What does a girl dream about about a bouquet of tulips? Location of plants in dreams. Interpretation of a dream about tulips according to different dream books

Dream book online Red tulips

In a dream, we often have to deal with unusual phenomena that do not fit into the framework of habitual perception. After them, we are impressed for a long time and rush to look into the dream book. But ordinary things rarely arouse keen interest, but they can also bring more change and news, rather than fabulous night events. Why do you dream of red tulips? What does the color of fire and passion bring with it in combination with a delicate spring flower? Leading forecasters and psychologists will help answer these questions.

What does the interpreter say?

If you dreamed of red tulips

In order to determine why red tulips are dreamed of, you need to remember several important details. Did you have to see this bouquet or field of flowers only from the outside, or was there another role in store? The tulip itself is a favorable sign. It symbolizes strong love bonds and a successful marriage. For a more detailed interpretation, you will need to pay attention to some nuances.

Be an observer

The modern dream book believes that tulips of fiery colors are often dreamed of material well-being.

But don't expect long-term luxury. An increase in income will occur due to a valuable gift or monetary gain. What other circumstances awaited you in the dream?

Participate in a dream

Why do we dream of red tulips with which we perform any actions? The interpreter does not skimp on meanings; let’s consider this detail.

Girls dream of red tulips for everyone's attention and a successful marriage. Even after marriage, gentlemen will hover around you.

Opinion of Vanga and Grishina

The interpretation would be incomplete without the opinion of the great predictors. They spent many years searching for answers to riddles. mysterious world dreams

What does Vanga say?

The great fortuneteller gave an ambiguous interpretation and focused on whether one had to simply see red tulips or perform any actions with them.

Watch from the side

Vanga believed that this flower is a truly feminine sign. Quite often it is associated with frivolity, but red speaks of morality and purity. Moreover, it is typical for the dreamer to maintain honor and dignity in any situation.

But a bouquet in a dream shows the correctness of your decisions. You are following the right path, and all your affairs will be crowned with success.


if you received it as a gift

If you happen to receive such a tender and pleasant gift, then you are in a desperate search for a suitable partner, and also experience a clear lack of intimacy.

The dream book advises not to chase in search of ideals, but to take a closer look at your immediate environment. Probably, the future spouse is hiding among friends.

Did you happen to trample or destroy plants? An unkind symbol, indicating that you are very fixated on your needs. Relatives and close people lack your attention and care, which you do not consider necessary to distribute.

Noble dream book by Grishina According to this source, you pay too much attention to yourself and are not averse to boasting about your successes. Holding a red tulip in your hands? You are in love with a person who brings you mental anguish. In addition to unrequited feelings, it can lead to illnesses due to nervousness. But if you pick plants, you will have to negotiate with an arrogant person. But it is worth noting that this personality can lead to career growth

and improvement of material well-being.

  • The red tulip is a deep and multifaceted symbol. But you shouldn’t take what you see to heart. Listen to your feelings and intuition, remembering that only you have the right to decide your destiny.
  • If a man dreams of a tulip, then he may soon win the favor of a narcissistic beauty.

The appearance of a flower in a woman’s dream is an unfavorable sign. She risks falling in love with a proud macho or an arrogant egoist.

Now, let's figure out from the dream books what the dream in which you saw tulips is for.

  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • If you dreamed of a field of tulips, an event will happen that may greatly hurt your feelings. It will be difficult to part with this pleasant state, but soon the emotional outburst will fade away.
  • Picking or cutting a tulip means a frank conversation, which you will later regret.
  • A tulip in a girl’s dream speaks of moral purity; women - a harbinger of imminent menstruation.

Trampling flowers is a sign that indicates the selfishness of the owner of the dream.

