Why did you dream about the melon? Dream interpretation: sweet melon, rotten, sliced. The most complete interpretation of dreams melon

I dreamed about Melon (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

Seeing a melon in a dream - Seeing a watermelon in a dream.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Melon

I had a dream about a ripe Melon - To a prosperous life; immature - to poverty. Deacon's joy.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Bakhchevs dreamed

Melon - The image is similar to the image of an apple (see apple).

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing Melon in a dream, what does it mean?

Melon - Fulfillment of desires - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Melon?

Melon – Melon in a dream means illness and unlucky ventures in business.

Eating a melon means committing rash acts that will ultimately cause your anxiety.

melon - Seeing melons growing portends good luck after many troubles.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Melon, what does it mean?

Melon - This fruit symbolizes improvement in circumstances. Improvement options: your debt will be returned to you, the sick person will recover, the unemployed will find a job, etc.

Seeing Melon, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Melon - If you dreamed of MELON, beware of troubles that will not keep you waiting. After such a dream, it is better to postpone new beginnings, take care of your health and “lay low” for a while. But if the melons you dreamed of grew in large quantities on the melon patch, and you didn’t pick or eat them, then in the future all today’s failures and troubles will certainly turn into success and prosperity.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which Melon dreamed

Melon - If you treated yourself to melon in a dream, then in your intimate life you love to be given pleasure, naively believing that you, in turn, should not do this. Therefore, when they tactfully make you understand what they want from you, it is a revelation. We can say that for you intimate relationships have become a duty, some kind of duty that you have to fulfill. Learn to find pleasure in sex, and then your problems will disappear.

Melon - Cutting a melon into pieces in a dream indicates that in reality you are very skillfully delaying the moment of orgasm for yourself and your partner, thereby prolonging the pleasure. You spend a lot of time on foreplay, stimulating orgasm, and often it doesn’t even come to sexual intercourse. In addition, you recover quickly.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Melon in a dream?

Seeing a melon in a dream - How to dream about a melon - ill health. A ripe melon means success, a green one means poverty.

Ancient French dream book

Melon - interpretation of a dream

Melon - Dreaming of a melon means human stupidity, mediocrity, which you will soon encounter in life.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Melon in a dream?

Melon – Seeing melons in a dream means illness and unlucky ventures in business. Eating them means that rash actions will cause your anxiety. Seeing them growing in the garden means that your troubles will turn into good luck in the future.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about Melon

Melon - If you dreamed of a ripe melon, it means that your desire for sexual harmony will soon be satisfied.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Melon

Melon - Eating a melon in a dream means that in reality you are chasing entertainment, forgetting about your duties and obligations to other people. You want to flutter through life easily and carefree, like a moth, but you don’t take into account either your age or your social status. Hence all the conflicts and conflict situations that arise solely through your fault. Buying a melon means you are very imprudent and give your enemies a reason for slander. You believe in the infallibility of your position and therefore simply do not pay attention to everything else. This attitude will sooner or later play a cruel joke on you.

Melon - Growing a melon in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for all your troubles. You take on difficult or simply hopeless tasks, hoping that this time you will be lucky. It’s not clear why you take on an overwhelming burden of obligations, and then suffer, falling into a trap you set yourself. Picking a melon in a dream means that in reality you tend to blame yourself for all your sins. Even if you are not to blame for the troubles that are happening, you still reproach yourself and engage in self-flagellation. Please note that by doing this you are giving others an extra chance to blame you for what is happening. Until your level of self-esteem rises, you will feel personally responsible for all your mistakes and mistakes. The question is, do you need such increased responsibility?

Melon - Cutting a melon into slices - in reality, try to make everything easier and simpler, forgetting that simplification does not always optimally solve the issue.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Melon as an image in a dream

Melon - Seeing in a dream means having good friends; to eat is a disease; to pick - great poverty; a lot in the garden - moderate well-being; to buy - to give one’s favor to an unworthy person.

Esoteric dream book

Melon in night dreams

Why do you dream about Melon - You are indiscriminate in food and your body is sounding the alarm.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a melon mean in a dream?

Melon - Prosperity, profit - eat - illness - pick - great poverty - a lot in the garden - moderate prosperity - buy - give your favor to the unworthy

The meaning of the dream about Pumpkin (Moon Dream Book)

Melon, pumpkin - Receiving friendship.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Melon mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about melon - For pleasure.

In the summer, why did you dream of eating a juicy, sweet melon - for a sweet life.

In the fall, why did you dream about how you choose a melon at the market, fearing that you will choose poorly - to doubts.

In winter, why do you dream about melon - wealth; happy love.

Our dreams are something that never ceases to cause a lot of controversy. And their reason is as follows: can a dream really be prophetic, does it carry information regarding the fate of a person, or is it just a consequence of the day?

It should be noted that there is still some truth in this, and every dream is not accidental. We can dream about anything, and any night image means something. Today we will figure out why melon is dreamed of.

