What does the name Radmir mean? Name radmir. What baptismal name in Orthodoxy can be given to a boy named Dinar

It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It’s just that the general style of clothing should be correct, good taste, and respectable. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Compatibility of the name Radmira, manifestation in love

Radmira, yours characteristic qualities- charm, romance and the ability to put one’s feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

The beautiful boy name Radmir was widespread in Rus'. However, over time it lost its popularity, becoming quite rare and exotic. Fortunately, in recent years Slavic names came back into fashion. The male name Radmir was no exception to the rule. It began to arouse active interest among contemporaries, attracting young parents with its unusual sound and intuitive meaning.

As already noted, the male name Radmir is Slavic in origin. It was formed from two words - “joy” and “peace”. Taking this into account, the meaning of the boy’s name is determined; it corresponds to the concept of “joy of the world” or “fighter for peace.”

Interpretation of the boy's name Radmir

A boy named Radmir is a very energetic, active and nimble child. He grows up to be a real fidget, causing a lot of problems for the adult family members. This child prefers to ignore the moral teachings and comments of his parents. He treats the instructions of teachers in the same way. At school the guy is not doing well at school.

Meaning male name Radmir makes this child the owner of an excellent memory. Unfortunately, the child is not able to derive maximum benefit from such dignity. He is prevented from doing this by excessive activity and lack of perseverance.

Over time, the character of a young man named Radmir becomes much more calm and flexible. In fairness, it is worth noting that this man has to constantly control his emotions. Deep down, he is a very temperamental and explosive person. This circumstance may prompt him to be excessively frank in his actions and words. Fortunately, this small flaw does not prevent a man from enjoying life.

Influenced by the meaning of his name, Radmir demonstrates amazing optimism, energy and enterprise. These qualities are the most in the best possible way affect his professional activities.

Speaking about the fate of a man named Radmir, it is worth noting another important nuance. This person is a true master in the art of building relationships with others. He knows how to easily win people over, getting the necessary help and support from them. The exception is a man named Radmir, born in winter. He is too principled and demanding, which is why he experiences certain difficulties in communicating with others.

Characteristics of the male name Radmir

  1. In terms of its meaning, the name Radmir corresponds to the names of women Julia, Margarita, Svetlana, Tamara, Natalya, Elizaveta, Ekaterina and Daria. In such cases, it is customary to talk about high compatibility in love. Unsuccessful relationships await Radmir in alliance with women named Olga, Irina, Alexandra, Sofia, Antonina and Zoya.
  2. The male name Radmir is best used to call boys born under such zodiac signs as Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.
  3. The boy's name Radmir has many diminutive forms. The most popular of them are Radik, Radya, Radechka, Radzim, Mirek, Rade, Radko and Radan.

Watch the video on the best name for a boy

The ancient male name Radmir is currently not popular in Russia. However, today there is a peculiar fashion for Slavic and Old Russian names, to which it relates. Therefore, this name can also become common.

What does the name Radmir mean?

Slavic name consists of two parts “rad”, which means “joy” and “peace”. One interpretation says that it means “the joy of the world.” However, some researchers interpret the name differently. Radmir also means a person who protects and protects the world, a guardian for the cause of peace. Both meanings have a life-affirming, positive connotation. Therefore, a person with this name can become dignified, strong, confident and happy.