  • Miller's Dream Book
  • Blooming tulips of bright color are a sign that speaks of marital fidelity, pleasure and love in marriage.
  • White flowers symbolize sadness and sadness. Dry ones promise love repentance. Tulips in the garden - to the quick acquisition of rich property., especially white growing on weeds - to sorrow.
  • If in a dream a girl receives a bouquet as a gift, a man who is pleasant but empty inside has feelings for her.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you pick a flower, then you should think about your priorities in life, maybe they need to be changed.
  • Dug up tulips indicate the machinations of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to put a spoke in your wheels.
  • Tulips in the house speak of a person who is not used to opening up to people.
  • If you plant these flowers in a dream, then in life you may make a wise decision or make Noble act.
  • The flowers have dried up - you may have to go through a breakup or illness in life.

Interpretation based on a specific color of tulips

  • Red flowers can suggest that it is time for the owner of the dream to make plans for the future. It is also necessary to remember that money does not play the main role.
  • Yellow speaks of envy on the part of others, betrayal or deception. For a girl, they foretell a quick separation from her lover or a complete break in the relationship.
  • Pink - for a quick romantic date.
  • White - sadness due to problems in love.
  • Blacks talk about possible depression, the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • Bouquet of flowers different color indicates that others do not take the owner of the dream seriously.

Everything that a tulip dreams about affects a person’s feelings, relationships and love. But in some cases, this means a quick change of opinion, views on some exciting occasions - when the dreamed plant has a smell.

People in whose lives creativity plays a major role have unconventional, creative thinking. In such cases, studying the dream book, a tulip can be compared to a glass that is full of new ideas. This is a kind of symbol of the embodiment of creative ideas.

Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger. To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope. Tearing a tulip means achieving pride and beautiful woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Flowers

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Dream Interpretation - Field

(See interpretation: earth)

A field in a dream symbolizes your life. The larger and smoother the field in a dream, the longer and happier you will live your life. Walking across a field in a dream is a sign of freedom and independence, happiness and satisfaction. See the interpretation: cliff, road, stones and further by the names of grains.

Gullies and potholes in the field mean obstacles and misfortunes. A cultivated field in a dream foreshadows wealth and prosperity, while an abandoned one portends unexpected disappointment. Cultivating a field in a dream is a sign of good luck in a difficult task. Such a dream predicts that you will achieve wealth through honest and hard work.

A cultivated field (plowed) in a dream is a harbinger of great luck and wealth. Level harrows in the field mean that your life will return to normal, change for the better, you will be able to put things in order in your home or business. Sometimes such a dream foretells that profitable proposition cooperation or matchmaking will not work out. Especially if you see someone harrowing your field.

Walking behind the plow yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Another meaning of this dream is housework. Seeing the harvest or reapers in a dream is a sign of prosperity for the family. See interpretation: grain, bread.

Damaged harrows are a sign of impending confusion, confusion in business or personal matters. A devastated, burned field in a dream foreshadows losses, losses and deprivations. Measuring a field in a dream foretells disputes with relatives over ownership of property.

Sowing grain crops in a dream means good prospects for the future.

It is believed that sowing wheat in a dream is a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you dream that birds in the field are pecking at seeds, then losses await you. If in a dream you can drive away the birds, then your losses will not be so noticeable.

If in a dream you see seeds sprouting, then great success awaits you thanks to your extraordinary abilities. Seeing or collecting a rich harvest in the field is a sign of prosperity and wealth. After such a dream, you should expect that all your troubles will soon end. To see a field sown with millet in a dream is a sign of easily acquired wealth and great joy.

If in a dream you see a huge field sown with rye, then the dream predicts that you will get rich from trade deals or will be able to sue someone for a large inheritance. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the conclusion of a profitable marriage, merry feast and gifts. Seeing a plowman at work in a dream means that your business will go uphill.

If he is idle, then expect failures and disappointments. Seeing a mown, harvested field, especially in the rays of sunset, means that your business will soon become unprofitable or end in failure.