What kind of melon fruit did you see in your dream? Was she big and juicy? Then in the very near future they will open to you additional features, with the help of which you can fully realize your potential.

But this dream also has another meaning: as the dream book says, a juicy melon can dream of a long journey, and also mean an upsurge in business. Perhaps you will go on a trip or a business trip from work. If a sick person dreams of a melon, healing awaits him, the illness will recede, and you will get better.

A dream in which you dream of a melon growing on a tree is considered very positive.. Existing problems will be resolved in the most favorable way, and changes in your personal life are also possible - of course, also positive.

Seeing an unripe melon in a dream means there is no need to rush things and make hasty decisions. Don’t rush, wait until the situation “ripes”, otherwise you risk making a mess.

Why do you dream of a melon with foulbrood? Seeing such a fruit in a dream is a sign of dishonesty and injustice. Try to remember the person who presented you with a melon - most likely, it is he who is treating you dishonestly.

What if a girl dreamed of a melon? Such a dream foreshadows her imminent marriage, perhaps with a wealthy man. For young guys, a melon in a dream means the same thing, that is, a wedding with a girl.

What then does the dream in which you happen to have a melon symbolize? For a woman, such a dream promises happiness in family life, success at work, unexpected joy or profit.

In addition, the dream book warns, the melon you ate may be a warning that you should adhere to the saying “Measure seven times, cut once.” That is, there is no need to take rash actions: think carefully before doing something. But in general, this is a sign that a favorable period is coming for you when problems will be resolved in your favor.

Now it’s the men’s turn to find out why the melon is dreaming. If you are on the threshold of new beginnings, and in a dream you ate a melon, stop: this fruit may mean the failure of the business, wait a little, wait for a better moment. Seeing such a dream at the end of a project, on the contrary, means its favorable completion and profit.

Seeing a melon growing in the garden means good luck and fortune, and if troubles are haunting you now, then very soon it will end and come white stripe. It’s also interesting why you dream of a melon lying on a display case. This is an auspicious dream, meaning making new friends.

Have a watermelon or melon?

But summer spoils us not only with melons; it is more popular. Did you eat not only melon, but also this pumpkin in a dream with friends? This vision promises a wonderful weekend in fun company. The watermelon itself here is a symbol of joy, pleasure, pleasure and good mood.

If you were in splendid isolation at the meal, most likely you have or are planning a conflict with the team. You need to think: maybe the reason is you? It’s not for nothing that so many people have taken up arms? But, most likely, this reason is completely insignificant; the game is not worth the candle.

To see a dream in which you happen to eat a watermelon or melon in the company of a member of the opposite sex is a sign of a new acquaintance with him (her). It is possible that it will flow into a romantic relationship.

Now try to remember how many slices the dreamed fruit was divided into. The larger and thicker the slices, the longer the romance will be. If it was cut in half, then this is a sign serious relationship, perhaps even marriage.

Are you wondering what it means to eat a melon or watermelon in a dream in secret? You are tired of the constant presence of people next to you and want to retire, to be a little quiet.

Seeing a watermelon or melon in , means that you are in control of some matter and are not letting it progress. Don’t worry, this dream is favorable, start implementing your plans, you will succeed.

Some dream books believe that to see one of these pumpkins falling and breaking in a dream is bad sign. Is there any truth to this? Perhaps, but this is not always the case, many factors come into play. For example, if you didn’t fall out of it, then this dream means that you will reveal some truth that was carefully hidden earlier.

But seeing in a dream how someone else drops a watermelon or melon has a slightly different meaning. You should remember your loved ones with whom you have not communicated for a long time, and please them with your visit or at least a call.

If you happen to not eat them, but observe them growing in large quantities in the garden, financial well-being awaits you. You shouldn't expect huge wealth, but you won't want for anything.

The queen of the hot afternoon - the melon, whose yellow fruits are so round, and whose pulp is so tender and aromatic - visiting our dreams, embodies all the bodily needs of a person. Therefore, dreams about melon can often be used to talk about health. Like many dreams about earthly fruits, a dream about a melon can only be interpreted based on other details: was the melon whole or cut, did you see a melon or feast on pieces of melon?

Why do you dream of a melon according to Miller’s dream book?

Admiring melons in a dream is a warning about possible health problems. You should also be careful in business, not agreeing to risky deals - they will turn out to be unsuccessful.

It is also unfortunate to eat a melon in a dream - this is a sign that the actions you took were ill-considered, and you are not in vain worrying about the consequences.

But great sign will see growing melons in a dream. A melon patch or just a garden bed confirms the hackneyed phrase “everything that is done is for the better,” and your troubles will become a springboard to new success.

Melon in a dream according to Freud

The ripe juicy melon that you ate in a dream indicates your thirst for pleasure, combined with selfishness in bed.

Your desire to get maximum pleasure from sexual fun, regardless of your partner’s wishes, binds you.

Instead of perceiving reciprocal affection as an unpleasant duty, reconsider your views - and new horizons of intimate life will open up for you.