Characteristics of the name Radmir

Since early childhood, the boy has been very active and impossible to keep in one place. He is inquisitive and interested in almost everything. Parents should be more attentive to his health. Even with a high fever, he will frolic and run until the disease overcomes him. Radmir gets along well with his peers and strives to take a leadership position. At the same time, he does not know how to play calmly. The most important thing for him is constant movement. He always gathers children around him. The representative of the name has an excellent memory, although it may seem that he pays attention to the words of adults. But he doesn’t need to be told twice.
Radmir is a hot-tempered, emotional person. Moreover, he inherits these traits from his father. The ideal option for him would be to get a dog, communication with it has a beneficial effect, the boy will look after it, distracting himself from activities that are undesirable for him. A grown man is not very balanced. He easily gets excited about an idea and cools down just as quickly. He tries to choose a profession in which he needs to move a lot, since it is difficult for him to sit in one place. Therefore, office work will not suit him. He takes his work responsibly and can lead a team thanks to his organizational skills.
Radmir will choose a woman as his wife who can share his interests. Usually such a lady works with him in the same organization. He should marry Tamara, Tatyana, Praskovya and Rosa. But Rimma and Tomila are not suitable for life together. The man will be a wonderful host. IN household He often gives the leading role to his wife, and does not interfere in her affairs and trusts her to manage the general budget.
Radmir is generous, loves to give gifts, invites many friends to family celebrations, and sets a rich table. He is very attached to his parents, so he never forgets them. He also gets along easily with his wife's parents.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Radomir (Radmir), its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Radomir - Taurus
  • Planet - Venus
  • The color of the name Radomir is scarlet
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Radomir's treasured plant - daisy
  • Patron of the name Radomir - yak
  • Radomir's talisman stone is sapphire

The meaning of the male name Radomir (Radmir): happy world (the name Radomir is of Slavic origin).

Historians believe that the name is formed from the merger of the words “glad” and “peace”, as a result of which the meaning of the name Radomir is “joy of the world” or “rejoicing in the world.” The name is popular in Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia. The name has a variety of spellings: Radzimir, Radimir, Radomer, Radmir. The name Radim is widely used in the Czech Republic. Female analogues - Radmira, Radomira.

Angel Day named after Radomir (Radmir): the name Radomir does not mark a name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Character of the name Radomir (Radmir): As a child, Radomir manifests himself as a very mobile and active, savvy and nimble child. He usually ignores the comments of adults and often learns only from his own mistakes. Radomir often argues with parents and teachers, but at the same time he studies well. True, in this he is often hampered by inattention and inability to concentrate - all this is due to Radomir’s restlessness.

Of course, with age, the name Radomir learns to control itself and becomes more balanced and restrained. In order not to be branded as an explosive, wayward and impulsive person, Radomir will have to constantly control his own emotions. He is not inclined to compromise, but if he wants to achieve something in life, he must be able to do it. True, sometimes Radomir loses his temper and manages to say a lot of unnecessary things.

The meaning of the name Radomir suggests that he is a very determined, active and enterprising person. If he lights up with an idea, he begins to implement it right away. This has a positive effect on his work. Another thing is that most often Radomir does not complete everything, but stops halfway, seeing another, more attractive goal. Perhaps this is explained by the desire to escape from responsibility or the fear of not meeting the expectations of others. At the same time, possessing a significant amount of stubbornness, Radomir is able to defend his point of view to the bitter end.

It must be said that a man named Radomir is always surrounded by people and makes many useful acquaintances. He is able to win a person over in a matter of minutes, but at the same time he prefers not to let people into his personal territory.

If we analyze the meaning of the name Radomir by the time of year of his birth, then it is worth noting that representatives of the winter type are the most quarrelsome, aggressive, and irritable.

IN family relationships The name Radomir will react normally to the fact that the wife will become the head. However, he will still continue to control her, carefully protecting his personal space.

The fate of the name Radomir in history:

  1. Radim - legendary ancestor, first ancestor East Slavic tribe radichi, prince (according to The Tale of Bygone Years).
  2. Radim Nych is a Czech and Czechoslovakian skier, World Championship and Olympic medalist.
  3. Radim Khalikov - head of the 3rd border outpost "Mokok" of the Khunzakh border detachment of the North Caucasus regional border department of the Federal Border Service of the FSB of Russia, captain, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  4. Radim Cvrček is a Czech screenwriter, film director, and actor. He made films about children and for children.
  5. Radim Vrbata is a Czech professional ice hockey player.
  6. Radomir Vukcevic is a former Yugoslav goalkeeper who played for the Yugoslav national team.
  7. Radomir (Raddi) Antic is a Serbian coach and Yugoslav football player who retired.
  8. Radomir Djalovic is a footballer from Montenegro who plays as a striker.
  9. Radomir Putnik - military leader, Chief of the General Staff of Serbia during the Balkan Wars and the First World War, voivode.
  10. Radomir Vasilevsky is a Ukrainian and Soviet cinematographer and director.