Seeing or loading sheaves of straw in a dream means that your work will be difficult and unproductive. A dream about her foreshadows the decline of your affairs and failures. If you dream that the floors of your house are covered with straw, then you should be wary of a trick or a trap set by your enemies.

Knitting sheaves of wheat or seeing them in a dream is a sign of profit, prosperity and happiness. Often such a dream predicts the assumption of responsibility or obligations that will tie you hand and foot. Feeding cattle with straw in a dream means that you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. See interpretation: roof.

Burning straw in a dream means a wasted task. Sleeping on straw in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and need. Rearranging sheaves in a dream is a harbinger of bad changes. Seeing hay in a dream is a sign of great happiness, wealth and great profit. Often such a dream indicates that you will become the owner of a large fortune.

Raking hay in a dream foretells an increase in wealth. Resting or lying on the hay in a dream foretells peace and family happiness. Chewing hay in a dream means that you will get into debt and if you cannot pay it off, creditors will ruin you. After such a dream, expect hunger, deprivation, and a streak of failures. See interpretation: agricultural implements.

Interpretation of dreams from

Many people love tulips for their beauty and the feeling of spring that these flowers give with their appearance on city streets. If you dreamed of tulips in a dream, this is extremely good sign. The future of those who dream of these flowers is usually joyful and happy. To find out exactly why tulips are dreamed of, you should use a dream book.

The interpretation of a dream with tulips is largely influenced by such little things as the shade of flowers. Other subtleties of the plot are no less important.

The influence of the shade of buds on the interpretation of dreams

Seeing red tulips in a dream, according to the dream book, means material well-being. You can expect a big cash win or an expensive gift in the near future. In any case, whatever it is, your financial situation will improve. Pink tulips predict a particularly pleasant romantic date. When you go to meet your lover or sweetheart, you can expect a pleasant surprise and large quantity passionate confessions and tenderness.

One of the dream books explains why yellow tulips are seen in dreams. Buds of this shade, seen in a dream, predict betrayal and deception in real life. It is quite possible that your loved one will cheat on you or decide to break up. When you hear the sad news, try not to lose your composure. A negative life period is always followed by a positive one. Be patient. Soon the clouds will clear and the first warm rays of sunshine will appear.

If you dreamed about black tulips, get ready to experience a not-so-positive life period in reality. You will have to spend some time alone. The melancholy and sadness will be so strong that prolonged depression may even develop. The dream book recommends walking outside more often and not refusing to help those around you, even strangers. This way your own sorrows will be forgotten faster.

To find out what white tulips mean in dreams, you should also refer to the dream book. If in a dream you saw buds of exactly this shade, get ready for problems in your existing love relationship. In addition, such a dream can also be interpreted as a symbol of an unsuccessful acquaintance or a love date. Blue tulips predict unrequited love in real life.

You can also find an explanation of why you dream of purple and multi-colored tulips in one of the dream books. Violet people talk about problems in family relationships. Flowers of different colors indicate your frivolity. Think about growing up, otherwise many people around you do not take you seriously. This attitude of others prevents you from achieving some of your main goals.

Interpretation of this dream according to various dream books

Collecting tulips in a dream means mutual love feelings. In reality, a very interesting and well-groomed man. Perhaps the attention of which you never even dared to dream of. A similar dream also indicates a high probability of starting a long-term serious relationship.

Gives an explanation of why tulips are dreamed of and Miller’s dream book. According to this interpreter, they symbolize married life and love relationship. If in a dream they give you tulips, then in reality they feel for you sincere feelings an attractive but not very serious person. If, on the contrary, you were given tulips in a dream, then it is you who have loving feelings for an empty and overly frivolous representative of the opposite sex.

Withered tulip flowers, according to Miller’s dream book, are a symbol of belated love repentance. Another interpreter tells why you dream of a bouquet of tulips. If you had a similar dream at night, then in reality your excessive arrogance and boundless arrogance scare away the people around you. For the same reason, problems may arise with forming friendships.