If, before eating a melon in a dream, you cut it into pieces, then you can be called a master of sexual foreplay. The ability to skillfully prolong the time of caresses that please you and your partner leads to the fact that sometimes sexual intercourse itself never happens. And your ability to quickly restore strength allows you to have several orgasms per night.

Why do you dream about melon – Hasse’s dream book

Anyone who sees a melon in a dream has many friends. If it lies on a melon patch large number these fragrant fruits, then in reality your well-being will be, although moderate, but reliable.

Picking a melon in a dream is fraught with great waste and even poverty, and treating yourself to it means facing ill health in reality.

Buying a melon indicates an unworthy person whom you treat well.

If you dreamed of a melon – Longo’s dream book

Eating a melon in a dream means in reality you forget about your responsibility to others. In your pursuit of entertainment, you behave inappropriately for your position, and this leads to unpleasant situations.

Buying a melon means you think too much of yourself. Confident in your own infallibility, you make mistakes that your ill-wishers will not fail to take advantage of.

Growing a melon in a dream means you are taking on a job or responsibility that you are not able to handle. Don't rely on luck and be careful with your words.

Picking a melon - in this case, again, you are taking too much on yourself, including blame for something that has nothing to do with. Stop such self-flagellation, otherwise your enemies will use it to force you into even greater obligations.

Cutting a melon into slices means that in your desire to make everything easier and lead to common cases, you are going too far. IN real world this does not always lead to the right decision.

Why do you dream about melon - French dream book

Human stupidity and mediocrity are ineradicable. Seeing a melon in a dream means that you will soon come very close to the result of someone else's rash actions.

Melon in a dream - gypsy dream book

Any appearance of a melon in a dream, according to the nomadic people, foreshadows an unexpected journey. And the result long journey depends on the shape of the fruit and its size.

Why do you dream about melon - oriental dream books

Eastern dream interpreters believe that a melon dreamed of by a healthy person promises illness, but for a sick person, on the contrary, it promises a quick recovery, especially if there is a melon in a dream.

For a woman, melon also means ailments and possible troubles in the house, but eating it means peace and tranquility in the family.

What else could a dream mean about a melon?

  • Ripe melon - good sign for lovers, but an unripe melon promises disagreements and quarrels. Also, a ripe melon promises satisfaction in love, and a green one promises losses and unfortunate coincidences.
  • A lot of melons, a large harvest of melons - an unexpected turn of fate for the better.
  • Planting melons on your land means satisfaction from the successful completion of a task.
  • Watering them, fertilizing them, caring for them is difficult work that will bring little income, but a lot of fame.
  • Buying melons is a waste of trust in people.
  • Selling melons means financial difficulties, possible failures in transactions, but success in love.

Source: http://ladyelena.ru/k-chemu-snitsya-dynya/

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about melon

As you know, people dream about the most different dreams. So, in night dreams we see images, objects, events, phenomena. Humanity has been searching for the connection between dreams and reality for centuries.

Thanks to this, various collections of interpretations of dreams arose. Today we propose to understand why melon is dreamed of.

To answer this question, we will use information from several of the most accurate and trustworthy books on dreams.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

First, let’s find out how to answer the question: “Why do you dream about melon?” - famous American esotericist. So, according to Gustav Miller, this vegetable promises illness and failure in business.

If you dreamed that you were eating a melon, then real life your rash actions can result in serious anxiety.

If in your night dreams you see these vegetables growing in the garden, then the streak of failures will eventually turn into a happy ending.

Now we propose to understand why a woman dreams of a melon, according to the interpretations of the founder of psychoanalysis.

Thus, Sigmund Freud believed that this vegetable, seen in dreams, indicates that a lady in her intimate life is accustomed to exclusively receiving pleasure from her partner.

At the same time, even a man’s tactful requests to fulfill some of his desires become a complete revelation and surprise for her. If you really want to be close to this person, you need to change your attitude towards this issue.

Ancient French dream book

The authors of this collection interpret the vision in which a melon appears as a sign of human stupidity. So, in real life, you will probably soon have to deal with some mediocre and narrow-minded people.

Now let’s find out the opinion of the authors of this collection of interpretations. Why do you dream about watermelon and melon? A vision in which these fruits appear indicates that there will always be faithful friends next to you, ready not only to keep you company in joyful moments of life, but also to support you in difficult times. Eating melon means you risk getting seriously ill.

If in a dream you pick this vegetable, in reality you will face need and deprivation. A good harvest of melons promises the achievement of moderate prosperity. Buying a sweet vegetable means placing trust in someone who does not deserve it at all.

If you dreamed that you were selling melons, then your business risks failure, but success in love and great happiness in your personal life await you. Unripe fruits are predicted whirlwind romance, which, however, will end in a painful breakup. Ripe melons are considered as a harbinger of love pleasures.

Planting these vegetables brings satisfaction from the completion of some important task. Caring for melons and watering them means having to do an honorable, but very difficult job. Rotten fruit is seen as a harbinger of illness or accident.