Secret meaning: the name Radmir is inherent in peace fighters

This name has a dual meaning. The name Radmir is Slavic. According to one version, it was formed by merging two bases: “glad” and “peace”. According to this, the owner of the name “rejoices in the world.” But there is another version about what the name Radmir means. Its origin is allegedly due to the merger of the words “army” (army) and “peace”. In this case, the literal translation means “peace advocate.” There are other variations:

  • "army of peace";
  • "warrior";
  • "warrior of peace";
  • "peace fighter";
  • "peaceful".

This, friends, is such a varied meaning!

The name Radmir has several spelling and pronunciation options: Radomir, Radimir, Radzimir, Radomer. For example, in the Czech Republic they say Radim, and in the times of the ancient Slavs a form such as Radilo was used. There is also a diminutive version of the pronunciation: Radik (Radek). However, recently this form has become independent. Other names of Slavic origin are related:

  • Joyfulness;
  • Radoslav;
  • Radeh;
  • Radko;
  • Rainbow;
  • Radosvet;
  • Radoneg.

Interestingly, the Serbs have a female version of this name - Ratimirka. At the same time, the diminutive form - Mira - is already an independent name that has its own meaning.

The name Radmir became generally known after the publication of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. That was the name of one of the main characters - the young Khazar khan. Historians do not rule out that its prototype is a certain Ratsha (Ratmir), a warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, as well as a hero of the Battle of the Neva.

Radmir: esoteric meaning

The name Radmir is typical of restless, nimble, agile and savvy children. They ignore any comments from adults. It will be very difficult for the parents of such a child! The boy studies quite well, he has an excellent memory. All his troubles are not due to illiteracy or problems with studies, but because of restlessness and inattention.

When Radmir grows up, he will learn to control himself. He will be more restrained, calm and attentive. In order not to get a reputation as an explosive and unbalanced person, he will have to always control his emotions. However, this will not always work out. Sometimes Radmir will say a lot of things that he will later regret.

In family relationships, the owner of this name often yields leadership to his wife. However, he controls her in everything. He is an excellent owner, an attentive father, attached to his children. Basically, representatives of the name Radmir start a family only when they have already achieved something in life:

  • they made a career;
  • bought a home;
  • succeeded financially.

Interestingly, Radmir is an animal lover. He will definitely get himself a dog, cat or parrot.

What does the name Radmir mean?

It is worth noting that it is very rare. Its owners are characterized by determination, cunning and pride. They stop at nothing to achieve their goals. These are very smart, but at the same time capricious people. As mentioned above, a hot temper often confuses all their plans...

Ratmir name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Ratmir mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Ratmir, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Ratmira - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • The color of the name Ratmir is blue-gray
  • Auspicious tree - plane tree
  • The treasured plant of Ratmira - edelweiss
  • The patron of the name Ratmir is the condor
  • Ratmir talisman stone - rock crystal

What does the name Ratmir mean: Ratmir - army of peace (the name Ratmir is of Slavic origin).

Short meaning of the name Ratmir: Ratya, Mira.

Patronymic name Ratmir: Ratmirovich, Ratmirovna.

Positive traits of the name Ratmir: Expressed mental abilities, unique individuality, courage. The name Ratmir is ready to stand up for justice, does not tolerate tension in society, sacrifices himself for the sake of the common cause. Since childhood, he intuitively feels people and situations, although he cannot explain his likes and dislikes. He has a gift for persuading people, quickly picking up weaknesses in his opponents' arguments.