Planting tulips in a dream means jealousy. Because of a sense of possessiveness, your spouse will subject you to endless interrogations and scandals. You should not give in to his pressure and take on something that is not your fault. This dream can also warn of excessive demands from superiors. Be patient and attentive to comments if you don’t want to lose your job.

Seeing in a dream this variety of plants that you smell means changing your established habits. It is also possible that, under the influence of certain circumstances, your view of certain life situations will change significantly. Perhaps such changes will have a positive impact absolutely on your entire life.

According to the dream book, a field of tulips predicts that very soon an event will happen in your life that will seriously affect your feelings. You will worry about what happened for quite a long time. The dream book of Sonan explains why bulbs are dreamed of. The bulbs of these flowers warn that in reality there may be a major brawl in a public place or a showdown with the authorities.

Buying tulips means heartache from unrequited love. The dream book also says that if you picked flowers in a dream, then in real life you will soon experience a fleeting, but at the same time stormy and emotional romance. For a woman to see that a man gave her these flowers means a break in the relationship. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a plot promises an unsuccessful marriage. It is worth taking care in advance of a civilized severance of hateful relationships.


  • I dreamed about how my friend and I were choosing very beautiful varietal tulips with bulbs (for planting) to buy. But one tulip, which a friend chose, disappeared at that moment. And the seller said that it still wouldn’t be accepted by the person who took it. After these words I woke up. The day before, my husband bought two bouquets of varietal tulips, and for two days I thought about how to plant them at my mother’s dacha. What is this for?

  • Svetlana:

    I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. My husband gives me huge bouquet yellow tulips! At the same time, both he and I good mood, smile, rejoice. Then he sits me down new car, and I'm going on some business! I feel great joy from the gift of a bouquet of yellow tulips! Help me solve the dream! Very worried!

Very often women dream of tulips - flower beds, fields, bouquets. Some are given these flowers, others pluck them. Tulips can come in a wide variety of colors and sizes, which also matters when solving a dream.

Why do you dream of a tulip - Miller's dream book

Bright blooming tulips portend pleasure, marital fidelity and love in marriage. White ones symbolize sadness, and dry or wilted flowers promise minor troubles or love repentance.

If in a dream tulips grow in the garden, this means a quick acquisition of property, and wild tulips that bloom on unkempt, weed-overgrown land are harbingers of sorrow, especially white ones.

If you give someone a bouquet of tulips in a dream, in reality it will manifest itself as an infatuation with a nice but frivolous person. The same can be said if you receive a bouquet of these flowers as a gift - a pleasant, but empty man has feelings for you.

Tulips in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Tulips - typical female sign. And if you dreamed about them, a woman should think about her behavior. Very often, these flowers symbolize fleeting pleasure, and white tulips indicate frivolous behavior or a dissolute life with frequent changes of gentlemen.

For a girl, red tulips speak of her moral purity, and for older women they foretell the imminent onset of menstruation. In addition to the symbol itself, the actions that accompany it are also important in the interpretation of a dream.

Thus, picking or cutting a tulip in a dream may indicate that a person subconsciously strives for self-satisfaction. The presented bouquet symbolizes the hidden desire for intimacy.

If you throw away tulips in a dream, this may indicate an imminent break in the relationship between lovers. Trampling flowers in a dream is not a very good omen. It says that a person is only interested in himself and does not pay attention to the feelings of others.

What does it mean to dream of a tulip according to Freud’s dream book

Picking tulips in a dream means that a person needs to think about his life and change his priorities. Finding dug up tulips promises the machinations of ill-wishers who will do their best to interfere with business.

Tulips in the house speak of the secrecy of a person who is not used to showing off his feelings. A garden full of beautiful flowers portends a love date or an amazing romantic adventure. A person who plants tulips in a dream will amaze others by performing a noble deed or making a wise and fair decision.