If you dreamed that you were carrying or transporting melons, then in real life you should be careful. After all, rash actions can ruin all your plans. If you treat someone with melon, then soon your troubles will come to an end, and you will be able to gain useful experience from them.

Dream book for lovers

If you dreamed of melons growing in the garden, then soon troubles in matters of the heart and loneliness will be replaced by an end. They will be replaced by happiness and love.

An old English dream book

Now we invite you to find out how the very famous and respected collection interprets the image in question. Why does a girl or boy dream of a melon? In this case, it promises marriage with a wealthy person and a possible move to another country. It is quite possible that your future spouse will be a foreigner.

In general, the vision in which the melon appears is viewed in a positive way by this collection. It promises the dreamer happiness, supported financial well-being. You are unlikely to have many children, but all of them will only make you happy. For people suffering from any ailments, such a vision predicts a speedy recovery.

However, this will only happen thanks to the skill and knowledge of a skilled and experienced doctor.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Why do you dream of a big melon that you eat with gusto? This vision indicates that in real life you probably strive only for entertainment and fun, forgetting about your obligations to other people. You want, as they say, to flutter through life like a butterfly.

However, this does not take into account either your age or social status, nor other factors. As a result, all this leads to a variety of conflicts and unpleasant situations. And the blame for them lies entirely with you. It probably makes sense to think and try to reconsider your outlook on life.

What does it mean to dream that you are buying a melon? The authors of the collection consider this vision as a reflection of the fact that in reality you are an imprudent person and constantly give your enemies new reasons for slander. Perhaps you are simply confident in your infallibility. However, sooner or later this position can play a cruel joke on you.

Why do you dream of a melon that you grew yourself? This vision indicates that only you are to blame for your problems. So, you take on difficult or simply hopeless work again and again, hoping that you will finally get lucky.

If you dream that you are picking a melon in a dream, then in real life you are used to blaming yourself for all troubles. As a result, this not only lowers your self-esteem, but also gives others a reason to shift responsibility for problems onto you.

Source: http://fb.ru/article/209501/sonnik-k-chemu-snitsya-dyinya

Dream Interpretation Melon in a dream for a woman, why do you dream?

Dream Interpretation Melon

Why do you dream about melon? This symbol can carry both a positive and negative prediction. After you have seen a melon in a dream, the dream book advises you to remember the smallest details, which will significantly influence the interpretation.

Why do you dream about melons?

One of the most popular interpreters, Miller’s dream book, says that a melon can predict an illness or a dangerous deal for the dreamer, which it is better not to agree to.

Although this general characteristics, you can learn more precisely about the prediction if you answer a few questions.

Your actions with melon

As the dream book says, a melon in a dream will not predict much for you. What matters is what you did: grew it, bought it, sold it, ate it.

Why see a melon

Why buy a melon in a dream

Buying melons in a dream means that the wrong person will achieve your favor. Be attentive to new acquaintances. Miller's dream book says so.

The second interpretation given by the dream book, melon, if you buy it in a dream, shows that you have too high an opinion of yourself. It seems to you that your thoughts and actions are the only correct ones. In fact, you can do something irreparable, while your enemies are not asleep and will use this mistake against you.

A woman buying a melon in a dream means meeting a dubious suitor. This person will not have real feelings for you, all his words are deception, try not to fall for the bait.

Walking around the market and choosing the most delicious fruit - you are at the crossroads of two roads, and you just can’t decide. You should radically change your lifestyle, otherwise negative rumors will start circulating about you.

Selling a melon means failures in business will be more than paid for by new sincere love.

Grow melon in night visions

  • You dream of melons and you watch them grow - failures will soon turn into victories. A white streak will definitely come, you just have to be patient.
  • A growing fetus predicts improvements for you in a certain area of ​​life - your soulmate will return to you, relationships will improve, your salary will be increased or promoted, perhaps an old debt will be returned that you no longer hoped for.
  • As the dream book says, a melon in the garden, if you just look at it, but don’t pick it or eat it, promises material well-being, which, even if it won’t be too good, will be enough for life.
  • Planting melon seeds is a success in the business you have started. Caring for it, watering it, fertilizing it, digging it in, you will have to work hard to achieve well-being, but you will definitely succeed.

Eat sweet fruits

If you ate the fruit

Why does a girl dream about melon if she eats it? If the melon was yellow, sweet and juicy, then success at work and on the personal front awaits you. Minor failures will finally stop if you learn to think about every step and not commit rash actions.

For a man to eat this fruit is not such a positive sign. The started enterprise will turn out to be unpromising and unprofitable.

Cutting a melon into many small pieces means you are always looking for the simplest scenario, but in life everything is not always simple. Because you avoid difficulties, you lose a lot.

In a dream, eating melon in the company of friends - you will have a similar situation this coming weekend.

But eat it in all alone– to conflicts with colleagues.

Eating on the sly - you are tired of the bustle and company of people. Try to spend some time alone.