Negative traits of the name Ratmir: Awareness of one's superiority, increased demands on others. A man named Ratmir manifests himself as the master of his destiny, having excessive independence in his thoughts and actions.

Character of the name Ratmir: Ratmir is cunning, capricious and not always easy to handle and live together. He has a very developed sense of isolation, so he often feels lonely even in a large group. The meaning of the name is little susceptible to outside influence, rarely expresses his opinion, and is not very talkative and cheerful. The name Ratmir is very proud, persistent in achieving his goals. He is exceptionally smart, has analytical abilities, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success - the inability to manage his passions hinders him. A man named Ratmir attracts people to his side with decency and reliability. In the company of boys, the name Ratmir enjoys unquestioned authority for courage and justice. He needs a reliable rear and psychological support, since great difficulties and the burden of responsibility lie on his shoulders.

Choosing a profession by name: Ratmir has high ideals for the reconstruction of society. Everything he does bears the imprint of individuality. The name Ratmir does not follow dogmas in any area, but is able to compromise and achieve what he wants through a mutually beneficial agreement. The name Ratmir differs from military service, in diplomacy, jurisprudence, in literary work.

Business and career: IN financial matters Ratmir is lucky enough to be able to manage his money wisely, but towards the end of his life he is inclined to spend it or donate it on something.

Love and marriage: Family problems can interfere with the fulfillment of Ratmir's high aspirations. To all his problems will be added complications associated with resolving domestic conflicts. Ratmir takes over full responsibility for the well-being of the family. The union of the name Ratmir with Melitina, Praskovya, Rimma, Rosa, Tamara, Tatyana, Tomila is favorable. Difficult relationship names can be combined with Alla, Veronica, Zhanna, Inga, Claudia.

Health and talents name: Being in constant tension among people unpleasant to him, the name Ratmir often gets sick. Possible weakened immunity, frequent headaches. Full sleep rational diet, psychological relief will help him maintain the influence of the name on health:

The fate of the name Ratmir in history:

  1. “Young Khazar Khan Ratmir” - lines from “Ruslan and Lyudmila” immediately come to mind at the sound of this name. Ratmir harassed Lyudmila and was very sad when she chose Ruslan. Together with Rogdai and Farlaf, also rejected suitors, he set out in search of Lyudmila, kidnapped by Chernomor, but did not become either an evil murderer like Rogdai or a cunning scoundrel like Farlaf: he was lured away from the path by the enchantress of the Devil's Kingdom, and Ratmir found love in their leader and consolation, having forgotten about the charms of Lyudmila.
  2. Ratmir or Ratsha - (d. 1240) warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of the Neva.
  3. Ratmir Shishkov - (1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper.
  4. Ratmir Kholmov - (1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), Moscow champion (1987).
  5. Ratmir Bobovikov - (1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman.
  6. Ratmir Komratov - (born 1951) representative of the high command Armed Forces Republic of Kazakhstan, rear admiral, commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009).

The meaning of the name Ratmir. Find out who it's best for

The meaning of the name Ratmir is translated from Old Russian as “army of peace” or “peacemaker.” This is quite in keeping with the character and life position this boy and man. In the family they are most often called diminutively: Mirchik, Ratmirchik.


From a very young age, Ratmir has a peaceful and even character. He does not like fights and conflicts and always tries to avoid them. If someone quarrels in front of him, then Ratmir will certainly make every effort to calm things down and reconcile opponents. The name Ratmir characterizes the boy as vulnerable and touchy. He is very sensitive to criticism and reacts painfully even to tactful and insignificant remarks. This does not mean that he is fearful or shy.

Ratmir studies well at school. He is smart and has good memory. Sometimes he lacks interest and motivation, but his resourcefulness helps him out. Ratmir is worse at humanities than at exact sciences. He loves when everything can be explained using mathematical formulas and logic. The meaning of the name Ratmir is manifested in his desire to subordinate everything to the rules. He loves sports, especially those types where you can calculate everything. The boy loves his parents and is very attached to them. He gets worried if he sees them quarreling.

