusion and a break from them.
  • Have you watched someone else deal with the fetus? You regret the chance you missed.
  • Have you been treated to melon by a stranger? Someone is preparing a pleasant surprise for you, a gift.
  • Did you hold the fruit in your hands and it was heavy? Someone from your environment is eating your brain out. Perhaps it's time to minimize contacts?
  • They hid the melon in a string bag, a bag, or a bag. This dream is favorable for work, even one that you are all afraid to start. Everything will work out!
  • They held someone's fruit in their hands for a short time. According to folk dream book, the melon that ends up going to someone else is your promotion, which will be snatched away by a more successful colleague.
  • You dropped the fruit, it fell apart, but all the seeds remained in place. You accidentally find out someone's secret or the truth that was hidden from you.
  • Did the melon that fell from your hands crack but did not split? You will quarrel a little with your boyfriend (fiancé, husband), but then you will make up beautifully.
  • They dropped the melon that they gave you to hold and quickly disappeared from the “scene of the incident”: you can get a promotion or other service “buns”, but not entirely honestly - through an affair.
  • Have you watched the melon fall from someone else's hands? There is a person in your circle or among your relatives who has not received news from you for a long time. Remember him, because he really missed you.
  • Did you give a melon, and a round one? To whom? In real life, you will break up with this person. Have you ever been given such a fruit? The interpretation is the same. Did your boyfriend (husband) give you a round melon in a dream? You will break up, but remain friends.
  • Did you give a long, elongated melon in a dream? This dream, on the contrary, is for closer friendship.
  • Have you chosen a fruit at the market? Your subconscious mind speaks of doubts that are gnawing at your soul.
  • To see the melon you bought - so that they don’t say bad things about you, change something in your life.
  • Were you a merchant and offered people ripe fruits? You will be unlucky in business, but you will be lucky on the love front.
  • Have you planted this plant? The business you are doing will end in success. In your dream, did you also water the sprouts and care for the melons? Even though you need to put a lot of effort into the business, it will pay off.
  • Have you seen how the melons grew? You may not be very lucky now, but soon fortune will smile on you.
  • Have you picked fruits from a melon patch? And here it is bad dream, it means future poverty.

Opinion of Dr. Miller, Freud, Yuri Longo

Well-known interpreters are sure: in “melon” dreams everything depends on your actions, as well as the taste of the fruit.

As Henry Miller wrote...

  1. Eating a melon in a dream means: you have “made a mess” and are now dealing with the consequences of rash decisions.
  2. Admiring the fruits means illness. Also similar dream warns: do not take on cases that seem suspicious to you.
  3. But if you see melons growing in the garden, this means good luck in business. Even if you were previously plagued by difficulties and failures, with their help you will draw many conclusions and finally reap the fruits of your work.

Professor Freud's Observations

  1. Why do you dream of a melon, and even a juicy, ripe one? Of course, it symbolizes hidden desires, namely, pride in sex and the desire to receive more pleasure. Don’t force your partner to be your sexual toy; in a relationship, besides sex, there is also love and tenderness, and they are also very pleasant.
  2. Before enjoying the fruit, did you carefully cut it into portions? In bed you are just an ace. Your talents are especially good in love foreplay.

And the white magician Longo says...

  1. If you have eaten melon pulp, your subconscious mind warns you of your immaturity and irresponsibility.
  2. Did you buy melon? You think that you are wearing a “crown” - however, this is not so, and very soon your enemies will turn this confidence of yours to their advantage.
  3. Have you grown melons in melon fields? You have taken on too much work or responsibilities. Another interpretation: think what you say, and rely only on yourself (“there will be no balls”).
  4. Picking a melon from the garden - you are either taking on someone else’s work, or blaming yourself for sins that you did not commit. Stop nagging yourself, otherwise your enemies will understand that they can take advantage of you by making you feel guilty.
  5. Did you cut the fruit into slices? Life is not as simple as you think.