You ate a juicy fruit with a person of the opposite sex, you will soon meet interesting person, will begin romance novel. At the same time, the dream book says that it is worth taking a closer look at the width of the slices; the wider they are, the longer your relationship will be.

Why do you dream about a melon being eaten by others - luck itself was coming into your hands, but you missed your chance.

Why do you dream about a rotten melon?

Rotten melon is a symbol of dishonesty. If you receive such a melon from a friend, then take a close look at his behavior; most likely, he is a hypocrite when communicating with you. this person can let you down at any moment.

an equally negative symbol, an unripe fruit, it means that you took on a certain task too early, which will end badly. dream books believe that you were rushed by a certain person who acts to please himself and to your detriment.

Also, an unripe fetus can indicate health problems, which will ultimately entail large financial expenses. try to lead a healthy lifestyle and save money in reserve.

if you dream of melons and watermelons

Both melon and watermelon promise a quick recovery to a sick person. This will happen because you will finally meet a worthwhile doctor.

Seeing a lot of melons and watermelons in a melon patch means receiving very good news, financial well-being.

Hold a melon in your hands, drop it

  • If you dream about how you are holding or carrying a heavy melon, then in reality you are too tired, perhaps you should give yourself a short break?
  • Carrying your luggage in a bag means you are in complete control of the situation.
  • If you dream that a person asked you to hold a melon - unfortunately, you can forget about a promotion. A colleague will appropriate the merits and receive a long-awaited position.
  • If you drop a fruit on the floor, but it does not break, you are about to have a quarrel with your loved one.
  • Watching another person drop a melon - your friend or relative has been asking you for help or demanding your attention for a long time, but you constantly refuse.

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Source: http://SonnikOnline.club/eda/k-chemu-snitsya-dynya.html

What does it mean if you dream of a melon?

Perhaps you had to ask the question: “why do you dream about melon?” There are many interpretations: according to one dream book, melon is a bad sign, but in another it is described as “manna from heaven.”

Of course, the inconsistency of explanations is caused primarily by the fact that events in a dream can occur in different ways, and the interpretations differ accordingly.

Although people argue about what a melon is - a fruit, a berry or a pumpkin, this cannot stop us from putting the information in order in terms of “what does a melon mean in dreams.”

Fruit ripeness

  • If you see a ripe melon in a dream, this is a good sign, indicating that things are “ripe” and will soon go “uphill”.
  • I dreamed about being immature. The dream can be interpreted as follows: it’s too early to take on something serious. The situation needs to mature. If someone is in a hurry, then you should not follow the lead - it is unknown what goals the person in the hurry is pursuing.
  • I dream of a melon with rot. A rotten “berry” is a warning sign of dishonesty. If you received such a gift from someone in a dream, take a closer look at this person in real life; it is possible that he is not treating you quite decently (or not at all decently).

Eat melon

To dream of eating a melon or watermelon in a company means spending the weekend with pleasant people. The fruit in this case acts as a symbol of pleasantness and communication. If no one invites, then invite yourself, and you won’t regret it - it’s time to “be friends with families.”

Eat melon or watermelon alone. The sign is not very good, as it can be interpreted as a disagreement with the team, “proud” loneliness. It’s not easy to resist a team; you need to understand why the interests of the team went against yours. If the reason is insignificant, then is there any point in confrontation?

Eating a melon (watermelon) with a person of the opposite sex. A pleasant meeting or date that smoothly flows into a light romance. The thicker the slices, the longer the romance. A fruit divided into two halves can even indicate a serious relationship.

Eating on the sly. The dream advises you to be alone with yourself. It is possible that you are tired of noisy society.

Dreaming of others eating melon. Dream about a missed opportunity. It is possible that the opportunity was overlooked in some way.

Hold in your hands

To dream that you are holding a heavy watermelon or melon in your hands. Approaching fatigue in a dream indicates that everyday life someone begins to strain, put pressure on communication. If the information has become significant for the subconscious, then it is time, in order to avoid conflict, to limit communication with this person.

Keep a melon or watermelon in your bag. The interpretation means that “everything is under control.” If you are in doubt about something, then you can safely proceed to it.

Someone asked you to temporarily hold a melon (watermelon). The dream can be interpreted as follows: a place on career ladder, which they hoped would be taken by someone else. All efforts will serve in favor of the opponent.

Drop the melon

Oddly enough, but dropping this “berry” in a dream is not always a negative sign. Such a dream can also be interpreted as an unexpected revelation of the truth. If the parts did not lose any seeds during the split, then most likely this will be the interpretation.

  • When the fruit was dropped, it cracked but did not split. The dream foreshadows a small quarrel with a loved one. They say about such quarrels: “darlings quarrel - they just amuse themselves,” everything will end in a stormy reconciliation.
  • Seeing someone else drop a melon. The dream is a warning that someone has been forgotten. Remember, maybe one of your friends or relatives has been waiting for your attention for a long time.
  • Drop someone else's fruit, and then not see the person who handed it to you. An opportune moment is predicted to “sit on” someone in the service or get promoted through some other petty affair.