Adult Ratmir

The meaning of the name lies in the determination and responsibility of this man. These qualities will allow him to do good career in industries such as mechanical engineering or high technology. He does not like empty talk and is known as a somewhat reserved person. He meets new people without much enthusiasm. Chance meetings are not for him.

The meaning of the name Ratmir can be revealed as cheerfulness and friendliness. He readily displays these traits when meeting old friends. He is ready to go on a hike or to a party with them. In this case, he will most likely act as their organizer. Such activities fill his life with meaning and entertain him.

Family life

Ratmir does not shy away from women and does not mind spending the evening in company charming girl. He chooses his wife carefully. Marriage is very important to him. In women he values ​​kindness and loyalty. Ratmir knows how to find a compromise and solve any problems. His family life is going well. He treats his wife with tenderness and looks favorably on all her whims. But she shouldn’t often start scandals and sort things out. This could lead Ratmir into complete despondency and destroy the marriage.

Ratmir adores his children. They are more valuable to him than anything in the world. He will take care of them and protect them from all adversity.

Adult Ratmir never stops taking care of his parents. He tries to maintain warm relations with them. Relationships with his wife’s relatives are also important to him. He tries to live with them in peace and harmony. Ratmir is sensitive to the history of his family. Most likely, he has already compiled a family tree of his kind.


If you believe astrologers, the meaning of the name Ratmir is most in harmony with the characteristics of people who were born under the signs of Scorpio and Aries. Therefore, it is best to name a boy born in November or April this way.

The meaning of the name Radmir is translated from ancient Slavic as “the joy of the world.” In some sources you can find another explanation - “caring for the world.”

This boy begins to justify the meaning of his name already in early childhood. This is a good and zealous kid. He is concerned about issues such as caring for environment, birds and animals. He will never offend a kitten, will not throw garbage on the path and will save a chick that has fallen from the nest. Radmir is well brought up. He respects and listens to his parents, will not argue with elders and will not go against their word. The name Radmir can also be deciphered as “defender of the weak.” He will never get into a fight, but, on the contrary, will try to calm down the fighting. He will console the offended and speak out in their support. Already at a young age, the boy knows how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Radmir has many friends. He is not vindictive and knows how to forgive. It is difficult for him to cope with any quarrels in the family. The happiness of his parents, to whom he is very attached, is extremely important to him.

The meaning of the name Radmir describes this boy as very active, loving amateur activities. He is often interested in sports and public speaking. At school he does not study brilliantly, but teachers respect him and praise him more for his good behavior than for his success.

Having matured, it will not lose its valuable properties. Radmir is still friendly and balanced. He loves fun and prefers noisy company to loneliness. He can organize a party or a trip to the mountains. He enjoys great authority among his friends. In case of any problems or mistakes, he is not afraid to take responsibility. They listen to his opinion, he is valued as smart and just man. Radmir is not vindictive. If the offender apologized to him, he will forget and never remember the disagreement.

He is appreciated at work. The bosses know that he is efficient, punctual, responsible and hardworking. Sometimes his joyful disposition makes it difficult for him to sit still. It can be difficult for him to work in the office. To achieve success, he needs motivation and encouragement. His perseverance allows him to rise high career ladder. However, if he fails, he gets very worried and becomes depressed.

He has calm, friendly relations with his colleagues. He tries to extinguish any conflict at the very beginning, without allowing it to flare up. His sense of tact and diplomacy make him indispensable during various negotiations. Radmir can achieve success in almost any field. Medicine and law suit him best.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Radmir says that he is perfectly suitable for family life. A calm and gentle character provides spiritual and warm atmosphere at his house. He is most often very happy with his wife. The only thing that Radmir will not tolerate is the infringement of his pride. He loves kids and enjoys playing with them, and will definitely take on some of the responsibilities for caring for them.

Guests often gather at his house. Radmir will be happy to sit with a glass in the evening good wine and talk with an old friend.