If the tulips wither in a dream, this may indicate an imminent breakup of a relationship with a loved one or an illness. Receiving a bouquet of these flowers as a gift from admirers or admirers speaks of long-term loneliness and unfulfilled plans.

Why do you dream of tulips - a modern dream book

Young tulips with buds symbolize the fulfillment of material desires, unexpected meetings or pleasant news. But dry and wilted flowers promise sorrow and loss. White tulips are a sign of sad loneliness. The excitement of love awaits those who drown in a sea of ​​tulips in a dream.

What does it mean if you dreamed of tulips - the latest dream book

The tulip, like the lotus, is considered magical flower healers. The one who dreams of it may have healing and magic abilities. Sowing tulips in a dream means getting a lot of minor troubles in real life.

Why do you dream of a tulip - Dream Interpretation of the 21st century

The tulip is a symbol of frivolity in a person. Picking it in the garden means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Watering a flower foretells calm times. Receiving a tulip as a gift promises lightness love adventure.

Why do you dream of tulips in a dream - Dream Interpretation of Health

If a man dreams of a woman with tulips, he faces failure in marriage. And when a woman dreams of a man with tulips, this means that a fleeting connection will quickly end in a break in the relationship. In general, the tulip itself in a dream warns of caution in deeds and words in order to avoid troubles. Giving a flower speaks of sexual dissatisfaction in life.

Why do you dream of a tulip - Grishina’s Noble Dream Book

Seeing a tulip in a dream foretells damage due to one's own arrogance. Holding it in your hands means meeting a swaggering and arrogant person.

Tulip in a dream - Gypsy dream book

A tulip in a dream symbolizes wealth. A garden with tulips - fame and recognition.

Why do you dream of a tulip - Wanderer's Dream Book

Tulip is a harbinger of events. Whether they will be good or bad depends on big picture sleep.

Why do you dream of red, yellow, white, black, pink, purple, blue and multi-colored tulips?

  • Yellow tulips - the envy of others, deception or betrayal. They predict separation from a loved one or a break in a relationship for a girl.
  • Black tulips promise a sad event, an operation. In general, they warn of an upcoming dark streak in life, which can lead to depression.
  • Red tulips promise a dramatic improvement in material sphere life. Coming soon big win or receiving a gift.
  • Pink tulips speak of romantic feelings and a date with your loved one.
  • White tulips mean problems in love and sadness.
  • Blue tulips indicate that a person experiences unrequited love in life.
  • The purple hue of tulips indicates serious problems in life or health.
  • Bouquet of colorful tulips indicates a frivolous attitude of others towards the sleeping person. It is this that prevents him from achieving his goals in life.

Tulips and action in a dream. What else can a tulip dream about?

  1. Planting tulip bulbs in the garden means the woman will be jealous of her husband, who will create scandals and provoke quarrels. For a man, such a dream promises a demanding and picky boss - a brawler. The bulbs themselves in a dream can serve as a warning about a fight or a major quarrel.
  2. Smelling tulips - change life priorities, look or established habits.
  3. Buying tulips - the feelings of the sleeper are not mutual. This will bring him pain and disappointment in love.
  4. Picking tulips - a love adventure will be stormy and fleeting; you should not expect it to develop into a serious relationship.
  5. Receiving tulips as a gift to a woman promises a break in the relationship, and to a man an unsuccessful marriage.
  6. Cutting a tulip in a dream is a spiritual conversation with consequences. The person will very much regret that he was so frank with his interlocutor.
  7. A field of blooming tulips foreshadows an event that will affect the psycho-emotional sphere of the sleeper. This feeling is with time will pass, but will leave an indelible mark on the soul.

A flower that is beautiful in life is not always a harbinger of positive events in a dream. But don't despair. The interpretation of symbols may be influenced by days of the week, days of the month, or moon calendar. Only by taking into account all the factors can you fully reveal the meaning of the dream and try to avoid troubles.