Giving melon

To see a round-shaped “berry” being given as a gift means the end of all kinds of connections. If you give one yourself, it means you will be the initiator of the breakup. If a round fruit is given by a loved one, then the relationship will end unexpectedly quietly, without scandals or persecution.

Seeing someone give an elongated “berry” is a sign that communication will move to another level, they will become closer and more trusting.

I dream of a melon that I treat to stranger- to a surprise. Someone is preparing an unexpected gift that you will really like.

Dream books have entered our lives. Of course, the attitude towards them is still half-serious and half-joking. If you train yourself to treat dreams as the second half of life (maybe this is the case?), then the subconscious will share forecasts more confidently and accurately.

So I dreamed of a three kilogram “berry”. If you ask the question “why do you dream about melon?” subconscious, then through each dream it will answer this question differently.

Logic and analysis are good. But there are times when wisdom and intuition are lacking. Regular attention to dreams develops intuition, and wisdom is the skill of listening to intuition. Igor Vaskin

Source: http://www.grc-eka.ru/sonnik/k-chemu-snitsya-dynya.html

“Why do you dream about melon in a dream? If you see Melon in a dream, what does it mean?

Melon - this fruit symbolizes improvement of circumstances. Improvement options: your debt will be returned to you, the sick person will recover, the unemployed will find a job, etc.

American dream book

Melon - integrity. Lots of possibilities.

English dream book

If a boy or young woman sees melons in a dream, this means a successful marriage with a rich man and moving to another country. Such a dream is a harbinger of happiness supported by wealth. They will not have many children, but all children will give them prosperity and happiness.

For those who are sick, a dream about a melon predicts a speedy recovery under the supervision of a skilled doctor. Minor disagreements in the house will be smoothed out imperceptibly after such a dream.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Melon in a dream according to the dream book?

Melon is an unfavorable sign: your health may deteriorate.

If you eat melon, you risk committing a rash act, which you will later regret very much.

Seeing a melon on a melon patch means favorable changes in life.

Children's dream book

Melon - fulfillment of desires.

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of a ripe melon, it means that your desire for sexual harmony will soon be satisfied.

Lunar dream book

Melon - receiving friendship.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Melon in a dream?

If you look at, buy, or grow melon, it will lead to intestinal disease.

To eat - to incredible pleasure and pleasure.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Melon - symbolizes the breast.

Family dream book

Melon - dreams of risky business ventures.

If you ate a melon in a dream, beware of rash actions: they can cause you anxiety.

If you saw a growing melon, it means your troubles in the future will turn into success.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Melon?

If you dream of melons, expect that your health will deteriorate, and that you will be haunted by failures in business.

Eating melons predicts that a rash act will cause your anxiety.

Seeing growing melons means that today's failures will be replaced by success in the future.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The melon is ripe, round, with many seeds - a reflection of integrity, vitality and emerging opportunities.

Not mature - need for integrity, vitality and in the opportunities that open up (also the desire and/or ability to have it).

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Eating a melon in a dream means that in real life you are chasing entertainment, forgetting about your responsibilities and obligations to other people. You want to flutter through life easily and carefree, like a moth, but you do not take into account either your age or your social status. Hence all the conflicts and conflict situations that arise solely through your fault.

Buying a melon means you are very imprudent and give your enemies a reason for slander. Perhaps you believe in the infallibility of your position and therefore simply do not pay attention to everything else. This attitude will sooner or later play a cruel joke on you.

Growing a melon in a dream means that all your troubles are your own fault. You take on difficult or simply hopeless tasks, hoping that this time you will be lucky. It’s not clear why you take on an overwhelming burden of obligations, and then suffer, falling into a trap you set yourself.

Picking a melon in a dream means that in reality you tend to blame yourself for all your sins. Even if you are not to blame for the troubles that are happening, you still reproach yourself and engage in self-flagellation. Please note that by doing this you are giving others an extra chance to blame you for what is happening.

Until your level of self-esteem rises, you will feel personally responsible for all your mistakes and mistakes.

The question is, do you need such increased responsibility? Cutting a melon into slices - in real life, try to make everything easier and simpler, forgetting that simplification does not always optimally solve the issue.

Dream book of the future

Melon - portends success in business and well-being in the family.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream of melons growing in a garden, this means that troubles in matters of the heart and loneliness will be replaced by love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a melon means having good friends.

There is a disease.

To pick is great poverty.

A lot in the garden - moderate well-being.

To buy is to give your favor to someone unworthy.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

A ripe and round melon, with many seeds, is a symbol of integrity and opportunities.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of melons, beware of troubles that will not keep you waiting. After such a dream, it is better to postpone new beginnings, take care of your health and “lay low” for a while.

But if the melons you dreamed of grew in large quantities on the melon patch, and you did not pick or eat them, then in the future all today’s failures and troubles will certainly turn into success and prosperity.

Dream book for a bitch

Melon - failures and troubles will soon end.

Eating a ripe melon in a dream means long-awaited joy and success in business, family well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing melons on the counter or buying them is a sign that you risk succumbing to some temptation and incurring some losses.

At the same time, ripe melons growing in the garden can indicate good progress and often portend joy and success.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Melon - for pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how you choose a melon at the market, fearing that you will choose poorly, means doubts.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a juicy, sweet melon in a dream and eating it means a sweet life.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Eating a melon in a dream means that in sex you prefer to receive pleasure rather than give it to others. Even if your partner says what he wants, you are in no hurry to fulfill his request. In this case, sex becomes a commitment and you do not get pleasure. You need to understand how to find pleasure in intimate relationships while still delivering it to your partner.

A dream in which you cut a melon suggests that you are in no hurry to experience pleasure right away and therefore deliberately delay the moment of orgasm for both yourself and your partner. You spend a lot of time on foreplay that precedes orgasm, so it often doesn’t come to sexual intercourse.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Melon in a dream?

Seeing a melon means having good friends; eat - illness; to pick - great poverty; a lot in the garden - moderate well-being; to buy is to give your favor to an unworthy person.

Seeing melons in a dream means illness and unlucky risky business ventures.

Eating them means that rash actions will cause your anxiety.

Seeing them growing in the garden means that your troubles will turn into good luck in the future.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Melon in a dream?

Seeing a melon in a dream foretells good and faithful friends. Eating melon means in reality being exposed to the danger of disease. Picking a melon means you are in danger of need and deprivation. Seeing a good harvest of melons in the garden means you will achieve moderate prosperity.

Buying melons means placing trust in a person who will not justify it. Selling melons - fail in financial enterprise, but you will find happiness and love.

Ripe melons portend love joys, unripe ones - a romance that will end in a quarrel.

Planting melons means experiencing the joy of a successfully completed task. Caring for them and watering them is an honorable but difficult job. rotten melon- means illness or accident.

Carrying or carrying melons is a warning that rash actions can become an annoying obstacle to the implementation of your plans.

Treating melons or receiving a melon as a gift - your troubles will soon turn out on the good side, you will gain experience.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Melon in a dream can mean illness and unlucky risky business ventures.

Eating a melon means committing rash acts that will ultimately cause your anxiety.

Seeing melons growing portends good luck after many troubles.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Melon according to the dream book?

Melon - wealth; happy love.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a melon in a dream means separation from loved ones.

You dreamed that you were watering or washing a melon - soon you will quarrel with your relatives.

Cutting a melon means you will have a fight with someone you know.

Buying a melon means that if you do not change your lifestyle, society will have a bad opinion of you.

In a dream, you were selling a melon - soon a very bad opinion will form about one of your loved ones in society.

If you dreamed that you were planting a melon, you may soon change your field of activity.

If you treated yourself to a melon in a dream, it means that in your intimate life you love to be given pleasure, naively believing that you, in turn, should not do this.

So when they tactfully let you know what they want from you, it is a revelation. We can say that for you intimate relationships have become a duty, some kind of duty that you have to fulfill.

Learn to find pleasure in sex, and then your problems will disappear.

Cutting a melon into pieces in a dream indicates that in real life you are very skillfully delaying the moment of orgasm for yourself and your partner, thereby prolonging the pleasure. You spend a lot of time on foreplay, stimulating orgasm, and often it doesn’t even come to sexual intercourse. In addition, you recover quickly.

Schiller's Dream Book

Melon - prosperity and profit.

French dream book

Dreaming of a melon means human stupidity and mediocrity, which you will soon encounter in life.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Ripe melon - to a prosperous life; immature - to poverty.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream of a melon - ill health.

A ripe melon means success, a green one means poverty.

Gypsy dream book

Melons of any kind mean a journey on water.

Esoteric dream book

Melon - you are indiscriminate in food and your body is sounding the alarm.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Melon according to the dream book?

Dreaming of a melon - the dream reflects an improvement in the situation. The dream book suggests the following types of improvement: someone will repay your debts, someone will be cured of a serious illness, or an unemployed person will find a profitable job.

More interpretations

Eating it in a dream means that you may agree to some kind of adventure, which you will greatly regret later.

If the melon is ripe, all your erotic desires will be fulfilled in reality, and if not, the dream testifies to your desire to become one, shows your inner strength to life and will point out the great prospects opening up to you.

Buying it in a dream means that you are farsighted, which allows your enemies to gossip more and more about you.

If you dreamed about how you grew a melon yourself, you should only blame yourself for all failures.

: Why do you dream about Melon?

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Seeing a melon in a dream foretells good and faithful friends. Eating melon means in reality being exposed to the danger of disease. Picking a melon means you are in danger of need and deprivation. Seeing a good harvest of melons in the garden means you will achieve moderate prosperity.

Buying melons means placing trust in a person who will not justify it. Selling melons - you will fail in a financial enterprise, but you will find happiness and love.

Ripe melons portend love joys, unripe ones - a romance that will end in a quarrel.

Planting melons means experiencing the joy of a successfully completed task. Caring for them and watering them is an honorable but difficult job. A rotten melon means illness or accident.

Carrying or carrying melons is a warning that rash actions can become an annoying obstacle to the implementation of your plans. Treating melons or receiving a melon as a gift - your troubles will soon turn out on the good side, you will gain experience.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Melon

If you dreamed of melons, beware of troubles that will not keep you waiting. After such a dream, it is better to postpone new beginnings, take care of your health and “lay low” for a while.

But if the melons you dreamed of grew in large quantities on the melon patch, and you did not pick or eat them, then in the future all today’s failures and troubles will certainly turn into success and prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from

As you know, people have all sorts of dreams. So, in night dreams we see images, objects, events, phenomena. Humanity has been searching for the connection between dreams and reality for centuries. Thanks to this, various collections of interpretations of dreams arose. Today we propose to understand why melon is dreamed of. To answer this question, we will use information from several of the most accurate and trustworthy books on dreams.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

First, let’s find out how to answer the question: “Why do you dream about melon?” - famous American esotericist. So, according to Gustav Miller, this vegetable promises illness and failure in business. If you dreamed that you were eating a melon, then in real life your rash actions can result in serious anxiety. If in your night dreams you see these vegetables growing in the garden, then the streak of failures will eventually turn into a happy ending.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Now we propose to understand why a woman dreams of a melon, according to the interpretations of the founder of psychoanalysis. Thus, Sigmund Freud believed that this vegetable, seen in dreams, indicates that a lady in her intimate life is accustomed to exclusively receiving pleasure from her partner. At the same time, even a man’s tactful requests to fulfill some of his desires become a complete revelation and surprise for her. If you really want to be close to this person, you need to change your attitude towards this issue.

Ancient French dream book

The authors of this collection interpret the vision in which a melon appears as a sign of human stupidity. So, in real life, you will probably soon have to deal with some mediocre and narrow-minded people.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Now let’s find out the opinion of the authors of this collection of interpretations. and melon? A vision in which these fruits appear indicates that there will always be faithful friends next to you, ready not only to keep you company in joyful moments of life, but also to support you in difficult times. Eating melon means you risk getting seriously ill. If in a dream you pick this vegetable, in reality you will face need and deprivation. A good harvest of melons promises the achievement of moderate prosperity. Buying a sweet vegetable means placing trust in someone who does not deserve it at all. If you dreamed that you were selling melons, then your business risks failure, but success in love and great happiness in your personal life await you. Unripe fruits predict a stormy romance, which, however, will end in a painful breakup. Ripe melons are considered as a harbinger of love pleasures. Planting these vegetables brings satisfaction from the completion of some important task. Caring for melons and watering them means having to do an honorable, but very difficult job. Rotten fruit is seen as a harbinger of illness or accident. If you dreamed that you were carrying or transporting melons, then in real life you should be careful. After all, rash actions can ruin all your plans. If you treat someone with melon, then soon your troubles will come to an end, and you will be able to gain useful experience from them.

Dream book for lovers

If you dreamed of melons growing in the garden, then soon troubles in matters of the heart and loneliness will be replaced by an end. They will be replaced by happiness and love.

An old English dream book

Now we invite you to find out how the very famous and respected collection interprets the image in question. Why does a girl or boy dream of a melon? In this case, it promises marriage with a wealthy person and a possible move to another country. It is quite possible that your future spouse will be a foreigner. In general, the vision in which the melon appears is viewed in a positive way by this collection. It promises the dreamer happiness, supported by financial well-being. You are unlikely to have many children, but all of them will only make you happy. For people suffering from any ailments, such a vision predicts a speedy recovery. However, this will only happen thanks to the skill and knowledge of a skilled and experienced doctor.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Why do you dream of a big melon that you eat with gusto? This vision indicates that in real life you probably strive only for entertainment and fun, forgetting about your obligations to other people. You want, as they say, to flutter through life like a butterfly. However, you do not take into account your age, social status, or other factors. As a result, all this leads to a variety of conflicts and unpleasant situations. And the blame for them lies entirely with you. It probably makes sense to think and try to reconsider your outlook on life.

What does it mean to dream that you are buying a melon? The authors of the collection consider this vision as a reflection of the fact that in reality you are an imprudent person and constantly give your enemies new reasons for slander. Perhaps you are simply confident in your infallibility. However, sooner or later this position can play a cruel joke on you.

Why do you dream of a melon that you grew yourself? This vision indicates that only you are to blame for your problems. So, you take on difficult or simply hopeless work again and again, hoping that you will finally get lucky.

If you dream that you are picking a melon in a dream, then in real life you are used to blaming yourself for all troubles. As a result, this not only lowers your self-esteem, but also gives others a reason to shift responsibility for problems onto you.